His Father Tried Burning Him Alive, So He Eliminated His Parents | Anime Recap Documentary

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Zach was an ugly bullet orphan child who was nearly burned to death by his stepdad at a young age and was adopted by abusive cannibals that fed him the bodies of dead children every day throughout the years he would get beaten as he buried the bodies of his childhood friends but when he saw the skull of his brother after he was eaten alive his mind began breaking down so when he watched a movie that night about a serial killer approaching a couple in the forest before killing them his sanity finally snapped and he realized this was all he needed to do as his disgusting parents were sleeping he grabbed a knife from the kitchen while walking towards their room and stood over his father's body before stabbing him to death all the years of abuse he endured drove him to kill both of his useless foster parents but he couldn't help but Smile as he had finally regained his freedom after leaving his prison he began walking aimlessly until a car splashed him but when the lady came to apologize she realized that he was holding a bloody knife and told him that should hurry back to his house however Zach told her that he's never had a home and as the scenes of the movie flashed in his mind he decided to take her life as well before going inside of her car to sleep for the night when the morning arrived a scile elderly man approached his car and began knocking on the window wondering if someone was in there as Zach opened the door ready to kill him the old man asked Zach if he was camping with his parents saying that he was blind so he couldn't tell so when Zach's stomach growled the man realized he was starving so he brought him back to his house before inviting him inside while he ate the man wondered how he was lost in the forest and told him that he could stay with him until they found his family when Zach wondered why he was helping him the man revealed that it was because he was lonely and that he hadn't talked to anyone in years that night a deep desire began preventing Zach from falling asleep and he realized that his knife was the only way to satisfy himself but as he began walking toward the old man's bed he realized that killing him wouldn't be satisfying so he decided to walk inside the city's alleys at night a few moments later when a random loser bumped past him Zach pulled out his knife and stabbed the man killing him in that instant however the urge continued nagging at him but with his knife DED out he decided that it was now worthless just like his life after getting back home the old man smelled the scent of blood and wondered where he had disappeared off to so Zach revealed that he killed a man to satisfy his desires when the old man heard his words he asked him what he wanted to do now and covered Zach up telling him to sleep peacefully in the morning the old man left the house but even when the night came he had still never returned on the table Zach saw a letter saying that he went to grab milk but he couldn't figure out what it said since he never learned how to read hours began passing and Zach started losing his mind thinking he was abandoned once again and destroyed the entire house until he found a knife amongst all the rubble throughout the forest he began walking until he found a group of people next to a police car and saw the body of his old man covered underneath at the same time a disgusting couple were glad they killed the broke Grandpa for a few quarters but when they saw Zach staring at them the man told Zach to get his ugly face out of his sight however Zach saw they looked happy and realized that all this time it was happyl looking people that satisfied his urge so he pulled out his knife as the man fell to the ground and stabbed him to death before rushing towards his girlfriend he killed both of them that night but all he could think about was the old man asking him what he wanted to do so he answered that he wanted to destroy the happy people enjoying their lives and make them fall into despair he knew that he was a monster but wished that the old man the only person who cared about him his entire life wouldn't have died however Zach wasn't the only one who endured the abuse of horrible parents because during the following years a young girl called Rachel would come back home to her alcoholic dad who screamed at her for being mentally ill and would beat her mother before her eyes however she would laugh Hyster L at all of it and no matter how many times Rachel asked them to listen to her neither of them would that night her mother promised to make him scream and when Rachel tried asking her to listen she slapped her face saying she was the reason for being trapped inside this hell even so Rachel tried asking for her to listen once again but her mother screamed at her to just go inside of her room months later Rachel would reveal inside a mental hospital that she just wanted to take care of a sick puppy but after she saw the puppy pass out all she she remembered was being in her room fixing that puppy after she had fixed the poor dog her father screamed at his wife once again and as she walked downstairs she heard her mother screaming for her life but when she opened the door she saw her mother's lifeless body once her father noticed she saw everything he said that she would be next and although Rachel tried running away her father began chasing her until she got inside of her room and locked the door she tried telling the puppy to not be scared but her father broke through the door saying that she was just as crazy as him for the way she killed the puppy and stitched it all so that she could make the dog hers as he laughed at how crazy all of them were he told her that no one would ever miss her but she pulled out a gun and aimed it at her father saying it was her mother's gun after telling the doctor that story however he hypnotized her to erase all of her memories and she woke up in an isolated Hospital wondering why she was in a completely different place as she walked out of the room she heard the sound of an elevator opening and after entering inside the PA system announced that the sacrifice had been selected eventually she arrived at a floor called the play area but as she walked around trying to find the exit she heard the sound of glass breaking so she started running away after realizing someone was following her as she kept running she saw the stains of Blood on the ground along with a bird that was injured but after saying that she would treat it a blast from the wall killed the bird Zach came out laughing glad that her hopeful face had turned into Despair and said that he would give her three seconds to run away screaming for her life as he began counting Rachel tried running away but Zach began chasing after her until she arrived inside an abandoned storage room after looking around for where to hide Zach had managed to catch up to her and once he entered the room he wondered where she was hiding so he began piercing his side into all of the crates narrowly missing her body before realizing that she was hiding somewhere else as he walked outside Rachel knew that she needed to get away before he found her but when she got back to see the bird the Life In Her Eyes disappeared and she swore that she would fix the bird saying that he will become hers Forever After sewing the bird up she began running back towards the elevator but Zach had managed to find her saying that he wouldn't give her any more time to escape as he left to slash her she ducked down and tried running away but Zach continued laughing hysterically and rushed after her but even as the elevator opened he continued closing the distance until she narrowly managed to close the gates before he tore her apart and the elevator began moving her upstairs a few moments later she arrived on the second floor and saw that she was back inside the hospital she recognized from the dark hallway she heard the sound of a man running towards her so she began trying to escape but the man caught up saying he was Dany the doctor who'd been counseling her as she looked at his face she wondered if he was really the same person and Zach saw the way she had stitched up the dead bird at the same time the doctor told Rachel that he'd been waiting for her and took her to a dark room where he told her that he wanted her perfect eyes so he grabbed her hand and started dragging her to an operating room saying that he wanted to take a look at her eyes and that they were as beautiful as his mother's dead eyes he remembered the day his mother eeked herself and said that he would do anything for her eyes but