A BEGINNERS GUIDE to WILD CAMPING solo | Angle Tarn Lake District UK | Top Tips Tricks Gear kit List

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now then so i'm just taking it all in before i set off on my next adventure so what i'm going to do this time i'm going to turn into a bit of a beginner's guide to wild camping and so i've chosen a place which is fairly straightforward to get to which is angletown quite a few people come there because it is a nice place to camp and it's not too far away from the town of paterdale so it just makes it a bit more of a safe option for a beginner's wild camp so i'll go through essential bits you need to think about when it comes to while camping i want to get myself uh changed backpack on dog's backpack on and take you up into the fells let's go so firstly whenever you are well camping make sure that you let somebody know where you're going give them a detailed plan of the route you're going to take and the place you're going to hopefully camp at and maybe the odd contingency for that also where if you pack your car just uh pop a note in the window uh with your telephone number i'm just saying that you're out for a night and then at least people start worrying about you safety first so to add to that do not bite off more than you can chew there's so many people you watch all these videos and there's amazing videos of people sleeping out in wells of sub-zero conditions in the storms snow storms waking up with snow all over the tent worst case scenario for that is if you're not prepared not experienced enough you can die so just make sure that you are keeping within your means like when you're 18 just said your birthday you're on your first night out don't start on the vodka because you are gonna have a messy night you'll be falling over smacking your head in hospital stitches stomach pumped you'll have a bad night and you'll never want to do it again so stick with the sunshine have some a four percent lager or a cider and just uh build some experience first because if you don't build up to it you will have a catastrophic failure pretty pretty sure about that so you have to make sure that you are sticking to what you believe you can do yourself and to the kit you have and there's a lot of different kit for lots of different scenarios so make sure you've got the right stuff for the job that you are on with so day like today perfect conditions for going out while camping there's barely any wind it's nice and sunny and clear you're not going to struggle navigating up on the mountains in the fog so it's absolutely fantastic this but sunnis not a bad shout definitely some sun cream because what you don't want is to uh get burnt and uh start struggling with pain so that brings me on to first aid definitely take a first aid kit it only has to be a bit sick but you can put some paracetamol in and essential items like plasters couple of bandages and i always put in some insulation tape which you can just wrap around any cut and it will seal the wound there's such a range of sports injuries from death that's not gonna happen look after yourselves but all the way down too just blisters small cuts and jogger's nipple that is an actual sports injury jogger's nipple and when uh me and my brother were running the kepler truck in new zealand 63 kilometer run we did it in about seven seven and a half hours something like that and um i was fine but uh my brother he struggled he got a joggers nipple so with about 30 kilometers to go i'm there putting crosses and plasters over his nipples because they were against that point of bleeding all right that wasn't so good so yes a basic first air kit so this is the path up to angletown some splendid views look at that patterdale in the bottom there where i've just come from all the way up on the hillbilly mountain range up there all the way around look at that but yeah what i'd definitely advise when you first start out while camping get your kit together put it in a bag then go camp in your garden or a friend's garden or somewhere very close to home because then what you can do is you just uh test your kit make sure it all works what you do not want to do is get up on top of a mountain and realize that your sleeping mat has got a puncture or your gas stove doesn't work you need to familiarize yourself with everything um so a definite definite good piece of advice camp locally or in your garden first it's a really good idea to familiarize yourself first with an area that you're going to camp whether that's doing a a recce and actually finding a spot exactly where you know you can pitch a tent and aiming for that but also to do the navigation you can ditch the navigation if you're unable to read a map and just go somewhere that's easy to get to that's not going to have any issues regarding map reading and if you do need to get into the mountains take a hard copy of a map and learn how to read it there's no point having one if you can't read it and alongside that you need a compass and it's fairly straightforward to do but an essential part i would say especially in the mountains don't rely on your phone for navigation because phones fail batteries die and they're pretty much guaranteed you're not gonna have reception up places like this here come here let's be having you i'm taking you up to the top of play spell first because i've not been up a place fell so get there and get the views hopefully down old water and once i've done that then i'll head off to angletown yes have a quick rest give up then come on get on yeah my legs it's a fairly steep corner to place fell it's not