SOD Feral Druid Gearing Guide for Season of Discovery (Phase 1)

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what's going on guys and welcome back to another video season of Discovery has been out for over a week we've done four lockout resets for the BFD raid which has given me enough information to analyze some logs and figure out what the top players for each class are doing now today we're going to be taking a look at the feral Druids so without further Ado guys let's dive in fire okay so for feral Druid we have these nice Wowhead guides that were put up the other day for the best in slot gear runes talents and it all matches up to the log so it is extremely accurate so what we're going to do for our feral Druid DPS talents are going to be basically the first five points you can put them into improved wrath or five points into Nature's grasp but I would prefer to put them into improved wrath because if you're trying to parse you're trying to do the most damage possible there may be some instances where you are away from the boss and need to cast a few rats and having this redu cast time would benefit your damage whereas Nature's grasp wouldn't benefit your damage at all the next five points are going to go into natural weapons which will increase the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 10% and then Omen of clarity this is huge it imbus the Druid with natural energy each of the Druids melee attacks have a chance of causing the Caster to enter a clear casting State this clear casting State reduces the Mana Rage or energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100% so this is basically a 10-minute buff that you're going to keep applying to yourself and then you have five points left over and we're going to throw those five out of five into furer in the restoration tree this will give you 100% chance to gain 10 rage when you shape shift into bear or dire bear form or 40 energy when you shape shift into cat form so this will be the only version of power shifting you have available to you at this level and then as for our runes we have wild strikes on our chest this is basically wind Fury you all already know what this is there is no better Rune here for de DPS on our hands we're going to be taking mangle which at this level is going to be one of our main damaging ability this is basically going to be most of your damage and how you generate combo points at this level legs we're going to be putting Savage Roar on here this is a finishing move that increases your physical damage done by 30% while in cat form the more combo points you have when you cast Savage Roar the longer the buff will stay active before you have to refresh it again so now let's take a look at some of the logs cyclist is the top feral Druid right now this guy is is doing a ton of damage 93.2k damage he was the top overall damage in their last raid so let's take a look exactly at what he's doing 44% of his melee damage is coming from his white hits and then 4136 per is coming from mangle this was a little bit surprising to me I'm not a druid main I do enjoy feral Druid DPS a lot but I was very very surprised to see mangle here instead of shred so it looks like shred is actually the least amount of damage he's doing he only cast Shred 14 times in the entire BFD raid this is this is all the encounters every boss encounter so 14 shreds were cast 133 mangles were cast here uh so it's clear here what's going on basically melee Auto attacking mangle to build combo points keeping Savage Roar up keeping Omen of clarity up wild strikes is automatically on because it's your chest Rune and then it looks like at some points maybe when there's a lot of movement he's keeping Sunfire up on the BOS which you can do in cat form so there may be a couple of fights where equipping your Sunfire Rune may be the right move here and then even rip he only cast rip eight times in the entire raid every boss fight uh eight times is not that much so it looks like really what's Happening Here is most of your damage is coming from your autos and your mangle um and he's probably just using those combo points to keep Savage Roar up and casting rip whenever there's a surplus right so if there's 15 seconds left on Savage Roar and he somehow has three or four combo points he could dump those into rip and then start building up again before Savage Roar runs out uh that's what I would do and that looks like what this person is doing right here so now let's take a look at some of the best ins slot gear for your feral Druid DPS starting with our headpiece you're going to be going for the Twilight Slayers cowl this is your tier piece the Twilight Slayer tier set is going to be massive for feral Druids the two-piece set bonus gives you 12 extra attack power and the three piece set bonus gives you an extra 1% chance to hit so this would be your best ins slot Helm but a good second one would be the Artemis cowl that drops off lady cabis so if you haven't seen the Twilight Slayers cowl yet um you can definitely pick up the Artemis cowl to get you there this is another really good Helm this is seven agility six stamina 24 attack power it's pretty huge if you're hoarde you can go ahead and farm your humbert's Helm out in Hills Brad Foothills it drops from The dungar Rifleman uh this is not easily farmable for Alliance you cannot farm this on Alliance at all the only way you're going to get this on Alliance is if you pick it up on the neutral auction house which I have have a feeling horde would be jacking up the price since they're the only ones that can actually farm this as for your shoulders the best ins slot shoulders even throughout the entire raid of the bristle bark on me shoulders these shoulders are Boe and they have a lot of ways to drop but their drop percentage chance is really really low I think it's under 1% but they do drop off some mobs in ashenvale if you want to look that up uh and go farm that while you're out there doing things however you can't guarantee that you're