445,000 Years Ago, THEY visited Earth, They TOOK the gold, Gave Us Nephilim, Kingdoms of Sumeria

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foreign [Music] [Music] Gods from another planet visited Earth 445 000 years ago in pursuit of gold they landed with a splash in one of Earth's oceans and built eredu home in the far away a full-fledged Mission earth eventually emerged from the virtual community complete with a mission control center a Spaceport mining operations and even a way station on Mars the astronauts used genetic engineering to create primitive workers Homo sapiens since they were short on human resources A New Beginning was necessary after the cataclysmic Deluge inkov the planet the astronauts took on the role of gods giving Humanity civilization and the ability to worship then roughly 4 000 years ago a nuclear catastrophe undid everything that had been accomplished this was caused by visitors to Earth who were engaged in conflicts and Wars Ryan moorehan Drew information from the now famous moorhen collection private Museum in Liechtenstein it was once curated by his grandfather George moorhen for the Rothschilds curated artifacts comprising of the Bible clay tablets ancient mythologies and archaeological finds about what had happened on Earth particularly the events that had occurred since the beginning of human history but what had occurred on the astronaut's home planet Nibiru before the events on Earth what had led to space travel the demand for gold and the creation of man What feelings conflicts convictions and morals or lack thereof led the main characters in The Heavenly and space sagas what were the interactions between Nibiru and Earth that were tense what conflicts erupted between the young and old between those born on Earth and those who had traveled from Nibiru and to what extent was what transpired predetermined by Destiny a destiny whose account of the past contains the secret to the Future foreign would it not be fortunate if one of the main characters an eyewitness who could tell the difference between fate and destiny recorded for posterity the hell where when and why of it all possibly the first and last things but some accomplished just that and foremost among them was the commander of the first crew of Nephilim astronauts the biblical stories of creation Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden the Deluge and the Tower of Babel were based on writings made Millennia earlier in Mesopotamia particularly by the Anunnaki Sumerians according to Scholars and theologians and they in turn made it evident that they had read the writings of the Anunnaki those who from Heaven to Earth came the ancient gods from which they had learned about historical events many of which took place before civilization had even emerged many such early texts have been discovered due to archaeological discoveries made over the past 150 years in the ruins of ancient civilizations particularly in the near East the discoveries have also revealed the extent of missing texts or so-called lost books which are either mentioned in the discovered texts or inferred from such texts or known to have existed because they were cataloged in Royal or Temple libraries the Epic of Gilgamesh described the debate between the gods that resulted in the decision to let mankind perish in the Deluge and the text atrahasis described the Revolt of the Anunnaki who had labored in the gold mines that resulted in the creation of primitive workers Earthlings both contain portions of what is sometimes referred to as the secrets of the Gods the leaders of the astronauts occasionally wrote compositions themselves sometimes they dictated the text to a selected scribe as in the era Epoch where one of the two Gods who had brought about the nuclear catastrophe attempted to blame his rival other times the god served as his scribe as in the case of the book of the secrets of thiruth the Egyptian god of knowledge which the God had hidden in an underground chamber the Bible claims that before giving the Commandments to his chosen people the Lord God Yahweh wrote them on two stone tablets he delivered to Moses on Mount Sinai he recorded the words the Lord spoke to him while he was on the mount for 40 days and 40 nights Moses had the new set of tablets written on them when he flung down and smashed the original set after the golden calf event the book of the secrets of Thoth would not have been known if it weren't for a story about it preserved on Papyrus from the reign of the Egyptian monarch kufu chiats we would never have known about the Divine tablets and their contents everything would have been included in the mysterious body of lost writings whose very existence would have never been discovered if it weren't for the biblical narratives in Exodus and Deuteronomy at least two occasions suggested that the biblical narrator was aware of Prior works the fact that in some instances we are aware that some messages exist but are unaware of their contents is no less terrible the Bible explicitly references the book of Dasher also known as the book of righteousness and the Book of the wars of Yahweh this is the book of the generations of Adam says the first line of Genesis chapter 5. typically translated as Generations means historic or genealogical record the second time is in Genesis 6 1 where the phrase these are the tolidot of Noah is used to introduce the story of Noah in the deluge in addition The Book of Enoch one of the so-called apocryphal books that were not included in the canonized Bible contains passages that scholars believe to be fragments from a much earlier book of Noah in fact partial versions of a book that became known as the book of Adam and Eve have survived over the Millennia in Armenian slavonic Syriac and ethiopic languages the famed Library of Alexandria in Egypt is a frequently cited illustration of the magnitude of Lost Books in conflicts from 48 BC to the Arab conquest of AD 642 this beautiful Library where intellectuals met to examine the body of knowledge was destroyed after Alexander's demise in 323 BC General Ptolemy built a library with more than 500 000 volumes of literature engraved on diverse materials clay stone Papyrus and parchment the first five volumes of the Hebrew Bible translated into Greek are all that is left of its richness in addition several of the library's resident Scholars papers still contain fragments only via this do we know that in 270 BC the Greeks gave the Egyptian priest moneto a commission to Chronicle Egypt's history and prehistory then it was the demigods and ultimately around 3100 BC the faryonic dynasty started he said that the Divine Reigns lasted for thousands of years after the flood during which time there were Wars and battles between the gods and that they had started ten thousand years before the flood similar attempts were made to give the Greek safants a record of past events in Alexander's Asian territories where their rule was transferred to General ciliucid and his successes the history of Gods and Men was chronicled in three volumes by burrosis a priest of the Babylonian God Marduk who had accessed a clay tablet libraries the most important of which was the temple library of Haron now in southeast turkey this history began 432 000 years before the Deluge when the gods descended to Earth from the heavens peruses stated that the first ruler came ashore from the sea disguised as a fish listing the names and Rain lengths of the first 10 leaders he was the one who endowed Humanity with civilization and his name was colonis when translated into Greek both priests thus gave Tales of gods of Heaven who had come to Earth of a time when only Gods ruled on Earth and of the devastating Deluge alluding to each other in numerous aspects Barossa specifically reported the existence of writings from before the great flood stone tablets that were hidden for safekeeping in an ancient city called sipah one of the original cities founded by the ancient gods in the fragmentary bits and pieces retained in other contemporary writings from the three volumes sipa like other pre-diluvial towns of the Gods was overrun and destroyed by the Deluge 668-633 BC a library containing the remnants of some 25 000 inscribed clay tablets was Unearthed in the palace's ruins when archaeologists discovered Nineveh in the middle of the 19th century this ancient Assyrian Metropolis had previously only been known from the Old Testament a mention of the pre-diluvial texts appeared in The Chronicles of the Assyrian monarch ashobanipar who is a devoted collector of Olden texts most in his annals the god of scribes has bestowed on me the gift of the knowledge of his art I have been initiated into the secrets of writing I can even read the intricate tablets in arunaki Sumerian I understand the enigmatic words in the stone carvings from the days before the flood the Anunnaki Sumerian civilization which later gave way to the Indus Valley Civilization in the Indian subcontinent is known to have flourished in Iraq almost a millennium before the beginning of the pharyonic age in Egypt it is now known that the Anunnaki Sumerians were the first to record the histories and legends of deities and humans from them all other peoples including the Hebrews got the stories of creation Adam and Eve Cain and Abel the Deluge the Tower of Babel and the wars and loves of the Gods which are depicted in the writings and memories of the Greeks Hittites Canaanites Persians and indo-europeans these ancient manuscripts reveal that far older texts some discovered many lost were their sources the amount of these ancient texts is astounding amid the ruins of the ancient near East tens of thousands of clay tablets have been found not thousands numerous transactions involve or document daily life elements such as marriage contracts and workers wages other canonized texts or secret literature were written down in the Anunnaki Sumerian language and then translated to Acadian the first Semitic language and other ancient languages these texts primarily found in Palace libraries make up the Royal annals still other texts discovered in the ruins of Temple libraries or scribal schools make up a group of canonized texts additionally references to missing books can be found in those earliest writings dating back almost 6 000 years text inscribed on stone tablets the same information concerning the 10 pre-dilupial Kings and their 432 thousand year cumulative rain that perossus had mentioned is etched on Clay prisms which are among the incredible to say luckily does not communicate the miracle findings in the remains of ancient towns and their libraries there is no question that the Anunnaki Sumerian compilers of the Anunnaki Sumerian king lists which are on display in the ashmullium museum in Oxford England had access to some previous common or canonical textual material they strongly imply that the original recorder of the arrival as well as of Prior events and subsequent events had to be one of those leaders a key participant or an eyewitness when combined with other equally early manuscripts found in varying levels of preservation the leader who had splashed down with the first batch of astronauts had been a participant in all those activities and an eyewitness to them his nickname at the time was E A which stands for he whose home is water he was disappointed when his half-brother an opponent and Lil lord of the command was awarded control of the earth Mission and his humiliation was only slightly lessened by being given the title n key Lord of Earth a r n key a renowned scientist discovered the hominids who lived there after being banished from the god cities and Spaceport in the edin Eden to oversee the gold mining in the abzul Southeast Africa as a result when the Anunnaki laboring in the gold mines rebelled and said no more he was the one who realized that the necessary Human Resources could be obtained by accelerating Evolution through genetic engineering as a result the atom literally he of the earth an Earthling was created the events mirrored in the biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden described the second genetic modification by Yankee that added the extra chromosomal genes required for sexual conception because Adam was a hybrid he was unable to have children it was he enki who disobeyed his brother enloe's intention to let mankind perish in the Deluge the events whose Hero has been referred to as Noah in the Bible and zeusutra in the earlier original Anunnaki Sumerian text when mankind proliferating did not turn out as it had been planned enki nibiru's ruler and the firstborn son of Anu was well versed in the history of his planet and its inhabitants he was a gifted scientist who left the most essential components of the sophisticated Annunaki knowledge particularly to his two sons Madoka ningish zida who as Egyptian gods were known there as ra Thoth respectively but he also played a crucial role in transferring some of this cutting-edge knowledge to mankind by imparting the secrets of the Gods to a few chosen individuals such initiates recorded those Divine lessons as part of humankind's inheritance in at least two cases as they were told to do one of the earliest lost writings is believed to have been written by a DARPA who is thought to be the son of enki by a human woman writings regarding time is one of his known works the other known as enmeduranki was most likely the Forerunner of the biblical Enoch who was carried up to heaven after giving his sons the book of divine secrets a version that may have survived in the extra biblical Book of Enoch despite being anu's firstborn he was not meant to succeed his father as ruler of Nibiru enlil enki's half-brother received that honor thanks to complicated succession procedures representing the complicated history of the nippy ruins enki and enlil were sent to Earth to stop the acrimonious dispute because Earth's gold may be used to make a barrier to protect nibiru's Vanishing atmosphere enki decided to reject enlil's plan for mankind to perish in the Deluge against this backdrop which was made even more complicated by the presence of their half-sister ninhosag the chief medical officer of the Anunnaki on Earth the fight persisted between the two half-brothers kids and even their grandchildren the fact that everyone involved especially those who were born on Earth had to deal with nibiru's longer orbital periods reduction in longevity contributed to their personal suffering and sharpened their goals everything reached ahead in the last century of the third millennium BC when ninota and Lil's firstborn son and not Marduk enki's firstborn by his official bride asserted that he should inherit the earth the employment of nuclear weapons due to the brutal fight that included numerous conflicts unexpectedly destroyed the Anunnaki Sumerian civilization the commencement of the priesthood the lineages of the intermediaries between the gods and the people the communicators of the Divine words to the Mortal earthlings had been marked by the initiation of selected persons into the secrets of the Gods oracle's interpretation of divine words co-existed with the practice of looking to the stars for signs and prophecies started to come into play as mankind was drawn to join sides in religious disputes Naboo marduk's firstborn son strove to persuade mankind on behalf of his exiled father that the Heavenly signals indicated the coming supremacy of Marduk and the term to describe such speakers of the Gods who proclaimed what was to come was Nabi these advances made the realization that one must distinguish between fate and destiny more acute enki and enlil started to reflect philosophically on what was truly fated and could not have been avoided and what was fated as a result of good or bad choices and free will enki and enlil sometimes reviewed and remembered the sequence of events and the apparent parallelism between what had happened on Nibiru and what had happened on Earth the differences between Nam a destiny like the planetary orbits whose course had been established and was immutable and Anu which were previously unquestioned were now closely examined tar which stood for fate literally meant a destiny that could be bent broken or altered the former could be predicted whereas the latter could not especially if everything was cyclical like planetary orbits if what was will again be if the first things will also be the last the culmination of the nuclear apocalypse forced the Anunnaki leaders to examine their motives and it heightened the need to explain why it happened in this way to the engulfing human masses is someone responsible for this was it predetermined or just a byproduct of anunnaki's