Believing He is Weak They Banish Him from the Kingdom, but He Leveled Up Gaining Epic Powers

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Baza is a traveling Merchant in a world where magic and demihumans exist but remarkably he is not racist he believes in actually paying demihumans for their work which I guess most people find annoying when they should really be minding their own business it would be great if people didn't discriminate against demihumans and would just live in peace with them but that would mean giving up all that Free Labor so Baza is the only one who supports them by complete chance bonaza seems to have been summoned to another world to become their hero but as he appear is in the summoning Circle he is totally confused by what's going on around him he is informed that he was summoned by the Cayman of clro to help them in the battle against the Dark Army since he is a hero candidate but Baza corrects them by saying he is not worthy of the title of hero he thinks there may have been some kind of mistake but the people around him ignore everything he says and call for a Magic Orb to be brought up onto the circle by one of the maids they tell bonazza that the orb will analyze his abilities and when a hero candidate is summoned in exchange for having their level reset to one the hero candidate is usually given a divine revelation this is an ability that gives one strength that wouldn't be attainable through normal training however paza just doesn't have one and on top of that his stats are slightly below average for this world so the Summoners start thinking they may have failed again somehow bazza can't say he's surprised by the results since he already knew he wasn't particularly special but they didn't have to rub it in like that since he clearly doesn't meet their expectations he starts asking to be sent back to his original world but he gets cut off by the Fanfare going on in the summoning Circle next to him the people who summon the other guy Praise Him for having exceptional stats indicative of a true hero so everyone ditches bazza and flocks to the side of the new hero to praise him as well the other guy takes a look at the stats on baz's screen and once he gets a frame of reference for how good his stats truly are and he immediately lets it go to his head that he is the chosen one a party is thrown where the king officially appoints the blonde guy is the hero of the kingdom and while the celebration is going on Baza is left on his own he never heard of any Kingdom called Clyro before so he wonders if he is really in another world after all regardless his priority right now should be getting himself back to his original world but that's going to be difficult since when he finally gets to meet with the King he is told that the gate connecting to his world has been closed so there's no way they can send him back now but not to worry because they plan to compensate him by kicking him over to a plot of land that they don't Ed so they never have to see him again also the kingdom messed up by summoning him here and not being able to send him back so they tell him that he is not allowed to tell anyone about what happened here with that Baza was loaded up into a cart in a rough Manner and sent on his way to his new residence in the middle of nowhere along the way Baza tries to start a conversation with the lizard man who was driving the cart but the lizard man had been told that he wasn't allowed to speak to Baza at all so he declines answering any questions bazza tries to get him open up by asking if he has a slave contract with the King but the lizard man finds the notion Preposterous because slavery was abolished here years ago he may not get paid the best salary but he's not a slave to anyone humans and demihumans live in peace here so there's very little discrimination between them 20 days into the journey bonaza has arrived at the delesa forest once he gets out of the cart the Lizard Man Hands in a bottomless bag that The King provided him with it should have enough food and money for him to last a while out here but before he Le leaves the lizard man turns back to him and warns that the demon Lord's army is known to be active around this area so in his personal opinion Baza should get out of here as soon as possible if he wants to live as the lizard man leaves bat naaza is grateful for the warning even if he told him to run away where exactly could he go when he doesn't know anything about this world he takes a look at the bottomless bag he had received and thankfully it works the same way as the ones back in his old world so he's able to use it he looks through the items available and pulls out a sword so he can defend himself he needs to but although the sword looks impressive it's still just a piece of junk bonazza then notices a few slimes approaching but since in his world slimes were passive mods he didn't think these ones would be any different he was wrong the slimes attack him and he is forced to slash through all three of them to save himself however the cheap sword is already broken from just three strikes Baza is now unarmed he gets a notification telling him that his level has increased from 1 to two and when he checks his stats they all Chang in this weird sideways eight symbol but it's not like he could have gotten infinite stats from just killing three slimes is also shown that he can now access the voice