[Solo Leveling: Arise] - Let's address the most controversial topic about this game...

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what's going on boys and girls welcome back to another solo leveling arise video okay guys um the last one the last one I put out about the brand new event coming out including the new leaked gem system had a lot of people shook um had a lot of interesting comments from there and I want to talk a little bit about that and address it so I'm on my free-to-play account just you guys are aware uh this is the SR only account Sr units Sr weapons only no SSRS allowed um and I want to kind of discuss the main topic at hand here that came from that whole video and the conversations that's that had stirred so first off uh sh shout out to me for getting number four as a free-to-play player I think that's pretty damn bomb um but it's interesting to see the comments and I'm I'm going to be real with you guys and while I'm doing this sorry I'm going to try to continue this stage here and see if I can finish it off at what 13k power okay um it kind of had me interested in in the conversations that were being brought up specifically around pay to win and I want to I want to talk about this and I want to be real with you guys okay because you guys know at this point if you've been watching watching me for quite some time I've been very transparent about everything in this game I'm I am not sponsored by net marble nor do I care to be sponsored by net marble uh so for me this is going to be a candid honest opinion of everything that's going on in this game and I I think the conversation has kind of turn into fearmongering um now hear me out okay I'm going to be very delicate about how I say this I don't want to I don't want to pull any punches but I also don't want to uh you know kind of Mis I guess kind of Mis represent my whole point about what I want to say is this game pay to win listen I've been in the gachi world for 15 plus years now um I've Seen It All I've seen every kind of game you could possibly possibly think of okay pay to win free to play you name it now there has to always be a fine balance between the two because here's the honest truth if you have a game that's too free to play companies die they don't make money they close down and the game is shut that's honest truth okay there's no way to escape that unfortunately now there is also something El way way way too much pay to win right you cannot Advance without paying something you know fre freet to- play players don't have any chance in hell of of uh you know advancing or even a chance in playing the game properly without spending any form of money that also exists okay let's take a look at for example Diablo Immortal right people sp$ 110 $120,000 in the beginning but now it's become more free- to playay Friendly let now let's let's take that whole concept and bring it over to this game okay so solo leveling arise now we know a couple things about this game right away uh first off you guys can see here I have a free to-play account using Sr units only forget SSRS that is not even part of the equation right now okay this is strictly Sr units now how far have I been able to get in 25 days right guys let's be real I've been able to get right to the end of the game on normal mode and successfully almost successfully at this point beat it that doesn't scream pay to win to me what this game has are are a lot of flawed systems and I will say that there are a lot of flawed systems this game needs a lot more work uh to fix a lot of bugs and a lot of other issues around it but do I think it's pay to win I think that's the wrong way to look at it and that's and I'm being completely transparent with you guys I I think calling something pay to win you have to understand means you cannot do anything without paying like you have to win if you want to win you have to pay that's not how this works I think this is the most fine balanced game now before you guys start talking about yes pay this has been a great thing for your channel so of course you're going to say good things about it yes of course it has been let's be real though I've been in the gotcha game for a while I've already said this I've also been content created for some time now I can be real with you guys there's always going to be a transition period between a where a game does really well for my channel and then it stops doing really well that transition period has now the honeymoon phase as I call it has now kind of ended for me right it's now we're being now if we're going to be real this game has slowed down a lot for me so do I care about that no at the end of the day I'm enjoying the game because I'm always a player first Community member first before I am a content creator so as a player and as a content creator I'll be real this game is doing a lot of things right even though it's doing something wrong I'm I'm I have not been so excited about a game in quite some time as I have been for this okay it's not pay to win pay to advance sure there's no PVP currently pay to advance sure do the events matter that much to you as a as a as a as a freet to- playay player do you care about completing the full event if you do it all depends on how you see things if that matters that much to you then yes this game will be considered pay to win because you can't finish most events without having some form of currency is character acquisition a major part for you for you to enjoy the game if it is then you know what you might consider this pay to win because it's really difficult to get limited tickets and uh and get regular tickets right after you done the story mode specifically so it all depends on how you see things if to you that's what matters most those specific things I just mentioned and it's and it's bothering you then yes this game is going to be considered pay to win but to actually be able to to finish content it's not pay to win at all cuz you can finish all content as a freeo play player and have no problem look at T T pal look at myself right now with this look at other people who are free-to-play players and have been able to finish it off so where I'm going with this is you have to remember this game came out early access it was not