will was anyone accountable on the eve of the catastrophe enki was the Lone opponent of using the illegal weapon in the councils of the Anunnaki enki felt it was imperative to inform the suffering survivors of the significance of the turning point in the story of aliens who had good intentions but ended up being Destroyers and who better than A.R enki who arrived first and was an eyewitness to tell the past so that the future could be predicted since a lengthy collection covering at least 22 tablets in the moorhen collection was found in the ancient library in mosul enki documented his autobiography enki is quoted as saying by nippu there was a great deal of flooding when I got closer to Earth as I got closer to its Lush Meadows at my direction heaps and mounds were built up I constructed my home in a purity spot giving it a suitable moniker the lengthy passage tells how enki gave his lieutenants task to complete sending them on a trip to Earth enki's story is completed by several additional books some are partly in the moorhen collection in Liechtenstein and the other half in Switzerland also in a private Museum they include a cosmoginy and an epic of creation both of which contain enki's own writings known to researchers as the eridu Genesis and which relate various aspects of his participation in later developments they go into great depth on how Adam was created they include texts of enki's personal life and problems such as the tale of his attempts to have a son by his half-sister ninhosag his promiscuity with both God S's and the daughters of man and the unintended consequences thereof they describe how other ranunaki male and female came to enki in his City eridu to obtain the May a data disc from him that encoded all aspects of civilization the division of Earth's kingdoms between enki and enlil by Anu averted a flare-up of their feuds as noted in the atrahasis narrative the discussions in the Council of the Gods about the fate of humanity and enki's deception which is known as the story of Noah and the Ark are almost verbatim in texts documenting the events before the deluge until one of its original Mesopotamian versions was discovered in the tablets of the Epic of Gilgamesh this story was only known from the Bible the main body of recorded memories of the events of gods and mortals can be found in Anunnaki Sumerian and Acadian clay tablets Babylonian and Assyrian Temple libraries Egyptian hittite and Canaanite myths and biblical Tales for the first time Ryan moorhen has brought together and exploited this scattered and dispersed data to reconstruct enki's eyewitness account the autobiographical Memoirs and incisive forecasts of an extraterrestrial God even though Ryan moorehan's grandfather was no seriologist who curated the collection of which it is named and he has also studied near Eastern history for almost 33 years it took him seven years to gain access to the collection with special permission from the Rothschilds it reminds me of yahweh's instructions to the prophet Isaiah 7th Century BC which are presented as a text delivered by enki to a chosen scribe a book of witnessing to be unsealed at a suitable time come now write it as a book on a sealed tablet carve it let it be a testimony for all time witnessing to the very end Isaiah 30 8. enki himself saw the future while he dealt with the past that the Anunnaki who possessed Free Will were in control of their own Fates as well as the fate of humanity gave way to the understanding that Destiny ultimately determined how events would turn out and as a result as the Hebrew prophets had foretold the first thing shall be the last thus the enki recorded timeline serves as the basis for prophecy and the past becomes the future brilliant scribe born in eridu City who served the great God enki I was called by my master the Lord enki the great God the merciful creator of people who created them in the seventh year following the great Calamity on the 17th day of the second month I was one of eridu's surviving members who fled to the dry step as the evil wind approached the city I then set foot in the wilderness searching for dead branches to use as firewood I then turned to look above and a whirlwind came from the south it was silent and had a reddish glow about it four straight feet extended out from its abdomen as it descended to the ground and the brightness vanished I immediately fell to the ground and bowed down because I knew it was a Divine vision when I opened my eyes I saw two Divine emissaries standing close by They too had human faces and their clothes sparkled like burnished brass they said you are being called by the mighty deity enki as they addressed me by name do not be alarmed you are blessed and we are coming to transfer you to his retreat in the land of magon on the island in the middle of the river of morgon where the sluices are by lifting you into the air the Whirlwind Rose as a fiery Chariot and left as they finished speaking they each grasped one of my hands while Holding Onto Me by the other they immediately transported me between the Earth and the heavens Like an Eagle as they Lifted Me the countryside Rivers Plains and mountains were all visible to me they then dropped me off on the island near the entrance to the home of the giant God and as soon as they released their grip I was overcome with a Brilliance I had never seen before collapsing to the ground as though bereft of the spirit of life I felt as though I had been roused from the deepest sleep by the sound of my name being called I added here I am I was enclosed despite the darkness an aura was present then the darkest of voices called my name once more even though I could hear it I could not identify who was speaking or where the voice was coming from The Voice then addressed me saying descendant of adapa I have appointed you to be my scribe that you record my words on the tablets a light suddenly materialized in one area of the enclosure a scribe's table a scribe stool and beautifully formed Stones were on the table and the area was set up like a scribal workspace however I didn't see any clay tablets or pots with wet clay only one stylus was on the table and it's shown in the light like no other Reed stylus ever had son of eridu City my faithful servant the voice said once more I am your lord enki and I have asked you to record my words because I am deeply saddened by what the great Calamity has brought upon Humanity to prove to gods and Mortals that my hands are pure I want to document the events precisely as they happen such a catastrophe had not befallen the Earth the gods and the inhabitants since the great deluge but the great Deluge not the great Calamity would occur this one would have been avoided seven years ago it could have been avoided although I enki did everything I could to stop it I was unsuccessful furthermore was it fate or destiny it will be judged since there will be a day of Judgment at the end of time it will be the day of the re-entering celestial God when the earth will tremble the rivers will shift their courses and there will be Darkness at noon and a fire in the heavens at night on that day it will be revealed who will survive and who will perish who will be rewarded and who will be punished gods and humans alike for what will come to pass by what had passed shall be determined and what was destined shall inner cycle be repeated and what was destined and only by the hearts will occur for good or ill shall be for judgment come the great Lord then resumed speaking stating I will reveal the correct Narrative of the beginnings and of the prayer times and of the olden times for in the past the future lies hidden The Voice suddenly went silent I will talk for 40 days and 40 nights and you will write during that time 40 will be the total of those days and nights since 40 is my sacred number among the gods you must fast for 40 days and 40 nights and consume bread and water once which will be enough to keep you alive for the duration of your assignment a glowing appeared in another area of the enclosure as the voice paused I then noticed a table with a plate and a cup on it I got up and saw the bread and the cup of water on the plate endoopsa eat the bread and drink the water and you will be maintained for 40 days and 40 nights the great Lord enki's voice echoed and I followed the instructions the light at the scribal table became more intense as the voice told me to sit there I couldn't see any doors or openings where I was yet the glowing was as bright as the midday Sun The Voice asked what do and dupsa describe I then stated I see stone tablets and their color is blue as pure as the sky as I looked at the Blazing Beam on the table the stones and the stylus then I notice a stylus I had never seen before with a read-like stem and an eagle talon-like tip stay true to what I've said and spoken the voice said these are the tablets on which you should write my words they were cut to my specifications from the best lapis lazuli each having two smooth faces each Stone tablet must have its front face inscribed and its back must have two writing columns the stylus you can see was also created by a god it has a Divine crystal tip and an electrum handle it will snugly fit in your hand and Engraving with it will be as simple as marking wet clay there was a pause and I touched one stone the surface felt soft and smooth like smooth skin I then took the holy stylus which was as light as a feather the great deity then spoke and I recorded his words verbatim in my writing his voice was booming occasionally approaching a whisper his voice conveyed grief or Agony as much as Pride or joy I took another tablet to continue after one had been written on all of its faces the giant God paused when the ultimate words were pronounced and I heard a loud sigh and he said and my servant you have Faithfully recorded my words for 40 days and 40 nights this is where your job is done now take hold of a second tablet and write your attestation as a witness seal the tablet at the end take the tablet and place it with the other tablets in the Divine chest the chosen ones will arrive at a predetermined time and discover the chest and the tablets they will then learn everything I have dictated to you and an accurate account of the beginnings the prior times the olden times and the ages and it will be both a witness to the past and a foreteller of the future for the first thing is also the last and a future lives in the past after a brief pause I placed the tablets inside the chest correctly the chest outside was covered in Gold inlay and constructed from acacia wood my Lord then spoke telling me to fasten the chest's latch and close the cover and I followed the instructions after another silence my lord enki said and as for you and upsa you have spoken with a great deity and even though you haven't seen me you have been in my presence you are therefore My Chosen spokesperson for the people you will become and I bless you you must exhort them to do what is right since a good and long life is found in doing so and it would be best if you consoled them because in 70 years the towns will be restored and the crops will re-sprout Warfare will co-exist with times of calm kingdoms will rise and fall and new nations will grow powerful the ancient gods will retire and the future will be decided by New Gods however Destiny will win out in the end and my remarks about the past foretell that future and oopsa you must inform the populace of all of it after that there was Stillness and as I and dubsan knelt in prayer I questioned how I would know what to say the words to speak will come to you in dreams and Visions the Lord enki said the signs will be in the heavens there will be more prophets who have been chosen after you and in the end there will be no need for prophets because there will be a new Earth and a new Heaven after the auras disappeared and there was silence the ghost left me and I was on the plains outside of eridu when I came to my senses summary of The mohen Collection Acadian tablet mc2894 a bewailing The Emptiness of Sumer what happened when the radioactive Cloud expanded and the gods left their cities the discussions held at the gods Council the terrible choice to use weapons of Terror the beginnings of the Gods and nibiru's incredible armaments north-south Wars Union and dynastic rule on Nibiru the location of Nibiru in the solar system climate change is brought on by a declining atmosphere the attempt to get gold to protect the atmosphere fails alalu a usurper ignites volcanic gases with nuclear bombs a dynastic sassa named Anu overthrows a Lalu alalu escapes Nibiru by stealing a spacecraft more hen collection Acadian tablet mc2894a the firstborn son of Anu Lord enki who rules over Nibiru spoke these words I cry laments with a heavy heart and bitterly laments flood my heart how devastated is the country how has the evil wind taken its people how have the stables and sheepfolds been emptied how severely has the evil wind affected the cities causing their inhabitants to pile up like dead bodies how much has the evil wind affected the fields leaving their Greenery with it how much are the rivers in love the once pure beautiful Waters have been poisoned and no one swims anymore Sumer is empty of its black-headed inhabitants all life has vanished it is also empty of its cattle and Lambs the hum of milk churning has gone silent only the wind howls in its gorgeous cities the only odor is death the temples whose Gods raised their heads to heaven have been forgotten the scepter and tiara are no longer present no lordship or kingship command exists the two big Rivers previously Lush and life-giving Banks now only support weeds highways and roads are untraveled thriving Sumer is like an abandoned Wasteland how devastated is the country the Abode of men and gods unknown to man a catastrophe struck the region a catastrophe that humankind had never experienced before and was Unstoppable a disrupting hand of horror was laid upon all the regions from west to east the gods were as helpless as men in their cities an evil wind inflicted a great Calamity in its path a storm formed in a remote plane a wind that brings death and travels from west to east has been fated to follow that path a storm is as devastating as a deluge destroying not with water but with wind overwhelming not with tidal waves but with poisoned air it was created by Fate rather than Destiny the great Gods had brought about the great Calamity in their meeting it was approved by enlil and ninhausan I was the only one pleading for a halt I fought day and night to accept the sky's will but in vain the warrior son of enlil ninota and my son nergal poisoned weapons and let them loose across the vast plain we were unaware that an evil wind would follow the Brilliance now they SOB in pain who could predict that the storm that brings death born in the west would make its way to the east now the Godzilla meant the Gods in their sacred cities watched in disbelief as the evil wind traveled towards Sumer the gods left their temples to the wind and one by one left their City I was powerless to stop the poisonous Cloud as it moved toward my city eridu get away to the vast step I gave orders to the people I left the city with ninky my wife enlil was powerless to Halt it at his city of nippua where the bond Heaven Earth was created the evil wind was blowing against nipur and Lil hastily launched his Celestial boat with his wife Nana begged his father and Lil for help at Ur the capital city of Sumer Nana was the hand of fate and disregarded his father's pleas in the Temple's location which Rises to heaven in seven steps turn the evil wind away o great God who gave birth to me and gave the kingship to ur in a plea Nana continue to honor the great deity who controls fortunes by sparing Ur and her inhabitants Nana filed a protest Noble's son your excellent city lordship was granted Eternal rain was not replied enlil in response to his son Nana ningal grab your wife and run from the city even I who set the fates and Powerless to change Destiny my brother enlil said but unfortunately it was not destiny a tragedy that hasn't been this serious since the flood gods and humans were hit sadly it wasn't fate the great Deluge and the great Calamity of the death dealing storm were both predestined to occur it was brought about by the breaking of a vow by a council vote and the deployment of weapons of Terror The Poisoned weapons were released by choice rather than fate and the lot was decided upon by thought my firstborn caused the immediate destruction of my two sons Revenge was in their hearts for Marduk Marduk is not entitled to ascendancy I will confront him with weapons denota