MASSIVE WEAPON CHANGE!! - Enhancement Shaman Pre-BIS + BIS Guide - WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3

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hey guys shock back here again uh with another video uh so I'm actually doing a just an updated preious list because I've done a couple mistakes over in my last video as well as just bringing you forward like a full be list as well as uh quick discussion around some of the items where you can get them as well as a change on uh some raid loot blizzard has just published um undocumented um wasn't in any patch notes or like I haven't seen updates on that and it's pretty crazy for Shaman so we'll get to that stick till the end to to see what's being changed and how massive it is um so yeah just straight up going into into the lists um I'm actually using um the wow Sim uh app for season of Discovery uh you can see the the the URL at the top but that's just a pretty much a 60 upgrades an at upgrad it's a website where you can um fill in all your items that you want to sort of um make list for and and you can see where they drop compare them contrast them as well as like simulate your your raid Buffs and and or or like um solo buff like I have a self buff pack here settings um and then a full raid buff one with all the consumes so I can simulate damage um and such right so um without uh dragging this video hopefully for way too long let's just go over uh the preious list very quickly again a lot of things similar is in my last uh video but I I have missed a couple things which I've seen a lot of Shaman ketchup too so um yeah that's good so uh first off head head item slot EMB EMB of the L on the updated one from zarak is like uh your preas uh however to be fair the actual B is a quest item for for some contemple as well hel of the Exile which has also been changed so like um obviously you can get this before your first trade into St but you definitely you want to make sure you've picked up this quest in Hinterlands uh it's for like I think the fifth or the fourth boss um so it's pretty easy B item to get so you should Target that um over to the next slot like the preious here is the actually the the red item from Gomer gun uh to be fair there's not a lot of neck options so in case you haven't taken this already uh you can probably do this quest to get the wol and Ivy necklace which is not bad stats as well um and to be fair the actual B is just to attack power better than the Goman um neck uh and that drops in some Contempo as well so it's actually one of the lower sort of impact items if you already got on the Epic from Gomer so that's good um over to the shoulder slot there's the drag metal spers in Black Rock depths uh insane stats loads of agility strength intellect as well which is attack power so that's like really good um however similar to the previous two items the actual B is rather easy to obtain from leather working uh prices of the some contemple items have dropped massively and you do not need to clear the rate to get this item to complete the quest you basically need a empty or like a cleared ID so potentially uh maybe you level up and the first week you level up you you don't want to go to or you can't or you've cleared it already or maybe you're running out uh just get a a clear ID complete the quest and just craft this item for you it should be relatively cheap these days um over to the back slot previous item is the black Vel Cape from BRD um and to be fair this is only one agility less than the actual beast from The Raid so again very low prior in terms of B item to chase in the cloak uh slot um as well as drape of dismantling being from nor gun being actually still pretty good obviously gives you lot less offensive stats uh but there's the stamina as well it's just more strength compared to the other two options so that's actually not a bad sort of placeholder um meanwhile as well right um over to the chest piece uh there's a couple CH pieces what I've done and what I actually tried seeing here in terms of the best like sort of DPS output previous list is actually running two sets from the previous rate electrom Mantic chain mail um pants and chest um so you can get obviously the the two set bonus for the attack power but in case you don't have both or maybe in last phase you've decided to pick up the leather version of the tier set actually running insulated chestu here and then the insulated pants as well um uh this is not bad as an option um and then for the chest you also have items like the mixologist tunic from BRD which is pretty good there's a honor guard chest piece as well massive amount of strength from a quest as well um so in case you don't have again the tier set from previous raid you can pick one of those two options and then actually mix and match it with um some items for the pen slot which to be fair they're not that many there's obviously a couple of BU and World drops which you need to get with proper stats and they might be a bit expensive um so again the r tier piece or potentially what you can also do is grab the PVP item or the um or the aen V incursion uh sort of PVP set as well right those PVP sets both the incursion one and the actual rank seven one are not bad they have good stats so in case you pvpd or stacked a bunch of the onor commendations to grab rank seven quickly uh you can potentially f a lot of slots with the PVP items as well uh but for now we'll just keep it over with the tier set from the previous rate uh whether the Lea or the mail I feel the difference is minimal um over to the bracer slot once again the preb and actual B option here is the exalted item from Warson go uh You' want