guidance system so he initializes it and is shown all the spells that he now has access to but it's a little too much information for him all at once the system also warns him that the bottomless bag he was given has a monster attracting spell on it which is probably why slimes decided to attack him against their normal behavior that coupled with the fact that he was only given the cheap sword to defend himself means the king is trying to get him to die out here a system tells Baza that he is able to remove the spells on the bag if he wants so he does so and the bag is once again safe to carry around now that one problem is solved he still needs to find a safe place so he can protect himself but as he was about to enter the forest the system warned him that the forest is contaminated with dense milium it's a substance that is produced and dispersed by demons and it is said to be very harmful to humans if they come into contact with it so it would be a bad idea to go in there as it is now the system asks him if he wants to purify the whole forest and it's actually possible for him to do it but it will cost him onethird of his available magic since he is being forced to live here by the kingdom Baza thinks he might as well make this place as liable as possible especially since he has no other use for his magic anyway so he accepts the terms and a blinding white light is emitted as the whole Forest is purified Baza doesn't realize the scale of the purification he just did or what that blinding light was but he then gets a notification telling him that his level has risen followed by many more of the same notifications meanwhile over in the castle the princess is pleading with the King to reconsider his decision regarding Bonanza since it is their fault that he couldn't return to his world in the first place so it's not right to send him to that Forest knowing it is an almost guaranteed death sentence the king doesn't see anything wrong with his action since he views Bonanza as an unworthy piece of trap that was too weak to become their hero but the discussion is soon interrupted by a messenger who has come to inform the king that the highest level holy magic of purification has just been used within the kingdom the king immediately believes it to be the work of the blonde hero since he had set out towards the South to take on the Demon Lord but the messenger reports that it couldn't have been him since the purification magic didn't come from the South but rather the Northern deliva Forest back to benaza the level up notifications have finally stopped and he is now level 367 but he doesn't know how he got to this point when to the best of his knowledge he hasn't killed any monsters yet he assumes he might just gain experience from the act of using magic so he turns off his level up notifications because it would be annoying to have to listen to that many notifications over and over he also checks on his magic levels and all the magic he had expended for the purification has already replenished giving him the false impression that his magic levels are really low since they regenerated so quickly moving on he still has to figure figure out something for his living situation but he was banned from living in any town so he doesn't know what to do the system suggests that he uses some shake shifting magic to disguise himself so no one can recognize him bazza thinks that's a great idea so the system asks what gender he would like to disguise himself as so Baza let his intrusive thoughts take over for a bit and chooses to become a girl he's kind of hot however after fawning over his body he starts taking things seriously and transforms into something he can be comfortable with with his new body he can now hide in plain sight since no one will recognize him as bonaza so the system suggests that he used teleportation magic to return to the Royal Capital he activates the teleportation magic and is moved to the capital but since it worked well enough to get him here he attempts to use it to send him back to his original world but he has no such luck this time since he's going to be stuck here for a while he's going to need to find a way to make money and since this world seems fairly similar to his former world he wonders if there's a Guild he can register at he later arrives at the adventurer's guild and he registers under the name fleo to keep his real identity Secret After registering he goes over to the Nobis board to check out what quests are available since he needs to make some money but he doubts that he'll be able to get anything good since he is just a new Adventurer just then he notices a girl who is looking for an escort to take her to the DEA Visa Forest but with the rumors that the demon Lord's army is stationed there no saint Adventurer is willing to go there for any amount of money they tell the girl to just wait until an attack unit is sent up there to clear out the forest so it will be safe again but the girl remains determined to go there now because her family is in danger so the adventurers stop interacting with her and push past fleo approaches the girl and tells her that he's willing to take her there and it shouldn't take long at all since he can just teleport straight there upon hearing fleo say he can use teleportation magic everyone in the guild begins talking about him since teleportation magic is something that only the very best Sorcerers can