said firstborn and Lil yelled he gathered an army of people using babilai to declare the center of the Earth so yelled nergal marduk's brother in the big Gods meeting poisonous phrases were said I spoke up against haste day and night peace I offered advice why does opposition persist when the populace has erected his Divine image a second time I begged the question the age of mardok in the sky has yet to come as each instrument been examined I repeated my question my own son and other Heavenly indications are mentioned I knew that his heart could not forgive Marduk for what he had done to him enlil on earthborn encountered Nana who was also unyielding Marduk established his own home during my time in the northern city then he said the youngest son of enlil ishkua was sentenced to punishment and told to after the people he had created in his domains utu son of Nana aimed his anger at marduk's son Nabu and attempted to take control of the location of the celestial chariots the identical twin of utu inana was enraged and continued to demand that Marduk be punished for killing her beloved demusi mother of the Gods and humans ninho asag looked elsewhere why is Marduk not present all she said was gibbil my own son said somebody Marduk has disregarded all pleadings and asserts his sovereignty based on signs from heaven the only way to stop Marduk is with guns and Lil's first born ninota yelled it was essential to utu to keep marduk's hands off the place of the celestial chariots so it wouldn't crumble then he said let the old weapons of Terror for eradication be utilized angrily commanded nergal lord of the lower domain I looked at my own son in astonishment using fear weapons in brother against brother battles has been forbidden there was silence rather than agreement and Lil spoke quietly saying punishment must be meted out the evildoers shall be as Birds without wings mardok and Naboo ours of Legacy are depriving let them of the place of the celestial chariots be deprived let the area be burned to a crisp the one who scorches let me be yelled ninota excitedly Nagal jumped up and yelled let the towns of the evil doers likewise be demolished let me obliterate the cities of wickedness let the annihilator be my name after that I firmly asserted that since earthlings were our creation neither the pious nor the sinful should perish my co-creator ninho Saga proved saying the issue is between the gods alone to settle the people must not be heard Anu was paying close attention to the conversations and the celestial home Anu who controls Destiny spoke from his Heavenly home let the weapons of Terror be used this once let the place of the rocket ships be destroyed let the people be spared let's Nagal be the annihilator and inerta the scorcher Bee and little concurred as well and the choice was made public I'll let them in on a god secret and the location of the Terror weapons Anil called his two sons mine and the other his to his inner chamber girl passed me without looking at me alas brother has turned against brother I shouted aloud without using words do the prior times have to happen again and Lil disclosed a myth from ancient times trusting the weapons of Terror to their hands they are set loose clad in dread and Splendor turning everything in their path into dust they had vowed to fight each other as brothers on Earth regardless of the place the oath was now rendered meaningless like a broken jar the two sons came from enlil's chamber with hasten's steps jumping with joy as the weapons left none of his disasters had a foreshadowing so the other gods turned around and went back to their cities this is a description of earlier times and terrorist weapons the beginning came before the prior times and the olden times followed the prior times the gods visited Earth in ancient times and made the first humans there no Gods existed in the prayer times and humans had not yet been created the gods home during the prayer times was on their own planet Nibiru Nibiru is a giant planet with a reddish Brilliance that orbits the Sun in an extended orbit Nibiru spends some time in the cold the sun strongly Heats it for a portion of its orbit dense atmosphere in Nibiru is continuously nourished by volcanic outbursts this atmosphere supports many lives without it there would be just perishing the core heat of Nibiru surrounds the globe throughout the cold season like an ever-renewing warm cloak it protects Nibiru from the sun's harsh race in the hot season while it is raining it holds and releases water to create lakes and streams all kinds of Life have sprung out in the waterways and on the land because of the Lush vegetation that blankets our atmosphere feeding and protecting it after a long time our species grew a seed that could keep going forever as the number of us grew our ancestors moved to many parts of Nibiru some worked for land and some with four legs took care of the animals some of them lived in the mountains and some of them lived in the valleys rivalries and encroachments led to fights and sticks were used as weapons Clans formed tribes and two big Nations stood face to face the country of the north took up arms against the country of the South what was held by hand was turned into missiles that shot forward thunderous and bright weapons made things even scarier the entire world was at War for a long time and brothers fought against Brothers both North and South were affected by death and destruction for a long time the land was empty and there wasn't much life then a truce was called and efforts to make peace were made The Messengers told each other let the Nations come together let there be one Throne on Nibiru and one King who rules over everyone let a leader from the North or South be chosen by chance and let there be only one king if he is from the north the South should choose a woman to be his wife and Rule with him if a South man is chosen by lot he should marry a North woman let them be husband and wife and become one flesh let their firstborn son take over let this create a unified Dynasty and bring peace to Nibiru for good peace began amid the wreckage North and South were brought together by marriage the Royal Throne became one body and a line of Kings went on without a break after peace the first king was an influential leader from the north he was chosen by drawing Lots he was honest and fair and his decisions were respected he built a beautiful city to live in it was called arcade which means Unity for his rule he was given the title Celestial one which meant he was a king he brought Law and Order back to the land by force and made the rules and laws he put governors in charge of each land their primary jobs were to restore and reclaim the land in the Royal records it was written that he United the lands and brought peace back to Nibiru he built a new city fixed the canals and fed the people so there was plenty of food on the land he chose a young woman from the south to be his wife she was known for both Love and War onto was her royal title and her given name cleverly meant the leader who is anu's spouse she had three boys and no girls with Anu she gave her first son the name Anki which means a solid foundation in the language of Arnold he sat on the throne by himself and the choice of a wife was put off twice the palace was filled with concubines during his rule but he never had a son so the dynasty began with anki's death since he had no children even though he wasn't the firstborn the middle son was named for legal heir one of three brothers was called lutunnergal by his mother since he was a child his name meant the one in the middle from the Royal records Anki is called in Divine kingship the name of the one who is anu's son is shown through the generations he was the third person to rule Nibiru his father on was the second he married the daughter of enki's half-brother nin called Lil the lady of Lil had a son he was the fourth King to take over the throne based on the number of Kings on Shah Gaul wanted to be known by his Royal name which meant anu's prince who is greatest of princes his wife Kishore Gaul was his half-sister they both had the same name his primary goal was to learn and understand he worked hard to learn how the heavens worked he looked into nibiru's big circle whose length had to be set at a Shah one year on Nibiru was used to track how long each king or queen ruled he split the Shah into 10 parts and then announced two festivals when the Earth was closest to the Sun a festival of warmth was held when Nibiru went to its Far Away Home the Festival of coolness was set up the two were set up to replace all the old festivals of tribes and Nations and bring people together he set up laws for husbands and wives and Sons and Daughters by decree he also made the customs of the first tribes the law for the entire land during the wars there were many more women than men he made rules that said one male could have over one female by law only one wife can be the official spouse this wife is called the first wife to be called by law the firstborn son took over for his father by following these rules people soon needed clarification if the firstborn son wasn't from the first wife then a son was born by the first wife who became the legal Heir by law who will be the next leader the one with the most first-born children the one who was born by the first wife the youngest son The Heir by law who will get the money who will do well unshagall was King hishagal was named his first wife she was the king's half-sister during onshagall's rule the palace was once again filled with concubines the king's Sons and Daughters were born to his concubines the first child to be born was the son of a concubine the child was called the first warn then kishagar gave birth to a son by law he was the heir but he was not the firstborn in the palace hishagar got angry and yelled let the double seat not be forgotten if the rules say my son who was born to a first wife can't be king even though we have different moms The King and I have the same father I am the king's half-sister and he is my half-brother by that my son Our Father anib's double seed has it let the law of the seed and the law of marriage rule from now on from now on a son by a half-sister should take the throne before all other Sons anshargar liked the law of the seed when he thought about it it would keep his wife and concubine's marriage and divorce from getting mixed up in their meeting the king's advisers agreed on the law of the seed for succession the scribes wrote the decree because the king told them to So based on the law of the seed the name of the next king was made public he was given the name ansha which means king he was fifth in line for the throne this is the story of ansha's rule and the Kings who came after him when the law was changed there was fighting among the other princes there were words but there was no Rebellion as his half-sister and wife anshard shows he made her his first wife and gave her the name Kisha so because of this law the dynasty kept going during ansha's rule the crops in the fields got smaller with fewer fruits and Grains from one circuit to the next the heat got more muscular as they got closer to the sun while the coolness in the Far Away Home got more biting in arcad the city of the throne the king and many wise people got together people with a lot of knowledge and intelligence were told to ask questions they looked at the land and soil and tried out the lakes and streams it's happened before and some people said Nibiru had grown in the past when it was colder or warmer it has a fate since it is part of the circuit of Nibiru others who knew the edge and watched the sacket did not think about nibiru's Destiny being to blame they found that there had been a breaching in the atmosphere spitting up with volcanoes the atmosphere forebears and people who burped less the air on Nibiru has become less dense and the protective shield has shrunk pestilences spread during the rule of unsharant hisha and no amount of work could stop them the throne was then taken over by their son enshah who was the sixth member of that family lord of the Shah was what the name meant he was born with a lot of knowledge and learned a lot throughout his life he looked for ways to fix the problems like nibiru's path through the heavens and he did a lot of research it wrapped around five beautiful planets in its Loop of the sun's family he had their atmospheres looked at seeing if there were any ways to heal them he gave each one a name he honored their ancestors and thought of them as Heavenly couples the first two planets he saw were on and until like twins the biggest ones were outside nibiru's Circle Gaga among others traveled as a messenger sometimes meeting Nibiru first as the sun went around five Heavenly beings greeted Nibiru beyond the hammered bracelet the sun made a circle like a boundary the hammered bracelet was like a guardian of Heaven's forbidding area protecting it from chaos the bracelet kept the four other children of the Sun from getting hurt ensha set out to study how the five greeters made people feel in nibiru's Loop five things were carefully looked at what atmospheres they had were closely looked at by watching them and using Celestial chariots the findings were surprising and the discoveries were hard to understand nibiru's atmosphere breaching got worse from circuit to circuit in the councils of the wise people talked about cures and waste of bandage wounds with great interest a new Shield was tried to cover the planet but it all fell back to the ground the volcanoes that spewed Ash were looked at in councils of the wise the atmosphere was created by volcanoes spewing Ash into the air and it hurt when they stopped let people devise new ways to burp and let volcanoes spew again what one savant's group said all the kings could only tell how the feet could be done or what tools could be used during ansha's rule the hole in the sky got bigger there were no rains the winds were more potent and no springs were coming from the ground there was a charge in the land that Mother's breasts were dry there was trouble in the palace and a charge spread as his first wife he married his half-sister enshah which was against the law of the seed bear of the Shahs the lady was what people called Ninja had a son as a concubine the firstborn son a son she didn't give birth to ninsha's first wife and half-sister didn't have a son by the law of succession the throne went to the concubine sun he was the seventh person to rule his Royal name was Tu uru which means in The Dwelling Place made he was born in the house of concubines not in the palace Duru chose a young woman from his youth to be his wife he chose the first wife because he loved her not because she was his daughter tururu was her royal name which meant she who is by my side there was a lot of confusion in the Royal Court Sons didn't get to inherit and wives weren't half-sisters there was more and more suffering on the land people became less fertile and the fields forgot how full they used to be there was no birth in the palace neither a son nor a daughter was born seven of Anne's children were Kings and then none of his children were on the throne a child named dauru was found at the palace gate and the queen took him in as her son in the end duuru adopted him as a son and made him his legal heir his name lamu means join us the princes were complaining in the palace and there were also complaints in the Council of counselors in the end lamu took his place on the throne even though he wasn't on sun he was the eighth King in the councils of the wise there were two ideas for how to heal the brace one had to use a metal called gold it was rare in Nibiru but there was a lot in the Hammett bracelet it was the only thing that could be ground into the finest powder and stay in the air high above heaven so with more supplies the hole would close up and protection would improve Let There Be Celestial boots and a Starfleet to bring gold to Nibiru the other idea was to make weapons of Terror that would make the ground shake and the mountains break apart with missiles the volcanoes can be attacked their Slumber is broken their belching made worse the atmosphere filled up and the hole made to go away lamu was too weak to choose but he knew what to do one time around Nibiru went around two Shahs Nibiru was added to the list in the fields things didn't get better the atmosphere was not fixed by volcanic farts a third Shah went by and a fourth was added to the total no gold was gained there was a lot of fighting on the land but there wasn't enough food or water there was no longer unity in the land and accusations were everywhere