Society's Greatest Menace Held An Entire Demon Castle Hostage To Craft LV 99 Bed | Anime Recap

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inside the realm of fantasies a world that was blessed by the Heavenly gods for Eternal Prosperity the Demon Lord abducted Humanity's Last Princess forever destroying the balance of the magical world but among all the chaos an ugly loser swore to rescue the princess and although she was taken across the planet to the demon Castle Aurora realized there was nothing to do but sleep here but with all the noise she could never get a single night of good sleep and with all her fatigue building up she wondered if her ghetto ass pillow was the reason so she decided to start her first quest of getting a better pillow however she had no idea how to get something softer but a couple of cute teddy bears began bringing lunch to her and handed her the fork and knife the softness of their fur was exactly what she was looking for so she began sneaking towards them and as they saw she was about to kill them they began crying as They begged her to spare their lives so in the last moment before they were killed she realized that a brush would be more efficient and for the next few hours she began brushing their fluffy her off now that she had the stuffing she needed for the pillow the teddy bears offered her the key to the cell in exchange for brushing them once again so she agreed to make a deal with the cute devils and escaped herself cell as she began walking around the guards wondered where she disappeared off to and this fat ass realized she was actually gone but she grabbed some of his porcupines and managed to stay undetected throughout the castle she began ripping up curtains to disguise as a demonic ghost and convinced the guard that she needed the most expensive of herbs in the world for the princess taking them away from the gullible everything she needed was now in her room so she began spinning the fur to make yarn and began sewing the curtains to fill the pillows inside with the fur completing her first quest of creating a comfy pillow for the first time in months she had a place where she could rest all her builtup fatigue away inside the demon Lord's chamber he wondered how the princess was able to escape past the most useless guards in the world and was going to execute her for defiling his orders but when he went to kill her they saw the way she was peacefully sleeping and Fatso asked him if they should do it tomorrow instead as Twilight stared at her he realized that only a heartless demon would wake her up so he decided to leave until tomorrow on the other side of the world the entire nation had been mourning her disappearance but Aurora had finally woken up from her first night of sleeping peacefully however she saw that her face was uglier than usual and knew it was because of how terrible the sheets were even so her forehead was in pain because of her heavy Crown so for her next Quest she decided to make a fluffy headband all around the room she began looking for a tool to help her until the siss sorcerer walked to bring her dinner but the only thing she noticed were his arms as he placed down her food his useless hands began falling apart so Aurora offered her crown in exchange for his sisss and with her new tools she was able to create a crown headband completing her second Quest even so her face was still disgusting from the sheets and she had no idea a what to do with the oversized scissors until a demon with a shining cloak walked past her her mission of acquiring luxury sheets had just began so she called for the teddy bears to bring her the keys and the Menace was out on the loose again from the distance Dany screamed for the cloaked guards to watch out for the princess but she had already cut off their cloaks realizing they were just as useless as their faces nobody in the castle was safe with her running around but before she gave up hope she saw a shining sheet and wondered why a cloak at self was alive so she cut off everything except for the ghost's face and the demons wondered how the that girl was considered a human back inside of her room she had finally acquired the softest sheet in the entire Kingdom and completed her third mission however she couldn't just sleep on the sheet without commencing the proper ritual so she stepped back and sprinted to dive into the sheet realizing this was softer than the one in her kingdom for the second day she couldn't stop herself from falling asleep The Demon King wondered why all of his guards were useless but when he went inside of her room he saw that she was asleep yet again and Quill's fat ass told him to just save it for tomorrow a week later the hero Downer along with his party of useless morons still had no idea about how to find Princess Aurora and wondered if they could ever save her from the awful demons for Aurora however the only thing that was awful about the demons was how loud they snored every night and her comfortable bed was still not enough to let her sleep peacefully with a couple of bangs on the the steel she brought the teddies again and society's greatest Menace was on the hunt for a more comfortable mattress just a few moments later she was already lost and the guards wondered how the princess kept escaping her cell however she was determined to find a comfortable bed and after a chest fell onto her empty head a shield expanded and began emitting a small tornado thinking it was useless like the hero's party she tried walking away before tripping on a gemstone but the tornado's wind cushioned her fall and she had finally discovered her new bed however the shield was still too heavy for her to carry so she wondered what tool she could use to take out the tornado Relic in that moment a gemstone began screaming at her to leave the treasure room but he had no idea those words were about to make him anime's biggest victim the poor loser was now nothing but a hammer and after slamming him to pieces she told him that a hard object in a sack is often referred to as a black jack but the gemstone had no idea what the she was talking about underneath her platform form the Demon King asked if they had hidden the Divine Shield away and the skeleton said that it was under the highest security possible as it was the last Shield crafted by the gods but she felt bad for destroying their Shield so she made a trash bundle out of it and threw it back in with all the hard work she accomplished she was feeling sleepy so she began trying to find her way back but along the way she had accidentally entered the Nether and slipped on a slime that sent her falling into the lava killing her in that instant the guards realized that the Demon Lord would execute them for her death but inside the end Dimension she heard the voice of a priest Reviving her and the Ugly weirdo welcomed her back to life she was now in the demon church but rather than wondering how she was still alive she thought it was disgusting that she was asleep in such a crude object the thought of it nearly made her throw up until she realized that the lid might be everything she's been looking for coffins can be made more comfortable she realized and saw that the priest had very nicely Jagged horns yeah [Music] [Music] after polishing the golden rims she found a Poe slime to wax the outsides and woke up the vampires from all the screaming nobody was safe with this around and after she placed her comfortable sheets along with the pillow she created she entered the coffin and everyone wondered if this was crazy even so this was the quietest sleep she's ever had and she had finally completed her Quest of achieving peace and quiet shirou told them to take her away and while she felt like she was floating on the clouds Twilight was finally going to execute her but as soon as he opened her coffin and saw how cutely she was sleeping quillo thought tomorrow might be better after all however Frankenstein said she was a hostage and when the others started screaming at each other to be quiet the Demon Lord gave them an evil glare and wondered if he had chosen the wrong princess to abduct throughout the Dark Ages humans and demons had C existed peacefully but now the hero was doing everything in his power to keep moving forward until he finds the princess yet no matter what paths he took he would end back in the same place so Twilight appeared from behind telling him that his castle was still years away as Downer tried slashing him down the Demon King teleported casting a wind spell while laughing and mocking them before Vanishing back to his castle after disappearing the hero swore that he would escape this Labyrinth and save the princess from the Demon Lord on the other side of the world two small demons were cleaning the pillars for the Phoenix's eggs but saw that the crackhead princess was somehow climbing up the tower a few hours ago she had woken up with a bug bite and wondered how vile this place must be after all she would sleep peacefully with the mosquito net covering her bed but now all the windows were wide open and the jail cell doors weren't even covered so she took it into her own hands to make what she was lacking and started her new quest of creating a mosquito Nest a single ghost shroud cloak wouldn't be enough to cover all the openings but as soon as she thought those words the monster shroud appeared to take revenge little did the morons know she was no regular princess and they wondered if she was actually a demon with the strings and sheets she had gathered she wondered where she could tie the string to so after looking outside she realized the