he needed her to look for something first in the back room as she entered inside she saw hundreds of jars filled with eyeballs and as Dany appeared from behind he told her that he was looking for the eyes behind her so after she gave it to him he told her to not run away because she'd regret it after leaving the room Rachel realized that she needed to find a way out and after seeing a crowbar on the ground she began trying to open the door but as soon as it opened she realized that Dany was standing behind her he told her that this was his floor and that he would never allow her beautiful eyes to escape away from him so he promised to take her eyes away for himself as he began dragging her back to the table he said that he would rip those eyes out but she begged him to stop before giving up saying that she wanted to go back to her parents so Dany promised that she would meet her parents soon since they were waiting for her in hell in that moment the memories of her dead family finally reappeared in her mind but as the doctor tried asking her to respond to him she stopped saying anything after seeing the depressing look on her face he said that he would finally have her eyes to himself but in that moment moment a side stabbed deep into his body and Zach had managed to kill Dany glad that he was able to end the life of another happy victim however he was ready to kill Rachel and told her to run away and struggle for her life but as he pulled his side towards her neck he realized that she wasn't screaming at all and wondered if she wanted to live at that moment a bell began ringing saying that one of the rules had been violated making Zach the new sacrifice after hearing those words he realized that he should start running but once he was gone Rachel's memories flashed again and she realized that she shouldn't be alive as Zack tried breaking through the elevator door Rachel began approaching him saying that she had a favor to ask and as she looked into his eyes she asked him to kill her when he heard those words Zach wondered if this psycho was crazier than him and told her to stop saying things that were more disgusting than his burnt up face however she asked him if he would eliminate her after she opened the door but he pushed her away and told her to get them out first so she began began walking back and after finding the doctor's body she remembered him saying that it was his floor so she began searching his clothes as Zach kept pounding on the door it opened at that moment and Rachel revealed that the key was inside of the doctor's Pockets seeing that she was smart he promised to fulfill her wish and end her life if she would help him get out hoping that her face would be better for killing by then hearing those words gave her hope and she promised to do her best as he began walking away he asked what her name was so she introduced her self as Rachel Gardner and the serial killer introduced himself as Zach when they arrived onto the third floor she realized there was something inside of the water but Zach told her to keep moving before long they arrived at a graveyard and Rachel began staring at a hole wishing she could just be buried already but Zach was creeped out by her horrendous face and screamed at her to return to her senses as they arrived at another graveyard Rachel began to read the inscription on a stone and realized that the gravestones were for all the people that have been killed just then she noticed a separate gravestone and realized that her name has been inscribed on it at the same time she spotted another grave and they realized it was being prepared for Zach however he thought he could defile de and tried to destroy it but Rachel told him that he would only break his th at that moment she discovered an opening in the wall so she told him to try and find the exit in the meantime but he told her to try and fix her useless face however as she was about to head inside she told him not to destroy her grave so she can lay inside when he was ready to kill her but her words made Zach shiver while she walked through the corridor she discovered that the door has been locked at the end but she noticed the letter and realized that whoever wrote it had prepared the grave for her meanwhile Zach was entirely clueless about finding an exit but as his grave made him Restless he spotted a pickaxe and decided to destroy it as he successfully broke the edge he started wrecking the rest of the gravestones luckily a rock fell on a switch and unlocked the the door in the corridor so Rachel opened it but wondered if the brain dead intentionally figured it out on his own as she walked through the new Corridor she arrived at a room and began hearing a mysterious voice noticing a register she decided to take a look and discovered that it was a record of everyone that has been killed in the building just then she came across her own record but wasn't even flinched by it on the other hand Zach continued his Devastation of the graves but soon realized that only Rachel's gravestone was left the memory of her Stern warning made him afraid so he threw away the pickaxe right then she appeared before him and noticed the destruction but as she revealed the documents she showed him his own document and began reading about an Isaac Foster being entered into an illegal orphanage that abused him until the day his parents died before she could keep going Zach wondered how she felt after reading that and revealed that his real name was Isaac Foster asking her if she was afraid of him but when she told him that she wasn't he revealed that a different girl had once said the same thing because inside a dark alley one night he had managed to catch up to a girl and asked her if she was afraid of him however she said that she was actually his fan and went on to say that it was an honor meeting him here after all this time as she tried saying that he was manly and began caressing him he grabbed her by the head and shoved her onto the ground asking her what the she was talking about so he gave her 5 Seconds to run away but after catching up to her once again he wondered why she would run if she wasn't afraid however she revealed feeled that anyone would be afraid of being killed and cried for someone to save her but Zach said that he hated lies and ended her life Rachel wondered what the this depressing ass story had to do with her and said she can start running if it meant he'd kill her what Zach remembered this was a psycho so he decided to destroy her gravestone telling her that she wouldn't die here but she grew sad realizing she wouldn't die yet hoping to make her feel better he told her that he would put her out of her misery once he was sick safe outside of this building so he returned to the elevator and as he realized he couldn't open it Rachel told him to look inside the water hoping he would find a switch for it desperate to leave Zach began looking through the water but Rachel thought he has no true intention of killing her when he wondered why she wouldn't do so herself she told him that it was a terrible sin and said that it was because God said it so it must be true after hearing those words however Zach told her to show some emotion saying that it would motivate him to end her life but when she couldn't even pretend to be afraid he realized she was already dead on the inside just then he stepped on a switch and as a door opened in the corridor Rachel decided to see what was inside before long she came across a letter in flower and wondered who put them here at the same time Zach grew tired of waiting in the water but as the lights went out at that instant a mysterious kid appeared before him the kid wondered why he destroyed the graves as he thought his own grave was a perfect fit for him however Zach was creeped out by the thought of it and tried to slay him but he jumped away as the kid revealed that his name is Eddie he managed to evade his sidee before dodging again so he began saying that he's fallen in love with Rachel and revealed that he intends to make the perfect grave for her as he thought she was his missing piece but Zach told him the only thing missing was his useless brain what did he say however Eddie was certain that she was perfect for him and told Zach that he would put her out of her misery angered by his words Zach tried to attack him but he vanished off into the darkness meanwhile Rachel discovered that the final door has been unlocked so she decided to use a flashlight and found another letter inside just then Eddie appeared behind her saying that he came to Grant her death wish and would gladly ESI her ass because he thought Zach was too weak and useless to do the job on the other hand Zach began screaming