Vtuber Reacts to Reggie - I Used Obesity to Conquer my Enemies in Total Warhammer 3

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now we're finally back with some more Reggie I believe this campaign that he does with Gro is unmodded but I guess we'll just have to wait and see I don't think I've ever seen anybody play through groms campaign yet I did see mandalore's review on the campaign and stuff like that but knowing Reggie this is going to be absolutely insane the link to the OG video will be at the top of the description as always please make sure to go and support Reggie leave a like And subscribe to him the gameplay of Warhammer 3 is an obvious allegory for America and its obesity crisis you start as one of 437 different races and immediately begin killing everyone that looks even remotely different than you why because unless you're some kind of clown shoed idiot your short and long-term goal is world domination you can play as the yeah I mean yeah true to be fair in a world like Warhammer fantasy discrimination isn't exactly the biggest thing on people's minds humans they're great if you have a low moral barometer and a sexual attraction to artillery pieces but maybe you'd rather be an anic sex criminal instead the dwarves have you covered and if all else fails you can always play as a colony of Twitter users fascinating creatures in reality it doesn't matter which faction you choose because much like a cocaine infused stock broker you will inevitably develop an unhealthy relationship with watching numbers go up your borders can always be bigger your income always higher and of course you can always accumulate more mass in a world where dude I completely understand that it's just one more turn you know the one more turn is one thing but also like your economy has to grow your borders have to grow your armies have to grow it's just constant expansion nonstop is there a way to play the the game diplomatically I feel like the game isn't designed for that and the diplomacy system has been expanded upon in the third game but like would that be possible at the very least you'd have to go to war to capture some settlements to then trade to other people to them make them your Military Allies to kind of pseudo expand your own borders there through some sort of diplomatic means so yeah no I don't think it would be possible to beat the game just through diplomacy there is a one toone correlation between your charge damage and your BMI suddenly being morbidly obese has become the greatest superpower of all and when it comes to being immensely fat no one does it better than R the PCH this he green Mass cholesterol is not only sentient but he's one of the strongest units in the game men want to be him women want to be with him and today I am him immediately upon loing it became clear that I have entered my own personal hell because I am surrounded on all sides by the French Jesus Christ dude his starting position is um it's not too great you're just surrounded by enemies aren't you and I mean your starting city is a little difficult to attack gives you some time but but Grom usually dies whenever I play a campaign there it's just too much even the vampires are French I solved this conundrum through careful diplomacy and by careful diplomacy I mean I had an obese man drive over their heads in a chariot with our first enemy fended off we can now participate in the real gameplay creating strange and elaborate mukbangs to help Gro on his personal mission to tantalize the Vore Community as you can see here is of course that Community exists on Reddit but one of the things that I found like super for engaging with groom's campaign from the review from Mandalore that I saw was yeah this mechanic the fact that every single time you can give your armies like a different buff makes the replayability of this campaign pretty insane work around different strategies build your armories differently depending on the ingredients that you get of course yeah it's just it just seems like a lot of fun starving obviously and we're going to need to make him some f to do this we need to acquire several oh my God I just saw for a split second sentore milk oh boy obscure ingredients from around the world which will almost certainly necessitate the eradication of countless civilizations but their sacrifice is one I am willing to make our goal is to create and consume all foods at which point our purpose in life will be complete and Grom can die peacefully from a convulsion inducing heart attack for now the easiest way to collect ingredients is to just kill everyone we meet and sort out the tasty Parts later to accomplish this I have launched a brave and courageous Eugenics program whereby whenever a French army spawns I kill it immediately my Fringe scientific beliefs eventually led me to bordalo where we were ambushed by a large quantity of Frenchmen in such moments the game will try to Gaslight you into believing you're at risk of losing allow me to show you why this is literally impossible as green skins you have a wide selection of characters buttons and settings but only one of them is actually worth pressing because when your total lack of brain activity inevitably causes you to start losing a battle I want you to slam your forehead through the emergency glass and press this button the W button instantly B your entire Army and heals it for 50% of its Health with such immense power we can effectively neglect any tactical decision- making and instead focus on meaningful gameplay decisions such as using a homeless lady to vomit on unsuspecting peasants following but yeah the W ability as well as the W mechanic is just so it it can really swing the power ranking of any green skin faction of course I'm pretty sure