Phoenix Nest would be the perfect place still she had no idea how to climb up there but when the Stampy cat came to pick up her dirty dishes Aurora realized she had found exactly what she wanted wanted as soon as the cat landed Aurora pretended to be upset over her dirty shoes so the Cat decided to take them off after getting them Meed away the cat wondered why she would take her shoes so the princess begged to borrow them this was how Aurora's dumbass ended up in this situation and the demons ran off to inform the Demon Lord however he wondered why she would be going after the Phoenix eggs since they were the greatest healing items in the universe but when he realized that it might be because she cared about the hero's worthless beaten up face he became determined to stop her at all costs the entire demon Army began riding dragons and they had her surrounded no one would allow her to help the hero but Aurora continued inching closer and as soon as they were about to catch her she had finished tying her knot all the morons wondered what she was doing and the Phoenix eggs healed her mosquito bite as soon as she was done she began climbing down and quillo wondered who the said she was there to steal the eggs while all of them beat each other up the princess was back inside her room and realized she had created a mosquito Nest that was even better than the one inside her castle her Quest was now finally complete and when she entered inside she couldn't even care about all the fighting because she had created her own little world underneath these sheets now she would never wake up to bug bites again and all of today's hard work finally caught up to her so she began falling asleep Twilight started running after hearing all the explosions outside but saw that all of his generals had beaten each other up and they told him that the prince princess was back in her room from the darkness a wolf's eyes began glaring after a few more days the worthless hero had finally managed to escape the Labyrinth but as soon as they stepped outside the sand dragon appeared to annihilate them and they struggled to keep their ground against his wind attacks but even though the hero was prepared to fight he realized that his men were too beat up so they decided to retreat to the castle until they healed this difference in strength was the reason why humans feared demons and stopped coexisting with them but there was one exception one human nay one fighing absolute Menace that never feared the demons as the forest Elder tried showing the rarest sleeping potion to ever be created Princess Aurora came inside and started nodding her head for no reason before taking the potion away and walking off without a single word the Elder tried telling her they needed it for the meeting and even her charming smile wasn't enough for them so while she was upset inside of her room she realized that she had no option but to steal the item and her first spy family Quest was initiated she activated her teddy bear alarm once again but as she walked outside of her cell the mysterious wolf counted her 97th demon code violation a few moments later she saw Sparkles emanating from the ground and when she looked down she thought they were fluffy mattresses so she tried to jump over the bridge to get better sleep quality falling right on top of the toxic mushrooms and they began slowly killing her once again this was the 998th demon code violation and and Twilight wondered how she had managed to die again so Shiro revealed that she slept on the lethal mushroom spores that's not ridiculous that's not ridiculous to say that shirou went on to reveal that she's been dying at least once a week because just last week she electrocuted herself against the thunder dragon the guards had wondered why she would want to come here so she said the electricity would relieve her muscle knots but the two morons thought she was going to be killed and before they could react the dragon Unleashed his ultimate Thunder attack striking Aurora in her spot every time she woke up shirou would make her repeat after him making her say that she will value her life and that she wouldn't keep dying Twilight realized this really does have some screws loose inside of her room Aurora realized she was back to square one so she called for the teddy bears to help her Escape but this was her 99th demon code violation after arriving at the item storage she used a cloak to disguise herself and the Wolf realized it was the of his Fallen comrades Aurora approached the guard saying that there was a dragon on a rampage destroying the castle so they needed the potion to neutralize it immediately the guard panicked to take the item but the wolf told him that he had just violated the 100th demon code violation the guard instantly recognized Siberian as the Justice of the castle but as he began lecturing the guard Aurora tried sneaking away however she pulled up the cloak and pretended she wasn't there and when he told her that they would be inspecting herself cell she pretended like she wasn't alive anymore inside her cell Siberian told her to begin cleaning up and she brought him back the empty Potion bottles but he told her that a hostage shouldn't be smiling after all a hostage should be screaming and Sleepless but the word Sleepless didn't exist in her universe and he wondered why the holy tree of life was inside of her room she told him that the seed was just lying there in a secret treasure chest but he told her that treasure chests aren't just lying around however he wondered how she got the sheets and realized that it was the bodies of his dead comrades wondering how many of them she killed she said that they should have revived in the church but as soon as he heard a noise he saw a poor teddy bear crying for getting taken away Aurora said it was her new pet and the teddy bear kept crying because they were being separated so Siberian gave her back the bear telling her to take good care of it after a few hours he took back all of her progress but as he started reading her the demon code he realized that she had already passed out on the floor while he began lecturing her she remembered all the times she would get lectured inside of her castle but as soon as she touched his fur she realized that she'd found a new bed before Siberian realized it she was laying on his fluffy fur and she began falling asleep on it her long quest of finding a comfortable soft bed was finally complete but Siberian brain snapped a few hours later Twilight wondered why Siberian was looking like his wife cheated on him so he revealed that he was thinking of cutting his fur as a measure against the princess The Demon King anger broke the Cod of this game and he repeated that he must never cut his fur once they were done Twilight wondered how she was able to keep sleeping so peacefully as a captive throughout human history grimo were the accumulation of human magic so the demons decided to seal all of them away inside the Forbidden library for this Menace however she realized that a legendary grimoire would be the best bedtime story that night two ugly soldiers were wondering why they had to guard the grimoire since only the humans chosen by God were able to unleash their seals but Aurora had already snuck past them on her quest of finding a bedtime story only to realize that they were just as boring and useless as you you're a victim her Limitless Mana was getting drained by reading the grimoire so she wondered if a more advanced one would help her fall asleep faster however she was no longer able to stand so she decided to start rolling around and the Penguin told his friend that even the gods chosen would need to complete a secret ritual to break the forbidden librar seal they would need to push all the switches down the stairs before destroying all the charms and forcing the statues to face one another in order for the chains to break and open the gate inside the Library of hidden knowledge she saw the Forbidden grimoire and realized it was the thing that would help her fall asleep in that instant as she reached towards it the grimoire was finally freed for the first time in the last Millennia the dust began settling and the spirit of the grimoire introduced himself as a lazah telling her to hurry and harness his powers to kill all the [Music] demons Sensational she told him to bring her a carbonated Mana potion to show his usefulness so he began restoring all of her mana and although he tried saying that he had the power to kill all the demons she told him that she didn't care so he decided to reveal that he had the power to incapacitate the entire demon castle and as soon as she heard those words she asked him if he knew how to cast sleeping magic after teaching her how to use it the grimoire revealed that casting the spell onto a single person was enough to consume a million Mona points but she decided to try it out anyway and her magical flow pierced through the top of the sky enveloping the entire castle with her spell not even the Demon King was able to resist its effects and all the worthless morons had started falling asleep along with the small teddy bears unfortunately for the princess however the Caster was the only person who wasn't affected by the spell the grimore tried telling her that it was now her chance to escape but she was depressed that the spell didn't work on her and began destroying the entire Library screaming that it was not fair so she decided to use one of the mythical grimoires as a pillow finally falling asleep she had now completed the secret Quest using grimoire as a pillow the following morning