The 5-5-5 Mortar Hurts My Eyes

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yo what's up it's najru and today i'm playing with the ultimate cross path mod now last time i did use the sniper and we got a mortar as the reward for beating round 100 so i figured we should start out with the mortar i chose balance because it's gonna be a great map with all the balloons coming in the center here and the radius of the mortar should cover this entire area so i'm really hoping this guy will perform very well here i suppose we can start by just placing him down his paths are kind of expensive here yeah thirty three thousand thirty six thousand forty eight thousand yeah so we will need to do some farming but for now we should be good what do we want to use to farm i kind of want to use geroto for his totem but i don't think that's going to be very effective i say for now let's just get this guy up and running we will probably need camo first or you know what i think we need to go middle path here we'll need to go middle path so we have popping power for the black balloons because that's gonna be the first danger that comes to us first it's gonna be black balloons because we already have lead popping power and then after the black balloons it's gonna be camo another faster so we need one thousand do we get one thousand before we see the first black i hope so the image is okay again we have a lot of leeway here because a lot of the balloons are going to keep circling around here so we can get away with a lot and once we get it bigger we'll eventually be able to attack them before they make it to the center ring and almost there we need like 30 more there we go that doesn't do extra damage does it it does actually oh it does it does extra to ceramics leads all fortified and all stun blue it can also pop blacks which is what we're really after now we have that so i think the next thing to go for would be bigger blast because i feel like that'll be good it looks like we're about a leak here oh come on yeah bad there we go a little bit of micro huh hey i can micro when i want to yeah let's go for those bigger blasts there we go now it's hitting all of them cool since it's bigger i think i can set it right there oh this might be a problem here this might be a big problem here regross come on oh oh we got it let's go balloon buster multiple layers we need it yellows are a little too fast yellows are a little too fast and the regrows are a little too much there we go shell shock's gonna be really good but i think we need to go camo here a little bit of game lag oh bernie stuff's gonna be great oh yeah bernie stuff is great um isn't camo next round do we get oh i don't think we get this in the next round oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god uh uh uh do i use this yeah we have to oh no i didn't want to use the power man i thought it would get the camera up in time all right so of course camo is a threat let's go ahead and get signal flare and now we can go ahead and get the damaged ones which i think i'm gonna go shell shock first and then after shell shock artillery because artillery battery is really good for the moab we won't need to get shattering shells yet because we're not gonna find any kind of fortified ones yet but we will need this one eventually and the bottom path is also very powerful let's go ahead and get this shell up bam oh it's a much bigger radius too looks popping them before they even get to here it pops them like right here too that'll be great for the really fast ones like these yellows now should we farm should we do a bit of farming or do we save we farm or do we save i think we should save i don't think we'll have enough for this though because i know this as it stands now isn't enough damage we need to have the middle path here this even this one wouldn't be enough but middle path with this top hat is going to be really strong we have five rounds we should yeah we're there we're there because we're at five thousand now we need one thousand more we get one thousand in four rounds easy here we go and boom oh wait it got smaller wait did it get smaller okay it still retains the bottom pad left they get decamount all the way out here so the bottom half dkmos and the shell shock will actually decamble which is pretty cool and it looks like the radius is bigger than what it looks like yeah they're getting popped out there yeah it's just a visual visually it doesn't look that way it's taking the middle path here but it actually does have them all merged up together all right so next we get the big one but i think what we can do now is start farming or should i drop this one stop right here in this corner oh let's use an ability here right there we go get that guy down i like going bottom path here because i'm lazy oh we do have the since we have the ultimate model we can actually go multiple paths so i want to go this guy and i actually have tested this one out a little bit and i think it does work with the multiple paths it might not seem like it does but it actually does so increase production actually yeah it makes me get way more cash get multiple up we kind of don't need to worry about anything for a while now let's get another lazy cash up i'm a lazy farmer what can i say maybe i should get the big one yeah this it looks the same as the middle path not much has visually changed all right let's go banana plantation let's see if that does anything i'll put it on this one you'll see because if this one if this one catches up to this one then we know it works it already looks like it's working look it's going more yeah it's working it's working all right let's save up for a big one for the 50s we'll need that damage how much