So I rated your gaming setups...

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i love the color pink i love it oh listen nothing gives me more joy than the color pink i need help immediately this is that one time all over again do you remember when we reacted we yeah yeah yeah it is like that it is like that now ladies and gentlemen you sent your gaming setups and now we're gonna rate them from one to ten first gaming setup we've got i am thai yt and he has sent wow this is actually okay i i'll i'll be honest i expected garbage i expected to immediately be greeted by garbage but this is too shabby this ain't too shabby this is actually really cool all right i'm a big fan of the background i think it's cool how it kind of goes over oh i'm in the way i'm in the way look at the chair leather do you see that it's like scraping off see that like the chair yeah yeah yeah that's a little rough that's a little rough yeah um i can't help but notice um you're using what what kind of chair is that i've never seen a chair like that you know what that looks like that looks like a thin like slice of leather that you've that you've like taped on to the back of the chair ruined it's been ruined yeah and then what do you have he's got firefox open yeah yeah gross gross that's disgusting wait can we get a better shot of that chair oh that's not the chair wait what would you do of course he wouldn't show you he'd be self-sabotaged oh this is cool okay was that say good vibe what he's got a good vibes only uh he's got a good vibes only light up here next next he's gonna have a live laugh love uh poster on his wall am i right yeah yeah that's funny it's a nice setup it's a nice setup i would say you're you're missing out on the chair life um there's a lot better chairs you could get just based off of this arm you know like even my arms it's just not it's just not a very good arm uh you use premiere so you gotta you gotta up the points for that you have the twitch app which is a little weird a little weird the twitch has an app that's crazy yeah um let's see what else do you have on your computer here uh uplay is on your desktop strange choice don't typically think that's you also have fortnite on your desktop you know it's got cc cleaner on there does he what with that what do you got you got norton you got norton i just don't have any cleaner at all all right i i'm gonna give them a seven i think that's worthy of a seven what about you alex yeah i'm uh i'm going the five five out of ten five out of ten ten five doesn't do you know bad does good doesn't do no good all right so starting off starting off kind of strong you know a nice whoa lots to look at okay wait wait wait my man my man okay this is sick okay he's got the racing chair and the racing wheel most people most people they get the dx racer racing gaming chair for playing normal games but this man actually has the wheel were you going to drive your desk to work in the morning for a second i thought that was a keyboard replacement because it's on a keyboard that'd be sick that'd be an immediate 10. pc on the floor weird champ i actually have my pc on the floor i'll be honest um i don't think that's all that bad it's not on the floor you see that little uh that's the folder yeah you got the holder what is under that is that like a i don't know what that is right there it's where you put gas he's got some minecraft stuff he's got a was that a month old pepsi right there it is a cool looking desk i i'm not crazy about hutches like top parts to the desk i'm never crazy about that i think it's a lot someone in chats had stolen monitor what stolen monitor because they're not the same you know when you buy a monitor you buy two of the same type dude you know what this dude did he went to his high school and nab one of the monitors yes that's the way it's going to be this small hp monitor to the left is stolen from my dad's work because they were throwing it out oh okay oh so he's okay thanks i'm i'm gonna give him a i think this is a six maybe maybe it's because that's nine for me that's a nine cause it has stolen the monitor the gas tank the replaceable keyboard everything just i like it i like it i like it all right eight out of ten for me uh next we got 29 planets all right here sick is that a wait is that a kurzga sock uh [ __ ] background yeah that's a really weird that's a compact keyboard i'm not crazy about the desk because it's like super bulky uh i never really like on desks when they have the drawers because i am personally a six three uh large man alex doesn't he's much shorter okay okay much much shorter so he's you know i like i like when when i can lift my legs a lot uh and and uh yeah i like the big mouse pad uh there is just underwear in the poster up here the big mouse pad's cool i also have a big mouse pad um it's about this size um not as big as yours but we're not about the death placement yeah i feel like i feel like the door gets probably gets really close to the mic arm right here yeah and i don't know if i'd be crazy about that but if he's never gotten out there this is this is a 5.5 for me i i think i think the issue here is probably the room isn't big enough which you can't really do anything about yeah that's just [ __ ] you know not everyone has big houses like you cars and not everyone owns mansions i don't have a man like you do you saw what i was living in in san diego we literally called it the crack shack all right i'm gonna give it a all together it's not that bad it's not that bad it's not like i'm gonna give it a seven it's something i'm gonna i'll give it a six i would be able to use this setup my setup is garbage right like like i'd give myself like a four so so humble no it's it's genuinely look at my desk look at my desktop now it's it's it's terrible it's terrible look look look look look look i have i have [ __ ] all over my desk okay [Music] oh there's a lot of fun back here that's what i'm talking about dude this is some