My Creepy Post-Thru-Hike Experience (Storytime)

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the weather is being really unpredictable so I hope it doesn't start raining while I'm filming fingers cross fingers crusts today I am coming to you with a story time so no informational video today no gear review I never did a gear review before but like no gear talk none of that today I will just tell you a story of the time I finished my hike of the gr 20 on Corsica and what happened the day and the night after this hike so at the last day of my gr 20 I did a double atop I got up in the morning really early I started hiking really early and I finished at around 4 p.m. in the afternoon and this is really like the moment you finish the trail and a moment you're back home like the time in between those two is a time I I really don't like mostly I just end up in a village for like two days not knowing what to do waiting for my train or my ride back home so I really don't like the time in between those two moments so I get to kallen XANA and I think oh it's only 4 p.m. and every day on Corsica there are going multiple boats back to France so I think it's only 4 p.m. I am just gonna go to a port of Corsica I'm gonna take the first boat that goes back to France and like probably a duel go overnight so then tomorrow morning I will take a train back to Belgium and I'll be home tomorrow and around noon so I decided to just get going to hitchhike to any ports I chose the port of little goose and yeah just taking the boat that night fabulous plan fabulous plan so I start hitchhiking and I'm like hitchhiking for I think 5 to 10 minutes and a guy stops it's not really a guy it's more like a man he's like 50 years old and he has this Jeep car that's open seems really adventurous and I think cool let's go man he's telling me that he's going to leave us and that he can drop me off I think amazing so I get in the car I put my pack on the back seat and we start talking so he tells me that he paints and that he's an artist and a curator for some museum and Friends because he actually lives in France and he has this second home in Corsica he tells me about his painting stuff and I tell him about my painting stuff because I paint and I make music that's another story and we're talking about the gr20 as well he's like ah he did it all by yourself you're crazy I would never let my daughter do anything like this alone and he tells me that he did some section hiking of the TR 20 we just have a nice talk and after some time I think it was around 20 minutes we arrived at Yale goose and he drops me off like at a ten minute walk from the port and while he drops me off he tells me oh I don't really know if there's a boat tonight but if there is no boat tonight just give me a call and you can sleep in my house I have a spare room it's no problem my daughter is coming over tomorrow so her room is already ready so you can just come over if you don't find a sleeping place and I'm thinking yeah whatever I mean there will be a boat it'll be no problem but he really insisted on giving me his number so I just wrote it down I got out of the car I took my pack and I went to the port so I'm walking it's like a ten minute walk from where I dropped me off and I approached the pier of the port and at the end of the pier there is the company of the boat service and I'm walking on the pier and I was like 6:00 p.m. it starts to get a bit dark and I just see that the port is totally abandoned there is no one there there is no boat there are no people just a few restaurants and that's it mmm I go up to the company like the building of the company of the boats and it's totally closed there's even no lights on there's no one there obviously there isn't gonna be a boat that night so I think okay I will just book a room in a hotel tonight or a hostel or I'll find a campsite where I can just put up my tent and then tomorrow I will take a boat but first I will go to a restaurant I'll eat something and I'll think about it properly inside with a meal so I go up to a restaurant and I order a pasta and I'm just eating and looking up rooms so first I check no rooms I look at the campsite because I mean I'm on an island with a lot of backpacking people so I think there will probably be a campsite but I see no campsite and I'm thinking about wild camping but I saw several plates on the street that said not allowed to wild camp here so long story short I don't find a room and so suddenly I think about the thing that this man told me him having a spare room but at the same time I'm thinking am I really gonna like text a man that I don't know and ask him if I can sleep at his place so I'm doubting a lot but I am also thinking like this is my only option at this point and I'm also thinking about him telling me about his daughter like I mean this will be a normal guy so I text him hey there's no boat can I sleep at your place he text me back yeah no problem I'll come and get you in like 30 minutes and we'll drive to my place I go outside it starts getting dark because I ate like I took a long time to eat and think so at this point it's like 9 