use fleo hadn't realized it was such a big deal but it has already brought him so much attention that he is confronted by a royal Knight bellosa and she doesn't believe he can actually use teleportation so she thinks fleo is attempting to kidnap the poor defenseless girl and she and her team are prepared to cut him down immediately fleo really doesn't like where things are going so he tries to diffuse the situation by telling the girls that he isn't a suspicious person shy may be able to use abnormally high level magic and his identity of fleo hasn't existed until about 10 minutes ago but he's done nothing wrong if he really don't trust his intentions then he offers to have the men's Party come along so they can ensure that the girl won't be harmed in any way his offer catches them off guard but they accept and head out into a back alley so they don't draw too much attention fleo activates his teleportation spell and everyone is transported to the Delisa Forest instantly they are all surprised that fleo can actually use such powerful magic so they are convinced that he must be a first order Sorcerer of some kind and are also starting to regret the threats they had made to him earlier bellosa gets down to apologize to fleo for making rude assumptions about him which were completely baseless and so do the rest of her teammates meanwhile the girl is confused by the state of the forest since she was sure that was coated in a thick veil of milium but now it's all gone and she can't even sense any magic beasts in the area either fleo was about to explain that he used purification magic in the forest but the system warns him that it could be dangerous to reveal that he can use purification magic when he is speaking to a demon at the same time the same girls that were ready to cut fleo open in defense of the girl have all turned their weapons towards her saying she is suspicious for wanting to come to this dangerous place the girl acts scared at first but once it is clear that the party isn't buying her disguise anymore she begins to reveal her true form she was fenri the younger sister to the demon General fenil and she was initially sent to the human town to learn about them and find someone dumb enough to come back here with her so she could eat them but now that they know her true identity she needs them all to die fenri begin spreading her malium and it is enough to bring everyone to their knees all except fleo who is just tanking the damage fenri is surprised that he isn't affected by the milium but doesn't matter to her much since she can just finish him off directly instead she attacks fleo but he manages to dodge out of the way at the last second while carrying bellosa he can't protect everyone and fight at the same time so he uses teleportation magic to send everyone away and faces fenr alone he still doesn't know why he had to end up here but there's no way he is going to let himself die before he gets the chance to do anything in this world so he's going to throw every spell the system has available at fen's as fen's attacks him fleo activates a skill that allows him to LEAP really high into the air and he surprises even himself with how much force he was able to generate just now Fen attempts to attack him again so he selects another spell and creates a rock wall for defense he continues to just Spam Spells at her until he casts a gravitation spell that pins fenry to the ground he knows he's got to do something to take advantage of the opportunity he's got right now but he doesn't know how to permanently deal with a demon like her so the system offers a helpless suggestion and asks if he is considered a little something called slavery fleo is an advocate for free will and all so enslavement is the last thing he would ever want to force on someone else thus he refuses to use the subjugation Spell fenri attempts to use her magic to get herself out of the gravity spell but the system negates it and once again suggests that fleo give slavery a try this goes on for a while with the system really trying to convince him that making fenry a slave is a good idea but he has his principles and will'll compromise on them while fleo was arguing with the system FES had gone through every spell she knows and they were all mated so she has run out of magic and surrenders herself to fleo without the strength to fight back she's as good as dead already so she asks him to end her life quickly flea smiles and tells her that he never wanted to kill her in the first place nor did he want a fight to begin with so he undos the grabby magic and lets fen's go she can't believe a human would willingly let a demon live but fleo doesn't really care whether he is dealing with a demon or a human he just doesn't think it's right to kill an opponent who already surrendered fen's understands his point of view but she still thinks he is being very naive she undos her Beast transformation and returns to her normal human form but she's naked so fleo finds it hard to look at her he takes off his coat and covers her body before giving her the proposition that if she is willing to not kill humans anymore then fleo will look the other way and let her go free just not naked he turns around to see if he has some clothes in his bottomless bag for her to wear but he then hears a loud thud and finds that fen's has collapsed however the system informs him that it is simply due to her magic being