Sunken Temple Raid GUIDE | Season of Discovery

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what's up everybody let's talk about the bosses in sunen Temple now we still don't know every mechanic but I'm going to share with you what I've learned in our world first clear of the raid these bosses have a lot of HP so the mechanics may be simple but the fights can last a while really testing your endurance we expect another round of Nerfs to this rid soon but the fight should remain mostly the same now the first boss is at Tarion now before you start this boss you want to make sure you run to the sides of the room and go up this rope to activate the four altars that are channeling down to the boss if you do not the boss will stomp your face in because he will be extremely buffed so make sure you do this so that you can fight him as you're supposed to now this boss has two main abilities pillars of Might will spawn pillars throughout the room and these pillars buff the boss demolishing smash will knock everyone back and knock the tank up in the air and reduce their threat so everybody in the rage you try to get knocked back into pillars to destroy them which will lower the buff on the boss and your off tank needs to taunt just rinse and repeat this and the boss will die now the next fight is festering rot slime he will chase you around this circle and cast Gunk at random players Gunk puts a slime puddle on the ground that deals heavy damage every half second so you need to move out of it as soon as possible do not tank this boss but instead Hite him around the circle over time the boss gains stacks of a buff that increases his movement speed in order to slow him you must attack the objects on the side of the hallway they will go to the center and the boss will absorb them after the boss eats enough object he will become stationary casting Gunk multiple times in a row it's crucial that you do not put the gunk in the middle of the hallway instead place it against the walls on the side you want to conserve space because with low DPS you'll absolutely be running multiple laps through this circle the Ooze puddles do eventually despawn but it takes a long time and will be there when you run a second time around keep doing this well and the boss will die all right now the next fight is atai Defenders so this is a council fight where you start with one boss after that one dies it will resurrect as a ghost and then the next boss will come out and then you kill the second boss and that one resurrects as a ghost and then you start fighting the third boss there are six of these in total which means when you're fighting the last boss you will have five ghosts up now the ghosts have HP but you don't need to kill them what you can do is you can shackle them you can Hunter trap them you can slow them essentially when a boss becomes a ghost you want to CC it or kite it and ignore it now let's talk about the six bosses and what they do zore is the first one to come out he will charge and cast corrupted slam move out of it pretty simple mijan is the next one he summons totems and Magic debuffs The Raid kill the totems with the magic debuff doesn't matter so just ignore it Zolo will chain lightning everybody so interrupt him Gasher has attacking attack speed Buff when he attacks you need to clate him or wait for him to summon his axes for the buff to fall off otherwise he will just end up murdering your tank swiftness potions can help the tank run away to create some distance so that the buff falls off of gash Loro is Fifth and he constantly resets threat so just be careful if you're a DPS and have your tanks spam taunt throughout the fight now hooku is the final one and he does Shadow bolt shadowbolt volley curse of blood and he will summon imps and void Walkers essentially just interrupt his cast ignore his ads and keep attacking and he's dead and that's the fight as long as you have enough priests to Shackle the ghost or Hunters to trap them you just ignore them and this fight is easy peasy now the next fight is dream scythe and Weaver this is a two dragon fight with three phases phase one is from 100 to 80% where you fight dream Scythe only phase two is from 80 to 60% where you fight Weaver and then phase three is from 60 to 0% with both dragons now you're going to have to stay in the Inner Circle of this Arena as the Outer Circle gets filled with poison there is a hole in the middle so make sure you don't pull a guu and fall down now these dragons really only have two abilities dream Scythe has Wing Buffet which is a 2 second cast and acid breath and Weaver has delayed Wing Buffet which is a 3 and 1/2 second cast and acid breath and acid breath is a stacking tank debuff now phases one and two are pretty simple you just avoid the hole in the middle and you tank the boss and you get wing buffeted and you just keep attacking it's pretty simple phase three is where the fight really begins when you have to fight both dragons now the dragons share a health pull which means for phase three you should really only be attacking one of the dragons so that it has full debuffs from everybody in your raid obviously multi- daughters can attack both but if you're a single Target only class then make sure you are attacking the same Target as everybody else now the danger in this fight is when the bosses fly away to do Wing buffet and delayed