So I played Toontown in 2021...

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pick a tune to play is upside down that's so wacky today we're playing through saturn so i haven't played toontown in like 10 years and i guess that's what we're doing now this is uh this is a blast of nostalgia right now the music and all that stuff do i get to pick what he looks like or is that just him i had to pick his face that's great i'm a big fan of monkey i'm not gonna lie i'm a big fan of monkey big head monkey big head monkey is one of my favorite i think we go with the young duck though cause duck is big brain look how big his forehead is it's like mine and of course we're gonna be short as short as possible perfect oh yeah now we're just child okay maybe i shouldn't do this that looks like a teenager just with really small legs we'll just have a tall boy okay we'll just have a tall boy i guess there are so many customization options i can't handle that so his yellow legs wait that's not yellow did i did i think that was y okay there now we'll give him yellow legs okay now he just looks wacky like this is not someone you want to meet up with i also do have to wonder where does one color stop and one color ends like that's obviously just the neck but like his cut i don't want nevermind oh we got to be casual we gotta be the hawaii shirt come on brother come on brother of course we gotta go with the hawaii shirt the hawaii shirt in swim trunks at all time oh yeah oh yeah oh god we get to choose his name cheesy zapper i want something that sounds gross i'm a little bit of a flipper wiggle myself it's just my type of thing use the movement keys do i have to use you have to use the arrow keys i can't use wasd tutorial tom i'm gonna be completely honest with you i really don't care what you're saying at all right now there's a cog inside my shop you definitely planned that there is a cog literally can i change the options because i have to use my arrow keys to move around anywhere this is awful sup brother you'll have to go through me first but you're so attractive how am i gonna do that we did hit him with a thingy this is definitely some uh some epic gameplay right now oh yeah murder is fun kids make sure you do it at your local playstation store one throw point and i got a squirt point too i can squirt better let's go time to go do other things just want me to explore right now the part that i literally cannot explore there's nothing in here thank you for helping me defeat that flunky let me give you a reward a book i don't know how to read come on you know i don't know how to read playground toontown center for a second i thought that said toontown criminal and i was like yeah mickey is a criminal come back when you sell fish to the pet oh god i am getting so many flashbacks from this game public parties here why is no one in toontown there's no one here isn't this game supposed to be the true online experience something loners like me must do sometimes oh oh yeah we're going to goofy's speedway are you kidding me why are you making me ride this trolley can't even visit goofy's speedway because i gotta go to the trolley this is really gta six this is the better gta sex oh i can fish yeah i spent way too much time as a kid doing that anyone gonna get on with me any um anyone here goodbye i think people don't like me because of my weird skin shoot your tune into the tap water tower there are movement keys it's a big reward for everybody but no one else is here okay this is going to be the perfect shot watch that easy easy perfect shot come on brother i'm trying to get a reward 18 jelly beans are on the line there we go why do i have to spend all my money on stuff to fight people why can't i spend money on like a better living condition congratulations you won the thing now report back why do i have to report to these people am i a child okay toontown might be assuming i'm a child why are they all so creepy they're lovable who is this dude no wait is this a real person oh i thought it was an npc why'd he say meow he was role playing i don't want to role play the colon p oh yeah brother i'm probably the only person he's seen in like 20 years he's probably like oh god no one plays two town but green duck green duck is playing toontown goofy let me in goofy well then go defeat them dude stop following me around you creep stranger danger recover a blackboard eraser from the cogs okay guess it's time for more senseless murder just what i like out of my children's games mr jc fine let's go mr jc i'm scared like what is on his back what is he supposed to be are we going to donald duck he probably has much better stuff than i do but i do have a pie and i don't really know how to use it why isn't this a fortnight dance i think he wants to go to someplace that is much higher levels um but i'm just not letting him do that because i just go here and he keeps trying to talk to me but i really i don't know if i want to talk to him oh no my friend left me my friend left me now i have to fight this person all by myself oh no oh he just left me to go to kaboom cliffs and now i have to deal with this bloodsucker law about by myself this game is so much harder when there isn't somebody carrying you what is that attack you're seeking me into the grou how is that ethically correct to do that to a poor doc please i need to go home thank you oh look at all those level ups new squirt gag wow toontastic let me out of here let's go to boingberry make a friend okay i don't why can't i be anti-social that's my thing hey you want to be fred hey hey we're friends now okay okay thank you goodbye easiest friendship of my life click go home i gotta when did i get a house god this house is trash all right i got a pretty nice house um we don't have any beans so we literally cannot