for Rachel as he thought the weird kid may try to persuade her into ditching him so he decided to find another way around at the same time Rachel started backing into the wall as Eddie continued trying to persuade her but she told him that she already promised herself to Zach just then Zach arrived at the opposite side of the wall so Eddie told her to choose one final time whom she wishes would end her life as she nearly chose him Zach banged on the wall and began screaming that he's the only one who could kill her and even swore to God that he would so after asking him if he really swore to God he told her that he did and that she needed to stay alive until then so she begged him to break through the wall with a strike Zach destroyed the wall and entered through the opening but as they noticed that Eddie was gone Zach screamed at Rachel to make herself useful to him if she wanted to die but she wondered if he really meant those words she told him that he swore to God and kept repeating the words to God asking him to swear to God that he'll kill her over and over so he pushed her away saying that he really hated nothing more than lies however they needed to find the Eddy kid first so Rachel said that he was down the hall and they began to leave before long they arrived at the end of the corridor but realized that Eddie was already waiting for them as he began asking how he could possibly persuade her he jumped at her with his shovel but Zach blocked his attack and he leapt away unwilling to accept defeat Eddie attacked again but jumped back just in time at that moment the lights went out so he vanished into the darkness but started smacking Zach as he disappeared before his eyes with Zach growing desperate he told Rachel to find the light switch so she hurried away but Eddie dodged another attack before retreating into the darkness as Rachel decided to hi hied behind a gravestone she noticed a beautiful burial that was already prepared for her just as she admired it Eddie knocked the wind out of her and began saying that he would give her a good burial once she agrees to die however as he raised his shovel to end her she fell into the hole and the useless rotten creep thought he could finally kill her immediately she shined her light at him and shoved him into the headstone before grabbing his remote successfully turning the lights back on and Zach smacked the ugly mask off before sending him to Nirvana as he tried saying that the grave would have been a perfect fit for Rachel Zach pushed the headstone on his body burying him forever with the creep finally gone Zach wondered how they would find the elevator so Rachel pushed a button on the remote and they realized it was behind the waterfall so they headed inside and it ascended to another floor as the elevator opened they realized they were in another unfamiliar place when Rachel discovered the gate was locked she told Zach that the building was probably empty however he said it was their only way out and tried to break the cell but realized it was too solid at that moment the alarm went off but Zach saved her as a machine gun fired when its bullets ran out they started hearing a voice over the PA system and a useless creepy girl announced that she's been waiting for their arrival she told them that she's the judge of this floor and said that she would be punishing them for all their sins so the gate opened at that instant as they arrived at a locked door the girl commanded them to take their mug shots like every other worthless Criminal by the time they were done they noticed the exit but as they arrived inside a dark room they saw the ugly creepy drawings on the walls and the girl announced that each drawing represents their punishment hoping to find the exit Zach decided to check another room but discovered that it was filled with ugly creepy puppets so he told Rachel to find an exit however as he began to lose his patience he noticed a wooden chair and decided to take a seat like it was his throne as Rachel tried telling him that it was an electric chair the light went out and Zach realized he was strapped in just then a TV appeared before them and the useless creepy girl welcomed them to her floor her name was Kathy and she revealed that she would be playing judge for their crimes as she stepped on a button the chair electrocuted Zach nearly frying his useless brain but she turned it off Rachel wondered if he was dead already but he began threatening to kill the nutcase once he was free however she revealed that he would only be freed if Rachel figures out how to stop the electrocution at that moment the puppets came awake but Zach realized he was about to lose his worthless brain and begged Rachel to figure something out so as the chair electrocuted him once again Rachel began to study the puppets and thought they were put here for a reason so as she pulled the scye she started hacking them one after another until the electrocution stopped with Zach unconscious she began wondering if he was still alive but he screamed at her for taking so long seeing as he nearly lost his brain just then Kathy appeared on the TV but Zack smashed her worthless face however they continued hearing her voice over the PA system as she decided to open the exit before long they arrived at a warning sign and Rachel tried telling Zach that the room would be worse than the last but his fried brain thought he was invincible so he decided to enter anyway at once the door sealed them inside but Zach thought the room was just a useless dump as Cathy appeared on their TV she began explaining their next challenge and said that they must solve the puzzle before they were killed by toxic gas at that moment an alarm started blaring and the toxic gas was released into the room hoping to keep Rachel alive Zach tried to put the oxygen mask on her saying that his worthless life depends on her survival but she could care less for her own life and told him to save himself first as she noticed a corpse she thought it must be a clue so Zach kicked it over right then she spotted the writing on the floor and wondered what it meant however she began to grow sick from the gas so Zach put the mask on her telling her to stay alive no matter what so she told him to put a foot on the scale hoping they could solve the puzzle by balancing the weight as she managed to do so she discovered that the exit still wasn't opened and wondered why they weren't freed already so she decided to search for more clues and took the mask off but the gas began to weaken her body and as she got worse she thought she was about to die but Zach caught her before she passed out and put the mask on her saying that they must survive as his words inspired her she decided to search for new Clues and soon noticed an opening in the ceiling when she wondered how they could search inside Zach threw her into the ceiling at once inside she managed to find a key card but when Zach realized she was too sick to even use it he tried to put it in the machine however his moronic brain couldn't figure it out and he eventually bent the card at that moment Cathy revealed that their time had already ran out and decided to increase the toxic gas but with Zach determined to survive Rachel realized she could create a bomb bomb using the gas and batteries but as soon as she created it she passed out and the bomb exploded in that instant destroying the entire room luckily they managed to survive the explosion but Rachel fell down again as she had grown weak from inhaling the gas however as she managed to stand they started walking towards their next challenge but when Zach noticed Rachel struggling to move forward he decided to let her rest a few hours later they began walking towards the next room but Cathy used the PA system again saying it was admirable how both of them were using each other to fulfill their desires but wondered which one was the real tool Zach wondered what the she meant by that but she told him that he would find out soon eventually they arrived in a cell and noticed a dollhouse so Kathy revealed that they would only be allowed to leave if one of them manages to solve the riddle with Zach too moronic to do anything Rachel decided to solve it hoping he would rearrange the dollhouse instead as a drawer opened before Rachel she saw a math problem and after solving it she realized that the numbers referred to the page and sentences written inside a book so after deciphering the code and matching the words she told Zach to put the Man doll in the living room as he did another drawer opened so she told him to put the woman doll beside it however as he picked a bandaged doll that looked exactly like him he realized that this challenge was specifically