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all righty well it seems we've got some slight changes happening uh we got some Buffs and we got enough so when it comes to the buff side of things it's more to do with the shield no damage nothing like that so heading over to the weapon side of things and if you head over to the Demon King's long sword you guys are going to see we now get an extra 10% on Shield so before it was create a shield equal to 10% of the users Max HP they have now bumped up to 20% and that's across the board with every other Jim Wu skill that provides him with Shield so here it is I mean it was on the patch notes but I mean I I just kind of skimmed through it to be honest um but yeah so it's here so as you guys can see the Rune skill vertical Arts uh sorry run skill Shadow to Vertical Arts will give you 20% and then yeah the basic skills crushing blow Counterattack break will also give you 20% so Shields have been buffed up for Jim wo if that's something that you want to utilize and use in some way so that was the buff this is the Nerf that is right power of Destruction has been nerfed to the point where I feel like most people should be having a much easier time getting through this cuz I mean as you guys can see you know big big numbers are now achievable um obviously for well I say that um they've still yet to uh fix up on the solo uh reward wait what hell okay there we go yeah so like obviously with these big big numbers it's more for the Omega whales I would say but um yeah you can still get we can now get to the second reward they need to really re-evaluate all of this to be honest because yeah I mean that's just a personal opinion of mine but um regardless one thing which I'm kind of yeah kind of confused on so the boss fight it's talking about how we have to destroy the left and the right hand to enter into the break state right to then attack the head of the Dragon the thing is is that this is the old way of doing this fight so when I go into the fight it's the new version of it so upon reading this I was going into the fight thinking oh okay right they' reverted back to what it was originally if you see my original video when I first got into and unlocked this mode you would see how the dragon fight was beforehand I thought that was what was originally happening here so they have to update this because the strategy that they given is completely wrong there's no break State there's nothing none of that it's still keeping the same to what it was before um with like the Golem coming in and whatnot so yeah let me let's run through it let's see how easy it is right now okay well let's see on how things are obviously the power level beforehand was 242k now it's 178k so it should be more easier but I kind of want to see well we'll see how easy it is to get with points now now I I could be eating my own words saying that you know the the solo um rewards that we get for hitting points maybe it is a good point right now oh my God Jesus Christ okay well was wasn't expecting that nope okay there we go get everyone in all right um damn okay well that's a lot of Point straight away we take those we take those yeah get hit by that drop this get the shot off I can't see oh my go I can't see God damn it why is it me okay that's fine get the hits off bro okay that attack I will never truly understand cuz I always get away with that one okay no thank you very much get the sniper shot oh this Sniper I'm always going to forever cherish Ito nice take those we just keep running around okay we're not taking too much damage they might I mean well then again if his power level was gone down then I assume the damage output that he will put out isn't exactly too crazy either so let's get the sniper going nice good damage good damage good damage shouldn't have done that cuz now everyone's just going to get hit okay he's going to do this thing okay well I try to do my thing I see it all nope see if I can no okay charge up the sney sneeper Bop nice nice okay what can beautifully there we go might to get some good damage out of this actually to be honest yeah I'm I'm I'm finding this a lot more easier opponent than beforehand so yeah I I think they've made it so that getting points be slightly more better for us for everyone should I say so that's going to be beautiful no thank you get that going uppercut beautiful and got that two uh two minute marker l f we take those uh should I just go for a cheeky sniper shot why not might as well build up o 7K more damage bu than before I mean technically speaking if I want to H I'm not going to go for the break I'm not I feel like maybe the Golem is now breakable but now that was a quick transition there's no way I'm not even going to bother trying it that was that was a that was a way too quick of transition okay we need to hunt a fish so let's uh let's see what we got going on here n shouldn't have done that no oh my God how did I oh my God I got a hit well that that just confirms that oh my God yeah he is weaker cuz I just got absolutely smack there and if that was the other boss fight oh I would have been cooked I missed I I am terrible I am horrendous oh no okay well this isn't scary I see it yeah that would have Absol oh no this just going to hit how does that not hit bro his hand is right there oh this stupid okay well yeah I am messing okay I don't know how I'll get away with that attack but I'm not I always question it too like there we go sniper okay so I've missed out on some very very important um points so we'll see what we can rack up the remaining time we got left sniper okay mistakes were made but we can still come back there we go this is the end there we go beautiful upper cut go for that no okay what do we get what what's the point I feel we did a ton of damage so that's the big takeway but how much damage did we do 10 mil maybe 12 okay not bad no I'm not going to register that cuz I could have done better okay so they have bumped it up they have bumped it up yeah I think what they need to do to be honest now that they've kept it as is and they've made it so that the dragon itself isn't too broken I feel like the fairness is there the Nerf was needed cuz I mean for the most part it was pretty difficult for most people that's just you know I'm not going to deny that so I feel like with the Nerf that they've applied right now to make it more easier it's done in a in a great way in terms of allowing us to get more points um or allowing everyone to get more points which is cool uh and then obviously we can now absorbed I mean that that one hit would have knocked me out if it was the 242k boss fight so that just confirms that um I think the only change we truly truly need from this event is I think just the reward side of things you know um with the solo challenge I mean I I I get it that they're doing it off the point system but I'm looking at the rewards and I've said I've mentioned it before you know it's not really worth in my opinion I feel like what they could do is apply more points going in and then applying more little of these rewards and to do this on a daily basis I think that's going to be huge and well it would be a huge benefit for the game it would actually put the game in in a much better position in terms of just supporting the whole play base having a mode that is providing more so like obviously we got 2.5 here and then maybe make it so there's five and then 10 15 23 or 25 you know just giving us more points so that we are getting a good amount of resources um and you know the point system itself isn't as horrible as it is here of course CU it truly just doesn't make sense like the jump towards 2.5 to 23 like what the hello excuse me what um I mean they can still keep the big boy numbers to cat the Omega whales that's completely fine but I feel like they should really look into kind of uh expanding it a little bit in terms of the reward side of things so yeah anyway so there we go the uh Power Of Destruction boss has been nerfed so when it comes to the global release uh you guys are going to have a much better time actually being able to um start things off to get a decent good uh run to be fair yeah
Channel: Shiney
Views: 5,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Leveling, Solo Leveling Arise, Solo Leveling Arise Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise Open Beta, Solo Leveling Arise Release Date, Solo Leveling Game, Solo Leveling 2024 Game, Solo Leveling PC Game, Solo Leveling Mobile Game, Solo Leveling Mobile, Solo Leveling Global Game, 나 혼자만 레벨업: ARISE, Solo Leveling Arise Boss Fight, Solo Leveling Arise 2024, Solo Leveling Arise Dungeon, Solo Leveling Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise IOS, Solo Leveling Arise Android
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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