[Solo Leveling: Arise] - These 2 SR weapon combo for Wind Hard Dragon is INSANE! 100% Crit rate up!

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what's going on guys before the video starts real quick I normally don't do this as an intro but um the weapon here that we're going to be introducing and and kind of uh talking about here is going to be Westwind and this one here specifically the baruka dagger I've been trying to test this out for a long time now nimbleness here uh is actually applied whenever you do a back attack this fight here specifically on the dragon every time you cast this or every time you Cast Your Shadow step it's considered a back attack whether you hit the front or the side it doesn't matter you get both the bonus here of 30% uh damage and you also get the bonus here of the 40% crit uh so this will be applied every single time and I'll show you guys this throughout the fight just want to talk about that real quick before we get into it this is going to be the showcase on these two Sr weapons whooping ass all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another solo leveling arise video okay guys we are going to be covering the brand new Nerf to the Hard Mode Dragon that's right I'm talking about like massive massive massive massive Nerf now I did this run yesterday and it was pretty insane at the amount of damage I did so previous over rank uh I had 52 million and that's not even knowing there was a Nerf I forgot about it so this was my score the second round um of last night so that was using the fire weapons you guys can see what I did there uh the first round I got like 11 million not thinking in my head like oh yeah [ __ ] they nerfed it the second time around I got like 42 million something like that um and so that's where we ended up so let me show you guys how this Nerf affects the entire game now I'm going to do something a little different here okay we're going to go in uh now my son Jin Wu sun jinu is H sorry I'm being an idiot right now um is got he's got all the setup here going let me just just mess around with something real quick so we have the best possible setup for him um let's just go with my usual usual usual take so we'll go with this wind because it's wind why not uh let's equip it make sure it's on and then for commanders I don't even think I need commanders to be honest let's just go with here we go we'll do this one okay depends on the number of Target skill this increase damage Delta n no we don't want that we don't want the non boss stuff that's crazy it's crazy talk let's do this one here which does more damage to actually you know what let's just stick to this let's just stick to our great little uh equip skill okay so what do we have on we have this on equip basic skill one and then if I go to equip skill basic skill two I want this one on okay so we going to have those two equipped there we go and in regards to our Stones we have everything we need great and then gear wise we're back sorry I was doing all my testing so all my gear is out of control so let me just put on what I need here for gear now I'm going to try something out here guys we're going to do we're not going to use the I was thinking of using the long sword I still maybe will I don't know if I want to I really want to test this okay we're going to test this out and the reason why is I want to see this 40% extra crit hit rate apply every single time so we're going to just test this to see how it does okay so overall power there we're going to put dongu in uh we're going to put in let's put him back brand new back actually no he's kind of useless there we're going to take him out cuz he can't do the bleed we'll do uh Bor and actually no we'll do Min and maybe we'll do let's see let's put Emma for fun let's just do this team okay and we're going to put a little bit more crit in here so crit this and this okay so let's set this up and let's get this ball rolling here we'll give him the sword because we want more damage to be done so uh 222 versus 178 so they've lowered its power as well too pretty pretty deeply so let's give this a goal now Watch What Happens okay so damage wise let's see what we get now I really want to try this dagger out I'm not going to go behind the opponent ever with this dagger so it kind of takes away that but the buff the surprise hit buff is what I want to test to see if it'll actually make Westwind do 100% crit damage uh crit rate that is every single time because I'm already at 50 uh with the extra added stuff that I have I should be able to hit at least 90% with that buff so let's see if this works all right so we're going we're going to test this out let's get this out of the way get Shadow step in okay there's nimbleness you guys see that let's see if this actually connects boom crit okay good good sign good sign let's try this again okay we're going to go there boom crit all right we're good so this does work [ __ ] look at this combo guys this combo is nutty all right let's do this again ready there it is let's go out of that get this out of the way bring him in guys ready boom crit oh baby oh baby we got a crazy combo here guys ready here it is again boom crit oh [ __ ] I feel like I feel like that guy who does you know the boom head shot uh thing as a kid right