okay wait respect first of all i respect this hard okay i love it this is some [ __ ] i would have when i was like 14 or 15 and i'm on that [ __ ] grind trying my best but i have no money right so first of all shout out you've put together some [ __ ] like dude i see the tape to make sure that the wire's in uh i don't think this is a mic stand i think this is something you've crafted into a mic stand i can't tell but it does not look like a mic stand it looks like something you'd put a mirror on your keyboard here's the thing with a setup like this your key your keyboard is probably way too big and it's probably too bulky yeah this is the i bought this with my allowance setup bro dead ass and that's why it's sick that's why it's sick dude i have respect personally resonates with me i used to have my mic on a on a glass oh yeah yeah uh noah hugbox used to put his blue yeti in a cup to record so like a plastic cup this desk is not doing you any favors what's probably my guess is a it's a desk that was lying around in the house or something the neighbor put the desk on the curb setup bro but dead really though it's it's i have been here i'm not gonna i'm not gonna sit here and [ __ ] on anyone that that has a setup like this like this is this and what and he's responsible do you see that where see the mask he's out here wearing masks he's a responsible human being dude he's better than like eighty percent of americans you get to ten for me honestly this just means a lot to me uh i'll give it a seven because i think it's i think it's super humble but you know it's obviously still as far as setups go not the best you know but i i respect it hard i have i have massive respect for the setup fluffer i'm telling you that resonates personally with me here let me let me show you something real quick i need to show you this i just found it i was looking for it and i found it why would did you not know this why did you send this no i'm sorry i'm so i'm sorry i wasn't supposed to be what was that what is that dude dude uh that's not why did you put me on spot man is this your grandma that's not [ __ ] cool man that's not [ __ ] cool yo that's my old setup you're all shut up okay this is yeah you can't even tell from the from the quackity there wow yeah yeah wow okay yeah no rate it carson read it bro is that a what kind of monitor is that is that a game it's a good wider what can i say that's a 10 for me thank you thank you because of the tune on screen you even had the toontown on screen that's so funny yeah dude up until two years ago when i started really grinding on youtube i was using this laptop and it's like falling apart wait i can go get it wait right now this is the laptop all right it's a it's an hp i used it all throughout high school oh that's thick yeah that is thick and here's the part that's like falling apart look at that and then and then you open it up and it's real bad oh did you hear that cranking okay yeah yeah look at the keys look at this yeah oh my god what do you do to them yeah it's gross it's also got a touch screen a dude i don't know what happened i think they burned because look look look this oh dude i have not opened this thing forever [ __ ] stains they're not [ __ ] stains chat okay this is reasonable this is reasonable nothing to hate on here um very tiny mouse pad don't know how that's serving you um i feel like i could move uh about an inch of my screen with that so i i have very low sensitivity like look at the reply look at the reply on that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's insane would you have an ironing board as a desk but you also have sound panels up he's rocking the blue this is a joke i don't think it is it can't be it's too good why is this why is there a tv on the floor what what did you replace did you replace the the tv with your setup because i had to use the ironing board for something else i guess okay i'm gonna give this a a three i'm getting i'm giving this guy a three yeah yeah it's way below average you know it's okay daniel it's okay roasted james let's see what you got oh yeah yes yes thank you uh in no case the no case computer it's like open surgery dude the [ __ ] [ __ ] uh how many usb ports are those like seven and he's only using one yes yes dude oh let's go yeah i don't know what to say about this obviously roasted jams this is not your uh your setup i know that but whoever this is wait those are underwear there's [ __ ] boxers in the middle of the ball there's there's i mean where else would you put them i think i think question of the hour piss that's not piss piss is a no no because there's they're the same height on all of them it's not piss could be just definitely pissed man those are water bottles filled with yellow liquid yes that is disgusting awesome zero lost sock 13. oh the first half is so misleading the first half dude what the [ __ ] bro there's so many pringles and why dude he doesn't just have the pringles kids he's got like pringles like mini things here oh if this one is actually liam no no and this one's got to be a whoa it's him it's him oh it's him look up there look at there that's a picture of me that's that's he's literally watching my videos oh [ __ ] yo what's wrong with you why do you have so many pringles he's making more free pictures of the monopoly guy too he's got one and he's making more look at his background wait do you think he draws a parallel between the monopoly guy and the pringles mascot because they look so similar what's with i don't know the mouse i've seen i i see the mouse chat oh this is so weird this is not right this is not he's definitely okay this is definitely his normal setup but then he's crafted this [ __ ] around it he's got a nice tv up here and then he's crafted like this pringles monopoly man [ __ ] around it and a hand he just has a hand i bet he put the hand there and he's like i'll put the hand here where do you get a hand like that i don't know the hand store alex it