HOW TO PROGRESS FAST!!! [Solo Leveling: Arise]

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hey guys welcome back to solo leveling arise in today's video we've just entered the second day of play on my account we're about a day and 2 hours into it uh and we have been progressing quite fast and I wanted to give you guys all the tips to progress your count as fast as possible and this is focusing on your gin woo level because that is the most important thing on your account if you want to progress through the game fast because your level is what determines when you can unlock different campaign stages which then allows you to boost your experience further and unlock more game modes in the game so everything revolves around leveling Jin Wu efficiently so that's what I want to focus on in this one now another topic that I'll do another whole video on will be maximizing the power of your account my account had god tier luck as free to play so I have barely powered up my account uh but for some people if you haven't got the weapons you haven't got the hunters then powering up your account is going to be very important for actually clearing stages and getting to the break points where you actually need experience so that will be another video probably tomorrow that I'll up upload which will be you know maximizing the potential of your account if you are struggling at clearing stages but this one is focusing on actually optimizing the leveling system of Jin wo so that you can keep progressing as much as you can provided you're not hitting roadblocks on bosses and stuff like that that you just can't beat so let's get into it now there is three main ways that you are going to gain experience for Jin wo the first of which is going to be story and this is the most important one and the one you want to focus on now the next one is going to be Gates and the one after that is going to be the AFK loot I'm going to touch on them in a sec like I said the most important one is your campaign now every stage in campaign that you complete for the first time anyone that has the cups the the story ones don't include but the battle ones they all have a fixed amount of experience that he gets the chapter one's obviously going to have less experience than chapter 8 and so on and so forth but that experience is fixed on them so you want to do prioritize doing these because that is experience that doesn't change in value over time the stage has a fixed amount and that's what you're going to get so you want to prioritize these and then once you get to a stage where you are stuck being in this situation like me where I can't progress through this stage until I'm level 37 you can just see it behind my head there I if I go to Hard Mode as well and hard mode is a huge one when you unlock hard mode make sure you punch through hard mode and do that because that giv you a bunch more experience but you can see this one I need level 40 I am stuck on both of these the other thing is also make sure you do all the side chapters because the side chapters are the same in both normal and hard mode that your first clear on any of these stages don't worry about how many cups you get or trophies you just want to Clear the Stage your first clear is what gets you all that experience so do everything before you look to getting experience virgin anywhere else do everything you can in the campaign now once you are stuck kind of like I am that is when you look to the next two methods of gaining experience now the first one is the I just called it the AFK loot I forget what they actually called in this game activity funds so for this one this is normally a spending thing the special funds but they do give you like a 3-day trial for free to try and bait you into buying it um so everyone gets this for 3 days now this gives you 6 hours of loot uh I always leave this until I'm stuck before I collect it so I can maximize how much loot I am getting from the these normal claims you can claim it whenever cuz it just Stacks the amount anyway and it's not too stressful uh but this one the special funds you get one claim a day gives you 6 hours worth of loot I try and leave that towards the end uh it's not the most impactful uh because as you can see here you do as you rank up you do get better rewards but also as you level up your uh your Hunters your total Hunter level so if you add all my Hunters levels up it's 108 You Can level them up to get more however I don't recommend doing this because the amount of gold it will take you to boost up all of your Hunters just from my first playthrough on the Canadian version it gets way too expensive you run out of gold super quick in this game once you start upgrading everything so just upgrading random Hunters I find that I could only level about three Hunters on the game in progression as free to play if you're a spender is another story but once again that is there for bonuses but I try to avoid that just because otherwise you hit a gold crunch later on in the game but that's that one once again once you're stuck use those special funds if you want but the big one on top of that is going to be your gates gates are super important for gaining experience we have the bone we have the uh these bonuses that we can get at the moment mines is gold at the start of the day it's experience you complete three gate three gates you get some experience you three more you get some more experience you do four more you get a good chunk of experience so those are very important but once again with the gates you do not want to do these early on in the day if you are getting close to a daily reset then yes do your Gates because otherwise you you just lose those extra keys so you definitely want to do them if you're close to reset but in general you want to save them until you're stuck in campaign and then do it the reason being is that as you're leveling your account up by getting experience through those campaign stages as you level your account up the level of scanning that you can do here increases and as you can see if we go here and we we can't even see it does it show us the experience it doesn't show you experience games but as you can see we get different difficulties and it changes the power of the enemies and you want to be always doing this at Max difficulty possible because at Max