that there's a massive drawback if a wall fails and I don't know if this isn't like an actual the mechanic that I'm talking about this might just be like a an army ability that you can pop whenever but I mean it makes sense for the green skins and um I would be very terrified to be on the receiving end of that especially with a bunch of peasants playing as a bratonia this we were given a quest by a decapitated head which my psychiatrist assures me is not normal regardless after completing I remember the lore about this pretty sure was from mandor's video as well that yeah it actually is a decapitated head of his previous adviser just there to give you like missions and stuff that's pretty funny said Quest we were awarded with a stone Golem which is definitely not overpowered to have on turn four after that we invade dude I thought getting like a hell pit Abominations on like what turn 15 turn 20 was pretty op getting that on turn four oh my God the animations for the giant Golem there is actually really cool too I remember commenting about it castle bordalo and successfully renovated it into a heaping pile of [ __ ] understandably upset by this our French enemies launched one final assault on us armed with Odo and 39 people he found at the bus stop this was a poor decision on their the rapid expion of our Empire had regrettably drawn the attention of the greater frankophone hive mind which caused the Fay enchantress to declare war on us she attacked us with an army of M Knights however we have the perfect and most dangerous counter to cavalry a 15° incline the very concept of a non-uniform earth caused her Cavalry to absolutely lose their minds and enter a profound state of psychosis in response I did the only Humane thing possible which was to complete an industrial amount of Mercy killings with the F yeah never charge up hell it's just it's not good unless if you like have a massive Advantage as opposed in these instances it really depends on the map that you're fighting on if uh you're downhill from your enemy and they have a bunch of cavalry then uh probably don't fight it chantress now defeated it is time to break several International treaties by ingesting our enemies it's around this time people you don't know will start paying you extortion money you didn't ask for by this point our reputation had increased enough to allow us to press the only other button that matters in the game calling this we can designate a city to destroy and double the size of all of our armies for wait double the size of all of our armies for 20 double the size of all of your armies for 20 turns excuse so you're saying that you could field 40 units in one Army does that come with the added upkeep cost or is that just literally free just press the button and you get 20 more units turns if Grom was a car this would be the equivalent of not only uninstalling his brakes but replacing them with another acceleration pedal I chose Castle carcasson as our Target and plowed Grom into it at 300 mph needless to say there were no survivors this was the last of our enemies territories which effectively rendered them homeless and in this game much like in real life for every turn you are homeless you slowly but noticeably decompose a little more but yeah I take massive amounts of attrition butuh I wonder if I ever learned about the wild mechanic it's been a while since I watched mandor's reviews of the game but as a player being able to utilize that you could absolutely Crush people like that I still have yet to play the green skin so my only experience with them was fighting against them and I usually avoid you know angering War zag if his walk was currently going those armies were just not not easy to defeat for sure but imagining this in my hands ah the chaos we could create absolutely destroy some people RAM does not care because I just realized the wood elves have invaded paravon and little did they know I had already deved a parasocial relationship with that exact settlement and their invasion of it unofficially and then officially meant war with our army still chubbed up from our favorite button I decided to invade the wood elf territories fighting the wood elves is a lot like fighting the Viet Kong you are going to be shot by people you can't see develop a rational fear of trees and then experience PTSD for the rest of your life it's a dirty job but someone has to do it because they're dangerous I mean would you really trust your kids around this man had tree my goo was shocking my I didn't think so we marched right into their what what is that audio clip from what Orion can be kind of a pain in the ass to deal with I'll be honest with you that man does a lot of damage especially early game and the fact that you take so much attrition in the magical forest too as basically any other faction apart from the wood elves yeah that sucks it's not a war that I want to deal with but eh if you start near him you're going to have to Capital and began our Siege I deployed my Army in no particular order but still managed to crush the wood elves under the weight of 8,000 Goblin Spearman oh and we also did this to them they really didn't like that I would occupy the settlement but it's just so godamn disgusting I decided to leave and never come back by this point we collected eight ingredients a good start but we still have a lot of work to do fortunately a food Merchant appeared on the map to help us out there's a couple of ways to interact with the food Merchant for example we can buy ingredients from her Rob her for money or cook food for her in exchange for upgrades to our cauldron I chose the last option however the food Merchant speaks exclusively in some kind of goblin ionics which makes it just about impossible to decipher