Soft Skills - Customer Handling

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hello everybody welcome to this video on tutorials point today our module for discussion is customer handling skills well friends customers are the lifeblood of any business customers are like guests and they are like God and you have to treat them in a very nice and a polite manner everything depends on the way you handle your customers today so let's get started on this particular module what we will cover in our session today is we will understand what customer handling skills are we will also identify and analyze customer needs and customers problems recognize the most important or are the common reasons why customers complain in our world today steps to calm an upset customer technique to cultivate and maintain special customer relationships understanding the different kind and types of customers well that in store for us today and let's get started immediately well friends what exactly do we mean by customer handling skills if we have to define it let's see what it is well customers as we mentioned are the vital part of any business cycle and it's important to understand that we need to understand what the customer needs and what the customer requires fulfilling the requirement and understanding the needs and having regular frequent interaction with our customers to understand what they exactly require well the best kind of service is when you promise less and deliver more it clearly excites and Wow's the customer if you tell them that we will give them less but you do more for them so expectation exceeds their particular kind of interaction with them why is it important to handle customers certain areas and certain things which will help you to understand that well customer handling helps to have better customer retention we are able to retain our customers in today's time of extreme competitiveness one batch service and your customers can go out of hand and go to your competitor so it's important because it helps you to retain your customers better obviously you will have a top of mind recall whenever to do something for your customers they always remember you by having a top of mind recall customers become loyal to you and that's very important in our competitive environment today better price negotiation because they know that you are going to give them better prices it improves repeat business as we understood having repeat business is very essential so not having a customer just one time but having a customer for lifetime really makes a lot of difference and last but not the least having good word-of-mouth publicity which is absolutely free of course you don't have to really invest anything in that what of mouth publicity is the best kind of publicity my dear friends well what do the customers actually want out of you what do they expect out of you let's understand customers don't expect you to get the stars and moons for them customers have very small expectation and if we fulfill these expectation we put them on cloud number nine so customers expect you to greet them that's the basic anybody would want you to do so good greeting a warm greeting they also want you to value them everybody likes to be valued and even our customers love it when you value them they need you to help them out whenever they are stuck in any kind of situation people really like if they are have helpful people around people who can help them without any selfish interest customers want you to listen to them that's the basic anybody would want people it's important to listen to your customers they want you to invite him back as much as you can and if it is possible and give them a lot and a lot of attention that's something that customers want and friends these are not very big things that they expect these are very little and small things which can be done easily without any kind of additional cost well social service competencies that we are looking at what exactly the customers have set expectations well communication should be good with customers any kind of communication you're having either through email or through phone or face-to-face communication they need you to be competent in that particular regard customers have a lot of sensitivity and they want us to have lost sensibility around them so be sensitive to their needs the requirements little things that they might need out of you this is Agnes make sure that you are good in your decision-making part and also prompt in your decision-making good energy good enthusiasm nobody likes listening to a dull noise or dull voice early in the morning when they call you would this so have good energy and good enthusiasm be flexible as a person or as an organization it's important to be flexible to your customers so don't have very rigid rules and regulations have flexibility in your way of dealing with your customers and it's important to have regular follow-up when you have told a product or a service to a customer that is not the end of the story always follow up with a phone call or a message and ask them if they were happy with that particular product or service now attitude is very important in a customer service department and attitude my friends I would say is not a department but it is a kind of a thing that you need to have within you nobody can teach you service it's something which is an attitude which you need to have so what exactly is the checklist for attitude you need to enjoy helping people people who are dealing in any kind of customer handling or customer service need people to help them around so you need to have the behavior or attitude of generally helping people handling people well you should be good around people and handle them we'll be understanding with your terms and terminologies and give them equal and fair treatment always be just to your customers now friends these are again not very big things but attitude is something which is the most important part in any customer handling skills that we've spoken about what exactly affects the quality of service in customer handling skills we need to be sure that there are certain things we need to keep in mind we need to have good reliability the company as a business who's dealing with customer and handling customers is important to show that your product or service is reliable nobody likes dealing with people who are unreliable and untrustworthy so that's what reliability is of importance confidence the customer needs to be confident of your product and service and for that matter yourself you need to be confident about your product or service good responsiveness good efficiency a customer needs to understand that you are efficient as an organization who is dealing with customers or handling customers you need to show efficiency and a lot of confidence and you need to be consistent very important to understand folks that today if you are doing something for your customers after two months or after two years you should be doing the same for them consistency is very important in today's time there are certain things when you are handling customers you really need to avoid and I would really want you to pay attention on what are the things we need to avoid saying something like I don't know without handling or without even giving an option to a customer if you say something like uh no it's considered to be very rude and negative in a customer handling skills so important is to understand even have to say no to somebody say it in a not a rude manner but a polite manner and offering an option or a suggestion saying you don't know where a colleague is if a customer tells you or asks you for your colleague don't say something like you know what I don't know where he is offer him an alternative or ask him to take a seat while you look for your colleague leaving people on hold for