Aurora's whole body was sore after sleeping on the grimo so so she asked the laif for a book about sleeping better and that was how she learned about the pressure points that helped relax a person's body however there was one that she could never reach on her own and knew it would make her fall asleep right away if someone pushed it so she began her quest of finding a person to push her pressure point she showed the poor victim where the pressure point was but the Teddy's hands were so small and soft that she couldn't even feel it the Menace was now on another journey and she approached the four dumb asses to ask them for help but remembered Siberian saying he would burn her bed down if she caused a problem once again so she decided to stay vague I beg your pardon the squad of morons were losing their mind but she decided to try [Music] again God damn it you K me pick this up although she was 21 years old she had no idea how her words sounded out of context so she thought it might have been because they'd heard her with their demonic fingers and decided to ask the priest instead what when he said it wouldn't be wise the demons were surprised that he managed to keep himself together but she told him that she's heard priests love touching but before she could could finish her sentence he had already taken lethal damage that caused him to faint sneaking out of the room she realized that she would have to force a demon into her bedroom but wondered where she could find her next victim before bumping into the Demon Lord the twink wondered how she had snuck out of her room so he decided to show his dignity as the demon king and screamed at her to go back into her cell however his finger was exactly what she was looking for so she grabbed his hand and brought him to her bedroom and he wondered why she was sitting on her bed Aurora told him to push a specific spot on her back and he realized that this was exactly like the plot development scenarios he read about so he ran and pushed his fingers onto her back causing her to fall asleep in that instant he wondered why she was already asleep and while the others stared at him Aurora thought that getting pressure points pushed was the best feeling ever and her Quest was now finally complete after covering her with a blanket one of the teddy bears came out but no one could resist his cuteness sunlight it was an element necessary for one to wake up feeling better but in the demon castle where the time had froze in Eternal Night Aurora realized she needed to get some light right away and wished she could at least have the same light that was in the forest so her next Quest would now be finding the source of light and as she stared at what tools she had she thought of a way to escape from the demon Castle the was now strapped with all the resources she needed but demon kind's four dumbest morons thought it was impossible for her to cross the Lava Moat on top of of that there was a giant Maze of concrete and even a massive Cliff that would crush anyone who fell down it they thought it was truly impossible but the emergency system went off alerting them that the princess had escaped the demon Castle after all the demons gathered Twilight wondered how his guards were this useless and saw that she was smiling as she got closer to the sacred sword she realized that it was even brighter the closer she got and knew that she must obtain it but the demons wondered what this psycho was plotting and Siberian asked the demon King what she might be looking for however the poor guy was depressed because he had placed his Ultimate Weapon there the holy sword Excalibur and Aurora had managed to pull it out of its foundation this was the light she needed to finally reset her internal clock but the demons thought she was about to give it to the hero to kill all of them so Siberian launched a Siege to bring the princess back at all costs the brain dead losers began developing a plan for how they would split up and thought she would be hiding in places that would be impossible for them to find he they wondered why she was heading back to the demon Castle especially now that she had the greatest sword that could kill even the Demon Lord but she had returned back to her cell with the light source she wanted and tied it up to the railing along with multiple layers of blankets creating a source of light that she could control this would finally be the source of sunlight she could wake up to and and finally fell asleep a few hours later she woke up to the sunlight and completed the quest of getting the light she wanted deep inside the Demon King's Castle the princess realized that she had the worst possible bathtub especially when she remembered the pool she had along with her 10 Maids that would bathe her she thought this was the most disgraceful way to treat a prisoner and she was tired of putting up with it causing the bathtub to explode so she got up determined to go on a quest to make a luxurious bathtub that she could finally sleep in the worthless imbecile began taking pipes along wanting to reroute the hot water from the Demonic baths yay the all of them were embarrassed and tried to hide away forgetting that they literally never wear clothes she kept walking past the morons until she reached the infinity skull and shoved her pipe down its throat she had now accomplished the first part of her Quest and stole all of the Demons water smiling to herself as she had finally gained hot water with her entire room flooding her last two brain cells finally clicked and she realized that she needed a bathtub just then Siberian screamed at the fire dragon to hide his Flames around the rocket turtle and as soon as it walked by she realized that his shell would be the perfect bathtub he went on to say that if its tail was lit on fire then the turtle would become a rocket and explode but the dragons continued spewing Flames like the worthless morons they were seeing the flame she decided to grab it and lit the poor Ablaze once the dust settled Siberian wondered what just happened and they saw the princess dragging the turtle's body back to her room to this Menace even murder was nothing but a joke all to achieve her goal of creating the most peaceful bathtub in the world at the same time she began drinking her icy healing potion realizing that this kind of Peace was something she would never be able to get in her previous castle and began falling asleep completing her comfortable bath Quest summers at the demon Castle were miserable and with all the Searing gas and the magma flowing through the Creeks the princess was unable to handle the heat since she couldn't sleep without any air conditioning and all of the siss sorcerers meals were way too hot to eat from outside however they heard the sound of an ice Golem screaming that ice demon lives matter and the Sorcerer revealed that the ice nice area was always at war with Magma demons during the summer just then Quill's fat ass called the sorcerer away and the serial killer realized exactly what she needed to do so as she ate she thought of a plan to obtain ice from the Snow Arena determined to complete her new quest of sleeping and cool Comfort she began calling for the teddy bears using her brush alarm and Aurora was out for blood but realized she needed something warmer first before freezing alive the only thing that could work was a full set of armor but she had no idea where she could find one just then an unknowing victim walked right past her so she asked the poor soul if he was hollow inside when he said that he was he had no idea that he just committed the greatest mistake in his life yeah this is officially crazy inside the Frozen downpour the princess managed to make it inside and wanted to just bring some ice back to her room at the same time the ice demons were planning a war against the fire demons but saw Aurora walking by and thought she was the ice Golem since her armor had been covered in ice the two morons began dragging her in front of the ice Army and all of them begged her for orders not realizing the situation they were about to get themselves in so she told them to leave it to her and commanded them to build an igloo in the captured princess's cell none of them knew what this had to do with fighting the magmas but the polar bear said it would be their foreign base of operations Aurora said he was correct and went on to say that she wanted to of those cute seals dispatched to her the bear thought this was to push positive propaganda about the cuteness of ice demons and Aurora told him he was correct once again but before she could give her final command of operation she saw the ice Golem wondering where everyone went [Music] somebody oh he needs some milk the poor victim was dismantled with her Frozen pillow and she told them that she needed to leave so they had to take orders from the princess from now on all of the morons shared a single brain cell so it took them a while to wonder why they had to take orders from The Princess a week later quidilla wondered why all the ice demons were quiet so the sorcerer told him that he might know why she now had an igloo along with the cute seals and shaved ice so she was able to finally fall asleep in the middle of the summer heat and her quest for sleeping in the cool Comfort was now complete the snow demons kept cooling her down without realizing they were being used like worthless morons the following morning Aurora was glad that she was starting to have a bed that was comfortable but realized that she still didn't have a bedtime lullabi so her next Quest was creating the best song for sleeping [Music] [Music] the following day Aurora was about to commit the greatest Scandal inside the demon Castle because when she saw a small demon sleeping comfortably on her teddy bear she grew jealous and looked for an item that would make her smaller so using the legendary hourglass she activated its ability to turn back time changing her into her smaller form when she was a little kid this wasn't the shrinking she was thinking about and she no longer had any strength to move the stuff that she had brought on top of that she couldn't walk in her clothes and with the massive cliff in her way she realized that she was completely trapped but when she heard the fat and Dany trying to fix the lights she had found her ladder quillo told Dany to move a little more to the right but her voice kept commanding him to move to the left and to back up taking her opportunity to climb on top of Dany however quil's arms stabbed her hand and they wondered what legendary treasure she consumed this time the poor princess began eating a potion candy but when they asked her what she was up to she refused to speak to them so the fatso picked her up to take her back to her room this was the first time in his life that he' car married a human child since they usually ran away from his disgusting face and Dany begged him to carry her as well all the demons wanted to try carrying her but she realized that she would never get to her bed at this rate so she wondered what she could do immediately she took one of quil's porcupines and began knocking every single one of them out she now had her personal taxi with an arsenal of weapons but when the area bosses approached she tried to escape but failed to run away all of them began fawning over how small and quite quiet she had become and wished she would always be like this and although she had failed her first quest in this demon Castle she began falling asleep realizing that this type of comfortable sleep was something she can only get when she's this [Music] small ever since the Demon King had abducted the princess a war had been waged against demonkind and the female unit had finally returned from the front lines the brainless losers thought the princess would now finally have friends to talk with but the only thing this Insomniac cared about was finding another way to make her sleep better this night she hadn't been able to change the dusty worthless comforter they had given her so her new Quest would now become finding a soft comforter outside her room she saw a weird girl that loved the smell of herself cell and Aurora started to pretend as if the girl didn't exist however she kept jumping around and tried to introduce herself as Harpy but Aurora wondered how she could rip her up to use her as a comforter the poor girl realized she was getting ghosted so she tried to ask her if she liked anyone but she stuffed her worthless face with the pillow and told her to keep her mouth shut are you dumb pardon me are you dumb I think she's I think she's dumb she thought Aurora must be in love with the prince or might even have forbidden emotions for the demon king and wondered who it really was but Aurora was was too busy building a wall of teddy bears to shut her up as she was building the wall Twilight thought they were having fun together so he decided to shove her inside the cell to give Aurora a new friend before leaving what he never realized however was that he had just sacrificed Harpy's life because Aurora thought she was getting in the way of her new comforter and cut her clothes off with a single slash she was now able to go look for her comforter but Harpy begged her to wait and asked if she was treating her this way because she was a demon her entire life she wished for someone who would have a pajama party with her and a normal human girl she could do girl talk with after all Aurora was the first human she's ever met so she asked her if they could be friends together before spreading her wings laying her eyes on them she finally found what she was looking for and asked Harpy if her wings could come off but realized that it would ruin the beautiful feathers if she was to do that they were as smooth as silk with the right amount of weight and the perfect size so she wondered how she could use them as her comforter before realizing what she had to do she told Harpy that they were now friends and that they would have a pajama party right away making Harpy happy later that night Harpy wondered when they would have their girl talk but she told her to be quiet as she had finally gained a real feather comforter and fell asleep to complete her quest of gaining a new comforter poor Harpy finally realized she was seduced by Aurora into her bed only to get her body used throughout the night however Aurora was unable to lay on the bed comfortably until she fell over so she realized that it must have been because of how narrow her mattress was and decided that her next mission would be to get a bigger bed so she asked Harpy what materials she could use for the bed and when she realized that Aurora was actually asking her for help she began using all three of her brain cells to think in that moment she remembered that the Castle's horns were the place where demonic angels slept during the summer since they were made out of solidified clouds this was exactly what the Menace was looking for but when Harpy tried telling her that it would be dangerous because of how high the horns were Aurora asked her if she would help her get there hearing those words she realized that she was actually friends with the princess but she had already tied a hammock to her legs and told her to leave as she imagined how this would go down Harpy thought this would be impossible but when she saw Aurora looking down she became determined to help her achieve her goal and cast her wings to start flying all the way there she felt as if her legs were about to rip off but they managed to make it to the Castle's horns and the princess decided to lay down and fell asleep right away it was then that Harpy thought Aurora probably didn't think of her as a real friend and began crying because of how badly she wished for a friend until she saw that Aurora was cutting the clouds apart causing her to lose her mind she tried telling Aurora that the demon king would execute them but she had already created her mattress so Harpy tried begging her to make do with a smaller piece for a bed however the princess revealed that she needed it to be this big so they could sleep together and Harpy realized that this was all for her and lost her mind when she realized they were actually friends but she had already began walking off now she had both the best bed in the castle along with an angel's wings for a comforter she will never have to worry about sliding anymore and with how comfortable the wings were she began falling asleep having achieved her quest of getting the nicest mattress along with her Harpy was happy that they were close friends a week later these three brain dead losers finally noticed that the Castle's horns were completely ruined however Harpy came back and wondered if the prin princess would ever invite her again to sleep on her massive [Music] bed you're a victim inside the desolated ruins of the ancient desert the sand dragon battled against the hero until he was able to deflect his ultimate tornado attack and ran up the pillar to slash the dragon down than osing him out of this world The Demon King thought his effort were pathetic and announced that one of the big 10 had been eliminated by the hero Poseidon wanted to be the next one to fight but the hottest plot fil demon was excited to use her plot cannons against the hero however the order has been decided a millennia ago with the weakest of the 10 being the first to go but Siberian couldn't handle the trumpet and screamed at the princess to stop he wondered why she kept honking in their meeting but she started using different instruments to piss him off and the king tried politely asking the princess if she could be quiet however she told them that she was bored and it had come to her attention that she doesn't sleep well on boring days but Siberian couldn't care less since she could just exercise and screamed at her to get out his harsh words made her sad and all of the Big 10 realized she was hurt by his words but Twilight couldn't handle seeing her like that since it reminded him that she was a captive here as Siberian told him to get back to the meeting the hot demon felt bad for the princess but Siberian wondered if she'd known about all the Mayhem she's been causing however aleron didn't care about any of them since she was abducted in her sleep torn apart from her family and was now all alone in a demon Castle even a worthless Demon King couldn't be this cruel but the two of them began oozing with their demonic energy realizing that she had no idea what she was talking about so he commanded shirou to turn on the surveillance cameras they wondered if she would still feel sorry for the princess after watching but when she said that she would she saw the princess chopping a poor tree with Mass of sisss the log was none other than her older brother and Siberian told her that he was about to become her new log bed as she kept watching she asked if those words she carved were her name and the Demon King told her that her brother was now Aurora's property and they wondered if she was still with them Ren tried reminding them that they were responsible for abducting her but she faced off against the log and they realized it would now be over for him aleron tried begging her to stop but the