depleted so there's no reason for him to worry he sets up camp for the night and spends some time looking through the menu so he can keep track of all the magic he has available to use but after taking a look at this list he has no idea why he has access to all this strong magic when he just got here at the same time fenry finally regains Consciousness so she takes a peak outside and sees fleo sitting in front of the tent she kicks back to how fleo completely dominated her without even trying and she has a strong resistance to Magic as well so he simply overwhelmed her she always thought humans were a weak race but now she doesn't know what to think on another note it's pretty strange that her magic fully recover after only a couple of hours when she ran out so she gets dressed and steps out to ask fleo if he used healing Magic on her he confirms that he healed her but if it were any other human she would have been killed on the spot and skin to make a Christmas rug so she gets down on her knees and swears that she will never hurt another human again and in addition because she acknowledges Flo's overwhelming strength she says she sees him as her master so she will dedicate her life to serving him fleo keeps saying he doesn't want a Slave but this is an isek hiide so slavery was always inevitable fenry says she'll kill herself right now if she can't become his slave so fleo caves and says she can serve him or whatever but he doesn't want her to Die the two settle down around the campfire as fleo tells fen's about the circumstances that brought him here he tells her that the kingdom summoned him as a hero candidate but they discovered he had no skills and they couldn't send him back to his original world anymore so they toss him out here instead he then undo the shape-shifting magic to show fenri what he really looks like he changed the way he looks so the people from The Castle don't recognize and try to kill him to keep their blunder secret but even if he has figured out how to keep himself safe he has no idea what to do from now on plus he is currently homeless so he can't provide any stability for her he tries to convince her to not be so insistent on serving him because it will make her life tougher but she says her species remain completely devoted to whomever they acknowledge as their master so no matter what may come or where they go she will always be by fleo side no matter what fleo can't really argue with her after her Declaration of commitment so he agrees to let her stay by his side and fenry jumps on him in excitement meanwhile back at the castle a blonde guy the king appointed as the hero has just returned from the strike force Mission and it was an absolute failure with most of the Squadron being wacked out the hero immediately puts all the blame on the soldiers and says they all freaked out and merely got themselves killed as soon as they saw a magical beast but he graciously fought tooth and nail to save as many of them as he could so he won't stand here and be called a failure the king isn't falling for such obvious BS so he asks one of the soldiers that was in the Squadron what actually happened in the real story is that the hero stayed behind the Army the entire time and as soon as monsters appeared he hiil it out of there leaving the soldiers fighting for their lives all in all he was a as the blonde hero is leaving he begins complaining to himself that he has not leveled up at all in the past month despite his constant training the level of his skills remain the same as they were when he was first summoned and even at that he is barely strong enough to handle a human or a weak magical beast on his own so he would get his ass handed to him if he even attempted to fight a magical Beast of a higher level just as his frustrations were hitting a boiling point his suddenly approached by the servant that was assigned to him by the castle suya since he's not in the best mood right now he decides that he will go out and treat suya to all the wonders of luxury all at the expense of the royal family of course meanwhile fleo is thinking of the best way to make some money of his own so he plans to head into the adventurers Guild to take on some quests and fenri is eager to join her master in whatever he wants to do fleo has no problem with her following him but he would appreciate it if she dropped the Master title and just used his name as they're walking through the market a man calls out to fen's to get her to buy some veggies thinking she and fleo are a married couple it's an honest misunderstanding but now that he thinks about it fleo believes it may be easier to try travel around this world with fenri if they acted like a married couple but only if she's okay with being married to him fenri is absolutely elated at the idea of marrying fleo because her species hold no greater honor than being able to say that their husband is stronger than everyone else fleo feels the need to clarify that they will just be pretending to be married to one another but F doesn't care about the little details as long as she gets to call them her darling after getting to the adventurers Guild fleo has a guild ID issued to fenri as well and she's a little embarrassed because having this mean she and fleo will have a matching accessory and in her culture there is something similar which is done as part of a mating ritual The Guild receptionist pretends she didn't