Emelie Forsberg Achieving the Fastest Known Time on Kungsleden Trail | Salomon TV

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Shit. Så jäkla driftig. Själv är jag så lat att jag inte ens orkar titta på videon.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Herskarteknik 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Den ska väll typ ta 2 veckor att gå?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kokoskolan 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nu förstår jag kraven på snabbt bredband även på landsbyggden.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/improwise 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Varför ? Det var väl onödigt.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bluemoonpainter 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
Indistinct chattering "Crek" sound Wow Wow sh*t! We're on the rock! Hahaha Oh no, no no no! Oh no! When I was 19 years old I think, I started to work in a mountain hut on Kungsleden And then I started to run in the mountains and I started to really... really love it It's really cool actually, because it's so wild It's so far away from everything You just need to hike there for many days and then you'll have all the beautiful mountains for yourself. It's hard to say If I trained enough for it, Not sure. Normally it's Erika here. She wants to join me for a short run tomorrow. We're so far up north now Like where about the arctic circle and the sun is up 24 hours. That's also freedom Like you just can run during the night, and day, and night And you don't know what day it is. I'm excited to run finally, It feels like I've been resting for a week so... Really nice. Can we follow up? Yes! We shall be Yeeeees? So we start now in Abisko at one o'clock in the morning. and... It's mainly because we need to reach a boat that goes to Saltoluokta, which is the first day. And then... second day we go to Kvikkjokk. And then... I'm going to Jäckvik, Ammarnäs, Hemavan. And that's Kungsleden! I'm gonna try to run hopefully finishing in 5 days with a bit of break, for sleeping. It's the maximum speed of today I think! See you! Good luck! Yesterday was like a typical Swedish weather day Like we begin in sun and it was hot, we were running in shorts and all sweaty. And then we see this like clouds coming in and in like 5 minutes It's just a big thunder and rain and cold... and we were freezing. So that's a very Swedish weather. I’m so cold… I cannot run My legs… I don’t feel them Here we can run! Wooah It’s nice here! Before the cold I was feeling ok. So I hope it will be better tomorrow... We just have 80km tomorrow Aaah... I'm dying... And when I thought it couldn't we worse, the lightning started. Like it was thunder and lightning. I was so worried for you Erika... haha... I thought you were gonna die... Me too! haha... I think it's ten or eleven years actually since I was working here. But it's really nice because it's my first mountain hut and the mountain hut system in Sweden is really cool, It's something that's call the Swedish Tourist Association... And they have huts kind of all over the mountains and that's so amazing to run between this huts. I really love it and I loved working in one because you meet so many people that are They are in the mountains and they come back and they are really like: WOW...!!! and now I'm happy to be here... so I can have a good night sleep... Is it good? Mhhmmm It's awkward because I don't feel hungry but I can just eat and eat and eat. Last year I just told myself that I think I just want to go back to to... to do mountains, and maybe I can do some fast time... The record is so much more than just a race It's just you, and that is really motivating me And I think I can become the strongest I am when I'm doing that. She's doing very well and... And I think If she had time to stop and talk to me so it's not that she's in a hurry. I think most people do it in 30 days. For me walking it in 20 days it's already in a fast pace. And where was she last night? At Kvikkjokk Kvikkjokk? Yeah I feel, I feel foolish now I'm going slow! Haha As ready as I can be I think... For the mosquitos... What's going on? There's mosquitos! I was organizing a race called Salomon Trail Tour Åre I was standing at the finish line as I always try to do and I saw this girl. I could see the joy in her face, I could see the "aura" when she was coming into the finish line Then she was really loving to run So I was calling up our director, Greg Vollet, and I asked him: Hey Greg, I think I have a girl that I would be as good as Kilian Jornet or Anna Frost by then. And he was just Erik... you know... she's from Sweden! And Sweden it's not really famous for it's hills and for it's uphills and downhills so... and I ws begging him: Greg please! Can you send her to a race? And then: Okay Erik, let's go. We could give her a goal... And It just gone rockstar high! Woooah! Haha! Oh no! No no no! Oh no! This is kind of the first time in my life I feel so happy to be on the road... Not need to concentrate And jump over rocks... Ah...!! It's so easy!! We're bornt to run and she's really bornt to run that's for sure. For her it's not really the most important just to race The most important thing is just to be out there. Yeah, running is for sure a big part of life, I love running. And what it gives me, but it's also a lot more to life! For me it's a lot about the connection with nature and I can find connected If I'm working in the nature. If I'm working in the garden, If I'm preparing the wood storage or If I'm preparing something for my sheeps Or If I'm picking berries or cooking food from my own garden... It's in a way taking care of nature and being connected to nature. That's what I am That's a very big part of my life. Day 4... And maybe have like... 72 km left? I start to feel a little tired Will be another a bit unexpected day. Again Oh... I have so much crumps in my stomach. I feel... I feel so tired. I cannot think about tomorrow yet. It's a.... I always... I said to myself before that: Ok, If you make the 4th day you can finish but... I'm not sure I can do 80km tomorrow... Oh.... Oh.... Haha.... Running so long every day is really demanding and... I cannot imagine how she can do it mentally and phiscially I don't have words for it. Of course it really comes and goes the low moments and the euphoric moments when you're so happy to be out there. It's moving a lot huh! If she believes in something, she really can do it And for specially this. This is the fastest thing someone will have ever done, And she's like taking it so easy! So what was actually really cool for these days Was that I was going into a bubble and I didn't think one kilometer ahead. I didn't think about when I was going to arrive. Because that would make it so hard. All your senses where like: just now! The main part is that we want to be outside, we want to be running We want to do things that we love, to be in the nature. Feel free. In that way I think we all full filled our dreams. And what is so amazing is that there's water anywhere. I just had a bottle and when it was empty I just stopped in a river and fill it. Not so much more to say than I'm happy to be halfway and I just hope that I'll finish ok.
Channel: Salomon TV
Views: 743,968
Rating: 4.9559798 out of 5
Keywords: emelie forsberg, kungsleden, salomon tv, trail running, sweden, salomon running, trail running documentary, trail running motivation, trail running tips, trail running training, emelie forsberg salomon, emelie forsberg kungsleden, emelie forsberg skyrunner, trail running documentary films, ultra trail running documentary, kungsleden trail, kungsleden thru hike, kungsleden packing list, kungsleden gear list, kungsleden gear, kungsleden emelie forsberg
Id: wbcijXnFDMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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