Solo Camp Cooking - [ Campfire Cooking In The Bush ]

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[Music] please oh mountain streams how good are they magnificent g'day guys how are we going well i've had to wait again for another couple of days on another solo camping trip and i'm going to set up camp beside limestone creek for a few days and sit up here a bit of elevations you know about 900 or this is a magnificent spot better another hour or so further again east of omeo and a bit of brumby activity going on too around here i can see so fellaini now and around this area so any luck we might be lucky enough see a couple of brumbies while we're here for a few days in the meantime i'll go get camp set up get a fire going think about what we're going to do for dinner a bit later on but this is just a beautiful spot mountain rivers you can't beat them absolutely beautiful go get camp set up got plenty i reckon [Music] [Music] extension now that is a room with a view time to get that bush tv going [Music] [Applause] uh ah how does that sound it's just magnificent being out here again you know solo camping you know it's not not for everyone but god if you can if you can handle your own company and come and sit out in just beautiful places like this just out in the middle of bush magnificent river system mountain river system going around the back there a couple of cold ones fire on the go magnificent just love it right well got camp set up nicely set up there sun's starting to go down over the back over the hill over there something pretty chilly night i reckon it's going to be uh no cloud in the sky so it's going to be a pretty crisp night but i've got a great fire going here got plenty of firewood over there and i'll get dinner going very shortly and um the quietness here is it's it's amazing but this is just a great spot just out of the bush just me the birds and the river and that's it that's fantastic all right time to start getting my dinner ready i'm gonna have a spaghetti bolognese tonight one that i've prepared earlier made the uh spag sauce before i left home which is pro is pretty handy so let's get this ready to go it's a great setup [Music] all right there big one's going to have the spaghetti going in so i'll get that warmed up and then i've got my spaghetti sauce here already made before i left home so i'm just going to put that in some boiling water and heat that up and no dishes which is always a good thing so i'll put that in a bit later on when this gets nice and warmed up have a look at that magnificent we go sensational all right i think that water looks like it's boiling oh yeah that's boiling good that's where the spaghetti is going to go in there and here we go it's going in there oh look at that give that a bit of a head start and then we'll we'll get the spaghetti sauce going on oh probably about five minutes before it's all going to be ready this is a great cooking fire you know not not too hot absolutely perfect for cooking up any sort of meal like this just a beautiful cooking fire and this setup i've got here look a lot of people have asked me about this this cook setup i've got now this was all handmade it's handmade by an old blacksmith from from a few years ago and unfortunately he's not making them anymore so um but it's just a beautiful piece like the the artwork in it the deco work and it's just amazing so and it's absolutely fantastic for for cooking on the open fire but you know there's probably a few other things around where you can get something similar but to get the um the detail that this one's got you just can't get it because it's just hand made by an old blacksmith and beautiful piece of work but it's perfect for cooking on the fire feeding them pasta needs a bit of a stir up so it doesn't go sticking to the bottom that's absolutely perfect sitting nice and hot get this big spaghetti sauce down now i reckon it's nice and hot in there so it's gonna open the bag up and i'm just gonna heat it up inside the bag there we go oh i'll tell you what gonna be pretty good let's put that in there let that warm up in there push that down bit of spaghetti sauce and pasta got some grated cheese over here magnificent dinner nice and easy cook up take this out here beautiful that cooked perfect that is lovely let's see that there to drain a bit more get the pasta off now there you go there oh look at that bit of fettuccine oh it's cooked perfect absolutely beautiful give me a parser and save doing any dishes oh look at that there we go bait she's cooking in the high country have a look at that it's bag sauce well i'm going to sit down and enjoy that it's taste smells pretty good too so we'll get into this get the fire going again and sit down and enjoy dinner i reckon oh she's fresh i think these high elevation camping spots you which is very fresh when you wake up the morning another icy morning but absolutely beautiful get this fire going first priority for the morning here we go oh my elevation camping goes good day it's fantastic fishing wake up there's chris morgan birds are going early it's only about six o'clock at the moment which is slightly it's a small bit of heat but jesus is pretty good at the moment again not a cloud in the sky absolutely beautiful day coming up [Music] oh yeah cup of gown ah this old billy has been with me for best part of probably 15 years i've i've had it repaired i've had the spout spouts for being re-welded on just can't chuck it out it's loaded with character and um yeah still work so why chuck it out still boils water that's all that matters great old thing oh sun's now starting to poke for the trees start to come down the back there start drying everything out and warm everything up high elevation absolutely love camping at high elevation beautiful waking up to mornings like this freaking that's boiled oh yeah spoiled what would here we go oh i settled it nicely oh [Applause] [Music] oh and he's brookie bikinis yeah how good does that sound spiking eggs on the fire how good that [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] okay oh oh look at that sensational bacon double banger and another egg look at that bacon egg sandwich