hear that whole conversation and just asks fenri what name she would like to register under so fenri merely gives her full name and Demon Army title but fleo stops her in time and just puts down re for her name later re apologizes for nearly getting herself exposed but he says is fine since nothing bad happened just then a bell is heard ringing as the receptionist announces that there is an urgent Quest they need handled a huge group of psycho Bears have been cited near the city and they are heading here right now those are the same bears that the blonde hero ran away from so the adventurers are all scared to tackle this one to incentivize them to accept the guild is prepared to offer 10 times the usual reward for the psycho Bears making this a really good way to make some money especially since there are no rank requirements but fleo is still hesitant to accept fenri doesn't get why he's so scared since she is sure he could take out the Bears in no time but he still doesn't know just how strong he is so hearing that the hero lost to these Bears has him spooked to prove to him that he is actually really powerful fenri decides that she will go out and fight the Bears herself and if she wins then it will be proof that fleo is superior to the hero since he's already confirmed to be stronger than her they both teleport to the last location where the psycho bears were spotted and they find a house nearby which The Guild told them they can use as a base while they hunt FIS is glad fleo decided to come with her but she lets him know that she can handle a couple of psycho bears by herself even if she is confident in her abilities fleo can't bring himself to just let her do it on her own and besides there was a spell he wanted to test out so he might as well do it here just then they hear screams coming from over the cliff so they rush over to see if someone is in trouble they find a group of psycho bears attacking that adventuring party that fleo teleported away while he fought fenry fenry still doesn't like them so she suggests they just pretend like they didn't see anything and come back for the Bears later but the girls are about to be killed so fleo jumps in and uses his lightning magic to take out a bunch of the Bears and since fleo got himself involved Fen jumps down to take out the last Bear by stomping it into the ground however she still complains that fleo is being too nice as fleo jumps down as well the knights recognize him and give their thanks for him once again coming to their rescue fleo introduces Riz to them as His travel companion which upsets ree because he didn't introduce her as his wife a moment later a giant SEO bear sneaks up behind Ree and tries to attack her but since she's in a bad mood right now she simply stares at it and the bear realizes that it does not want to fight anymore it falls backwards and lays there leaving everyone confused but they soon come to learn that the bear just gave up and surrendered to them it's good that the bear is smart enough to know that it is outmatched but they can't exactly just let it go either because it'll just attack someone else eventually thus they come up with the idea to keep this psycho bear as a pet so it doesn't attack people anymore fleo takes a look at the system and finds something called restriction magic that will keep it from going wild but even though the bear is T mount it will still cause a panic if they just walk around with it like this so he uses shakes shifting magic to make it look like a bunny the knights can't believe they just witness someone tame a bear and then transform it into a bunny but absurdity aside fleo and re are definitely powerful so Bosa has a Quest ask of them she wishes for flea would train them to be able to defeat monsters on the level of pyo bears after the hero came back from his defeat he blamed the knights for being too incompetent and threw a tantrum locking himself in his room until they become strong enough to fight so he doesn't have to now it's a completely unreasonable demand that the king had no choice but to accept so he ordered the knights to go train themselves so far has been going about as bad as you would expect considering they nearly got killed back there so they would appreciate it if he train them fleo doesn't know how to respond since he doesn't really understand how his magic works in the first place he really doesn't want to have to go through the effort of training them so he tries to use re's bad mood as a reason to back out he tells the knights that she's actually his wife and he really just wants to spend time with her so he can't help but once ree hears him call her his wife she becomes so happy that she agrees to have fleo train the knights since there's no backing out fleo warns them that he isn't confident in his teaching skills but he'll try his best to help them regard regardless meanwhile over in the demon Kingdom the dart one receives a report that there is an individual who possesses magic strong enough to instantly purify the entire deisa Forest so the dark one orders that he be captured at any cost this was the end of episode 2 thanks for watching subscribe to not miss the next part
Channel: AniSpot Recapped
Views: 467,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime recaps, anime summary, anime
Id: zTeDZA7VuwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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