5 Things you NEED to do at level 50 - SoD Phase 3 Sunken Temple Guide

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welcome my friends to The Ultimate Guide to exactly what you should be doing in phase three of season of Discovery this is a step-by-step route to get as much as possible out of the phase we'll be talking about the crucial content you need to be doing to dominate in sunken Temple this phase and plus exactly what you need to be doing to make all that gold for your expensive gear and we're really going to try to set you up for the true end game as well in Phase 4 this guide is chalk full of ideas for PVE for PVP everything to get the most out of your gameplay so you're just hit 5050 the first thing you need to do is to hit honored with the emerald Warden faction this is the new faction associated with the incursion events but it gives you one of your new runes an extremely strong pre-bis gear too each glass gets an entire set of gear with competitive stats to neron gear just from the honored rep you're nearly raid ready in fact many of the top players in my recent Sun cont Temple raid just wore Emerald Warden gear these dudes were pumping over a th000 DPS in some of the fights just using this pre-bis gear so as for how long it takes honored rep will take you about 4 hours of grinding ferales incursions at 50 the secret though is that you get 1,000 bonus rep from doing any ferales Quest once per day if you play multiple characters I highly recommend stockpiling at least one Quest on each of your alts then you can turn it in each day to passively increase your rep all the way to exalted I've been getting ganked a ton at the incursions but I'd love to hear how your rep ride is going have you managed to get honored yet in all your tunes there is another key method to get pre- bisar you don't want to miss out on two that's the wild offerings Farm there's an NPC in felwood that offers you the wild Gods Quest it's a must do because by the end of it you get yet another key class Rune more importantly though once you finish the quest you have access to several true bis items without even going in the raid the breath Trinket in the ring for my hunter are instant B items that top parsers are using right now the most common method to get the wild offerings is princess runs you can consistently get five wild offerings per hour so a abys piece of gear nearly every 2 hours one of the nice things about these offering runs for physical damage dealers is that you can get a preis bracer and a Blackstone ring during a runs to get even closer to raid ready so we've got these great new methods for getting preis gear but now it's time to go back in time several key runes and pieces of gear come from old content like BFD and noon for one thing you'll definitely want to go back and grab runes like the dark Rider rune for my hunter that's a key part of the melee Hunter build really this should be your main priority even before getting preis gear but after you have your runes you should also look into BFD and number runs for my hunter my B helmet for most fights is a crafted helmet from the neron quest line Meanwhile my B gloves for short fights also come from BFD crafting don't underestimate how strong these previous two raids are for getting bis gear so after you've got your runes and your gear it's sunk in Temple time of course we want to run sunken Temple for best in slot gear some of the pieces like my new epic bow are all inspiring for both your damage and other players looking at you but once you complete the raid things don't stop there hopefully you'll be getting some new italii token to turn in on zi Island these can give you best and Slot jungle durian for huge Mana regen or you could get the new zanza style Buffs to dominate your next raid and there's also your class quest to complete as well what's awesome about your class Quest is that you get all three rewards that means my hunter can get his devil SAR and his PVP spear at the same time hey it's me again just wanted to check in I keep dying to the corupted blood mechanic on the last boss was curious how your clears are going have you managed an eight out of eight yet you also want to complete the new crafting Quest so you can get your epic shoulders these are bis for most classes and pair nicely with your epic bracers they're really specifically designed to be one stat better than the warung bracers the Epic crafting Quest sign is all about traveling to different locations like swamp of SARS and moonblade there is a catch though the new crafted gear has a high requirement to complete 250 in your profession of choice that's why you need to max out your professions as quickly as you can maxing your professions has a whole host of other benefits as well my engineering being maxed means I can make repair Bots I can use Goblin sappers even Target dummies in my RAID for huge poles and keep in mind there is a new quest line that lets you have both Goblin and Nish engineering at the same time and if you max out your enchanting you can sell expensive enchants to people things like the legendary Crusader enchant for thousands of golden profit and I know a lot of people making hundreds of gold per day in alchemy especially with the new Quest that gives you a 30% chance to craft bonus potions