A paralyzed person dies of illness and is reincarnated as a level 1100 adventurer

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Cana is a girl who is seriously ill and often entertains herself by playing virtual reality Games on one occasion the whole city lost power causing her to die because the ventilator stopped working however after regaining Consciousness Kano was surprised to see that her legs could move and realize that she had been reincarnated into the game she was turned into the game character she created when Kanan goes downstairs the landlady has already prepared breakfast for her and Cana feels very happy because it has been a long time since she has eaten by herself instead of on the hospital bed after doing a little research Kana was surprised to learn that this place belongs to the kingdom of falscalo because this is a new kingdom that has never existed in the Lidl game she realizes that this world is the future of that game 200 years later having just returned to the room Cana opens the character status panel to check her stats vaim Cana level 11-0 race high elf title skill Master No 3 taina wonders if her 12 friends are stuck in this world like her it is just getting dark when Kena uses light magic to light an oil lamp the landlady's daughter lit was surprised because it was her first time seeing magic when Cana goes down to the dining room she sees a lot of people gathered here for dinner looking very happy a landlady prepared an extremely delicious meal for her Cana is planning to find her base in the game called Silver Tower when everyone learned of her intentions they were very scared because that place was the residence of the silver ring witch who was said to be very cruel people don't know that the silver ring Witch is Cana in the past Kana used to bully other players so they gave her that name the next morning Cana sets out to find her silver Tower a little way from town she uses a guardian ring to activate teleportation to the guardian Tower the guardian of cana's tower is an NPC shaped like a stone statue it is very angry because Cana has disappeared and hasn't contacted her for the past 200 years she says that cana's son had come here to look for her 60 years ago which makes Kana very confused because she is still feel unmarried and doesn't have any boyfriends however Cana suddenly remembers that Scargo is an NPC she created in addition to Scargo she still has an elf daughter and a dwarf soon after Kena transfers some magic power to the silver Tower to help her active again she says that her friend's Towers have all been deactivated so she tells her to reactivate those Towers when she has time on the way back to town Cana suddenly sees a hunter being attacked by a bear so she rushes to kick the bear with great strength to rescue the hunter Cana brought the Bear's meat to treat everyone in town that night Kana had a good time drinking with them as soon as she wakes up Cana feels very dizzy because her alcohol tolerance is quite poor so she swears never to touch alcohol again there was a group of merchants from the capital who were attacked by monsters on their way to this town one of them was so badly injured that no one could save him Kana goes to the man and uses healing magic to save his life to everyone's astonishment the captain of the merchant group Elaine wants to do something to repay her her when they learned that Kana was looking for her son named Scargo everyone was shocked because Scargo was a powerful high priest second only to the king of this falskalo Kingdom they were even more surprised to learn that she was so young and already had three children Cana asks Alaine to take her to the Kingdom's Capital after saying goodbye to everyone in the town Cana followed Elaine's Caravan upon arriving in the capital Kana was amazed at the Magnificent beauty of this place Alaine takes Cana to an inn owned by him so that she can rest however Cana immediately runs to the church because she wants to see her son Scargo again but the nuns there asked Cana to make an appointment in advance Cana is walking along the shore when she hears voices coming from the shipyard when she goes inside she accidentally meets her youngest dwarf son kardats she gently Pats card outs his head because it has been a long time since she has seen her youngest child but cardets was very embarrassed because he was more than 200 years old now and not a child anymore immediately after that Kana goes to the City's Guild Hall to submit an application to be an adventurer her first Quest is to provide a healing potion to someone so she pulls out a pink potion of her own to complete the quest as soon as she came out of the Guild Hall a man and a girl suddenly approached her the two of them want to ask Cana to help find a boy who is the prince of this Kingdom this night agato kept winking at Cana which made her feel very uncomfortable megado sends a girl named lonte with Cana to find the lost Prince and they are surprised to see the prince climbing on a clothesline to catch a cat but the boy suddenly slips and is falling out of the Rope so Cana uses a flying spell on the prince to save him as soon as he sees lonti the prince runs away because he doesn't want to return to the Palace Kana immediately pursues the boy so he has to row a boat to escape but the boy panics when he sees Kaner running on the water after capturing the prince Kana hands him over to agato and lanti megado gives her a bag of gold as a reward for the quest just now that night having just returned to the Inn the people here asked Cana to drink with them despite vowing to quit drinking Cana couldn't deny their enthusiasm Scargo and maimai are very happy to know that their mother has just arrived in this city Cana goes to ask Alaine and his mercenary Arbiter for information about her friend's Towers they have seen such a tower in the northern