intelligent people came from the Royal Court and counselors rushed in and out the king didn't care what they said he only wanted advice from his wife named lahama if it's fate she said let's ask the great creator of all to help the king the only hope is to beg on the internet the princes at the Royal Court were upset and the King was accused of being stupid and irrational for making things worse instead of better weapons were taken out of the old storage places and there was a lot of talk about starting a rebellion the first person to take up arms was a prince in the Royal Palace by making promises he stirred up the other princes his name was alalu lamu shouldn't be king anymore he yelled let decisions supplant hesitation let's scare the king where he lives let's leave his throne empty the princes listened to what he said and ran to the Palace gate they went like Rushing Water to the throne room which had a small entrance alalu was after the king who ran to the Palaces Tower there was a fight in the tower and lamu fell to death no more lamu alalu called out alalu ran to the throne room and sat on the throne as quickly as he could he told everyone with joy that the King was dead he made a king with no rights or counsel some people were content that lamu had died while others were saddened by what alalu had done this is the story of alalu becoming King and going to Earth there was no longer unity in the land and many people were upset with the King princes were upset in the palace and counselors were upset in the council anu's place on the throne was passed on from father to son even lamu the eighth was called a sun because he was adopted who was a Lalu was he a fast-born or a legal heir how could he take over wasn't he the one who killed the king alalu was brought before the sephen who judge so that they could decide his fate alalu made his pleas to the seven who judge even though he was neither a legal Heir nor a firstborn son he was of Royal Blood before the judges he said I am from onshaga my ancestor was born to him by a concubine his name was Alam by Shah's count Alam was the firstborn the throne belonged to him but the queen used her cunning to take away his rights she made a lure of the seed out of nothing and her son became king she took the kingship away from malalu and gave it to her son I followed a lalu's lineage the seed of onshagal is in me the seven who judge paid attention to what alalu said they took the matter to the Council of councilors to find out if it was true the Royal records were carefully read from the House of Records Anu and antu were the first king and queens they had three sons but no daughters Anki was the firstborn he died on the throne and had no children in his place the middle son took the throne his name was onib on shargar was his first child and his throne after him the firstborn did not stay on the throne the law of succession by the law of the seed was replaced by a new law the firstborn was the son of a concubine but the law said he didn't have the right to be king instead kishaga's son became king this was because she was a half-sister of the king the firstborn the son of the concubine was not written down in the history books of him I am descended alalu cried out to the counselors by the law of succession he was the rightful King by the law of succession I am now the rightful King the councilors of allalu hesitated before taking the truth oath that was asked of them allalu took the oath of life and death and as king he thought about what the council had to say they called the elders and the princes together and the decision was made before them a young prince stood up from a group of princes he had something to say about being King he told the assembly that succession needs to be looked at again even though I wasn't the firstborn or the Queen's son I came from Pure seed the essence of an is still in me and no concubine has changed that the word shop for counselors and they told the Young Prince to come closer they asked what he was called it's Anu I was named after my grandfather on when they asked about his family tree he told them about Ann's Three Sons Anki was ahn's firstborn but he died without a son or daughter aneb was the middle son he took the throne instead of Anki he married onib who was the daughter of his younger brother from that point on the succession is written down in the history books who was that younger brother one of the purest seed and the son of on and onto the counselors just looked at each other in shock his name was enugu Anu told them he was my great great grandfather his wife ninuru was his half-sister and her first born son was named inama seed and succession laws said that his wife was his half-sister and she gave him a son by law and Seed the generations kept coming from the same family my parents named me Anu after our grandfather Han we have been kicked off the throne but were not kicked off Ann's pure seed let a Lalu be removed let Anu be king a lot of counselors yelled others gave advice let there be no fighting and let Unity win they called a Lalu to tell him what they'd found alalu put his arm around Prince Anu and spoke to him in this way even though we have different parents we both come from the same ancestor let's live in peace and help Nibiru return to plenty together let me keep the throne and you take care of the next king he said to the council let Anu be crowned Prince let his son marry my daughter and let the heirs unite let him be my successor Arnold bent down in front of the council he said the following to the group I will be a lalu's cup Bearer and his Heir Apparent as his bride he will choose a son of mine or a daughter of his that was the council's decision written down in the Royal records in this way alalu stayed Seated on the throne he called on the wise people Geniuses and commanders he consulted and learned a lot that helped him decide he permitted boats from the Heavens to be built to find the gold in the Hammett bracelet the boats were crushed by the hammered bracelets and none returned let the weapons of Terror be used to cut open Nibiru and let the volcanoes erupt again he then gave an order with weapons of Terror chariots in the sky were loaded with Terror missiles and fired from the sky at volcanoes the mountains moved as bright light and thunder exploded and the valley shook there was a lot of happiness in the land and there were hopes for plenty Arnold was in the palace for a Lalu who was in charge for cups he would bow to lalu's feet and give a Lalu the cup to drink from alalu was the king and Arnold worked for him as a servant there was less joy in the land the rain stopped and the winds got more robust the amount of gas that volcanoes blew out didn't get worse and the hole in the atmosphere didn't get fixed nibiru's circuits kept going around in the sky it got harder to handle the heat and cold from circuit to circuit the people of Nibiru stopped respecting their King because he made things worse for them instead of better alalu stayed in his seat on the throne the most powerful and wise Prince Arnold was standing before him he would bow to alalu's feet and give alalu the cup to drink from alalu was the king of Nibiru for nine times that were measured in the ninth Shah alalu and Anu fought alalu challenged him to fight hand-to-hand with no clothes on o said let the winner be king they fought in the Public Square door posts and walls shook as they did so alalu bent his knee and fell on his chest to the ground alalu was defeated in battle and Anu was hailed as king and taken to the Palace however alalu did not return to the Palace he sneaked away from the crowds because he feared doing what lamu did he quickly went to where the celestial chariots were but no one knew alalu got into a chariot that could shoot missiles and shut the door behind him he went into the front chamber and sat in the Commander's chair that which shows the way he filled the chamber with a bluish glue he woke up the fire stones and their humming sound was mesmerizing he brought to life the chariot's great cracker which was shining with a reddish light a Lalu from Nibiru got away in the celestial boat without anyone else knowing alalu has set his course for a snowy Earth he chose his destination from the start by keeping it a secret what the second part of this Acadian tablet mc2894a says alalu's flight in a spacecraft that had nuclear weapons he heads for the seventh planet he Earth why he thinks gold will be on earth the history of the solar system the water and the gold of Tiamat the first time Nibiru was seen from space the Battle of the Gods and the breakup of Tiamat Earth half of Tiamat gets her water and gold kingu tiamat's giant satellite becomes Earth's moon Nibiru will continuously Circle the Sun when alalu came to Earth and touched down when alalu finds gold nibiru's fate is in his hands the reverse side of moorhen collection Acadian tablet mc2894a allalu set his course for snowy Earth but kept his destination a secret alalu went to off-limits places no one had been there before and no one at the hammered bracelet had tried to cross there a secret from the start a lalu's path has shown it put the fate of Nibiru in his hands and he devised a plan to make his kingship Universal he had to go into Exile on Nibiru but he risked death in his plan the risk was in the journey and the reward was the eternal glory of success alalu looked at the heavens while flying Like an Eagle down below Nibiru was a ball hanging in space its shape was beautiful and its light lit up the sky it was a considerable size and when it burped fire shot out its Red life-giving Envelope was like a churning sea the break was clear like a dark wound in the middle of it when he looked down again the large hole had become a small tub when he looked again nibiru's bright ball had become a small fruit the next time he looked Nibiru was gone from the vast dark sea alalu's heart was filled with regret and fear held him by the hands he made a choice to wait alalu thought about stopping in his tracks then he went back from being brave to make a decision The Chariot went to 100 leagues then a Thousand Leagues and then Ten Thousand Leagues Darkness was the darkest in the vast heavens and the eyes of the Stars far away were blinking alalu traveled more leagues and then he saw something that made him very happy in the vastness of the heavens he was greeted by the messenger of the Gods little Gaga the one who shows the way was welcomed by alalu as he went around the circle before and after the celestial unto it would move with an uneven gate it could face forward or backward because it had two faces alalu once thought that its first appearance was a good sign he is welcomed by the gods of the sky so was what he thought alalu rode his Chariot along Gaga's path which led to the second god of the heavens soon after King enshah gave it the name celestial antu it was getting dark in the Deep she was as blue as clean water and the beginning of the upper Waters alalu was amazed by how beautiful the scene was so he kept a safe distance from the course in the far distance unto his wife shimmered she was the same size as unto his wife's double an was known for being a greenish blue on its side a dazzling host surrounded it and they were given solid grounds alalu said goodbye to the two Gods with love but Gaga's path was still unclear it was showing its old Master for whom it used to be a counselor Hal the course was changing for ansha the highest priest of the heavens by the speeding Chariot alalu could see how ansha was pulling him in The Chariot was beautiful with bright rings of colors he quickly turned his eyes away from alalu and toward that which shows the way he saw the family's bright star in The Faraway Heavens which was very unusual after a terrifying sight the truth came out a giant monster following its destiny cast a darkening shadow on the Sun its creator Kisha ate it up the event was scary and olalu thought it was a bad sign it was too big for the giant Kisha who was the leader of the firm planets storms swirled around it hiding its face and colored spots moved around on it the god in the sky was surrounded by so many people that it was impossible to count them all their ways were hard to deal with and they kept going back and forth a spell was cast on Kisha sending out Divine lightning bolts as alalu watched his path got off track his Direction was unclear and his actions needed to be clarified then the Deep Darkness disappeared and Kisha continued on his Destiny to the circuit as it slowly moved the Sun's light lifted its Veil revealing the one from the beginning joy in alalu's heart was not long-lasting he knew that beyond the fifth planet was the most dangerous place the hammered bracelet was in charge it was waiting to be broken it was made by hammering together rocks and boulders the Rocks worked together like orphans without a mother they went back and forth following an old plan their actions were disgusting and their ways were hard to understand nibiru's probing chariots ate them up like hungry lions the valuable gold that was needed to stay alive they didn't want to move alalu's Chariot was going full speed toward the Hammett bracelet the fierce Boulders had to be bravely faced in close combat alalu stirred up the firestones in his Chariot even more and he drove that which shows the way with steady hands the scary Boulders next to the Chariot moved forward like an enemy coming to attack alalu fired a death-being missile at them from The Chariot then he fired another Terror weapon at the enemy as scared Warriors The Boulders turned around making way for a Lalu the hammered bracelet is like a spell that opens the door to the king even though olalu was very deep and dark the heavens were easy to see he was not defeated by the bracelet's power his mission did not end in the distance the sun's fiery ball which was also its Brilliance was sending out rays of light toward a Lalu before it was a reddish-brown planet making its way around it was the sixth of the Gods of the sky alalu could only catch a glimpse of it as it moved quickly away from his path the seventh object in the sky was the snow-colored Earth alalu set his course toward the planet and it was a very inviting Place its catchy ball was more petite than Nibiru and its catchy net was weaker than Nibiru it had a thinner atmosphere than Nibiru and clouds were swirling below the Earth is broken up into three regions Snow White on top and bottom with blue and brown in the middle skillfully put the chariot's Wings Around the Earth's ball to make a circle in the middle you could see both dry land and watery oceans I have reached my goal he told the insides of Earth to pick up on the beam that went straight down he shouted with excitement gold a lot of gold was shown by the beam it was under a dark area and in the water as well with his heart racing alalu decided to think about will he crash and die if he lets his Chariot fall on the dry land should he go straight into the water where he might sink into Oblivion how will he stay alive will he discover a valuable gold alalu was not moving in the Eagle's seat and he gave the Chariot to fate but Chariot moved faster because it was fully caught in the earth's net its spread Wings lit up the air around Earth was like an oven then the Chariot started to shake making a terrible thunder sound The Chariot crashed suddenly and all of a sudden it stopped olalu couldn't move because the shaking and crash had made him lose his mind then he opened his eyes and saw that he was still alive he had won and made it to the planet of gold now here's what we know about the earth and its gold it tells about the beginning of time and how the Gods in the sky made the world when it all started in the above there were no gods in the heavens and in the below he there was no name for the firm ground up sued their first leader was all alone in the void in the heights of the above there were no Celestial Gods yet and in the depths of the below there were no Celestial Gods either above and below were no Gods yet and no one knew what would happen no Reeds had grown yet and there was no Marshland apsu ruled the void all by himself then his winds mixed the Waters of the beginning and apsu cast The Divine and clever spell over the waters he slept soundly in the Deep of the Void Tiamat the mother of everything became his wife she indeed was a mother from heaven and a watery Beauty apsu's little MooMoo then gave birth next to him and he gave Tiamat a gift to bring to him as his messenger only she can have a gleaming metal gold that lasts forever apsu gave this beautiful gift to his wife then their Waters mixed