Solo Camping Snack Night! The Start of an Adventure

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so i guess that means this is the beginning of the live stream hi guys how's everybody doing we are we're camping out today and i have so many snacks and drinks and everything the campfire is ablaze and how is the connection how is the video feed can you guys see me okay can you hear me okay let's do that basic checkpoint while we get into some snacks one of the first things that you have to do when you get to the campsite is just open up the marshmallows right that's that's an absolute requirement so we're gonna go ahead and roast the marshmallow right out of the gate because it just feels necessary we got the marshmallow right there and video is crispy feet is good for me absolutely fantastic welcome to everybody an early thank you to the moderation squad for keeping an eye on things as always if i miss anything important any dire questions or super chats or anything be sure to let me know and i will jump on them right away and look at that right out of the gate golden brown can you see that does it focus is that okay i think that's a pretty good marshmallow i'm gonna start with that and first super chat of the day is from sasha how's it going sasha good to have you again greetings from ireland enjoy your snacks all good on the connection thank you very good start very good start so this is actually the kickoff of something very exciting this is the beginning i feel like i gotta say this with a drink in my ham so today we're gonna have the opportunity to peek at some new boxes tokyo treat has sent me a box along with their sakura ko box so we're gonna get to check those out today and basically just gorge on snacks as we hang out at this campsite here but i think i think i snuck a beer in here somewhere just a single beer for us to relax and celebrate because this is the start of a big adventure today kicks off day one of a five day straight live stream adventure right here on tokyo lens explore brought to you by the patreon crew patreon crew thank you so much they picked out all the areas they helped me through live streams build a route and everything we were looking at maps terrible ms paint drawings and we decided on five ish separate locations that we're gonna go to i already recorded one of the first videos this morning and did a special edition live stream for the patreon crew so if you want those behind the scenes you are more than welcome to come over but either way you'll get all the main live streams and the pre-recorded videos right here on tokyo lens explorer this is this is what i want for this channel so cheers very excited whoo that is good i'm gonna try not to drop it my setup right now how can i show can i show the setup is there any way to show the setup so i don't know if you can see this but right now the the whole i'm gonna try and switch over to a second camera i don't know how well it'll work i think it'll be okay we'll we'll give it a shot so okay let's take a peek at how this goes okay so if i go like this there we are so right now i've got the the laptop set up up here on top of this bad boy right here last time i got a bunch of questions about what power bank i'm using this particular one is the eco flow delta i picked it up just for this adventure it's got two usb ports two usb fast charge usb usbc it's got six charging cable ports on the back can i show it can we see it at all we can't see it and then we've got our campfire right there got a bunch of extra wood over here if we need it we have some more wood over here and the camper van is right there looking all nice i added some lights to it because i thought it might be nice to have some lights in the background so i brought along this extra little camera just so we'd be able to point it stuff and see it a little closer i don't want to miss that super chat wabi-sabi adventures says thank you for all your povs so relaxing get some beverages on me thank you very much so i started out this adventure today in magomejuku and i kicked off by doing a tokyo lens explorer walking adventure where we just carry the camera we walk through we get a nice 4k video out of it people have said that they'd like a mix of both and so that's what we're gonna go with and that area is absolutely beautiful just having the opportunity to go there let alone make a video there has actually been a long-term dream of mine and you'll hear all about that in the video i'm going to add some more wood to this fire just toss a big old block right in the middle and it honestly i i can't i can't i can't put into words how nice that area is i already am very very excited to get that video out there so that that's huge that is absolutely huge but in order to do that i had to wake up at about six o'clock in the morning and i arrived in the area at two in the morning so i started by getting about four hours sleep and it's gonna be a common theme of this trip so what i'm doing is i'm sleeping in little blocks so i did that i took a nap i got here i took a nap i got set up for this i'm gonna take a nap and then very excitingly tomorrow morning is gonna be our first adventure walking live stream around kanazawa that's right we're gonna hopefully do morning sunrise i don't know what the weather's gonna be it looks like the weather actually might be terrible and if the weather is terrible then we just roll with the punches we get an umbrella going and we just we make it work we will find a way to make it work so uh i finally got to catch a stream glad to have you here the lights are very pretty very aesthetic now as i open these up i want to we're just you know i keep saying we're gonna hang out we're gonna we're gonna snack and i haven't opened the snacks so let's open the snacks at the request of the instagram stream we're gonna start with the sakura cool box today and then get into the tokyo treat box i always start with the tokyo treat box and then i get really full and i don't really enjoy the sakuraku box because i'm pulled from the tokyo treat pot but while we're here quickly in the chat where are you from what time is it where you are let us know all that stuff i'd love to take a peek there's like really only a third of this left so if you haven't seen any of my snack live streams we've done a bunch over on the tokyo lens channel um the tokyo treat crew and sakura crew have basically just been supporters of the tokyo lens channel and i am very very very okay with sitting on a live stream and opening up the boxes and eating snacks and sharing that with you i talked on the