Helzberg Kingdom Cana has just arrived in the adventurer Guild suddenly receives an invitation letter from the Royal Academy so she asks lonti to take her to the academy since lonti is also a student there it turns out that her daughter maimai is the principal of this Academy having just met her mother again maimai began to wheedle making lonti extremely surprised but Cana pushes maimai away because her daughter is now the principal of the academy mayama takes Cana to meet an alchemist who is her husband her husband thought that Cana was just a young girl but he did not expect this girl to be his mother-in-law it turns out that mayamai's husband wanted to meet Cana to ask about the healing potion she gave to the adventurers Guild because there's no one else in this world who can make such a high level potion anymore so he begs Kana to teach him how to make the healing potion when she returned to the adventurer's guild Cainer received an exorcism quest in the arena of the city she immediately goes to the arena to deal with the ghosts but Cana doesn't know that the prince is secretly stalking her she summons a three-headed dog to patrol around the place grills some meat to eat in the middle of the arena and waits until the ghost appears but while on patrol Kane's dog caught the prince hiding in the stands it turns out the prince wants to follow Cana to investigate why she's so strong the whole Capital knows that she is the mother of priest Scargo and headmistress mayamai the prince lay waiting for the ghost in the arena with Cana until the night just then a hazy white shadow appeared in front of Cana but she saw her guardian ring reacting to the white shadow and discovered that below the arena is the guardian Tower of her friend once inside Kana transfers magic power to a withered tree to help the tower work again after being fully charged with Mana the tower's Guardian appears to greet Cana Cana learns that her friend left the tower a long time ago and she realizes that they quit the game because the publisher closed it the guardian hands over ownership of the tower to Cana the behest of her friends Kana tells the guardian to stop showing up like ghosts to scare everyone in the arena however she was upset and locked herself in the room because her friends were no longer in this world agato has told Scargo that Cana has been locking herself in her room for the past few days so Scargo frantically rushes to the Inn to check on her health however upon seeing Scargo Cana was shocked because he was so weird she angrily punches him pinning him to the ceiling my my called someone to put her brother in a coffin and bring him back to the Palace the siblings discuss among themselves why Cana was so bored Scargo assumes that he was punched by his mother because the clothes he is wearing are too deplorable so he transforms into another outfit that looks even more flamboyant however kardats has just walked out into the street when he sees Kana happily eating barbecue turn turns out she was annoyed because Scargo always used the rose scatter skill like a pervert pardat says that whatever his personality is he is her son Cainer realizes that although her friends are no longer here she still has three children who always care for and love her very much soon after cardets takes Kana to the Palace so she can make up with Scargo but as soon as she sees him she kneels to apologize making Scargo and Mai Mai were very confused the three of them also apologized to Cana for upsetting her however Cana suddenly tells cardets to go outside so she can talk to the other two alone she taught Scargo in my Maya lesson because they always act like kids the next day Elaine asks Cana to escort his Caravan To The halsburg Kingdom in the North she agrees because she also wants to find her friend's Tower there before leaving cardets and maimai also go to the city gate to see their mother off maimai asks Cana to deliver a letter to a man named karik in helspur as soon as they got out of the city they suddenly met a large river blocking the way and the only Bridge across this River was destroyed by a storm a few days ago Cana uses her skills to walk on water to help Elaine's Caravan cross the river however one horse in the group was unfortunately killed by a giant larva in the water causing the whole group of merchants to stop because of the lack of a cart horse Cana summons a centaur and a three-headed dog to help them but as soon as they see these two monsters everyone is amazed the Centaur doesn't want to work like a lowly horse so Kana summons a cute giant pig to help them pull the cart as soon as they arrived at the Helzberg Kingdom's checkpoint they encountered a group of Bandits but the Centaur and the three-headed dog quickly destroyed them with gradies the leader panics and uses his magic tool to shoot a fireball to attack Kana but unexpectedly his attack on Cana was like a fly Cana uses an ice bow to shoot him straight in the body causing him to shatter a few days later everyone finally reaches the capital of the helspur Kingdom but Cana finds it very strange because this place has the cultures of both Asia and Europe Alaine takes Cana to meet a man named karik to deliver mayamai's letter to him he is the leader of the largest group of merchants in this city however as soon as he met Cana correct suddenly bowed making everyone very surprised it turns out that karik is maimai's son as well as kana's grandson karik had suggested Cana stay at his place instead of porins but Cana was extremely angry when her nephew looked down on others soon everyone goes to see a female Commander named Karina to report on the bandits they encountered it turned out that Karina was correct's biological sister and also Kane as niece so she quickly apologized to her grandmother for her brother's incorrect way of speaking Karina also says that her mother once told her that her