difficulty that is where you're getting your maximum um experience that you can get for gin wo from them as you can see here this a rank is giving me 14 and 25 uh let's see another let's see a b rank uh yeah that's 1425 for A's a b is giving me 1365 uh and what's this C is giving me 1305 so it's not a massive difference and this is this is where it's very very highly mid Maxi in in terms of going for S ranks but you still don't want to be doing these early on because in like level one you're getting like maybe 50 to 100 experience whereas now you're getting a th000 and if you used all 10 of your keys at the very start of the day when you could have leveled up you can see that you're really missing out on a bunch of experience so saving these until you're stucking campaign is a very important thing but then we can go ahead and rescan here and what I do is if this is a super sweaty one I only go for srank uh dungeons or Gates here because the sranks give you that bit more experience like I said this gets super sweaty when you know it's 1413 here and this is 1356 so it's like a bit over a 50 experience bonus when I look at my Jin wo and his total experience bar is 69 256 so once again that is a super sweaty thing it also does help with one of the events that's ongoing which is the gate exploration event uh so the better gate you explore the higher you rank in this if you want to rank that's also like a a thing there that you can you can look towards but once again I try and focus on sranks that is a super sweaty thing you don't have to do that especially if you are in the situation where the S ranks are actually hard to complete feel free to drop down A's B's if you have to but I always try and optimize and get the S ranks but the core thing in here with Gates is once again reiterating do your campaign progression first get stuck there before you even look towards doing these Gates now the other thing with Gates is you can can buy Keys now I bought a set of three So when you buy Keys you get three your first purchase is 150 premium currency per day uh your second is 200 so on so forth now I bought mine because my gin moo was super close to leveling up I wanted to keep progressing so I bought three tickets which got me the experience to go ahead and level him up unlock more campaign stages and keep progressing I however don't recommend buying these as free topl as a regular thing uh if you're in that little situation where you're like ooh I just want to do it like go nuts that's what I did but in general you don't want to be buying these it just gets way too expensive this is more of a giga whale territory type thing and like as you can see like if Wales can spend what is it 3250 per day on Keys dude free to play ain't doing that free to play ain't doing that so maybe the odd one purchase per day uh if you're really desperate to get a level up but in general avoid that that because it it's just it's too much premium currency essentially is is the way it is but that is what we're looking at once again and that is the main thing about progressing your account fast get that g whe experience Focus campaign then shift get your AFK Loot and do your Gates and that is pretty much it another thing if we're talking about optimizing you can see here if I go to my game modes I have not done any of my on call missions and I haven't done any of my instance dungeons yet that's because I'm trying to max out my level because I don't want to run any uh any of these that I've already done the difficulty of uh for instance I think this one's my furthest one I haven't yet repeated any difficulty so I want to keep using my first attack to get unlock a new difficulty and then that's my goal never repeat a difficulty except for a Max difficulty or the highest difficulty I can do at the end of the day and that's the way I like to optimize these ones once again that's a bit more sweaty but it might be something that you guys want to do uh and then the other thing is tied into these as well is make sure you've played for 1 hour uh is go to the challenge make sure you track these challenges cuz you will get those extra keys as well through these challenges along the way and you can keep progressing there now the one last thing I want to mention is if you are stuck kind of like where I am and you've got nothing else to do you're like okay I need to wait for tomorrow's Keys uh tomorrow's gate reset so I can get that bonus experience to be able to level up to be able to do anything the number one thing I recommend doing is going back and going through these other stages and getting the rest of the trophies so that you can get yourself some extra summons because at the end of the day powering up your account is going to help you clear stages that you're stuck on and more summons are going to help you do that as well so more summons equals more chances at those SSR units and weapons that are going to help you out so go back and clear through those on top of that you can also go back into the other game modes for instance we have the battlefield of Trials you can come in here work through it because every five floors you're going to get yourself an extra five summons plus a bunch of resources for upgrading your account so if you are stuck that is what I would be looking at doing once again that is my thoughts on maximizing the progression speed of your account maximizing the efficiency of ginw experience is the most important thing along with sweating super hard and not going to sleep and playing the game flat out because it does take a lot of time invested to progress this game fast as well and also being able to clear stages but once again I will make another video probably tomorrow going through maximizing the power of your account so that you don't get stuck on stages but as always guys thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and I look forward to see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Volkin Gacha
Views: 136,887
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Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise summon rates, solo leveling arise guide, solo leveling arise beginners guide, solo leveling arise tier list, solo leveling arise tips
Id: 3Vk2IGKg9uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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