going to get those um so mantle of Thieves this is a Boe drop in RFK these are going to be pretty expensive if you can get your hands on them they're really really good um or the Sentinel pauldrons that drop off akumi with eight agility 10 stamina these are just really nice shoulders in general um but they still wouldn't outperform the bristle bark amise because these are going to give you three strength and six agility so technically if you really crunch the numbers the DPS increase from this to this is not that big uh so go with whatever you can get your hands on for this slot as for our back piece we we have the Sergeant's cloak as you guys know they redid the Sergeant's cloak it's actually really really good now it gives you four strength four agility four stem four intel four spe basically four of every single stat and all you need to do is Achieve rank three in PvP which is really not that hard um you just need to go do some Ashen Veil events and a few warong gulches and you'll be there but the next in line would be any Cape of the tiger that's going to give you four agility or four strength if you could pick something up off the auction house fairly cheap um you can pick up the shimmering thresher Cape off gura which gives you strength six Spirit the Cape of the Brotherhood off Edwin van Clee which gives you six agility three stamina the waterproof scarf off lady CIS which gives you six agility six Spirit or the glowing lizard scale cloak which gives you six agility two spirit and drops off scum in whaling Caverns as for our chest piece here we're going with the tier piece again the Twilight Slayer tunic 13 agility nine stamina it's just too big to pass up and those set bonuses are massive until you get your hands on that though you can pick up wrangler's wraps of power maybe on the auction house next in line after that would be the night walker armor this drops off nightbane tainted ones out in duskwood so this might be easier to farm if your alliance it is a Boe drop that has about a 2% chance to drop so it might not drop too quick but you will eventually get it if you farm these nightbane wargin out there uh it's really good I mean nine strength four stamina is really really good for Feral DPS and then for horde only you can get the panther armor that gives you two strength nine agility and then for Alliance obviously the def Brotherhood quest line to kill Edwin van Clee and grab his head in deadmines uh the tunic of Westfall 11 agility five stamina this is just really really big so this would be your easiest thing to go for um and then you can move up from there maybe get the night worker armor or if you could pick up the Wrangler wraps of power until you get your tier piece to drop as for our wrist slot we have the bindings of ccus that drop off gura the turtle boss in BFD uh six strength four stamina on these they have a 12.7% chance to drop so not that common uh but you will eventually see them if you haven't already or you can pick up the Jurassic wrist guards which have two strength five agility on them those will be really really nice and on our hands obviously the best in slot here would be the void touched leather gloves you do need to be a leather worker to get these and there is a pretty lengthy quest line to unlock the pattern to be able to craft these but they are massive you only need 100 leather working which is not that bad uh but they give you six agility six stamina four Spirit 1% chance to hit and an on use that will increase your attack speed by 10% as well as your threat so you do have to watch out for your threat there but to be honest I haven't seen that being an issue the 10% attack speed that you get off of these gloves is just absolutely massive next in line would be the wolfclaw gloves that drop off trash in Razer Fen crawl uh these are five strength six agility six stamina they might be pretty pricey but if you can get your hands on them I would the brawler gloves again these are eight strength seven stamina another good option here or if you could pick up the heavy earn gloves these are going to just give you a straight 16 attack power these are crafted by leather workers so you can either hit a leather worker up craft them yourselves or see if you could pick them up on the auction house as for our belt slots here The Horde has it a little bit easier the de skin belt gives you four agility three stamina 12 attack power but it's a horde only quest in Ashen Vil and then we have the scaled leather belt of the tiger this is a bee World drop but it is a random enchantment so you got to check on your auction house and see if you could pick this up maybe check a few times a day this will give you six strength six agility there's no better belt in this phase available to you or even the emblazened belt would do the trick seven strength three stamina this might be a little bit cheaper but if you can get your hands on a scaled leather belt of the tiger this would be your absolute best belt even throughout the entire raid now for our legs for feral Druids there are no better legs than the leggings of the Fang they drop off Lord Cobrin 18% chance to drop in Wailing Caverns these are five strength nine agility four stamina Farm whaling Caverns horde or Alliance until you get these legs these are the best legs that you can have in this phase there are no better legs that drop in the raid no matter what you do no matter what you find there will be no better legs so make sure you're farming your leggings of the Fang I know it's tedious if you're having really bad luck but you will eventually get them the drop rate isn't that bad as for our foot slot Yep this is going to be our tier piece we have the Twilight Slayers foot pads five strength seven agility seven stamina and again those set bonuses getting that 1% hit and that 12 attack power is just massive so hopefully you can get these to drop for you fairly quick and then we have the Skin Walkers from gelly Hast also in BFD these are not bad boots they're cloth but they're