Menace incarnate began penetrating her sisss in and out of the law until she had completely destroyed his walls and finished with his insides her brother was now completely annihilated but he felt pure once again the demons asked Ren what she thought now but she overdosed on copium by saying that her brother shouldn't feel any pain and thought this was eco-friendly until the princess got rid of the rest of his Remains the cope wasn't over as she tried averting her eyes from reality and said the princess was the poor one in this situation eventually she brought the log back to herself cell and and was glad that she had gotten all the exercise she needed to fall asleep on her new bed all of them forgot about the cold-hearted murder this serial killer just committed and thought it was sad that she was a captive a few hours later when she woke up Ren wondered if she was truly a human because she was scarier than Twilight himself in order to save the princess the hero had been journeying for 7 months through the deadly demon realm until he arrived at a point where the paths diverged so after taking the one on the right they were trapped by a of demons and as they wondered if they should fight or Retreat the princess was in a similar situation wondering if she should do laundry or not her new beautiful comforter that she found at a demon murder scene had been soiled by her drink so she decided to go on a quest to clean her comforter at the same time the Big 10 held an emergency meeting once again but it was to discuss the hero getting lost on the wrong path for the eighth time this week after all he was about to lose his 82 respawns before he could even reach the demon castle and the whole point was to have him level up for the Demon Lord to beat him in the end Ren realized they needed to start protecting him if they wanted him to survive but Siberian wished he wasn't such a useless hero meanwhile the scariest demon in the castle was looking for a place to wash her comforter and ren remembered they could use the Fountain of Purity to help the hero after all this Fountain could heal all injuries and poisons when the water is clear but if it were to get dirtied even a little all of its effects would be nullified the princess realized she needed something to scrub [Music] with the poor ghost was now nothing but a sacrifice and the Demon King thought they could help the hero by using the mini tornado bomb to block the wrong paths it was one of a kind epic Rarity item but the Demon King had been saving it for emergencies so they needed to use it to finally block the hero from taking the wrong paths they had now developed the perfect plan but Professor gearbolt told them that their plan was bound to be ruined so he revealed that he had created a perfect solution for this situation at the same time Aurora was looking for a drying rack and when she found what she was looking for Professor gearbolt revealed that he invented a magnetic compass so the hero wouldn't be lost after pulling it away Aurora began walking towards a gate and gearbolt revealed that he had also invented a billion dooll gear Bolter seeing all the wires she began cutting them since they were in her way and gearbolt said that he even made it weak to the hero's light allowing it to boost his confidence however there was one thing he needed to warn them about saying that a magnet would completely destroy his Masterpiece but thought that only a would do that in that instant a light began glowing from the core of the robot and as its eyes opened it began spinning thousands of times per second generating enough heat to burn like the sun until it finally exploded Aurora now had her dry blanket and the Demon Lord wanted to take a look at the instrument her magnificent comforter was now finally dry and she thought that it smelled like the sun allowing her to fall asleep after finally completing her Quest the Demon Lord entered the room ready to see the creation but all he saw was how absolutely destroyed his coridor was and that the princess was laying down at the base Siberian said that her punishment for destroying a billion dollar robot was no soft drinks for a week the hero was now back at the starting point and decided to take the left path this time but although there was no demons he stepped on a red button that caused a massive Boulder to roll down towards him after the worthless morons died again winter had begun to arrive in the demon Castle so Aurora wanted something to protect her stomach from the cold but realized her woolly pants were still back in her home even so she had some of the materials so she decided her new Quest was now creating warm Woolen underwear Danny and the bald came to take her plates but wondered what she was making this time as she was about to say Woolen underwear she remembered her mother's words about how a princess should never ruin her dignity so she tried using sign language anguage to say underwear and left the room however they thought she was casting some secret demon spell saying she would crush them in 2 seconds the anarchist was out to destroy the castle once again and tried to sneak away while gearbolt was about to unveil his new invention until two of the wolf guards asked her what she was doing even so she remained silent to keep her dignity and tried whistling Morse code that she was making underwear the revived monster shroud was about to take his revenge but the poor victim was ripped up to become materials for her underwear when he wondered what she was using his body for this time she began drawing on the wall but all of them knew exactly what she was drawing a demonic sigil to sacrifice their souls to [Music] Hades everyone in the demon Castle thought she was going to revive the gods and destroy the demon Castle in two seconds but when Siberian thought they were being ridiculous the ice Golem said he'd believe anything this princess would do all of them began preparing for an uprising while the princess kept walking down the stairs but thought she had found the perfect place to create her belly warmer in private the group of dimwits began searching for the weapon Aurora was constructing but she had finally finished her belly warming underwear and thought it was time to sleep but as she started walking she began to unveil gear Bolt's greatest Masterpiece and when all of the Demons saw it they thought the end of their lives had finally come to pass and tried running to find the Demon Lord but the twink was inside of the princess's crown thinking this would surely help guide the hero to stop losing his path like a a few hours later the princess had finally returned to her room while preserving her dignity and the wind would no longer make her stomach cold at night allowing her to fall asleep with a warm belly meanwhile Twilight wondered why his castle was filled with crackheads as the ice Golem screamed for a re Evolution to destroy the princess but inside of her room they wondered why all of the guards were scared of the zoo she was creating a few hours later the hero's party were finally back after respawning 4 months ago but as soon as they embarked on the last path it crumbled underneath them burning them alive waking up from her dreams she was glad that she had managed to preserve her family's dignity but after thinking of her mother she remembered her saying that she had a special way of putting her to sleep but could no longer remember the rest of her s sence and wished she could remember it just then the Demon King had completely lost hope in life after the hero lost his way once again and collapsed in front of her cell when she wondered what he was doing there was no response but she asked him if he was sleeping and after not receiving a response again she pulled out her sissors and decided to deliver the last blow to the poor loser however the teddy demon tried explaining that the Demon King just wanted some sleep or he would die soon but although the Menace couldn't care less about his worthless life Twilight revealed that the demon Castle would crumble if he died those words shocked her as she realized her bed would be collateral damage so she began thinking of different ways to help him [Music] sleep that's not ridiculous that's not ridiculous to say that the next thing she wanted to try was reading but the poor Demon King realized he was at the mercy of a maniac and beged for his father to save him although her methods would have allowed her to sleep by now she realized he was the demon king and said she had something more stimulating in mind making him realize that he was screwed in front of the thunder dragon he began barely evading the strikes for his life but she decided to throw him off the top of the castle breaking all of his bones her last attempt was an original sleep blend but after she forced him to drink the toxic potion she wondered how he was still not asleep but he thought it was more amazing that he was still still alive even so he realized that she was doing her best to help him so he asked her if this was how she usually falls [Music] asleep there was no hope left after all he knew she was the most frightening creature in this universe able to keep even the Demon Lord alive at her wits and making him wonder if he should just let her go home already however he remembered that his father wouldn't have been so cowardly and after hearing him call out for his father once more she realized that he must have been a daddy's boy on the other hand she had always been a mommy's girl and finally remembered her mother's words about how she used to fall asleep so she asked Twilight if his father had