So this is HEAVY FLAMER HERESY | Russian Badger Reaction

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this is one of the 40K games that I haven't heard too much about likely for a very good reason regardless though let's see what Russian Badger has to say about it but of course make sure to go and support him the link to the original video will be at the very top of the description as always brother get the flamer the heavy flamer are the of death my is be to the chest God I would like to file a complaint I love how you are with you don't need to whip it like a noodle in a swimming what is going on here okay so just for this one image it's a four player co-op they're wearing some sort of armor I forget what this armor was called but it's just like extra battle gear for Space Marines right purg it in flame bur in Holy Fire time has come Brothers No Mercy shit/ heresy alert if you're offended when someone Goofs up the lore or talks [ __ ] about your favorite chapter of Space Marines please welcome to the Grim darkness of the future where I know that there's some some pretty hardcore peeps here in the Warhammer Community trust me I know and then when you get people going around talking about how gatekeeping is actually a good thing to do then uh yeah it's uh kind of a recipe for a disaster overall though the community that has formed around our channel has been very pleasant to interact with and uh you guys help provide a lot of lore bits that I may have forgotten or gotten Incorrect and I learned a lot of lore from the comments So yeah thank you guys very much for being awesome and being nice staying civilized in chat anyways on with the video peace happiness and prosperity have been replaced by war death and destruction not necessarily in that order but necessarily in mass quantities I will endure a thousand deaths before I yield in the last episode 9 months ago we were introduced to the sentient fun guy known as the Orcs yeah the corn worshiping heroics known as the forces of chaos that make the civilian casualties of World War II look like a picnics for the skull Throne blood for the blood gold list of cornate massacres this list is incomplete you can help by expanding and most importantly the Space Marines of the Imperium of man led by the venerate Emperor himself we are one in the emperor and the will of man and as much as I'd love to hear about your hyper intelligent dark Elder waiu the dumbass weeaboo space communist and the rattle Me Bon robots the zenos what well thank goodness I'm blocking this because those are Mega spooky also isn't that just ash from OverWatch wearing a sister of battle armor stealing your [ __ ] this time around are the genan steal tyan your infestation spreads no further alien it may sound like despotic deja vu for someone to be stealing your [ __ ] again but that's usually the way these 40K games go zenos are either killing something breaking something or stealing something you're deployed to intervene you realize the [ __ ] is [ __ ] and you may as well blow it all up anyways and then you blow it all up exter survive the FL always May beg the question from your perspective why not just blow it all up in the first place place like exterminatus Nuke from orbit and to that I retort because it is the EMP and also purging is really really fun brother the jeans dealers are doing just that on one of your space hulks called the althos and you're the librarian in charge of salvaging anything of value and purging the xenop fil okay I mean that's pretty cool it's a a lot different from Space Marine in the fact that you know we're fighting a different enemy and I think the tyranids are also going to show up in Space Marine 2 as well we've seen them in a couple of the trailers but this is going to be kind of my first time actually seeing like gameplay of a game with the tyranids in it I've always found them to be an interesting faction but they haven't really been expanded upon simply because of their nature like it's kind of hard to expand upon a high mind but I think they look cool they discussing insects but that's kind of the cool thing about them Pary stops here alongside Devastator baril Apothecary neume and shot colar bile you make up Deathwing the first come of the Dark Angels chapter are Dark Angels okay the whole Dark Angels in bone white armor may be a little confusing but it's only Deathwing the rest of the Dark Angels are actually green even though the salamanders are already green but the salamanders are almost always on fire so it's not that hard to brother enough with the Lord Brothers retribution I should probably check out like more in-depth detail with each of the Space Marine chapters some of the color coding get a little confusing but I do think it would be nice for me to like recognize whenever I play um dawn of War uh a specific Space Marine faction and you know what they do and what they specialize in is at hand it is our strength we are the sons of caliban let Fury guide your weapons let Vengeance be your song We Are the angels of death and our enemies shall fall decked out and terminate actually was um were those like ships meant to bore into uh whatever facility they're infiltrating I feel like we've seen something like that in the aartis animation armor you're larger and more formidable than your ordinary space but not so huge that you can't fit through doorways like a mening full siiz dreadn May block our path and you better believe you're going to need this intimidating armor because the gene Stealers you're up against well they're not exactly small by