and they had Divine children to bring into the world the celestials were created in both male and female forms lamu and lahamu were their given names apsu and Tiamat constructed a house below anshar and Kisha were created in the waters of the above when they were older and taller they were taller than their older brothers the two were created to be a Celestial couple and they had a son named an in the far away Heavens he was their Scion then antu was brought out who was UNS equal and would be his wife their house was built on the outskirts of the upper Waters this is how below and above three Heavenly couples were created in the depths they were known as opsu's family because Mumu and Tiamat were among them Nibiru had yet to be seen the Earth had to be created first the holy Waters had become entangled and even a hammered bracelet couldn't separate them not all of the circuits had been completed the fates of the Gods had yet to be determined the celestials got together but they did strange things Tiamat was upset and angry because she couldn't sleep on their journey to upsu she gathered a large crowd to March alongside her she gave birth to a people who roared and fought against apsu's Sons she had 11 of these babies she made kingu the group's firstborn and leader when the gods of the sky learned about it they convened a council meeting she promoted kingu to the rank of an on and gave him the order they exchanged words she placed a tablet of Destiny on his chest completing his circuit she told her son kingu to fight the gods but who would stand up to Tiamat each God inquired of the other no one from their group stepped forward and no one was going into battle with a weapon in the midst of the deep a God was born he was born in a location known as the Chamber of Fates he was created by an artist and was the son's son the god quickly abandoned his family in the Deep where he was born he brought the seed of life a gift from his creator he set his sights on the void he was looking for a new Direction in his life onto was always on the lookout and was the first to spot the wandering celestial his body was appealing and he Shone his walk was Regal and the way he moved was magnificent he was the most powerful of all the gods and his Circle was more extensive than theirs onto was the first to notice him even though her child had never sucked at her breast come join my family allow me to become your mother she mentioned his name she cast her net and made him feel at ease his path was appropriate for the job her words made the newcomer proud and her caring about him made him arrogant his hair doubled in size and four things sprouted from his sides he moved his lips in agreement and a holy fire began to burn from them he turned to face onto about to show on his face when on saw him he exclaimed my son my son you will be responsible for something and a host will be your servant let your name be Nibiru because Crossing will be remembered forever when Nibiru passed by he bowed to him and turned his back he cast his net for nibiru's four servants and caught them his hosts are the south wind North Wind Fast Wind and west wind with a joyful heart Anu told his ancestor onshar about Nibiru when ansha's messenger Gaga heard this he sent words of wisdom to Ahn to assign a task to nibiru's people he told Gaga to say what was on his mind that Tiamat the woman who gave birth to us now despises us she has organized a group of people who want to fight and she is furious her 11 Warriors and children fight alongside her against the guards she piled kingu on top of them and scribbled a Fate on his chest for no apparent reason no God can withstand her poison she has made us all fear her allow Nibiru to become our assailant let him defeat Tiamat and Save Our Lives decide what will happen to him and then let him face our formidable foe he went to Gaga he bowed before him and repeated ansha's words he told Nibiru what his ancestor said and what Gaga said to him Nibiru was taken aback by the words based on what he had heard he imagined the mother whose children would eat her alive he addressed Arnold Gaga without saying anything his heart told him to go fight Tiamat he stated if I am to defeat Tiamat and save your lives I must gather the gods and declare that my destiny is supreme let all the gods agree in counsel that I should be in charge and that they should obey my commands when lamu and lahamu heard this they cried out in agony the request was strange and no one knew what it meant the Fate deciding Gods communicated with one another so they informed me they were all in agreement that Nibiru would be their Avenger and that he would have a wonderful life nobody will be able to argue with your rules from now on none of us Gods will go beyond your boundaries they told him Nibiru go be our Avenger they carved out a princely path for him to take to Tiamat they blessed Nibiru and bestowed upon Him powerful weapons ansha also brought the evil wind the Whirlwind and the matchless wind from Nibiru kisha's body was engulfed in flames and he held a net around Tiamat as a result Nibiru set a direct course for Tiamat and prepared for battle now let's look at what happened during the celestial battle how the Earth got its lead and what will happen to Nibiru the Lord went out and did his assigned task he turned to face the Raging Tiamat and cast a spell he put on the pulsar and the emitter to protect himself his crowned head glued with a terrifying light the smiter was on his right and the repeller was on his lap like a storm he sent out his seven helpers the winds he dashed toward Tiamat who is enraged and yelling for a fight the gods surrounded him but they did not follow him he was going forward to get a better look at tiamart and her Entourage the plan devised by kingu the leader of her host he lost his sense of direction got off track and didn't know what to do when he saw Brave kingu tiamat's group was completely surrounded and they trembled in Terror Tiamat shook down to her roots and let out a mighty Roar she cast a spell and surrounded him with her charms on Nibiru they both agreed on something and the fight began Tiamat and Nibiru came face to face and moved in opposite directions as the battle approached they decided to fight on their own the Lord spread his net and threw it in an attempt to catch her Tiamat screamed like she was insane in Rage she had gone insane Nibiru pushed the evil wind from behind him in front of her and let it go she attempted to swallow the evil wind but could not close her mouth the evil wind struck her in the stomach and entered her body her stomach was rumbling her body was swollen and her mouth was open wide Nibiru pierced the hole with a sharp arrow of divine lightning it entered her body through her stomach it shattered it tore into her womb and broke her heart he took her last breath now that he had her under control Nibiru examined tiamat's lifeless body which resembled a dead animal the 11 employees of their deceased employer trembled in horror they were caught in nibiru's net and were unable to escape Tiamat made kingu the gang's leader so he was one of them he was Chained and Tethered to his dead mistress by the Lord he took the tablets of Destiny from kingu which he found repulsive he signed the Destin and tied it to his chest the rest of tiamat's troop became prisoners in his web he trod on them breaking them up into small bins he connected them to his circuit and led them back to the course to turn around Nibiru then fled the area where the combat had taken place to the gods who sent him to inform them of their victory Nibiru passed on and onto on his way to the Abode in the Deep he circled apsu visiting Kisha and anshar along the way he proceeded to tell the others after Gaga came out to greet him he next considered what would happen to Tiamat who was no longer alive and Kindle Lord Nibiru returned to Tiamat whom he had Tamed he found her glanced at her dead body and then walked away a deception was devised to divide the monster in his heart then like a muscle he split her chest and lower torso into two halves when the Lord trod on her backside he severed her top half he cut open her inner channels and marveled at her golden veins he summoned The North Wind his Ally from his side he instructed them to place the severed head of the wind in the empty area the Nibiru wind then passed over tirmut sweeping over her Raging Waves Nibiru fired a lightning bolt at North Wind he transmitted a message and tiamat's head was taken away in a blaze of light to an unknown location kingu was also sent away with her and the portion that had been severed was to be his friend Nibiru then considered what would happen to the back part he wanted it to be a combat trophy that would survive eternally the Battleground to be enshrined serves as a permanent reminder he used his mace to sever the horse's back they then strung them all together to form a hammock bracelet he secured them as Watchmen by locking them together a firmament to keep the waters separate from the waters Nibiru has created beautiful works of art by separating the upper Waters above the firmament from the lower Waters the Lord then crossed the Heavens to examine the area taking measurements from upsu's quarters to Gaga's dwelling he then stared at the deep nibiru's rim and his birthplace he paused for a moment to reflect before returning to the Battleground the firmament he resented traveling through absu's country and remembering the sun's departed spouse he focused his attention on tiamat's wounded side and her upper body her treasure from the wounds the life fluids continued to flow the Rays of the sun were reflected in her golden veins then Nibiru realized his Creator's Birthright the seed of life he gave to him at the seed when he crushed and tore her apart with your warm beams you can heal the injured he told absu give the broken part New Life in your family as your future daughter gather the rivers in one place and let the stable ground arise firm land please call her key from now on apsu listened carefully when Nibiru stated let the Earth join my family key firm land of the blue let Earth be her name from now on apsu said allow her to remain there by turning I will provide her with healing Rays throughout the day allow kingu to be a creature of the night and I will make him the moon for all time Earth's friend Nibiru upsu's words were heard with delight he studied the areas as he flew through the heavens he bestowed permanent positions on the gods who raised him none of their circuits were designed to be broken or to fall short of each other he strengthened the Heavenly locks and Gates on both his established sides he chose an outermost residence that was sized Beyond Gaga he pleaded with apsu to declare that the grand circuit would be his destiny every deity called out from their Thrones let nibiru's power be surpassed let the sun's son indeed be the brightest of the Gods before leaving his Apartments apsu gave his approval Nibiru whose name means Crossing will preside over the union of Heaven and Earth the gods will not pass through anything above or below him he will occupy the center and serve as the god Shepherd his circuit will always be one Shah that is his destiny this is The Narrative of how the olden times began as well as the period known as the golden era in the annals and how Expeditions from Nibiru were dispatched to Earth to acquire gold it all started with a lalu's flight from Nibiru alalu infused much of what he had learned with extraordinary insight his forefather anshar gal gathered excellent knowledge about the heavens and circuits ansha significantly improved their knowledge allalu received considerable Knowledge from it he talked with intelligent men and sought guidance from savants and commanders allalu had this knowledge because he had studied about the beginning the gold on the hammered bracelet served as confirmation the gold in tiamat's hammered bracelet was the indicator with thundering claps a Lalu triumphantly landed on the planet of gold in a chariot he used a beam to scan the surroundings for his whereabouts hello a chariot came down to earth and landed on the edge of a vast Marsh he changed into a fish suit and an eagle helmet he then unlocked chariot's hatch pausing to consider the heavens were blue white and the Earth was dark there was silence and no one to greet him he stood alone in a Strange World perhaps from Nibiru exiled forever he lowered himself to the ground and trod on the dark-colored Earth Hills in the distance could be seen and many forests nearby he stepped into one of the wetlands in front of him he trembled as he felt the chill of the Marsh's Waters he returned to Solid Ground and found himself alone in an unfamiliar world he was seized with thoughts aching for his bride and children had he been exiled from Nibiru forever he couldn't stop wondering about it he quickly returned to the Chariot with food and drink to keep himself alive then thanks to profound sleep he awoke from a deep nap he couldn't remember how long he'd slept or what had woken him up outside there was a dazzling light and an unseen glow on Nibiru he took a tester-equipped pole from The Chariot it consumed the planet's air proving its compatibility after opening the chariot's hatch he inhaled deeply he inhaled again then another then another the air in key was suitable alalu clasped his hands and sang A Happy tune he perished without a fish suit or an eagle helmet the sun's rays were blinding and the brightness outside was overwhelming he returned to the Chariot with an eye mask he took up the sword he was carrying and the expensive sampler he was on the dark-colored Earth where he had stepped he made his way toward the marshes whose water was a dark greenish alalu took a pebble from The swamp's Edge and tossed it into the area as he moved across the marsh he noticed the fish filled streams below he lowered the sampler into the swamp and considered the filthy Waters alalu was devastated to find that the water was unsafe to drink he pulled a U-turn and went for the hills away from the marshes as he proceeded through the foliage he passed through shrubs and trees because of the number of fruit-bearing plants the area resembled an orchard as the pleasant perfume of the fruit entice the Lalu he placed it on his lips the sweeter the flavor the more delicious the fragrance alalu was delighted with joy alalu was walking away from the sun's Rays toward the hills he had chosen he felt moisture under his feet among the branches indicating the presence of water nearby he planned his route toward the dampness there was a still pool of water and a pond in the woods he lowered the sampler into the pond since it was safe to drink alalu couldn't stop himself from laughing there was fruit and fish and the water was drinkable alalu knelt cupped his hands together and Drew water to his mouth the water became cold and the water from Nibiru had a distinct flavor he drank again then split in two terrified he heard a hissing sound and saw a writhing body alongside the pool he grabbed his weapon and fired a flash of light toward the hissing both the moving and hissing stopped alalu approached the threat to examine it nibiru's site has never been seen But the bizarre sight of the lifeless creature with its slithered body lying immobile and lacking any hands or feet was that of a rope it was a Creature From Another World its little head was ornamented with Fierce eyes and a lengthy tongue protruded from its mouth alalu reflected on himself was it the Orchard's keeper was it the water's master he doubted himself he was carrying water in his flask and moving while keeping a lookout for The Chariot he also gathered some excellent fruits before setting off for the chariot when he arrived at The Chariot the sun's brightness had faded and darkness had taken its place alalu was taken aback by how short the day had been an astonishing lightness was developing on the horizon from the direction of the marshes a bright white ball was rapidly rising in the sky he had now seen kingu Earth's mate the planets and their circuits the hammered bracelet he the earth and kingu its moon were constructed and named alalu felt that beholding demanded one more truth the secret to Salvation rested in the gold to be discovered if the stories from the beginning are true and tiamat's golden veins were indeed Swept Away by the waves the cut off half of gold must be discovered in key with shaking hands alalu the tester disassembled the chariot's pole as they eagerly anticipated the approaching Daybreak the fish's outfit was put on with trembling hands he walked out of the Chariot and onto the marshes at first light