Exploring Osaka in the Morning | @Tokyo Lens

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good morning everybody no there we go that should work good morning everybody from osaka hope everyone's doing well today we are finally kicking off the stream hopefully in a nice crisp 1080p and i cannot get rid of anything um there we go good morning everyone from osaka a very osaka start to the day how is everybody doing today we've come out to osaka for the sole purpose of enjoying a live stream together and i want to start by saying a huge thank you to red panda for kicking off the super chats along with tim hempstead and chris very generous thank you so much casey as well how is everybody doing look how crystal clear and smooth that water is today that is some very scary there's no wind there's nothing it's gonna be a nice day to walk around osaka and do a bit of live streaming this dude over here is having the best time of his life i don't come out to osaka very often so i think that we're gonna have a lot of fun today so i might actually lean on you guys to help guide us around for now why don't we head down and start with a bit of a walk by the river and yes if you were part of the also look at how clear this street is right now this ebisubachi sushi shotengai is usually just packed full of people but we are so early in the morning right now that it's nice and quiet we're gonna start down here walk down along the river and kick off the morning in osaka how's everybody doing if you're privy to the the kyoto stream our second kyoto stream we got hit with some pretty bad rain and it was it was less than fun it was it was wonderful it's super nice walking through the rain so got out to osaka nice and early so that we'd be able to do a bit of a live stream walk through the area today right now we are in the area of number and clebras in here saying my first super chat best wishes norm thank you so much for keeping that super chat ball rolling i also see the question of what time is it right now let's take a look at the watch it is currently 6 52 in the morning here in osaka wow that that that crow he's just carrying that container with him all right man all the best to you enjoy your container and that cat is just full on booking it very active morning for the animals here in osaka it's been i'd say close to two years since the last time that i managed to make it out to osaka we did a little bit of a video last time but i figured this time we would focus almost entirely on live streaming that big old don quijote there and annette keeping that super chat ball rolling and calling me a noob because i'm i'm an osaka noob and according to how smoothly today's stream started it turns out i'm a streaming noob as well so today we are going to be walking through this area if you missed the kyoto live streams we are now on a slightly different mobile streaming software so the stream should be coming to you in a much nicer and more crisp full hd 1080p super happy about that uh if it is weird for you or if it's buffering a lot of people have been saying that if you just refresh it it helps fix it but we got a bunch of doggos coming up here good morning doggos and they're all wearing jackets good morning you too thank you bye the one thing that i will say that i enjoy about the osaka or kansai area is that the uh the people here tend to be very friendly very warm well i have probably already talked to like 15 20 people this morning even before kicking off the stream just while getting set up people were like oh are you a youtuber and i'm like yeah and they're like what's your channel what's your channel so made a few friends this morning everyone was really nice and annette in there again keeping that super chat ball rolling saying morning coffee thank you so much for that osaka the entire kansai area you'll tend to like yesterday i got on a train and since the beginning of the end of the world basically people have been much more quiet on trains i've seen people actually get angry and yell at individuals for like talking on the train but here in osaka it was just everyone chit-chatting and within seconds of getting on the train someone was like hey you speak english where are you going why are you here so it's always nice to be out in the kansai area so love that interaction that's how you do small talk right and the number of people who are just going around like randomly yelling and singing and everything like that it adds a super lively atmosphere to the uh to the morning i'm hoping so last time that we did a stream there was a little bit of a delay and i'm hoping that i a little bit there was a there was a massive delay there was a giant delay and i'm hoping that we've managed to fix that delay that whole interaction with the uh the dogs and whatnot should have hopefully given us an idea of whether or not it is fixed so let me know what you think right now it's actually a touch chili out while i was in kyoto it was pretty warm but it's only it says 8 degrees but feels a little closer to 6. but again there's no wind whatsoever so super grateful for that out for a really early morning family walk i was like moss and if you weren't in for the kyoto live stream adventure i will let you know that this is location two on our one month of live stream adventures throughout japan every week we're going to be going to different cities and doing live streams all across the country and if you are watching this after or sticking around to the end when this video is posted in the comments please put where you would like to see next osaka was one of the most voted for locations in our last stream and so that brought us out to osaka this week so all right let's head into here super early in the morning so i'm assuming a lot of the food and whatnot is probably not going to be out and running but i want to give a huge thank you to slices of japan for keeping that super chat ball rolling saying hey norm thank you for this stream the area strangely feels nostalgic from when i played the yakuza series please have a morning beverage or snack on me absolutely i will thank you so much for that and yeah we're gonna be doing streams every single week that whole yakuza game comment is kind of funny because i did the documentary on the closing of the sega arcade in ikebukuro and that is also famously one of the locations for that game and i'd say a good 10 to 20 of all comments on that entire video were about like oh i've only ever visited there in the yakuza game so big crab [Music] too early for okonomiyaki i don't even know if anywhere is serving it you see when i walk around and do a stream in tokyo i tend to avoid uh going into shops and restaurants and everything like that because people tend to not be as open and friendly and whatnot with cameras and all that as they are here in kansai but if anything is open and we can grab some food i would absolutely love to now when it comes to suggesting areas for live streams number one rule on the list is i will not be doing okinawa for a few reasons number one haven't been to okinawa yet and i kind of feel like i'm saving it i don't know for what but i figure if i'm going to go there i want to do something good i want to make the best of it and i don't want to have to just swing through for a day and leave so okinawa was off the list additionally things like forests and countryside towns are not the most conducive to live streaming so