Wing Buffet you will get one buffet after 2 seconds and the next 1 and 1/2 seconds after that this is going to require a lot of healing if you have shatter priest who can passively heal up your raid they are amazing now the key to this phase is right after the wing buffets when the Dragon are flying back to your tanks you want to make sure that they do not breath The Raid what we did is we had the raid stand in the middle just by the circle and we had the tanks drag the bosses through the outside of the circle this made sure that they never crossed paths with the raid and they never breathed The Raid once you have the positioning down for Wing Buffett then just rinse and repeat and the boss will eventually die now the next fight is Jalan and ogam so Jalan has a buff that restores 20% HP every second which means ogum is our first Target that we're going to kill this fight has two phases phase one is with ogam and Jalan and phase two is just jamala now in Phase One the abilities Are Holy Nova Holy Fire agonizing weakness which is a curse and smite Holy Fire will Target four players and puts a pretty heavy dot on them that can be dispelled holy Nova is a ground targeted ability that continually casts you want to make sure that you move out of this immediately the curse deals damage and reduces Damage Done by the Target by 50% so decurse this immediately and then you can interrupt Smite making it a nonissue so in phase one you want all the range stacked up because Jamal and cast two Holly noas at the same time this means the Holly noas will be stacked and the range can just move to the side and this makes sure that the room never fills up with too many holy novas and that's pretty much phase one it's pretty simple and pretty easy now similar to the last fight phase two was when this fight really begins after you kill ogam Jalan will drain life from ogam and get very buffed his abilities are Shadow serman pain which puts a heavy dot on 10 players in the raid this must be dispelled immediately holy NOA which is the same as in Phase One psychic scream which fears five targets for 5 seconds again dispel this immediately and then Mass Penance this is going to hit everybody in the raid three times for a lot of damage this cannot be interrupted so you just have to heal through it you cannot kick any of his spells in phase two making dispels and healing incredibly important once again Shadow priest in every group helps raate healing immensely and gives extra dispels for the shadow Surman pain you can survive the damage stay stacked keep your Mana High you will win this fight it is a fight of attrition which means as long as you don't run out of Mana if you can survive the mechanics you will eventually kill the boss now the next fight is morphos and huzzaz now this fight's a little bit weird I'm going to tell you what we did to kill this boss but it might not be intended and it might be fixed by blizzard I'll also tell you how we think you're supposed to kill it um um but just as long as the way that we killed it works that is infinitely easier so just do that instead now this fight again has three phases phase one is until 80% phase two is 80 to 30% and phase three is 30% until zero you start the fight by attacking huzas he really only has one ability dreamer lament which is a DOT that goes on a few targets heal them and that's pretty much it at 80% he flies to the middle of the room and casts animate flam this will summon fire ads that need to be killed now we're going to talk about how we want to kill them in a bit but after that cast he starts lucid dream this is a 20 second cast and at the end of it he will send the entire raid to the downstairs phase where they can attack morphaz he takes 100% increased damage morast casts a 30se second long ability called Eternal Slumber if you are still in the downstairs phase when this cast finishes you will die but you can kill nightmare Vines to spawn a portal that a single person can take to get back to the upstairs phas but there are only five to six of these in total so not everybody can do it but let's go back to the fire Elementals when they die they leave a patch of fire in the ground and if you are standing in this when hisas cast loose a dream you won't go to the downstairs phase and instead you will start running really fast and taking fire damage up in the upstairs realm now with this buff you can run into anyone who is dreaming and wake them up to bring them back to the upstairs Realm we found we didn't really care about sending anyone downstairs for this phase and we basically just kept everyone upstairs instead but if you really want to minmax your damage you can send half the raid downstairs keep half the raid upstairs and then just use the people who are upstairs to run into the fire patch and then run into people to wake them up to make sure that they don't die from more faz's cast now phase two is essentially the same as phase one from 80% to 30% so heal the damage and get the boss to 30% at 30% the boss will again cast Lo lucid dream sending everyone to the downstairs phase again but this time there are no fire Elementals and there are no nightmare Vines meaning that we think you supposed to burn the boss from 30% to zero before morphaz finishes his eternal Slumber cast which is 30 seconds long this is a pretty high DPS check that even after the Nerfs is really