created to make him relive his past as the memories began to haunt him his anger grew and he tried to destroy the dollhouse but Kathy told him that he would be stuck stuck in the cell forever so he decided to spare it but got even worse as the doll reminded him of the way he used to eat the other dead kids and how he was constantly abused by his worthless foster parents Kathy continued reminding him that he was nothing but a worthless tool his entire life and that even now he was being used by Rachel to help them escape with all those memories coming back he destroyed the entire set but Cathy revealed that they already passed the challenge immediately the gate sealed them in separating them into two different cells and and Rachel wondered if the dollhouse was starting to make him lose his mind as Cathy decided to reveal herself to them she said that they would only be freed if they take a shot from the syringe however with one of the needles containing a fatal Venom Zach wondered which one of them would survive but Kathy decided to leave Rachel wanted to take both shots as she wanted to die anyway but Zach knew he was screwed once she dies and told her to stay alive until he was dead before she knew it he took her needle and injected both into his body so as the door opened he began to leave but Rachel was worried that he would soon lose Consciousness before long Zach became totally exhausted as the memories from his past continued flashing across his mind just as Rachel appeared before him he readied his sigh to end her but she wouldn't even Flinch and reminded him that she already agreed to help him Escape so that he would fulfill his promise to send her off to the afterlife afraid of getting stuck forever Zach decided to release her and asked her to stay alive until he killed her saying that he hates nothing nothing more than Liars before pushing her away as he began to lose his mind to the drugs Rachel started running away hoping to save him by staying alive but when she entered another room she realized it was a dead end but Zach continued approaching her ready to take her life realizing she has nowhere else to run Rachel decided to surrender but as Zach raised his ththe a bullet pierced his arm and Rachel noticed the guns pointing at them at that moment Cathy appeared before them saying that they were in the firing squad room and that she could easily end their worthless lives with her remote As Zach managed to stand he tried to destroy the glass but a bullet pierced his leg immediately realizing he may be wounded Rachel tried to help him but he screamed at her to stay away afraid he would lose his mind again to make them even Kathy revealed the gun on the floor and told Rachel to kill Zach before he kills her however as she decided to pick the gun up Zach told her to end him but she refused telling him that they wouldn't become puppets of that woman because it was their choice to kill or to be killed and that they weren't tools to be used hearing those words Zach wished she wouldn't say such interesting things now and couldn't hold himself back so he asked her to smile already but when she faked a smile at him his mind began breaking apart after all he knew it was nothing but a fake smile but thought seeing her real smile would make him the happiest man alive just the thought of killing her while she smiled began making him smile more than anyone else so he decided to iseki himself to destroy his own Happ angered by the sight Cathy entered the room and began calling both of them a pair of ugly useless trash that deserve to be judged as Sinners When Rachel tried saying that they aren't her puppet she smacked her face saying that Zach deserved to suffer before his death and called Rachel a worthless failure for refusing to kill him by herself ready to end her she directed the guns towards her but Zach regained Consciousness at that moment as the ugly bit decided to step on his wound hoping to torture his worthless body before finally killing him Rachel pointed the gun at her and threatened to end her life at that instant however Cathy told her that the gun wasn't even loaded and caused one of her guns to shoot it away but as she returned to Zack Rachel pulled another gun from her bag and fired at her even so Kathy survived and thought that Rachel had become a perfect criminal and was ready to be judged but Zach sliced her arm off saying that her disgusting face deserves to be condemned and slayed her instantly however Kathy managed to crawl towards the remote determined to kill them but her guns fired in the wrong direction until they ran out of bullets as she entered Nirvana Zach revealed that the drugs were starting to wear off and that he has returned to his senses as they arrived at the control room Rachel discovered that Cathy was controlling the entire floor and eventually opened the door with the controls before long they came across writing on the wall and Rachel thought it might be a clue to find the elevator but when they arrived at another Corridor they realized it was the same place they passed through when they first arrived so Rachel suggested that they try the mug shot room inside the room as Zach wondered how they would open the elevator Rachel noticed an indentation and remembered the writing on the wall she thought it must really be a clue and decided to use Zach's name board on the indentation immediately the elevator opened and as they ascended to another floor Zach asked her how she wound up in this useless building as Rachel told him that she was taken to a hospital for counseling after witnessing a Murder She revealed that she has no idea how she ended up here when Zach wondered how she found her gun she told him that it has always been with her just then the elevator stopped and as Zach passed out before her eyes she realized he had lost all his red sauce so she decided to drag him out of the elevator however as he regained Consciousness she noticed his wound and realized that his life would end if he wasn't treated so as he lost Consciousness again she decided to go in search of first aid when she arrived inside a dark room she began hurrying towards the end just then the candles lit up and she realized she was inside an empty Chapel at the same time a purple smoke surrounded her but as it cleared she realized it was only an illusion as she entered another dark room she continued to sense the purple smoke around her at that moment a creepy white-eyed dude appeared behind her demanding to know who she is however when she wouldn't say he decided to tell her that he's the priest of this church and introduced himself as gray as he told her that this is actually his floor Rachel thought he might be another deranged Menace and tried to step back but he told her that he hasn't judged her yet and couldn't pass any judgment on her when he wondered why she was here she told him that she was trying to save her friend so he revealed that she could only find First Aid on dany's floor after asking how she could reach it gray offered to take her but said that she must first undergo a series of tests in hopes of discovering who she really is with time running out Rachel decided to return to Zack hoping he was still alive while she helped him to rest on the wall she decided to tell about the mysterious priest but Zach tried to follow her afraid the man would be a threat however as he realized he couldn't even lift his own side Rachel told him that he would die soon at this rate but asked him to rest in the meantime as she promised to save him so as he realized he would only be dead weight anyway Zach finally agreed before long Rachel returned to the ugly white-eyed priest and told him that she was willing to take his test but asked that he spare Zach's worthless life a few minutes later they descended down the elevator as the purple smoke began to surround them Rachel realized it was emanating from the priest but they soon arrived at Cathy's floor Rachel wondered why they weren't on Danny's floor instead so gray told her that she would be tested in all the previous floors she's been on and said that her only task here was to turn on the electricity that powers the elevator after letting out those words purple smoke spread across the entire floor so Rachel hurried away just as she spotted the switch a zombie fell down before her and More Zombies appeared so she started Ed running away as they tripped on each other but more of them appeared so she fired at one and managed to hide inside a room however the zombies forced their way inside but she escaped into another room and realized that Cathy's body has vanished at once she hurried to the controls and as she activated the guns she began firing at them