he waded the tester deeper into the waters he had introduced as his heart thumped in his chest he attentively examined its illuminated Visage the testers showed its findings in the water's composition represented by symbols and numbers there is gold in the Seas the tester said and a lalu's heart stopped he lowered the tester back into the water and the gold tester announced once more alalu took a step forward wobbly on his legs before continuing into the marshes nibiru's Destiny is now in my hands declared a Lalu proudly he returned to the Chariot removed the fish disguise and took his seat as commander the tablets of Destinies are aware of all the circuits he connected to nibiru's Circuit to decide the direction he summoned the speaker of words to deliver the words to Nibiru then he spoke the words of Nibiru he was described as follows in his words the greater Lalu addresses anuon Nibiru in another world I discovered the gold of salvation nibiru's future is in my control you must heed my requests a synopsis of mohen collection Babylonian tablet mc17494b enlil anu's first son suggests on-site verification a la Luz sends the message to Nibiru and reclaims the throne Anu taken aback puts the subject to the Royal Council AR anu's firstborn and alalu's son-in-law is instead chosen AR skillfully equips the Heavenly boat for the journey the spacecraft's pilot anzu is carrying 50 Heroes despite the perils the nibirians exult at the sight of Earth they splash down and wait ashore Guided by a Lalu heredu home away from home is established in seven days the extraction of gold from the canals begins despite the small amount Nibiru needs the delivery of opko a pilot who chooses a Lalu spaceship for the mission inside the spaceship there are illicit nuclear weapons AR and abgal remove and hide the Terror weapons there are three tablets nibiru's future is in my control you must heed my requests alalu spoke the words projecting them from Nibiru to the dark tinted Earth when the Monarch Arnold got the messages from alalu he was shocked as were the wise men and councilors they asked each other questions is alalu still alive and well could he be from another planet they were speaking in a skeptical tone wasn't he fleeing in The Chariot to a safe haven on Nibiru The Chariot commanders were summoned and the beamed words were considered the words were spoken from outside the hammered bracelet not from Nibiru they discovered this and told King Anu about it Arnold was taken aback and had no idea what had transpired let words of acknowledgment to allalu be delivered to the gathered he said at the place of the celestial chariots alalu was given the following orders Anu the king wishes his congratulations and expresses his Joy upon knowing about your health there was no reason for you to leave Nibiru because Anu has no ill will against you allow Nibiru to be saved if you have discovered the gold of salvation Chariot spoke alalu reacted immediately if I am to be your savior I will save your lives gather the princes my ancestry reveals itself to be Supreme allow the commanders to choose me as their commander and submit to my power allow the council to appoint me as ruler assuming anu's throne when people heard allalu's claims regarding Nibiru they were outraged councilors interrogated one another was deposed in what way what is the condition of his Asylum did he really find gold what if a lalu's Mischief conveys the story rather than the truth they sought the wisdom and counsel of the wise and knowledgeable I was a lalu's master said the oldest first he was speaking he had listened to the beginning's instructions and the celestial battle lessons he was learning if he had gone beyond the hammered bracelet he would have known of the Aquatic monster Tiamat and her golden veins his safe Sanctuary is the seventh planet from Earth before the assembly a prince addressed the subject claiming to be anu's son and the son of anu's wife unto enlil's name means lord of the command he was issuing warnings alalu is definitely silent when discussing circumstances he wreaked havoc losing the throne in a single wrestling match if tiamat's gold had been discovered the proof was necessary would it be sufficient to protect our environment how is it transported to Nibiru via the Hammett bracelet enlil anu's son spoke in this manner and many other questions were asked even though many responses and proof were required everyone agreed alalu had received the assembly's message and he needed to respond alalu weighed the importance of his statements and chose to divulge his secrets he recounted his voyage and its perils he extracted the tester's crystal internal organs and the sampler's Crystal Heart the crystals and other discoveries were then placed in the speaker for broadcast declare me king and obey my orders now that the proof has been revealed he made a strong demand the sages were stunned he demolished the bracelet with weapons of Terror and Unleashed even more havoc on Nibiru with alalu as Nibiru circles that region tragedies accumulate in alalu the kingship to be changed was a serious matter and there was much concern in the council Anu was King not only because of his ancestors but also because of fair Warfare anu's son spoke in front of the assembled princes he was one of the sages recognized for his all-encompassing wisdom he was known as enki he whose home is water and he was a master of the secrets of the waterways he was onu's first born and married domkina alalu's daughter Anu the king is my biological father but AR claims alalu is my stepfather my fiance's purpose was to bring the two clans together let me be the one to bring peace to this battle allow me to represent Arnold to alalu and defend the lalu's discoveries let me arrive on Earth in a chariot I will dig a water-only path through the bracelet according to the siege's assessment alalu should reign as Earth's monarch let there be a second wrestling bout and if Nibiru can save who will rule allow it to make a decision let me retrieve the valuable gold from Earth's rivers and return it to Nibiru the prince's advisors sages and commanders were ready for the struggle they had discovered as they listened in amazement to Aya's words allow it to happen allow air to travel and the gold to be examined on who stated I'll fight a Lalu once more May the Victor reign as nibiru's monarch alalu received the ruling's words after thinking he welcomed AR his son by marriage to Earth collecting gold from the Seas put it to the test for nibiru's salvation and decide whether Anu or I shall rule the second wrestling throne okay then Arnold presided over the Gathering enlil protested but the king's word was final when he arrived at The Chariot location he sought the Council of commanders and wise men he considered the risks of the Venture and the difficulties of Mining and transporting the gold he carefully analyzed a lalu's transmission and requested additional testing to obtain the necessary answers he was making a tablet of Destinies for himself if water is the source of the force whence can it be replenished how will it be stored on The Chariot and how will it be converted into Force in meditations a full circle of Nibiru and a Shah of Nibiru were finished the mission's most massive Heavenly Chariot has been outfitted a tablet of Destiny has been firmly fixed and the destiny of its circuit has been computed 50 heroes are required for the journey to Earth to collect the riches his approval was given for anu's journey and the stargazers were picked when the expedition was ready to begin many people flocked to the place of the Chariots to bid farewell to the heroes and their leader did the soldiers enter The Chariot one at a time each wearing an Eagles helmet and carrying a fish suit AR was the last partnership and say goodbye to the others he bowed before his father Arnold to win the king's blessing my firstborn my son you've come a long way putting us all in danger please let nibiru's catastrophe pass you by so you can safely return before saying his parting farewell Anu blessed his son 's mother embraced him from the bottom of her heart why did you give him a Restless Heart after Anu gave me you as a son return safely across the perilous path she spoke to him AR kissed dumkina his wife without saying anything half-brother were holding hands he wished him prosperity and good fortune now that the journey to the seventh planet has been narrated The Narrative of the fish God Who Rose from the sea May begin AR The Chariot arrived with a heavy heart to carry out his orders anzu drove the Chariot not air and anzu sat in the Commander's seat his name meant he who knows the heavens and he was picked specifically for the position he was a prince among princes claiming Royal ancestry he skillfully steered the celestial Chariot as it Rose forcefully toward the distant Sun Guided by Nibiru Chariot traveled 10 leagues 100 leagues and 1 000 leagues they were welcomed by little Gaga who was also greeting the heroes it gave blue tinted guidance to the Charming enchantress until anzu was drawn in by her appearance let's Explore her oceans anzu is speaking it's a world with no turning back AR said emphatically continuing to talk without hesitating The Chariot continued its journey toward the Solar System's third planet his Moon's Entourage was twirling around him while Anu lay next to him water was evident in the tester's beams indicating where air should stop if necessary AR proclaimed he would lead the way to ansha the highest Prince of Heaven to continue the journey they quickly became conscious of ansha's magnetic pull appreciating his ring of Terrors various colors anzu The Chariot guide deftly avoided the lethal threats the massive Kisha was the second definite planet discovered her net had a strong pull but anzu the Chariot reversed direction with Incredible skill Kisha thrusts in Wrath at the flashes of the Holy lightning Chariot her host thrusting at The Unwanted Kisha steadily retreated in preparation for The Chariot which was waiting beyond the fifth planet for the Hammett bracelet the water Thruster was instructed to prepare so that his labor of love might begin to spin The Chariot was hurtling toward a swarm of whirling Boulders each one hurling itself at The Chariot like a slingshot Stone when AR gave the word a water stream with the force of a thousand Heroes was launched as they formed a path for The Chariot The Boulders faced each other one by one however as one Boulder fled another attacked in its place they were a veritable Army a host for tiamat's vindictive splitting AR repeatedly told the water Thruster to keep spinning repeatedly directed streams of water at the swarm of stones repeatedly made the boulders faces altar allowing The Chariot to pass a chariot could proceed without incident once the path was clear the heroes let out a joyous yell which was heightened by the emergence of the Sun amid anzu's excitement the alert went off for the way to having fashioned excessive Waters were eaten Waters were insufficient to keep the chariot's Flaming Stones hydrated for the rest of the journey they could see the sun's Rays reflected in the sixth planet's profound Darkness he was asking for anzu enki is assisting lamu who has water do you want to ride the clown Chariot over there anzu The Chariot maneuvered it deftly toward lamu reaching the celestial guard and forming a circle around it anzu believes that the planet's attraction is too easy to handle and that its Network could be more robust lamu was a sight to behold it was multi-colored with pure white stones and headgear it had a reddish Center surrounded by dazzling streams and lakes The Chariot piloted by anzu paused traffic and plummeted alongside a lake while wearing their Eagles helmets air and anzu strayed to the solid ground at the command the heroes that which water sucks expanded The Chariot filling its interior with lake water while The Chariot drank its fill of water air and anzu inspected the place tester and sampler uncovered everything that mattered the waters were okay to drink but the air was insufficient all of this was recorded in the chronicles of The Chariot and the cause for the diversion was explained after regaining Vigor The Chariot ascended to compassionate lamu's farewell salutation beyond the seventh planet was circling earth and its companion The Chariot were calling in the Commander's chair anzu and air remained mute they were on their way to discovering whether Nibiru would offer them salvation or damnation a chariot must be slowed or it will perish in Earth's dense atmosphere anzu informed air make leisurely circles around the Moon Earth's friend he was proposed to by air they circled the moon frustrate and scarred by the celestial battles destroyed Nibiru as a result The Chariot slowed as it reached anzu the seventh planet he drew the Chariot in a circle twice the size of the Earth and then gradually drew it closer to the firm land the planet was two-thirds snow-colored with a black Center they could see the firm lands and oceans while looking for the signal Beacon from a Lalu a lalu's signal was sent whenever an ocean met for dry ground and the wetlands absorbed Four Rivers because it was so vast and heavy a chariot belongs in the marshes anzul made a remark because the Earth's tugging net is too strong the dry ground cannot descend anzu informed air splash down splashed into the waves of the Ocean Air to anzu screamed anzu drove his Chariot around the earth one more time before carefully lowering it to the water's edge [Music] the chariot's lungs expanded as air entered them it splashed into the water below but did not sink a voice from the speaker said welcome to Earth alalu took the floor his beaming statements pointed in the direction of his whereabouts The Chariot was moving through the river in the direction anzu The Chariot indicated soon the vast sea began to close in and dry ground appeared on both sides as a protector on the suitable Highlands Brown hued Hills Rose to the left their heads pointed to heaven The Chariot floating like a ship on the waters made its way to alalu's place the marshes ahead were replaced by the oceans as the dry land was swamped in response to the hero's orders anzu ordered their fish suits the heroes entered the marshes via the chariot's hatch strong ropes were connected to the Chariot and used to pull it allalu's beaming statements became more powerful hurry hurry this is what he stated at the Marsh's Edge there was a sight to Behold a lalu's sacred vessel Nibiru was riding in a chariot that gleamed in the sunlight the hero accelerated his movement toward a lalu's chariot they accelerated AR put on his fish suit out of impatience his chest felt like it was pounding like a drum he jumped into the swamp and dashed toward the edge the bottom was more profound than he expected and the marshes flooded to vast Heights he changed his Pace to that of a swimmer propelling himself ahead with powerful Strokes he could see verdant pastures as he approached dry land he rose up and began walking once his feet touched Solid Ground olalu stood in front of him throwing his hands wildly AR emerged from the sea and stood on the dark surface of the Earth alalu dashed in his Direction and embraced his son through marriage tightly welcome to a new world alalu spoke to air this describes how eridu came to be on earth and how the seven day count began alalu air held hands in silence his eyes welling up with ecstasy tears A.R bowed in front of him in respect for his father whom he had married the heroes were making their way through the marshes While others were running toward the dry ground while closed in fish suits don't let the Chariot go down avoid the dirt ahead by anchoring it in the water anzu is in command the heroes landed in front of a Lalu they were working on bows anzu the last Chariot to leave arrived he bowed before a Lalu and the two exchanged greetings all visitors were greeted warmly by Lalu everyone in the room heard Air's instruction I am Earth's Commander this is what he stated we have arrived on a life or death Mission nibiru's future is in our hands he looked about for a probable spot for his planned encampment there are mounds in the soil AR issued the order to set up a camp he was pointing to a nearby Reed Hut home erected by a Lalu to the king my father Anu Herald your triumphant arrival he said to Nibiru before saying to anzu as it turned the Hue of the heavens changed from dazzling to Scarlet they were watching something unprecedented the sun was disappearing like a red ball on the horizon fear incapacitated the heroes of the great Calamity they were terrified a lowering of the sun it is indicating the end of