what the [ __ ] she is actually saying but we can deal with that later we have more important things to tend to a man we don't know explained he wants to kill us is still paying us money to leave him alone and the most French man to have ever lived declared war on us of course I mean you went to war with the other guys I don't think this is really a favorable fight for Gro because Luen usually just destroys him whenever I play but let's see how Reggie handles this one time you will realize playing Grom the Ponch is effectively an exercise in resistance the rest of the world is staging a violent intervention to prevent us from eating ourselves into a diabetic coma and we must resist to this effect I hired a new Commander Gore birds and gave him an army I put gorb birds in charge of the neighborhood watch which meant that roughly once every five turns he would see oion and subsequently beat beat him to death for trying to leave the Enchanted Forest this worked very well and it allowed Grom to plow northward eventually defeating Luan in a series of battles that could only be described as unethical by this point we had effectively converted the French Countryside into something vaguely resembling Canada but there's still one issue Quebec I declared war on the undead and began ransacking their armies I'd like to say it is very difficult to kill a ghost with a catapult but not impossible with most of brettonia now thoroughly under our control I decided to do two very important things first I researched a revolutionary artillery platform that allows me to dress my goblins up like cute little trick-or-treaters look at this he's so happy he's going to go diving straight into the enemy and die oh I guess that's one use for a goblin oh man some of these weapons in Warhammer are just so over the top but like it it fits he's a bat but don't get too attached and definitely don't name them because they have pledged fty to the Empire of the Rising Sun and the next thing we are doing is launching them from a catapult as kamakazi dive bombers because after all why bother buying explosives when you can be the exposive apart from this I sent one of my Army out to explore the wonderful and enchanting ocean in search of delicious aquatic ingredients and they were killed immediately by Somali pirates this didn't upset me as much as it caused me to fly into a blind rage and immediately begin building the most immoral Army possible in an effort to punish the world for my misfortune 11 snotling pump wagons and eight trebuchets don't mind if I do to be clear I don't even want to play this Army because microing 11 Cavalry unit requires a level of attention that I am simply not capable of you see my brain is powered by a single Nigerian man running on a hamster wheel and I fear that managing this Army May in fact result in his death but we'll why why is okay I'm not going to even go there it's just Reggie things I feel like if you ever do play an AR me with the Chariot units get like one or two of them like having an entire Army of them is just way too much to manage even if like someday I were to play cetra which uh will probably definitely happen at some point I very likely would not go for like a full on chariots despite that being you know his thing I'm really glad that you can at the very least like play it in slow motion or even pause the game though so that could make it possible but yeah it's just too much never be able to achieve our dream of congestive heart failure if we aren't willing to make a few sacrifices so let's continue with our French enemies now lying in various stages of decomposition I took a few turns to figure out our place in the world which is apparently 22nd that's right we're not even on the podium but we can fix that with one simple trick another call to W by literally doubling our standing military we've gone from rank 22 to rank three this is troubling because of there it is as I said you know the strength rank swings are just insane whenever they start a w other factions that are more than twice as powerful as us regardless I can't risk our food quest being jeopardized by a larger faction so we have to become the larger faction which means that some people need to die if you recall about 20 turns ago the dwarf's body shamed Grom pretty viciously and that [ __ ] doesn't fly around here so we're going to go stab them to death with Spears I declared their capital city as the target of our W and began assembling my armies I decided it might be beneficial to have a path into the Dwarven Mountains and the only one available was through the wood elves so I opted to kill Orion and take his fancy little tree unfortunately this caused findall to become scared and he declared war on us so we killed him which resulted in D becoming frightened and declaring war on us so we killed him too but then duu got upset so we had to kill him which caused both and Alan to get upset but unfortunately we haven't researched intercontinental ballistic missiles so we'll kill them later by the end of it I had personally what okay that has to be edited he slaughtered 10,079 people just to get to the dwarves if I was a dwarf I would be mildly concerned by that statistic helor certainly was because he attempted to befriend Me by donating 300 gold obviously I accepted and then declared war on him immediately after what boy it's not personal Helman I just really need a test bro frie but what about your reliability isn't like um completely tanking your reliability by doing something like that just like a game Ender although now that I think about it there were times when I was playing a Claus campaign and my reliability went down but uh over time it can recover and I mean as long as you're actually strong enough you can