realizing she was running out of time when she was done Cathy's ghost appeared behind her and started calling her an ugly useless killer who only cared for herself saying that she was now worth than Zach and that she was the greatest sinner in the world however Rachel was unfazed by her disgusting words and merely watched her vanish when she returned to the cell she switched on the electricity and by the time she arrived at the elevator she realized it was open however when gray asked to know what enemies she came across she told him she already annihilated them and said that they were irrelevant as he realized she wasn't feeling bad about killing the Nearly Dead prisoners gray decided to lead her to Eddie's floor and once they arrived he told her to find the electricity switch inside the control room but Rachel was already sick of his useless tests and started thinking it was a waste of time however gray decided to tell her that the tests were meant to reveal who she really is because she was considered an irregular child right then she realized that Eddie's body had vanished but gray led her away immediately before long they arrived at the destroyed graveyard and gray began saying that the souls of the buried bodies could never move on to the afterlife since their Gray graes had been destroyed however as she tried to leave a ghost hand grabbed her ankle but she kicked it away as it tried to return she crushed it instantly but more hands emerged from the ground so she began trampling them one after another until all of them were destroyed eventually she found the switch inside a locker and as she switched it on the elevator opened just then Ed's ghost appeared before her wondering if her cold ugly heart felt no bit of emotion for the hands she destroyed but she ignored his shitty face realizing he must be an illusion immediately she hurried back to gray hoping to save Zach before it was too late however when he wondered what enemies she came across she told him that they were ugly useless hands that she managed to destroy without the slightest bit of emotion hearing her words gray thought her soul must be lost but decided to lead her to dany's floor as they arrived he said that he would wait at the next elevator but told her to find a way to heal Zach's injuries first however as she arrived inside the examination room she discovered that Danny's body was also gone and realized that he must be alive as she began searching for first aid equipment she realized that all the closets were empty when she checked the other rooms she discovered they were all deserted so she rushed to the elevator as she arrived she wondered if gray was trying to stall her until Zach would die but he told her that he was as clueless as her worthless face and said she was responsible for Zach's injury however when he realized his words were useless to her he suggested they head to Zach floor saying that they might find some bandages with nothing more to lose Rachel agreed to follow him so they descended towards the lower floors at the same time Dany had appeared before Zach realizing this would be his only chance to kill him but in the last moment Zach regained Consciousness and he was ready to kill him instead when he wondered how he managed to survive Dany revealed that he was wearing a protective vest when he got stabbed and said that he managed to suture his own wound afterwards angered by the sight of his worthless face Zack tried to slay him but his injury prevented him from moving so Dany revealed that the only thing he cared about was Finding Rachel's beautiful eyes but Zach told him that he killed her already hearing those words dany's mind began breaking down and began saying that he intended to add her eyeballs to his weird collection as he said those words Zach realized he might be the most fued up creep of them all and revealed that he would be the one to end her life at that moment Dany realized Zach had slipped up and that Rachel was still alive so he told Zack to gouge out her eyes in exchange for getting treated however Zach would never go back on the promise they made for each other so Dany decided to leave but Zach fell from exhaustion in the meantime Rachel and gray arrived on Zach's floor and she began running towards the spot where she first saw him hoping to find the knife he had earlier asked her to retrieve as she entered his disgusting room she discovered it was worse than a ghetto but managed to find a fresh bandage and the knife so she returned to Gray and they took the lift back to the Upper Floor War but when she arrived at the spot where she left him she realized Zach was gone and thought that gray must have returned to abduct him but he told her that she was nothing but a curse to everyone and revealed that Dany was still alive hearing his words Rachel realized that Zach was in danger however as she tried to look for him gray began saying that he's finally discovered who she really is and that he was ready to judge her for her sins he told her that she was entirely hopeless and said that her desire to save Zach was for her own selfish reasons because she hopes to be killed by him Rachel tried saying that she truly desires to save him but gray released the purple smoke around her before she knew it a giant serpent appeared before her eyes so she ran before it could devour her as she tried hiding inside a room it broke through the door but she spotted Zach before her eyes afraid he would be killed she tried to pull him to a safe spot but he shoved her away and the illusion cleared at that instant Zach thought she may have lost her mind but sat down as his injury got worse the sight of his weak useless body made Rachel sad and she told him that she couldn't find any first aid equipment on dany's floor when Zach told her that the useless was still alive she decided to hand over his knife and Zach was glad that he finally has a weapon he could wield as he noticed the frightened look on her face he tried saying that he was a monster and that he would survive no matter what but as he managed to stand she suggested that they follow the trail of blood hoping it would lead them to Dany however as Rachel came across a slashed painting a serpent tried to devour her but Zach managed to save her and told her to find the exit immediately as Zach tried to fight off the snake Rachel found the secret door but the snake retreated into the wall before long it appeared before her but Zach managed to slice it as his injury grew even worse a few minutes later they tried to find another exit but Zach collapsed on the floor having lost the rest of his strength so Rachel told him that she would find Dany on her own as Zach thought it would be too dangerous he decided to check her gun but discovered it was already empty angered by the discovery he wondered why she was willing to risk her life to save him so she revealed that the only thing she cared about was The Vow he made to God however Zach had heard enough of her and told her that there was no God in their world hearing those words crushed her and she wondered where her soul would go once she was dead but Zach screamed at her to smile anyway as she managed to do so he laid down from fatigue and Rachel realized that he was losing all of blood she thought it was only a matter of time before he enters Nirvana but he gave her his knife and told her to protect herself in the meantime so she hurried off to find Dany as she entered a new Corridor she noticed another trail of blood and thought it would lead her to him however as she followed the trail purple smoke began oozing from a candle and the Trail began to fade so she started running into the Mist but fell into a great hole before she knew it she woke up inside a grave and Eddy's ghost appeared before her eyes but she told him to get his ugly ass face out of her sight however as he decided to bury her anyway she stabbed a headstone but teleported to Cathy's torture chamber instantly as she wondered how she was teleporting the Mist surrounded her again and Cathy's ghost electrified her on the chair in a blink she teleported to a new room but Cathy's horrendous face reflected in the mirror at that moment a m teleported her to the church and the illusion was starting to make her lose her mind but when she noticed gray before her she demanded to know where Danny was hiding so he told her that he was clueless but said he managed to acquire some medication for Zach hearing his words Rachel realized she could save Zach after all and tried asking him for the medication however when she discovered he has no intention of handing it over she threatened to carve her knife into his worthless face but he said that she deserves even worse pain blaming her