Inside a Japanese THRIFT STORE!

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14:50 is when he finds the jacket

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThePlaneDistrict 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
right now we are out in the area of nagano and this particular shop is absolutely amazing i figured i'd give a bit of a peek hopefully the music doesn't completely shut down the video because the music here is pretty loud this is a japanese second-hand store it has absolutely everything i think the toys is a really good place to start with like um on here also look at all this it's so many goodies it is just so many goodies i'm pretty sure these are swords from kim it's in the eiba that's pretty awesome in its own so what we're gonna do today is take a little bit of a a tour through the store check out what the inside of a japanese second-hand shop is actually you know what not gonna i'm gonna resist getting a fan i was thinking about it because inside of that van gets kinda hot and we're gonna be using it for camping over the next couple of days i will be making a video over on tokyo lens but let's check out this right here you get an acoustic guitar for about 80 min so about 100 or you can even get one with nylon strings for like 40 dollars about yonsei in one of the things that i really love about japanese second-hand shops i guess just second-hand shops in general is the variety of stuff that they have like this area over here it's got a bunch of customers and i don't want to bother them but there's a whole bunch of speakers and use the electronics and whatnot over there maybe we'll be able to loop back tool kits and absolutely lovely announcement voices as well so if you're missing the sound of japan there you go chair area over here one of the things that i love i wonder if it's still here is it is it it is they actually have a didgeridoo here and more amazingly is the fact that the didgeridoo that they have here is only 15 bucks honestly it just feels like one of those things that i want to get and just have in my house because it's it's a didgeridoo but no i will not also this is actually a pretty good idea every time i move into a new place i end up removing the lights that are in it and i try to sell them online because i don't want to bring them out to a shop like this and i have not once been successful so maybe i should just bring them out to a shop this right here we get right into the fun you know the old playstation three games you get nintendo ds games look at that detective pikachu game do you have a particular game or series of games that you're a big fan of you've got all the nintendo switch games over here ps4 over here and if you're like my little brother alexander and you love collecting figures this is just a huge collection of figures right here if you wanted to get a new hairdryer this is where you're at scales you name it i don't even think they know something tells me they just don't i've actually never seen one with beauty products you can get yourself some socks [Music] bed linens they got it all usually they actually have systems as well did i miss it well i guess you can get the the handheld systems they're not super cheap like you're still looking at a used switch light being [Music] so it's about 180 200 somewhere around there and you know what this makes a lot of sense so there's this entire collection here of straw hats and everybody i've seen in this area is wearing straw hats i think there's just something about the nagano area and straw hats then you get tons of clothing this whole back corner here is clothing including yukata for the summer i think they have skateboards over here the luggage section i'm actually moderately impressed with i've considered coming here to get luggage before because it's moderately priced like you can get a fair sized luggage for like 50 bucks and you know if you travel a lot you'll know luggage breaks fairly quickly there are change rooms and you've got some exercise gear right here i don't know if you watch the office this is not quite it but it reminds me of the fitness orb from the office and if you've ever wanted to warrior a necktie that's been worn by somebody else for an extended period of time this is your space right here and all the high quality bags you're looking at about 25 per skateboard and they have rollerblades this whole space here is fitness gear unfortunately i don't see a single fitness or excuse my touching but do you remember these did you have one of these as a child i absolutely loved these we had kind of like a bigger one of the i think this one's just for balance but we had like a bigger one for like jumping you're looking at 550 in here down at that end there there's actually some camping gear and this is where i get some of my like simple like my chair for camping and whatnot was bought here what else we got if you want to play darts there you go i feel like this music is so gonna get this video just shut down we'll see that's if the the staff don't come up and ask us to stop recording anyway japan's become a lot more sensitive with recording inside of shops so it's one of the reasons why i'm doing what i can to try to avoid getting other customers in lots of backpacks here actually some nice ones too this one here is not