pm9 ish p.m. 10:00 p.m. so I walk off the pier I see him I see his card so I wave I'm here so I put my back on the back seat and I get in on the front and the first thing he tells me is hey how are you princess Francis hmm so ah at this moment princess means princess in French so I think okay I don't really like that you're calling me princess but okay whatever it's probably just something you say to girls I don't know so we drive and we're talking and as we're talking he calls me princess like all the time like maybe in like ten minutes he said it 10 times so I'm thinking to myself should I say something about it maybe just tell him that I'm uncomfortable with him calling me princess but I'm also thinking no float he's just being nice don't make it uncomfortable there's nothing wrong here and also my French isn't that good so just trying to get the message across in a subtle way wasn't really a possibility so I just thought let's just not say anything about it but let it pass but I also thought it's weird that he's calling you princess now and in the first car ride like never never calling me princess so why why are you doing it now oh stop it so we start driving and he tells me that he lives in a village that is like a 30-minute car ride away from the port and Corsica is an island so the village is uphill it's up in the mountains so we start driving and it's like you know it's this kind of car ride where you do this all the time like going up going up going up as we are driving up the mountain I hear the engine of the car and it's a jeep it's like this open jeep so you can hear the engine really well and I hear the engine of the car starting to make weird noises so before it went like like a normal engine now it started to sound more like so first I think it's okay it's just a car having some trouble going up this really steep mountain it's fine it's fine but after some time the noises get worse and they really start to sound like like this so at this moment I'm thinking okay flourish you are in another country far away from home where you don't know anybody it's night it's like 10:00 p.m. so it's dark you're on your way to a village that is away from civilization on this island with a man that you don't really trust he's calling you princess all the time and now the car is breaking down I'm also thinking like is this something he does is this planned like does this guy pick up hikers and then takes them to his house but like not actually and and just is this planned is it planned that the engine is breaking down now I don't know like maybe he has a little plan with friends of his I don't know I didn't know I didn't know oh man I'm freaking out at this point I am freaking out but all of this is happening inside my head on the outside I am like in a state of annoyance so I'm telling the guy like ah is the car breaking down well that's annoying I just let it rest on the side of the road for a while and it'll probably start working again I doesn't work oh that's annoying are we gonna have to walk all the way up to your house it's no problem we can walk so the engine just gets worse it's clear at this point that we will have to leave the car and we will have to hike up to his house he tells me it's like a 20 minute walk from now so I'm fine you know I'm I try to be in the state made of it's fine it's fine this guy is being nice he has a daughter he's just he's a painter he's an artist he's nice this guy is nice everything is fine because up until this point everything was fine I mean nothing really happened so we got out of the car and we started walking he's like first he's insisting on carrying my backpack for me and I'm like no no no no it's fine it's light I will carry it on the inside I'm like no no no if you're gonna rob me you're not gonna steal my house for now like no that is not gonna happen so we start walking and I see him walking uphill and he's getting out of breath really fast so I'm thinking okay okay okay okay because I'm not out of breath at this point at all I think okay if you want to rob me or harass me or do anything like that I will just outrun you so quickly without a problem so this is like really reassuring for me so we get up to his house and actually his house is really nice it's a small house with a small kitchen bathroom a little Terrace thingy and he shows me around and he immediately asks me like do you want to take a shower you finished the gr20 so do you want to take a shower and I'm like no no no I'm tired I'm not gonna take a shower on the inside I'm like yeah of course I want to take a shower but I'm I'm just gonna see what the situation is in this house and then maybe maybe later but now no thank you and he asks me to go upstairs because my room is upstairs I'm still tricking myself into thinking this is fine this is fine he's being nice he's being nice but on the inside on my deep core I'm still super scared I'm still being really conscious of everything that's going on everything that's in the rooms like watching outside the windows if there's maybe anyone outside the windows so I'm I'm I'm being scared so I get up the stairs and he shows me