to get the one with intellect because intellect gets converted to attack power so that's actually more attack power than the the sort of quote unquote melee one um and then also if you're engineer you can actually get the engineer craftting crafting one which is pretty pretty much the exact same as the melee one from waron go but it has a nice uh sort of fear immunity effect um and it's just good right and again this follows the same with the shoulders you can actually craft this without having cleared the raid um however if you're not engineer or you don't have oron go exalted you should just simply go for the Moren bracers they are pretty good as well attack power and intellect these are really nice um weapons I'll get you in a second the rest of the slots here gloves very simple there's a winterfall activity quest in Winter uh not winter grass what was the Zone uh winter spring yeah of course winter spring so that's pretty good they have insane offensive stat so that's just perfect until you can get your rate drop B which is uh this one here um over to the Belt uh we have one sort of really good uh preas option from BRD as well as you can see here a lot of the items are from BRD Arena or the interrogator in BRD so farming BRD arena is actually a common thing for shamans although you can't get SGC for next phase um loads of items there for us um and again this belt loads of attack power and then strength which is one more attack power so this is a really good Bel if you are not farming this uh you can actually still use the one from last phase uh the heat is not as important because in St as well the bosses are only two levels above us so maybe stacking heat is not going to be the most beneficial in terms of uh roll offensive stats uh but again this belt is actually not bad either so feel free to go for this as well um um the pants we already discussed boots um I'm not going to recommend the previous tier set because they're actually pretty bad there's like one straight up like super good preious option again Anubis from Black Rock deps Arena shade fin boots as you can see here massive amount of strength and Naji really good uh you can also grab these ones from Zu farak which are again less strength but more agility they are also a decent option uh you can Farm either of those two probably the zuar on would be easier to get a hold but shade feed boots are just amazing I'm over to the ring slot here pretty standard Blackstone ring from maralon or sort of the new equivalent from 12 wild offerings is the ban of the wild which is the exact same item and just gives you an extra spell hit as well as the melee hit um and then the second option here really is just the Warson go honor trink which is amounts massive amounts of strength and Agility uh is really good as well and you'll see here over in the B section as well the Rings are very very easy to obtain and and you shouldn't be putting too much toll in them now something that is not easy to obtain is actually your trinkets or at least one of them the first one Rune of the Guard Captain is a hinter lance Elite Quest very easy to do you can actually just solo that or just grab a group of friends and uh clearing the the whole Elite plays uh the trinket is great flat attack power and then hit is very good um you have options here to use the one from the previous raid which is essentially just worst version of Rune of the Guard Captain uh even if you have the um cool down on um it might get you a bit more damage but it's on a 30 minute coold down and you use the hit lose the heit for it right so so this is not a bad option and what you'll probably be using Rune of the G Captain and the Gomer gun trink kit until you get your hands on Dark Moon card DK um now the Dark Moon cards are very expensive very hard to farm you need to collect all eight cards uh you need Dark Moon to be in town to go in and get the the trinkets so actually this week as as of the time of recording this video Dark Moon fair is not in town so you can't actually grab this card for potentially your Wednesday rate but it's actually back next next week um and a very good note here is to also mention sunstorm which tends to be the more expensive one than DK however sunstorm was nerfed it still does a lot of single Target damage but I feel I I think DK like the common Community consensus is that DK is just better for for single Target and most of the fights in Sun cont Tempo especially when you're full raid bu and trying to cheese them uh and bosses die very fast uh again DK probably better Buck for your money uh but again Sandstorm is not bad as well and it's insane in a form like a Farms shade of veranus balls and whatnot so really good option as well um and then uh honorable manions bread of the Beast without wild offerings is also good now I've tried to do a whole lot of teams and I don't feel like this is ever in any sort of preb or be list I don't think it ever seems better than any of the other options even without using DK um like you'd probably just use Rune of the Guard Captain and the one from uh Gomer um and again that would be sort of how your preb IU looks like until you get your hands on a dark moon card um and then finally um weapons main hand um the biggest mistake I've done in the last video uh the best main hand previous option is belg grum's Hammer uh the item is just crazy um it's a quest very easy to do main hand 2.8 spe 10 strength loads of damage uh this is just the best option for us and and it actually pairs amazingly well with our second offand preious which is the actual um fist weapon from nor gun uh with both weapons being 2.8 speed now you might think okay so this is a r drop