too bad but my legs are killing from yesterday because yesterday i did a uh a fell run from uh glenn ridden and i went and did 13 miles so a half marathon up over some peaks up to the top of helvelin and then uh when i got to hell belling top had a quick break and then i thought there's definitely a strava segment along uh striding edge so uh i i smashed it i've not uploaded yet but hopefully i've um done okay on that but then what i did was i thought there's got to be a segment from helvelin uh summit right down into glen ridding so i just kept going so i absolutely nailed it all the way down the first thing i did when i got back i went and jumped in the lake it was absolutely awesome ah anyway taking its toll today legs are aching here's something to be aware of false summits so i actually thought this was the top but i have to go all the way along there now so just be aware that you can be a bit demoralized when you're unsure of the actual ground you're going on and where to go so now we've got to continue further ah here we are top of the spell some pretty spectacular views well the uh walk up to angle town is actually fairly straightforward it's not too strenuous so it's not a bad shout for a first mountain wild camp i would say um and i'll show you in a second because we just go around the corner and we are at angletown uh shout out to jack and jess two lovely people who um hopefully they're gonna get out while camping in the summer time i would have thought so nice to see those guys so let's pick you up we'll take you around the corner and show you the unveiling of the lovely town so here we are angle tan is absolutely beautiful i'm just stood on the middle peninsula so as soon as i get here i'm gonna have to tell you about rule number one of wild camping and that is leave no trace leave no trace you will already know this but just don't be a dick and i'm going to show you dick now so straight away complete dick and here we've got some sort of wine bottle absolute dick so just don't be that person everything you bring up take back down the only thing you can leave here is a bad mood leave your bad moves just come and uh appreciate nature because there's so many animals here there's um you know just geese just floating about and you know you don't want any of your broken glass to potentially injure these animals um i mean there's two unicorns i can see over there and some uh yellow spotted flamingos they're beautiful let's just not ruin that okay don't be a dick this is also a part of the leave no dress just have no open fires it is possible to have a fire if you've got a firebox that keeps it off the ground um but places like this just no fires just totally scars the landscape so picking a spot generally go for somewhere that's flat as possible and as dry as possible here it's absolutely perfect i got a view and what i always like is that is due east and that is exactly where the sun's going to rise so for me that's what i'm after so i can get the sunrise and face my door towards it also generally you face your door away from the wind so you've not got the wind howling in when you're potentially uh cooking or anything like that this spot is absolutely perfect loving it and i get to stand up a little bit higher and look down over the town so i won't be setting up yet but i will do soon well i've just been uh laird out sunbathing with the dog and that water is calling i think it'd be rude not to jump in really so let's go for a dip there he is it's a dog's life time's getting ah oh that is cold oh that is cold yeah oh wow currently no words [Laughter] oh man oh probably stay that long no i won't stay long at all makes you feel alive though that one yeah definitely worth it get yourself in yeah come on boys there we go just a quick dip just refresh did you dry off quick then hopefully [Applause] good lad good lad wow well done good fella beautiful you don't feel that bad it's our time to set my tent up it's just a one-man tent every tent is different there's no point you're watching me do it so i am gonna magically put this up in a split second done beautiful lightning what a location eh so what i'll do is now i'll take you inside and i'm going to um show you some of the essentials you need to bring with your world camping trip for your well camping trip no bed so for wild camping there's three essential items you need for sleeping number one you need some sort of a cover um against the elements so whether that is a bivvy bag um or a tap or like i have here a decent tent um up on a mountain you're generally gonna have to go with the ten hours today because then you just never know what the conditions are gonna be like um so something that's to be able to withstand the weather for the conditions that you are in so this is a four season tent and i'm pretty pretty happy use this all year round um in all the countries that you will get in the uk unless it was some freak storm that could potentially blow any tent away so the second item that i would definitely look for is a decent sleeping mat now any sort of camp mat um will give you some level of comfort but really it's not about the comfort it's more about how much heat you will lose from your body through the ground so you need one that's got a decent um you value which will actually insulate you from the ground especially in winter conditions this is the thermarest neoair which uh it's actually quite thick as this it provides quite good comfort as well um but you want one that's fairly light to carry one that's got a good u value and one that's fairly comfortable as well [Music] um item number