hard to do so instead you can do what we did and this might get fixed so I apologize if it does when you get to this fight now at 30% when has ex flies to the middle of room and cast lucid dream you can just line of sight this go back to the entrance of the room and hide around the corner if you line of site this correctly then nobody gets sent downstairs nobody's going to die from more faz's cast and you have unlimited time to bring the boss down to 0% now this does not seem to be intended so this will probably be fixed but for right now take advantage of it do it and kill the boss at your own pace GG you win congratulations now the next fight is a r anus this is not the last fight but it is most definitely the hardest we spent probably half of our progression time in this raid on this fight so let's talk about it phase by phase cuz this one is a doozy so shade of oranus is a three-phase encounter Phase 1 is from 100 to 70% Phase 2 is from 70 to 40% phase three is from 40 to 10% and what I call phase three and a half is from 10 to 0% now you could just call it phase four but it's essentially a soft en rage where everything just gets a lot harder and the boss needs to die now let's start with phase one so the phase one abilities from the boss are bellowing Roar which is an AOE fear that you should just interrupt always if this cast goes off you should pretty much just restart the encounter lethargic poison is a poison that increases the Mana cost of all abilities and Deals damage to five people in the raid Cleanse This immediately poison resistance Elixir are a good idea for Alliance since you don't have Shaman with poison cleansing totem corrosive breath is a breath ability that reduces the Tank's armor you either need to do a tank swap or the tank needs to line of sight this ability deep Slumber puts clouds on the ground hitting these will stun you for 15 seconds reduce all damage taken by 99% and restore a little bit of mana and finally waking nightmare is a 6-second cast that deals 100,000 damage to everybody in the raid in order to survive this you must run into one of the clouds from Deep Slumber waking nightmare will remove the stun from you and you can go back back to dpsing the boss now I'm going to explain our strategy but this might not be best for your raid the reason is because our raid it was entirely range DPS which is why this strategy worked for us now range DPS should all stack on a single player this allowed us the clouds to be clumped up and just makes it easier to run into them when you have to for waking nightmare now the tank positioning is where our strategy really shines for US tanks position the boss on the ledge of the room the main reason for this is that when the ads spawn in later phases of the fight by positioning the boss on the ledge the ads become grouped up right under the boss and it's very easy to AOE cleave them down we had 10 Mages and three Shadow priest blasting them with living bomb living flame M Sears and void zones and these ads were dying almost as fast as they were spawning so that's why the ledge strategy was really good for us but if you're a melee heavy comp this might not work out as well for you but when it came to phase one the most important thing for us was our boss positioning if the boss was not positioned correctly 70% ads would spawn all over the room and pretty much overwhelm us because we couldn't group AOE them it just became too difficult so phase one for us was entirely centered around the boss positioning now Phase 2 starts at 70% the boss goes to sleep taking 99% reduce damage and spawns two lumbering dream Walkers they cast the poison ability and the cloud ability from phase one but they are interruptable so interrupt them and kill them and phase two begins every 10 seconds or so the boss will spawn five welps they melee and have a poison bolt ability these need to be killed ASAP other than the ads this phase is exactly the same as phase one prioritize killing the ads and just slowly Whittle the boss down nothing matters there is not an arrange timer as far as we know just kill the ads and eventually the boss will get to 40% HP at 40% is when phase 3 begins again the boss will go to sleep taking 99% reduce damage and spawn to lumbering dream Walkers interrupt and kill them and now ad waves will also have in addition to the five welps three nightmare scale Banes these have about double the HP of the welps and they hit harder with their melee again ads are the priority Focus all DPS on the ads and let passive damage kill the boss killing ads is the only thing you should be focused on in phase three eventually you will get the boss to 10% but there is no rush in doing that kill ads and stay alive now phase 3 also adds one new mechanic called acid rain these will spawn randomly throughout the room telegraphed by these little circles on the ground they hit for around 500 700 damage so move out immediately or you can die fast at this point the range group kind of becomes a free-for-all you're not stacking anymore you want to do your best to dodge the acid rain kill the ads and run into clouds for a waking nightmare this is a lot of personal responsibility every player needs to be focused for this phase so you're dodging acid rain you're killing the ads you're running into clouds and eventually the boss will hit 10% now this is when the soft en rage