grandmother was a very cruel witch so Karina and karik felt quite nervous when they met their grandmother when Kena hears about it she is angry and decides to teach her daughter a lesson for daring to speak badly of her people think that maybe Cana is as cruel as maimai said so she gets mad and engulfs them all with a giant and snowball soon after Kana goes to hellspur's adventurer's Guild to find information about the guardian Tower a Dragonoid says that there was a guardian Tower located to the west of Helzberg but that place was currently being held by a band of Bandits so no one dared to go there he felt like he had seen Cana somewhere before but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember who she was accompanying him was a female Adventurer Cana asks karik to help her get through the Sentry Station because it was extremely easy for a large corporation like his and he didn't want to upset his grandmother karik agreed immediately correct says that Karina is currently serving as Commander at the Western guard post so he asks Cana to transport some Goods there for Karina's guard posts the next day Kana set off very early with a correct truck she summons a giant crab to carry her to the guard post later that day Kanan delivers the goods to Karina's Barracks but her Barracks are suddenly attacked by an army of Golems so Karina quickly orders her soldiers to go out to fight them however they their swords are completely useless against the Golem steel hard bodies seeing that Karina is in trouble Cana goes out to help her she uses a lightning spell to attack that causes the Golems to turn to ashes in a matter of seconds but Cana asks Karina to keep the fact that she defeated the Golems a secret because she doesn't like being famous she heads West to find her friend's Tower she suspects that the person who created the Golems was definitely a player and that he might be the leader of Bandits roaming the west of this country the next morning Kaner reaches the tower in the middle of a very large lake but she suddenly sees a large group of Bandits standing by the Lake's Edge so she summons Earth dragons and lets them chase all the bandits away just then a demon who is the leader of the bandits approached Cana Cana discovers that this demon is also a level 432 player but unlike Kana he only sees this world as a game Kana pulls a stick-like son wukongs to teach this guy a lesson just as the demon is about to attack Kana creates a hole beneath his feet causing him to fall after he crawled out of the hole Cainer revealed to him that she was also a player but because kana's level was too high he couldn't see her stats Kana uses the stick to push the demon back into the hole and this time she uses ice magic to trap him there the demon begs Cana to spare his life because he is actually just a boy however Cana still decides to end the demon because he is too dangerous for the people here but Karina suddenly appears and stops Cana because Karina wants to bring him to the Capitol so that the court can handle him according to the laws of hellspire Cana thinks it is impossible for someone like Karina to escort this level 432 demon so she gives him a necklace that reduces his strength by 90 after making sure he wouldn't pose any danger to her niece Kano let Karina escort him to the city immediately after that Kana uses the guardian ring to teleport into the guard Tower in the middle of this Lake she infuses magic power into a throne in order to get the guardian here working again the guardian of this Tower is an extremely arrogant skeleton she gives of the tower's Guardian ring along with a strange book her owner told her to give these to Kano when she got here but Cana is surprised to find that inside the book is a tiny Fairy After helping her friend's Tower become active again Kana quickly leaves this little fairy refused to speak so Cana has no idea what this little girl is like having just returned to the capital of Helzberg the two grandchildren give her a bag of gold because she defeated the dangerous Bandits but she still wants them to keep the fact that she was the one who defeated them she is very much looking forward to returning to falskalo to punish Maya Maya for daring to speak badly of her the next day Kana followed Elaine's Caravan back to the kingdom of falskalo Upon returning to falskalo Alaine invites Cana to join his Merchant Guild but Cana declines his invitation because she prefers to work alone she goes to the adventurer's guilt to take a bear hunting quest for the restaurant as Kana is leaving the guild a male Adventurer seems to have recognized her Cana is just going out when she suddenly sees lonte with a girl named Maya coming to meet her it turned out that Lonnie wants Cana to escort her and my out of this city Kaner realizes that Maya is the princess of falscalo who wants to go out however Cana still agrees to escort Mai and lonte and take them on a bear hunt with her Cana uses magic to push the trees aside so that they can more easily enter the forest that night everyone has a campfire inside the forest to eat dinner together but these two children show Fear when they see Cana summon a three-headed dog to guard them the two girls are surprised to learn that Kana is hunting a one-horned bear soon after Cana uses earth magic to design a hot spring bath during the chat Cana realizes that Maya has feelings for Scargo wandi and Mai are shocked to see Kana summon a white dragon but Cana says that the dragon is not dangerous because it is her summoned Beast so she uses it as a bed Mai says that every time she goes out she has to be accompanied by bodyguards so this is the first time she can go out and spend the night camping like this with friends wani also tells Maya that her younger brother was once captured by Cana in one of his escapes the next morning Cana easily defeated a bear much to Mai and