Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Sword Fights 2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/El_Vikingo_ 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
haha that move protects yeah it stands out you don't know how animals are gonna react even if they have their trainers there now i have a lot of technical issues with the sword fight i will tell you all right tell me this video is sponsored by squarespace stick around to the end to see how you can get 10 off your first website or domain purchase hey everybody welcome back to another episode of stunt people react we are joined by a longtime friend luke lafontaine and a new face here jessica medina luke tends to specialize in sword work so we're gonna be looking at some really crazy sword fights but jessica has a bunch of interesting stories as well so what are some of the projects that you've worked on well i have something coming up in august suicide squad too i work on that it was so much fun and also black adam i am surrounded by a bunch of immense talent and experience here so we're going to jump into some cool clips and these guys are going to break them down for us share any insights both good and bad as to how these scenes could maybe be better or worse who knows it's gonna be a good time they're the experts i'm just here to drive this car let's go all right let's take a little look at one of i think the most iconic sword fight scenes uh maybe the past 20 years or so there's a lot of things that are at play here do i have issues with this fight yeah i do but at the same time i'm very forgiving because let me tell you if you want to talk about one of the hardest pieces of fight choreography to do it would be spear and shield it's incredibly awkward to do they're in skirts with no knee protection wearing sandals the shields let's say those shields are solid urethane those are heavy shields we don't have tons of historical evidence of how the greeks fought with spears but there is some hundreds of years of greek pottery the greeks are always depicted fighting with spears in an overhand grip not an underhand grip it's an overhand grip over the shield holding it up above the shield and striking downwards but we're talking about mythology these guys aren't real so you can't really sit there well the greeks didn't do that really is that kelly's a real person no you're not dealing with two regular guys which automatically gives you license with a lot of the fight choreography because these are two people that are basically a demigod level so a lot of things were incorporated into this fight there's a lot of chinese martial arts in this fight i really have to say i like what they did with the kelly's fight style achilles is very tactical and very deliberate about how he uses his shield they did a great job of keeping how he fought very uniform within his style they didn't they weren't all over the map or one scene he was fighting one way another scene he was fighting another now the thing that's great about this fight scene is hector is also a great combatant but there's an obvious story told here that achilles is a better warrior than hector the motivations in this fight are totally different achilles is blood driven in this fight a family member of his has been slain he wants revenge hector is fighting in place of his brother so hector's motivation hector does not have bloodlust to kill achilles so their motivations are entirely different they're both very honorable warriors but achilles motivation is more intense than hectors and i'm a big proponent of you've got to tell the story behind the fight if you just do a bunch of random sword fight choreographer people go oh yeah that was exciting but i have no idea what the hell is going on i have no idea what this guy's motivation is there's no drama in this so one of the things about this fight is you get really caught up in this you feel something when hector is sitting there with a spearmint and gets that sword thrust through his chest you care you feel it the drama is entirely entrenched in how this fight was built there also are not a bunch of silly ridiculous spins yeah i've always said this i understand having to make a fight exciting but watch john wick you don't see somebody doing 360 pirouettes with the gun they went and they were really really specific about going the gun play needs to be real in this film the same should be true of sword fights you choreograph this badass perfect real fight the director comes in and goes can he flip there i want him to start off the fight by doing this big sword twirl thing and posing and then going into the fight and i go all right so i'm surprised we haven't talked about this scene yet a long time ago i asked for some comments on stunt scenes with animals and of course john wick chapter three the dogs with halle berry so you know they say when it comes to making movies you should never work with children you should never work with animals there are no babies in this scene that i can tell but there are a bunch of animals so when it comes to stunt work doing stunts with animals is that still as hard as regular acting you don't know how animals are going to react even if they have their trainers there sometimes dogs they get kind of like carried away so i imagine you have to be really patient until yes work a shot be ready to be flexible the dog doesn't quite hit the pace it's almost like you enter a little bit like improv theater mixed in now she did a lot like a lot of her stunts because she trains with taryn for all the gun stuff [Music] taran is the john wick armor gun guy so everything you see with a gun here is turned 100 so all those movements with the guns the side that's him the the choreography and the training and what taran puts into a gunfight and what the 8711 guys the detail they put into gun combat is so intense have you done much gun play yeah a lot would you prefer to work with blanks or with like airsoft or just basic rubber props i would say blanks i really honestly don't like using airsoft it's safer but the problem is there's an animal instinctual thing in terms of reaction and dealing with something where when you use real blankfire an actor will react to the firearm entirely differently and it will keep them in the scene and keep them in the reality of it whereas when you're using airsoft you're forcing the actor to do all of that acting by himself he's got to sell the firearm he's got to sell the recoil of the gun he's got to sell the intensity of being in the middle of a gunfight there's a reaction that happens to you know your face like if somebody claps their hand right in front of you and yeah you kind of do that that's a that's a thing that gets missed like 90 of the time that people film with like airsoft guns or fake guns it's just that little that your face does involuntarily when loud noises are happening in front of you if you guys are enjoying these videos we do one every saturday please consider subscribing to the channel if you are not it helps us out and helps you watch the videos the duelist demands satisfaction honor for him is an appetite an obsession to kill now amongst the sword community this movie is one of the holy grails in terms of being one of the first films to really depict the danger and deadliness of real steel blades in a sword fight and the combatants they went above and beyond in terms of making you feel two men facing each other with razor sharp steel and one of them could die and when you watch this there's a bunch of false starts why these two guys are nervous keith carradine's character does not want to be in