and it's like from last phase isn't there anything better uh to be fair there's hardly anything better the only like honestly better option is smashing star which is a world drop random enhancement item um and you really need this to proc with I believe strength or um of strength or of the Tiger in order to be like valid or like better even so um yeah you can look at maybe sculping the auction house for this and and then maybe you never actually go on Cog Master's claw which will definitely leave you with smashing Star as an option uh everything everything else here is pretty much uh very fast weapons even if they give a lot of damage stat they just don't seem as good and enhancement just loves the slow weapons the storm strike the lava lash the auto attack procs of wind Fury as well right so smashing star or um Cog Master CL would be the way to go uh so this is in terms of preious again nothing super different from last time but a couple of options I've updated hopefully giv you an insight and then we'll move over to the Beast list as well uh Beast list is very straightforward and as soon as we cover it I'll cover the brand new massive insane change blizzard have done as well as just quickly go over the enchants because there is a bit of debate there as well like they're very expensive the enchants that is so uh in terms of Beast list let's go over quickly Helm of Exile I've already mentioned this the best teaming head the best head in the game for us intellect becomes attack power so this is a whopping 54 attack power with agility which is critical so just complete this Quest on your first tun and you're uh set to go for like forever right or for this phase anyway um onto the neck again we mentioned this this item is just to attack power um better than the gun neck uh and you're losing the stamina so I will feel a very low PRI item you should really this should probably be the last item you ever obtain because the noral gun one is better and it's epic or well it's not better but it gives stamina and it's epic over to the shoulders we've mentioned those already the leather work in crafted item like this is just great you can do it on a mtst uh it so and they are not that expensive these days so you can focus grabbing those definitely make sure you get the konos chain shoulder guards and not any other version of the leather working crafted epics because this is the best for us as the pro gives us attack speed and the out actual itemization is insane for us over to the cape again we've mentioned this Panter F clock from the raate uh but it's a single agility behind black ve Cape from BRD so again very low prior item uh you shouldn't be worrying about this um over to the chest piece and again chest pants and boots again we're actually going to be using the tier set the tier set is insane the bonus the the three piece bonus is really good all the stats on these items are really good nothing is remotely as close to those now obviously there's a a case to be done if you're maybe two out of three or one out of three what do you feel the rest of these slots with but as I mentioned just previously on my previous list I'll look to uh use the previous rate tier sets or some of the available Quest options such as H guard Chas piece to sort of fill the fill the gaps until you get the full tier set over to the bracers I mentioned again the engineering crafted if you're engineer if not the worst on go one uh there's no debate here that's just the best and with wor on go a shenal event being daily now you should be able to boost yourself to exalt it if you didn't bother in previous phases maybe so um that would be grabbing those wind stalker wiards as soon as you hit exalted if you're not an engineer right um over to the right hand side here polled uh mkw waterer gauntlets uh very similar to the waist guard of pain both of those items drop in the rate and they give us strength stamina and intellect or strength agility and intellect um and both of those items are just the Beast versions they're really good all of these stats contribute to us maybe you can do like a a sort of a debate in terms of the McWater gauntlets that glovs of the Pathfinder give you more offensive stat compared to the mer water runs however mer waterer runs give you more row attack power in terms of more strength and then the added intellect as well um and it's with the more gear you get the more you should be valuing strength and attack power over critical because fully raid buff you have tons of critical I currently have 20% on Buff with this set and if I put the full rate buff that jumps to 40 so at this point uh you should really just be putting everything you can to get extra strength and attack power so uh Choice uh that that's why the choice here is the the gauntlets and then waste guard of pain as well no contention here is insane gives us lots of offensive stats the double tier set we've mentioned already um in terms of rings you can see here that the actual B item and the one that you get from completing the quest in St uh once you get the drop from the last boss is the exact same item as Black Stone ring and band of the Wilds um obviously with spell heit so it's basically exact same band of the Wilds however with extra ST Stam right so um it's very low prior to ever chase this item obviously you can soft reserve it if you're doing that or win it eventually since they're two of those dropping every time you kill the last boss uh but again there's essentially there's no damage difference like you should just be fine running band of the Wilds instead um until you get this or even Black Stone rink um and then the second option is actually again still