first stream about how i was a little apprehensive about it i was like you know what i i don't know i don't really do food on the channel that much send me a box maybe i'll take a peek they sent me one of each and i was like oh my god it's so nice now if you haven't seen it they come with these beautiful oh this month is okinawa so each month kind of has its own theme and you can't really see the book and whatnot that well but the book is the i keep all of my sakurako books just because they're really nice and then the uh ayumi kamoto who does the sakura ko it's just they're so well designed and ah i actually genuinely enjoy them like i will tell you this right now tokyo treat give me boxes sponsorships all that they're not paying me to say i like it i actually i like the books and i've kept all of them and i'm trying to find a place to put it without ruining it and there's nowhere to put it because i want to keep it okay so let's take a peek inside the box and see we've got if you haven't done so yet give the like button some love this is going to be full of stuff that i don't know and one of the things that i always love about the sakurako box is it always comes with something like this like this one's a little one little bowl here this one's really really beautiful and previously i have gotten cups and i've gotten trays and now i can take the cup and the tray and the bowl and i can use it all as a serving experience so these are going to be all okinawan snacks and because i know italy about okinawa we're going to have to take a peek as we eat okay we're gonna start with this because again the the sakurako box is really really good for sharing what do we got in the tokyo treat box so this campsite here for today at least is just my campsite it's literally just me this is a kash kitty or private reservation only campsite and i originally wasn't gonna be staying here and i found this place in a pinch in a panic after calling eight other campsites you see i arrived at my campsite for the night i was about to get all set up and comfy and then i checked everything and we had no signal and i wanted to do this live stream for you guys and no signal kind of stops us also again uh mod squad if i miss any super chats or anything just let me know i wanted to do a live stream for you guys and you can't do that with zero signals so i ended up actually having to completely give up on that campsite i was checked in i was paid it was all done it was it was taken care of i was set up for the most part and i didn't think i didn't think to check things in advance and no signal so it was late it was like 5 p.m already and i called around other campsites nowhere was open i found this place it's almost in the middle of the city itself so you'll actually hear cars going by and whatnot and i thought there's it just says kashkiri private camp space there's no way that that's going to be a place that i can book but i called up and the guy's like i have no reservations tonight you can have it to yourself i was i was are you sure and it's reasonable it's cheap i'll put it in a video coming up on the tokyo lens channel and i will i'll be sure to to link the location and everything in case you want to uh uh dino no i uh do you know the other brazilian i might i might but i want to open up this box and see what's inside of it tokyo treat oh wow they've been looking so good okay so what is our theme this time hello tokyo treat fam get goodies extra goodies scan me oh there's a fanta in there it is sumomo plum fanta that is our drink that is what i was looking forward to and that is what we are diving right into there's a photo contest in here and this is august snack menu this is all very very summery summery snacks i'm jumping in right out of the gate with the fanta sumo there we go oh that's really good i love sweets though so if it's sweet and it's in the box and i say it's really good i'm gonna go ahead and give you a heads up that i'm biased also popcorn this is a mike's popcorn that i just have never seen all right where's our book what's it gonna tell us have i lost the book guys i lost the book i know you're probably sitting there go well you just put it under the box and you're right i did put it under the box and super chat in from donald beatty saying sup norm glad i caught it before work i'm glad you did too thank you so much this is a big and exciting trip uh because well we're gonna hit so many different locations and the the patreon crew has just chosen some really amazing spots for us i am super super excited like we if weather plays well we're gonna get to see literally a castle that floats within the clouds fingers crossed for that one we're gonna get to see old samurai roads of japan we're gonna get to see the historic and beautiful streets of kanazawa we're gonna get to see some very ghibli-esque temples and adventures the only thing that makes it difficult is obviously you know the driving and i just between yesterday and today i've already probably driven i'd say nine hours between the two days and japanese highways being as they are they're narrow sometimes only one or two lanes and are far far from being free but if we can get to every location i guarantee it'll be worth it we've got five days to explore so let's make the best of it these are as it says right on the bag no as it says right on the bag these are chimi so seven spice mike's popcorn [Applause] i'm gonna try this out just because i like seven spice anything right out of the gate okay that's interesting they're tangy it's got a this one has like a it's a seven spice which is a very popular spice in japan called chimi there's ichimi which is like just one spice and chimi which is seven spice and this one has a tangy citrus taste to it and flash fire says get some chicken thank you thank you very much i will get some chicken there's also a small chance i might put it into i wasn't expecting this so i rented out the camper van last time and it wasn't too bad um the a tank of gas is something like 40 dollars and it lasted me a good i'd say 450 kilometers on a tank of gas that's not too bad at all however this time i have packed so much gear with me i've brought everything under the sun and two giant boxes of wood like this and so the car is very very heavy and that and all the mountain roads i i think i got like 300 kilometers this time before it emptied out the tank and i had to fill it up again so that being said i was thinking of potentially putting together a video that shows what i pack for a week-long road trip adventure of camping in japan and just walk through