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what's up ladies and gents welcome back to another SLA video so common question I constantly keep getting guys is what skills should I level up for my hunter so we're going to talk a little bit about that and go over each SSR Hunter only for now we'll do an Sr version of it later on just because the video will be way too long and I want to tell you guys my thoughts and the reasons why these skills should be prioritized for each of these SSR Hunters now remember the way to level up your Hunter skills is to have Hunter Scrolls there's a couple different ways to get them all you need to do is go to the skill section here click on your Hunter and then go scale up and you'll see exactly where you can find the source now you guys can see here this is the higher end Source these ones now require these Mana power extracts these are the level sevens and up so let's talk about every single unit and I'll tell you guys where you want to focus on and why all right so this is the main important thing so first off for cha the reason why you want to focus for her first two skills here specifically the wall stce is because a lot of her damage just scales off of this now remember one thing whenever you level up a skill it only levels up the damage the cool down the MP consumption all of that does not change whatsoever it's only the damage that goes up okay so in this case for her because all of her damage comes from her Walts and her A3 skill and her alt you're only going to be focus on focusing focusing on getting the Walts up so the dancer first get that up as your priority second you want to put it into the sword of light and then third you want to go into the light of the end now the reason why in that order because once you start advancing her you can now do more of this right and and it Stacks more so you do more damage you're going to be you're going to be using it more often this here ends up just doing a lot more a lot of damage in the first place so you just want to get as much of it up as possible and then when you get it to A5 you want to push this damage as much as you can because the more of the Walts the dancer that you have stacked you do you can do up to 100% more damage so you want to make sure this is scaled off of the highest possible percentage on your A3 so 1 2 3 that's where all your your thing is going to go towards you don't have to worry about this as much because the damage is nice but you're really doing it for the unrecoverable on the brand and the qts at the end of the day it's just again you're doing it for the effect sometimes you don't even use QT to be honest you just bring the unit in all right so that's it 1 two and three moving over to Choy so with Choy it's imperative that you actually do the same thing as we did earlier you want to focus on the first two basic skills the reason why is because when you cast your ultimate it resets the basic skills so you always want to have these active as much as you possibly can so you want to push the damage on these as further as possible as fast as possible right and the beauty here is with A1 this rain of flames also becomes crater which does way more damage so you want to go one two and then three that's all that matters here now the qte for him is important because when he does come in he'll do a lot of damage and it does an AOE so you definitely want to push a little bit into qte and he also does the burn and decrease defense at the same time and his core damage is pretty effective as well too as an AOE unit but at the end of the day 1 two three and four are probably are all that's going to really matter for you so one 2 three and four okay focus on those outside of that if you don't have four just do these two and then three same exactly same as um as cha all right okay moving over to smck he's a little complicated all right so here you don't really want to focus on this don't put any energy into this whatsoever his ultimate definitely focus on that so you want to do you want to do the following two things you want to do actually the core damage because a lot of his damage comes from core especially when you use the dragon set so core will also provide you with more bleed uh or not Stacks but at least it keeps you bleed up so core damage for sure this skill for sure and the ultimate those are the three main things you want to do don't worry about his support because again his support is really there for this the 20% extra uh D attack and increase the damage taken during uh during that phase is not going to be changed so this doesn't change at all it just affects a little bit of the damage but again uh you want to go one actually one two and three don't worry about this it's not about the damage it's really about the effect okay so that's how you do his all right moving over to uh to saw or SE however you guys want to say it I'm I'm just going to stick with that so for now two things for her one two most important parts for her the reason why is because you can scam spam spam these all day long as long as you have her training up especially with her A1 my gosh she hits so hard these two are going to be the most important ones keep these two going as much as you possibly can her core damage actually is important because it does a weak break but also the the number is not bad plus this here resets these two but more importantly you want to go here okay so the ultimate skill so you want to go 1 2 3 three and if you can't afford it do four but that's as far as you need to go with her all right let's go with Emma Emma's a straightforward here as well two