SOD Phase 3 Resto Shaman Guide | BiS & Pre-Bis Gear, Talents, Runes

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[Music] hey what's going on guys real gaming here back another video today's episode we're going to go over the phase three restoration Shaman restoration Shaman is something that I made in phase two so I wanted this to be my uh just first guide of this phase just because I played him so much uh last phase in Nan so we're going to go over all new runes B pre-bis their rotation and their new set bonus this is 7 hours after phase 3 has gone live so a lot of this information is still brand new most of the stuff is just kind of doing air quotes right now the general consensus uh so you know this is fresh new information some of the stuff could change here in two or 3 weeks based on you know the time of which you're watching this video so that's kind of my disclaimer most of the stuff I feel is is fairly accurate that we're going to be talking about today I probably put it above 90% accurate but you know a lot of things can change between now and next week right all right so let's first go ahead and go over some of the new runes here so Shaman's getting this is going to be in the head Rune right we have burn so flame shock now strikes up to three targets we have mental dexterity dealing damage with your melee weapons increases your attack power by 100% of your intellect and your spell damage and healing by 30% of your total attack power for one minute and then down here at the bottom we have tidal waves when you cast chain heill or Rip Tide you gain two charges of tidal waves which reduces the cast time of your healing Wave by 30% and increases the critical effect chance of your lesser healing Wave by 25% so burn here obviously isn't probably going to affect us right that's probably more of a elemental shaman or like a a tank Shaman runes so we're not going to be running burn obviously mental dexterity is interesting and I'm wondering which direction they're going with this right because it increases the attack power by 100% of your intellect and this happens when you deal melee damage with one your weapons right so it's kind of weird you got to run up to the boss you got to Auto it to proc this so probably what we're going to be doing right is very similar to phase two so what we had to do is we had to have sort of a macro to equip two other weapons that are different from your current main hand and off hand put rockbiter on both of them we'll go up we'll proc this we'll get that huge attack power surge which is going to make us really strong it looks like it lasts for 1 minute which is awesome then that huge surge of attack power that we're getting is going to be converted into spell damage and healing at a 30% ratio that's again it's going to last for 1 minute so you just got to go in Hit The Boss one time and you get that big buff now with that being said used to in phase two right we used shamanistic rage to kind of Croc this so basically if you're familiar with Phase 2 rest of Shaman this is going to be like the old shamanistic rage that we used last phase right so with that being said we'll come back to tidle waves let's take a look at the new shamanistic rage because this is going to be right very core uh restoration CH this phase so this is still going to be an onuse ability just like it was in Phase 2 but they changed it a little bit so reduces all damage You Take by 20% and you regenerate Mana equal to 5% of your maximum Mana every second for 15 seconds and then your party and raid members within 40 yards will also receive 20% of the Mana you receive this way so this is actually pretty strong I mean it's probably not going to be quite as strong as last phase because it looks like it's 5% of your max Mana over 15 seconds so each tick we multiply that out that's going to be about 75% of our Mana pool now one thing that is kind of cool is our raid members within 40 yards so it's not just party it's party and raid members within 40 yards are going to receive 20% of the Mana that we receive that way so basically it's like a built-in uh manati totem and that's kind of one of the reasons we're not taking Mana tide this phase so we are still basically a Mana battery just like we were last phase but with this mental dexterity here it looks like they're going to give us like a big sort of uh cool down right every minute that we kind of keep up almost not a cool down almost more like a buff right because I think you can keep this up constantly right it lasts for one minute so that 30% buff right just going to be something else that we have to keep track of which is kind of annoying because on restoration sham I feel like it takes three times the effort than some of these other healers uh just to get subpar results there's so many things you got to keep track of right Water Shield totems swapping weapons applying Rock bider now we have this buff that we have to keep up it's just kind of annoying um but if if you enjoy the challenge you know here you go you got one so that's enough on this Rune let's move on to tidal waves so when you cast chain Hiller Rip Tide you gain two charges of tidal waves which reduce the cast time of your healing Wave by 30% and increas the critical effect chance of your lesser healing wave by 25% so that's pretty good but it just doesn't compete with mental dexterity just in terms of throughput right so mental dexterity is what we're going to be running in our head Rune and then we also have the wrist runes so you know we're talking about all the things restoration