[Solo Leveling: Arise]- Additional ATK vs ATK %! How it WORKS & which is BETTER! DATA SHOWN!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another solo leveling arise video it's your boy Payne I'm back from vacation and we are back to being live and making videos okay guys there's something here that a lot of people have been asking me from day one and I've been pretty much answering it in every video but I figured I'd rather show you guys how this all works with some data as usual and I think showing you evidence is the best way of doing so so with that being said what we're going to be talking about today again is going back to Stats specifically attack okay and this time we're going to focus on two different sets of attack we're going to focus on attack percentage and additional attack and how it matters and what is better overall and when now we're going to do this in two different ways we're going to do it first off by resetting all of our strength and all of our stats down to zero so I'm going to go ahead and spend 43k here for you guys let's remove it all okay we're going to see if our attack affects a couple different things and this is very important does attack percentage for example affect base attack so I'm going to take everything else off okay uh or does it affect attack overall with everything equipped so we're going to test a few different things out and I'm going to show you guys how this all works now I'm going to spend a little bit of gold here okay I'm I'm going to I'm going to unselect everything you guys can see it's going to cost me 111k for the sake of science not a big deal so we're going to go ahead and go confirm okay now you guys can see here view details nothing has been added to my attack okay if we go back to basic you guys can see here my base attack with nothing equipped being level 70 okay that's the only thing that's making a difference here is the fact that I'm level 70 okay it's the only thing that I have going for me none of these blessing Stones do anything none of these skills add anything and my stats are down to zero very very important to knowe now I have also these outfits on clearly but they do nothing in regards to actual um stats they're just for Aesthetics okay we're all good perfect now let's see what actually affects attack percentage and what affect attack additional attack and which one is better okay so you guys can see here nothing is equipped now to make this simple guys I'm going to spend a lot of my resources doing this for you okay I'm going to try to find myself very quickly here uh one piece of armor okay that has attack percent and additional attack is the main stat and we're going to level it up to as far as possible then we're going to equip it and we're going to see what it does okay for us as as web now you guys can see level 50 level 55 now I'm going to say this real quick to you guys a level 55 maxed out attack is going to be at 16.9% okay that's that's the that's the attack percentage um I don't have a maxed out additional attack okay and we'll we'll try to figure that out now the higher the percentage obviously you get like the higher the the tier sorry the higher the percentage will be so you guys can see here an epic piece of gear is 15.94% 16.9 so this is going to matter a lot based on the gear that you decide to level up okay so let's just try to simplify this I'm going to try to find like I already have a maxed out Attack One let's try to find one with just additional attack and I'll Max it out for you okay and then we're going to see how this all works so let me just take a quick look there additional attack okay this one's kind of shitty let's find the one that I might actually end up using so I don't waste it it's all wasted right okay perfect this one here has defense critical hit critical damage increase and additional attack it doesn't have any the the the point is having no uh additional or attack percentage on there this one actually does have additional attack so it's going to have to be modified there we go final number is 1294 okay so we have a 1294 with two defense and two damage that's actually not bad to be honest okay so now we got to find ourselves something here with attack percentage guys I think the ring has it so let me see if I have oh here we go perfect perfect we have 16.9 so we know it works okay perfect this is it so that's what we're going to do so 16.9 attack we know this works 5 okay so here we go guys let's do some testing now this is what we're going to do we're going to go here we're going to go ahead and put the artifact on and we're going to put on the helmet first okay so now we're going to do a little bit of math I'm going to open my calculator up let's put on my notepad as usual uh let's go ahead and do this so we'll go uh1 38 2138 all right that's attack perfect now let's go ahead and put in our first artifact we're going to put in our helmet clearly we know this is going to add to it okay so we're going to see we should see 12294 so if I equip you guys can see the additional attack is 1294 now if I go all we should see three okay 3 4 32 take our calculator out make sure this math is done correctly and there's no hidden factors here so everybody sees this okay so calculator's out so if I go uh 34 32 minus 12 94 we get ourselves 2138 perfect okay so we know flat attack flat attack equals 1:1 ratio of attack so in this case we did uh level 55 Armor Plus 20 enhanced equals what do we say