hopefully we can stick to some more of the major cities around japan but if there is a major city that you want to see let me know and we'll check it out so this area here we're pretty close to the namba area of osaka and this street here is one of the most famous places in the entire area to grab food there's just so many shops and restaurants and everything all right and as we do this i am trying to keep up with comments and whatnot as much as i can take a peek but yeah if there are areas that you want to see when this video gets published and saved please drop your requests into the comments section so i can go back later look at which ones came up the most often which uh locations got the most likes or gained the most engagement and whatnot and just like osaka we could be on our way to a new location and sweet archangels saying morning arm usual request sewer lid reveal well our first sewer lid is gonna be this one here and it's a pretty boring start so let's see if we can't find here we go right off to the side that's upside down it's all kinds of upside down there we go there's our osaka sewer lid and i see some requests in there like uh hokkaido would be nice or any chance you could visit nagoya all of those are 100 possibilities providing that you drop them in in the comments when it goes live so i can see which ones are popular and voted for we'll probably swing back later and come across this little bridge here because i just like this little wooden bridge you know what we'll swing back this way this is one of the few shops running in the area right now very visually nice they got ramen and whatnot going surprisingly at like six o'clock in this in the morning this shop was just hopping with people the owner of that bicycle is gonna be like what them yeah maybe so how many of you in the chat right now have actually had the opportunity to go out to osaka and if you have had the chance to come out to osaka what is your favorite area what do you think is some of the best stuff to see and do in osaka let me know and jonathan has asked how much boating have you done since you got your boating permit yes got my captain's license here in japan a while back and i've done some boating but not a lot i did all the necessary training and whatnot to be able to navigate the rivers of tokyo there's like a special seminar course one day thing that you've got to do and i've done that and if you saw the video i went out and shot down by mount fuji but haven't done new i haven't had the chance the time to do nearly as much boating as i want to just yet so some people are saying osaka castle area look at this so this shop right here this gyoza shop kind of broke my heart the last time i was in osaka maybe 2019 or the very beginning of 2020 they used to have like this giant gyoza sandwich thing and i came all the way out to namba just to get the giant gyoza sandwich and then boom no giant girls a sandwich like oh we discontinued that sorry no more of that so that was that was my osaka heartbreak and i didn't know what else to get out here so i think i just grabbed some random takoyaki and some other street food and then and then left mary's saying what is that noise is there a noise in the background like i can hear vents and whatnot but are we hearing other noises lots of votes for osaka castle osaka castle seems like a really popular space who knows maybe we can walk out there what do you guys think don't think it would be impossible let's head down this shotengai area here loop back head down that beautiful wooden bridge and then see if we can't make our way through the streets of osaka to the castle which is quite literally in the exact opposite direction and elaine in there keeping that super chat ball rolling good morning elaine lane always gives the chicken money i was actually when i checked the weather forward today we got lucky once again because it originally said that we were going to be hit with a super cloudy morning but we got beautiful blue skies and i'm very happy about that i saw and cookie ninja in there saying hi hi cookie ninja and thank you for keeping the super chat ball rolling uh i see a question saying can you go into the castle most likely i won't be doing it on the stream if you've ever gone into a japanese castle more often than not there's a situation where the stairs are almost more like a ladder and they're incredibly steep so while they're okay with you taking pictures they request that you turn off and put away any cameras when you look at this alleyway by the way get that they request that you turn off and put away any cameras while you're going up the stairs so we would get into the first floor take a peek and then leave and that's if they're okay with us shooting in there at all so it's a lovely sounding truck shall we head into this little back alley here i feel like the answer to that has to be a resounding yes and roy d in there saying thanks for taking me back to osaka it's been over 10 years since i was last there roy thanks so much for coming along for the walk and jay zm saying good morning norm have another beverage on me thank you so much for keeping things rolling with that super appreciated always love having you here thank you kind of loving this area a lot back alley for the win we always got to do the back alleys it just feels like a requirement at this point and zayn saying have a coffee on me bro cheers oh my even narrower back alley do we go down the wider one or the narrower one you know what i already know what everybody's gonna vote the narrower the space the harder we try to fit through it so zayn thank you so much for keeping that super chat while rolling with the coffee i will 100 be getting a coffee when all of this wraps up we might even take a peek at some of the vending machines along the way and see if we can't find anything that i don't see in tokyo wow it is dark in here i'm sure that none of these shops have people in them right now but i just i feel the need to be quiet while i'm in here for some reason and star of night saying hello from canada plan was to come in 2021 but the more i'm forced to delay my trip the more inspiration you give through your videos oh thank you really glad that you're able to enjoy it that much that is part of the plan and that's why as i said for this entire month we're just going to be zipping around to different cities in japan and doing live streams as much as we can you know one of the most requested uh live streams outside of the osaka the osaka that's right i call it the osaka was that forest of mononoke that i had shot in a pre in a previous video and that forest there is absolutely gorgeous but there are a few things that make it somewhat challenging to live stream starting with the fact that you need near perfect conditions to get it looking as good as it did in that video that was my third time driving out there area i really love this river that was my third time driving out there and trying to get that scene and i just never managed to get it until that last one second there's no signal which makes it incredibly difficult to do a live stream now i could do a pre-recorded walk but the other big challenge is excuse me i don't think it would do it justice with the light cutting through the trees off in the distance and everything like that you really need to be able to zoom in and punch in on that and it all of that beautiful light cutting through the forest