defend yourself H yeah I don't know subject for the meme team so I invaded his settlement honestly the Army is beautiful in a Francisco Goya kind of way 11 squadrons of deranged mushroom enthusiasts being supported by 24 catapults it's all I've ever wanted the game plan is to entangle the pump wagons With the Enemy forces and cause a large scale traffic jam in the middle of the map once that has been accomplished the pump wagons will call in an artillery strike on their own position thus obliterating everything in the process needless to say this was very entertaining to witness this is such a imagine and after 15 minutes of bulldozing zombies and pelting them with mini fridge sized rocks managed to kill 1812 enemies they had managed to kill 34 seemingly not at all demoralized by losing a battle with a casualty ratio of 53 to1 Helman kept attacking us you'd think his original defeat would have taught him a lesson but some people they have to learn the same lesson over and over and over eventually we managed to send Helman to the retirement home in the sky when Grom broke every bone in his body by hitting him with a car that was a fun distraction now back to the dwarves with direct access to the Dwarven mountains I was able to send Gore Birds to kak isor and kak buar to claim them for my food Empire I even managed to find a new ingredient in the process the main War army was actually located to oh stunty dwarves okay yeah that makes sense at Morano where they were busy harassing my scaven submissive what the bagar and morago what's going on here what happened to sarosa why is AA claw not doing anything what is going on I said gor Birds down there to sort things out their army actually looked a little intimidating because they have Apache Attack Helicopters but unfortunately for them we have people who are willing to destroy their helicopters by launching themselves head first into the propellers oh my God you could actually do oh well I mean the accuracy of that would probably be pretty low but that was insane dude that Goblin's a hero died a hero just to bring down one gyrocopter from the dwarves I think that's what they're called right but if you look for the most part bigar's Army the scariest thing in his army is definitely the ancestors they have some pretty insane spells and extremely high resistances and I think they also cause Terror as well I don't know how susceptible the green skin units are to like routing from Terror or I guess like leadership debuffs maybe the leadership isn't all too high I can kind of imagine that for the green skins they're kind of there to you know fight but that doesn't mean that they're willing to throw their lives away immediately they want to fight and win after a little more careful diplomacy we managed to defeat the the dwarf Army the loss of 90% of their military and three of their largest cities caused them to drop strength rank 15 to rank 103 and we went all the way up to rank two very cool while this was going on I stumbled across another food Merchant with a substantially less cryptic food request she wants a pie I can do that the only issue is we don't really have any conventional pie ingredients so we're going to have to push the theoretical boundaries on what exactly it means to be a pie for example is a severed foot submerged in a vial of semen a pie apparently it is and she loved it with that we have now unlocked A new ingredient slot which will allow us to make more food going forward for example we can combine monster goo with troll meat and Phoenix claws to produce the following Grom gets 100 weapon damage and suering attacks our goblins get a regeneration ability as well as flaming arrows and our trolls get sexually transmitted diseases that's pretty good now with 12 Foods I think it's time to conduct our ingredient hunt in a more deliberate manner each of the 13 remaining food items actually tells us how to get them for example to unlock Harpy heads we have to sack a dark elf settlement that doesn't sound too hard until you realize the closest dark elf settl [ __ ] ocean so at this point the game turns into a scavenger hunt but with substantially more violence I figured the best approach to this would be to divide and conquer so I've elected three generals to lead the expedition to the grocery store that is this world first we have ratnik spider claw he's a unique Lord that provides special Buffs to spider- based units in his army so I equipped him with a highly diverse arm Army of goblins goblins riding spiders and goblins riding really big spiders that can also summon additional smaller spiders next we have gorb Birds I've specialized him into providing Buffs for trolls and Giants so his army is composed mostly of totally normal and socially well adjusted individuals then we have oglock the orable who is specialized in the use of weaponized pigs between these three genuses I feel very confident in our chances of tracking down the final ingredients but first I need to steal 30 seconds of your time to coers you into developing a caffeine addiction I've recently struck up a partnership with gamer Subs which is a company that sells delicious energy supplements and 100% socially acceptable receptacles to put them in in fact just last week went to an ultra Orthodox Bar Mitzvah with a shaker cup full of titty milk everyone there was clearly jealous because they couldn't stop asking me questions such as who are you and how did you get in here this level of popularity could be yours if only you were brave enough to build a waiu cup to your next family gathering if this interests you I encourage you to the screen you can comment and use code Reggie for 10% off thank you gamer Subs now let's get back to the video while I was recruiting the for my new