was 1294 so 1294 plus 2138 equals 3432 okay attack perfect so we know flat attack pretty straightforward okay so the highest possible level you get yourself 1294 now let's just take this out for a second okay and remove this it's going to cost me something but that's okay GNA unequip and now we're going to add in the ring that we just found okay so we're going to see now if this will equal more okay so we did that right now you guys can see the the actual number doesn't pop up but if we go back to basics we're at 2499 all right 2499 all right so this is now I'm going to give you guys the math here all right so 24 249 now we go so we'll go first we'll go go one flat attack and then here we'll go two uh we'll go attack percentage equals we go with 0.69% so let's do this again so 2138 time 0.69 so 361 equals 361 attack okay from base stats so again this is base stats go ahead and pump up all of our stats here to Max all attack all right nothing else but attack here now we're going to take a look to see if the number changes all right now we're 4906 now let's see how much of that was actually the artifact so if I remove this right unequip 4906 right I equip that and I go back to basic 4197 4197 okay so let's go back to this now we'll go uh full stats uh 454 points 454 points into a into attack okay so this will equal actually we should put here equals uh level 70 equals 2138 okay we have that above already but I want to make sure we have it here uh 4 strength stat level 70 keep this the same equals what do we say was 36 uh 4197 4197 okay perfect so let's go same scenario here here okay now we're going to go ahead and add the one artifact we know clearly this is going to be an additional 1294 okay so if we do the same thing again flat attack one:1 ratio blah blah blah right this one here is going to obviously come out as what we said it was it's flat attack is a one:1 ratio uh blah blah blah 1294 and here the number is going to be um what is it 4197 so if we do that it equals 1,294 attack so total would be the f right so we go 4197 there's a reason why I'm doing this I'll show you guys in a second okay 4197 plus 1294 okay so clearly right now if we do this your total attack is 5491 attack so again we just saw this a second ago right if I do the same thing here with the attack accessory you actually don't get as much so even at level 70 now if we put all of our stats in attack clearly the number doesn't look quite as good right so we just's put this back on so go back to basic 4906 okay so now this becomes that so 4906 so if I go this is now 4117 time 0.697 time 0.169 equals 709 so you get an extra attack of 709 709 so so far you guys can see here it's not looking too good right not looking too good so that becomes 4906 so it's still a difference of about 500 plus attack with the percentage so far additional attack is still winning all right so now let's see what happens guys when we start adding in weapons does it consider weapons and everything else along with it so if I take this weapon and this weapon and I add those in there all of a sudden okay so now this weapon here has an additional 2,500 attack and this one here also has a 2,500 attack so keep it simple 5,000 ATT back okay so now we have the one artifact in place right and let's just see what happens if I remove this for a second if I change this again unequip okay 15K gone it's fine so let's go two weapons added 9197 all right 9197 again I want to show you guys if this works does it take into consideration everything else bace as plus Scythe A5 and plume A5 or Plum A5 5,000 attack so we know that's an extra 5,000 attack right that equals 9197 all right so now you take 9197 and you add in that extra bonus with the helm right you're getting an extra 1,294 that never changes so if I do the simple math 9197 plus 294 equals 10491 so 10491 so this becomes 10491 attack okay perfect now let's take into the account of the next accessory again we're going to go back to because the accessory is what matters here right sorry let me go back in equip equip you guys can see it's all the same it goes back to 9197 perfect now we put in the artifact now let's just see if it does take into account everything and not just base stats I think that's the important part we're trying to see 10751 so let's see does it take into account that number so if I go 91 97 time 0.169 that's 1,554 so this one here now is actually looking to be higher all right so this is now going to be 1554 293 all right and this now this number here is different obviously it's 9197 so you guys can see here it does in fact take into account equipment so that is huge huge guys so if I go 55493 plus 9197 we get 10751 and that's exactly what we have so what does that all mean well it means a lot it means that attack percentage only matters once you start equipping other things on it so it does not take into account only your base stats it actually takes into account all of your items that you have equipped if I go back to my artifacts 249 versus still a215 so you guys can see here it's still the artifacts that I have made a big big difference right uh attack percentage at a higher level is much more important than flat attack all right guys this is pay hope you enjoyed the video I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 7,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: dtU0H5cmNXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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