three you need to have a decent sleeping bag that is going to suit the conditions there is no point you taking a summer sleeping bag into the winter conditions because you will freeze and you know you will not have a comfortable night at all and potentially you're going to damage yourself so a decent sleeping bag this one is a rab neutrino endurance 600. now it costs a fair bit does this one but like the saying goes um you buy cheap you buy twice you buy something like this and it's going to last you forever added a little bit of extra comfort so this is uh my essential item number four out of the three so this is 3a let's go with and that is a pillow i like to sleep well um and this is a ultra light um pillow which packs down to absolutely nothing and this is the one by sea to summit i think it's called the aeros pillow um but it's absolutely brilliant and it just fits in the head of your sleeping bag like that so you're not going to lose it in the night at all so it's absolutely perfect so you've got your sleeping setup sorted you're going to be warm enough for sleeping through the night but you need to think about food and water so i always carry one bottle of water with me um but i also carry one of the soya squeeze bottles and the soya mini water filter because as soon as it starts to run out you can just find some water source like a stream or a lake and then you use this to then replenish this the water uh into this bottle you can also just with this have the bottle full and then fill this one up and just leave the actual um uh the soya mini um water filter on it and then uh you've got an extra void of water which you can carry up onto a mountain as well and so that's water sorted food wise there's so much different um ideas you can go with you can go with the lighter weight things and that will need boiling water added to them um or you can just buy pre-made meals which you can just eat as and when you want to without any cooking um i generally have a bit of both because sometimes i just can't bother cooking so i'll just eat something out of a packet uh you can buy tinned goods or tell you what i had a a tin of um it was like um a full breakfast in a tin now yes it's carrying the tin and it's a bit weighty but it was very tasty and very quick and easy to uh to get sorted um but yes as long as you carry enough food for however long you're going out for generally just starting out you're only going to go for one night anyway so you only need bare essential food and you can get away with not cooking if you are going to go down the line of cooking then you need to buy some sort of stove now this is a gas stove i probably advise to get a gas stove to be honest because the the most easy and most reliable i would say um and with that obviously you need some sort of a cooking pot that'll sit on the stove and then you can cook your food in it i actually also have um it all fits together i like myself um but in here i've got um an actual um cup stroke cooking pot which i only use for water so what i do is i use this for my cup of tea and that one for food and it's got a little sleeve just so you can drink out of it and the lid so that is food and water so moving on to clothing what do you need to pack for a while camp well i would always say take lots of uh thin layers and that you can just uh take on and off as you're walking and getting hot or cold whatever um so i always have like a thin fleece there i've got this one on a t-shirt under here uh a buff is a good shout because you can use that as a hat around your neck always take a woolly hat because that's great because you can sleep in that as well to keep your head warm um a waterproof is also essential especially if you're doing anything on a mountain and probably some waterproof bottoms if the weather is a bit unsure the right word in here i've got a down jacket i think this is absolutely essential to take because uh it packs up small um and it will keep you warm at night and even in summer you'll probably need one of these because when you sat around doing nothing you it can get very cold so a down jacket is a definite good piece of advice and you can pick them up fairly cheap sometimes especially if you're getting like half price in the sale so sometimes you might get one for like 50 quid um but again if you spend the money you'll get something that's decent that's going to last you a lot of years and it will pack very very small trouser-wise you just want to buy some sort of walking pants probably you can get away with just wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms really um ideally you want something that's going to throw the water off or not absorb much water um these are brilliant because they've got zips um air vents on the legs which are just great because uh you can just zip them down just to cool off when you need to and then zipping back up for when you're getting too cold something that i always bring and i was just shoving with my sleeping bag is a long pair of bottoms and a long sleeve top and pajamas basically so then when you're getting into your sleeping bag you just feel so much more comfortable when you've got those on and another absolute essential i would say is a pair of very warm socks um so you can take all your kit off put your pajamas on and get some decent socks on get in your sleeping bag and then at least you keep your feet warm through the night [Music] just look at this this place is where dinosaurs live i think along with lots of yapping geese and two unicorns and some yellow spotted flamingos i think that's what it was there's seven tents set up