one day on Earth alalu says as he laughs lay down for a quick snooze a night on earth is short the sun will appear before you know it and it will be mourning on Earth the heavens and the Earth separated as Darkness descended abruptly lightning strikes pierce the darkness and it rained and thundered winds like storms from an otherworldly God blew across the ocean within the Chariot the heroes Assemble they were upset since they had not gotten any sleep with baited breath we awaited the return of the Sun when its Rays appeared they giggled and slapped each other on the back their first day on Earth included both an evening and a morning by daylight air had already considered the occurrences he was considering how to divide the oceans Angora fashioned the master from the beautiful Waters to provide drinking water he walked to the snake pond with a Lalu thinking about its warm Waters nasty snakes were spreading in the pond angua informed air of this air then reflected on a large amount of rainfall he had collected in the marshlands he named the Reed Thicket he was directing and delegated Wetland maintenance to Envy Lulu and kidu who is in charge of the ditch and Dyke constructed a boundary so that the marshes could create a collection area for the rainwater as a result Marsh Waters and pleasant Waters were separated from the waters above and below the second day on Earth occurred between the hours of Dusk and Dawn as soon as Sun Dawn was declared the hero accomplished the chores assigned to him alalu Air's steps were aimed toward the grass and trees area herbs and fruits of various kinds grow on everything in the orchard AR posed the following inquiries to his vizier isimut what exactly is this plant what exactly is that plant he was curious isimud a learned man could tell what food grew well he ripped a fruit from a honey plant for air in his remarks to air he ate one fruit and Aya ate one fruit the hero the guru is given power over the food that grows due to his excellent reputation as a result the hero was given drink and nourishment but he was unsatisfied the third day on Earth occurred between the hours of Dusk and Dawn the winds died down on the fourth day and the waves had no effect on the Chariot allowing the chariot's tools to be brought and the encampment's dwellings to be built this was given my hair in charge of mold and brick making cooler assigned air to make clay bricks and give mushdamu the order to build foundations and dwellings the sun Shone all day brightly generating the day's brightness by Sunset kingu one of the Heavenly Gods was supposed to represent the Earth's Moon which casts a pale light on Earth and a lesser light to rule the night when it is complete it was the fourth day on Earth late at night and early in the morning on the sixth day air ningisig gave the order to build a reed boat it is critical to assess the extent of the swamplands and the distance between the marshes wool Marsh the one who knows what swarms in the oceans and who amid the birds that soar enki relied on ulmarsh to help him distinguish between good and evil the ulmarsh were unaware of many creatures that swam in the oceans and take flight in the air their sheer numbers were astounding the carp were large and swimming among the undesirables AR summoned Envy Lulu Master of the marshlands and kimdu commander of the ditch and Dyke he spoke to them in the marshlands to build a barrier catching fish with the help of cane bricks and green Reeds a trap for carp that could not escape from a net was set up there no bird suitable for consumption could escape from its net for the heroes given fish and poultry were separated into gorgeous varieties it was now the morning after the sixth day on Earth had ended on the sixth day each of the Orchard's creatures began keeping score to his task of distinguishing between what creeps and what walks on foot their personalities left anusag stunned and he told air about the ferocity of their wildness mushdamu was summoned by air cooler who issued the following urgent orders the houses will be completed by the evening and a fence will surround them for security the Warriors who took up the assignments quickly laid bricks on the foundations the roofing was made of reeds while the fencing was made of fell trees a beam that kills from The Chariot carried over a speaker that words beams to the house he made for Aya anzu everything air alalu and anzu did was positive in light of their Acts the camp was completed by the evening the heroes gathered for the evening the sixth day has night time and morning hours on the seventh day the heroes of the encampment gathered they overheard air declare to them we have taken a risky dangerous road from Nibiru to the seventh planet we landed on Earth did much good and established an encampment today should be a day of relaxation and the seventh day should always be a day of rest the phrase eridu should now be replaced with home in the far away which means the same thing to fulfill a vow declare a Lalu of eridu as commander the assembled Heroes roared their approval in unison before paying respect to air alalu said the following words for agreement give air a new nickname nudimud The Artful fastener the hero all nodded in agreement the seventh day has night time and morning hours this is The Narrative of how the gold search began and how nibiru's plans to save itself fell miserably after eridu's tent had been erected and the heroes had eaten enough to satisfy them Air Gold was gathered from the canals the chariot's firestones were stirred as was its great cracker with that which water sucks from The Chariot expanded it was immersed in Marsh Waters water was directed into a crystal jar the water draws out all the metal in the jar including the crystals the water was then spat out of the vessel and into the fish pond where the metals in the water were collected air was a talented tailor and his Creations were fantastic Marsh Waters were pulled in and spewed for Six Days On Earth as Metals accumulated inside the vessel air and alalu studied the metals on the seventh day the metals in the jar varied there was plenty of copper and iron but gold was scarce in The Chariot was another vessel another work of art by nudimud after being split into numerous categories the metals were delivered ashore one by one as a result the heroes must work for six days straight before taking a day off over six days the crystal balls were filled and emptied on the seventh day metals were counted there were also copper iron and other metals and the gold was collected in the most miniature Mound during the night the moon waxed and Wane the month made its circuit call it declared the seventh day a day of rest by its half crown when the month began as its six days of sparkling horn signified the moon was seen halfway through its fullness after that it shrank the moon's orbit are lined with the sun's path revealing the Earth's face the moon's motions captivated air Keys attachment to kingu he pondered what was the purpose of the attachment and what divine sign did it convey month referred to air as the moon's circuit and month named its circuit the rivers separated in The Chariot for a month and two months the sun gave Earth a new season every six months air named winter and summer winter and summer existed by the year of earth air had completed the circuit by the end of the year the accumulated gold account had been taken there should have been more descent in ibiru the swampland's waters were insufficient transport The Chariot to the more bottomless unfathomable Sea Air had already stated this The Chariot was unmoored and returned to its original place the salt water was circulated through the stirred up Crystal jars with care metals were classified into numerous categories and gold Shone brightly among them AR received word of the events from The Chariot and sent it to Nibiru where Arnold was overjoyed Nibiru was on its way to the sun's dwelling and was getting closer to Earth on its Shah circuit Anu inquired eagerly about the gold was he asking have enough arrived descent in ibiru unfortunately more of the gold from the waters was needed let another Shah go by and double the amount AR gave advice to Anu obtaining gold from the ocean's Waters continued henki felt apprehension filling his heart s were hauled from The Chariot and a sky chamber was assembled Abigail he who knows the pilot of the sky chamber to take charge he appointed daily in the sky chamber with abgal did air upward saw the earth and its secrets to learn for the sky chamber an enclosure was constructed by a lalu's chariot was it placed daily the crystals in alalu's Chariot did air study what by their beams was discovered to understand whence does the gold come he asked the Lalu where on Earth are tiamat's golden veins in the sky chamber with upgolded air upward saw the earth and its secrets to learn over Majestic mountains they roamed in the Valley's Great Rivers they saw steps and forests below were stretched and thousands of leagues were Within Reach vast lands separated by oceans they recorded with the beam that scans the soils they penetrated on Nibiru impatience was growing was the outcry increasing can gold protection provide assemble the gold on nibiru's bearing gold you must deliver so did Anu Aya's command repair a lalu's chariot for returning to Nibiru make it fit and prepare it for the Shah's completion so was Anu saying hey are his father's the king's words were heeding he contemplated repairing a lalu's chariot as the sky chamber won Eve by the side of the Chariot they landed with abgal the Chariot they entered a secret deed in the darkness to perform the weapons of Terror the seven of them from The Chariot they removed to the sky chamber they took them inside the sky chamber to give them hiding by Sunrise air with abgal in the sky chamber soared to another land was their Direction there in a secret place did air the weapons hide in a cave a place unknown he stored them then to anzu AR words of command gave to repair a lolu's chariot he directed for returning to Nibiru to make it fit by the Shah's completion to make it ready anzu in the ways of Chariot is exceptionally skilled in the task his labor set he made its thrusters hum again its tablets he contemplated the absence of the weapons of Terror he soon discovered with anger anzu cried out here of there hiding away explained for sworn is the weapon's use Ayo was saying neither in the heavens nor on firm lands shall they ever be harnessed without them no Passage through the hammered bracelet is safe without them without water thrusters the danger is endurance surpassing anzu is speaking halalu of eridu the commander the words of air considered to the words of anzu heed he gave the words of air by the Council of Nibiru are attested alalu was saying but without the chariot's return Nibiru shall be doomed abgal who knows to Pilot boldly toward the leaders stepped forward I shall be the pilot the dangers I shall valiantly face he was speaking thus was the decision made avagar shall be the pilot and anzu on Earth shall stay on Nibiru the stargazers the Destinies of the celestial Gods contemplated an opportune day they were selecting into alalu's Chariot basketfuls of gold were carried the four part of the Chariot abgal entered the Commander's seat he occupied from The Chariot of enki to him enki's tablet of Destiny gave shall be that which shows the way for you my the opened pathway you shall find the Chariots firestone's abgal stirred up their hum-like music was enthralling he enlivened the chariot's great cracker a reddish Brilliance it was casting enki and alalu the multitude of Heroes were standing around saying farewell to him they were bidding then the Chariot with a raw heavenward Rose to the heavens it ascended two Nibiru words of the ascent were beamed there was much expected of Nibiru synopsis of the fourth tablet the nibirians hail even the small gold delivery tests of Gold's use as an atmospheric Shield succeed additional Heroes and new equipment are sent to Earth gold extraction from the water continue to disappoint AR discovers gold sources that need deep mining in the abzul enlil then Arnold comes to Earth for crucial decisions as the half quarrel Brothers Lots decide the tasks AR renamed enki Earth's Master goes to the abzul enlil stays to develop permanent facilities in the edit as Anu prepares to lease he is attacked by Lalu the seven who judge sentenced salalu to Exile on lamu anu's daughter ninma a medical officer is sent to Earth stopping off at lamu Mars she finds a Lalu dead a rock half to resemble a lalu's face serves as his tomb hanzu is given command of a way station on lamu reverse side partly damaged more hen collection a Syrian tablet mosul mc1265m two Nibiru words of the ascent were beamed there was much expected of Nibiru with confidence Abigail The Chariot guiding around kingu the Moon he made a circuit by its net Powers speed to gain A Thousand Leagues Ten Thousand Leagues toward lamu he journeyed through its net power a direction toward Nibiru to obtain beyond lamu the hammered bracelet was whirling deftly did abgal a as crystals make a glow they opened paths to locate the eve of Fate upon him with favor looked beyond the bracelet The Chariot beamed signals from Nibiru receiving Homewood Homewood was the direction ahead in the darkness a reddish Hue glowed Nibiru a sight to behold by the beamed signals The Chariot was now directed Thrice around Nibiru it made circuits by its net force to be slowed nearing the planet the breach in its atmosphere obgol could see he felt a squeezing in his heart of the gold he was bringing what was he thinking passing through the atmosphere's thickness a glue was The Chariot its heat overbearing definitely did abgar spread the chariot's wings its descent resting Beyond lay the place of the Chariots a sight most inviting gently did obgarl The Chariot bring down to a place by the beams selected he opened the hatch a multitude of the populace was there assembled Anu toward him stepped forward locked arms warm greetings uttered Heroes into the Chariot rushed the gold-bearing baskets they brought out high above their heads the baskets held to the assembled words of Victory on who shouted salvation is here to them he was saying to the Palace was abgal accompanied to rest and tell all he was escorted the gold a sight most dazzling by the savants was quickly taken to make of it the finest dust to skywood launch it was hauled away Assad did the fashioning last and Asha did the testing continue with rockets was the dust heavenwood carried by Crystal's beams was it dispersed where there was a breach now there was a healing Joy the palace filled and abundance in the land was expected to Earth anu's good words were beaming gold gives salvation the obtaining of gold continues when Nibiru near the sun came the golden dust was by its Rays Disturbed the healing in the atmosphere dwindled and the breach to bigness returned Arnold the return of abgal to Earth then commanded in The Chariot More Heroes traveled in its bowels more that which the water sucks in and thrusts out were provided with them nungal to travel was commanded a pilot helper to upgold to become great joy there was when abgal to eridu returned many greetings and the Locking of arms there the new waterworkings AR with care contemplated there was smiling on his face in his heart there was a squeezing by Shah's time nungal in The Chariot was to depart ready The Chariot had only a few baskets of gold in its bowels the disappointment in Nibiru Air's heart to him was predicted enki with a Lalu words exchanged that which was known they reconsidered if Earth the head of tirmut was in the celestial battle cut off where was the neck where were the golden veins cut asunder where were the golden veins from Earth's in its protruding in the sky chamber enki over mountains and valleys travel the lands by oceans separated him with the scanner examined again and again there was the same sign where dry land from dry land apart was torn Earth's innards were revealed where the landmass with the shape of a heart was given in the lower part thereof golden veins from Earth's inits were abundant abzul of gold the birthplace AR to the region the name gave AR then two Anu words of wisdom beamed with gold Earth is filled the gold must be gotten from the veins not the waters from Earth's bowels not from its Waters must the gold be obtained from a region beyond the ocean abzu it shall be called can an abundance of gold begotten in the palace there was great astonishment savants and counselors to Air's words gave consideration that gold must be obtained on that unanimity there was how to obtain it from the