beats me he's got so much retro gaming stuff here dude he's got a gamecube an nes another gamecube a switch it's crazy 9 out of 10 for me dude no this is good this is nice good but it's not right it's not arriving at six because it's not right it's 9 out of 10 for me that's some crazy [ __ ] lost sock cup toast what you got oh no no there's not much to look at but there's a lot to look at at the same time it's just pain in a picture man like this resonates with me so well i can't help but to feel a little bit bad i do feel bad i do feel bad have you tried turning it on and off again yeah i don't even want to rate it i just kind of feel bad look at it and cry macbook air gang okay oh that is not a mouse pad that is the back of a notepad hey that's fair that's fair we don't we don't we all don't have money for expensive corsair [ __ ] uh desk extended uh mouse pads the ones that light up why do people buy those the ones that light up anyway i don't know i don't know it's way too extra it is too extra this looks like a pretty okay setup all things considered i don't know what this is back here it looks like a you know this looks like it looks like one of those japanese uh hotel pods but like on your desk and with a stem coming out of it right right you know what kind of you know what kind of vibe this picture gives me this person has friends therefore it doesn't really need anything fancy or expensive oh yeah you know that they they go and they hang out with their pals yeah yeah that's wrong yeah i can't relate and then quite frankly it offends me so i'm gonna give it a two out of ten yeah yeah honestly i'm a friend of two uh good luck with your happy life um i'm gonna give you a two later a mini fridge there's a lot to unpack here alex frosted shredded wheat those are mini weeks but great value great value is are those domino's boxes no that's yeah that's some dominoes what is your background what is your background why is it that it's just a big-ass minecraft steve i love that was the mini fridge on yeah what do they have in the mini fridge that's two water bottles two water bottles it looks like it looks like you've got a lot in there it looks like it's stacked and you can see the faint coke got three headphones on the wall is that a nun that's a wee mo and a nunchuck oh he's got a thing on the wall for the weebo to the nunchuck that's that's extra yeah no you know it's extra three [ __ ] different colored uh headphones like what what's that for next next this dude's gonna have uh the caddier headset dude i need to get me one of those that'd be funny ah yes i can't tell if this person is on a budget or they're really rich i don't think they're here i think they're middle of the road because they they don't have a dx racer they have an e-win racing uh chair right um they're eating great value shredded wheat right yeah i think i think it's right down the middle i think they're i think they're saving some money but also trying to have a pretty bougie lifestyle i'm giving it a six okay yeah i'm five because it made me uncomfortable whoa okay okay okay looking [ __ ] whoa what is that what is that right there a monster [ __ ] fridge way to make me feel like [ __ ] why does he have a monster who is this 3d artist working with people like faze clan tifu nate hill tenser okay okay my man got shipped a monster he's got a whole ass couch in the room too a little desk fan oh of course oh man he's got a nicer setup than most people the camera yeah yeah ah dude this just this just made me feel bad for myself your [ __ ] confidence just dropped to the floor i don't like this anymore side desk what am i looking at here side desk for the for the blue yeti oh having a separate desk to hold something it's just yeah that's just something that really i've gone through it and it's the worst i mean it's a fine setup i think it does the job you're going to want to work on figuring out maybe get a smaller keyboard so you can pop the blue yeti up top um or get a mic arm mic arms you can get super cheap i got i got this mic on for like 15 bucks right here um and you can attach the blue yeti to it and it's gonna make your life way better where's this task part it has no taskbar in the computer this is a cool looking keyboard it's very colorful i like the colors on it i like that they they go all over the place a lot of space too a lot of space it's not a messy keyboard area um oh my god it's got it's got the classroom ceiling so yo do you see that yes yes that's the type of feeling you you take this you take your pencil and you're like i want to see if i can get it up in there and you and then you do when the teacher walks in and has no idea that your pencil's in the ceiling and then they see it and they're like why is there a pencil in the ceiling and then they move on and then later on you're like [ __ ] i need that pencil it sounds very specific [Laughter] carson writes myself a 10 i'll stop to them bribing oh that's [ __ ] 10. that's a nice ass room that's a nice room you know that's a 10 in my book that's just my pokemon that's just me though i don't know about you that's just me urbanized metal thank you for the prime sub i appreciate it uh don't know why you just decided out of nowhere i i think you're i think you must have been related to that person's mountain but thank you thank you very nice um i appreciate it okay whoa okay that's just this is just not fair to put with everyone else it's just not this is some crazy [ __ ] hold up there's everything he's got everything dude my man has a coat rack for his for his vr headset that's [ __ ] insane this is some crazy [ __ ] over here he's got a herman miller he's sitting in um he's got a launch pad right here he's got two launch pads some music that's a crazy that's just some crazy music stuff um got got an ipad or something up here another laptop or it looks like he might be running his computer on the laptop which is fine could you have a weird choice maybe he just likes to be