ever put him to sleep and thought this was finally her chance to test it but the poor guy realized it would truly be the end for him this time she began petting his head telling him that it was okay and with all the teddy bears patting him down she realized that putting a child to sleep was the same for both demons and humans her mother's words had been true after all and she remember remembered the way her mother used to Pat her head to fall asleep and how she'd fall asleep next to her every night all the teddy bears realized she shouldn't be sleeping on the cold ground so they carried her away to her bed even Twilight was finally able to sleep on the other side of the world the hero thought they had finally managed to find the demon Castle but realized they were actually back where they started and gearbolt billion dooll creation was never found this entire time the princess had been abducted by the Demon Lord and although the hero had engaged Eng in countless battles to reach the demon Castle none of them suspected that someone else would steal her away from them a few hours later Siberian told Twilight that the princess had disappeared once again but shirou thought it was worse than usual since he couldn't sense hermana in any of the locations surrounding the demon Castle just then a letter appeared before Twilight saying that their princess was now his property in the former demon Castle the princess woke up to a cell that she didn't recognize but the gates opened and Hades revealed healed himself the Big 10 held an emergency meeting to discuss the princess's abduction and read that Hades was plotting on killing the hero himself in order to become the rightful Demon Lord once again the princess was back at Square 1 and realized she had nothing better to do than to fall asleep but while her new room looked like it was Straight Out of Compton she was glad that it was quieter than her previous Castle so she decided to think more about it after a nap but as soon as her head touched the pillow she realized that it was a disgustingly cheap pillow and was depressed that she had to do this all over again but she was determined to go on a quest of creating a new pillow right away outside herself three annoying brats said they were here to laugh at her miserable face but she ripped off one of her balls and threw it in front of them exploding the cell doors open and before they could Escape she grabbed their worthless heads asking them where she could find materials for a pillow meanwhile tlight managed to create a connection with Hades who mocked him for being the former Demon King but Twilight only cared about them returning the princess however Hades told him that he would never return their worthless prisoner and began laughing at them while Aurora was sneaking next to him they wondered what she was about to do but when Hades asked why they were speechless Aurora began tugging at his clothes until she ripped his cloak apart all of them began screaming and when Hades asked them why they lost their minds they started making noises and screaming like they were in a mental hospital all while the princess continued ripping up hades's clothes by the time they were done Aurora still had one more piece that she needed to rip off so Ren screamed that there was an intruder hiding above him and that he had to levitate in order to kill him as he began flying the demons realized this was her chance and she managed to rip the final piece off the group began screaming with the one brain cell they shared but when Hades wondered why they were cheering they tried their hardest to contain their laughter and the princess was able to walk back peacefully to her room she began by wrapping the fur around the pillow to give it a firm structure and used the the cloth as a pillowcase before giving it one of her cute bows to make it fit for a princess her quest for getting a comfortable pillow was finally complete she had no idea what part of the planet she was in but thought it would be better to sleep first in order to have the energy to think about it the four Squad realized that the demon Castle was quieter than usual and they wondered why but Hades wondered where his pants disappeared off to the following morning Aurora began growing bored at how quiet the castle was and thought that her room was as worthless as the hero's party but there was something that could help her sleep better so she decided to go on a quest to make a bed for peaceful Slumber throughout the magma Fields she struggled getting past the traps trying to kill her and she wondered why they had no care for their prisoners wandering around freely she thought she wasn't the only one having trouble sleeping but saw a demon sleeping peacefully despite how hot and Loud the lava was and wanted to ask him why he chose to sleep here however it was impossible for her to think about disturbing someone else's nap but saw the sign reading to wake him up when the bells [Music] ring the victim wondered why the princess was down here and introduced himself as hypnos so he had to sleep 20 hours every day or he would die in that moment she realized he might rival her own ability to sleep but when he thought she wouldn't care about his sleep research she told him to continue and begged him to endow her with his knowledge hearing those words he revealed that this was the only place where Fireballs couldn't pass and went on to tell her one of the greatest secrets of sleeping Danny loner finally realized that the princess was abducted and quilly hoped she stayed safe because of how weird all the former demons were at the same time hypnos showed her the electrifying floor and revealed the highest quality fur on the other side explaining that it was used to amplify the static electricity as she stared at it she realized that even traps could be turned into bedding in this cast and found her next victim hypnos tried warning her that she might get electrocuted if she's not careful but she killed the power source and used her flooring as a shield from the spikes just then she cut the axe's rope apart and dodged the Fireballs like she was in The Matrix leaving them to explode the wall behind her when the dust settled she had finally gathered all the tools she needed for flipping the floor in no time and hypnos had finally discovered a person who rivaled his passion for Sleep the Demon Lord began the emergency meeting for rescuing the princess saying that she must be suffering in such terrible captivity but she had began to destroy the entire floor for her beding at the same time the fire dragon suggested bringing a comforter to Shield the princess and Siberian agreed that the traps would be too scary for her but the traps were the ones that should have been scared Ren thought they should bring along the teddy bears to ease her anxiety so Shiro gathered all of them but she had finally finished creating her bed that moved around a train track however hypnos thought it was too big and that she would get caught by a fireball but none of them were able to connect with her since she was moving too fast as soon as he saw that hypnos thought he had finally found the greatest sleep Apprentice to teach all of his secrets to but the princess had already fallen asleep completing her quest of finding a comfortable bed the Big 10 were now ready to commence their operation of rescuing the princess and Twilight began flying immediately towards the former demon Castle although it was in the middle of the night Hades had been expecting them but Aurora ACD accidentally woke herself up with her snot and remembered that she had escaped herself cell to find a warm comforter but fell asleep inside the clothing room after all it had the highest quality fur she'd ever felt and wondered what kind of weird loser would wear these even so she was glad for their horrendous fashion sense so it would become materials for her new quest of creating a luxurious comforter the three brats alerted Hades that Twilight had infiltrated their Castle but he was surprised to see the desperate gleam in his eyes and heard him screaming that he has candy for the princess along with him Siberian asked if she would miss her comforter and shirou said that he had brought all the cute teddy demons to Pat her to sleep Hades wondered why they looked like they escaped a mental Asylum and wondered if Twilight's demon Castle was just a mental institution but realized that they must be hysterical from how bad they were scared of him however he knew that the princess would never be able to leave his cell as it had the highest Security in the entire demon realm but thought he heard Footsteps in the back only to see the three brats scared for their lives so he told them not to be afraid because they had the mythical demon Gods equipment which included the Mana had to double their Mana the gigantify seeds to make them grow large and the devil's whip that one shots all of its enemies on top of that they had the greatest aerial Warfare vehicle in the world but his hypnos was sleeping Twilight had finally entered hades's chamber and Hades laughed telling him that this would be his last day as the Demon Lord regardless Twilight Unleashed his loves of concealment and while Hades pulled out his death cythe hypnos realized Ragnarok was about to begin as the last demon king battle had destroyed the entire [Music] Cosmos the real Demon Lord had began flying away and Hades wondered what happened to their great battle of the century but they told him to just extend his own miserable life instead as they kept screaming for the princess she was glad that she was on her