the emperor can the zenos get any bigger and you may be thinking yes yes they can you have no idea bro at least I have two dark angel Terminators to help me I know it may be heresy to [ __ ] talk fellow Terminators bold words for someone in ass salt Cannon range delete this heresy heresy it burn we heard you were talking [ __ ] brother but short of dispensing a few cookie cutter voice lines soaking up damage they are useless that's all they say that is like one single Zeno steady yourself brother dis they're overwhelming us thinking back on Space Marine uh I don't think the Allies were that useful the great thing about them was that they just you know they didn't die so thank goodness right but for the most part it's kind of just up to the player to to deal with all the hordes and the bosses which makes sense I mean you know you're the one playing it but I wonder on like a level of incompetence how much more incompetent are these guys compared to your Bros in Space Marine except uh well what was that guy's name leandre's or something I don't know that guy's cringe PL is their sole strength as in even if they are on the brink of death they will not heal them El unless you instruct them to oh my God so if you really want to get okay now that makes them infinitely worse than your Bros in Space Marine they actually have a health bar and they'll never heal themselves just like Donald will never heal you in Kingdom Hearts yeah I don't know about this decision is there a way to maybe change the AI Behavior get heretical you can instruct Apothecary a Hume to constantly juice himself up with self heals like a feing junkie and he becomes a tyranid rude Lord punching bag while you inflict heavy damage on whatever is attempting to eat you Ty baate is not the right word aary Ty punching your skill tree allows you to make these fellow brothers of yours more powerful yourself more powerful or Grant additional purging abilities and I sure as [ __ ] didn't blow any of it on them yes brother bar I realize you want better armor but I can now Purge Heretics in three different kinds of fire at least your objectives are simple because you'll usually see a one-word description like or destroy dist and I think you already know what the hell you're doing here so let me save my breath the zenos are coming we have to exterminate them at all costs I'm going to need more bter for this heresy I'm confused by this heresy brother the fos just purging themselves predictably once the string of objectives is complete you realize the Jean Steelers lived up to their names by stealing your jeans and decide to incinerate the plays exterminatus Style impossible to remove the traces of our Gene seed from the bodies of the aliens so Grandmaster Bello vowed to destroy everything instead consider this a clear division in the video our guns have fallen silent brother because the single player especially on the no Mery difficulty can be a frustrating overwhelming with annoyance and underwhelming with content experience where you feel like a lone Guardsman against a legion of zenos let me tell you about the Tyranny but the okay that's probably the main reason why it's not really talked about because the single player experience is not very good and yeah like with the points that were made here it's understandable like trying to manage your AI teammates who are not very smart is um yeah it's just not a fun thing to do I'm so glad that that wasn't a problem in Space Marine but also I'd like to add that maybe a lore reason behind why we didn't just exterminatus this place is because you know exterminatus is supposed to be the F possible choice so send in a bunch of Space Marines to try and keep things in control maybe see if there's a different potential option rather than immediately blow it up although uh from my understanding as well I feel like exterminatus is also used quite often just off the rip because when it comes to the 40K universe is just so big that like one planet being destroyed is it doesn't hurt too much I could be wrong though this is just speculation on my part based off of what I learned about this game from this video though multiplayer is five times better a totally different animal and it feels heretical even looping it in with a single player because it's a completely distinct experience xenophobia increases you know you're in a 40K game when instead of saying waiting for players it's waiting for brothers for brother getting too loyal for this [ __ ] brother brother brother brother psycho he's ready to smack up first of all multiplayer allows you to play six classes instead of just one not that I hated playing a librarian my face I don't know what a librarian looks like because I can't [ __ ] read but heavy weapon specialty granted me an assault Canon and abilities like zero spread a devastating mind and a virtual A10 War hog for an arm assult Canon deployed Blood Ravens be like me an intellectual [Laughter] oh the SC R both my look at him look at him zero accuracy on that rate of fire easy for somebody with a [ __ ] A10 warthogs trapped to their arm to say run to me brother they'll all get [ __ ] if they run into it just watch apothecaries are okay I mean it does seem like a pretty fun experience although to be fair I feel like most games when you're playing it with your Bros it just improves the experience by like tenfold I could say that playing verman tide playing it solo is um it's okay I mean the gameplay mechanics and the gameplay Loop is it's it's fun but where it really shines is when you're with your Bros and you're trying to