four strength seven agility seven Spirit uh these would be your second in line pair of boots and then the feet of the links which are a world drop these might be pretty pricey so I would try and go for the war song Boots uh from the war song supplies quest in ashenvale for eight agility six stamina these will be your easiest ones to get before going into the raid if you don't want to spend a fortune on feet of the links next in line we have our neck piece the high tide choker that drops off Baron aquinos seven strength for agility this is just massive there's no better neck that you're going to get when it comes to DPS but you you can always pick up a spectral necklace of the Tiger on the auction house if you can find it for that four agility four strength you also have the option of the glowing fetish amulet if that drops and nobody else really needs it that drops off kis it's six strength six stamina or the scouts Medallion or the Sentinels Medallion all you have to do for this is get honored with war song outr riders or Silver Wing Sentinels which is not that hard to do right now um and that's going to give you six agility and two stamina as for our Rings clearly the Thunder brow ring is our best in slot for that eight strength three agility however if you do seem to find this on your auction house it is going to be so expensive that most people will not be able to afford it so the next in line would be for horde you can get the band of the Iron Fist which gives you four strength seven agility the way you get this ring is by farming the mobs outside of BFD it may even drop in BF off of those mobs but you're going to get a damp note that's going to start a quest it's going to have you go talk to someone on The zorm Strand and then that person is then going to give you a quest to kill a boss in BFD and you hand that in and you get this ring um you also have the silver Lanes family seal which drops off Baron Silver Lane in Shadow Fang keep seven strength three stamina this is a really really nice ring and then you also have your Legionnaire's ban and protectors ban from getting honored with your War song rep for four strength four agility and two stamina these Rings would be the easiest to get to be completely honest and farm the baron silver lanane ring if your alliance uh for horde you clearly want to get this but you can't get that before going in the raid because the quest is to kill a boss in the raid so the PVP rings are really good and the baron Silver Lane family seal from Shadow fan keep as for our trinket slot there's only one trinket here that's going to benefit our DPS and that's the Avengers void Pearl but you are going to need to clear BFD and win the giant Pearl at the end that drops off akumi to get this trinket so basically when you kill akumi he drops a giant Pearl it works the same way as the Oni head uh you're going to take that Pearl once you win it you're going to head to darnassus you're going to hand it in it's going to drop the world buff and you're going to be able to select this trinket this is the one you would take it's 10 Shadow resistance and 18 attack power for your other trinket slot you could just fill it with like an Insignia of the alliance or The Horde or a rune of Duty from your warong rep which will just give you four stamina and three Health per 5 Seconds now as for our weapon Fist of the wild that drops off lus jet in Black fathom deeps is obviously the best here it's basically six of every single stat and then extra 59 attack power in cat or bear form uh this is pretty huge but next in line to this even for horde uh it's worth farming smites might Hammer the 11 strength for agility on this is just massive and there's nothing that really compares to this you could purchase a slag Hammer off the auction house which is really big but it drops from trash and razor fan crawl so I'm assuming that if you do find this on the auction house it's going to be extremely expensive and until you can get your hands on one of these three uh you can always purchase a hefty battle Hammer Of The Tiger off the auction house if you can find it uh that'll give you four agility for strength as for your idol there's only one option here um there's nothing that's going to increase your DPS but you do get the Mind expanding mushroom Idol that drops off logus jet that's going to basically just give you five Spirits so that's basically everything guys if you enjoyed this video hit that like button it really does help me out a lot and subscribe to the channel turn on post notifications so you don't miss the next time I post a video and if you want to hang out with me live I do stream on Twitch Monday through Friday at 8:00 pm eastern time at hammerd Dan I'll drop a link to that in the description below this video and if you want to join an awesome Discord Community we've been growing at such a rapid rate uh we have an awesome Community I'll drop a link to the Discord in the description below this video as well we're just a bunch of like-minded people who all enjoy geeking out over classic wow and season of Discovery so if that sounds like something you'd be interested in we will welcome you with open arms but anyways guys that's all I've got for you today so thank you all so much for watching and listening in I'll see you all in the next [Music] one [Music] oh
Channel: hammerdance
Views: 36,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sod druid, sod feral druid, sod druid guide, sod feral druid guide, druid bis sod, sod druid bis, feral druid sod, feral druid sod pvp, druid sod guide, druid season of discovery, season of discovery druid guide, feral druid guide sod, pvp, sod, season of discovery, som 2, world of warcraft, season of mastery 2, world of warcraft classic, classic wow, wow classic, sod new featues, sod class changes, classic +, sod new raids, bis, gear, druid, how to play feral druid in sod
Id: G7cWQj8jzVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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