the legendary banned from Wars on coner which basically everybody um and their moms and dads have already so uh very simple choice for rings and then actual trinket situation doesn't really change DK as I mentioned is still the best you can obviously get this pre- rate uh when Dark Moon is in town and you farmed enough go or maybe got lucky on the expensive cards and then run of the Guard Captain is still pretty good um I am not really a fan of the r ataly blood ritual Medallion um like this is just flat attack power when you use it on a two minute cool down is not bad but um I haven't managed to get good Sims with this and I don't have the trinket to actually test it myself so um maybe once I get it maybe maybe on faster on faster boss fights um popping this and then maybe also using the where is it the trinket from the uh nightmare incursions as well which is a five minute cooldown gives you loads of attack power if maybe the fights last very quickly like the first boss you can use those onus cheesy trinkets to pop them up and then just be very boosted in terms terms of attack power however generally speaking I'll just be running those two uh probably until the end of the phase and now weapons is the interesting bit uh there's no there's no like big secret everybody probably already knows that the best weapons you can use are rip splitter of specifically strength or um Power or strength and uh I believe where is it um not there not bored agility and oh yeah okay so it's either strength tiger or power those are the three ones that give you pure offensive stats um those are very hard items to come buy very expensive on the auction house drop only in BRD trash you can't really Farm it even if you farm it you can't really guarantee what stats it will have um and this is the straight up Beast currently right um second to it is of course using uh X of dat execution or from St and just using two of those right so there and then again there's nothing better in the off hand as well is this axis one hand if you can actually see here currently in game I'm using uh DX because I got very lucky on my second rate and I'm still using belg grum's hammer from the rate right so so far nothing special you all knew that however what you might not know is that I believe as of last night blizzard have created uh or rather added uh new options in the Y Jambo vendors in uh STV where you can buy your rate pieces I'm assuming the same vendor is in St as well same ch change where you can actually convert the sunken Temple offand Set uh fist weapon from you know the the double fist weapons that got released this phase so the Cobra fine claw um set serpent Ascension set they've changed it so you can actually turn the 1.5 off hand that you get from the bosses per the loot table you can convert it in a 2.6 of hand fist weapon um and again I believe it gives the exact same stats right like's let me just check where is it yeah so stats are the same however speed is up to 2.6 and the Damage therefore is normalized according to that so instead of 42 to 78 this is doing uh whooping 73 to 136 which if actually see X of uh atal executioner is even more um lowend and highend damage on this fist weapon now now why is this crazy why is this good why potentially this could be our new Beast unfortunately the seap hasn't updated it I don't have either of those items um nobody really wanted those item as a shaman and it's quite sad because these are very clearly Shaman fist weapons uh especially if you're looking at the offhand proc uh which is proing for extra nature resistance similar to mea Torx Shredder in last phase um this is um potentially really good for us cuz now uh that the off hand is 2.6 and not 1.5 even if with both epics you might might be seeming a bit less or doing overall a bit less damage because they're not as slow as the ataly axis and obviously if you're an orc you don't have the extra fist weapon skill um and we're not going to get the extra sort of weapon skill situation sort it until face uh until next phase uh however if you do manage to get your hands on both of those that means you'll be completing the set and the set is nothing to scof at since it's proing for 150 attack power for 12 seconds plus you'll be able to use the offand proc so in case maybe a warrior in your raid still doesn't have it you'll be doing this raid debuff on the boss which increases uh your overall raid damage and then obviously let's not forget that the actual main hand um is uh pretty good with an extra uh with a proc for an extra attack so basically wind Fury so basically if you if I show you here basically the full Beast seam without any Buffs here 770 I'm probably missing something it should be a bit more than that but let's just use this 770 as like sort of a baseline with this current set um and if I just put back Cobra fan claw this is by the way no world buff right not nothing that's just simply purely buff yourself um and you put Cobra fan Clow you're losing like 10 DPS so that's basically I want to say nothing and then also you imagine you're actually using the serpent Striker here which obviously if I see now is going to lose me like 30 to 40 DPS but now imagine this is 2.6 does a lot more top end damage you take in consideration the proc the set bonus and then also that fully World buffed things like wind Fury procs or extra attacks are scaling even better because like your attack power goes crazy 40% critical goes crazy so all those things scale very very good with World Buffs um and yeah potentially this might be the Beast for us now guys which will be very nice cuz like I've always like to like sort of Chase those nice epic drops and basically