survive together and everybody has their own job that they got to do you know I wonder how this game compares to something like dark tide I I think that's kind of like the ver tied version but for 40K I've heard kind of mixed things about that game although I think it's gotten better ever since uh maybe I should check out some videos on that game as well important because with half the tyranids being able to tear through your armor like a Cheetos bag you're going to need an answer to your each key which happens to be a needle drill the size of a baseball bat stimulant deploy requ what brother I need an apothecary this te and whispered in my ear you would do that you would do that the Apothecary walks up you think he's going to heal you you think he's going to heal you by stabbing you with his needle he just punches you in the face going in hold on brother hold on brother the cool down there I'm going to drill your ass there you go hey man how many fingers am I holding up turn off your heavy flamer so I can tell you hold on I'll get you I'll you there you go thank you brother t specialty was a must yeah man it just seems like a really good time have because he can revive a fallen brother yo duty is not done brother and interrogator chaplain is a no-brainer because he can revive three Fallen Brothers temporarily reflect all incoming damage and temporarily become invincible which makes him broken as [ __ ] the best looking and overall a fors to be wrecking with K is meaningless to me can I speak to your manager I did watch a video from bricky about how fun is more important than balance and I mean I don't think there's any like competitive multiplayer for heavy flamer heresy here so um hey as long as it's a fun class to play then who cares the point I'm making with all of this fuss about classes is that multiplayer offers both variety and specialization whether you're looking for something different or you just want to play someone that suits your style you can move far beyond the librarian of the single player and retribution just isn't the same without your brothers Brothers to partake in our Crusade is to be immortal it's worth mentioning at this point to turn codex rules on because it is a far less grindy experience and more importantly Friendly Fire is off with the amount of heavy flamers we run I'd say the Codex the stst does support this action we may get birds Brothers yeah the first thing that you do of course the space book says this is bad don't up your t there's no need to do that it says we can't do that in the codec well I can't read everybody gags her until Lolly Rick pull out the heavy flamer which conveniently leads me to my next Point weapons I'm going to need a heavy player for this in the single player you've got to use a versatile weapon you've got big targets small targets close targets distant targets so much of the Arsenal you can't use because it doesn't meet all those I see but obviously in multiplayer you got your Bros that can fill in different slots or maybe you can swap out weapons I don't know take the Redemption for example the badass scatter Bolter that Blast zenos Away In A Ricochet of righteous steel death to the [Music] enemy God the rag doll with that is so good Heavenly yeah just you shoot so far stormbolter and Stor Sho Ricochet with the oh my God in the single player you won't have the range have the dudes with dark Panzer Shrek or anything at a distance for that matter and your brain dead Brethren sure as [ __ ] won't notice them so your bone d a lack of range but in multiplayer you can combine your Redemption with a heavy flamer Spear of calaban and stormbolter for coverage at all ranges you cover your brother up close while they cover anything at a distance for the emperor oh that's also the reason why melee is a bit of a joke because on normal difficulty I love crushing Heretics and merciless retribution my faith is my sh by all accounts it was no more than a hking mass of Steel oh with any higher difficulty it just doesn't work not only because tyranids specialize in melee combat as apex predators but so many one shot you it's Paramount to purge them before they get closed furthermore damage is localized as in if a jean stealer Chomps your right arm you can't shoot and slashes your legs you can't run away yeah okay I I did see this on the bottom right I didn't comment about it but uh H that's an interesting mechanic to put into this game it makes sense I mean it adds that sense of realism right but like it just makes it feel like even more of a chore it's one of those game design things that can be fun when it works but otherwise it it doesn't really help and with each point that we're making here it just serves to show how different the multiplayer is like it actually literally is a different game despite it wearing the the same skin because this is basically like the Left 4 Dead kind of like verman tide formula going on here whereas the single player is U not that at all so again melee is a tough cell I cannot move hey at least you can use a power fist with every heavy weapon so it may not be a sword or an axe but you can still smack a heretic feel the might of the chapter's finest die you get the point I'm hammering at every weapon in the Arsenal is at your disposal with Brothers by your side in multiplayer instead of a handful of versatile ones in the single player which means more fun more purging and of course indiscriminate use of the heavy flamer burn in Holy Fire I tell you to stop using your flamer so that I can see first of all this is a heavy flamer why are