for causing Zach's injury he called her a witch and said that she'd successfully deceived the Angels who were supposed to punish her for being a sinner so to judge her sins gray teleported her to a court and declared the start of her trial as he called for the testifiers Kathy appeared before them but Rachel wondered how her disgusting body managed to survive she went on to show all of them the way Rachel had commanded Zach during their puzzle saying that she used him as nothing more than a tool and went on to say that she was the judge who was shocked by her own criminal however all of them noticed that Cathy had been smiling when she died but she told them that this was the worst crime as Rachel's CRI criminal nature had made her the happiest woman alive when gray asked her how she wanted to punish her she sentenced Rachel to water torture at that moment a water tornado surrounded her and Kathy tried telling her to beg for her hopeless life but gray screamed at her to stop saying that it wasn't her place to pass punishment eventually gray gave Eddie his turn and he began saying that she was the same exact person as him after all she had buried the bird the same way he wanted to bury her but because she never shared his feelings he began choking her wondering why she picked Zach over him because of the way she buried him he got up believing that she's a witch and said that she should be spiked to death but even though she was ready to give her life up gray screamed for the spikes to vanish when it was Danny's turn Rachel wondered where the medicine was but gray told him to get on with his testification however he thought that she had the most beautiful eyes in the world but because her heart was different than the rest he began screaming that her soul could never be saved eventually gray silenced him but after he left gray began saying that Rachel was a witch and that she has the power to enchant them all so he declared that she would be burned alive and Flames surrounded her at that moment hoping to save herself Rachel tried saying that she's Innocent but gray called her an ugly liar he said that all of the other Psychopaths were actually angels and called Rachel a devil for ending their lives so he told her to confess that she's an ugly witch but she refused and began saying that she couldn't possibly be a witch since there weren't any witches in her Bible however gray decided to reveal that he's actually God and said that only he could judge her sins and send her straight to hell he told her that the real God never existed but she thought he was just making it up so that she would willingly lay down her life as her determination grew stronger she teleported to her inner world and spotted a god Zack before her in an instant he slashed the illusion and started running off with her at that moment she regained Consciousness and realized that Zach's knife broke the illusion when gray wondered how she managed to figure out that everything was fake she told him that her knife had revealed the truth and called it her new God she told him that she had promised to offer herself to Zach and said that her promise was her God as gray tried saying she was the worst sinner in the world she said that none of it matters and told him to hand over the medication before she kills him a swell so he led her into an inner room and revealed that the medication would help Zach to recover without hesitating she selected the right items and told him to die already as she returned to Zach she discovered he was still alive and began to treat his wound as he woke up she offered to stitch him up but Zach wondered why she was still creepy and asked why she was willing to suture his disgusting wound she told him that he was her new God but he thought she couldn't be any creepier by the time she was done she grew exhausted and passed out at that instant when she woke up she decided to lead Zach to the church hoping they would find the elevator however they discovered that gray had vanished but wondered how he Myster furiously left eventually they found the elevator and decided to take it to the upper floors inside the lift Rachel wondered how Zach got Burns across his body saying that she wishes to know everything about her God so he decided to reveal his past to her when he was a kid his useless deranged stepfather had decided to burn him but he managed to hold on to him so that they burned together however when his mother arrived she had decided to kick him out causing him to grow up in an orphanage hearing his words she wondered if he still intends to leave leave this useless building so he told her that he does and said he would never lie no matter what at that moment she recalled an old memory and tried to confess the truth to him afraid he would hate her once he discovers it but as she thought he might never discover the truth she decided to keep it away from him just then the elevator opened and they entered another floor but Rachel thought she was better off keeping her secret forever however as Zach noticed blood on the floor she realized that this floor was designed exactly like her home and thought all her secrets were about to be exposed just then Zach entered the apartment and wondered why she looks like she just saw a ghost as he noticed a doll couple Rachel screamed at him to back away saying that the place might be rigged with traps but Zach could care less and told her to fix her ugly face instead he noticed the dolls were sewn up and began wondering if this was some haunted house but Rachel started asking him to kill her already however he thought she was losing her mind and said he would only put her out of her misery once they exited the building as she tried persuading him she realized his mind was already made up and passed out from a fever hearing a strange noise Zach decided to look inside a room but found an ugly disgusting monkey doll as he began approaching the elevator Dany revealed himself and locked him inside desperate to escape Zach tried to hack the door but realized it was hopeless so Dany told him to search around the apartment and discover who Rachel really is as he realized it was the only way to leave Zach decided to look around the apartment however as he entered a room and noticed a couple's portrait the roof collapsed but he managed to escape before he knew it darts launched at him but he smacked them away and destroyed the opening as he made it to the dining room he kicked the table aside but realized that the basement was locked so when he arrived inside the bathroom and noticed the filled up tub he thought the key was inside as he decided to take it toy fishes bit his hand but he cast them away instantly he wondered what weird was going on but decided to go down into the basement as he began approaching a new door he nearly fell into a trap but managed to hold on to his side at the same time Rachel finally woke up and noticed Danny's ugly ass face but as he realized she was looking for Zach he told her that he already directed him to search the apartment for her secret desperate to find him Rachel tried to enter the apartment but he stood in her way and told her to wait until his return meanwhile Zach was holding on for dear life but as he fell gray managed to catch him and told him that he wasn't allowed to die just yet so he pulled him outside just then he began revealing that he created the building as an experiment and said that even the angels were no more than a lab rat however he thought Zach was a special tool and revealed that he had decided to make him an angel because his moronic brain could only think of killing on top of that Zach had decided to escape on his own making himself a sacrifice as if that wasn't enough he was trying to escape with Rachel and gray wondered how a moronic ugly Loser Like Him grew fond of her but the memories of her emotionless eyes flashed across his mind gray revealed that they've been his special Lab Rats but told him to use a special name plate to open the locked door in the apartment having seen enough of his horrendous face Zach decided to enter the inner room and Rachel watched him on TV at the same time just as he entered the room he noticed a new portrait of Rachel and her family and Dany told Rachel that Zach would kill her once he discovers her Secrets the realization made her afraid and she thought he would hate her forever at the same time Zach managed to open a box and found Rachel's name plate inside as he noticed the same writing on the portrait he went to the lock door but Rachel managed to sneak away and started running through the apartment hoping to reach him in time meanwhile Zach managed to fix the name plate and Rachel realized she was too late as