does it cost nine thousand can this one tank this by itself without an ability one two yeah i think it loops around three times before it moves all right cool big one oh i kind of hurts my eyes a bit i know for y'all the frame rate is down like it only records it at 60 fps but mine like what i'm looking at on screen is more than 60 fps so it's actually like like a flashbang and actually i don't think i've ever seen the sprite before unless this is the sprite for the fourth tier with the second here because i never go that cross path so i'd never know i'm assuming that's a sprite for it because so far i don't think this model really has any kind of like new sprites other than just a couple color changes let's keep farming here again we'll need a lot more income to do all the things that we want to get done yeah we're good we have great damage here again this is like the perfect map form what should we get next should we start going for a shattering or the biggest one i think the biggest one is going to be the best popping is probably going to be mid well actually wait it does it does more damage to the balloons that are stunned let's use the ability oh wait we don't even need to go and this thing should handle 63 font as well yeah 63 they don't even get to the center this money bank see the reason why i don't want to go money bank because i feel like i'll have to collect it and i don't feel like doing that i want this one because i feel like that's just going to be a lot more cash gen even though it turns it into crates i think it hits for more yeah the other one's in the way so i can't see and we handle these fine if we get the biggest one then a lot of his damage will be like all the way out here so we'll probably start damaging them before they even get here do we really need the damage that's the question i don't really think we need the damage though so i think for now we should just farm i almost have enough for his monkey wall i can actually sell these oh shoot i should have waited like one round there we go actually wait if we get monkey bake it'll auto collect itself okay so all the income it makes goes in here and then on top of it going in here every round is going to add extra that percent of interest and then it'll auto collect when it's full yoho this thing is oh this thing is beefy huh and i was worried about it i forgot it can auto collect can you tell i hate manually collecting all right it looks like we might need some more damage here the balloons are starting to ramp up let's go ahead and get a bigger one where's my mouse oh there it is let's get the biggest one boom oh my goodness okay that actually hurts my eyes this actually hurts my eyes i think i'll put something on screen to help dim it down oh you know what i can do a little extra income here get a little monkey city for some extra income and i don't know if jungle jumps makes these go faster but it has it now what upgrade should we go next the bottom path like i think we can get all last let's go shattering yeah oh okay so it made it a darker color which is much better on my eyes to be honest the bright one was really bad on them but this one's much better it's a lot of damage now when it gets right here of course it gets damaged out here by the outer ring by the stun ring but in the inside like where you see this yellow here right here that's where it gets like a lot of the big ones damaged a popping off right explosives over the whole screen damaging and immobilizing all balloons for a few seconds main attack means additional bonus damage to stun balloons i don't even see balloons getting stunned though that's the thing i just see them getting popped because the big one can instantly pop ceramics maybe the ability the ability can stun yeah this yeah it mobilizes balloons so that's a stun oh yeah look at that they're actually getting caught on fire too you know i'm curious what if we get balloons in oh it went bright again oh now this bloons is gonna light this on fire from all the way out there oh yeah it is that's a lot of damage on it yeah that's actually crazy that's actually crazy it popped the z omg before it even got to the center where the main blue sun damages but i think them lighting on fire it's merging the fire from like the second tier with the fire from the fifth tier i think that's what's going on here and we have enough for the final one so we might as well get the final one there i think it's shooting a little bit faster i don't think it it actually says that it does that but i think it is slightly faster oh i should get one of these huh we don't need it we really don't need a farm anymore but i mean i'll still farm because eventually i do want to buff this guy to the max to see how far he can go what are the predictions because this is actually very strong but i feel like bad balloons might be an issue i'm thinking 140 but if 140 if he makes it past 140 then probably like around like 160 is what i'm thinking wait that's how far the sniper got the sniper is like much stronger than this one but this one can hit all the balloons at the same time so maybe like 150. i'm thinking 150s when it's about 140 without buffs and like 150 with buffs and we got great damage here and these yeah it does a lot of damage but okay let's see so they don't get de-fortified until they get like right here they have to touch this fire to get de-fortified or maybe not the fire but at least the explosion let's get a tech bot here i'll put him back here because we will need to buff this guy eventually so there we go that's supposed to be even more damage i will put a gerardo down as well because i want gerardo to get some levels here and of course put that there for more support even