Solar FREAKIN Roadways, are they real?
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Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 1,348,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar freakin roadways, solar, freakin, roadways, debunked, fraud, scam, energy, real, true, truth, power, panel, road, asphalt, light, recycle, green, renewable, recycling, award, pwn, pwned, win, fail, million, billion, trillion, dollars, amazing, con, indiegogo, great, idea, inventor, Julie, Scott, Brusaw, idaho, governor, crapo, technology, time, driving, debunk, solar energy, farm, glass, are they, legit, exposed, conspiracy, oil, gas
Id: H901KdXgHs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sat May 31 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I thought I'd summarise his main points:
1) Just the cost of the glass paving itself would make this an extremely expensive endeavor.
2) Glass tends to very slippy when dirty or wet which roads often are, no tests have been shown for these conditions or an emergency stop in dry weather.
3) Dirt would act like sandpaper on the glass making it smoother and more opaque, simultaneously reducing its suitability as a road surface and lowering energy output (less energy reaches the cell).
4) Even super bright LEDs are difficult to see at a shallow angle during strong sunlight, this means that most roads would still have to have painted on markings anyway. It is instead much more efficient just to equip cars with headlights and place cat's eyes in the roads, some urban roads may need a dynamic road system but these are by far the exception.
5) Energy transport losses will mean that for any road surface that isn't near a point of use (e.g. a house), this will technology will be essentially useless.
6) These solar cells are not going to generate enough power to melt snow, it is much more energy efficient just to push snow off the road and grit the road.
7) The claim of the use of recycled glass is ridiculous.
8) Roads are not made out of separate tiles as a)water will filter through the cracks and erode the material beneath the road and b) vehicles rolling over the tiles will cause differential loading leading the tiles to wiggle loose.
9) It would be much easier and cheaper just to install solar panels above parking space and/or by the side of the road rather than underneath it.
Big list of scientifically based reasons why engineers do not consider solar roadways a viable solution.
First off, please think of already much better, scientifically driven solar research areas that already deliver better results that can be found at your local tech university being done by scientifically literate, debt-ridden, starving, desperate graduate students. Go the following link to and educate yourself on the science of solar panel technology as well as the many think tanks that are handling these problems in more creative and better ways at
Google scholar searchers everyone should do before seriously discussing funding solar research,11&q=solar+panel+racking&hl=en,11&q=asphalt+corrosion
some wiki articles
the amount of material needed to allow solar cells to work in an environment with such heavy mechanical action as a road way is orders of magnitude more than designing it to resist standard wind loading in the atmospheric boundary layer. Loading on a roadway is a concentrated load. wind loading is distributed. This is just from a structural engineering stand point.
The wear and fracture of the glass due to such constant mechanical loading is massive. Many roadways in the US see thousands of cars a day. Infact, small quantity energy harvesting through piezo and thermal means is a much more viable alternative as access to sunlight is not required and devices can be built under the asphalts "wear" layer. However, such concepts are still not worth the investment of disturbing the roadway. Building a small solar system on the side of a road way is a much more realistic alternative and is the reason we see this for powering emergency phones and parking meters.
On a road surface, sand and clay will obscure light from reaching the the contents of the panel at a much much faster rate than is seen on a standard solar panel.
road ways are difficult and more dangerous to perform construction projects on. This is an intuitive fact. You are more likely to be hit by one of the many cars whizzing by if you are on a roadway than if you were not on a roadway.
Manufacturing of integrated circuit board technology to withstand such thermal and mechanical forces requires electrical components and chassis that are much, much more intensive to design. Asphalt design is already a very intensive science that involves complex understanding of geographical climate, soil, and reliability. The impact of corrosive effects is already a complex chemical system that has had decades of research and investigation.
The environmental impact of introducing electrical components that are used in the design of most printed circuit boards would exponentially introduce more green house gasses through their production.
Theft would be a very serious threat for so many miles of roadway to be covered with, what would be an unimaginably advanced technology if implemented. A police state would be needed to maintain such vast amounts of solar roadways. It is equivalent to saying that in 5 years, the US government is going to install an iPhone ever square foot of the united states. They wouldn't last long.
My FB feed was full of people eating this up.
Good to see someone explaining why this is Kony 2014
I have yet to understand why these guys have such a hard-on for road solar panels. If any country desired to make a massive infrastructure investment in solar energy it would be infinitesimally cheaper to use empty land instead of ripping up existing roadways, plopping in these panels and hooking up all the high tech electronics associated with this pipe-dream.
I didn't really believe the kickstarter's commercial when it was substantially the same marketing strategy as the Ford F-150.
I said it before, got downvoted, and I'll say it again.
People will steal these things.
Regardless of whether or not they work, people will steal them, break them apart, and sell the pieces. You can sell the glass, LEDs, copper wiring, and probably even extract the copper from the plastic boards.
I hate to be negative about a potentially innovative idea, but people will steal these.
I don't know. My trans-orbital pogo stick is pretty cool.
They're trying to solve a problem that doesn't even really exist by doing something unnecessarily complicated and expensive. The roads work fine. We have a relatively durable, maintainable surface. We have reflectors that don't need energy. We have signs and lighted signs where necessary. We have solar plants where they make sense and can have transport energy locally.
Sometimes the simplest solutions are best.
Wait. People needed to be explained why this was bollocks in the first place?