way back home and one of the teddy bears came back crying with her pillow so she hugged him wishing to return back to her demon castle where her bed was exactly how she wanted but until they got back she decided to sleep on all the materials she had gathered and managed to finally sleep completing the secret quest of destroying a Demon Lord to fall asleep because of that a new Fast Travel location was unlocked and Twilight's group of men mentally ill deranged losers tried to catch up to her she finally made it back to her room and the squad of four losers were sad that they were forgotten about in the Hades Ark but although they were glad she came back to the place she was abducted from Dany wondered if she would also leave them when the hero came upsetting Twilight the hero had managed to reach the molten volcano and keso thought they were close enough for him to activate his ultimate spell between his hands he was able to awaken the princess's gemstone since she was at peace and thought they could create a wormhole into the demon Castle the gem on the center of her crown glowed but as the sissor wondered what she could be dreaming about a wormhole began to materialize until a finger came out and the hero wondered what he was hitting but as he kept hitting her head her piece was beginning to be disturbed causing the portal to vanish from existence and the sissors Sorcerer realized he needed to report this a few hours later Twilight called the Big 10 once again revealing that the hero had managed to enter the ancient volcano so they will be be having a sendoff party for the fire dragon but before they could celebrate Aurora came through the door and sat down saying that she had a nightmare that she needed to tell them about asid and tried telling her that they were going to have a sendoff party and when Siberian tried saying that this would ruin their plans she began telling them her story anyway so Twilight decided to allow it and she revealed that she had a dream about a boy from her past but couldn't remember his name so she called him dz's name and revealed that dz's name was extremely mean on her birthday he had brought her roses but tripped and stabbed her with thns and there was even a bee in the bouquet so he took the bee and ate it however he thought it was sweet and they all thought da whatz his name might be scarier than the princess Twilight thought it was time for the fire dragon to leave but she went on to say that Dot's name took her to a picnic and that they were lost within 5 minutes because of how useless his sense of direction was before long he asked to raise her to the top and completely abandoned her until she found his legs stick King out of a hole and found him caught inside the Trap by the time she got to the top his grave was already there but she didn't tell anyone about him and was extremely happy that he would be dead for 6 months however when he eventually responded she had completely forgotten about him and reported him as an intruder right away at that moment they realized dtz his name might have been the actual victim in this story but Aurora went on to reveal the worst part A year later her father had declared dz's name to be her fiance and stood up to leave them them all screaming wondering if that part wasn't just a dream inside her room Aurora felt better after telling her nightmare to the others glad that she will never see Daw what's his name ever again however shirou couldn't stop thinking about it and wondered who might have a name that started with DAW and has a worthless sense of direction before realizing it was the hero so he went to Inferno telling him to burn the hero to ashes 3 days later the hero arrived to the peak of the Blazing volcano where Inferno was prepared to face off again against him the next member of the Big 10 during the battle Aurora began writing a letter to her mother saying that she was now in extreme pain to the point where she couldn't even sleep but when quilly and GTA turned her around they saw that she had a cavity so they decided to take her to the demon Clinic the dentist told her to open up but she wouldn't allow strangers to see her and asked him if she could just drink a potion instead but the dentist told her that the tiny fairies won't go away unless the tooth is removed hearing about the fairies she decided to open her mouth a little so he tried to place a bit of pressure on her jaw but she headbutted him and started escaping out of the room before falling because the pain was hurting too much after recruiting some help they tied Humanity's scariest monster to the operating chair but Shiro tried telling her that she won't be in any pain with the anesthesia however she was scared that her mouth would be defiled but they wondered why she was shy about opening her mouth so she told them to treat her without looking into her mouth screaming at them that they weren't allowed to look inside just then the the Demon Lord appeared with Siberian and he told the dentist that most human females actually enjoyed having their mouths wide open but none of you virgins would have known that emotional damage they wondered if this was a sign of a life-threatening illness and so the rumors began spreading throughout the castle about the princess being terminally sick and that her head had blown up so before long every single demon had gathered above the walls of the operating room and Q saw the princess and thought she was the cutest girl ever at the same time the teddy bears were about to cry so Aurora said that only the teddy demons can look inside of her mouth the hardest cavity removal operation of all time was about to begin with none of the dentists being able to look inside her mouth as he tried looking back she began shaking like she was having a schizophrenic episode so he decided to ask the teddy demon how it looked but the cute bear said it looked bigger than his mouth for 8 hours the doctor tried his hardest until the operation was finally finished but when she thanked them he wondered what she was trying to hide so hard but she said that it was a secret her entire life her biggest insecurity was inside of her mouth that her tongue was larger than average the relief from all the pain began catching up to her and she passed out on the chair making the worthless doctors realize they could have treated her while she was asleep this entire time inside the Blazing volcano Inferno continued striking against the hero's sword but after 3 days of fighting he returned defeated and all of his powers were now sealed this was the condition of being revived when losing against the hero but when they wondered how he was defeated so easily he revealed that all his op equipment was switched the first thing he noticed is that his item bag was made of ghost shroud cloth and all of them thought it was definitely the princess hearing those words he realized she must have also been the one who emptied his potion flasks and swapped all his grenades with avocados instead but as he kept going Rion remembered exactly how this happened the day before she had seen his bags and thought that the princess might use them for her bed so she switched out all of their contents to something that would be safer realizing she was screwed she pitted all the blame on the princess but Poseidon thought her face was extremely pale however Inferno went on to reveal that his ultimate grimoire was switched out for a bedtime story and Siberian remembered how that happened on the night before he had taken away the princess's bedtime story since it was too fun for a prisoner so he gave her a battered book instead and tried blaming the princess as well inferno's rage continued growing as he remembered the moment when he was desperate to keep living so he decided to summon the special Princess model Mecca but as soon as he pressed the button a light blinded the entire [Music] field as he heard those words Twilight realized he was the culprit because when she found the robot he created she thought it was ugly and screamed that it didn't look look anything like her and he tried saying that the princess would be a great candidate for the next Demon Lord seat however Inferno wondered how many times she interfered and remembered another thing the princess did a here we go again during the battle he had tried to unleash a massive bomb to kill the hero's party but it exploded in his face causing him to lose the battle this time it was shirou who was the because when he remembered that the hero might marry the princess he decided to give Inferno a nuclear bomb he was was willing to sacrifice even his friends for the princess to remain with them and pretended that he had no idea where the princess might have found such a lethal bom seeing how she was the reason for his powers being sealed away he thought she might be trying to eliminate demonkind but they told him that she definitely wasn't so he wondered if they knew something he didn't but all of them pretended like they didn't know anything about the princess as she slept peacefully through all the chaos but the teddy bears wanted to make sure she didn't get any more cavities while Inferno kept trying to break inside her cell they tried holding him back and the hero celebrated defeating another one of the big 10 a week later the princess was watching a TV commercial about a person sleeping on a water-filled mattress so she also wanted to get one as she looked around she saw the Demonic phone and tried to call Amazon but they told her that the demon Castle was out of their delivery range even their delivery was as useless as the hero and when the Demon