Solo Camping In Sub Zero Temperatures - [ Frozen Puddles Start The Day ]

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g'day guys how are we going well just getting away for a couple of days and on a solo camping trip and i've come to this beautiful spot here called native dog flat now i have camped here a couple of times it's about an hour and a quarter still further east of omeo so absolutely beautiful place here you've got the buck and river sort of flowing around the outside winds its way through this whole area just a beautiful river system and it's a great spot here to camp it this water here that you can see here this is just overflow water from the buccan river been a fair bit of rain sort of up through this wave last few days but we've got a beautiful blue sky day today and over the next couple of days so no more rain coming on but this is a sight to see because i've never seen this sort of runoff from buchan river well i've been up here the few times i've been here but it's a great spot so i've got some firewood on the roof there collected that while i was on my way in we'll unload that get camp set up fire going get some dinner ready kick back and relax i reckon sounds damn good let's get camp set up [Music] so uh so and the roof for my bush house is now complete so i'm really looking forward to a few days of camping here having a fairer rod to start your campfire is a great bit of kit my the good older kubra it has many uses that should be enough wood to keep me going for a while well finally got a nice fire going here and just kicking back relaxing got the sound of the river going over the back over there coron's there going up off up there magnificent seeing the old coral birds of the bush you know but i quite often get away you know do a bit of feeding and do a bit of solo camping by myself and and people quite often sometimes ask that question you know what do you do when you get out there by yourself you know don't you get bored and you know what do you do and um it's it's a pretty hard one to explain if you know if you don't do much of it get any by yourself but the environment that i'm in right now is just amazing you know and um and this is my entertainment you know i just sit here and i i listen to all the sounds that are going on around the place got the birds i've got some frogs going off at the back here and and i've got the best tv channel going right here the old bush tv fan anything you can't go past the old bush tv for dishing out a great channel and uh i just absolutely love it look i get like getting away with people too don't get me wrong you know it's great sitting around a campfire with a few people and having a few yarns and a few laughs because you know you can't do much of that when you out here by yourself laughing and carry on talking to yourself so um yeah so but it's it's you know if you don't do much of this it's a great experience if if you can try it you know come out and camp on your own um see how you go because you know it's not for everyone it's really not for everyone but if you're confetti you can enjoy your own company and get out here and just enjoy the bush and that's your entertainment your environment feeling of this is just another life fitting and it is just amazing but look i've done this for years and you know right through the scouting days and that sort of stuff too and it's just fantastic time so i just going to kick back here enjoy this cold one i'm going to get my dinner going a bit later on i've got a bit of a chicken stir fry going on tonight so i'll get that going a bit later on i'll keep watching the old bush tv down here and um just love the environment it's just fantastic [Music] time to get that chicken stir fry going that i've been talking about [Music] well dinner was amazing so now i'm just going to kick back here for a little bit longer tune into the old bush tv and we'll see you guys in the morning it's a fresh morning i can tell you always everywhere i'll give you a look at it in a minute get this fire going first oh look at that such a beautiful day though again not a breath of wind up here stunning morning ah very icy a lot of ice lying around some of the puddles in that you know sitting up here about i think it's about 1100 or 11 30 or something rough here so pretty high elevation and uh those very crispy nights i can tell you but toasty warm in the old swag that's no worries about that absolutely beautiful i love a morning campfire fanning them just beautiful owl bush tv have a look at this yeah cold this is that's solid okay it's how cold it is up here this morning nice and frosty absolutely beautiful nothing better feeding them camping at high elevation waking up to a nice crispy moon like this there was a puddle yesterday please get your ice skates on it today magnificent that billy's boiled for the morning cover uh cover straight off the campfire oh magnificent just check how cold this is huh it's big puddley like that's serious oh my god have a look at that now that slab of ice is the best part of probably 15 mil thick havoc that's amazing have a look at that just goes to show how cold it does get up here that is fantastic to see high elevation camping at its best feeding him just love it have a look at that look at that that's amazing i'll bring your slope over and show you this just have a look at that that's a feeding of amazing look how thick it is that's a good 15 mil thick easy that's just amazing good old mother nature love it look at that all right trying to get some breakfast going oh even the cold is up here even the oil's frozen have a look at that [Music] how did that sound first thing in the morning bacon season away magnificent couple on the go frosty morning feeding him doesn't get much better than this this is just feeling magnificent beautiful [Music] uh okay [Music] so magnificent [Music] all right good old tyson sandwich [Music] [Applause] i'm feeling like another cuppa and freshen up it's time for lunch and no power point required for this toasted sandwich maker and straight on the campfire it goes and a brood being boiled to go with lunch how good does that look and lunch is served and trust me this toasted sandwich it tastes every bit as good as it