Shaman has to manage we also have Rip Tide as well so that's something you're going to want to be kind of keeping out so let's just read over it first if you're not familiar with what it is heals a friendly Target for x amount over 15 seconds your next chain H cast on the primary target within 15 seconds will consume the heal over time effect and it will increase the amount of chain heel by 25% this spell also triggers ancestrial Awakening so if you're not familiar with what ancestrial Awakening is let me find it here right it's in our foot R so what they're trying to do is they're trying to buff ancestrial Awakening it wasn't super strong last season I don't think it's going to be super strong even even with the changes that they made with Rip Tide so we're still probably be running Spirit of the alpha for the off tank right and then I'm reading here it does actually reduce our threat by 30% so I'm not sure if it was like that in Phase 2 I can't remember off top of my head but uh let me know in the comments below if that was from Phase 2 or if that's brand new I feel like that's brand new yeah so that's ancestrial Awakening so back to rip tide right it's a heal over time effect that we throw on our Target probably want to keep it up on the tank and then whenever we need a big burst of group heal right we can chain heal and we'll get that 25% buff to our chain heill all right let's take a look at some of these other new runes I don't think they'll affect us but let's quickly take a look I haven't seen them yet so we have overcharged your lightning shield never loses a charge and now has a 1 second cool down does damage to All Enemies within eight yards that's not going to affect us rolling thunder lightning bolt and chain lightning have a 30% chance to add an additional charge to your active lightning Shield up to a maximum of nine charges then earthshock now releases all the charges above three dealing their damage to the Target energizing for 2% of the maximum Mana per charge release it looks like this is going to be something that we're going to be running on probably Ellie Shaman I'm not sure what enhance is going to be running see static shock is your lightning shield now has nine charges okay so this is what enhancements probably to be running and your melee attacks have a 6% chance to trigger one of those charges immediately damaging your target so so it looks like they have a rune for each spec here right so tank Shaman's running overcharge it looks like Ellie will be running Rolling Thunder and then static shock is what uh you know DPS enhancement is going to be running okay so outside of those runes we are running overload still so chain lightning bolt chain lightning chain heal healing wave lava burs have 50% chance to cast a second similar spell on the same Target so we're still running that from last season we're also still running waterers Shield which is going to give you MP5 um kind of help keep our Mana up that's something you will have to keep track of I recommend getting a weak R to track that we have a power surge which is really really strong so each Time Flame Shar deals damage it has a 5% re chance to reset the cool down lava burst chain lightning make the next lava burst chain Hill or chain lightning within 10 seconds instant Additionally you g this is the main part we're worried about right every 5 Seconds you gain man it equal to 15% of your intellect so this does kind of incentivize us right to keep flame shock up on at least one target so that we can get those sort of instant chain heels so that again something else you're going to have to track uh but also you know the main reason we run this is for that additional Mana based on our intellect right then we have shamanistic rage that we also talked about we have Earth Shield here too that's really good my opinion we have a PVP R I ran it a lot in BFD uh but it just the Mana returns from shamanistic Rage was just too crazy right so that's why we took it and then of course Spirit of the alpha which we already talked about okay so these are the talents that we are running in phase three not a ton of flex here to be honest we're not going to go into Mana tide right because then we got to put five points into restorative totems so that doesn't really make sense and we're going one short here purification so that we can have the extra point to go into enhancing totems in terms of sort of notable I guess talents you want to take right improved healing wave obviously healing waves going to be huge for keeping the tanks up this phase very similar to to last phase we have ancestral healing it's going to increase the armor value from critical effects from one of our heals so 25% of the target's armor value really important to have to toic Mastery right we're going to increase our totem range as much as we can that's going to increase it up to 30 yards pattle Mastery here is good to take because it's going to increase the healing the crit chance of our healing by 5% if we put Five Points there nature swiftness is obviously really good next nature spell is going to be an instant cast it's on a 3 minute cool down sorry I know some of my stuff is kind of getting cut off over there on the side uh but you you know you can look up these talents yourself kind of see what they look like uh we also have healing way healing wave has 100% chance to increase the effect of subsequent healing wave spells on that Target by 6% for 15 seconds so if you're focusing healing wave on the main tank each next healing wave is just going to get a little