too bad but yeah i won't be surprised if part way through this if the staff come up and ask me to actually really like this backpack so i'm very distracted by it if they ask me to set the camera aside it's always a risk when you do things like this so we try to do them as carefully as we can that's another thing hiking in somebody else's shoes i just i can't imagine doing that i just know like there's a whole section here just wow that is a lot of bags but there is a whole section here just for used shoes i think the only time that i've even considered getting a pair of used shoes was a pair that hadn't been worn and they were like the reebok pumps remember those shoes the ones with the pumps and then you and you let the air out i to this day that is like the one pair of shoes that i desperately desperately want above all else this is the camping gear section and this is actually the section where i got the camping chair that i use i think i got it for like three dollars or something like that so they've got little tents they've got tarps they've got sleeping bags this as well pretty cool bag and since there's a lake right near here we've got all the fishing gear i'm avoiding looping around the front just because i'm like no but you can even get little wow like 300 yen as well it's like three dollars for a cast iron skillet that is that is not bad a small part of me is actually considering getting a cast iron skillet and hammock because hammock i don't really think that that needs any additional explanation these little dome tents that's actually not bad either like a single person dome tent for about three thousand yen it's actually quite good this one's even two thousand and you can carry it right on your back like that 19 bucks for a little single person dome tent and then you got all your grill stuff and everything down there i'm gonna try and avoid getting the staff in there and then obviously you got sections like this with purses and wallets accessories and all that jazz i wonder if that spot that we went to near the beginning has cleared up yet one thing that i actually always enjoy looking at is the glassware section i always and it's right under the speaker why wouldn't it be i always hope that i can find some kind of like fire king cup or mug or even look at this that is a really big french press i actually i'm probably gonna come back and buy this after this video that is a huge french press for like ten dollars french press is one of my favorite ways to drink coffee i drive like a thousand favorite ways to drink coffee got little wooden bowls and plates and everything like that here and then more glassware over here i have a small collection of fire king cups and mugs that i absolutely cherish most of it i oh super soakers not actual super soakers but you know that i brought from canada and look at this that is awesome what oh i kind of want it oh am i gonna end up doing shopping after this i feel like i'm gonna end up doing shopping after this got crock pots these are actually really nice too oh we got a roomba honestly it's a dangerous thing i don't know about yourself but it's a dangerous thing for me to walk into a second-hand store because i end up just being like i want this and i want this and i want this and i want this and then all the camera gear there's rarely any really good camera gear that you can't get somewhere else and i would say some things are not quite reasonably priced like i'm actually kind of confused by these two google homes here maybe because this one's been opened uh this one's thirty dollars and then this one here is fourteen dollars so probably that one's actually opened used maybe a little dirty whole tv section monitors and then to the audio gear over here [Music] and use laptops now i don't know what you but i personally would probably not go for a used laptop from a second-hand shop for a thousand dollars it's just you know maybe personal preference but i don't think that i would have a good experience with it and then if you're into the mac products they even have them in there i have the uh the air pods pro in there for 250 the magic keyboard for 75 and guitar pedals of all kinds from like 30 to 100 this is actually you know what how did i miss this the first time coming through that's just a completely clear guitar is it wrong that i want this i don't even really play guitar anymore i have a 12 string at home but i'd rarely rarely ever pull it out this this seems like i kind of want that also the jamaican beat guitar how does this is that a speaker does this have built-in what is going on i have so many questions about that guitar if you know anything about it leave it down below get yourself bridge i actually want to go back to the toy section because i'm essentially just a giant kid who loves toys also a giant bin of plushies i don't know if i buy a plushie at a place like this probably not stitch is there stitch is cool every now and then at these toy things you can find something retro or something really cool that you might not be able to find otherwise like this here x flyer it looks like a single propeller drone that you just toss up that just looks like a lot of fun totally unnecessary but i could also be the guy who has an air hockey table that is not the word at all why can't is it air hockey why can't i