some of the gear i know there are some gear heads out there and some people are not as interested but i think we could turn it into a fun video where we hang out in the camper van pull everything out of it lay it all out and see what it all looks like what do you think all right i've just been snacking on popcorn i should put the popcorn aside and try some other stuff now in case you're wondering what this little dude is because i would be this is a katori senko cat so there's a katori senko coil in there like a mosquito coil there's a mosquito coil in the back of there and he's just hanging out here keeping the mosquitoes away from me so i like him all right next up cheese it's a little cheese snack and i'm not gonna say no to a cheese snack and then we're going to jump back over to the sakurako box now that i've gotten some some fancy i i love the dagashi i love the penny candies and the chips i just love it so much so hey there's a good question in here it says can you just set up camp anywhere in japan that is a big old no you will get in trouble it is there are countries i have my god i forget the name of the law there's like a free land camping law and if it's open land you can camp on it however japan actually doesn't have that much open land a vast majority of japan's land is actually publicly or privately owned and you can't really camp on it you can buy your own mountain in japan i've thought about it there are people who buy their own mountains and clear out spaces and make their own campsites and stuff like that but bear territory and everything being what it is so in japan you need to find yourself a proper campsite if you just set up somewhere in camp you're going to be in trouble now that being said with the camper van i can roll up to a roadside station a michi no iki as they're called and i can just sleep inside the van get into the back and no one's the wiser people sleep in their cars there all the time am elaine coming in saving the day every single time with the super chat for chicken pop thank you very much even made the chicken noise and art shibuya with a super chat in here saying thanks so much all right trivia hey normie here's something to help you fill up with gas that right there that's pretty much a tank you just got me all the way to another location that's on you thank you very much art i appreciate that quite a bit let's get some more wood on this fire there we are there we go a lot of the wood i have with me right now is smaller pieces so you end up with like a really big fire rather than i like to keep a smaller discrete fire like the way it is right now i'm comfortable with that the way it's about to be that's just that's a little too much fire for me so um are there enough campsites in japan or are they rather rare i would say there are definitely enough campsites in japan i think there's a total of 2 000 plus campsites across japan that might be an old statistic and the largest concentration of campsites in japan is in nagano so if you go out to nagano uh you're able to more often than not camp without the crowds and i often go to nagano solely for the purpose of just camping without people around because there's so many campsites i think there's 200 plus campsites in nagano again old statistic don't quote me and suchi is in there with a sticker for 250. sachi thank you so much for that okay so kevin's taro is also always a good snack and recently okay the first time that i ever saw these these are called poriki and they're like pocky but they're not they and they're like salad flavor these ones are corn flavored i'm saving these for the road actually the vast majority of this box i'm going to do that with because i am one thing that i always always look forward to is the kitkats that are in there because they always come up with kitkats that i have never had the chance to truck and a little soda gummy okay soda gummies coming out kit kats are coming out these these triangle these sankaku what crackers that was pretty easy that is way too big that fire is just unnecessarily large didn't want it that big and here we are these sunkaku crackers are really fun too they often come in and and we have some gummy in here happy nikku cute these are cat paw shaped gummies so okay i know i said i was gonna jump to the sakurako box and i am but i really want to eat this cider cola gummy thing so that's what i'm gonna eat really quite nice it's way too hot for a fire i think after this i'm just gonna let it die down a bit i think it needs i think it deserves to die down a bit i gotta watch it because it's about 10 p.m right now and from around midnight apparently there's a pretty good chance it's gonna downpour let's check that weather that is really hot unnecessarily hot okay the rain has pushed itself back sunrise is at 4 44. so i'll probably get up at 4 and aim to start the stream hopefully by 5 a.m so i want to do an adventure walk through kanazawa which i have never done i've passed through kanazawa i've been around kanazawa but having the opportunity to explore inside of kanazawa is going to be something that we get to do for the very first time together in the morning right here on tokyo lens explorer so has anybody been out to kanazawa if you have let me know what you think of the area this is fire that big you'll melt the kitkats luckily they're shielded so far the uh the tokyo treat box the the sakurako box is a bit of okay i i've been avoiding the sakurako box because there's just there's so much stuff in here and i just don't know what it is i don't i am very okay so what is this okay let's start with this so the first thing right on top the information it has is it's called brown sugar shisa candy and it's from okinawa um there's no common allergens it's vegetarian friendly and these shisa are the mythological guardians in the okinawan culture this is the bag of them here and let me jump in there i see we've got a super chat from lawrence pike backpacking in kamikochi in two weeks anything you recommend okay so they're hard candies i'll get to the tummy coach part in a second here we go what what i really like this it's um if i had to compare it to anything and this won't be relatable for most people but in canada around maple syrup season you can go out to maple syrup festivals and they take really dark maple syrup sometimes and they lay it out on a table of snow and put a stick in it and they flip it back and forth until it almost becomes like a candy on a stick it was like a dark caramelized it was very good i know that sounds like probably the most canadian thing you've ever