occurs the boss will start spawning ads faster and faster than you can kill them at this point you need to send all of your damage into the boss you can still kill ads for 1 to 2% after to try to lower the amount of ads that there are as you're trying to kill the boss this is really going to depend on your group's DPS I would just recommend a 10% full sending everything into the boss you can slow ads you can stun them you can fear them do anything you can to kite them stop them from hitting you survive this phase and kill the boss it's going to be chaotic but if everybody is saving DPS cool Downs for this phase then you will get it before you know it but remember 90% of this fight is just playing safe and killing ads so be careful be smart and you can definitely kill this boss now the final fight which is Avatar of hakar I have to say I think this might be the easiest fight or at least one of the easiest fights in this entire raid now before you can summon him you need to do the quest to get the Egg of hakar or hak's egg I'll put it up on the screen so that you're aware but I think it takes around 30 minutes to an hour to complete um so just make sure that you have somebody to do this if you think you're going to kill oranus in this lockout anyway let's talk about the fight phase one is kill the ads that are surrounding the dragon and then you kill the dragon the dragon shoots an aid range projectile at range so all your range should be stacked up the same way you were stacked up for the clouds on oranus they stay there for the entire fight so you don't want them spread out across the room you just want them in a few small locations and while the ranged are stacking the melee will get a curse the melee should run out of the group and get de cursed outside of the raid once the dragon reaches 100% Mana the boss will spawn now the thing about this is I'm not sure if doing damage to the first dragon really matters considering it's based upon when his Mana reaches 100% this is kind of weird we just DPS the fight anyway and then just attack the boss once he spawn anyway phase two is when the actual boss spawns now for phase two we will have a range stack and a melee stack the Avatar of a car is going to put corrupting blood onto two Targets these people must leave the group immediately if you stay in the group with this debuff you will spread it to everybody else in that stack it deals constant damage and you're basically just going to wipe your raid due to the amount of damage that it does what you want to do is if you get this debuff is position yourself behind the tank that's because the Avatar of hakar is going to do a breath if you get hit by this breath it is going to remove this debuff now the only problem is after it removes the debuff for 5 seconds that player cannot be healed so you want to make sure anybody going into this breath is healed up as best they can be and has creased bubbles to make sure they have as much health as possible one other ability is that the boss will MC a player the interesting thing is you can still control your character it's just that everybody is hostile to you you can either wait for the debuff to fall off or spam Purge or dispel onto that player now you will probably dispel some of their Buffs but it doesn't really matter because this fight is kind of easy so you can just Spam purge them and eventually they will not be emptied and they can rejoin the group in the stack and honestly that's the fight we just did that for 10 minutes straight on our second poll expecting there to be some new mechanic at some point but the boss just died which is why you're not even watching my own footage because I wasn't prepared to record cuz I didn't think we were going to kill the boss in this pull I didn't even have Buffs on my character to be honest cuz I thought this was just going to be a throwaway pull where we die in a minute or two and then come back and rest strategize after so this fight was surprisingly easy especially considering it is the last fight of the raid anyway make sure you don't spread corrupting blood and the boss will die and then you will get your two tokens for the world buff that turns into y Jamba for that sexy epic ring anyway that's all I have for you in this guide I hope this helped you and hopefully they nerve these fights a little bit more just to make it easier for the average player because I still think this raid is a little bit too hard in its current state anyway if you have any questions please let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to help you or hopefully somebody else can my name is pants space I hope you found this video helpful and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Pants Gaming
Views: 141,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarthe, scotte jaye, mage, hidden runes, wow sod phase 3, sunken temple, world first, nota, none of the above, atal'arion, festering rotslime, atal'ai defenders, dreamscythe, weaver, jammal'an, ogom, morphaz, hazzas, avatar of hakkar, sod phase 3, void zone, balefire bolt, molten armor, felguard, shadow priest, wow cata beta, asmr, shade of eranikus, wow sod, music video, asmongold, xaryu, wow cata, sod gold farm, sunken temple raid guide, how to sunken temple, sunken temple boss guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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