we'll just say air hockey i feel like i'm saying the wrong word i could have one of these at my house just put it on the kitchen table friends come over say hey want to play some air hockey i was getting air hockey and foosball mixed up one thing that i always look for when i come into these is very often in these little areas here they will have the more retro toys laid out and roadies it's been some time since i've seen a roadie so that for the most part is a peek inside of a japanese secondhand shop you got umbrellas here this is one of my favorite ones there are much bigger much more interesting ones but the simple variety that this one has like this coat i think i honestly think that i should be wearing this coat it says fear of god that's is that the brand it don't know but that what that is a 430 dollar coat i'm not gonna lie i wasn't wasn't expecting that to be a 430 coat i find myself gravitating back to the camping supplies because i might grab a little bit of camping supplies for our camping today and come back and get that french press so excellent oh little chairs too and cool what wait a minute okay we're probably grabbing this because this is a little cooler box that is like really little i'm guessing that that's a water pump there a little bit of storage space for food there five bucks for a little cooler case a little why can't i remember english it's just something about me and live streams as soon as that camera starts rolling just english goes right out the window but to to have a little cooler box even these ones aren't bad for like 16 bucks instead i usually bring a soft cooler bag but i think a cooler box that has a built-in jug for keeping the water cool would not be an entirely terrible idea so for today we are gonna wrap this one up here we're gonna go take a look at this winnie the pooh clock i explored an abandoned hotel in nagano i'll link it up at the top whichever side that goes to and there was a really cute clock in there and i've since kind of been hoping i'd be able to find one in one of these shops and i don't know if you saw it but look at the totoro clock that is adorable snow tour the beauty and the beast see you get those retro items they are in here if you look carefully you can find them but we are going to be heading to the campsite pretty soon that camper van i'm actually going to make an entire video over on the tokyo lens channel just about the camper van so if you are interested in seeing that feel free to come on over and i plan on doing a couple live streams while i'm out here this trip is basically a test trip for the tokyo lens explorer road trip that we are going to be going on in a couple weeks so thank you guys so much for joining and i will see you again real soon you know what fake ending fake ending let's uh let's actually walk out of here what is this i don't even know do you know i mean it's whatever it is it's only 165. it's so interesting i'm just gonna walk outside because i'm gonna be coming back to get the french press and the camping stuff because camping giant flashlights as well i should definitely get some giant flashlights like honestly if i went through and looked at all the items that i'm genuinely interested in in detail we would be here absolutely forever oh you can get a full-size google home okay norm stop stop also on the good news uh while i was recording this the staff looked over at me smiled and nodded so it looks like we're okay again just trying to avoid getting people in here but let's head out the weather out there does not look good has it started raining i feel like it started raining that's the huge benefit though to one of these little camper car things is that even if it's raining out i don't have to worry about drying out a tent and everything like that this particular shop in case you didn't catch it at the beginning is called second street this is a fun little adventure i am searching my pockets for the keys and just cannot find them there we go i found the key and there we go so thank you guys so much for joining i have tons of drone stuff this entire thing this is just drone stuff that's not garbage that's firewood i look forward to giving you guys a full tour of the van this thing is chopped full and i mean chop full of crazy little surprises that i never expected so look forward to that video and i will see you guys again real soon okay admittedly that was also a fake ending i just wanted to show this sign every single time i see this sign of this little turtle taking care or giving massages to this rabbit i don't know why i love this i love this it's like taking the tortoise and the hair and being like you know what it all worked out in the end they're friends no hard feelings you know look at that what a gracious winner that turtle is and by far probably one of the cutest smiles i've ever seen on a turtle so okay now now it's done for real i'll see you guys again real soon i know you don't believe me but we're actually gonna end it here okay bye-bye
Channel: Tokyo Lens Explore
Views: 165,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, Livestream, Japan live, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Lens Explore, Norm Tokyo Lens
Id: o-UlfLMiwho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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