that you would have seen in the videos lasts a little more than about 10 minutes so the forest of monologue video if one of the mods uh is able to link that in the chat here that was honestly one of my favorite videos of the year to make so so what do you say guys should we hang out here in namba or should we take some of the back streets through osaka and work our way towards osaka castle drop your votes in the comments while you're doing that i'm gonna say a huge thank you to david lee for keeping that super chat ball rolling and saying wish i was back in osaka again thanks for the flashbacks honestly thanks so much for being here and being a part of it lots of people out and around like i got out to this area i'd say close to 5 a.m and it was just packed with people so and rob c in here as well saying ask you enough drink donations this is to start the ball rolling for a nintendo switch fun oh thank you thanks for the morning walks and allowing the uk to watch live all right it looks like it is a land slide decision that we are taking the back streets of osaka all the way out to the castle now the castle itself is roughly about three kilometers from here so it should be a decent amount to do on the live stream it should be a good time and silver saying didn't sleep most of the night so at my limit but having onigiri on me thank you so much i 100 would definitely do that as well as paul mccool i love the name paul mccool hey norm get yourself a coffee i will do that paul thank you very much let's take a look at the vending machines over here and see if we can find any products that i don't usually see in tokyo so far we have a fairly standard set of vending machines except for this chill out which is called a relaxation drink what what is a relaxation drink chill out relaxation drink we've got another set of vending machines over here let's take a peek at these okay you don't actually see a ton of pickle which is like kind of like a yogurt-esque drink in vending machines in tokyo it might just be this vending machine as well can't really say that it's an osaka thing for sure got some cream corn but i do notice that the further you get out kind of west in japan the more you're likely to get this sangria beverage the this brand of beverage in vending machines i don't see it as much in tokyo uh when you go to shikoku there's an entire set of drinks called kabunomi i think it's kabu nomi and i never see them anywhere else i'll catch them maybe every now and then in tokyo but otherwise don't really see them in other places but they're everywhere in shikoku and dennis vardy is saying hey norm hope you're well thank you for the video thank you so much for the super chat i've actually i'm surprised we've come across more than one garbage truck this morning and they haven't been playing their music one of the things that's always driven me nuts about osaka is that all the jar trucks yes i said garbage all the garbage trucks drive around playing really loud music and when i talk to japanese friends they're like oh yeah likely it's uh it's just so that the people in the area are like oh last minute totally forgot to put out my garbage i can hear the garbage truck coming it's it's like the world's worst ice cream truck you hear it coming you're like oh i gotta i gotta put out my garbage there we go so osaka castle is gonna be out in this direction it says it's a wee bit of a walk and i want to give a huge shout out and thank you to the color 12 who has been mapping our walks lately they've used projection mapping to say no bicycles and there's still a bicycle so and the usual super quiet osaka mornings [Music] ah getting back into here well say natalie says good morning from new zealand thanks as always for helping to scratch everyone's collective tourism itch that's part of the goal it really is as i said uh over the past year japan has honestly given me quite a bit in terms of opportunity to share it with you i've met a lot of amazing people and managed to make videos all across the country in so many different situations so a large part of this month and doing all these live streams as i mentioned in the kyoto stream is to just kind of do what i can personally to give a boost to the economy taking more trains making sure that i eat two to three right meals in restaurants at every location that i go i buy little gifts and souvenirs and i send them to my friends from the station and whatnot so we uh doing what we can to give back to this country that's given us so much so thank you so much for that and leva liva is in here keeping the super chat ball rolling saying love your videos can't wait to see japan honestly if you're one of those people who's waiting to come to japan for the first time i will say that for those of us or i guess for those who have been here multiple times we can all vouch for one thing that first trip just ends up being like an appetizer and you just want to come more and more and more you could do a month on your first trip and it still probably wouldn't feel like enough so thank you so much for being a part of it and thank you for the super chat so and going back to that super chat about the uh the switch there in one of the previous streams i mentioned that one of my goals for 2022 is to actually kick back and take a little more personal time and that i'm looking at getting a switch so i asked if there were any absolute must have games for the switch because i'm starting years late and completely at zero so if there are any must-have games let me know every direction we point has like some kind of shotengai or arcade or covered walkway off in the distance there's a pretty big difference between there's actually two really big differences between osaka's back streets and tokyo's back streets i would say the first major difference that i notice and recognize is that in tokyo as soon as you get into the back streets things tend to quiet out there's less activity there's less people but in osaka noisy try followed by noisier like in osaka the back streets are pretty heavily utilized and there are people everywhere in every backstreet the other thing is if you're going through tokyo walking through the back streets you're very likely to come across a lot of little temples and shrines and everything like that non-stop it's just this room rolling revolving just non-stop roll of temples and shrines and you don't get as much of that in osaka as you do in somewhere like tokyo see got another covered arcade down there got a police car down here and osaka castle is this way let's walk on the sidewalk so that we don't get called out for half hours jaywalking trying to read through and catch up on everybody's splatoon 2 eh oh come on i turned on this street so that i wouldn't have to deal with you why why did you turn down the street as well let's go pikachu and evie for the switch pokemon games are always good dodge the fuzz no jaywalking so again a huge thank you if you're looking at previous streams hopefully within today i'm going to be adding the uh the walking maps to the previous kyoto streams that the color 12 has done for us uh the color 12 i know you dropped those on the patreon discord if you'd be so kind as through either the patreon discord or through our secret instagram if you could shoot me a dm uh with links to those maps i will add those into the kyoto walk later on today for anybody who wants to follow along with the walk so