bit stronger than the previous up to three stacks I guess the last one here is ancestrial knowledge increase our Max Man by 5% very strong Talent okay let's get into gear really quick this is going to be our bis gear and this list is not something that you know I I number Crunch and Excel this comes from zifi so feel free to go to zifi to read on some of this I'm just going to briefly talk through some of this list and then we'll get into the pre- raid B and then also note most of this stuff right is obviously going to be coming from sunken Temple but you will be surprised some of this stuff is definitely going to be coming from previous raids you know including our trinkets right so not everything's coming from sunken Temple but most of it will be okay let's start with the soul catcher CR here uh and you're going to see this EP score here just feel free to ignore it it's it's not accurate uh but the B for us is going to be Soul catcher Crown this is going to come from sunken Temple unfortunately this software is not up to date with exactly which boss it comes from so feel free to Google that on your own it's probably on zifi that's going to give us a 15 intellect 12 Spirit 44 healing done by spells and effects so really strong another decent alternative is going to be the visor of verdant feathers so 14 Spirit 14 intellect 13 Spirit 31 healing and of course that awesome 8 MP5 there and then for the enchant here we're going to put this lesser Arcanum of verocity this comes from a burning steps quest line so that's going to give us eight intellect there okay now let's take a quick look at our neck here the perfectly preserved Dragon this is going to give us eight inel seven Spirit five Stam and 24 plus healing uh the next best on this list is going to be the Jindo lost locket here that's also going to come from sunken Temple looking at nine stamina eight intellect and then plus 12 healing of course if you did raid noer and you got lucky enough to get this pendant of homecoming here 13 healing 3 MP5 10 Spirit a in elect absolutely huge and that came from thead King all right then look looking at capes here our abys is going to be the feather skin drape if you can't get a hold of that obviously we do have some other options here we have this one from Nom the cloak of invention which is 7 in six Spirit 2 MP5 15 healing so that one's pretty good we have the hooku I believe that's how you say it hex Cape this is coming from sunen Temple as well which is really strong 10 intellect 15 MP5 and then another awesome one here is going to be the faded hakar CL the reason it has this rank so high is because it's putting so much emphasis on MP5 which is really strong but since we're such a Mana battery with all these runes MP5 isn't as useful it' be early it'll be strong early uh the MP5 will fall off obviously as we get further and further into the phase so again our best feather skin drap 24 healing 10x 7 spirit super strong up next we have our chest our abys is going to be the internal Embrace of the wind serpent 44 plus healing 17 intellect just insane raw stats there 15 Spirit nature resistance and stamina I'm assuming we're going to need a lot of nature resistance in sunken Temple so really strong to pick up if you can get it and then of course we do have our set piece corrupted Spirit waver breastplate uh not very strong to be honest if we look at the set bonuses at the bottom we don't even take Healing Rain right the the three set's pretty much useless to us reduces cast time of Healing Rain by 100% And then the two set restores 4 MP5 that's almost useless so really disappointing to see the set bonus on Resto Shaman uh I feel like just absolutely out of touch with how the class plays especially in phase two uh but that's what we have and you'll see through the gearing how we're just going to pretty much ignore this Set uh but yeah that it you know if you can't pick it up the raw stats on it aren't bad right the equip is 4 MP5 you get crit you get 31 healing from it 10 intellect and seven stamina so the raw stats aren't bad it's just a set bonus it's just not super good all right moving on to our wrist our abys is going to be the medicine man's wrist a taly I guess that's how you say it uh six inel seven Spirit seven stamina and then 22 plus healing coming from sunken Temple we also have the void Pate invoker's van braces coming from engineering and really you know eight intellect and then at the very bottom there 21 extra healing so those are pretty strong if you are an engineer if you did run ner again the reason this is ranked so high is because the MP5 but five stamina four intellect and then nine plus healing which is not too bad from ner pretty high drop rate at 20% all right moving on to the weapon the witch doctor stick Mojo plus 35 healing so that's really strong right because we also get the bonus from the off hand so for a one hand that is an insane amount of healing uh four MP5 and then eight and like so really good raw stats there and then these other two the nightmare Focus staff I believe this is also going to be coming from sunken Temple so this is going to be our twoand right 26 intellect and then 29 healing and then this restorative Rod which is a blue 44 healing 11 int 11 stamina okay so taking a look at our off hand looks like we're still taking the safety shield from ner that's going to be our Abyss 22 healing four MP5 n intellect just really good raw stats there now what we are getting from sunken Temple is this Drake Stone of the blood profit the only problem with it is it doesn't give