Army I decided to start the scavenger hunt with Grom and gorb birds the first and easiest ingredient to find was goldfish all I had to do was sack an Empire settlement no problem in fact the Empire is really struggling this game somehow they've become Loosely subjugated by Vlad Von Carin who is strength rank four this presented me with a un our previous WS although to be honest in my campaigns Carl kind of like gets a [ __ ] together and reunites the Empire usually he's pretty strong I've been successful and they awarded me with a big trophy but not the biggest trophy that could only be attained by defeating a top 10 enemy such as vladon kin I didn't oh interesting so it depends on their strength rank I mean that that makes sense for the green skins need to declare war on him but in a much more real way I really wanted to so in an act of want and gluttony I created a new W targeting vlad's capital city and over the next 20 turns Grom and Gore Birds carved their way through the undead region Vlad himself was an unkillable monstrosity who could best be described as a bipedal euthanasia Factory fortunately for us he suffers from a crippling degree of separation anxiety and if you kill all of his friends he will literally disintegrate once we worked out that critical flaw Grom was able to fight his way to Castle drakenhof which he claim yeah vad is just not impossible to kill on his own and I mean even if you do he just comes back man's he's resilient I'll give him that I wonder what playing as Vlad would feel like actually oh dude there's just so many factions in the game that I want to play and experience not enough time aimed through the use of really big ladders and lots of Violence by this point the war had geographically bisected the undead faction as you can imagine this was not good for the economy in fact the only units Vlad could afford to recruit were level one zombies that being said he could afford a lot of level one zombies I know this because the next thing he did was attack me with 5,17 of them I would spend 20 minutes slowly chopping my way through thousands of Undead only to be greeted by enemy reinforcements have arrived and the sight of thousands more on the horizon there's something Bly traumatic about fighting an enemy that despite being flattened just keeps on coming the only good thing about having I mean at the very least thank goodness this isn't Helman gor if it was Helman gor we'd actually be in trouble to kill 5,000 people is that once you're done apparently you get $177,000 anyway with this Victory the vampires were relegated to geopolitical obscurity and I can now sleep at night because I have the biggest trophy by this point my recruiting was complete so I decided to send rnck and oglock to the Far Corners of the map to collect a few ingredients oglock would go to the jungles of the southeast to find lizard legs winged leather and centore milk rack on the other hand would be exploring the ocean in search of hard shell crab puffer fish and Harpy heads rannik sailed successfully across the ocean eventually arriving in lustria where we sacked a pirate settlement to receive hard shell crab I attempted to kill Luther Haron for additional ingredients but quickly realized that an army of funny green men on spiders was no match for an army of cannons five turns later rnck had been resurrected and now with a slightly more responsible build we sailed up the coast to the dark elves and after absolutely obliterated one of their settlements to gain Harpy heads I thought it would be kind of awkward to try and explain that I burnt their City to the ground for some sandwich meat so instead I pretended to be a war monitoring mediac after defeating one of their arm freaking gandi the memes will never die because Gandhi because of the programming error with Gandhi we also acquired a dragon tail this is objectively the best ingredient if you are not just trying to defeat your enemies but also psychologically destroy them because dragon tail makes all of your goblins fire explosive ammunition of course this is perfectly balanced and not at all unfair when you have 12 stacks of archers dude that's right I heard about that in mandalore's video explosive arrows on everybody have an entire Army full of them as long as you don't get ambushed and you have like an open field to shoot your enemies before they approach you they are not getting to the front line that sounds like a lot of fun that's prettyy much the equivalent of like an a claw weapon teams Army although I'd be curious to know what the power comparison between those two would beart from this we also found the sword of cane apparently it's an immensely powerful weapon that slowly drives its wielder insane so obviously I had to have it following this RN returned to the Maelstrom to exact his revenge upon the Pirates after a little bit of this and a lot of that he had his last ingredient puffer fish while this was going on I stumbled Upon A hilariously awful dwarf Army composed entirely of rock I thought it would be kind of ironic to kill them with rocks so I did say whatever you want about me but I will literally kill 900 midgets hey every YouTuber gets negative comments for even the smallest amount of observational humor but that's beside the point let's see how oglock is doing you might think rannik had it hard being shot to death with cannons at the start of his food quest but oglock had it even worse within the first five turns of him being alive he was attacked by ogres contracted the plague and the hospital he was recovering in was hit by several rocket barges from ult nationalist humans this resulted in the immediate death of about half of his army after recovering I sent him so to harvest ingredients from the lizard men