Solo Hiking the Kungsleden in Swedish Lapland

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August 2018 A movie by Floor Denil (That's me) I've been waiting for 6 hours to catch my next flight Welcome! Alright guys Can you see it? I'm going to start! Let's go! Day 1 - 0 km done - 440 km to go Check this out! How amazing is this There's the golden pot! Never saw this before That night I put my tent in a windtunnel (not a good idea) I haven't slept at all this night This wind, man This is not ok If this is going to be the same next night, I won't be a living human being afterwards! I'm so exhausted Good morning Sweden! I really don't understand that people call this the ugly part of the hike I mean, I mean come on! Come on! Look at this! It's so beautiful Alright guys I'm warm now from all the hiking And I wanted to have done this So I'm going to do it: to swim in a mountain lake! 'ooooooooookay this is enough' Alright I think I'll do that again That's so much fun! Alright so, let's put on some clothes and go on That night... So I'm in my tent And I've been too confident again! I thought I was able to hike 15 km at 7 p.m. My backpack is wet, my jacket is wet My pants are wet, my underwear is wet as well My socks are wet, my shoes are wet Soaked to the foot Alright, f-ck it, ça va Good night See you tomorrow Day 3 - 46 km done - 394 km to go LOL My face Today: 37 km Guys I am so full of energy I just stopped by a mountain hut and there were 3 men They gave me oatmeal and we talked about a lot of things I drank some tea And I'm nice and warm I went to the toilet, took a sh-t Everything is alright I'm looking forward! I'm climbing the second highest mountain of the Kungsleden today Hello fellow hikers I'm almost at the top of the second mountain Byyyyye! I saw a rainbow almost every day! Day 4 - 79 km done - 361 km to go It's the next morning And I don't know why, but I'm having a tough one I just woke up feeling homesick and I don't get it because it's so much fun And I saw some beautiful things and met some great people, but... I don't know Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera But everything ended up alright because..... I spontaneously drove a couple kilometers on the back of this quad!!!!! (First time on a quad in my life) I drove a quad!! Which was so much fun because I never did that before I mean, I was in the back, not driving But it was so much fun, through all the beautiful fields etc He dropped me off 8 km further Awesome Bye! Day 5 - 199 km done - 321 km to go Alright, it's the next morning And yesterday night was amazing I hiked until Sjnulttjie Next to that hut were some other people, also a belgian guy from Brasschaat And two Swedish girls And I chatted with these girls until 11 p.m. (11 p.m. is very late here) Yeah! That was really nice, so nice It's gonna be a good day, bye! Blueberries EVERYWHERE I'll also show you the typical toilets on the trail Which I think are awesome Usually it's in this kind of hut And then there's just this giant hole in the ground That's actually so disgusting, but on the trail, it's a luxury It's really great that if you need to go for a number 2, you can do that on a toilet from time to time Alright guys, tonight was a special night It's now around 9 p.m., 9.30 maybe And I found two hiking buddies today But we couldn't find a campingspot! And it started getting dark and we thought 'what should we do?' and we were already really tired But we found something, there are even toilets here There We're going to eat something and then sleep And my feet are dead Day 6 - 144 km done - 296 km to go Good morning! It's day 6 I think Today is a chill day because I have to hike 18 km 'til Jäkkvikk Then I'm going to the sauna, I'm going to sleep in a bed, dry everything out, do some laundry, get a shower So I'm fresh for the next 80 kilometers without huts Let's do this! Found some hiking buddies! Picking some cloudberries! We are in Jäkkvikk, yes!!! Straight away to the supermarket hehehe We just went to the supermarket And I went totally crazy I've got pizza I've got cookies I've got Snickers And some more Snickers and cookies And some chocolate and tea And hot chocolate and cookies Oh no, I bought two! I've got two pizza's I'm laying in my bed About 10 minutes, and I'm already going to fall asleep It was amazing to eat some pizza and to have a shower But really, a bed, just a bed That's simply the best Bye Day 7 - 162 km done - 278 km to go We are at the boat! There's the boat And we're going to row now, I've never rowed before in my life It'll be alright (I didn't row alone, my freshly made friends helped me out here) We did it! We are at the other side of the lake It's close to the evening and I'm cooking And the three of us are currently waiting for the boat And now I'm cooking pasta carbonara, olé! Day 8 - 182 km done - 258 km to go Alright I'm hiking again And our group split up For the next 80 km approximately there's no huts So if it rains, I'm in the rain (there was the rain already) Check check check! It's the polar circle! And I'm going to pass it now Cold! Freezing! Snow! Woohoo! Ladies and gentlemen! Today on the program: a fantastic view This is the view Amazing from a CLOUD So I arrived at my camping spot Here's a toilet, I'm standing in the toilet now to have shelter from the rain I have to pitch my tent I'm ice cold Go go go go go, go! Day 9 - a day with ups and downs - 210 km done - 230 to go Good morning The sun is shining 1 hour later Alright so that sun wasn't around for long Because, as you can see, it's raining again I'm wet to my skin And cold 3 hours later The rain has passed! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The rain has passed 1,5 hour later It is so f-cking cold It is so, it is sooo cold I just had a hot chocolate And I couldn't light my lighter because my hands were so frozen Movement makes warm. Movement makes warm. Wow It's so cold Not normal Oh my god Guys guys guys Thisisnotok 1 hour later There goes the rain! All gone Gone Byyyyye! No need to come back! 3 hours later (evening) Well, so: 1. I'm super tired And 2. I just arrived at the place I thought I was going to find some good campingspots But that's not the case, everything here is like this And that's just full of forest and plants and everything But Luckily There's a little cabin here I'm a little bummed because I wanted to sleep in my tent tonight There's space to roll out my sleeping pad So I think I'll just sleep here Wow I was really tired Goodmorning, I slept like a baby tonight! So I called the boat to Kvikkjokk, it's coming in about an hour I'm not eating anything already, because... I want to eat as much as I can in Kvikkjokk Bye! Björn (the boatman) gave me a free boattour through the little channels of Kvikkjokk! Really friendly man. It's 6 p.m., and normally I hike 'til 8 But now I stumbled upon this place and you have to see this Look at this! It doesn't get better than this, I think, so: I'll call it a day Love it, baby Alright, bye! Day 11 - 249,5 km done - 190, 5 km to go Something really sucky just happened I wanted to cross here Pond, but with stones And I slipped, aaaaand now my shoes are full of water FULL of water, I mean, my feet were UNDER water They were DEEP SH-T Waiting for the boat! Thank God It was again a bit stressy because I thought I wasn't going to find any camping spot But look at this Here And look, the view! So, there is my tent And look at this Hallelujah So, good night then! Day 12 - 283 km done - 157 km to go (This is the same view as yesterday) A morning with rain I knew it was going to rain, but it's still a bit 'hm', 'hm', 'hm' Hello! I'm coming from the South and I would like to take the boat And it's just me, I'm one person Sooo that's it, I'll see you at 5.15! Bye! View from my tent today: not suuuper perfect, but... Not too bad as well, I think Morning It rained a lot this night As if someone was pooring down buckets filled with water Day 13 - 300 km done - 140 km to go Breakfast! Oooh! Ooh ooh ooh ooh Just ate some oatmeal, now time for hot chocolate! I'm here! I am in Saltoluokta Aaaand it's amazing All this luxury all of sudden, that's incredible I had some lunch I stuffed myself with bread and soup and beans and everything Everything Wow This is amazing Day 14 - 315 km done - 125 km to go It's the next day And a lot happened already And I'm climbing again like crazy I slept really bad last night So I had a bed, I was super thrilled And then there was a couple in my room, they were 71 years old And that man, seriously... He was snoring like crazy, almost not normal anymore So ehm... Yeah. I also had a huuuuge breakfast this morning I thought: 'it's now or never, I have to stuff myself' So that's what I did Then I took a boat and a bus Which is part of the Kungsleden And now I'm starting at the final part! But now: climbing. Let's go. I was really lucky that these Swedish guys wanted to row (otherwise I had to do it hehehe) Finding a campingspot is not so easy today It's getting dark And I'm hiking on a plateau for the moment So I'm a little stressed Because I think chances are that I have to put up my tent in the dark Well that's an experience It's not looking dark on the camera, but... it's getting dark Ca va, ça va, ça va, ça va Buuuut everything turned out alright (as always) Aaaand we're standing! Look at this! I hope the wind doesn't get any stronger, then it's ok Another boundary that's been pushed, yes!!! Nice nice nice nice nice nice nice Sleep tight! Day 15 - 336 km done - 104 km to go The sun is shining There was some wind and rain tonight But it didn't really bother me Good morning! The view from my breakfast Beautiful Ehm, I'm lost I know I have to cross that bridge But there's a fence and I can't cross it I'm back, I'm back! I just crawled under the fence And now I'm back on the trail Caaaaa va! And today we eat: goulash! One of my favourites Day 16 - 362 km done - 78 km to go (The little ice-layer is melting from my tent) We are ready for a new day And today we're going to climb the highest mountain of the Kungsleden Massaging my injured knee 'With perseverance, the snail will reach the ark' I'm at the highest point of the Kungsleden! That's the Tjäktja pass Voila, I'm here! Voila! So now my tent is all set for the night This has to set for 5 more minutes And then I can eat! This is a typical moment in your tent at night So you wake up, you see 'oh it's light outside' 'Mm, there's some wind, maybe it's going to rain, maybe I should get up' And then you see it's 3.30 a.m. So no, it's not time to get up Day 17 - 397 km done - 43 km to go I'm so ready for today! I thought it was going to rain all the time, but that's not the case They also say that the following trail is really well-maintained So no stones, no mud, a lot of wooden boardwalks That's fun I'm ready, I am really ready. Let's go The color of the water was really like this! I'm at a stage of the trail right now where you cannot wildcamp So you have to camp at a camping place or hut It costs 20 euros to just put your tent here -poor student- I was really like: 'ok, here you go, 20 euros, hehe' Sauna, then sleep Last day!!!!!! Day 18 - 425 km done - 15 km to go It's the last day, guys!! I'm almost finished! On one hand, I want to be there, but on the other hand, I don't Alright I'm almost there. Almost, almost, almost Another 3 kilometers I think Oh my god guys, I'm here! This is the end of the Kungsleden! This is it, right? Yes it is! August 2018 Swedish Lapland I couldn't find my camera anymore hahaha 'Huh where is it' Now I see it
Channel: Floor Denil
Views: 35,371
Rating: 4.9651036 out of 5
Keywords: Kungsleden, Kungsleden 2018, king's trail, king's, trail, hiking, hike, hiker, through-hike, through hike, through, backpack, backpacker, backpacking, travel, travelling, sweden, swedish lapland, swedish, lappland, lapland, zweeds, zweden, zweeds lapland, koningspad, floor, denil, floor denil, female, female hike, solo female hike, solo hike, solo, adventure, enlightened equipment
Id: b-QO_CDfb3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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