a long time if somebody has called you and if you have to transfer the call to a person don't put them on hold and forget about them always be prompt in your service ignoring people if you are very busy and that happens at peak season and peak time when you have too much of work you tend to avoid people if you are busy treating people unequally please treat people with a lot of fair and justice and don't feed them unequally it's not good to do that certain common excuses when you don't really feel like when you don't really feel I giving a good service fee of customer certain things which you need to take care are I don't have enough time these are excuses that you might give to a customer or to a colleague you don't want to treat a customer well because you don't have time I don't get paid a good salary so why should I handle my customer well every customer is totally bonkers today and that's something that you might just tell yourself to calm yourself you don't want to handle your customer well because you feel that customers today have completely lost it I cannot deal with people who don't show me any respect well customer service or customer handling is not a very great business at times you meet people customers who are coming to you might come with a lot of difficulties so it's important to not lose your patience even if they are not giving you respect you need to give them respect if you're having a bad day so that can be an excuse by saying I don't want to handle a customer because I'm having a bad day how can we do a good job if the other department don't provide us with the backup we need so you might be lack on resources people money or any kind of resources and that could be an excuse so friends what I'm trying to tell you right now is do not give excuses all of these excuses might be something that you want to tell but please restrain from telling these excuses to your customer we are now going to get into different kind of customers and how to deal with these different types of customers well know two customers are the same in the world today and everyone is different from each other we need to understand how to handle them with a lot of care so dealing with difficult behavior let's understand what difficult behavior and difficult customers are certain things we need to keep in mind our most customers are very calm and pleasant nobody is really rude or bad from the very beginning there are times when a customer becomes upset angry and demanding and these are only certain times not always these difficult situations can be extremely tricky and stressful at times but we to keep operations even in those times you cannot really control your customers behavior can you but you can control your responses to their behavior and that is something that is completely in your control you can develop the skills required to handle difficult situations and customers trust me it's not too difficult to do that difficult situations can affect your attitude and your interactions with your customers well we are just trying to say that difficult customers yes they are very stressful but with certain tips and tricks you can handle them better so how do you win over your difficult customers certain tips to help you in that get focused whenever you have a customer who's made difficult with you just try and get all your focus together on the task and the problem of the customer let the customer speak went out as much as they want to that'll really empty them out listen while they are talking you need to really listen to them leave everything do not be on your phone surrounded by technology looking here in there no nothing just listen to your customers acknowledge and empathize with your customer begin trying to solve their problem yes the solution is important the problem is not important so try getting a solution for their problem these are certain things which will help you to really win over your difficult customers these kind of customers the talkative customers are quite entertaining because they love to talk they can go on talking and talking but trust me you don't want to get into an argument with them or you don't want to start a conversation which will go on for one or two hours which can waste your time and energy on them which will prevent you to going back to other customers so for talkative customers as we love to talk you should try and brief your interactions with them try not to give them too many details because once they get details they want more and more details you need to be polite and friendly with them but at the same time try to limit the use of long pauses the moment they get a long pause they will interrupt and they will are talking so try and limit your response that's how you will handle a talkative customer when the angry customer is really really angry and the best way to handle an angry customers let them went out let them speak do not interrupt them do not try to ask them too many questions because that can make them really go flare up and it's important with an angry customer to not take anything that they say in a personal manner they are not blaming you they are blaming the company or the organization's so do not take anything personally if they are saying something to you when an angry customer you have to make sure that you give them a seat to sit down and take them away from an area where other people cannot hear them that's how you will handle an angry customer this kind of customer the know-it-all they're very knowledgeable they know about each and everything that's there in the market they know the brand they know everything about the product and service well it's important to compliment them on their kind of knowledge and always have a nice smile on your face when you are talking to them do not ever challenge their knowledge because that can really make them flare up their ego is very important for them so you need to massage that ego by talking to them in a polite manner and keep letting them talk because they love to share the knowledge this kind of a customers the industries of customers is somebody who is not really sure whether he wants to say a yes or no order maybe and hence it's very important with these kind of customers to understand you need to give them a lot of time to decide what they want do not hurry them do not make it an impulse for them to take a decision quickly be calm be patient and let them take their own sweet time to make the decisions but yes friend is important to provide them with all the information so that they can take a decision in a right manner well the suspicious customer is somebody you really want to stay away from because they are very suspicious and they want to take each and everything to a very large extent they are like your CIB customers they want to keep questioning you and keep asking you interrogative questions with suspicious customer you need to again keep very calm and patient and do not try to get into too many of arguments with them try and solve the problems and they will have a lot of questions you need to answer those questions in a pleasant and a friendly manner that's how you will deal with a suspicious customer do not lose your patience with them well friends that was all on customer handling skills well we hope that you have enjoyed watching this video and enjoyed learning about the different kind of customers and different ways of handling them we have had a lovely time teaching you this module do like us and do share your feedback with us thank you very much
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
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Keywords: Soft Skills - Customer Handling
Id: 8pDlOaH8nPs
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Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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