you flaming me I'm right my flame does not discriminate I'm an equal opportunity flamer opportunity perching hey hey hey hey no you disciplining mother with like a spray bottle but instead it's heavy FL it's heavy for a reason because the zenos you're up against I like to categorized as apex predators suicidal apex predators and apex predators so large that they can only be described as virtually Immortal big boy it's a big boy get out of my way clue get out of my way I'm too chunky oh get behind the man with the assault can oh he's gone no we be fine clue you got to Sal Cannon and a heavy flamer he'll go down there he goes technically the cerin is virtually Immortal and The Brood Lord is virtually Immortal and psychic so rule of thumb cthulu looking zenos are superior to non cthulu looking zenos what is this behind me brother Kulu fan club out here and if it's a 20 foot tall pray mantis bug looking thing that just cuts your buddy in half and doesn't go down with an initial burst it's either a sight strain or a brood Lord and you may want to start a ret I mean a tactical with draw because two more are on their way Retreat now for victory later all right everything you got everything you got to The Brood Lord on the right just do the one close to the objective as soon as he gets here Goose hit your reflect and after it's done hit your I have to bounce back I got the reflect damage you're honestly not going to be able to see anything just just keep tanking them we got a heavy assault Cannon just laying into them but you see here like you can communicate with your teammates and come up with a viable strategy to defeat a much larger and stronger opponent this is not at all present in the single player I mean even if you can give them command it's not like they're going to do it like this this genuinely seems like a fun experience to play with the Bros although I probably couldn't justify purchasing the game just for this mode when there are other multiplayer games like this that are probably better doesn't matter if can't see anything they got be they got to be so I got you I got you you're coming back so much pain that's it when the 20ft tall genetically perfect apex predator gets mowed down by a bunch of [ __ ] Farmers with flashlights I could rant about the [ __ ] psychers that can One-Shot you with heresy but I don't want this video to quadruple in length for the sake of zenos sorcery Space Magic God I am calm what saucery is this yet no matter how terrifying the zenos your face with they all have a glaring weakness with no known counter doors this is a point to may sound weird that doors are the Pinnacle of strategy in Deathwing but deciding whether to lock them unlock them or simply power fist them open for a rapid Escape is the closest it comes to chess I leave only Rubble you're insisting on a wh a quick tutorial on doors these are the most important things not time pirates can get through that [ __ ] that's how you this is going to keep him out right yes you hack it oh let's close this door behind us oh wait we can't this is where I locked the door if there was one all right this is what we're actually supposed to do now come no no come through no no no oh my God block it un block it un block it I get it oh I can hear him right there I'm pretty sure that was the hive Ty from last mission he is right there and he is so mad he's pissed brother we do not want your girl scout cookies brother that's uh that's interesting that the virtually Immortal being that can cut you down with one stroke cannot get through a door that you can easily cut down but okay I suppose it's kind of needed mechanic maybe depending on like how intense any of these hordes can become not going to lie in the back of my mind I'm wondering how it would feel like to be an imperial Guardsman facing off against one of these things uh it feel pretty hopeless You' probably empty your entire ammo clip and it would do absolutely nothing even the Space Marines have to wear this special armor or special Terminator armor in order to even do anything to these guys that's kind of insane and there's just so many of them Al be mentioned that doors and entryways are the most dangerous adversary in all of the althos because they can swallow you without Mercy or meaning there's a lot of oh oh yeah he's probably oh that seems fair that seems fair I got a Purge this heresy right looks like heresy to me brother I don't I don't see anybody heresy is now Airborne get this off my screen I'll I I'll [ __ ] light them on fire though I don't give a [ __ ] open the door open the door I'm trying brother brother it's blocked soone just stuck there like a big piece of [ __ ] the Codex of Stardust does not support this action brother I am pinned here if you don't get stck you'll experience the best the game has to offer outside of the heavy flamer which is the environment from the biggest freezer in the universe to the massive Cathedrals holy [ __ ] is it ever well done does the architecture bring honor to the emperor yes are we overloading the reactor to purge it all in flame in 20 minutes also yes look at my screen I'm freezing my ass off in here that's such a good solution brother brother are you cold brother I am chilled here and the better decisions you make the longer you'll stay alive the more purging you'll do and the more Renown you you'll earn to spend on upgrades like faster reloads beef your health and weapons that never Jam I don't always Jam my what your weapons can jam we're really going for that kind of level of realism here oh God yeah if you're going to