looks let's go for a walk and i'll show you around this great place you have not seen so much water running through this place ever it's just all water runoff it's amazing how much water's coming out of you at the moment but beautiful sight though that's for sure beautiful and you've got that side over there where i'm camped up over there under the trees really nice over there too and then you come to this magnificent big open area here absolute beautiful spot fed income it is so if you ever want to try you know dabble in solo camping or any form of camping come and check out native dog flat it is absolutely beautiful got the buck and river flowing all over here i'll go and check that out in a second but it's not uncommon to see a few brumby's actually from flowing through here as well so never know your luck you might see a few brumbies if you come up this way let's go check the river out how beautiful is this place absolutely stunning you know the buck and river it's flowing pretty hard at the moment but due to the rain we've had in the last few days leading in here but seeing a lot of snowfall too being wrapped around these areas and that's why it's moving a bit hard at the moment it's always got water and i've always seen water in it but you know the big open area here just come back here kick back and take in the serenity just enjoy the environment enjoy your surrounds and the sound of running water feeding him you just can't beat it can you it's just so relaxing peaceful absolutely beautiful well this is a pretty amazing place now it's time to kick back around the fire [Music] nice bit of porterhouse have a look at that kind of char grill it tonight straight on look at that but yeah look it's been an absolutely fantastic couple of days um you know just kicking back here and i just do do really enjoy this sort of solo camping sort of lifestyle it's as you can see you know it's pretty simple you know the arrangement that i've got here and everything i do you know it's all off the fire you know i don't bring gases not even i haven't even brought gas bottles or stoves or anything like that with me so um you know i just love everything the old simple ways you know we cook on the open fire and it's just magnificent so yeah so that's just how i do it but look you know you can do it however you however you sort of want you know you can do your solo camp whenever you want whether you're you know whether you do it this sort of way where it's you know you still have great great meals but it's all done on the fire or you can bring your gas and that sort of stuff do whatever you want you know there's no no one to say any other wise so this is how i like to do it um you know pretty simple and easy way of going and got a crack and dinner going on here tonight and then um nice bit of pool downstairs just going gonna charge it straight on the fire there tonight put some garlic on him a bit later on i do like a bit of garlic a bit partial of garlic um but yeah i'll put some on a bit later on when i flip him over i'll put some garlic on it and then there's gonna go some potatoes some chips and a bit of broccolini and some onion gonna go in the frying pan so yes he's gonna be gonna be a great dinner this is just a perfect sort of a cooking fire and then once i'm all done then i'll get some bigger logs and chuck them on and and get the fire going a bit later on but at the moment this is just a great cooking fire here's those frogs have a listen to them yeah unreal now we're going pretty much nearly all night to the frogs um yeah they don't sort of stop talking to each other they're pretty funny things but uh just love it now it's starting to sizzle a little bit of oil going in there how's this look at the oil it's struggling struggling with the cold it's frozen up sort of thing look there's still puddles lying around out here that have you know still got ice on them after all day let's get that down a bit more there we go fantastic get some good heat in that so it's got some onion some good old chips can't go too far wrong with the old whole potato chips oh this and them sizzling away this isn't good just tip it all in i reckon just gonna do a bit of broccolini on there as well a bit of onion partially old italian herbs might chuck a bit of that on there as well beautiful there's a steak looking i'll flip him over i reckon oh yeah look at that might put some garlic on that now spread that into there if it comes out ah it doesn't like the cold weather the old oil all right looks pretty good to me i reckon nice bit of steak there let's push him out the way a bit of onion there on top a couple of chips nice bit of porterhouse done in the open fire cooked beautifully oh yeah plenty of garlic on it cup of chips fantastic [Music] this carpet to start the morning wow oh oh how beautiful is this spot here what a place to spend the morning having me morning cuppa beside but there's some magnificent spot up here at native dog flat right here on the banks of buck and river it's just a beautiful spot pretty high elevation again woke again this morning to another icy chilly morning and that beautiful pink sunrise was coming up out the back out there absolutely beautiful country absolutely love it but this is my solo camping trip for the weekend um but you know but if you guys like what you've seen give us a thumbs up subscribe to the channel it certainly all helps and i think that's going to hang out here a bit longer draw me cuppa right here on the river i look forward to seeing you guys on another one of tim boats full drive adventures you
Channel: Tim Bates 4wd Adventures
Views: 52,229
Rating: 4.9593801 out of 5
Keywords: solo camping, solo camping in sub zero temperatures, solo camping trip, native dog flat campground, high elevation camping, High elevation solo camping, solo camping australia, australian solo camping, camping solo, solo camping at its best, vic high country camping, vic high country solo camping, solo camping cooking, solo camping at it's best, solo camping in cold conditions, cold camping, camping in sub zero temperatures, Camping in sub zero weather
Id: jIZpwwsfzlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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