and bowsey thank you so much for the super chat in here saying i need this live stream every day and mary's saying well the cop just wants to be featured in your channel that might actually i think that's it that's that's exactly what's going on here and what's a switch just kidding lol have you seen a toyota a86 or hatidoku in japan they are a really common car there i wouldn't say that they're really common they do exist probably more than in overseas i would say i see about one to two uh hachiroku's per month on average that'd be my guess there's not a ton of them but you do see them let's head down this way [Music] no opposite [Music] we got ourselves a porsche suv here looking super friendly there we go i would say out of all the places in japan look at all the the stuffed animals on his dash here you actually get a lot of that in japan people who just line up dozens and dozens and dozens of stuffed animals on the dashboard of their car some keep them so long there that everything gets bleached out as i walk through here and enjoying the sounds of osaka in the morning super quiet i uh again have my eyes open in the hopes of maybe coming across some backstreet temples and shrines but yeah it's been like this since pretty much five or six in the morning and i want to give a huge thank you to pedro left for keeping that super chat ball rolling saying hey gang how's everybody doing today don't forget to show the like buttons oh thank you so much for using your super chat yeah yeah give the like button some love if you haven't already and alvey is in here saying zelda b-o-t-w for the nature okay [ __ ] train for the urban i will check out both thank you very much and rob saying switch also does retro gaming n64 snes nes and genesis nice right now one of the only uh gaming systems i have in my home is an n64 and i have literally literally every game for the n64 so when i do have people over it's quite often a bit of an n64 gaming party so all right actually we're getting pretty close to the castle we're not quite there yet and we're going to jaywalk again right in front of the pose so that's a thing i'm gonna head over this way for now i feel like they're following me they just really want to be in the live stream well we can't fault them for it it's an exciting stream and i'm just reading through some of the comments you guys have left here see this this is what i enjoy about the live stream aspect is that we get this element of interaction where you guys can leave me comments i can respond i can read it out i think we might do what we did with kyoto today i think that it might be worth coming back out here at night to do a nighttime live stream through osaka as well show the livelihood of the area the craziness all the excitement and action what do you guys think you know what maybe we'll uh i'll take a look at it in the chat right now but also when this stream gets published leave it in the comments if you think that we should do a nighttime walk here in osaka as well before we head off to our next destination my favorite comment of the day is why you walking around literally for you i literally came out here to osaka to walk around so that you could feel like you're here and we're making our way out to osaka castle so i hope that you are enjoying it and the sun coming up back there is looking quite nice even as backstreets go this is pretty wide to be honest looks like the idea of osaka at night might be a slightly popular popular one the concept of english has just escaped me lately it's popular it's quite popular he he was just zipping right down the middle of that road going in the wrong direction but prestige liquids in here keeping the super chat ball rolling thank you so much and steph as well thank you saying love your live streams they give me peace and lots of ideas for animal crossing island designs oh i like that keep up the awesome work steph thank you so much glad to have you here glad you're enjoying it i there are certain games that i avoid like animal crossing because i know i know that if i start i'm gonna disappear into it do you guys remember roller coaster tycoon i did roller coaster tycoon when i was young and i lost weeks of my life to that game that i'll just never ever get back again another garbage truck without the music this might be our day the music it drives me crazy there we go but again as we said earlier you're probably noticing at this point a very large absence of any shrines or temples as we walk through these back streets and juul m at first i thought we had a school here but it looks like it's just a field no grass forget the grass jewel m sang hey thanks for the walks and talks have you ever traveled with a motorcycle through japan seems like the climate is ideal kind of so i got myself a slow bike when i say a slow bike i mean if you were to google modified honda zoomer or modified honda ruckus i had a lowered and lengthened honda zoomer that i used to use to get through tokyo and to nearby areas go to enoshima and stuff like that the climate is quite nice for it uh i decided to choose a slower bike the slowest one that i could find at just 50 cc's because i know myself well enough to know that if i got myself a faster bike i'd be dead today and i no longer have that bike and no longer ride that bike i right before i shot i did a documentary on the 10-year anniversary of the march 11th disaster last year and the day before i went to shoot that documentary the bike saw its final day so explore do a blade runner-esque night walk around osaka with all the lights and textures and a question in here about how difficult is it to own a small car it really depends on where you are like i live in tokyo and if you want to own a car in order to get the registration in order to actually purchase the car you need to show proof of having a parking space because parking spaces are so rare and hard to get i guess they're not a rare might not be the right word but because parking spaces are so few you need an inexpensive if you're in the city like parking in if i wanted to park my car for example at my building i'm looking at somewhere around 600 like dollars it'd be around 600 us dollars a month my previous one even when i lived in asakusa was like 450 a month so i tend to rent a lot of cars and do car share and stuff like that because the cost just works out being so much better but you still have things like shotgun which is like a once in every two year uh expense and everything like that but owning a car and driving in japan like driving in japan i've always found is super super easy uh i think especially in the city tokyo is a big city very densely populated city similar to somewhere like new york but it is much easier to drive in tokyo because people are really used to it and they tend to be uh gentle friendly nice it's a conducive it's an environment conducive to driving is what i'll say [Applause] and glad that ended safely i was on the edge of my seat there for a second uh i just got a question saying what is the best food you've ever eaten in japan [Applause] that is coming to you soon i don't do a lot of food content on tokyo lens but there's one that i absolutely positively had to do and it was i'm loving this river by the way i want to go through here on boat uh so later on this month as one of the last videos if not the last video of the year we're gonna be doing some food content then you're gonna be finding