so far and i'm just perched on this little ledge here and there's two lads above me darren and steve so uh i'll be having a beer with them later on because they're proper sound lads and this is their first night out while camping so this is what this video is for people like these guys so i've already sort of shown them a bit of my kit and what i've got and yeah i've got a couple of decent tents up there as well so look forward to that beer right so these two lads new to well camping so as i said earlier great piece of advice is test your kit out when you garden first because this lad old stevie boy here um he's pumped his mat up and it's deflating within the hour so he's gonna have a rather uncomfortable and probably cold night he does have another mat i think that goes under it but anyway rule number one there testicle in your garden first [Music] [Applause] so the next thing i need to mention is lighting so currently i am using a head torch oh that's better so this head torch simple piece of kit there's so many head torches out there they're fairly cheap to buy nowadays um and really really bright uh this one is a petzl one um which is good quality good sort of solid piece of kit but you do need them for things like cooking so currently i'm just boiling a pan um just to make my dinner now i definitely advise having a head torch but at the same time absolutely brilliant to have some sort of a tent torch which uh just like a lamp or a lantern whatever you want to call it which just brightens up the whole area so you know you can use that for pretty much anything you want to do within your tent um so i'd also advise having two types of lighting because if you're sort of stuck um and need to get off the mountain or you need to move around at all you will break an ankle if you do not have a torch to see where you're going um so if you suddenly decided you have to get off that mountain you definitely need a head torch and i'd always carry some sort of secondary um torch anyway i actually take three so i'll take my head torch i'll take this uh lantern for the tent but i also take one of our bike lights because that's like um really really strong um light which i can see a long way with so it's really good for signaling as well so good shot get some decent torches well here i am ready for bed i've had an absolutely fantastic night um spent time just chilling out with uh two guys just met so first night out while camping and honestly total respect to those two they've picked the best night for it and we've just uh sat at a couple of beers and watched the um sunset and honestly it has been absolutely lovely um this is what it's all about you know get outside you know meet like many people and you know people who are out doing this sort of thing they're all happy and just enjoying life so ah yes it's been absolutely brilliant so for me um i've had a couple of uh beers and a bit of wine so probably gonna waffle a little bit on but hopefully so far you have um understood what it's all about and hopefully you'll get an idea of what's going to help you to get out and just enjoy this and feel like i do at this present minute which is just pretty damn without swearing awesome it is um so yeah so a couple of top tips then for the beginner um what i would say is i did have a beanie earlier but i spilled wine on it so i've washed it in the in the uh so it's wet so i can't wear it but what i always do is if you've got a beanie on um and normally you know you've got like a fold on i'd definitely get one with it falls down fold it down over your eyes when you're sleeping and it will honestly um you'll just have the best night's sleep um it also covers you up so when you've got your head on a pillow or anything um it's almost like you don't need to have a pillow color um so there you go top tip a beanie also i've still got my down jacket on um i'm gonna go to sleep with this sound jacket on because it's well below freezing now um and really it's easier to take off a layer in the middle of night um if you do hot than it is to try rustle around your dark tent and find your jacket and then put it on then so start with it on take it off two tips there you go right it's been awesome and it's time to sleep so time to rest these old bones in this whole body and i'm not quite on my own tonight because uh there's probably about another eight tenths round this time so i will see you in the morning you [Music] falling flowers what a morning it is like a mirror it's amazing absolutely amazing oh good morning flowers can you actually believe this the town is like an actual mirror it is incredible so i'm just gonna have to show you around and show you some of the reflections let's go um this is what you get when you come well company guys you do not get this sat at home spectacular it makes no difference if you're a beginner while camping or the season pro you'll still get to experience things like this absolutely breathtaking here they are good morning first night while camping then what do you reckon amazing brilliant i picked a better spot to be fair next time think about what i'm going to bring test it first check your kit first yeah definitely oh it's beautiful you can't beat this though can you nice walk all the way around there as well some beautiful flatbeds and this is their setup look at that holding hands in the night these two [Laughter] so porridge and a cup of tea for me for breakfast if you are using water when you're out either use a decent water filter which uh then you can drink it or what i've done here i've just taken this straight out of the turn over there