[Solo Leveling: Arise] - FULL ANALYSIS on BREAK State vs NON Break state & Break Set Artifacts!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another solo leveling arise video all right guys we got a special one for you tonight we're going to do some more testing and we're going to talk about break state today okay we're going to talk about how break State Works how it functions where what it does from a from a status perspective and what why it's important to Brak State and how long it lasts I think that's more important and then at the end of the day we're going to also check out how The Brak State armor works and when it actually takes into effect and how long the effect really lasts for I think these are all questions a lot of people have so you guys can see here I now have a couple things that I did here I've gone ahead and stripped all my artifacts from my son Jin Wu I've gone ahead and taken away only I've only kept two skills that that can do any form of break State and then in terms of Basics taking all of his weapons away and then from any blessing Stones the only one I've kept on here is going to be the Revival blessing Stone now we're going to do some basic math here all the stats have also been removed so it's just basic right I can't take anything away anymore you guys can see 425 left uh so we're going to go ahead and and jump into a quick igoras inst dungeon and we're going to see how break State Works overall so I'm going to do a level two one right cuz I haven't had a chance to go back and do these three stars which is great for testing purposes I've done it on purpose this way so I can go ahead and try this out now again I've got no stats and I've got no characters to affect the numbers here okay so I'm going to go ahead and move over my my screen back here and we're going to go Ahad and do a little bit of a recording so what we're going to record here we're going to show you guys stage one two and three of basic attack numbers okay you're going to see they're fairly consistent without crits we're going to record those numbers I'll put them on the screen for you and then we're going to go ahead and try to break him and see how those numbers change uh with with basic attacks okay so there you go 56 35 14 this is pretty consistent right you guys can see that as the stage goes up the numbers will increase as well and remember core damage does make a difference all right let me just quickly avoid some of this damage here so I don't bleed to death okay you guys can see very consistent numbers 446 435 right and again there's there's going to be a little bit of a range of course because RNG there's Precision to take into account as well but for the most part we should see those numbers pretty steadily across the board so you guys can see 51 36 14 again they don't really go past 20 ever the 400s are pretty common there as well so again we'll do we'll do a high-end the lowend average for you guys with these numbers okay so everybody can kind of see how break State works and how it does give you an advantage in battle and what that Advantage is going to be so let's go ahead and do a couple of these more numbers here we feel comfortable we can then start breaking him and see what those numbers look like so I think again nothing more than 20 there all right guys here we go we're going to try now with the break we're going to see what the numbers look like so you guys saw the averages for all three stages including a core damage now this basic attack here is going to be uh right after we do a break now we're going to see how long that break status lasts for and if it actually diminishes once the bar comes back which in my my case it will I'm going to show you guys real quick also how the bar looks when it is completely gone uh and what this what the debuff is going to look like on your end okay so let me just quickly do this again we're just going to break him okay that's the whole goal here hopefully he doesn't kill me with his bleeds I think that's the most annoying part but it's all right we should be able to get it done right there's super armor now super armor doesn't really affect anything but um the ability to get staggered right and knock back or stun so this that part we can't help but we're going to go ahead and and just knock him around a little bit let him do his moves here and so we have a very limited break window okay with with igis then we're going to do another test with cus to see how long if the break status maintains after the bar is completely gone and if it never comes back okay look now like you see right here I'm going to pause it for a sec you guys can see here he is now currently in break status okay so we're going to do a couple basic attacks and just record these numbers and see what they look like you guys can see the numbers are in fact larger right and you guys can see it's grayed out that gray that gray bar is grayed out now and look it's starting to come back now right then there there it is back to being blue okay so that's how that works now the reason why I want to put those numbers together for you is because we want to see what the difference is in damage increase when you are in broken status so we'll do one more time here we go okay break so again here are the numbers they look a little better right so definitely an increase I'd say about like 15% damage well we'll get get those numbers though in there for you and I'll do the if frames as usual so definitely an increase in damage okay guys so there you guys go okay so I think that's good let's get those numbers in all right guys we're back here again so couple things we want to do now there's a couple more tests we are going to now test the artifacts out and the skills so these are the artifacts here the four-piece break solid analysis artifact now the reason why we want to test this out is we want to see how a couple things number one the user damage dealt to enemies in the break State increases by 15% what is a break state so we're going to break the opponent okay with the same AR armor here and also not break them and see how much of a difference the actual damage is so it should technically increase by 15 more per in the break state so how long does a break State last and this is why we're going to do service afterwards when we break the bar and the bar never comes back is that is that opponent considered break State forever or not I don't think they are and I'll explain the reason why but we want to show this anyways okay now this second part the four piece set when attacking enemies that have elemental weakness the break effect increases by 30% now this is the important part okay if you go to your skills right every skill that has a break skill for the most part has an element right if you guys can see here heavy break on the dark element here should technically do 30% more break than it normally does because igas is is weaker to to to dark okay now if I were to go find another heavy break right on the same here so let's say the fire one we're going to see if the fire break does more or less than the dark one so technically it should do 30% more on The