out what the single best what that is just dead space there's it's being used for nothing what a rarity in japan especially in a metropolis wow yeah later on this month over on tokyo lens you're gonna get to see the single best meal that i have ever had in japan it was a little bit over the top i wanted to do a meal that was good and a little extreme and i think this checked off those boxes nicely take a peek at this street up here and keep climbing the hill there's another one that says where is the nicest area in tokyo i think that's a pretty subjective question it depends on what you like it depends on what you count as being nice so we got another covered walkway here and while i do want to get across the street i feel like this would be less jaywalking and more frogger so we might wait see vending machines over there though wow yeah we are we're not making it across that safely every now and then you get a light like this so you don't want to miss s2000 because it's really long on one side but step right through there you can see in his face too he's like i've committed to turning even though it's gonna turn red you just seen his eyes it busted i'm worse than a jaywalking youtuber there we go so for anybody just joining in the stream right now we are doing a month of streams across cities in japan and we are walking through the back streets of osaka towards osaka castle by request so we can check out that area i don't know if i've you know i have been to osaka castle i went to osaka castle back once in 2005 and i have not been to osaka castle since so it's gonna be a fun little visit i haven't seen this place in absolutely forever and just pulled my comments phone out of my pocket so if i've missed anything important just drop it back in or the mods give me a heads up so do the summoning based on the chicken yeah i don't know stacy's saying i think it's too early in the morning to summon him i think you are right it is currently about 7 45 about quarter to eight in the morning as we make our way towards osaka castle last time that i came out here i decided to walk from the namba area out to the umeda sky building honestly it was a bit more of an undertaking than i had originally oh my lord we found a shrine oh i'm so excited oh also and this is actually a nice little area too i like how this space looks oh i'm so happy we uh there's been a very distinct lack of backstreet shrines in our walks and i'm super excited to have this one it's tiny but it's wonderful and i love this with the sun coming way up in the background there got this little alley to the house here as well [Music] and as i do all of these adventures i am also hoping to do a little bit of a behind-the-scenes video on tokyo lens for each of the locations that we go to so sorry i'm just really enjoying this shrine area all right let's keep making our way towards osaka castle i'd love to make a little bit of a behind the scenes video of the travels that we do through the next month or so there we go castle should be out this way you can kind of see mountains off in the background and chris yamagata thank you christian got that in there with a super chat saying you are amazing and i i'm assuming that is to that little shrine the more rare they are the more beautiful they become so and jonas jonas i i hope i got that right said just recently found you by your kyoto stream well nice to meet you glad to have you i'm norm hope your day is doing good really enjoying your content subscribe love that thank you you could go to hokkaido next it'd be lovely to see it during the snow hokkaido was also a fairly popular choice and when i was deciding whether or not i was going to head to osaka this morning or to hokkaido i did so entirely based on the weather and so with our previous set of streams we are set up and ready to go pretty much anywhere and show off the area to you guys but again there was no snow today in sapporo and i'd love to do something like sapporo i was actually going to head out to like hirosaki or aomori area but if i'm coming completely clean with you when you get out to those bigger wider areas where the the building density and whatnot is just spread quite a bit more there's not as much change from area to area like walking through somewhere like osaka or kyoto we can easily hop from area to area with scenery changes and back streets and everything like that one minute we're in namba at the river next minute we are out of the castle but when you get out to those bigger wide open areas you don't get as much of that change as you walk so to go from area to area it would be like i could do a 20-minute stream in one area then maybe a 20-minute stream in another area but i'd have to take a break and you know take a car between areas and here is something that i'm sure some people can be like no japan don't but that is becoming more and more accepted in japan which is the scooters all the ones here are done by this company called loop and if you'll notice they have mirrors as well as brakes turn signals and everything like that and they have license plates and they have to have license plates because since they're a self-propelled motor vehicle any fully self-propelled motor vehicle in japan is required to have a license plate because it acts as a scooter basically and when i say scooter i mean like an under 50cc bike and so again i've used j1 today and so they have to have license plates on them as well as a rear-view mirror and the ability to show brake lights a turn signal and you can't just use them on the sidewalks and stuff like that you have to treat them like a car and follow the rules of the road you can't go the wrong way on a one right road you can't be on the sidewalk you can't cut through a park they have to be treated like a proper motor vehicle and that was a man in a dress to celebrate my first time catching one of your live streams hope you are doing great love all your videos best wishes from hungary thank you so much thank you thank you i really appreciate that i mentioned in the kyoto stream as well but i've noticed there are quite a few people in who have been in for a while and have not yet given that subscribe button some love so if you haven't already hit the subscribe button and look at that little and make sure you turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of the impromptu or last minute live streams and shauna who has been with the tokyo lens community for ever in here saying congratulations on your shamisen plushie norm grab some coffee why thank you very much shawna i uh recently released a shamisen plushie like a little hand-sized [Music] all right so it says that we are back hopefully hopefully we're back okay so we caught the four-wheeler good good [Applause] [Music] as soon as i committed to the narrow back alleys all right let's take a look at where we are japanese construction always kind of catches my eye [Applause] and for the color 12 who always keeps an eye on these for us this is where we are right now look at that construction though just fall on at it i'm gonna head down this way and right now we are actually not yeah destruction construction we are getting even closer to osaka castle as we go here i think actually fairly soon we should be within visual range of osaka castle so i'm just super on the lookout for the castle right now hoping that i can catch a peak i feel like this giant building right here i feel like the