us any intellect unfortunately so the equips are also kind of weird on it right so if you look at the first one increases damage and healing by magical spells and effects up to seven and then below that you also have increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 35 and below that you have increases Damage Done by fire spells by 23 so kind of an odd one uh if you can't get access obviously to either of these two we do have one in marodin the Hypertech buckler looks like 10 intellect and 4 MP5 at a 33% drop rate all right then for the gloves we have the scal male gloves 26 healing 7 MP5 uh this is is actually not our abys it's just top of the list again because MP5 is R so high our Abyss is going to be the hexer gloves here so 16 intellect and then 19 healing so just kind of looking at the list here pretty much everything here right is coming from sunken Temple you can pick up the ghost weed gloves off the auction house however again this is rating it so high because the MP5 so you're probably going to be better off getting see prob prob from the Hinterlands this quest line here these Green Leaf hand wraps and you get a ton of ton of healing and a ton of intellect uh so I'd probably pick up something like this all right then for the belt also coming from sunken Temple eight inell eight stamina 26 healing 5 MP5 the devotees sash of emerald dream for our legs our abys is going to be the stone guards inscribed leg plates down here kind of towards the bottom probably because it gives us that 1% crit it gives a lot of intellect and then 26 plus healing so yeah kind of looking through some of these legs at 1% crit is what I think is kind of pushing over the edge but we do have a lot of competitive options here the hyper conductive uh pants here they give 10 intellect 22 plus healing we have the corrupted Spirit wever leggings 35 healing and 17 intellect those are super strong and of course if you do take that two set right because we are running uh well I haven't gone over it yet the feet uh we will be able to pick up that two set so those come from sunen Temple Temple and then the Drake scale leggings come from sunen Temple tons of raw stats 22 inlite and 40 healing these are all really strong options here uh but I think just in terms of throughput what zifi is thinking is that 1% crit is just kind of what gives these the edge in terms of our feet we have the spirit Weaver set here so whoops increases healing done by spells by up to 18 restor 6 MP5 and then nine intellect uh there's just really nothing else that competes with these if we just kind of go down to what dropped in ner right you're only getting so the intellect is still very similar but if we look at the healing done 8 versus 18 we have the Skol Man slippers but I mean the drop chance is so low you'll probably never get those but the stats on those aren't anything insane we have the uh Mist Walker boots here that are pretty strong especially considering that they do give us more intellect over the uh over these up here over the set boots however right we do have MP5 from these so it's going to be very close you know between Mist walker uh and and these Spirit wavers here so if you get either they're probably going to be very close in terms of numbers um if you're wanting more raw healing throughput probably miss Walkers are going to be better if you're just kind of wanting a better overall uh sort of boot right for MP5 for Mana regen they pretty good all around the board you're probably going to take something like these especially because if you do end up getting the two set early right you're going to get the additional 4 MP5 which will be strong early now in terms of the Rings I think the Rings are really interesting right because they are not unique equipped so you can actually run two of the drakeclaw band of the profit here for 12 intellect 20 healing and 5 MP5 now we also have the Drake claw band of harbringer here so 12 Spirit 11 intellect and then uh 15 healing and magical spell damage right so this obviously going to be the one that DPS runs and then blood profit is obviously going to be the one that healers run outside that moving on to our trinkets we have the ancestrial doodoo doll eight stamina 29 healing which is pretty crazy and then 7 MP5 that's going to come from strangle thornn Vel I'm sure that's coming from the uh blood moon event and then right below that we have the void Pearl from BFD and then the combustion chamber which came from Nan these two are very close um in terms of numbers right void Pearl gives us 20 healing combustion chamber gets us six Enlite and then 12 healing so both are very very close in terms of just throughput in terms of totems we have the carved Driftwood icon still a 3% drop rate which I still still do not have on my Resto Shaman so pretty sad uh looks like they did come out with this one here so totem of tormented ancestry flame shot grants 15 attack power spell damage and healing for 12 seconds so not bad then in terms of totems here this is where I think Zaki is wrong it has the Driftwood icon as B but I believe the to the totem of tormented ancestry is going to be stronger flame shot grants 15 attack power spell damage and healing for 12 seconds so I'm really glad they added a new totem in here right because I still do not have this this BFD totem so Tor this totem of torman ancestry here is definitely going to be our abys going into phase three and then of course like we said earlier flame shock does scale pretty well see if I can find it here with our power surge Rune right so we're