he surveyed the room he thought it must have belonged to Rachel but the TV came on at that instant as Zach listened to the news he realized it was a report of Rachel's parents murder on top of that they had found their bodies sewn up and Zach remembered that Rachel had sewn up his wound like a pro the realization scared the out of him and he wondered if she killed her own parents before he knew it Rachel appeared on the screen and he realized that Dany was trying to interrogate her inside the room Dany decided to ask Rachel why she killed and stitched her own parents up so she told him that she desired to keep them together as a family after both of them were dead she promised to fix them she went on to tell the doctor that she had swn both of her parents bodies together and stitched her mother's mouth to look like she was smiling so they could become the perfect parents and she was glad to live peacefully with them forever hearing her confession Dany thought they were exactly alike and revealed that she has the same eyes as his mother before she e seced herself however Zach had already seen enough and destroyed the TV immediately as he returned to the room he realized that Rachel's sadness was worse and wondered if this floor belongs to her but Danny fired a gun to silence him however Z was unfazed and decided to ask if Rachel intends to kill him for discovering her Secrets but Dany began saying that Rachel was an angel just like them and that she has killed several sacrifices before she had a mental breakdown he thought her Bible was responsible but wondered how it changed her so she told him that the Bible reminded her that she's a sinner and thought she could only find peace when she was dead bent on keeping her alive Dany told Zach to abandon her but he asked if everything she's ever said was a lie afraid of revealing the truth she wondered if he would continue to be her God but he told her that he could never become her God at that moment she realized she was about to lose him and decided to threaten him with her gun before firing a shot that grazed his shoulder but as she hurried away he followed her hoping to calm her down however as he discovered the water was overflowing in the tub he noticed the light switch and was electrocuted at that instant even so Rachel remained emotionless and revealed her lighter before he could draw closer the of it scared his useless face and Rachel realized he was still afraid of fire just then he noticed the exposed gas but she threw down the lighter causing an explosion before escaping into another room as Zach narrowly dodged a metal ball so he broke the door and wondered how long she intends to run around like they were playing hide and seek as she threatened to kill him he prepared to end her with his sthe but she told him that her life was useless already and said that he became her God when he agreed to kill her in an instant she fired at the window and Zach realized she had vanished but when he met her again he wondered why she was running away but Dany threatened to shoot his ugly empty head so to finally kill him Rachel aimed her gun at Zach and however the shot hit Dany instead so she told him that he's been nothing but a useless nuisance and that she intends to kill Zach herself she was sick of his horrendous face and told him that she could never stay with him because his his body odor smells worse than the sewers hearing those words dany's Soul left his body but Zach wondered if Rachel knew what she was even doing she told him that she does but pointed her gun at him telling him that she still has her death wish none of this made sense to Zach so he told her to shoot him however as she tried to squeeze the trigger he swept her to the ground and stamped on her hand as the gun rolled off but as he tried to kill her she screamed at him to stop and began saying that she doesn't wish to be killed by him anymore because he renounced him himself as her God Zach told her that he was never her God but was The Reaper that would send her straight to the afterlife he told her to make her own decisions without depending on a God and said that God was Irrelevant in their Promises at that moment she realized that Zach wasn't God after all but he told her that it didn't matter who God was as the only thing that mattered was the Trust In the words they shared so he asked her to swear her life to him and that he would swear his life to her in return as his words made her cry she agreed to The Vow a few few hours later as he asked how they would find the exit she told him that she has no clue since she's never tried to escape from the building desperate to leave Zack hacked the door and they entered into a back room however they realized that the room was a dead end so Rachel said that the exit was on the lower floors seeing as no one ever rode the elevator above her floor but when they arrived at the elevator they discovered the power was out so Rachel revealed that she could turn it back on in the basement hoping this would be her last time on this floor she decided to go down on her own and thought she could say goodbye to her haunted past but as she arrived at the room she realized that gray was already inside afraid he intends to kill her Rachel tried searching for her gun but discovered that it was missing so gray told her that he has no intentions of killing her his only desire was to ask her a question and he wondered if she no longer considers Zach her God she told him that she doesn't but said that they already made a vow to each other and that their vow was more important than who her God was how ever she said she has no desire to live and that she has accepted herself for who she really is for the final question he asked her who she is so she told him that she was the same person she's always been Rachel Gardner a person who murdered her own family and was never punished and was not a tool for anyone Bray thought she was still mysterious and wondered how she's managed to live neither as an angel or as a witch but she told him that it never mattered in the first place and switched on the power however before leaving she decided to ask where the exit was so gray told her to examine the stained glass inside the cathedral as she was about to leave she took one final look at the room hoping to never return to the darkness that laid there before long she returned to Zach and told him that she has discovered the exit but decided to search for her gun first however when she arrived at the spot she realized that the creepy doctor had somehow survived and even disappeared just then she discovered that her gun has been destroyed and Zach thought Dany may be spying from a corner but they headed for the elevator however as Zach sensed a threat from the lift he pushed her aside but noticed body paint on the floor as they arrived on the lower floor Zach began wondering where Dany was hiding afraid he would attack them once they let their guard down when they arrived at the stained glass they managed to push away the organ as they inspected the glass they realized it could really lead to the exit so Zach destroyed it with a single strike revealing a long flight of steps afraid it might be a trap Zach wondered if it would really lead them outside so Rachel told him that gray could have never told a lie since he was a priest as they began climbing up Rachel remembered that she was blindfolded when she was first led inside and said that the steps would definitely lead them to the surface but as they continued climbing she got dizzy and nearly fell however when she recovered Zach decided to hand her his knife for her own protection saying that a dull worn out knife may not be useful but it's better than nothing as she stared at it she thanked him but at that moment the Emergen building detonation was activated and they realized that their hopes of escaping was about to be ruined just then fire burst from the lower floors and Rachel realized the building was about to crumble so they started running up the steps but as they arrived at a gate a rock nearly crushed Rachel but Zach narrowly saved her desperate to escape he began smacking the bars but realized it was hopeless at that moment fire surrounded them and the sight of the Flames brought back Zach's traumatic memories as he began to lose his breath as as Rachel noticed him she started knocking the bar hoping she could bend it however he wondered what Rachel was doing and told her to step aside throughout all of his life this was the moment where he regained control of his emotions so he stared down at the bars and remembered the man who burned him alive slashing everything down in his way after apologizing for screaming he told her to start