blizzard saying this is 1.5 of of hand meant that we'll never use it which probably meant will never use the main hand as well cuz like it wouldn't be worth it just for the wind Fury proc uh but now that they've made this extra vendor um or rather extra vendor option for the for the rate where you can change your off hand to a slower one first time in in I I believe ever blizzard have done such a change to season of Discovery or any phase that would be very nice um and then the final bit that I want to mention is enchant wise um enchant wise it's pretty it's pretty expensive I want to say because a lot of chance cost a lot of gold basically what you want to be doing is get yourself five strength on on gloves there is greater agility but this is more expensive and I feel less good cuz you as I mentioned earlier want the strength this is for gloves for bracers there's a nine strength enchant which is very rare and very expensive you can substitute with seven strength until you ideally Farm the gold or get your Beast to actually put the Beast enchant on it um for chest is just plus three stats pretty simple for boots is plus seven agility again very expensive new phase enchant eight greater Eternal Essences is going to cost you about 50 to 60 G you can actually substitute that with just five agility until then two agility is not going to change your game um and then uh boots and pants is actually where it gets a bit crazy now these are the libram books from um burning steps the these are World drops they cost a lot of gold and veracity is the most expensive most sought after run that gives you eight strength on either of those slots and this cost between three and 400 gold plus you need to do a couple of quests and potentially grab a couple more mats to sort of get the turn in uh in order to get the enchant so um what I can do and what I've done guys what I can suggest is as soon as you get your Helm of exam maybe Farm up that vasti enchant so you can put that b enchant on it uh but obviously as as you can see here I don't have the tier pants or yet so I haven't bothered to actually put the the enchant on them since I will be changing them so ideally I'll get the tier set and then you again Farm up the goal to put the best enchant on on the pants as well um and then shoulders there's obviously the new enchant from Sun Temple which should have lowered in price but that was about 100 150g gives you 15 attack power uh the cloak enchant is still Tre agility that's pretty standard and then again the the big one is the weapon enchants now weapon enchants there's essentially two different options you can do the sort of Cheaper 40 to 50 gold fiery weapon which with less gear and without World Buffs um and in any form of solo play seems almost as good even if not better than the actual 15 strength en chant it's pretty good fire fire proc is is fine um now obviously when you put in consideration for World Buffs full consumables and like sort of going for these bumper groups with DMF in some tempo obviously strength will be better because of things like stats uh percentage Buffs uh the lion buff the mental dexterity conversion to attack power to spell Power um so essentially I'm saying that plus 15 strength is your best option however it costs loads of gold this is about 200 250 gold enchant on on my server anyway leaving flame U so in that sense what I would be probably doing if I was you guys is using fiery weapon until I get those Beast weapons and then slapping the strength uh as soon as I'm able to farm this and to be fair that's exactly what I've done if you see um I've gotten an ax of the atal Executioner that I did diligently Farm gold and put in the massive 15 strength enchant on it whereas my belgrom hammer is still having fiery weapon because it was just 40 go so a lot uh a lot more affordable right uh however obviously now that I've said this um with these new fist weapons and or rather the change to the off hand we might be looking at those being the best in slot options which means I might have lost 15 strength enchant or rather 200 gold on this ataly executioner enchant um but yeah and yeah finally I can mention as well the actual two in terms of siming here and in terms of doing all these options you can see here that's basically your full set of raate consumes here uh that you should prepare for every raid like this is if you want to be Max it uh you can do different options here what type of like classes you have in your group in order to seem your damage but then also what as I said already you can use this is uh is a guide to basically the consumers you need to prepare um if you want to realistically min max your PV experience um so yeah that's basically it guys massive change here very good for Shaman potentially B loot for us coming mid phase um and yeah thank you all so much for listening and tuning in uh let me know what else you want to see like comment subscribe all the good stuff and I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: ShockTherapy
Views: 8,321
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Keywords: world of warcraft, wow sod, sod, sod phase 3, world of warcraft season of discovery, shaman guide, enhancement shaman guide, enhancement shaman phase 3 guide, shaman bis, shaman bis phase 3, sod shaman bis phase 3, sod shaman guide phase 3, sod shaman guide, shaman BIS list, enhancement shaman BIS, enhancement shaman phase 3 BIS, phase 3 BIS, sod BIS, sod BIS phase 3, wow sod BIS phase 3, wow shaman guide sod, shaman guide sod phase 3, shaman guide phase 3
Id: 1MNfQZNosTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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