heard in your entire life after i said it i realized i totally should have said the whole thing with a canadian accent eh i should have been like you know there's this thing we do where we go to the maple syrup festival and we get the maple syrup we put it in the snow we just roll it right around eh and then afterwards we head to timmy's for a double double and maybe grab some timbits you know kick back on the chesterfield with our toots and we just give her that's uh probably the most canadian set of words i've ever said on camera on camera but this is really good and it's got a soft center wow i have been cutting sugar lately so this is a ride so we're gonna come back to lauren's pikes super chat here where he's asking backpacking kamikoji in two weeks honestly in kamikochi you cannot go wrong pick any of the trails around the area pick any of the huts it is beautiful but be prepared for weather change because weather change is a very common thing especially as you get higher up in the mountains so make sure you bring a towel and make sure you bring an outer layer of protective clothing like some kind of pants that you can keep you dry and an outer jacket to keep you dry as well so that would be my recommendation yeah and elf last norm gonna be hyper how come canadians sound so brit that doesn't sound british at all if you think canadian sounds british then you've never heard britney that doesn't sound british i'm not gonna do a british impression because i got this british friend who will probably terribly make fun of me and i'll never ever ever ever ever live it down so we're not going to go in that direction but hopefully that wow that is really good okay again what i really love about the sakura sakura ko box is that there's always enough there to share with somebody everything comes in sets of two like these are little okinawan these actually these bring back memories because any time that i ever had a co-worker go to okinawa when i was working in my previous job they would bring back these cookies for the entire office and just leave it in there and then you could sometimes they'd be in packs sometimes it would just be the cookies in a box but it was the quintessential okinawan cookie and there we go a set of two of them so the sakura ko box is absolutely spectacular if you want to share with somebody or if like myself you're just a pig and i there's some kind of pie here it says a uh okinawa seika original okay we're gonna have to learn and i always again uh this is a benimo pie okay common allergens is eggs wheat and soy is it vegetarian friendly apparently it is yes and it's made from the okinawan purple sweet potato and it comes in a nice purple package that you can't really see the color of the package because well it's dark and adam's 42 in here with a five pound super chat with one of those adorable snickering little characters thank you so much for that especially on a big trip like this honestly every little one of these super chats helps i want to be able to do more of this for the channel i want to be able to basically take everything that i get from tokyo lens explorer and put it back into tokyo lens explorer i want this to be a revolving channel of adventure so this isn't ever going to be a channel that i take and i'm like aha thanks for the super chat i'm gonna go get myself 20 coffees and buy a roll now this is gonna be every it's actually tracked i set it all aside in every single super chat that we do all of these things that you guys share all goes into creating tokyo lens explorer videos and trips and everything so thank you thank you for that and this is interesting it's actually got like a purple paste inside okay i usually don't do dry sweets like cookies and pies and everything like that but this is quite nice also i'd love to see us jump from the 227 likes we are now up to a lot closer to 300 so give that like button some love really good really good hmm and if you guys want to see a peek at what we and how my day started i talked about the area of magome juku you can actually find that over on twitter i've posted a picture of the area to twitter so you can check it out there absolutely gorgeous area ah these coals would be perfect for cooking and xena dude says i'll be driving for two weeks enjoying my next visit from sendai to kumamoto and back any tips for first time driving in japan yeah i got all the tips okay if you're not used to driving on the other side of the road you'll get used to it really quick the main part that i think a lot of people get caught up is when you're coming out of a parking lot onto an empty road i can't count the number of friends that have pulled out into the long wrong lane and then seen a car and oh i'm in the wrong lane hilarious every time don't do it you could get hurt um otherwise i would say japan has a pretty courteous driving culture so people will let you in if you're stuck in a t-section or waiting to get onto a main road and the traffic just keeps going someone will probably let you in that's really nice i don't know what your country is like but in japan you flash the hazard lights to say thank you if someone's done something nice so if someone lets you in if someone holds back you just flash your hazard lights that's a big old thank you to them and otherwise there's two types of gas stations there's self-serve and full service there's usually no price difference between the two types but of course between gas stations there's always price differences a lot of the times you got to prepay for your gasoline like put your card in or pay your cash or whatever and then fill it up but not always and if you ever get confused you can just ask the staff there and they'll always walk you through if you have any questions outside of that let me know but those are my my pre-tips so and sammy p46 in there with a super chat thank you so much for that sammy that that again that that's a that's a tank right there i appreciate that from me to you thank you and rob c saying how's the night sky nice and clear full of stars i wish really wish it was um when i was planning this trip i was hoping that by this time in the the month of july we'd be way past the rainy season and the rainy season hit about a week and a half ago so we're still in the midst of it i've drove through three or four downpours today and slept through a downpour last night so unfortunately just can't can't see anything so have you guys noticed how in a live stream if i happen to mention chris he appears it's like this magical magical thing where just by saying his name or at this point i don't