Backpacking Gear I no longer use

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about two years ago I stumbled upon an article that was talking about pack weights and in particular the maximum weights that a person can carry or should carry on their back and this article said that the maximum maximum maximum like with water with food with everything the maximum pack weight should be 20% of your body weight so for example I weigh around 56 54 58 like something around that so my ideal pack weight is around 11 kilograms so I was reading the article and it made a lot of sense to me because up until that point my pack was around I think 15 kilograms 16 kilograms and when I went out to hike for a couple of days in a row I would always get bruising on my hips and my color bone so I thought okay I am gonna do something I am gonna get my pack weight down drastically and to do that I just skipped a lot of stuff out of my pack so today I will show you all the gear that I no longer use for now maybe in the future I will use some stuff again I don't know also before I start the video please keep in mind that I am now in a phase where I'm prioritizing weight saving over being comfortable so if you're a person that wants to be comfortable don't do what I do and just take the items that you want to take this video is not supposed to be a video where I'm saying you should drop this no it's just to show you what I do now okay let's just start so the first thing I did when I decided that I wanted my pack to be lighter was just scan through every single item I had in my pack and with each and every item really think do I really use this do I really need this do I use it daily or more weekly that kind of stuff and the first thing that I stumbled upon that I didn't use daily that I didn't really really need was my towel so I have this towel I think it's from sea2summit and it is a great towel it's really lightweight as you can see but I only use this when I got to a campsite or a hostel or hotel like anything where I could take a shower so I would only use this when I was taking a shower and that is not a lot on true you don't take a lot of showers on true so I figured okay I don't need this it takes up space it's just unnecessary instead what I do now hey it's not really clean or anything but what I use to dry myself is just the shirt that I'm wearing to hike in and it works fine I mean it's just a shower it's just some water you will dry anyway yeah I dry myself off with my shirt and it works fine the second thing I no longer use and people that watched my conflating gear video will laugh about this because I was so happy to have it then it is a little pillow this one is from sea2summit and it's like one of those blowup pillows you see on airplanes as a blow-up pillow it's great but I felt like it wasn't as comfortable as a pillow really should be so the two things I didn't like about this pillow were that the pillow is really thick I sleep on my stomach so when a pillow is really thick it's just my head is just like like this and that's not really comfortable so you should be a side sleeper or back sleeper when you get this pillow and also I don't like that it doesn't get the shape of your head while you're lying on it what I now use is also a shirt I just take a shirt and I take any spare clothes I have with me sometimes it's my down jacket on warm nights sometimes it's just spare underwear no socks they stink you don't want to have socks on your near your nose area but yeah I just take spare clothes I roll them up and I sleep on this and I actually find this way more comfortable than a pillow so I no longer use a pillow the third thing I no longer use is also something that I was really happy with on my Slayton hike it is an air mattress like this one this one is from therm-a-rest and it is the x-term don't get me wrong this is a great pad I really love this it's really warm but there's also two things that I don't like about air mattresses I know it sounds not like a lot but in the evenings on trail you have to take five minutes of your time to blow it up and just at the end of a long hiking day you don't want to do this I know it's so lazy but I just don't like it and the second thing that I don't really like about it is that it slides the moment you're camping on a ground that's not really really really really flat you will wake up or at least I did I woke up several times during the nights because I was sliding down my mattress so I made the decision said when I am hiking in warmer areas then the conclusion because on the conchs Laden I would take this again I think because it's so warm on warmer trails I just use this baby you probably have seen this pad unlike a lot of hikers or a lot of hiking channels actually as well it's just it's a great pad I like it it's really lightweight and really it just takes two seconds you just put it down and you're ready to sleep I really like that and you don't slide down yeah baby so as a result of taking this pad instead of an air mattress I ditched another item and this item is this little guy this is just a little CAD to sit on during breaks some people use it as a windshield for their stove I sometimes use it as a bedside table but now that I carried this mattress I just use my mattress to sit on during breaks because it's always on the outside of my pack I can just take it off and put it on the ground and sit on bed so this is quite unnecessary when you're taking this guy so yep I ditched it loose but I loved it I mean but I ditched it the fifth thing that I no longer use is a classic in the hiking community it is a stove I no longer use a stove instead I cold soak and if you don't know about cold soaking just look it up on YouTube there's plenty of videos about cold soaking recipes and about what cold soaking is it's just for example mixing couscous with cold water and then waiting for 30 minutes and then eating the couscous cold when I heard about cold soaking for the first time I thought who would do this I was really attached to my warm food at night also my hot chocolate I couldn't miss it but I decided to give it a try and to try cold soaking and actually I liked it it's just a matter of finding the right herbs and spices for your couscous I'm in love I want a cold soak it's also less of a hassle you don't have to wait for your water to boil just 30 minutes before you think you're gonna get to camp you put couscous and water in this little plastic pot you close it and when you get to camp you can eat immediately so yeah I really like cold surfing however maybe in the future I would see myself switching back to a stove because I can imagine being tired of coal talking after a while but now I'm fine I'm fine with coal surfing I'm happy with it and it saves weight because this compared to this a whole different world okay another thing that I don't use anymore is all kinds of unnecessary dry bags when I started hiking I put like every every every single eye to my head I put in a try bag because I was so scared of getting everything wet so I had a dry bag for electronics I had a dry bag for my clothes I had a dry bag for my dirty clothes throwed come on and I had some other dry bags for toiletries and I just had to try back for everything but it's just not ideal because when you have all these separate packs in your big pack they just take up a lot of space so I decided to ditch all the separate dry bags and just to buy a big pack liner yeah a dedicated dry bag is not really necessary a lot of people just take like how do you say a second garbage garbage bag a lot of people just take a garbage bag and that works fine and then still I take a dry bag for my food because I don't want my food to spill in my other gear but that's the only thing I take I take a pack liner and a dry bag for my food and it works fine you don't eat separate bags for all your items you guys probably know I didn't know at the time okay and the last thing that I switched was my pack I used to have this Osprey bag this is the aura 58g it's a women's pack and I really like it it gives you a lot of supports it has mesh pocket in the front it has a frame it's amazing however when you're carrying lighter gear I found out that you don't really need this support anymore so I went looking for a an ultralight backpack and I found this one oh man it's so light when I'm when I'm picking it up now it's so light this is a pack from Adam packs it is a company from the UK which I also find really important because I'm from Europe you can hear it in my accent probably I really wanted to find a company that works in Europe and that makes light packs I found this company and it's an amazing company they make really light weight packs and buying this pack saved me I think one kilogram and a half yeah that's the last thing I wanted to show you guys today so yeah that is all the gear I no longer use plus the gear that I switched to if you have some items that you no longer use or that you find it unnecessary or yeah that you just ditched tell me I always like to hear about gear that other people take or don't take yeah all that kind of stuff yeah that's all I wanted to say today so bye [Music]
Channel: Floor Denil
Views: 7,927
Rating: 4.9745221 out of 5
Id: bEK_oci4ID0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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