play this game play this in multiplayer when I do it's because the SC rain is breathing on my face my face when I see a hive Tyrant and I'm [Music] reloading resil so true increases HP by 30% for each body part a fellow Space Marine just walks up Jabs you in the arm you're still at 100% Cosmetics are available too which you can frown upon all you want but you've really got to grind for them and at least they aren't microt transactions the indomitable assault Cannon of Wrath holy [ __ ] psyo such skin [ __ ] well thank you traitor Doom destruction's Glory the voice of devast okay I mean personally I don't mind any Cosmetics or stuff like that I mean I I think Cosmetics are cool to have and this isn't microtransaction so at least there's there you can earn this but just by playing the game right but even if it's just a microtransaction that's purely cosmetic I guess that's okay I'd rather be able to earn them by playing the game but it's much better than any other form of current microtransaction out there although if you want to talk about that as a the whole just microtransactions just they're just kind of lame asent torment of defiance and pain of the heretic Jesus this is Warhammer 4K wait wait wait wait wait I can I can really ham that up just bane of the heretic torment of defiance traitor's Doom destruction's Glory a voice of Devastation God oh it's hilarious I'm glad that I successfully deceived you until the end of the video because the greatest enemy in the entire game frame rates even with a monster rig of an i97980xe and a 2080 TI I consistently crater to sub 40 FPS from the sheer amount of Xeno filth and heavy flamer on my screen purge them in flame the emperor's finest my graphics card is going to break it's going to break yeah my um 1050 TI probably won't even be able to boot up the game looks like this one is one we're going to have to skip not that uh I'd be able to get a crew of people to play this in multiplayer anyways and I mean yeah there's probably better options regardless someday we'll get that upgrade Bros like Ry continues are these Flames R tracing en na I still am at 40 but I'm also glad and most thankful that I had my brothers beside me because we had Jackal who knows everything about 40K LEL Johnson is the prim marker of the Dark Angels the only reason he hasn't returned is cuz he's literally just asleep Jello who knows next to nothing about 40K what is that it's my ex-wife Ken I'm I already gave you the AL burn the custody paper kids I'm coming can't keep you forever and Heavenly who fits somewhere in between sounds like a bunch of nerds for the blood God I hope you have fun that's actually such a perfect crew to play this game with actually when we were playing verti it was kind of like that although I wouldn't say that I was like the lore expert I didn't know the most about the Warhammer fantasy lore but cashi was kind of middling there and Leo knew nothing that's such a great Dynamic H yeah giving me some good ideas here breaking herit in half with me white will not save you valo and even if you didn't we purged them all in flame and bounced on out of there anyways their shelter has become their to the end I'd like to extend a solemn rip to all of the [ __ ] in my Discord that I ban for saying the Deathwing is trash I don't know anybody I ban is the same pile of Filth in my book damn God damn this is how I look when I ban people I don't [Music] oh my God what is that secondly I kind of miss having a boss fight not that I miss Zeno scum in any way shape or form but maybe if there was a bigger Zeno that I got to fight that said some [ __ ] like ship spice Marine that could have been kind of neat instead of just seeing a bigger and bigger tyranid each time they didn't have a name and thirdly holy [ __ ] do I ever Miss unlimited Sprint I know it's not something that always goes through your mind but when you've run like 20 ft and you are just sucking wind damn do I ever Miss Unlimited holy God all that being said I had a ton of fun playing this game I had a ton of fun making this video anytime I just get to play in your sandbox those of you that are really really hardcore 40K dudes I have a blast in closing I'd like to thank you guys so very much for watching it means the world to me that you watched the end of the video and I had so much fun creating content at a Warhammer 40K it is so over the top it is so nuts I love every second of it and be sure to tune in next year when we go to a Salander well that turned out differently than what I was expecting the game doesn't seem all that bad although um the single player certainly isn't anything to write home about that's for sure the multiplayer though seemed uh actually kind of fun I feel like it's more of a case of it was a game with some cool ideas that weren't performed very well when it came to the single player campaign however the multiplayer mechanics worked out somehow and while there is some Jank here and there it ended up becoming a a good enough game to have fun with your brows just you know being an absolute badasses tearing down teids also having a little bit of goof and fun here and there will I ever play it um definitely not until I get an upgrade but yeah who knows what lies in the future regardless thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: The Legit Weebs
Views: 7,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: russian badger reaction, warhammer reaction, warhammer 40k reaction
Id: 5nFlBhlA7kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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