but if you're going to drink it you need to make sure that you are properly boiling it get a good 30 seconds of big bubbles and then it'll be safe to drink breakfast time so you've got a plethora of all this kit and you need some way of carrying it so it's always worth buying a half decent backpack you could probably pick something up for about 25 quid to be honest but um obviously the more you pay the probably uh the better it is going to actually perform that's all now other thing as well you can actually buy this is a a liner which um it's totally waterproof seal it up and that can go inside there so even if it's raining you can keep other essential items dry mainly your sleeping bag especially if it's a down sleeping bag now this has got my pjs in some socks and my sleeping bag now currently that it's a lot bigger than that but this is why my advice would be is to actually get a down sleeping bag because the actual uh amount it can compress is ridiculous compared to a synthetic sleeping bag the only problem is you can't get a down sleeping glove wet because it will not perform where it's a synthetic one will so it is a bit of swings around the belts but just keep it dry so watch me so just quickly done there so straight away turn something pretty big that wouldn't fit in there into something but quite easily will so that's my tip get a decent down sleeping bag it'll pack up small drop to the bottom of the bag and you've still got loads of space for putting the rest of your kit now one of the hardest parts of while camping and the one that's probably least talked about is uh going to the toilet so i just thought our best to add a little bit in about that so as stated leave no trace so just uh the main thing you need to do is uh basically dig a hole um and make sure that you can cover everything over so that it will all uh just rot away into the ground and no one will ever know that you've been there when we're doing that is just by uh buying something like this it's a little trowel this is called the juice number two and it's from thetentlab.com um it costs about 20 pounds for this tiny bit of aluminium um but it only weighs 17 grams now with this it's absolutely fantastic we're digging and to be honest just having your kit because if you add your tent um and your pitch there's a stone in the way and you couldn't get out obviously by hand this would just be able to help you out there so it's actually not a bad little tool to carry with you anyway but yeah dig yourself a hole um do your business and then uh cover it all over um toilet paper is biodegradable um but ideally you want to be taking everything home um but it's the worst thing about it all is is baby wipes do not use baby wipes unless you are going to take them home um so that is definitely part of the uh leave no trace that's toilets well that was the best toilet break i've ever had um as i'm uh sorting myself out i uh had a load of d i just walked straight past me um and i was like advanced full trying to grab my camera and um anyway swiped myself out and tracked them down lay down lie down just huawei absolutely wow hey blue come on look at this i found the remains of a dwarf unicorn just look at that wow i feel so lucky that's calmer is that if you truly leave no trace these are the sorts of things you get to see skeleton of a dwarf unicorn leave no dress guys so this is what you can get if you come out while camping to be honest these two guys are out on their first wow camp they'll never get it better than this for a first time it's honestly it is perfect they'll be hooked forever from this one just feel really lucky really really really lucky right this is darren and steve they have just had their first well camp and as usual they've done it absolutely perfectly there's the bin bag and this is their spot where they camped total leave no trace see you later guys there we go two newbies totally enjoyed it on the way back home and they did everything exactly oh you should do it proper good lads so there we have it wild camping for beginners that is just my take on it other people will have other opinions but hopefully you can just take some uh knowledge from what i've said and carry that onto the mountains with you for your first wild camp um i must say that you can learn something from anybody these two guys that i've just been with he gave me a great tip he was a chef for quite a few years so he pre-cooked all his bacon um and brought it up in a bag put it in the pan seconds it's done and obviously that's saving on gas while you're up here so that's absolutely brilliant idea so thanks to him i've learned something so for me it is time to get packed up get rid of all my kits into the bag and away um just one thing to say your kit will only take you so far it's um knowledge and experience will carry you further so just get outside guys get out have a go and you will learn so fast what is right and what is wrong and what suits you anyway let's get this tent away so there we go all packed up ready to go if you've enjoyed the video please like it it definitely helps so like it like it definitely like it and also subscribe because there's gonna be plenty more adventures coming and um hopefully you can uh learn a bit more and get a few more locations that you'll be able to camp out so it is time for us to skidaddle bushman and blue take care guys [Music] don't forget leave no trace that means cameras too
Channel: BUSHMAN and BLUE
Views: 13,722
Rating: 4.9508448 out of 5
Id: f94_tZuHAmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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