Software engineering is dead. ChatGPT killed it

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in this video I'm going to explain how most coding jobs are going to be replaced by Ai and honestly it actually already started now unless you've been living under a rock you've probably heard of this thing called Chad GPT it's made by the same company that created Dolly and unless you've been living under our super deep rock then you probably have heard of Dolly Dolly's this crazy AI that generates these really impressive images and it's winning art competitions over humans so chat CPT is like that but for chat Bots it's the most advanced AI to ever exist you can have a normal conversation with it you can get it to explain concept topics you can have it write a recipe I got it to give me some pretty good gift suggestions for my dad for Christmas there's really no limit to what you can do with it people are really just starting to understand its power but what's even crazier is people are using it for code reviews someone even got it to pretend to be a terminal and then they fed it commands to create files and it remembered where the files were and what was in them it hasn't even been out for a full week and it already seems like it's probably going to replace Google search in a year or two what's even crazier is it can write huge chunks of code let's take a look let's ask it to make a react component I wanted to have a logo in the left corner and then person icon in the right corner when the person icon is clicked a drop down pops up displays three options option one is a button called account two is a button called blob settings and three is about called sign up let's see what it does so it's explaining what it wants to do wow look at that holy whoa It's actually using react bootstrap oh my god when I set this up as a test it was using a class component and it was just making it like basic ugly stuff it's already trained enough that it can start using react bootstrap since I planned this video like two days ago wow what if I say like hey can you write that as a as a class component sure here's the same react component but written as a class component it remembers what I was talking about before holy okay so that's kind of scary what if I said can you rewrite that class but don't use react bootstrap let's see what it says it remembers I wanted it as a class it doesn't use react bootstrap and it just writes the code to do it we're out of a job this is weird uh this is not cool well it's too cool I should say Look it's even being nice to me okay so for anyone that follows this channel they know I hate this zigzag conversion problem on Lee code it's Lee code six let me just copy and paste it in see what happens I don't even know if the spacing will work wow it's even explaining the solution to me no put am I dumb if I don't understand that bro it's nice and it's a programmer this is replacing us I'm going to copy and paste the solution then just to make sure it works paste it into lead code let's run it accepted let's submit I didn't even provided all the examples accepted so job interviews are broken okay so you might be thinking like this is cute it's solving lead code problems but can it actually replace my job so let me ask it to do something that I might do in my normal job at Microsoft before I left how do I rotate a certificate in Azure key Vault this is one of those things to keep your service running rotation or certificate Azure cable do the following step sign in go to the key vault in which the certificate is stored click certificates find a certificate you want to rotate like this is uh this is all true this is exactly how you can do it it's even telling you from the CLI okay let's try one last thing let's see if we can replace a senior engineer if I wanted to create a clone of Tinder what microservices would I need and what would their function be you need an authentication Service you need a profile service for user updates you store information a swipe service a match service okay let's ask it what machine learning algorithms we might need I'm just going to say for that and let's see if you can remember let's see there are several machine learning algorithms you might use for the dating apps service Tinder collaborative filtering make personalized recommendations to users natural language processing analyze users profiles and messages computer vision analyze photos reinforcement learning like that's that's the job this isn't going to replace everybody's job but this will mean that you need to have significantly fewer developers working on something and they're creating new versions of this technology every day so it's only getting better like rapidly is there a way to fight this well on the interview side the answer is simple we need to do in-person interviews but in the grand scheme of things I'm not sure we do want to fight this if we can make people significantly more effective at their jobs then it frees us up to do other things and be more creative ultimately chat GPT and Dolly are created using data created by humans the more creative the data is the more creative that AI can be it's a win-win what do you think about this comment what you think below I read every single comment
Channel: Jason Goodison
Views: 74,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OeebS-VcSH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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