though you can't really see it you can't really see it amongst the fire but it's there and i want to put gerardo down because i want to use this ability where he can reset cooldowns we can use those cool down things to get even more damage out of them let's go for this that should be a lot more income then oh my goodness it filled up yeah it looks like it's filling up every round yeah this thing is filling up mid-round man that bank is filling up mid-round all right here 94. well i think it's going to handle it fine even though 94 is a heavy balloon rounds i don't think this thing really has a pierce cap the mortar doesn't right it could just hit any balloon yeah it looks like it if any balloons in the radius it'll just hit it let's go with this one that gives us more space and also more income i could tech bought it 95 it handles well 97 245 dmgs and when they get to the center they get smelted but they are getting to the center so yeah i'm thinking like 140 is probably gonna be it for this guy here's 98 98 should handle like a champ right it looks really cool yeah it looks really cool with all the balloons just like going to the center and just getting melted all right here we go round 100 a lot of damage on that bad right there but it's not going to be enough this thing is going to make some laps here he's been damaged once he's got one bandage he's got two he's in the center now for maximum damage three four yeah we got it is this the next hour the spike factory next [Music] 1923 513 1923 513 yes indeed let's keep going yeah so that original bat actually got kind of far like i might lose sooner i'm thinking maybe around like 120 130 now because that bat did get kind of far z omg's at handle spawn oh wow this looks insane zomgs that handles oh wait never mind oh yeah probably like 120 bruh if the bat comes 120 that's probably yeah that's probably gts all right i'm gonna go afk until this thing loses and 119. right at 120. yeah when i saw how that first bat did i knew it wasn't gonna get that far but we're not done it's time to buff him so i think the first thing we'll need is a village let's put it down here because i want a little bit out of the way that's the next we want a perma i believe he should be in range here i need an engineer but i'm right here all right let's move our tech bots we'll tech bot that one and then we'll also need a tech bot for the engineer and let's play already how do we do here now oh yeah there we go there we go oh my goodness that actually looks crazy in the center too oh let's get one more thing let's get one more thing let's go for a submarine here a top path that way these cooldowns are reduced we should be good there we go that's the damage you're looking for look at that man does not look cool on the inside i say it has like another 20 rounds in it now that it has buffs i'm still thinking around 140 if it gets past 140 it may be like 150 but we'll see time to go afk again oh and on 140 on the dot now i did see that he did pop the bad balloon as it got right here so maybe if we slowed it down we might have a different outcome but i'm not too sure i can replay it back just in case should we play back let's take it slow a micro i might go here i feel like with micro he got it he got it yeah so there's already one mark before there wasn't one mark we got a lot of damage out here now yeah we got this oh yeah so i can look around there it is oh it takes a little bit of micro but i might grow this one too i think this one would just get popped as is yeah look it's already got one tick of damage on it yeah 140 is just a bit of a tougher round alrighty let's speed it up and go afk again and i come back to see we lost to round 151 now i don't know what we lost to it doesn't look like a bad got through oh a ddt actually let's play that back real quick just to make sure slow it down oh these ddts are fast i think the game was just moving too fast right oh there is a bad that's why it probably popped a bad like really late i'm not gonna micro here yeah there's two of them the best spot is gonna be in the center to hit both of them yeah that bat is eating a lot of hits i mean it's about a pop but it's the ddt's it's instantly gonna go around and leave the map right but pop that one maybe it's the next one right oh yeah look they're leaving oh no it's fine it's fine what what oh my god dude i'm speeding up oh wait if it lost to 151 because the game was going too fast it's definitely gonna lose the 152 right yeah and so whenever the game goes fast it just can't hit the ddt's the ddt's move too fast for the motor to hit it's too fast for the game to calculate i bet if we did slow it down it would make it but we already did that for 151 so i'm gonna call it here for 152. 152 rounds at 47 million pops from the 555 mortar now when they put this in the real game i don't know how it's actually going to perform i'm assuming it's going to be similar to this maybe more powerful maybe it's just like across the entire map but i mean who knows it's not bad right 152 with max boss not bad at all hey thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video click the like button and let me know what your favorite part was in the comments if you want to see more subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you can be the first to see what's new i'm always working on something new and i look forward to posting more great stuff for you to watch thanks again and i'll catch you next time take care [Music]
Channel: nojroom bloons
Views: 291,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nojroom, bloons td 6, btd6
Id: 2hu30tvv9f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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