this sword fight he doesn't want to be there he's scared shirtless and that's depicted in their technique and what they're doing nobody's jumping in there isn't suddenly 30 click clacks of swords here boom he just got stuck that's about the length of a realistic sword fight now what happened is he's just had three feet of steel rammed through the outer part of his pectoral muscle if you look at small swords it's a triangular blade it's not diamond shaped a thin diamond-shaped blade the wound will close up a triangular small sword blade the wound never closes properly what always happened was a piece of the cotton or linen or silk shirt was pressed into the wound and left in there now what happens to shirts you get sweaty and stinky and all kinds of nasty stuff gets on your shirt that's now been pressed inside of your wound a lot of these guys got sepsis so you'd think oh i survived the sword duel you go home you lay in bed the wound doesn't heal correctly the wound gets horribly infected so in a simple sword duel like that it cost you your life so when you look at the physicality between these two guys keith is trying to survive harvey keitel is a madman and he's fighting with abandon and when you watch this sword fight harvey keitel loses because he's not protecting himself all he wants to do is chop big chunks out of keith carradine and as a result it gets sloppy which really happens in sword fights because your emotion gets involved you get pissed you don't keep yourself under control and what happens is keith carradine's a better swordsman harvey cartel cuts wide keith comes to the inside and cuts his wrist open the minute he cussed open his wrist they grow all your your control tendons in your wrist the minute he does that he sucks and punches harvey can tell across the face with the knuckleball of his saber ending the sword fight this is actually a real technique this is what happens you don't have people lopping people's heads off and cutting people in half because in a real life or death situation i promise you you wouldn't do any of those i've never seen a flap of skin in a sword fight this is the out of all the sword fights and movies i've never seen just a simple i sliced you and there's a flap hanging yeah it's exactly what happens you know i've been cut by swords and knives i can tell you it's not fun oh really nothing i mean look i i there's nothing you know i got into some things when i was a younger man i've been stabbed wow if you have a choice between being cut or being stabbed trust me you want to be cut when you are stabbed you're punctured all the percussive energy goes into your body into your muscles into the bone the amount of pain when the initial stab happens and the amount of pain for months afterwards is it's immeasurable if somebody rams a sword through your torso you're not going to keep sword fighting your body momentarily shuts down and cramps up around the blade there's so much trauma being done you can't sit there and go ha ha and just keep sword fighting like errol flynn it just doesn't happen i wish that there were more films out there that did their homework watched this movie understood what the intent was understood the art understood what this film accomplished and tried to replicate that [Music] time for perhaps the most iconic sword fight scene of all time princess bride this sword fight unabashedly replicates the old swashbuckling films of the 1930s arrow flint our own power it brilliantly captures old classic hollywood i am not my friend i'm not left-handed either there's a storyline built in here of silly one-upmanship there are a bunch of things that are done in this for the sake of comedic storyline points so there's a little bit like buster keaton going on in this now i have a lot of technical issues with the sword fight i will tell you all right tell me i love hearing the technical issues with it i love hearing the historical mistakes he doesn't make this hard fight any worse it's not detracting from the sword fight at no point did these guys say hey we're trying to do a completely period historical reenactment of a rapier fight nobody ever said that first and foremost the swashbuckling films of the 1930s which were brilliantly choreographed by ralph faulkner and fred cavens they were fencing masters not historical sword fight masters you're looking at saber technique this isn't correct technique for a rapier it's flashier if these two guys were to try and replicate a real period rapier fight it wouldn't look the same at all you're thrusting with a rapier you're not cutting and there'd be a lot of blades whizzing by heads and moving by torsos and realistically in a fight of this length they both would have been stuck two or three times this is a swashbuckling fight so you can see all of the tic tacs and the click clacks and the flashy cuts that are being made this isn't how rapiers are used another odd thing that i didn't really agree with but they did in this fight the blades are very short you can see that these swords are only about 30 inches long a real rapier is going to have a blade anywhere from 34 to 40 inches long wesley sword is not really a rapier it's got a rapier blade in it but the hilt is this kind of made up mishmash thing rapiers have what's called a ricasso where the small arms of the hill leave a section for you to loop your finger through wesley's sword doesn't have that so wesley is gripping his sword in a saber grip whereas inigo montoya is gripping his sword like a rapier hmm [Music] there's something this doesn't make any sense mandy potemkin's sword is on top of carrie elways he could easily take that sword and flick it right up into carrie always face and cut his entire cheek and his eye open that's a small technicality that i kind of looked at and i went yeah man you gotta let that go but if you're gonna be technical about it these are little teeny historical whiny nitpicky things this was months and months and months of work and you want to give the respect that everybody busted their ass on this piece yeah and i think they did a great job with it there's the 1930s and this was done decades later now people look at this as one of the classic sword fights and i'm going well yeah technically that makes me feel old but yeah i hear that the internet's going to be a big deal and you can get into that game with your very own website what websites don't i need like a degree in medicine or 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all right back to the video no matter what sitting down on this couch i always learn something new jessica luke thank you so much for joining us both of these guys have a whole bunch more cool things to show you so you can actually check out jessica's instagram at jessica median actress i'll have a link in the description below you can check out my instagram page i also did life of action volume 2 which was put out by mike fury which is a great book about stunt performers in the industry thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys in the next video i mean hey probably one coming out tomorrow saturdays and sundays those are our days all right see in the next one
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,550,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stuntmen react, react, stunts, swords, sword, duel, battle, realistic, history, the duelists, the last duel, ridley scott, Troy, brad pitt, eric bana, the princess bride, shot breakdown, realism, explained, break down, john wick, keanu reeves
Id: OqkRo17ZbbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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