which was when this happened yeah that's that's really not good a [ __ ] the tomb King's crisis happened yeah and he was heading south down towards the old war towards uh tic tac toe right the Black Pyramid of nagos has awakened spawning nine late game armies that are hostile to everything and especially to oglock who just happens to be like 50 ft away but that's when I realized something to unlock the milk ingredient we have to kill a creature with six limbs these necr spins have six limbs that's right boys we're going to milk a necrosphinx wait that's possible I don't physically know how but I do know we'll be needing some help so I captured a settlement in the region and formed two new armies led by blub spider Killa and gor okay we're just going to call [Laughter] him oh no okay well um I'm going to have to be kind of careful whenever I play the green skins yeah don't read the name anyway the boys ambushed one of the skeleton armies and after encircling it we managed to milk the necro also Reggie being concerned for monetization that doesn't really sound like Reggie but eh as a fellow content creator I understand I mean for those of you guys who follow the channnel you guys know hard I am on kiwian sery whenever they uh get us bonked by YouTube Spinx that is definitely not a euphemism for group masturbation this was technically a success but we had to use 5,500 people to do it so I was still pretty frightened I opted to ignore the end of the world and instead focus on attacking the lizard men we needed to kill their stegodon for lizard legs and their pterodactyls for leather this would normally be difficult if we didn't have nine stacks of black Orcs which are the objective best counter to every unit in the game following this Victory we now have 23 out of 25 ingredients all that's left is tentacles and lion meat for the tentacles we have to sack a norin settlement Vikings meet catapults wow they get along so well for the final ingredient we just need to defeat an army containing Lions the best I could find was this high elf doomstack so I drove Grom into it head first the battle was actually fairly challenging mostly because we were outnumbered and my AI reinforcements decided to deploy their army backwards Sprint into the woods and die fortunately by this point gr had so many layers of protective fat that he was functionally invincible and we managed to go to Victory hundreds of thousands had to die but we have finally completed our grocery list all that's left now is to cook every possible dish and feed them to Grom the only issue is for some reason Goblin Cuisine requires large quantities of scrap metal and we have spent most of ours on upgrading our units so we need to do a little farming luckily raiding enemy territory what was that video yeah the scraps are a different currency for the green skins and they can like augment uh particular weapons onto certain units augment is probably not the right word give them a weapon basically reproduces scrap so I took three of my armies and sent them to ra the kind of an uppity [ __ ] I would lay down my life if it would rid the world of you and your kind okay every I've heard some people say that vor's campaign is actually kind of fun his staring position is um well at least it's different from the other peeps in the Empire so maybe that was kind of the reason why but um yeah now that the Empire is getting an update uh I don't think vulkar actually got anything with the new Thrones of Decay stuff I could be wrong though but everybody else did single turn we were stealing 125% of his City's entire GDP resulting in the kind of economic Devastation that is only ever theorized in textbooks anyway I've got my scrap and I spent the next eight turns feeding Gro the I just 450 57 [Laughter] scra we really raided the heck out of his territory oh my God food combinations I could come up with and by the end of it he was officially bloated and Unstoppable all recipes wait let me actually see that polities rep pausing a lot Grom has conquered the culinary World his great size and notoriety now giving him the impetus to conquer the warden's Gody realm and Lands Beyond cooked on recipes leadership Plus 8 hit points plus 12 Hero capacity plus two and perfect Vigor that is pretty good so I suppose now this means that you'd ideally once you gain this head over to the giant donut in the sea and take over the High Elves officially bloated and Unstoppable it's a happy ending for everyone unless your name is Vlad Von carstein Hinrich kemler da deru findall Orion K noas Luther Haron Carl France Belo ironhammer Tic Tac Toe the Black Pyramid of nagos moroi Scag the slaughterer throg alaran or anyone even remotely French I want to thank this month's patrons for making these videos possible and finally thank you for watching yeah shout out to the patrons yeah gr's campaign looks like a lot of fun especially with not just the combination of foods and you know making different Buffs for your army and then building around that but the fact that you also got to go and a little scavenger hunt to go and find them causing uh different strategies that you're going to have to use on the campaign map I suppose in that instance the wall mechanic is uh really really useful because you you can just double up your armies whenever you're in a bad situation or if you you just really need to take somebody's head don't forget to support Reggie thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: The Legit Weebs
Views: 15,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reggie reaction, reggie warhammer 3 reaction, warhammer reaction, total war warhammer reaction
Id: FG8QUgf74FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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