castle is going to be hiding behind this building so when the uh in the stream decided to cut out there a bit hopefully i didn't miss anything i'm trying to get caught up on everything here there we go it looks like we are good all right gonna come around here and hopefully see osaka castle in the next minute or so so if you're just joining in the stream now we are also most likely going to do a nighttime stream here in osaka there's a lot of don quixote you know like they are everywhere i'm gonna cross here so i don't have to wait for the light there we go the ultimate jaywalker and a super chat in here from ray diaz hi ray saying please get a polk gutty sweat on me have a good one thank you so much for that ray 100 will do that so since we're in osaka the land of food today i've decided to committing to doing two full meals somewhere in osaka but i have not yet committed or decided what we are gonna get so i would love to hear from you what you think we should eat while we're here in osaka let me know feels like we're in the right area see look i'm waiting for the green light i'm good so we're gonna head down this way i thought we'd be able to see it already to be honest i think we'll be able to see once we pass this park [Music] i'm just scrolling through hey chan how's it going chan in here with a super chat this was a really bad lag test i'm sorry i was looking at the map so i'm just reading it now but for the lag test i will read the most recent comment that i see coming in which is okonomiyaki or okonomiyaki again oh and takoyaki donuts and coffee oh takoyaki okonomiyaki those are the most recent ones chan thanks so much for dropping in a super chat for the live for the uh lag test my brain is scrambled you see the other day i you know the the evening live stream that we did in kyoto i have a confession to make about that live stream you see that live stream i was originally planning on going for about 30 to 40 minutes longer but i wrapped up that live stream almost entirely because i was starving and my brain just stopped working and i was psycho so this this is the wall we have hit and so i wrapped up the live stream and i went and got an absolutely lovely dinner and everything was great [Applause] i'm hoping that maybe we can make the light up here okonomiyaki seems to be a very very popular choice takoyaki also being a very popular choice but i also kind of don't want to do like two yuckys in a row does that make sense barrier can't stop my feet yoink over the barrier to the pigeon farm honestly beautiful morning we got today here [Music] and chan for the second half of that super chat that you put there saying love your work thanks so much pigeon farm so right now we are just past 8 a.m it is 8 01 in the morning now and we are a stone's throw away from osaka castle it's not super cold right now like you do need a light jacket but you wouldn't freeze to death in just a sweater either and ray diaz in here keeping the super chat ball rolling by saying can you just get some kombini food i so miss the good egg santo karage from those kombini's man so i ended up getting into osaka a bit later than i expected and ended up just defaulting exactly to that kombini food and i feel like i'm heading to school right now you can see osaka castle off there in the background considerably further than i expected it to be but we're getting there we're getting there we'll just keep tracking forward and not scary steve is saying judong with some takoyaki chasers you know takoyaki chasers actually sound weirdly amazing especially if i could do like a cheese gizon with takoyaki a cheese takoyaki man that's just it's the bee's knees so there we are i noticed a lot of people in the comments commenting on the students backpacks and in japan especially like private schools and whatnot they often have all their own standard backpacks that they use and elementary school kids use these giant leather bags called nando and they i believe they're pretty expensive too uh like like three four or five hundred dollars for a single backpack but every kid needs to have one and then i think when they get into like uh junior high school high school for the most part they're okay to use whatever they want i'm slightly jogging to catch this light because i don't want to stand to the light i think we can make it we're going for a morning jog what do you think guys are jogging live streams doable or is it just way too shaky let me know that was our 20-second sample of what a jogging live stream would be like so let us know and kdc saying another pigeon farm that's that's not what kdc said but with the beautiful lighting and all the pigeons i kind of had to show it kdc saying my first super chat hi everyone oh thanks for saying hi to everybody not just me i don't know why i like that so much but i do and while i read this this lady's feeding the pigeons and it makes me so happy my first super chat hi everyone and norm can you please ride the don quijote ferris wheel if you do a night stream i don't know if they let me just get on and stream maybe i can uh maybe i can ask and see how that plays out there we go it's a plum grove over here lawson station entrance what is okay oh it's a washroom huh and there we go no it's closed you've got to be kidding me it opens in an hour i thought you know what a nice quiet lawson outside of the core let's uh let's go let's grab something let's grab a bite so i'm not starving maybe let's uh grab a drink and it's closed and weirdly you don't often see look how beautiful this is though you don't often see uh vending machines on castle grounds which is weird because in japan you'll even find vending machines on like on a farm here we go look at that view we'll get a bit closer but i just wanted to take a second to enjoy the water here just because i personally i love a good moat at sunrise i'm reading through trying to see if i got any response to the jogging stream all right let's make our way closer to the castle i'm assuming i don't know we'll see uh sometimes you get into places like that and they're not a huge fan of you walking through streaming with a camera the other day when we started the live stream in uh kyoto i started i think it was at like yasaka shrine or something and i was kind of heartbroken to be honest if i'm coming completely clean with you i was genuinely a little bit heartbroken because a security guard started like chasing me out of there going no no no and in retrospect there were a lot of people around me taking photos and videos with their phones some had dslrs yasaka shrine is actually a really popular place for people to go and take photo and video and i was like why why are you chasing just me out of here feels kind of unreasonable especially during a time when your city is kind of on the edge of potential bankruptcy and trying to help show its beauty to people but got a no drone zone here i love how they like feel the need to put a giant like it's not even a little sign either it is a giant sign so another pigeon group over here pigeon squad all the way all right and let's see how far we can get in and see if they uh if they mind the camera at all usually when i do stuff like this i actually like to go in advance and check if they're okay with it based on the votes of the live stream today we just came out here on request you guys said you wanted me to walk out to the castle so that's that's exactly what we did so i