one two sorry one two three yeah the reason why you do core is because every time you cast this which has a very very short cool down it inst instantly pops this up as something you can do so the core damage actually happens very often with her so you want to do one two three and then you do four here okay you really don't need to do this at all you can if you want it's not a big deal uh the support also not really that important because you're really do you do it for the effects so you don't really need that the effects will remain the same remember it's it's just a damage that changes so again 1 2 3 4 in my opinion that's just my opinion on it you can also go 1 2 3 4 but that that those are the most important ones for sure and again I'm only saying these two because this will will proc this one from happening almost every time and her core damage you can see here is pretty hefty in terms of how much it does so definitely worthwhile and it also causes a burn all right Le Bora or Bora Lee whichever one you want to call her so her dark circles probably her best buff so definitely get that up her foxes and then her ultimate pretty straightforward with her don't really need to know much more her ultimate does insane amount of damage by the way so you definitely want to H dark circles first in order to be able to do more damage with the ultimate so you can go 1 two three as a matter of fact if you want her foxes can be not priority you can put them last they don't really do much damage in the first place but there are three of them that cause this much so it's not too shabby either all right moving over to limb core damage for sure this not a big deal don't worry about this don't even level this up I I wasted my time on that so it should be one two three that's it that's all matters the reason why you don't level this up is because at the end of the day he's going to be doing his sliding move and that's what matters most with it and then this damage is really not that high so not a big deal but it can be used up to two times when he does the the the slides right unless you have A3 and then you A2 or A3 then you can do it three times but at the end of the day really it's the core damage the uh the heavy sorry the core damage the typhoon fire and the quick attack typhoon fire here those three are the major ones for him all right uh dongu 1 two three and four definitely all worth it 1 two three and four now you guys can see here this can be done three times in a row this core damage is insanely high this is just can be charged up and this over here has has the biggest multiplier for any ultimate in the game period so he is a little more costly but he's worth it especially if you plan to use him as a main DPS all right Beck 1 2 3 4 same thing exactly the same thing as dongu the reason why it's good because his core damage actually does a lot of damage as well too so these are heavy heavy hitting moves and then his ultimate is actually pretty high up and it also does a defense Shad so one 2 3 4 my opinion all right men really nothing leave it empty leave the whole thing empty you don't need to do anything with him that's the beauty of him he's he's not there for damage he's there just to cause all his Buffs and move on so he is the easiest one to cover out of all them uh and then genal also I have zero but you do 1 2 3 four and then five sorry 1 2 3 and that's it support you can do as well too because he does a pretty decent Dash or damage and he does he does give you dash but that's essentially it okay so at the end of the day really for him it's just one two one two sorry right here one two this one first this one second ultimate third okay unfortunately the weakest wind unit in the game for SSRS there's only two of them at the moment but overall the worst SSR in the game as well too so that covers all of your SSR units those are the priorities for skills remember skills only level up the damage they don't level up the percentage for cooldowns they don't level up the percentage for Buffs none of that gets affected it's strictly for damage so when you are focusing on your skills on your users or on your Hunters remember only focus on the ones that are going to cause damage the buffers don't usually need it they're they're not going to need it so don't waste your skills now how do you get skill tokens well that's pretty straightforward let me show you guys me find somebody here with a level one uh let's go with we know Min for example has level one right if I want to go skill up these tokens here can be find in various different places red gates dropped them the shop Celebration shop drops them and you can get them from events right now when you get as you level up you're going to need blue ones these can be crafted from using white ones I don't recommend doing that but these also can be done from the red gates and the celebration shop and as well as from events and then lastly the purple ones are also from events and can be purchased from the red or can be farmed from red gates and also purchased from the celebration coin exchange shop okay and also be crafted as well but again don't recommend the crafting section it takes way too many regular uh Scrolls to craft and you're going to run out of them super quick so there you guys have it that's the video let me know if you have any comments or questions this is pay hope you enjoyed it I'll see you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 35,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: IHVYW0lq5x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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