trying to keep flame shock up so it just synergizes well with this it just incentivizes you more to keep that flame shock up as often as possible all right guys then in terms of pre- B this is going to get you very very close to your pre- B again this is coming from zifi this is not coming from me so feel free you know to to screenshot this or whatever I'm not going to dive in I've talked about a lot of this stuff already um when we're kind of comparing previous gear to the B gear so feel free to look up some of this screenshot this whatever you want to do but this is going to be your pre ra B for the most part I will quickly go into each piece just to kind of show you where it comes from again we talked about a lot of this already but the head piece here is going to come from leather working the neck here is going to come from Nan Mad King the mantle is coming from BRD 25% drop rate off Lord rocker the the cape here is going to come from Hinterlands look like it's a quest the chest see if we can find it here yeah the chain shirt is coming from Noman looks like it's one of the yeah one of the tier pieces of the set pieces we have the wrist here looks like that's coming from war song outr rers exalted this one will be hard to get so I would probably recommend obviously these uh G bracers here those have about a 20% drop rate outside of that um we have another one from ner here the kinker wrist wraps 16% drop rate I just highly recommend going into nomer or we do have a thousand needles one here uh which looks like comes from a quest line so that could be an easy one to pick up as well see looking at the weapon the weapon will obviously be see if we can find it here be the one hand from ner it's in here somewhere here it is 16% drop drop R that's going to be a hard one to get so what you might want to do there's another one here the minders grace I have this one on my Shaman 20% drop rate I got that pretty early probably the easiest one to get quickly look through here we have the illusionary rod right coming out of scarlet Monastery and we also have the one from Princess out of 11 excuse me a 19% drop rate but looks like your best bet is going to be you know doing some XP runs in nomer then for the shield ner and sunken Temple is going to be your best bet outside of that uh probably Moren for this Hypertech buckler going to give you pretty good Enlite and some MP5 there 33% drop rate too so that that's pretty nice um the hands it looks like it's going to be green leaf hand wraps coming from a quest line in Hinterlands we talked about that already the sash RFD for % drop rate this going to be nearly impossible to get I mean it's not going to be impossible it's going to be really hard um I probably recommend going into BRD here I believe BRD will be unlock this phase so 11 intellect 1% hit which is not going to be very useful to us but 12 12 healing done damage and healing done so not too bad there oh we have the ghost weave belt too but only eight in the like so I probably wouldn't recommend getting that so yeah you don't have a ton of options you have Serenity belt here from auction house you can pick up that's kind of expensive so yeah I'd probably recommend nomer or BRD for the belt and we do have the excavator's utility belt which comes from Ango roll the bonees so that that would be a really easy one to pick up for legs looks like we're also looking at ner and sunken Temple but the easiest will probably be these uh designer pants here seven intellect 40 healing those come from BRD at a 37% drop rate so those are actually realistic to get uh and you know I think nober is too you know they drop a lot of legs but depending on how you level you might not have access to those in terms of our feet we have the PVP boots here again probably going to be kind of difficult to acquire so what you might want to do Let's see we don't have a ton of options here on the boots looks like once again BRD uh withering despair 10 intellect and stamina 11 healing and then we get a little bit of hit there which would not be useful to us oh yeah we have the Mojo boots from tanaris which are also pretty strong coming from south sea Shakedown so you could grab those all right then in terms of rings we have the eye of oramar here which is coming from once again BRD we do also have the runed ring here it's not showing up you might not be able to see it uh but what it says is it gives a random enchantment and then seven healing so I'm not sure where you even get that from because it's not pulling up here oh here it is from ZF okay and it's a ridiculously low drop rate so you might not want to that up again just so you can see it one more time so that's the stats on it super low drop rate it's a Boe so I'd say if you get this you sell it because it's probably going to go for a lot considering it's pre- raid B so there's that not really a realistic option though so let's see what else we have here probably you're going to be going to a Fairless for this ring here going to give MP5 actually never mind I don't I don't recommend that at all uh let's see what else we got ZF ring no okay another so once again BRD the cyclopian band here so seven intellect and then nine healing then outside of those we do have a few World drops here this Mind's Eye Circle so that's going to be a World drop and then band of the Unicorn 13 healing also going to be a World drop then in terms of trinkets like always you don't have hardly any options outside of raiding um so ner BFD uh you do have one option here this Shard which gives 5 MP5 five Health