even think i said chris i think i just said i have i have a british friend who would probably slay me if i did a terrible impression of the british accent so we're going to avoid that here he is he's in the chat he's asking what's my favorite song and i think we all know we think we know he's fishing he wants me to say that it's too much volcano we got snacks it was so much fun making that song though like if you guys thought it was fun listening to the song the aso too much volcano if you thought that that was fun to be a part of on the receipt that was so much fun to be on the other end of that to watch it all come together to watch joey put together the rap natsuki pulled the aso too much volcano thing out of thin air just literally came out of nowhere chris pointed a camera at him and was like uh i don't know wrap something about volcanoes and that's what natsuki came up with and it became a song that in case you haven't been following charted on the on one of the itunes if i believe and these are mango kitkats i'll be honest you guys were right far too close to the fire so these are melted mango kitkats wow there's chocolate everywhere chris is like yep that's literally how it happened it is were standing up on this platform and chris is just like okay natsuki wrap something and i think we all expected for that to be like a test run and for him to you know for us to work out something to do later but what he came up with in that moment and the energy he presented with it was just too good that we we couldn't we couldn't sidebar from that and then joey came up with his part chris came together with the music chris was having so much fun making the music by the way so and kai thank you so much kai in here with the super jazzing aloha what are you looking forward to the most on your trip please savor the moments i'll be honest with you i'm looking forward to literally every single day almost exactly the same amount tomorrow is gonna be uh just it's exciting because it's the start of the trip i've never been to like explore kanazawa and then the opportunity to see ghibli-esque temples hopefully fingers crossed in like a near rainy-esque environment to see a castle that floats in the clouds to see some of the samurai post towns of japan and explore some of these routes i'm very excited about literally everything that the patreon crew has come up with and chosen for this adventure they chose the sections and unfortunately a lot of the stuff we've actually developed designed outlined as many as four to five upcoming adventures with all the ideas from the patreon crew because i want to box off all their ideas and just visit everywhere and tokyo lens explorer gets to reap the benefits of that they get to see all of it and join along for all the adventures and i definitely brought more snacks than i needed for a single night let's grab one or two more things out of this here okay i always enjoy these because we're camping so just as much model these are spiral marshmallows that i often grab from different dagashi shops and candy shops in japan it's just a curly little spiral marshmallow i love these oh wow i had not scrolled down and missed a lot of chat um play it now and start dancing in the forest it'll be quality content i i think we both know that that won't end well too much adventure well i think you know the channel started tokyo lens with exploring tokyo and i still think there's a lot of great stuff to explore in tokyo but there's also just so much more of japan that i think it'd be fantastic for you guys to see and explore and i want you guys to when you've seen it on a video you kind of in a small way feel like you've been there and if it's a place that you just see on an article or picture it might feel harder but if you've seen it on a video and you've seen me go there and do an adventure there do a live stream there it makes it feel accessible it makes it feel like it's a place that you could go to too and there's a lot of places that honestly when i went to them the first time i was like oh i feel so far it feels like such a feels like such a trip and then i get there for example the area of lake suwa where we did the kimono nawa kimi no nawai the your name stream i've gone back there five or six times just to do weekend camping now because one of the campsites in that area has become my favorite i love the people there and i almost always have it to myself and to be honest despite being way out near nagano it's faster to get there than it is to get to the abandoned village in chichibu which is just in saitama north of tokyo so if i can take you all around japan on this channel and give you the opportunity to be like i could go there then i really want to do that so yeah too much adventure um shannon powers is in here asking with a super chat thank you very much you may have already said but are you planning for guests on any of the upcoming camping and hiking trips at the moment i haven't planned out any guests for this trip the time schedule was so tight that there was just no space for guests and to be honest i'm gonna be doing this on so little sleep and on such a go-go it's just gonna be my schedule and i would feel bad about dragging a guest along and being like hey are you cool with getting two hours of sleep tonight that's just how i live and i don't want to force that lifestyle on others in future trips we might be able to do more trips out to different areas and have someone walk around their area and show it to us maybe i don't know maybe go with sendai we'll see um oh by the way i just opened these up without talking about what they were at all these are ajikari and they're little curry flavored stick things that are really nice with the beer actually and laura is just in here saying dropping by briefly on a break looks like a fantastic camping setup lots of snacks excited to watch this back later hope you enjoy it later on also nice shirt this is the newest edition of the tokyo lens explore always shirts when i go out to areas that are going to have lots of nature i try to go for brighter colors like the the reds and the yellows and the oranges just because it kind of contrasts with the the nature colors the nature colors by which i mean green the nature colors and laura's saying nice shirt because laura was kind enough to develop the limited edition tokyo lens explorer always pigeon club shirt with it's got a pigeon on if you saw the video of me doing the one week solo camp three day solo camp this is the one week three day solo camping thing with that that gorgeous pigeon shirt with the pigeon