haven't had a chance to ask them so there's actually a question in there that i like which is kind of funny it says can you see the no drone sign from your drone i think they've made it big enough that hopefully you can okay really funny no drone story so chris sharla and i were doing a road trip through tohoku back in 2019 the entire road trip is posted on my channel and on sharla's channel if you want to check those out and we had an amazing time with it but one of the areas that we got to we got to the parking lot we checked the area's legality for flying drones it was okay and whatnot the area was completely clean there you know no airports nearby it wasn't an overpopulated red zone it was okay for drone flying so we put up the drone and we flew it around now we flew it up to the top of a mountain and around a statue and in doing that we got a lot of beautiful beautiful shots and as we were going in one of the gentlemen was like you guys were the ones flying the drone weren't you and we're like yeah what's up and he pointed to this tiny sticker on the window of a place that we had to walk 20 minutes to get to that said no drones and i explained that we flew from the parking lot we were actually asked to come out and show the tsunami recovery zone from the the government and that we had approval for the shoot and everything he was really angry at first and then hearing what we were doing he became super friendly and nice and at the very end sharla had this flower that was there that just smelled so good and she uh she asked him do you know what this is and he's like sorry i don't we're like okay that's fine went down to the car we packed up all the gear maybe 15-20 minutes later the gentleman came rushing down at full speed he's like i found out i found out what it is it's a plant called kin moksey and i have that moment in the video as well and it was just lovely i think this is our entrance to the castle itself so okay or maybe maybe it's just that the osaka castle main tower cannot be reached from here also please no open flames and there's only one gate please do not come into the garden if you're sick and most certainly no pets allowed okay let's walk our way around does this show where we are there's no red dot or a you are here okay it's okay we're at osaka castle it's a beautiful garden either way we'll walk around and take a look and i'm gonna go back to the comments and make sure i haven't missed anything because i had it all in my pocket so if you're just joining the stream now we are walking through the garden around osaka castle by request of the viewers of this live stream in fact we're in osaka on request and when this stream wraps up and goes live if you want to drop in your request for our next location yours could be chosen there's an abandoned railroad hike about a 30 minute train from osaka very flat and easy takes about two hours need a torch though because you go through six dark lung tunnels should check it that sounds amazing that sounds exactly like the kind of thing that i would go and do thank you for sharing that to the patreon mod squad could one of you do me a favor and copy that and drop it to either our mod chat or a dm to me over on our discord that would be spectacular i might want to check that out sometime this time we're only in osaka for today for the purpose of live streams this morning and then we're going to do a nighttime live stream going through the lively area probably dotonbori at night grab some food or something have a couple drinks i am really looking forward to that there we go looks like we might be able to get in from there the main tower area and it says the abandoned railway hike is takedown railway by the way that's some shrine look at this got the shrine gates here with the sunrise in the background loving that everyone's blaming the lag on the plushies [Music] we should be okay soon heading towards the castle now this here is the sakuramong gate which as you can read from the description here was founded in 2005 by dead deadmau5 and is designed to replicate the cyberpunk city of tron and casey jane in here keeping that super chat ball rolling with a little sticker that's a cute one too thank you so much for that casey heading towards osaka castle now there it is in all its glory it has been so long it has been so long since i came out here oh wow and what 12 years or something 13 years maybe since the last time that i got to see osaka castle ah if you have not if you have not already please give that like button some love finally the true history tron this lady's singing can you guys even hear that look at that don't freeze it don't don't forgive it don't forget to visit the time capsule there's a time capsule can you see inside or is it buried that's what they need to do they need to make like clear time capsules look at that so there's an entrance off here to the right for the museum won't be heading that way we're gonna go this way and take a walk around as close to the beautiful osaka castle as we can seems like a nice place for a morning jog look at that you know what because we can let's punch in a bit that was nice timing beautiful sight osaka castle and i think we have a whole ton of vending machines over here as well so before we do a full walk around the castle let's take a peek at what's available in the vending machines because my phone and gimbal don't want to work anymore there we go just got tired and it was like no i'm good we're fine let's take a peek at the vending machines and see if we can't get ourselves a nice beverage to walk around the castle with they got ice cream there's an ice cream vending machine got calpis coolish what do you guys think hot beverage cold beverage i think i might do a hot beverage i think the crows agree i don't know what this is but i want it more than anything dragon boost i feel like one can would kill me i feel like this one has a bit of a theme maybe these georgia latte nista are actually pretty good i enjoy those and then over here we have more ice cream why just give us a hot food vending machine i'm hungry all right grab ourselves a oh no i just realized i don't know if i can do it we'll try the uh my suica is in my phone so all right let's uh ice cream goes there all right they're our disposal uh you know what let's see if we can't grab ourselves some cocoa and then [Music] did it kill the stream yay [Music] yay we got ourselves a drink but the question is did it kill the stream know there's a gentleman over there let's give ourselves some a pro wow wow i get it i get it i get it i get it there we go oh it's like a castle in the back i'm gonna have to like crouch down like this looks like a castle in the background i think we can do this is that does that work and then i'll keep my eye on the comments as we enjoy quick hot beverage and then go explore around the castle area yeah i'm glad it didn't totally tank the stream ah that's nice melty coco toro which i used to there we go never seen your thumbnail i didn't realize i've been walking this long it's it feels like i've been walking like 45 minutes it's been well over an hour and a half now that crow was not happy about me being here also you're gonna be able to see it in a second hopefully there's like an airplane that's gonna be flying in from over here right across the castle area look at that i love it i love it oh did not realize that we had been walking for this long that's