lonte's astonishment it took a team of knights to defeat the bear while Kena could defeat it with just one hit Cana puts the Bear in an item chest to bring it to the city meanwhile the captain of falscalo's knights goes to The Adventurous Guild to find Cana on adventurer recognizes the captain is a player named shining saber it turns out that the adventurer Coral was also a player from the same Guild as him but after entering the game the members got lost limai's husband is trying to learn how to make high-level healing potions according to kana's Method but no matter how many times he does it he can't make that high level potion when dumping the potion into the landfill a strange reaction suddenly occurred and turned the trash there into a giant penguin after defeating the one horn bear the fairy tells Kana to return to the city looking at the fairy's attitude Kaner realizes that the city is in danger so she summons a white wolf to drive the group back to the city in immediately meanwhile the monster has started attacking the people inside the city shining saber states that this penguin is an event boss in the game so they will need 200 players at level 300 to defeat it right after that shining saber and coral charge at the penguin but the monster easily defeats them with a simple slap they stand up to continue the battle when a rock crashes into the face of the monster Scargo is glad to hear that Cana is back Kana creates a lightning that contains tremendous power to burn the monster but she doesn't want to be famous so she casts that spell from quite a distance Kaner realizes that the monster has appeared because mayamai's husband's healing potion reacted with some of the ingredients in the landfill she asks my mind not to let anyone near this thump because she is afraid that bad guys will use it to create monsters after the monster Was Defeated Scargo gave maimai a rare metal drop from the monster but Kane's equipment is already full so she doesn't know what to use it for she decides to make coral a sword because he also helps fight the monster the next day coral and Shining saber reveal to Cana that both of them are players and they are surprised to learn that Kana was a member of the green cheese Guild because that Guild is made up of members who have the same power as the administrators in the game but they are even more surprised to learn that Kano was the Silver Ring witch Cana gives Coral the sword she has promised to make for him coral and Shining saber are surprised because it is one of the most powerful weapons so shining saber is very jealous and begs Kana to make him a sword like corals soon after Cana asks the two young men to befriend her for convenience she asks them for information on the locations of the other Towers Coral has pointed out to her the location of a strange Palace located on the bottom of the sea nearby the next day Cana returns to her guardian Tower to visit the guardian Kana also makes her way to visit lit in the town she was in when she first came to this world when lit sees Cana again after a long separation she and her mother are Overjoyed so lit's mother decides to throw a party to welcome Cana but the next morning Kena is extremely tired from having to drink with everyone all night while walking around town Cana suddenly saw people talking about something turns out they occasionally hear singing coming from the town's well so Cana decides to go down to the well to check it out soon after Cana summons a pair of water spirits to guide her down the well she prepares herself with a tight wetsuit so that she can easily move in the water as soon as she jumped into the well the water spirit Duo quickly led the way for Cana after swimming for a while Cana found a large cave deep in the well she is amazed as soon as she sees a beautiful mermaid in the cave but the mermaid suddenly kneels before the two water spirits of Cana because in mermaid culture the water spirit saw their Guardian deities the mermaid named mimely says that she got lost in this place during a long outing when asked by Cana minely couldn't remember what sea her home was in so Cana suggested that she live with the people of the Town above for a while Tina then takes mimely out of the well and explains the whole thing to the people the villagers happily prepare a tank in the public bath for mimoli to live in having to solved the problem Kana wants to return to the capital much to LIT sadness but Cana says she can return to this place at any time with teleportation the next day as shining saber leads his troops out of the capital to suppress a group of Bandits he accidentally meets Cana while searching for the undersea Palace mentioned by Coral before shining saber invites Cana to go with him because he is also going to pass where she wants to go however seeing that Cana has no horse shining saber picks her up and sits with him seeing this the other Knights think that the two of them are dating that night everyone stops to camp on the road and has a very enjoyable dinner after being cooked by Cana for a delicious meal the nights are extremely happy because shining saber had only given them hard bread when they marched Cana passes on his cooking skills to shining saber so that he can cook for his men a few days later Cana reaches the location of the palace That was supposed to be the guardian Tower she sees a Seaside fishing Village mysteriously shrouded in Fog she summons the Centaur so that he can help her fight however as soon as he stepped inside the foggy Village the centaur's HP suddenly dropped extremely quickly someone rushes to attack the Centaur causing him to disappear Tana realizes that the person who attacked him was a zombie Tana also sees that all the people living in this fishing Village have been turned into zombies she thinks that this fog may be the reason why they are like this right after that she