looks like it comes from a quest line and Blasted Lands so hopefully you already have at least one trinket and then if you need to you can fill in The Shard and then of course the Driftwood icon at 3% drop rate for our totem slot all right then in terms of healing rotation let me change my screen really quick here so we're obviously going to have Rip Tide you're not going to see it on this list here that's going to kind of work into our rotation we're going to try to keep it up on the tanks I'm not sure what the cool Down's going to be on it quite yet um and it will also of course buff our chain heel so if you're not familiar with what chain heel is uh you basically shoot out a chain of healing I guess I'm not sure exactly what it is but you shoot it out and it jumps to other targets and it does a big group AOE heal but with each jump it does lose some Effectiveness uh 50% as the previous Target so heals three total targets so the problem with chain heel it's not always a problem but it was for me in Phase 2 cuzz people are running around and pressing buttons is everybody is so spread out a lot of the times you cast it and it only hits one person so what I was doing for the most part is I was using a lesser healing wave right here and this is just going to be like the Lesser version of our normal healing wave right very quick inefficient heal but I was using that to kind of spot heal the raid I was not using chain heill hardly at all but the problem with let your healing wave CU number one it's not super Mana efficient and number two it wasn't very strong on tank like I could not keep a tank up spamming lesser healing wave I had to spam healing wave so if we go to lesser healing wave rank five so it looks like well no see where the next rank is okay so yeah we're still going to be in the same spot so we're going to level 50 but we have a level 44 lesser healing with so this by the time we hit Level 50 and we're raid healing this is going to be a pretty weak spell so we're going to have to rely on something like a rank eight healing wave right so rank eight healing wave is going to be on the tank you know obviously you can down rank it uh but healing wave is going on the tank your spot healing with lesser healing wave and then we'll see what happens with chain heel um obviously it's really good for stacked encounters I I'm not saying not to use chain heill especially with rip tide right chain heill is going to be really strong but just know you know depending on the fight you may not want to use it and then of course we have a lot of things that do synergize with flame shock so you will want to be keeping flame shock up on a Target at all times especially due to how it synergizes with our waste Rune believe it's called surge of power um in terms of totems you know it's going to depend it's going to change per fight what your group needs depending on what group you're in uh we will get access I believe to let me find it I think it's called Grace of a yeah level 42 so that is going to give us agility so that will be very strong you know if you're in the melee group you're going to be putting Grace of air down as well as strength of earth right and then of course we have a lot of things that do synergize with flame shock so you will want to be keeping flame shock up on a Target at all times especially due to how it synergizes with our waste Rune believe it's called surge of power um in terms of totems you know it's going to depend it's going to change per fight what your group needs depending on what group you're in uh we will get access I believe to let me find it I think it's called Grace of a yeah level 42 so that is going to give us agility so that will be very strong you know if you're in the melee group you're going to be putting Grace of air down as well as strength of earth right um if you are in the range group you will probably putting down tranquil air totem just for that increased reduced threat and of course I don't know how I forget we have wind Fury totem um I've kind of forgotten about it a lot because we do run with a feral jid who provides that for us but if you do not have a feral jid obviously right you're going to be running wind Fury totem um in terms of water totems I do not run Mana spring because Mana has historically this phase not been a big problem for us so I have been running the healing stream totem just for a little bit extra throughput on my group so that's what I've been running uh in terms of water totems um a lot of the times I'm also running flame Tong totem again it's just very situational based on like which group you're in uh but flame tongue totem is pretty good for our fire totem and then of course again based on what group you're in if you're in the melee group you're going be running something like strength of Earth's totem so yeah if you're not in a melee group your totems are not quite as effective we don't have a ton of stuff I mean we can buff range groups but just not to the degree that we can buff a melee group so if you got a shaman already in melee um and you're in the range group you you do get a little more flexibility but i' probably running something like uh resistance totems all right guys that's pretty much it for this video um if you enjoyed it please consider liking and subscribing to the channel and we will see you all in the next [Music] one
Channel: Realm Gaming WoW
Views: 3,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: srL9D2-pssw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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