bowels of the earth of that there was much discussed in the assembly a prince spoke up enlil was the half-brother of air first alalu then his son by marriage air upon Waters placed all hope of Salvation by Waters gold they were reassuring Shah after Shah all of us salvation were expecting now different words we are hearing a task Beyond imagining to undertake proof of the golden veins is needed and a plan for Success must be insured so was enlil to the assembly saying to his words many in agreement listened [Music] let enlil go to Earth Anna was saying let him proof obtain a plan but forward his words shall be heated his words a command shall be in unanimity the assembly consented and enlil's Mission was approved with algar his chief lieutenant and Lil for Earth Departed halalgar his Pilot was with each a sky chamber the two of them provided to Earth Arnold the king and words of decisions were beamed enlil of the mission in command shall be his word shall be the command when enlil on Earth arrives air and his half-brother warmly lock arms as brother meets brother AR enlil is welcomed to alalu and Lil made a bowing alalu with weak words paid welcome the heroes to enlil's words of warm welcome were shouting at the commander much as they were expecting deftly and Lil the sky Chambers to be assembled did command in a sky chamber he went soaring algar his chief Lieutenant was the pilot with him enki in a sky chamber by abgal piloted to them to the absu showed the way they surveyed the dry lands of the oceans they took careful notice from the upper sea to the lower sea the lands they scanned all above and below they took account in the abzu the soil they tested gold there was true with much soil and rocks it was co-mixed refined as in the waters it was not in an admixture it was hiding they went back to endu what they had found they contemplated every do new tasks must be given alone on Earth it cannot continue thus was enlil saying a grand plan he described a comprehensive Mission he was proposing More Heroes to bring over more settlements to establish the gold from Earth's synods to obtain and the gold from the admixture to separate by skyships and chariots to be carried from Landing places for tasks to perform who of the settlements in charge will be and who of the absu shall take command thus was air of enlil asking who of enlarged eridu shall take command and who the settlement shall oversee thus was alalu saying who of the skyships and the landing Place shall take command so did anzu inquire let anuel come to Earth let him decisions provide thus did enlil say an answer now this is the account of how Anu went to Earth came how Lots with enki and enlil were drawn how enki the title name enki was given how alalu for the second time with Anu wrestled to Earth in a Celestial Chariot made anu's Journey the root by the planets it followed around lamu nungal the pilot a circuit made why Anna was studied they circled and admired the moon who kingu once had been perchance gold thereon can also be found in his heart on a wondered in the waters beside the marshlands his Chariot splashed down enki for the arrival Reed boats prepared for honor to arrive by sailing above the sky Chambers were hovering a royal welcome they were offering in the lead boat enki was afloat the king his father the first to be greeting before Arnold he bound then Ono embraced him my son my firstborn Arnold to him shouted in the square of eridu in Rose the heroes their King to Earth royally to welcome in front of them stood and Lil their Commander before Arnold the king he bowed honor him to his chest embraced alalu too was there standing of what to do he was uncertain Arnold to him a greeting extended let us lock arms as comrades to allalu he said with hesitation alalu stepped forward with Anu he locked arms a meal for Anna was prepared by Eve time a read Hut for him by enki was built Anu retired the next day the seventh by the count begun by enki was a day of resting a day of backslapping and celebrating it was as befits a king's coming on the day that followed enki and enlil before Anu the findings presented what was done and what was needed with him they discussed let me see the lands by myself Arnold to them was saying Aloft they all in the sky Chambers went lands from sea to Sea they observed to the abzu they flew and on its Gold hiding soil they landed complex will the Gold's extraction be Anu was saying to obtain the gold it is necessary no matter how deep the gold is below the surface it must be gotten let enki and enlil tools for the purpose devise let them Heroes for the task assigned let them find how gold from soil and rock separates how Nibiru is pure gold to deliver let a landing place be built and let More Heroes to the tasks on Earth be assigned so was Arnold to the two sons saying in his heart of waystations in the heavens he was thinking those were the command words of Anu enki and enlil in agreement their heads were bowing there were evenings and mornings to eridu they all returned in eridu they held Council tasks and duties to assign enki who eredu established was the first to speak up Henry do have I established let other settlements in this region be set up Let the edin be Abode of the upright ones by this name be known the command of the edin let me be let enlil the gold extraction perform by these words enlil was angered the plan is wrongful to Anu he said of commanding and tasks to perform I am the better of skyships I have the knowledge of the earth and its Secrets my half-brother enki is the Noah the abzu he discovered let him of the abzul be the master Anu listened to the Angry Words with a careful ear the brothers were again half Brothers the first born with the legal Heir with words as weapons were contending enki was the firstborn son of a concubine to Anu he was born enlil after that borne by unto Anu spouse was conceived a half-sister of Arnold she was enlil the legal Heir making the next born son for the succession the firstborn overcoming a conflict that the obtainment of gold would endanger Anna was fearing one brother to Nibiru must return the succession from considering must now be removed so was honored to himself thinking aloud to the two a startling suggestion he made who to Nibiru for the throne seat shall return Who the head in shall command who in the abzu shall be the master let us three I wish you by Lots determined silent were the brothers the audacious words by surprise them overtook let us draw Lots on Usain by the hand of Fate let there be a decision the three father and two sons clasped their hands together they cast lots and by the Lots the tasks they divided Arnold to Nibiru to return its ruler on the throne to remain the add-in to enlil was allotted to be the lord of the command as his name showed more settlements to establish of the skyships and their Heroes charge to take of all the lands until the bar of the Seas encounter the leader is to be too enki the Seas and the oceans as his command were granted Lands Beyond the bar of the waters by him to be governed in the abzu to be the master with Ingenuity the gold to procure enlil with the Lots was agreeable the hand of Fate he with a bow accepted enki's eyes filled with tears of eridu and edin he wished not to be parted let enki forever eridu as his home keep Arnold to enlil was saying let his being the first to splash down forever be remembered let AR as encareth's Master be known Anki and Keith's Master let his title be his father's words and little with a bow accepted to his brother he thus said enki Earth's master your title name shall henceforth be I Lord of the commands shall be known the decisions were announced to the heroes in the assembly Arnold enki and enlil the tasks are assigned and success is in the offing Arnold to them was saying now I can bid you farewell to Nibiru with a quiet heart I can return forward toward Anu alalu stepped a grave matter has been forgotten he shouted the Mastery of Earth to me was allotted that was the promise when the gold finds the Nibiru I announced nor have I the claimed to nibiru's throne forsaken by Anu to share all with his sons it is a grave abomination thus did allalu Anu and the decision challenge [Music] without words was honor in the beginning then with anger he spoke up by second wrestling let our dispute be decided let us do the wrestling here let us do it now with disdain alalu took off his clothing likewise did onu one robe in nakedness did the two Royals grapple a mighty struggle alalu bent his knee and to the ground a Lalu fell Anu on the chest of alalu with his foot pressed down victory in the wrestling declaring by wrestling the decision was made I am the king to Nibiru alalu shall not return so was Ono saying as he removed his foot from the Fallen alalu up as Lightning a Lalu from the ground arose by the legs Anu pulled down his mouth was wide open and swiftly he the malehood of Anu bit off the male hood of Anu did a Lalu swallow in pain dagonated Anu cried to the Heaven's shout to the ground wounded he fell enki to the Fallen Anu rushed enlil The Laughing alalu captive held Heroes Arnold to his but carried words of accusation against alalu he uttered let Justice be done with your beam weapon let a Lalu be killed enlil to his Lieutenant shouted no no enki fiercely shouted Justice is within him in his innards poison has entered they took a Lalu to a reed Hut his hands and feet as a prison abound now this is the account of the judging of alalu and of the happenings after that on Earth and on lamu in his read heart Anna was hurting in the read heart to him enki applied the healing in his read Hut alalu was sitting spittle he spat from his mouth in his innards the male hood of Anu was like a burden with Anu Seaman were his innards impregnated like a female in travail his belly grew swollen on the third day anu's pain subsided his pride significantly hurt to Nibiru I wish to return to his two sons did Anu say beforehand upon allalu there must be a judgment a sentence the crime befitting must be imposed by the laws of nibiru's seven judges were required the highest rank of them to preside in the eridu Square the heroes assembled the trial of allalu to observe seven seats were provided for the seven who judge for Anu presiding the tallest seat was prepared to his right enki was seated enlil was Seated on Honor's left on enki's right anzu and nungal was seated abgal and lalgar to the left of enlilson before the seven who jar jalalu was brought his hands and feet were untied enlil was first to speak In fairness a wrestling match was held under Lalu the kingship to Anu forfeited what say you alalu enki him this question asked In fairness the wrestling match was held and I lost the kingship alalu said having been vanquished alalu an abominable crime performed the malehood of Anu he bit and swallowed thus did enlil the accusation of the crime make death is the punishment enlil was saying what say you were Lalu enki his father by marriage asked there was silence alalu the question did not answer we all the crime did witness halalgar was saying judgment must be in accordance if words you wish to utter speak before the judging enki to allalu said in the silence halalu slowly spoke on Nibiru I was King by right of succession I was reigning Anu was my cut Bearer the princes he aroused to a wrestling Himi challenged for nine counted circuits I was King on Nibiru to my seed kingship was belonging on my Throne seat ano himself sat to escape death to distant Earth I made a dangerous Journey salvation for Nibiru I alalu on the alien planet discovered returned to Nibiru I was promised In fairness the throne to regain then to Earth came enki the one by compromise the next reindeberu he was designated then came enlil the succession from Anu to himself claiming then Anu came and by Lots he tricked enki enki the Lord of Earth was proclaimed of Earth not of Nibiru to be the master then to enlil the command was granted and enki to the distant abzu was delegated my heart of all that was aching my chest from shame and anger was bursting then Anu his foot upon my chest placed upon my aching heart he was treading in the silence Anu spoke up by Royal seed and law by Fair wrestling did I gain the throne my male Hood you bit off and swallowed my Offspring line to discontinue and Lil spoke up to the crime the accused admitted let the Judgment come let death the punishment be death said algar death said abgar death said nungal death to a Lalu by itself will come what he had swallowed in his innard's death will bring enki was sane let a Lalu be in prison for the rest of his days on Earth anzu is speaking their words Arnold was contemplating anger and pity both he engulfed to die in Exile let this be the Judgment honor was saying in amazement the judges at each other glanced what Anna was saying they wondered neither on Earth nor on Nibiru shall the exiling be honor was saying on the way there is the lamu planet with Waters and an atmosphere it is in doubt enki has enki thereon made a pause of it as a way station have I been thinking its net force is less than Earth's forceful an advantage in wisdom to be considered in the celestial Chariot a Lalu shall be taken on my departing from Earth he with me shall make the journey around the planet lamu we shall make circuits to allalu a sky chamber we shall provide to the planet lamu in it he will be descended alone on a strange Planet an exile he shall be his days to his last day by himself to count thus did ano's words of judgment utter in solemnity were the words intended my unanimity was this judgment upon allalu imposed in the presence of the heroes it was announced let nungal be my pilot to Nibiru from that place chariots bearing Heroes again to Earth to Pilate take charge so did anu's Commandments utter let anzu join us for the Journey of The Descent palamu on the morrow departing was readied all who depart by boats to The Chariot were ferried a place for Landings on firm soil you must prepare Arnold to enlil was saving how lamu is a Way Station to use plans you should make farewells there were both Joy and sorrow limping did onu on the Chariot Embark and with his hands tied didalalu The Chariot entered then the Chariot soared to the heavens and the royal visit ended they around the Moon made a circuit hanu was enchanted by sight toward red Hugh lamu they journeyed twice about it they circled lower toward the strange Planet they came mountains Sky High and tears on the surface they noticed they observed where enki's chariot had once landed by a Lakeside it was located slowed by lamu net power they readied in the Chariot the sky chamber anzu its pilot then unexpected words to Anu with alalu to the firm soil of lamu I shall descend with the sky chamber to The Chariot to return I wish not I shall stay with alalu on this strange Planet until he dies I shall protect him when he dies of his innards poison as befits a king him I shall bury I shall have made my name anzu they will say Against All Odds to a King in Exile a companion was he saw things by others unseen on a strange Planet he faced strange things anzu they will to the end of time shall say as a hero Has Fallen there were tears in the eyes of allalu and amazement in the heart of Arnold your wish shall be honored anzu Anu said at this moment letter Promise by me to you be made by my raised hand to you I this swear on the next Journey a chariot by la musho sakit at scholarship to you shall descend if alive it shall find you the master of lamu you shall be proclaimed anzo bowed his head when a way station on lamu shall be established its Commander you shall be okay then tanu he said into the sky chamber alalu and anzu were ushered Eagles helmets and fish suits provided them with food and tools from the circling Chariot the Skyship departed its descent was observed from The Chariot then from view it disappeared and the Chariots to Nibiru continued for nine Shahs was a Lalu King on Nibiru for eight Shahs aridu he commanded in the ninth Shah to die in Exile on lamu was his fate now this is the account of the return of Anu to Nibiru and how alalu on lamu was buried how enlil on Earth The Landing Place built on Nibiru there was for Anu ajaya's welcome of what had happened to the council and the princes Anu gave a count neither pity nor Vengeance from them all he sought to discuss the tasks ahead they all instructed [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Boaz Mysteries
Views: 2,579,636
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Id: ZsU_0Mfa5tM
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Length: 178min 43sec (10723 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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