my room and I'm so relieved to see a room that has a door so it's it can be closed and it has a bed and the bed is a one person's bed I don't know why but I was just so relieved to see a single person bed I don't know maybe maybe he was gonna show me a double bed and then we had to sleep in it together and I don't know I don't know I was just happy so he just tells me you like okay drop all your stuff here take your time and just like be in your room I'm going downstairs I'm thanking him I'm really like oh thank you this is so nice thank you so much and he goes downstairs and I'm in my room alone so I go sit on the bed I get my phone out and I text a friend I tell her hey I finished the trail I'm in this guy's house right now so here's the location if something happens I will try to text you just some random symbols like if I do this call someone because something is happening and she's like yeah of course but you're fine right I'm telling her yeah I'm fine I think it's all in my head so voila I sit in my room I check my Instagram and my Facebook just to get some normal life feeling inside of me and I decide like you know what I really want to take a shower because I stink so I go downstairs and I ask him like it's it possible still to take a shower it's like yeah of course go in the bathroom and just have your shower it's no problem so I go into the bathroom i undress myself not in the bathroom but really in the shower cabin cabin cabin so I take my shower and after my shower I get out of the bathroom and I you know man I'm really tired I'm just gonna go to sleep and I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast so I go to sleep the night passes by I'm still really I don't know it's just there's something in his way of communicating to me that just feels really discomforting it's it's the way he looks at me and I'm just not not comfortable so I go to sleep I have I think three nightmares I wake up several times during the night and I wake up in the morning it's like 8 a.m. I think but I think to myself just stay in bed for as long as you can so the time passes and at like 10 a.m. I get up and I eat breakfast at the table of his Terrace and he's sitting across the table from me and a man I don't know why but oh yeah he's just looking at me in this way that I'm like the stop stop please - stop looking at me and it's hard just man during his breakfast he starts the sentence autism Oh bill come in flare it means are you really pretty like a flower and I'm a man ohh - all men out there don't start saying stuff like this to a girl who was alone you are freaking her out really you're freaking her out so I was freaked out he told me I'm not I'm not even exaggerating I think during breakfast which was like 30 minutes he told me I think I think I really I think 20 times the same sentence you have come on Belle come in flare so at this point I think okay you know what I'm just stuffing my sandwiches in my mouth and I'm just I'm leaving but in a nice way yeah I'm communicating with him in a nice way but in my head I'm like oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god so I just get upstairs I take my stuff I get downstairs and I'm like hey I'm going and at this point I feel so guilty that I was thinking all these paranoid stuff and there I really thought he really was just being nice to you all the time I'm feeling the sense of guilt over me also relief but also really guilt so I'm telling him a man just really thank you that I could stay here we just said goodbye and I left and this is where the story ends so you know I'm walking away from his house and I really think like Lord how can you be this paranoid because really in fact if you would just have filmed the scene there would be nothing strange I think like apart from him telling me princess and in my opinion looking a bit weird at me but that's that's my that's my experience so you probably wasn't looking at me in a weird sense and just and yeah him telling me I to have my mom welcoming Fleur okay that's that's a bit weird but man tell me in the comments do you think I exaggerated do you think I was being way too paranoid and being way too scared for what the situation actually was also I am wondering should I have said anything to him while he was making me feel uncomfortable also does any of you girls or boys because boys can experience this as well of course does any of you have had this kind of experience as well in the past if so tell me stories are always nice but also tell me what you learned from it like do you have some advice for people who experience these kind of situations yeah next time I will be back with an informational video probably again about hiking but today I just thought I would tell you the story so I told you this story stories are nice ok bye bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Floor Denil
Views: 3,851
Rating: 4.8249998 out of 5
Keywords: Floor Denil, Floor, Denil, story, storytime, GR20, hiking, hiker, solo female, backpack, backpacking, thru hike
Id: 2iYG0NQEIy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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