so oh [Music] ah look at this beautiful spot for morning copper i haven't camped here before so i thought i'd go for a walk and check this place out oh it's cold jeez it's refreshing oh what a beautiful spot well i think it's time to go back and cook up a bit of lunch i reckon getting a bit on the hungry side i think i can taste a damper coming on so i might go back and whip one of those up all right a bit of lunch i reckon an old damper out here in the bush i haven't made one for a while so it's about time we got back on the unmade one i reckon now i've got one on the uh recipe there on on the youtube channel there i go in a lot of detail about how to make my dampers but pretty simple it's just a few cups of flour that one there one i'm making a smaller one today only going to put probably two cups in this one this will be big enough just for myself that one there then we get some butter into it just a good dollop of butter i don't measure anything out really all that properly but just a good dollop of butter seems to do the trick maybe a bit more here we go that'll do the butter and then the idea that is then now you've got to blend all this in got to get get all that butter and mix it all in really well i'll get that camp oven on in a minute and start heating that up while this sits after i've got it all made the whole damper fitting can they just great beautiful there get your hands in there now put a bit of sugar in it now first just a bit of a sweetener don't mind a bit of sweetness just a teaspoon of sugar in this size one will be plenty and then i'll make a bit of a fruit loaf out of it so again just a few sultanas just a bit of a fruit loaf there we go that'll do you put whatever you want in those but this is just what i've sort of made for all these years and look i learned to make damper way back as a young kid in scouting days you know we used to wrap our dampers around a stick and that sort of thing and so it's pretty much the same mixture the other thing well at this time there's a fuselage right oh that's nicely mixed up there then about half a cup of water that'll do that and then same with the milk about half a cup of milk go into it oh it's got a few frozen lumps in it here we go i'll keep a little bit of that just in case i need a bit more always able to add more rather than take it out and then i'll just start off with a spoon just to mix it mix this first bit up start it off with a spoon because it is pretty messy this first stage look at that absolutely beautiful now it's just a bit sloppy so i'm going to probably chuckle just a dash more flour into it as i say it's easy to add and take it out put a bit on the ends and then get the hands into it there we go oh look at that that's beautiful that's an absolutely beautiful mix good old damper i think you can put cheese in it put whatever you wanted it it's your endless in our imagination you know and what you can put into a bit of a damper right that's going to be absolutely perfect size for me i'm going to put some jams and cream on a bit later on so i'll just let him sit there i'm going to get the camp oven get that heated up ready for this to go in and then there's lunch yeah let's chuck that right in there for the moment let that sit in there for a good 15 minutes or so get it up temperature and i'll get the damper mix in there and that'll be lunch beautiful how's that for temp oh yeah that's good all right let's flatten the spot out here put him to one side for a minute let's get a few coals out here good coal base really good coal face all right i don't put the damper camp oven on that there we go nice temperature nice and hot now i've put a bit of tinfoil on the bottom there i've still got to trivet in there as well i'm just going to grab my mix because i don't want it sitting on the bottom that is just a beautiful mix so it's going to flatten that out like so about like that put him in there and then what all i've got i'll just grab grab myself a knife and just cut a little cross and top there you'll see what happens to it when it's when it cooks works an absolute treat so there we go i'll get that lid back on this will be cooked up in about 15 20. guys i'm eating that fire and a few coals on the lid a few of these hot ones here look at that i'll have to rebuild my fire in a minute here we go lunch jam cream damper in the bush magnificent [Music] left it go for a bit longer this one actually run it over about 25 minutes let's have a look all that dust off all right moment of truth here we go oh have a look at that that is so cooked that is just absolutely beautiful now the best way to tell if a damp is ready or not is grab self plain knife just poke it in there and as long as it comes out dry not sticky that is absolutely cooked perfect as you can see the cross there that i put in it and then how it splits open into four beautiful sized uh pieces there and ready for eating so we'll take this now at the table get some jam and cream on it gonna be fantastic now got that damper in the bush let's go look at this oh look at that absolutely fantastic just cooked beautifully nicely on the bottom there too absolutely magnificent right oh how good this is going to be see what i mean the fork the cross i put in there it spreads open nicely into four even pieces bust that open oh look at that just look at that fantastic steaming away jam cream that's gonna be magnificent good old bush damper you can't go wrong feeding them you just can't all right here we go get some jam on that plenty of cream that one down there oh get some jam on it oh look at that put plenty on look at that and here we go here's lunch oh my god that is so good oh oh how good is that love that sound cheers guys well what a fantastic today's been this is just a beautiful spot up here beside limestone creek so now i'm going to kick back for a little bit longer now and i'm gonna start and get my dinner ready a bit later on which isn't too far away um tonight gonna do a lamb shank from scratch so gonna be pretty amazing dinner going on tonight and i'll cook that up over about an hour a bit so i'll get the camp oven warmed up shortly but in the meantime i'm just gonna kick back