Lord came he wondered why their million dooll Emerald phone had been destroyed in the last month the supposed hostage has committed 14 felony counts of prison escape 12 counts of Larsen 22 counts of theft and 17 counts of first-degree murder they began wondering if they were the hostages in her castle and Twilight realized that it was time to be more strict on her however they were too scared of drawing out more of her powers so Poseidon suggested they just ignore her existence hearing those words Twilight thought this would be the the perfect measure to destroy the princess making it their first Demon Lord Quest but the princess was also determined to go on her own quest of creating the perfect water bed after skinning a poor water demon victim she now needed some coffins to create a bed frame and was out to get elastic tape and screws to join them together as she kept searching for her next victim the Squad tried pretending like they couldn't even see her and let her keep walking but wondered how it was Humane for them to ignore the princess like that at the item storage she asked Siberian to move from the door but he continued ignoring her as if she didn't exist so she pulled out a rope and tied a leash on to him before trying to pull him away however his resistance caused her to fall down so when shirou came he asked Siberian why he was already following her around but he revealed that he didn't want to accidentally harm her just then Aurora saw shirou and asked him how many F his horns were and although he tried to ignore her he saw the scrape on her knee not realizing he had just sacrificed himself a few minutes later Twilight wondered how useless his failures were but as soon as he approached the princess she wondered how many F his horns were and had gained another sacrificial lamb from behind QB thought the princess was amazing for making the Demon Lord her own pet the reason she cared about the fs on their horns was because she can use them to drill holes in her coffins but she still needed elastic rope to tie them together however Ren wondered how they could all be this useless screaming that following her around defeated the whole purpose of ignoring her hearing those words the princess asked them why they're ignoring her with tears falling down her face and they realized that they were the most evil demons alive so for the next few hours she used Siberian and Shiro for her coffin holes while Ren's body was defiled for her rope and she used the Demon Lord to take water out of the pipes now that she had everything she desired she wondered why the demons were extremely helpful this time around and her water bed was now finally completed so she laid on it to fall asleep completing her Quest a few hours later Twilight realized that ignoring her would end with losing their lives so the first ever demon Quest had failed their single brain cell was clearly worthless at achieving anything so they decided to ask Hades for his advice but he told them that she had too much free time on her hands so they needed to have her do some slave labor and Twilight thought this was all they needed from this day on they would force her to do slave labor activate their second demon Quest a stack of books was piled in front of her face and Siberian told her that they were due in a month before leaving her cell she now had something to do other than sleeping reminding her of the heaps of pointless paperwork she completed every week in the castle however she was confident that she could complete all this work in one day and set out on her quest of finishing all the work inside the demon Castle's cafeteria they saw the princess wasn't in her usual pajamas and quilly saw she was working on math problems along with a book report so when she screamed that she didn't have the materials for her poster they realized it was all summer vacation work quilly wondered if this was really the homework they gave her but she told them that it was real hard work and as soon as they went back to their table they saw that she had already disappeared outside of the cafeteria they saw that she was observing the flower but Dany didn't remember observing flowers being this violent and she threw the flower off the cliff they wondered why she was working this hard but she revealed that it was only natural after all she was never allowed to sleep until she finished all her work and began sculpting a statue of the teddy bear but the group of four morons began feeling bad for how hard she was working even as a captive so when she had to do her research project quil's Squad of brain dead morons offered to help her and she thought they were amazing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a few hours later she gave her work to Siberian and began getting ready for bed thinking it was nice to sleep after A Hard Day's Work and fell asleep completing her quests Twilight wondered how she managed to finish all the work and when Ren revealed that the demons were in even greater danger now Twilight accepted defeat failing his second Quest the following day she realized that all the work they assigned her was children work and wondered if they knew she was actually 21 years old Twilight never asked for much he just wanted the princess to realize she was a hostage so when Siberian heard that human Bandits had been captured he realized they could use them to show aurora what a real prisoner looked like activating their third demon quest of Hostage training inside the demon cell she saw humans for the first time in months and thought their cells were in awful conditions asking Siberian if they were going to eat them after all these accommodations were Mis able but shirou revealed that her situation was different than usual since this was the way most prisoners were treated those words shocked her and she asked them if they were allowed to freely roam the castle but Ren told her that they weren't allowed shocking her once again however she wondered if they could request any food they wanted but Poseidon told her that they ate whatever leftovers remained shocking her once again and Poseidon remembered that she was basically on a vacation here although Twilight didn't want her to be like them he asked her to act more hostage like and she realized that she had been an awful actress so she swore to behave like a hostage for her next Quest she saw the way they were scared of Danny loner and remembered that this is how most people acted towards [Music] demons Sensational real in her words hurt him she decided to hold his hand and asked him nicely to not hurt her making him happy this is the real face of a demon when the morons left the princess decided to take her acting up a level and voluntarily entered one of the cells saying that demons are scary this was everything the demons wished for but she told them to not come any closer and asked them what they planned on doing with her she begged them to return her to her parents who actually cared about her but when Shiro wondered if they could handle it Twilight told him this is how it should be as he went on to say they're enemies she told him to never speak to her ever again he had abducted her in her sleep like a disgusting worthless loser who should be roasted in the intro of an anti climax video those words had completely killed the Demon King's soul but when Shiro told her that she didn't need to go this far she began screaming asking him why he was being a perv and thought his gaze would turn her into a disgusting demon hearing those words Twilight realized he was completely wrong and she wondered how she could have possibly failed that scene but after walking out of the cell the other Bandits were scared of how easily she defeated the demons and wondered if she was the real Demon Lord in Disguise in the end they wanted her to behave the way she normally did and she realized that her way of acting as a hostage was correct so she decided to show them exactly how a hostage princess slept and entered her dreams in that instant a week later Hades wondered if she was any better but she had began to act as a hostage only whenever it was convenient for her her quest of acting as a hostage had now been completed along with the Demon Lord achieving his first victory of training her to be a hostage that night in her cell she wondered why the demons were kind to her even without needing to scream for help and asked Teddy why the demons and humans continued fighting the following night Aurora was tired of your ugly ass face watching everything she did since it was stopping her from Comfortably sleeping so she activated the first forbidden quest in all of anime delete the anticlimax Channel after getting in her post- dimensional outfit she begins sprinting outside of the castle while eating the allout taboo meat giving her enough speed to outrun all of the explosives and even flashing pass beside him when she got to the Annie climax headquarters she was angry that you losers didn't like the video enough and made a fake post about quitting my channel so she could sleep peacefully without anyone seeing this video but when Harpy wondered why she would do such a thing or Aurora told her that it's because she also didn't want to see her ugly face again and completed her quest of deleting my Channel watch this next video till next time my fellow legendary plot Masters
Channel: AniClimax
Views: 689,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z5_qPRubQTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 44sec (4424 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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