supposed to have a large crowd of people playing it but it did because everybody loves the IP obviously it's a huge IP uh and for those people who wanted to play it decided to VPN now the numbers are skewed and I I think the sample size was meant to be small to see how the product would do in two regions and if people were willing to spend on it now the spending obviously is like skyrocketed because everyone around the world has been spending and playing uh and now the numbers look crazy so now the devs of course are going to say okay you know what this game is killing it let's make more pay to win options and see what happens of course they're going to do that guys bottom line they're here to make money it's not about you and I it's never going to be about you and I to them it's about their money okay and their main bested interest is not going to be for free toop playay players to have fun in the game their main interest is going to be the end of the day because they're a company to make money and that's targeting their whales so will it become pay to win in the future who knows but I'm not going to say that yet because at the moment where I stand it's not pay to win it's pay to advance it's pay to convenience but you can absolutely get everything done and do well as a free-to-play player um and I and you know I this is one of the things that I hate about aacha cultures and I'm I'm part of it so I'm going to put myself in that situation too we all feel fearmonger right we are we all talk about stuff as content creators sometimes that make other people scared of you know the future or you know what the game has you know no matter what we say as content creators have some for form of Leverage on people's minds um I've tried my best not to be negative about this game because there it's early access like what the hell is there to be negative about it's doing great Early Access wise now two three months down the line as things start to become super bad you're going to hear the honest truth from me obviously about it right but I don't want to judge a game before it has the opportunity to even come out and yes it's not even out yet technically so guys I think maybe the way I guess the way I'm looking at this at this point right as a player and as a community member and as a as a as a content creator is that we maybe have to give this game a little bit more time before we can truly say it's fully paay to win yes yes the gold system sucks yes there are flaws but that's not a pay to win situation that is literally a flawed system that will most likely not be a gatekeeper in the future I promise you I probably I can probably say Almost 100% that gold will not be a problem in the next two months you know what's going to be a problem a brand new system that comes out blessing stones are going to be a problem you know um diamonds will or or not diamonds sorry uh the gems will be a problem gear will be a problem AP pieces will be a problem I think those are what we're going to see more of an issue gold is eventually going to not be an issue I almost 100% can guarantee that because every every gacha has to have a gate because they're not AAA games there's not enough content for you to just steam roll through and then complain there's not enough to do right these games are built to have Gates the they're they're purposely because if you finish everything the devs have nothing else for you to do they have nothing else to offer you you're going to quit their game so they need a way to stop progression from happening unless you're willing to pay Primo Primo dollars right and again this is a very normal cultural gotcha thing that every company does so I I'm shocked that people don't understand not not they don't understand you guys are smart I know you guys understand how this works but I'm surprised that you guys are are surprised yourselves that there is so much gatekeeping in a game that is Early Access so all in all I don't think this game is pay to win right now right now as of today okay we're talking about as of today what the future holds whole different story it may end up being completely pay to win um and I mean you know again you you you you as a company build your reputation based on your action so net marble has had some bad reputations with a few games that they brought out in the past uh they've also done some really good decisions in the in the past as well too right so uh personally I think seven deadly sins is a prime example of good and bad decisions they've had really good decisions they've had really bad decisions but at the end of the day the game is still alive and still doing really well financially because I think ultimately they've made good overall decisions in that game and I think from what it looks like this game might be following those footsteps now I don't know what that means to you as a player if you ever played Seven Deadly since some of you might be turned off by that some of you might not but again I'm just guessing of what's going to be happening but I don't want to instantly reject the possibility that this game will be super balanced and currently is not pay to win all right guys that's my take on the whole situation I just want to talk about it cuz I you know I see all these comments and I you know I don't have time to always answer every single one so sometimes I just think it's easier to make a video about it uh and just give you guys my full take and then you know we can have a discussion in the comment section about it as well too but yeah guys I think let's let's let's be real it's it's not even out yet let's give this game a little bit of a chance to at least exist in its you know in its original form not its Early Access form and then maybe maybe then would it make more sense to make a a full-on you know I guess assessment on it when it's out for about let's say two to three months you guys will hear the honest opinion of of it by then from me um yeah so that's all I want to talk about this is pay hope you enjoyed the video I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 7,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: C5tg2_bTYLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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