enjoy this and how good was that lunch that was an amazing lunch that damper i've cooked some pretty good dampers in my time but geez that one was up there as one of my best that was absolutely fantastic so let's enjoy this kick back here for a little bit and then we'll start thinking about getting dinner ready [Music] [Music] gun while foreign camp oven's nicely heating up it's going to get some coals out here and i'm just going to brown up this shank before it goes in let's get that down there get some oil in this frying pan and plenty of garlic do you like garlic that'll go nicely with the shank brown him up before it goes in the camp oven and then in with the shank oh listen to that should i brown up a shank especially one from scratch give my brown up before it goes in the camp oven just season all the flavors and everything in there all right that's nicely browned up we'll just pull that out there for the [Music] the moment way all right now i've got some tin foil in the bottom here too because i'm going to all i'm going to use here is just one of these sachets that i use when i'm doing a slow cooker at home so just going to use the same sacho in this mix it over the top and this will taste fantastic right let's put that in there look at that and then just mix all this in all right and some coals on the lid oh here's the coal base in that magnificent there we go yeah i'll give that probably a bit of 10 15 headed start then i'll get some veggies i've got potato and carrot and all sorts of stuff going to go in it so we'll let that get going then we'll put the veggies in it mixing up oh all that juice i'll get some more wood back on that fire keep those coal base down this can be absolutely beautiful let's have a bit of a look just oh have a look at that that is amazing absolutely magnificent all right that lid back on god that smells amazing down there so before i wrap him up it's gonna put some butter on it pull any of it and we're gonna wrap him up fold the ends up and from here down in the fire and that'll do in there a couple of coals around him they can give us a beautiful smells amazing let's have a look oh have a look at that fantastic all right time to dish this one up oh look at that so good morning oh look at that fantastic nicely cooked well that's going to be dinner tonight got a lamb shank started from scratch with some potatoes some carrot and some corn in the tinfoil on the open fire there well i'm gonna sit back and enjoy this and uh we'll see you guys bright and early in the morning see you then this morning g'day guys there we go i'll tell you what it is fresh up here this morning up bright and early got this fire going look at that oh start the day with a hot cup oh jeez guys oh that's magnificent sun's starting to come down the trees now another magnificent day you know blue sky days again not a breath of wind this is just a beautiful spot up here but if you do come up here and check this out and you do come up here by yourself you've got to be sort of pretty prepared to come here because it is for a remote um no phone reception here yeah i've got my plb there on my side there carrying that with me everywhere where i'm going because i'm wrapping about 900 odd um but yeah look just beautiful country though god it's magnificent absolutely love it [Music] great cooking fire here take advantage of that i reckon get some bricky going i guess my breakfast is going to be good old bacon eggs get some heat into that and then we'll start cooking ugh a few people been asking actually about my old brick lane trail is a bricklaying trail yeah it is and why have i got a brick lane trailers you know in my camp gear well when i uh ran brick lane business before i sort of started doing what i'm doing now i ran that for 25 plus years and um finished that up a little while ago and when i finished it up with the building game you know it was great to me i've met some great mates and still mates with many of them today and worked with some great builders and this was my last trial worked on a mate's job in a couple of units in robin down there and when i finished it up i thought i just can't chuck it away you know it's been great memories so this is why i've got my um my old bricklaying trail all i did was just cut the point off it all the shape there from wearing away cutting the mud off the bricks as i've laid him over the ears but it's just a great memory piece so now it comes with me in my camp box and now it's part of me egg flip for flipping over me hamburgers and bacon eggs and all that sort of stuff but i just love it's great beautiful just can't beat you know cooking whatever australian open fire god it's great it's fantastic i love it you know again haven't bought any gas bottles or anything with me and just where i can always cook on this fire it's just fantastic well that's breakfast it's cooked great [Music] does a great job picking up bacon eggs fantastic the other piece of taste there look at that beautifully cooked well here we go well i'm going to um get into this beautiful bacon egg sandwich cookie right on the fire here i hope you've enjoyed the video put together for you guys another solo camping trip in a beautiful location here just a beautiful bush setting with limestone creek just out the back there in the meantime if you liked the like video give us a thumbs up subscribe the channel you know it all helps greatly appreciate any support but i just love what i do and i'm now going to get into and enjoy this bacon egg sandwich got on you guys catch on next one thanks so much for tuning in see you later on right that is fantastic
Channel: Tim Bates 4wd Adventures
Views: 69,111
Rating: 4.9286089 out of 5
Keywords: solo camp cooking, camp cooking solo, camp cooking, solo camping alone, solo camp cooking in the bush, solo camp cooking in vic high country, vic high country solo camp cooking, vic high country solo camping, campfire cooking, solo campfire cooking, campfire cooking setup, campfire cooking ideas, Solo camping cooking, australian bush camping, campfire cooking solo
Id: GyXR0ClpkeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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