holding the shamisen with a camera around its neck laura designed that so a huge thank you for that laura and actually we are into our final week and a half of selling that shirt they're gonna disappear in about a week so we might do it another run of sorts later on but for now that that's it that's the the pigeon shirt so okay i'm curious what else we've got in the sakura cool box the box itself feels really cool like i don't mean like this is a cool box i mean it doesn't feel hot but everything keeps getting melted okay what else we got i gotta try and save some stuff for the road too because on average i'm doing three to five hours of driving per day and i'll tell you right now for someone says he doesn't do a lot of dry sweets it looks like the vast majority of the okinawan snacks are dry sweets so if you are the type of person who does dry sweets if you like oop get out of there snail it's not a snail it's an ant how do you confuse an ant with a snail who does that who confuses ant and snail if you are the kind of person who loves dry sweets this okinawan box i cannot i cannot recommend it enough but these okinawan sugar candies right here these are pure gold so there we are i just really enjoy these the the fire has died down quite a bit let's take a close-up peek at it look at that nice relaxing campfire montage again i was not expecting for there to be lights like this here i did not set these up these are just part of the campsite and i've made a huge mess here with the tokyo tree and sakurako boxes the snacks all over the place the wood over there the fire dying down good times this snack candy this is i can't tell you how much i'm enjoying this i uh literally jumped over to the other camera just to give me a excuse to enjoy the camera and the candy without sitting here chewing so i might have missed it before has anybody in the chat been to the area of kanazawa before let me know and chan is in here with a five dollar super chat thank you so much saying hey norm once the borders open up i plan to explore akies both from the air and on foot any tips or tricks so when you say akia do you mean like official registered open buildings that are for sale or do you mean abandoned buildings um abandoned buildings would be more high kyo and akiya are more ones that are for sale by an akiya bank they're more they're actually registered abandoned homes and i would say that above all else try to keep safety in mind add just a little wood there i'd say try to keep safety in mind even myself i keep on me this right here every trip and every video i get i have a chance to i point it out because honestly a lot of people are really kind and worried about the the safety of somebody who's out exploring abandoned places and more often than not these places do have wild animals borers monkeys and bears and they're not completely safe and so this little garmin inreach mini thing allows me to i guess keep signal send messages receive messages and should there ever be an actual emergency i can send out an emergency signal i would say definitely travel with somebody have some form of emergency device when i go on these trips i activate my subscription for this you can turn the subscription on and off i think it's like 14 15 a month and make sure that people know where you are and how long you plan on being there so i've been through karazawa on the train it seems really cool [Music] okay have you had to use it before i've never had to use the sos function on it that's kind of a big deal you gotta like peel back the button for it and everything you can't just like push that uh it's made so it can't you gotta peel back this piece here and then you gotta press and hold the sos button i luckily have never had to use that i honestly hope that i'll never have to use that i use it to update my waypoints and send messages even to my family back in canada just if i get somewhere in the mountains and i lose signal i have a a couple predetermined messages that say like i'm here i lost signal i plan on leaving within i think i've got one hour three hours and five hours uh so i've got those three messages and then i've got another message that says i'm here uh i'm in trouble but i'll be okay or something like that and then i've got one last one that's like i'm here i've called for emergency services i'll update you and you can save these like pre-saved messages into it and so that's what i do and i usually just send the i'm here i plan on being here and the most common one is i plan on being here for three hours i'll let you know when i'm out and then when i'm out i just text them and i'm like hey i'm out and they're like what we were sleeping so we're good and stephanie in there with a five cent pound super chat for gas thank you very much for that i i'm gonna have a little more popcorn just a tiny bit more popcorn i enjoy the popcorn can never go wrong with popcorn and actually before i go to sleep tonight i need to find some way to pack up literally all of this including the fire and then we'll be kicking off our next live stream in about six hours so at some point sleep will need to come into the picture but for now we're enjoying snacks will you be sharing an interactive map of any of the locations that you've been honestly if i had the time and if i could i absolutely would but i like right now all i have time for is to get to the location record or stream uh make sure that it's properly uploaded get into the car get to the next place stop at a convenience store along the way grab a quick nap and then you know find a campsite gets that like it's just there's a lot of driving and if i had someone to to drive and i had the time to sit and work while they were driving maybe cool but when it's a solo trip you don't really have extra time to do anything and then as soon as i get back i've got to edit the videos for this and then upload and put together the tokyo lens explorer videos that i'm going to be shooting because i'm gonna be aiming to shoot three to five of those as well as one to two tokyo lens videos and so these five days are gonna be a very very busy five days so uh don't forget to give the i i just saw a sweet archangel in there saying tim that's a great plan yes please give that like button some love let's see if we can't get it closer to the and cincia saying uh here's another beer for tomorrow night thank you very much hope you don't mind if i save it till the night after tomorrow night i might actually just stay up through the night so that i can catch something incredibly beautiful in the morning and then after i catch that i'm