you know what I'm talking about there we go again watch the crit here look it's just crit nonstop baby it's just crit look 7 million already this combo is R balls all right here it is again is ready for another one boom crit yeah look at this crit look at this crit damage just non-stop non-stop baby nonstop 90% crit get ready here it goes here it goes again yo yo 11 million already guys 11 Millie already this is crazy this is crazy you ready again yes it is feel so evil uh sorry I'm just killing a dragon here that's all oh I think that was the first time I didn't crit cuz I didn't have the buff on let's get the buff going here do this do this right here little bit more damage that crit that that 90% crit is pretty wild okay here he goes here comes the Golem Golem Golem Golem Golem Golem go that that works because we got the double edge there break him break him let's go baby oh Emma's just like break dancing she's break dance fighting you seen this what is happening right now bro what is going on with my guys what was that craziness oh the crit is Just Amazing Just seeing that crit makes me so happy guys oh boo I got hit I got hit there you guys go crazy combination crazy combination two Sr weapons just making it happen man look at that look at that looks so good only 60 million though I'm going to retry there I don't know what happened I don't know why I actually ended up um having that breath happen I thought I thought once you kill the Golem it doesn't happen again so uh so there's that test let's let's go back for a second I'm going to go back to Power so 16.9 let's try let's try the long sword out and see what happens okay see if there's a bigger difference there in damage or if makes no difference at all in damage okay so 16.9 million that combo is nuts cuz you guys are pretty much critting non-stop with that setup okay so that's one let's try out the long sword and see if that makes a makes an impact at all here in the damage so we'll take this out we'll put this in and we'll try this try this and see if it works okay so good good way to test right good way to test oh I swear that was almost like 100% crit practice with that with that weapon that extra 40% surprise hit was incredible the nimbleness whatever it's called so we'll see if this actually impacts it in any way shape or form much more though and I lasted longer so there you guys go 19 million okay so we'll keep this one we F we'll keep this one we'll register this one here and then that will put us in third place we'll do one more of those afterwards and try to get it done so there you guys go the SR combo uh is pretty damn deadly so the Baracka daggers with the uh the the west wind is almost 100% crit non-stop so check it out try it out see if that works for you and hopefully it does if you have it enough obviously now with the daggers you're going to need to have a little bit more um in terms of its I think you need maybe eth was it 83 yeah there we go A3 increases it to 20% with surprise attack but if you go to A4 or A5 sorry if you can possibly get it to A5 you're going to also increase uh surprise attacks with 40% and you're going to also have nimbleness and uh with shadow adow step every time you do Shadow step so that's going to give you guys obviously the bonus up here which is increase the user's back attack damage by 30% which is useless here in this fight obviously but what matters most is that 40% extra crit uh when you do surprise attack which is really really damn cool so uh yeah whenever it lands a back attack now I'm not sure why this why this would work here it seems to have worked um I don't I don't know if the arms are considered back attack let's let's you know what let's do one more test one more test let's just double check to see if it was in fact working cuz I need to see the surprise attack bonus to actually work uh so I'm going to re-equip this here we go let's just see this work again hopefully does and I'm not just seeing things right uh let's put in back actually put Co in okay and then we'll do igis again we're going to look for that buff okay we want to see the name like nimbleness works for sure I saw it 100 times just pop up but I I do want to see that um I do want to see uh surprise attack work okay that's that's what we're going to see here again see I'm surprised thatth this is a fire is this fire drag I just realiz a fire dragon why the hell is wind good against fire that's weird may they just don't have enough elements in this game all right let's see here guys let let's see if this works we're going to just Shadow step Nimble yeah surpris attack Works bro what is this craziness I'm not hitting him from behind all right I just want to see if that worked so there you guys go uh just wanted to show you guys that actually did work you guys saw the buff right there right so there you go crazy crazy combo so 40% more attack uh sorry 40% more critical hit uh CR crit hit rate and then also the attack applies as well too because it considers it a back attack because you're doing surprise attack on an arm that's wild all right guys pain hope you enjoyed the video I'll see you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 8,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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