encounters an adventurer she has met in helsper but she discovers that this female Adventurer is also a level 430 player she brings Kana to meet her friend who is also a player like them and he senses that Cana must have been extremely high level turns out his name was tardaris who was once a member of cana's Guild tatteras is also a high-level Mage like Cana in the green cheese Guild but before he was reincarnated he played a second character so now he is as weak as a dog chatteris says that the fog has the ability to turn people in this world into zombies but it doesn't seem to have any any effect on players like them tatteras along with quality saved a little girl who was the last survivor of the village Tina pulls out two bells to summon the Butlers making tataris gasp in Surprise because these two bells are the reward for those who have played more than twenty thousand hours so Kana must have played the game a lot immediately after that Kana uses a bell to summon a male butler named roxilius to take care of the little girl Cana and the other two will go out to find out what is going on in this place when they reach the beach the group accidentally encounters a cursed pirate ship everyone quickly realizes that the monsters on the ship had created the fog so they jump on the boat and Destroy them all to clear the fog after the pirate ship was destroyed the fog surrounding the fishing Village also disappeared Kana was quite saddened by the heroic sacrifice of the Centaur she summoned but tateros tells her that if the summon Beast disappears it only takes 10 days to summon it again that night the little girl named Luca they safe woke up Luca now has no relatives left so so Kanan decides that she will adopt Luca the next morning Cana summons a dragon and dives into the sea to find the guardian Tower she quickly finds a tower in the shape of a Palace located here Cana teleports inside the guardian Tower and transfers Mana to reactivate it however when she learns that the guardian here is a giant frog she is extremely scared because she is very afraid of slimy creatures like frogs so she quickly takes the guardian ring from the Frog and leaves the tower immediately once back on the coast Cana offers to befriend tataris and qualque she uses her teleportation to help them get back to helsper and she also adopts Luca she takes Luca to the capital of falskalo to introduce her to her three children but she wants to bring Luca back to the Village area to raise her better Scargo was overjoyed to the point of glowing when he found out he had just had another sister but Cana forbade Scargo from using those flashy spells Kana tells Luca that Scargo is a good brother even though he's a bit weird Cana takes some materials from kardatz's Workshop to build a house in the town she also goes to say goodbye to Illini and Arbiters mercenaries Elaine has asked Cana to go to one of his stores to buy some supplies for her new house and the Lion's wife is more respectful to Kanan knowing she has helped her husband so she gives Kana a good Carriage so that she can transport her belongings easily when she returns to the Inn Cana wants to find someone more suitable than roxilius to take care of Luca roxilius suggests that Cana summon his friend Sai even though roxilius strongly hates her Cana listens to roxilia's suggestion and summons the maid's side to take care of Luca but roxilius and PSY always quarreled because their personalities didn't match so Cana angrily taught them a lesson the next morning canis summons a wooden horse and puts it into her carriage they use the carriage to return to lit's town and plan to live there lit and her mother are surprised to learn that Cana has decided to live in their Town lead and Luca quickly became friends and happily talked because they were about the same age minely also opened a laundromat to wash people's clothes clothes with her water magic lit's mother has suggested throwing a party to celebrate kana's arrival but Cana is terrified because she doesn't want to be drunk anymore the next morning Cana continues to feel dizzy after a drunken party with the Villagers so Sai reprimands roxilius for going with Cana without stopping her from drinking everyone is talking when lit suddenly rushes over to tell Cana some good news the people in the town have found a suitable plot of land for Cana to build a house on but Cana panics when she learns that they want to throw a party to celebrate finding the land for her the next day Cana works on the blueprints and starts building her new home she summons an Earth's Spirit to help her build the foundation for the house she then uses magic to build the upper part of the house out of wood piles from cardass after the house was built everyone went inside to see the interior and Cana designed a very spacious living room and bedroom for everyone people in the town are very surprised because in just a moment Cana has finished building a house they also give Cana flowers to decorate her house on the occasion that Cana has just finished building the house they want to organize another party that night while taking a hot bath Miami tells her that she doesn't want to go back home because she doesn't have any special abilities and is often looked down on by other mermaids in this place the people attach great importance to her ability to do laundry with magic after building the house Cana starts her new life in this world and she feels very happy to be living peacefully with her friends
Channel: Top Cover Movies
Views: 879,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, new, best, review, recap, moments, Top, Hot, anicaps, animecaps, anime recaps, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, harem anime recaps, top anime recaps, animerecapd
Id: DJ6oWaNH5y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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