something else melty cocoa such a picturesque i know this is oh by the way i was telling you guys about one of previous streams about this jacket this jacket from uniqlo and it's like it's it's super thin down and it like rolls up and like it goes into this tiny little pouch and it's spectacular and it means that i don't have to carry a big jacket around everywhere and it just fits in the bag super i love it i absolutely love it and for anybody who hasn't had a chance to see it yet this is the shamisen plushie so i feel like i should take a picture of the shamisen plushie with osaka castle that feels like we gotta do that there we go picture taken with the castle put the plushie back in the bag it has like a little butchie a little plectrum that comes with it so ah i feel actually i just keep go go go on these streams most of the time i don't usually sit down and take a bit of a rest so this is kind of nice we're gonna go check out the castle in a second but i do want to finish my drink people are saying no don't pull out the chevy sin plushie it is the crasher of the stream i also want to get a quick shot of the castle here because that's just beautiful and absolutely absolutely beautiful love that i uh actually kind of want to get a bit more of a zoomed view so we're going to change out lenses for a second so we can get a better shot like a nice close-up because as i said as i do this i'm also trying to put together a little bit of a behind the scenes for you guys to bring you in the adventure with me so that we can do something for youtube there we go oh wow that's a super review pigeons over here having a good time did you hear those pigeons those pigeons are just having an amazing time get in on some of those there's a tiger up there here we so go see if i missed anything i've i've just been shooting stuff for the last second finishing up my drinks [Music] and yeah it is an absolute pigeon rave you know what maybe since i haven't taken any photo birds i just love the birds there what are we doing here wow really oh that's why [Music] there we go i'm taking out photos lately so we done that change our lenses back out finish up our drink and go explore the castle a little bit more and just scrolling through to make sure i didn't miss any comments from you guys how long do you think you could leave your bag there before getting unattended before getting taken i don't trust it i don't people like oh japan's so safe you can leave your stuff yeah there are cases where people have left stuff but i say it a lot japan is a country full of humans just like any other there are good people there are bad people japan is not a country where you can just willy-nilly leave your stuff completely unattended and never have to worry about it stuff gets stolen all the time all the time all the time protect your stuff that's all i'm gonna say that is that is all right let's go take a walk through the castle area i think we're good let's go enjoy the castle and turn this back around there we go all right give me a second to collect my stuff here and we will be off like a herd of turtles go ahead and dispose of our can oh and we have another airplane give me just a second here there we go and now let's take a wee bit of a walk i have my phone in my pocket right now so if i miss any comments or super chats or anything like that just let me know and i will get back to them as soon i'm using both hands right now so that to get the behind the scenes for this i'm actually shooting on another camera as well so oh what a beautiful morning look at this we got some lucky today thank you gopro thank you for powering off the camera at 20 battery oh what a hot piece of garbage gopro products are it just sucks that there's nothing they're just the the best of a bad situation action cams as a whole are just a hot mess but gopro ah they're they're great when they work once in a while look at that though love that view look at this with the sun's oh my look there's that is very picturesque oh that's it i just want to hold on that for a second wow look at that [Music] chan is in here with the super chat thanks so much saying collective nouns for a group of turtles a bale of turtles a dole of turtles and a nest of turtles the uh the herd of turtles thing is is something i've carried over from my grandfather used to say that and uh i've learned something that i never knew i never took the time to look up what a group of turtles was called and now we know thanks to chan that it's a bale a dole or a nest of turtles so chan thank you so much for dropping in that super chat i really appreciate that okay i just i honestly i want to stand here forever and do this but you know what here's what we're going to do i really want to get a shot of the can where am i going to put this i'm going to put this here and hope that we don't drop it because i really want to get a shot of this with a good camera uh wow that's beautiful that's just serious i rarely get this excited about a castle but i feel like a goldfish getting all excited about a cattle let's head over this way and just scrolling through to make sure i didn't miss anything while i was taking those photos that osaka in the mountains out there in the background look at that just a spectacular place to be spectacular time to be here super grateful that we could do this today look at that look at that shot oh wow and on that note ladies and gents i think i think it's time to wrap up the live stream i hope that you've enjoyed this morning walk through osaka out from the namba in dotonbori area out to the castle if you haven't joined yet hit that subscribe button i'd love to have you give the like button some love at the end make sure you leave me in the comments where you would like us to go next try to keep it to major cities again no okinawa and the ones with the most votes and whatnot i will very possibly end up going to one of those locations in a live stream this month because we're doing an entire month of streams if you want more streams and whatnot i invite you to come and hang out with the tokyo lens patreon crew you got a whole secret instagram that i'm about to do a live stream on right now i'd say patreon crew we're going to kick off the live streams in about 10 minutes i want to get a few more shots here and i'm just realizing that i i busted the gimbal it is like broken wide open i dropped it earlier before starting the stream and didn't realize it until now so that's exciting thank you all so much i will see you in the comments the shamisen plushie that crashed the stream is also linked in the description box joshua thank you for that final super chat and we are doing another live stream from osaka tonight night streaming here in osaka i'm thinking possibly of kicking that one off somewhere around 6 p.m japan time maybe so thank you all so much i'll see you again real soon you
Channel: Tokyo Lens Explore
Views: 19,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, Livestream, Japan live, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Lens Explore, Norm Tokyo Lens, Kyoto, Kyoto Japan, japan livestream, Kyoto night, Kyoto at night, Japan night, Japan at night, Osaka, Osaka live, Osaka Japan, Dotomburi, Osaka food, Osaka livestream, Osaka city
Id: FWZ6_YqbLio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 44sec (6464 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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