buy anything so all of this is useless i literally have no weapons so i have to dodge all these people tickle machines okay that does not sound very appealing but i'm gonna go in there can you tickle me for money mr jc stop following me i'm just trying to go see my girl daisy and mr jc is like oh we should go to a different district how about you come visit daisy with me watch this watch us i'm going to spit that that is terrible that is so rude i'm visiting daisy all right i'ma make her my girlfriend i'm stealing her from donald i'm a duck she's a duck it works out i remember these chat this is where you go for like a boss battle i'm probably prepared enough right it's the worst that could happen i'm the boss your face is really messed up dude here i'll try to fix it with this pie maybe that okay it did nothing i'm so [Music] sorry i just shrunk i'm so sad now are you are you laughing at me for being sad chief crinkle tune laughing at me how do i become happy again oh there we go i'm gonna go play some trolley games i need to make money click the down to set your number of votes click the vote button to cast it reach the secret goal to get bonus beans oh my god i want those beans i'm i'm i'm gonna go down hopefully he votes for down two oh he's just letting me choose let's go streamer privilege green duck got a bonus of five jelly beans gimme gimme that's all i gotta say how do i whistle whistle do it is there a button the whistle he's doing all the things press control okay that's how you do it come on doggies get in there well i tried easy in before the pro i made it before the professional toontown gamer that just goes to show you how much skill i have i don't want to play this anymore let me leave let me leave please i don't want to do this how can you leave are you just stuck here let me out i just want to leave okay let me leave let me get me out of here please do not make this happen again please tell me we're done thank you get up i'll bully you until you're up that's what toontown taught me you stink hey oh he's he's fighting back okay we're going to start a very that wasn't nice we're going to start a dispute in the toontown chat in the two-time community the two-time community is going to uh not go did someone just give me money thank you please go away you stink terrible that's what i'm saying that's all we're saying here i'm gonna april fools them all right let's go take on a boss fight this group let's go boss fight oh time let's go we're getting carried this is the carry i need there's another one there's more bottom feeders you're in the doghouse now oh yeah look at us damn why is my dancing slightly off from everybody else's dancing that was so awkward so you guys like apples never turn your back on me is it because you'll literally like pierce me in the stomach with that head what is that supposed to be dude this is some scenery this is so sad look at that guy he's crying spine doctor lawbot are these people in the medicine field or are they lawyers mr jc just doesn't even get any things up so sad we really do be dancing and for a while we've we have not stopped dancing i need constant validation having fun no it is time for the racing part of the stream we're racing at goofy's place i'm buying a cart that's a nice one but it's so expensive i think we gotta start out with this one oh that is a nice car right there watch out for pedestrian there are pedestrians where are the pedestrians i want to run someone over why are there no pedestrians why did it lie about that you can't just get my hopes up and be like oh you have to dodge pedestrians and then not have there be pedestrians that's messed up i remember this being more fun in the past it was like you know a cool thing i remember trying to get people to race me and nobody would when i was a kid we're almost there could this be my fastest lap yet no it can't because i tried slowing down in the middle of it but still oh this is an epic finish look at that jump oh so many injuries i just got a concussion but it doesn't matter because we're racing to the end and we win yes 20 to 20 tickets that's all i got what goofy you are a scammer this is a scam you're running right now goofy okay i'm going fishing you know this is kind of good fishing like this is not bad fishing because it just happens immediately at least and i do remember spending way too much time on this i'm a duck dude duck eat fish all right i need to find flippy pick out a toontown why is this dog talking to me oh this is the perfect time to use it this is the perfect time to use it watch this watch this watch this did your doodle just talk what what the what is going on stop flipster shut up i really don't want to talk thank you did i win how are you as a child annoying do i have to talk to that duck can i talk to someone else no i have to talk to this doc this is ridiculous no just not let me talk to anybody if they don't want to see me winning let me talk to one of you please no you're not you're not busy at all dude you're doing nothing you're standing there you're so i'm done for now chat i'm done for now
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 233,343
Rating: 4.9472623 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, toontown, toontown rewritten, toontown online, toontown gameplay, toontown 2021, disneys toontown, toon town, revisiting toontown, why toontown died, toontown online died, toontown game, toon town disney, disney mmo, toon town rewritten, toon town gameplay, toon town died, why toon town died, toontown dead, toontown online rewritten, toontown revived, eazyspeezy toontown, disney, disney game, i played toontown, i played toontown in 2021, classic games that died
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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