I asked Microsoft employees how much MONEY they make

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what is uh your total compensation like new grads like fresh off college base salary would be like do you have any crazy stories i mean i know there was the blog post recently they found that a rihanna rhythm nation song would break hard drives wow what's your advice to students that are aspiring to work at microsoft i feel like if i'm asking people their salary i should probably be sharing mine too today we're on the microsoft campus asking people questions like how much money do you make let's go so the first question is what's your job title and what product you work on i'm a full-time software engineer and i'm working on like xbox.com and then also the xbox console store and i'm an engineering program manager on the azure light edge team how did you guys get hired i know you said that you just recently joined right i actually like interned two years ago it's like the explorer intern program oh what is uh your total compensation um like new grads like fresh off college base salary would be like if you're in seattle 112 k and then starting bonus can be from like 25 to 50k and then stock is generally the same it's 120k yeah and then for program manager it's about the same in in every single aspect 112 20 to 25. i've seen it go 25 to 100k and starting bonus depending 100k started yeah it depends on like where you're you have computing offers from did you guys negotiate at all just because i entered there i just negotiated my starting uh bonus from like 25k to 50k holy yeah really yeah yeah yeah but i want to do that it's possible you can yeah same thing here what is your advice to you know students that are looking to to make it into microsoft get good at interviewing because um interviewing and working are like completely different things get good at like your soft skills and also like your technical skills the first question we have is uh like what's your job title and what product you work on my name is eric i am a project manager this is my second day here so welcome appreciate it i am currently on windows devices on the telemetry health team i'm philip i'm also a project manager same team actually yeah onboarding so how did you guys get hired i think this is going to be a really good question for you since you just got hired um so i interned here this past summer um and so yeah and so that flows kind of straightforward because you know once you're kind of in the door you um it's easier to get really hard for being from start from scratch right you don't have to answer the question but uh total compensation i think about 160 000. cool not including like signing bonuses and stuff like that i studied my master's i came in at level 60. so yeah yeah and so i think my base salary is like 120 minus not including like stocks options do you have any crazy stories of a time that you i don't know accidentally broke something really important i mean i know there was the blog post recently of the developer they found that a rihanna rhythm nation song would break hard drives like just the song itself i think is specifically the music video there's a certain frequency in that video that caused the hard drive just to crack like failure and the entire os would crash like just full blue screen down wow what was the song uh is rhythm nation from janet jackson jackson okay janet jackson is too powerful she is you will not find a link to that in the description uh do you want to introduce yourself to the camera hello i'm dave hello i'm daytree like a day in a tree i've been working at microsoft for about two years full time i did two internships started off as an engineer but now i'm a project manager you don't have to remember you don't have to share this but what is your total compensation and if you want to tell us about that negotiating strategy you told me off-camera that'd be great too so when i first started my salary was in the very low 100 100k i was excited at that moment it was like it was so much but as i started to live and work in seattle and everybody else was getting paid more i was like i you know could not be getting what i deserved yeah and so i decided to be bold enough to ask my manager for a raise i asked for 11 which was a lot high but you know aim high hope for the best yeah and i got around a seven percent rate oh nice well thank you so where did you get the number 11 from did you just make it up okay so i took the my current salary and i looked at what other people at the company i used glassdoor for that right the difference was about 15 and so i was like they won't give me 15 but if i ask for more they'll probably give me more than what i expected to give yeah and i added a little one percent in that folder the personality percent what's your advice to students that are aspiring to work at microsoft know how to talk to people know how to sell yourself and learn how to showcase your skills in a sentence there's just so many talented people and i don't think the lack of talent is there i think it's a lack of personality that can really make somebody stand out i am just dripping with personality if you can't see [Laughter] you want to introduce yourself to the camera yeah sure hi i'm ganso so i um software engineer 2 here at microsoft so what is your total compensation right now the total compensation is 170. and i think that like includes base the like the stocks broken down by the vesting periods of stuff over the years did you negotiate any part of that salary yeah so when you when you intern at microsoft and you get offered a return full time the salary is kind of set uh there are a few things you can negotiate you can negotiate the starting level that you come in at and you can also negotiate these the signing bonus thing yeah and then the also the annual stock i never uh negotiated my salary when i came on and i always regretted it so what is your advice to like students that are aspiring to work at microsoft my advice is focus on what your strengths are and also focus on what you need yourself to improve on i don't know if we should do it right on this stream or pick a new place to but i feel like if i'm asking people their salary i should probably be sharing mine too so when i started the stock at microsoft was worth like 135 dollars a share now it's worth like like 280 or something like that so nice i know right i got lucky my my stock was only they gave me like 120 grand of stock over four years but that ended up going up to like closer to 300 closer to 280 or something so that has been like a big chunk of my salary yeah which is going to drop off heavy and for the fourth year and then my base i started at like 109 but now i've been promoted three times i think my base is like like 150 or something i tend to get like a 20 000 bonus every year uh around september and then my sign-on bonus was also 20 grand but i could have negotiated that as i learned today right up to 50. it's uncomfortable to talk about money and especially when you're talking to recruiters like if they come to you with a job offer you feel this pressure of oh if i ask for more i'm worried they're gonna take it away no that's not how it works yeah and so hopefully what i hope you people watching this video today uh learn is know your worth like ask talk to talk to your friends who work in the industry get advice from them and just just be up front with your recruiter i mean yeah that's that's that's their job yeah they're they're not going to take away your offer if you ask for more so like you might as well try it exactly yeah [Music] you
Channel: Jason Goodison
Views: 287,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, coding, programming, code bagel, compsci, computer science, comp sci, faang, google, apple, amazon, netflix, facebook, meta, pay, salary, compensation, joma, joma tech, naman kumar, fireship, fireship tech, microsoft salary, how much do faang engineers make, how much does microsoft pay
Id: hmVe8OQCzPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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