and elixir really most professions right now have lucrative options near 3 00 you definitely don't want to miss out on all the gold making opportunities we've talked PVE now let's talk PVP the big key we need to understand in phase three is that rank seven gear is absolute King most glasses have at least a few B pieces of rank seven after all there are six different pieces to equip on my priest the stats and set bonus are so good that I don't even plan to break this set anytime soon if you haven't gotten to rank seven yet blood moon really is your best option alongside Battlegrounds blood moon is back again in phase three every 3 hours and features new rewards for every class some of those rewards are definitely better than others though my priest gets a small ring upgrade Meanwhile my hunter gets an absurdly strong near bis bow also on that vendor though is a way to get honor quick by purchasing the commodation you can turn one silver coin into 250 honor to maximize that honor I definitely recommend fighting near the boss and planing your group in advance to maximize those coins so like I said on top of blood moon we have additional ways to gain honor and work or on Gulch in a rathy basin orong has the added bonus of giving us top two bis bracers remember you can do Ashen Veil every day for 1,000 free rep as well at AB has additional gear like the pre-bis boots more importantly though the tabt is finally available as the ultimate PVP Flex if you hit exalted speaking of getting exalted This truly is the phase of grinding reputations on top of PVP factions we have the Argent Dawn reputation to farm on every single character friendly reputation gives us the enriched Mana a biscuit that really puts Mage water to shame honored meanwhile gives us Abyss 24 healing power enchant more importantly we get access to Sun Fruit it's based on enhanced Shaman Warriors even ferals this is a 10 strength food that's instant as well that means even agility classes like Rogues should be interested in speedruns you won't have a lot of time to be sitting down and eating more grilled squid we also have the Timar rep as well of course the pouch is still amazing for 1 V one PVP and the most intense Gamers Among Us will definitely want to get the defender of the Timber M that's an ultimate trinket Flex more crucial is access to the two bis agility en chance for weapons to get rich fast well I just got ganked in felwood I am curious how you guys are holding up gold wise I mean everything is really expensive right now are you're feeling like it's really easy or pretty hard to make gold another enchant to get us rich though is the Crusader and Chan this might just be the biggest grind of all the reputations not only do you have to Farm the spellbinders in the western plague lens Tower but you've also got to obtain the righteous orbs too our current information is that these are primarily dropping from the Scarlet career the Courier's got a long respawn and he's annoying to kill but imagine playing a warrior with Crusader on your weapon I mean that's got to be the biggest Flex in any version of classic wow ever but hey if none of that sounds appealing to you this is the perfect time to make an Al I usually main healer and I recently started raiding and farming of my hunter now I can Farm gold anytime I want more importantly though my performance and rids has really gone up since I finally understand multiple roles ult really shine in season of Discovery so definitely make one and maybe take my advice and make it a hunter or a warrior all right guys so we've been on quite a journey together on everything to do at level 50 in phase three we talked about how to midax the prebis Grind With The incursions to get raid ready way faster than ever before we also talked about how to use the wild offerings Farm to get bis gear that'll last you the rest of the f then we talked sunken Temple why you should get in there as soon as possible then we moved into blood moon and War song and a wrathy basin and all the PVP you should be doing right now for huge rewards and of course we had to finish off with the ultimate end game of phase 3 the rep grinds the Crusader farm that I'm doing right now I've got to ask you guys which of these things are you doing the most right now for me it's the Argent Dawn rep Farm I love doing red farms and I really want to get revered okay guys so it's that time in the video where I want to say thank thank you so much for watching it really means a lot to me and definitely make sure to subscribe it really helps the channel out then definitely check out my ultimate leveling guide It's got so many tips and tricks to level way faster than ever before
Views: 38,230
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Keywords: sod phase 3, wow sod phase 3, sod phase 3 tier list, sod phase 3 runes, sod phase 3 leveling, season of discovery, wow classic, wow season of discovery, season of discovery phase 3, sod phase 3 sunken temple, sod phase 3 leveling guide, sod phase 3 tier, sunken temple raid, level 50 sod phase 3, classic wow, sod, wow sod, WoW sod phase 3, Sunken Temple Guide, sunken temple, world of warcraft, Argent Dawn Reputation
Id: 2M940NoynTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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