gonna pass out in a parking lot for about three to five hours and then wake up we'll probably do a live stream after that and then we'll do it all again so the excitement on all of this is very real the one really really exciting location i have planned i don't really think it would make for a tokyo lens explorer video at all but we'll figure it out and are you still in the same camper van that you featured a few weeks ago yes i am that is not a steady camera that is the camper van right there it is all set up and chill and that is the camera that's recording us right there that's where all the audio is coming from so that's a thing and now you know you've seen the behind the scenes number one rule of cinematography never show the camera just showed the camera both all right how's the weather there we uh we covered weather earlier it is a hot mess i highly recommend that you go back and check that section out i don't think i could fit another snack into me right now i made the mistake of i was like i'm gonna be smart about this i'm not gonna go into this with an empty stomach i'm gonna have i actually i got these hot dogs with cheese wrapped in nun bread and i roasted it over the coals and it was the most amazing thing and then i ate another one and another and now i didn't leave enough space for snacks um as always though if you're interested the tokyo treat and sakurako boxes are linked down in the description box um i don't get any kickbacks from you clicking that or anything like that but it does make me look good so if you're gonna order it it makes tokyo treat be willing to give me more snack boxes and then i can do more stuff like giveaways and everything like that so and chan is back in here saying abandoned buildings and villages more so spots that are not reachable via road thus exploration by air hike out to them many herb extras in japan i would say honestly like anything that you plan on doing by air like the paramounting you're gonna need to make sure that you know the the local laws for that um make sure that that i i haven't touched on that world so i can't say a whole lot about it but i will say that the vast majority of the abandoned villages you won't be able to see from the air because they're covered in trees anyway so you'd be flying over them and they would just look like a forest and you'd be like oh look there's a forest some of them like that i've been to like you can't you can't see anything above them whatsoever uh there are a lot of urbexers and a lot of that you know exploring abandoned places the haikyuu exploration culture uh in here in japan um everyone kind of has their own take on it if there's places that you can't get to by car and you've gotta hike out to them um just make sure i would say don't if it if there's a do not enter a sign or a lock and you cross that you've broken a law there's no gray area there you've broken a law now they would still need to find the owner the original owner of that and that owner would have to want to go through the legal expense of prosecuting you in order for you to get in any real trouble so take that as you will but above all else safety like honestly i can't i can't be like yeah go out and check those things out and then i see you on the news a few weeks later and like you've disappeared now just safety above all else make sure someone knows where you are make sure you got someone going with you make sure you have a way to contact the outside world that's my big thing is just be safe and be smart there's lots of exciting stuff to explore out there and it'd be way more fun to explore a hundred spots than to explore too so and david lee in there with hk8 thank you so much for the super chats guys i really really appreciate it i'll be honest uh are there any bear there's always bears we've talked about bears about 400 times how are you powering the black magic panel and the kit so i showed this a little earlier on i'll try to get a better shot of it now so the setup that i have here um how can i put this okay so i use the blackmagic uh atem mini here and i've just knocked all my boxes over you could probably hear them this here is an eco flow ef delta i think it says it on the side here there we go and this is just a massive massive power source and it's got all the usbs on the front it's got six plugs on the back the whole thing charges from zero to eighty percent in like i'm gonna switch back over to this camera the whole thing charges from like zero to eighty percent in an hour it is comes in this nice carrying case so if i need to like go into a family restaurant and discreetly plug it in under the table it doesn't look like i'm carrying a giant power bank and it is uh it also serves as a nice table topper for my laptop here so yeah there it is it actually says ef delta right there on it so it is it was my present to myself for this trip because i knew i was gonna need a lot of power if i was gonna do these outdoor live streams with you guys and if i was gonna keep all my stuff charged in that van for basically an entire week and so this big old power bank was my early happy birthday gift to myself just to say here travel staff safe that was that's a new word by the way stay charged and connected and because it charges up so fast i can just use the power the the solar panels over the the car and just charge it right up i love it so i think we are all caught up and genuinely thought that was a full-on car battery no it's uh it is it is not it's just it's is do i have a light i think i have a light so i do have a light you know what if i were to light this whole thing up does that look better or worse or the same i think that kind of looks better should have probably done that from the beginning it gives a little more light looks a heck of a lot better i just got these like dollar store lights just hanging on this this tarp string here so you can charge your smartphone with that thing like 400 times i think i think at least i have so i chose this one because i use the eco flow river pro and that actually just sits in my living room as like the the emergency charge device in case power ever goes out or there's an earthquake or anything like that i always keep that one fully charged for the most part because sometimes i'm lazy and i don't want to get up and go plugging my phone so i just plug it into that so any self-defense tools no self-defense tools for the most part in japan are just considered as weapons and they're illegal so much better but the fire was enough light before it died that's a good point oh this battery will last for absolutely