running with him again eventually as they came across more Rubble Zack began to destroy all of them with his ththe and was happy that they were drawing close to the exit just then a huge Rock blocked their path but Zach stared in shock calling Rachel by a nickname Ray and asking her if she would allow him to break through it after she nodded back and told him to break it he rushed forward and started hacking them with his scye breaking both the Rock and his side at the same time however he told her to keep moving forward but she told his side goodbye as they continued their run they eventually came across the door but Zach noticed that Rachel was unwilling to leave when he wondered why she told him that she still desires to die but asked him to want her in her death because her only wish was to be desired she said that it was the only way she wouldn't feel lonely so Zach reminded her that he gave her his knife saying that he's never given anything to any other person in his life and reminded her that he hates telling Li as she fell he decided to reveal himself saying that he was the one who activated the emergency system and said that they would all soon be dead so he fired at Zach to weaken his body and told him that he was here to ruin their vow he said he wouldn't allow him to rescue her and would rather kill her to make him a liar however with her dying breath Rachel apologized for failing to keep their vow but when Zach told her that he hates lies Dany shot him again even so Zach kept begging Ry to wake up telling her that he doesn't want to become a liar but Dany thought it was extremely entertaining watching a monster rendered powerless however Ry began saying that Zach wasn't a monster or a toou or even God but that he was just a human she repeated that he was a human and that she forgives him for failing her but her words angered Dany and he began wondering why she wouldn't accept him as her God instead since Zach has never given her anything she revealed that she has never wanted to be given anything but that throughout her entire life she'd only desired to be wanted for just a moment and to be wanted even in death after she made that promise with Zach and started heading towards the surface with him she realized that it's all she'd ever wanted but Zach wondered how she was happy if her promise was now taken away from her but she told Zach that he didn't take it away because it doesn't matter whether a vow was fulfilled or not as it was made between the two of them so she began crying promising to take their vow with her she told him not to call him self a liar because it was okay if their promise couldn't be fulfilled after hearing those words Dany realized his plan wasn't working out as he hoped and began crying because no one wanted him so he decided to shoot her again as Zach stared at her lifeless body and tried calling out for her Flames surrounded them and Dany was ready to eliminate Zack but before he could fire the bullet gray shot an arrow into his body telling him to rest in peace however Dany pulled out the arrow and tried to shoot Zach again but gray fire another arrow at him and told Zach to escape with Rachel saying that there was still a chance of her being saved if he escaped right now so he decided to carry her and began heading for the exit but as Dany was about to shoot him again gray fired another arrow at Dany allowing him to escape with Zack gone Dany began wondering if killing Rachel was a terrible decision after all and revealed that his desire was to eliminate everyone who violates the rules of the building he thought his duty was to punish them for their sins and told gray that Zach was the worst sinner of them all however gray told him that Zach was a special tool but that he already lost the wings that made him an angel he said that Zach's original desire was to kill everyone with his scye but that he changed when he started using his Scythe to save someone instead causing him to lose his rank as an angel this was the reason his blade broke but the one who showed him all of this was Rachel and realized that she was not the witch he thought she was gray went on to say that he was the devil after all because it was only him who tried to steal Zach's Humanity away and force all of them to become angels of death so in order to atone for his own sins he decided to allow them to leave as his experiments were over now and that his role as God has ended when Dany wondered where this was going gray revealed that Dany had been trying to become Rachel's God this entire time after all he wanted to give her a soul rather than stealing hers away but told him that he was never a God and could never become one however Dany said that it was everything he could have ever dreamed of because when he saw her lifeless eyes he wanted to love them for eternity and that she was the only thing that gave meaning to his life hearing his confession gray realized that Dany was offering his love hoping for it to be returned but he broke the news to the redditor saying that they're both mere humans after all in fact all of them were human and it's humans who create God as well as angels and people and it was the same people who destroyed all of that and created evil and the devils in that moment Dany wondered what gray has learned through all of this but gray revealed that he hasn't learned anything he has always known that humans were ugly blind in their devotion yet so beautiful he told Dany that he felt the same of him and apologized for having only realized it now at that moment the windows exploded and the roof crumbled on them but Danny thought he was seeing his mother in his final moments meanwhile Zach was heading towards the exit hoping Rachel would survive as he kicked the door open he noticed several people across the street and began begging her to wake up nearly crying when when her eyes wouldn't open just then the police arrived and screamed at him to release her thinking he was a criminal taking the girl away realizing he couldn't possibly Escape Zach tried reminding Rachel about his promise and that he would return for her as he let out those words he decided to surrender so he began walking towards the cops until they pinned him to the ground like a shitfaced criminal but on that night two birds began flying away freely a few weeks later all the newspaper were filled with Mysteries regarding the experimentation facility and detectives were investigating the scene the news stations had found the background of Rachel's family as she was having therapy sessions at a special facility on the news a detective revealed that Zach admitted to all of his crimes saying that he never lies but when the news anchor asked him if Zach knew the girl the detective revealed that Zach claimed he never knew her what none of them knew however was that this was the first time he lied in his life at the same time another news anchor interviewed Rachel's psychiatrist and the doctor revealed that Rachel had been wanting to know about the killer every single day however the doctor thought it was best to keep her away from finding out the truth so she never brought him up ever again as the weeks kept passing the therapist continued trying to counsel her but the only thing she could think about was if Zach was okay all the days began bleeding into one another but on one of those days the therapist arrived in her room wondering if she was starting to recover from the trauma Rachel told her that she was but knew that nothing had changed so the therapist suggested they take take a walk as they walked through the garden Rachel remained sad as always but when the therapist left her alone she sat peacefully on a bench until she got up and started walking away just then she heard the sound of the news but the radio went off instantly the following night after another therapy session Rachel noticed the moon outside and thought it looks exactly like the fake moon on the Windows of the building as the ugly therapist thought she was truly recovering she decided to tell her that Zach was sentenced to death for his crimes thinking it would make her feel better so Rachel pretended as if that news made her feel better and went to her room that night she could never bring herself to fall asleep just like every night she was there but there was nothing left for her to do except to close her [Music] [Music] eyes for [Music] foree foreign speech [Music] spee [Music] fore foreign speech
Channel: AniClimax
Views: 317,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W42ybAGIiuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 59sec (3899 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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