Dark One so we're going to test that first we're going to equip this skill real quick uh we're going to go ahead and put it here and we're going to test this one first we're going to do a quick test to see how much of the bar actually breaks again it is heavy break just like this which is also heavy break technically because of the four piece set this should do more break than this because of the elemental advantage that the four piece provides right so let's go into there and test this out real quick we'll do that first test okay before anything else let's go back into level two and I don't know if I can equip the same skill twice I don't think I can let me just double check can I equip it twice I think I can can I no I can't okay that's what I thought it won't allow me equip it twice okay fair enough yeah you can see that the skill gets removed okay so let's go back in here put back to fire I just want to see if that would work okay and then here we'll go ahead and set this one to to we do fire as well to it doesn't really matter we'll keep it that same okay okay all right let's go and test this out guys so again here to test to see if he now watch the bar that's the important part here okay we're going to watch the bar with death dance to see the difference of how much this heavy break versus the dark heavy break is going to make okay here we go ready okay that's he right there that's the that's the heavy one okay I'm going to do it again both actually at the same time that was my bad and then put this one on okay so here we go okay let's enter to the fight now remember it was almost two bars just shy of a bar bar and let's say a bar and 80% okay was what the the fire one did now let's see what the dark one does it should do 30% more than what it normally did so we should see a little bit more than two bars being eliminated right away right so and right on right on look at that three bars actually three bars three bars and 75 okay so that right there is a big deal now we're going to test this again by taking the armor off and seeing if that is in case correct okay we need I think we need to remove everything I think in this case so let's unequip just a two I think we need to just incre or decrease two pieces there we go so now we're at two piece set okay two piece is fine because the the four piece is what gives you the extra break so let's try it again we'll do it again with that with the actual break okay so dark again dark damage break we'll see if it takes away three and a half bars or three and three bars and whatever okay so we'll see if that 30% actually does make a difference all right and it sure as hell does look at that okay there we go that's that now the next part of this we want to test is the extra damage now we know for a fact that it does work clearly when you have the four piece set so we're going to assume the two-piece set will work as well so let's go back in here and test out the two-piece set we're going to do basic attacks without again without any of the break and then we're going to do a break attack uh as well too okay now normally I would be testing this with okay all right guys let's break and do some damage and let's see what it looks like so here we go wait for this now watch okay 18 to 20 189 73 so very consistent actually compared to what we had before so you guys can see the number is going up a lot that 15% is very negligible actually in this state it's almost almost non-existent to be as a matter of fact so there you guys go so almost non-existent yeah almost non-existent now the real question is if we go to cus right and we do this same test when the bar is completely gone right without it and with it will it make does it actually stay after the break day so we're going to find out really soon so I'll be right back all right guys last test of the day I'm sorry this has taken so long but I think this is all very valuable information so we kept the artifacts the same we added in a another break with water this time so we'll do 30% more damage on break now the key here is to see if that break damage will consistently stay after the bar is completely depleted right what will that damage maintain so we're going to first off just watch some basic attacks here without the break to see if this in fact will so we can do a little bit of a comparison right so you guys can see here 38 14 10 so very similar to igis not much of a difference right so we're just going to again look at some numbers here just to break down 54 28 16 13 so a little lower actually than neas even 443 387 again 53 to so 30 to 50 to 67 I'd say 10 to about 18 core Attack 2 298 to about 400 okay so I mean seems to be pretty consistent here across the board wait we go okay now let's take a look so break is gone now damage should increase quite a bit there it is you guys can see that increase is obviously pretty heavy just like before now when that status goes away does it maintain it looks like it does so that break percentage seems to actually have maintained you can see the average went up right now this could be obviously a little bit due to Precision but I'm seeing much higher numbers from basic attacks compared to before I'm not seeing tens anymore I'm seeing averages of there's an 11 actually so one one time I hit 11 so the question is now does this 15% apply the entire battle and I feel like it kind of does I don't know if you guys are seeing the same thing I'm seeing but it looks like it is actually going to maintain the entire fight numbers have definitely gone up and they have they they've maintained up so yeah I think we can safely say when a bar does not return that the damage does increase so break state at this point is when the bar is completely gone it looks like it will maintain now the 15% is again very negligible I don't even see it apply really it just looks like break State damage will just stay there the entire time so let me get those numbers up for you guys let me know in the comment section if this makes sense to you but it looks like with cus when you break the bar they're just in break State the entire time but that 15% is really really not noticeable maybe it's because the numbers are so low we're not using any weapons so maybe with a better weapon equipped you'll see that 15% increase but honestly it might be bugged it might not be noticeable because I don't see 15% increase I just see break State at its normal normal level just the opponent taking more damage like they did when in our first testing so there you guys go hope those numbers are are somewhat um visible to you guys again um maybe this is something that's wrong with break State I'll uh I'll see if I can reach out to natto actually she has some some connection with the dev so maybe she can she can look into this as well too for me all right guys this is p hope you enjoyed the video thank you very much for watching I'll talk to you guys in the next one
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 5,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: XbByyP0lp3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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