ever like this battery is definitely not dying anytime soon i have no worries whatsoever about that like even with things come on focus even with things running as they are now um it's still saying we could probably get 14 or 15 hours out of this battery running and right now this battery is running the camera i've got the laptop plugged into it i've got uh the ivideo wi-fi device plugged into it i have the black magic plugged into it and i'm charging my phone via usbc it's currently drawing about 50 watts of power and it's still totally fine it's still telling me we've got easily 16 17 hours of power at this drain and then i'll charge all my stuff up at night and it probably only goes down maybe five percent and that's me charging my stuff like i'm talking i'll charge a drone battery i'll charge my microphones like my lav mics i'll charge up my laptop my camera batteries my gopro my wi-fi and it barely makes a dent this thing if i didn't charge it would probably easily make it through half the week if not longer so all right didn't it say 20 hours an hour ago it bounces around uh because the the amount of draw on it from the devices is always a little bit different so right now it's back up to 18 hours and now it's 13. but also the more power that the the laptop draws like as soon as the laptop starts drawing a lot of power it's going to start using a lot more battery so and yes it is 1 260 watt hours so that is that is a lot so self-defense tool throw the heavy battery that works so and while it is an exciting setup it's also a setup that's gonna take me forever to clean up and we have a live stream coming up in what six hours so i'm going to address this this one last super chat from xanadude here and we will start winding down so uh if i can only visit one do i station or tucky shrine also is there a highway pass available with a set fee instead of saying tolls one by one so do i station is pretty easy to get to um and there's a lot of stuff in the area there's a really exciting mountain in the area for you to go to and uh there's a lot of hikers there it's a dangerous mountain so again safety but there's also ubisoft station nearby but taki shrine where i went out about two years ago a shrine that at the time wasn't on google maps and we finally got it approved on google maps it's so it was so difficult to find it's such a beautiful place but there's nothing else around it and a ton of spider webs so kind of go with how much time you want to put into the amount of reward that you get maybe additionally there is no set highway pass there's no like taki or anything for the highway you just have to pay the tolls every single time that's it highways in japan if you didn't know aren't free so for example like to get from tokyo to where i am now uh i used half highway half not highway and it cost me just over a hundred dollars total to get from tokyo to here and then you know i'd say the average two to three hour drive you're probably looking at 20 to 40 dollars so and i know i said that was the last one but one last one here from pedro luft thank you always pedro i appreciate it it says this is to help with the emergency system subscription travel safe norm pedro thank you so much and as i have shared with you guys everything that we do here every super chat that we get goes back directly into making the tokyo lens explorer videos possible we have so much coming up over the next week i'm so excited about it we're going to have live streams every single day so if you don't have the notifications turned on already where did i put my drink did i knock it down if you don't have notifications turned on for this channel already i'm not going to be leaving every live stream up every single time so i highly recommend that you turn on all notifications for this channel that way you never miss a live stream i'm desperately thirsty did i put it back in the box it feels heavy enough that i might have just put it back in the box i did so i can't i can't i can't stress the notifications thing enough nice healthy carbonated sugar and with all of that being said i am hoping for the next live stream to start before 7 a.m jst japan standard time uh preferably if i can i'm gonna get it closer to 5 30 or 6 a.m somewhere near sunrise not too close to the rain that way it'll be a different time of the day for most of you and for those of you who are watching this afterwards maybe you might even be able to catch that one live so that being said you can slowly see me crashing right now uh the sky the tiredness has started to hit the headache is coming in strong so i'm gonna wrap this up for now i'm gonna pack all of this up because it is a hot mess out here there's so much stuff out of frame that you guys can't even see it's just it's gonna take a while to just tidy it all up so thank you guys so much for joining today it's been a ton of fun and you know you know i will see you again real soon i wonder how many people just dropped out of the live stream right there like it was their first ever tokyo land stream and they have no idea that i'm actually still sitting here and that the live stream is still going on and the first ending is almost always a lie it's not a real thing it's like the cake but the second ending that one tends to be a little how about that one did you fall for the second one did you believe that the second one was an actual real ending or did you think god no there's no way that there's no way that this is a real ending because this is this is norm this you know he wouldn't he wouldn't do that to us and yet the screen has gone black again and then all of a sudden in the middle of his sentence it's just gonna and i left that one long enough that you might have actually thought that that was the end but it wasn't it wasn't the end you know the fire is gone though well if the fire is gone i might as well be too see ya the funniest part of this is just the fact that when the live stream really does end more often than not it just ends mid-sentence and you know i you can see me looking at the computer right now and you know you know that in the middle of one of my sentences
Channel: Tokyo Lens Explore
Views: 12,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japan camping, camping in japan, nagano, camping, camp, japan camp, how to camp in japan, what its like to camp in japan, nagano camping, nagano Japan, Japan camping live, camping live
Id: iatAcXyh2K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 34sec (4534 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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