DON'T MAKE THESE MISTAKES! Level Up Your Shadow Army Correctly [Solo Leveling Arise]

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yo what's up guys this video is going to be about Shadows uh how you unlock them what's best uh like how you should level them up um there are some common mistakes with this so definitely be careful and I did recently make a video about leveling up getting XP and progressing throughout the game but um I did leave out the shadow elements uh so this video will hopefully cover that um and uh definitely will be super helpful so let's dive in uh so far I'll show you guys what I have um I did unlock all the Shadows I've been definitely grinding um for these um traces of Shadow this is what you'll need to unlock the Shadows now biggest mistake to avoid is to increase the level of a shadow here before you unlock all of them so I've already unlocked all of them for you guys if you're just starting or if you haven't got them they'll probably be like gray out um I believe this is Tusk in the background so they'll be more like locked um until you unlock them but yeah so these traces of Shadow right here um don't level up the Shadows first um what you'll want to do instead is to just unlock them I think they cost like a hundred for each one um so definitely go ahead and do that and then each Shadow is a little bit different they each provide a different buff um for example egis here he increases um my team's critical rate which is pretty good it's not bad um definitely one of the better ones and of of course you're going to get egis first uh this is after the story mode so um let me actually go to story I'll go over to egis here um I believe it's in chapter N9 that you get it so you have to be egis and then there's just a couple other things um I think it's this so like the job perk so you'll just need to get to this stage to be able to unlock the Shadows so um yeah Eris definitely one of the better ones um there's also tank iron in blades I think that blades is probably the best one if I had to guess I've seen some people um that really like blades and that prefer um blades now quick mention as well when you go into battle the buff that the Shadows give it's only for one of the Shadows so it's not like you get the buff for all of these at the same time so just for example um let's say we want to go into a gate here I'll go ahead and pick one I'll enter Gates and then for the Shadows right here where this little Crown is that is your buff that you're going to receive so it's not like you're going to get Buffs it's not like you're going to get the increase attack increase in crit and the increase in defense uh from tank here it's only the increase uh increase from Attack so please just note that as well um it's just going to be one of the Buffs I think that I would like obviously if you got all of them that would be crazy um but it is not that insane but this is still you know definitely helpful um and better than nothing so um yeah blades egis tank these are usually the three that I use um I did just unlock Iron as well I can show you guys what he does um I believe it's just yeah Max HP which this is actually pretty good for um Hunters that scale off HP I believe the ones that scale off HP um let's see Emma I'm pretty sure let's see yeah she scales off HP so iron would be pretty good I think maybe yeah say would um as well but for hunters that do um they'll scale off attack like Choy here um and some others you're just want to you know go blades he's going to increase the attack so I think that it just depends on who you're running and which Hunters that you have um so that's pretty big to note as well and then I think I mentioned tank earlier but this is just defense I don't really ever run this first I think that either the attack crit or HP those are probably um the better ones to have as your leader but still I mean tank I think that what I like from him I believe he stuns the enemies here uh let's see which attack it is um I think it's this one yeah so this is pretty nice so when you attack a boss or an enemy he can go ahead and stun them that can give you a second to kind of recover or just put out some damage so yeah this is definitely nice to have in your back pocket and all the Shadows here they're all going to have certain things so this does um I think this is like bleed so yeah he e does bleed um let's see what Blaze does I don't even know what this guy does I think he's just straight up damage um yeah so he just does a lot more damage um that's why people probably run him first um Iron let's see what he's got just increase in defense um this one's okay so um yeah and then once you kind of get the material I'll tell you guys how to get the material um let's see let me go back to the story mode here it's usually here maybe I can go to hard um let's see what I would get from this so this doesn't give me anything right off the bat but there's going to be missions in the story where you're going to get a lot of um material for the Shadows um I've already completed this so I can't really see that let me go to normal maybe there's some side quest I haven't done yet um this one maybe nope I've done that already so uh but yeah just you know complete the story it's going to give you certain material you're also going to get these from Gates um so if I go into a gate here um I'll click on this one that I looked at earlier and then you can see it's going to give you the traces of Shadow or some of the other stuff the shadow energy this is going to level up your army so let me go ahead and go back to the Shadows here I know I'm kind of jumping around a little bit uh but yeah you're definitely going to want to increase your army it increases the capacity and the total power so that's really important it does take a while to level up so this is going to be pretty much a slow grind for the most part it's not like you're going to get instantly powered up all the way um so just know it's going to take some time it's going to take some farming you're going to have to play for a while until you can get all these Shadows like I've been playing every day for like two weeks straight um so that's pretty much how fast it probably should take um and then the number of Shades I think that early on you are pretty limited by Shades like um I was confused when I just got the Shadows cuz if you don't have enough Shades you're not going to be able to spawn your shadows uh but as you progress you're going to get a lot more of these shadows as you play so you don't have you know you're not really going to have to worry about this uh later on but just a start just pay attention to the shadows as well so I think that covers pretty much everything I haven't really been able to upgrade this too much I'm a little bit short on the resource here and I'm probably going to do it for blades actually so once I get the Abyssal fragments and also this Abyssal energy um you'll be able to power up your shadows now I think that this is also in the shop I think you can exchange for these but they're pretty expensive um in terms of what you need to trade them for um let's go take a look at the exchange shop um let's see so I think it would be um weapon material or probably Mana Crystal let's see no not these not that either battlefield of time here it is so um I didn't know what there this was exactly but you can trade battlefield of time um the medals here or whatever so you can trade them for this I'm kind of saving these up I'm actually not sure what's best for this um probably the Abyssal Essence I don't think I even have any of these so um yeah I'm still you know figuring out the game just like you guys but you can kind of spend and and and get some um of the traces of Shadow this way but you naturally get them throughout the game um but either way I hope this video was helpful for you guys hopefully it wasn't too long I tried to sum it up um as fast as I can uh and just let me know if you guys have any questions or want to see any other uh areas of the game content wise so uh thanks again and I'll catch you guys next time peace
Channel: Embursidy
Views: 1,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #SoloLeveling
Id: k0ImWN7Hx5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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