portable with it yes yes yes yes yes that is so good oh dude where the [ __ ] that's get one of those can you steal them dude break into a kindergarten tv there you can't fight this [ __ ] mega gamer [ __ ] okay it's got one of those ceilings too oh that's sick i finally understood the layout of the room that's [ __ ] sick dude that is a sick room dude this is this is some not super i mean it's kind of expensive he's got a large collection of stuff right he's clearly spent um some money on some stuff but it's not over the top it's pretty cool you got the skylight which is crazy cool um i i don't know where his bed is but it looks like this might not even be their bedroom but it might be it might be the only thing i feel bad about is the limitation that the roof has for his tv size you see how it's like um see how his like tv has to be adjusted to the to the roof part there yeah that's probably it though it's it's comfy i like it it is comfy it is comfy i'm a [ __ ] for skylights dude i'm adorable so funny the table stuff i would love to hang out there you know that's like a knife i think that's a nine that's cool oh yeah no that's like a 10 for me i love that the xbox one hey yo shout out xbox i don't know what to think about it they're playing apex what we got i have no money left i have no money left i like i like the background i just kind of feel like dead looking at this you know yeah there's nothing special i think it's because it's so in the dark i'm not i'm i don't usually game in the dark i'm not a in the dark gamer i think it hurts my eyes it also just makes me feel like [ __ ] when i just sit in the dark for so long keyboard's cool not much to say about this i'm going to give it like a it's just fun it's it's like a four for me it's another dark one but he has the uh call whatchamacallit he has these up here what do you call these i don't i don't know i forgot what i've never seen that before what do you call them nano leafs yeah nana leafs are cool oh [ __ ] i thought those were four monitors that's literally two big ones oh that's weird that is two big ones yeah oh no why does he have two webcams do you see that those are two webcams right no that's right that's that straight up looks like a connect that looks like a tiny connect oh yes no socks yeah no suck gaming that's what i'm talking about why does this picture look like you've turned on a smoke machine for like two minutes and then turned it straight off and then turn the light on it looks like it's foggy in your room and i don't know why game over it's never game over never i would never have that on my desk oh yo this setup is unironically hyped though it's good it's not real this isn't their actual one if that's not real then why is it a photo come on that's true yes this was not a real setup that it just wouldn't be here all right anyway right this setup is hype regardless who has this what what freak of a girl has this i love the color pink i love it oh listen nothing gives me more joy than the color pink oh this one's hype i like that let's see what's one thing that he's got speakers see that guy with a giant speaker this is what your setup should be yo he's got the cheese and duos and the big fan he's got the coast is sick he's got an empty coke at the bottom too he's been drinking coke man dude swapped him out i have no [ __ ] clue when he's playing on his ds i don't even know what game that i guarantee you this dude's on the youtube app i guarantee you is that netflix this one's hype listen do you see that nintendo wii it's like is facing the wrong way that's the optimal position for it i would not place a wii differently for the subtle details duct tape i'm not even telling you i wanted to say that all right this one sucks this one sucks uh we got uh we gotta skip it you think no no just skip it this i was gonna talk about he's like uh he's like a dad bad british ludwig dog [ __ ] set up skip it skip it go to the next ludwig no no no no no not just british floodway bad british one wig yo now this setup is yo he's got a play button yo who is this guy this dude's light is just a light bulb that's sick just keep showing up uh-oh oh wait we're fine [Laughter] why did it why did twitter like listen the model m here that's hype as [ __ ] the what [ __ ] the memes the keyboard this ancient ibm model m is unironically hype as [ __ ] let's go okay big fat clunky keyboard pubg mobile pro is it is it is that [ __ ] fortnite mobile i'm not even gonna lie i just realized that's funny that's pubg that's also sick puncher i recognize the name hunter this is cool yes yes that's literally just me this is such a sick view yeah on the ps5 where is this in his living [Laughter] he room said it's not photoshopped you know why it's by the beach it's too high up that's the issue i'm taking with this i don't know where this would be why is it so high up this is definitely this is definitely west coast yeah yeah no i mean it's probably california it's probably not in california why is it so high up florida oh it could also be florida it could be florida that's not sorry i don't think about florida i like to pretend that place doesn't exist yeah i just wish it was just kind of water i wish it would go away i don't listen i'm not saying it should float away i'm saying it should sink it's green screen do you think it's green screen no it literally says it's not photoshopped it's a real chat are you stupid can you read no but i mean i would i would agree if this didn't look like it's real right here no it's real it's real but see there's no other like buildings around uh i don't know i'm not gonna lie that's pretty it goes [Music] hard [Music] you
Channel: CallMeCarsonLIVE
Views: 3,043,356
Rating: 4.9404593 out of 5
Keywords: callmecarson, callmecarsonlive, gaming setups, bad gaming setups, quackity, quackityhq, Your Gaming Setups SUCK!
Id: y_2rSjEcEp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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