RoboCop Rogue City is WAY better than it has any right to be

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you want to know why I bought this cuz I saw a picture on Twitter and it the the HUD looked like Fallout 3 and I'm like that looks like fun I like Fallout 3 I'm sure I'll enjoy a Robocop only for hardcore play oh no oh no no no no no no I don't want to but I have to I'm a hardcore gamer whoa those are real people that's not is that Mike Myers a new crime wave that is sweeping to Detroit has already claimed the lives of 21 police officers uh there seems to be a a oh no disturbance I'm a big fan it's cyber Punk winners do drugs oh he's a bad guy now this message goes out to the new guy in town we'll uh get officer officer Howard to illustrate the point all right you see officer Howard made a drug bus that cost us a lot of money okay we want to reward this dutiful officer with a performance bonus you're going to have the time of your life oh this is so kind of him there you go a lifetime supply enjoy arson smuggling drug dealing Gollum rise of Kong for spoken we do it all oh they interrupted our regularly scheduled program that's it I have to kill everyone handsome Squidward under that helmet good to see you Murphy Murphy Lieutenant's at the main entrance to that hold on I'm going to have to stop you right there bucko my gameplay meter is too high ooh did you get that from Halo hey it's a pretty looking game oh but I can't even see my reflection is RoboCop a vampire why does every Pawn Chop look like this every single one I like how his run is just a a Brisk Shuffle like watch this I can just imagine him like putting his hands up just kind of dainty running we've got you surrounded I'm coming in the hell is going on up there I don't know what's going on with your little chin strap the police want us to release the hostages so no hard feelings they're littering out the windows ow I'll figure something out besides you could do with a head start did you just ass me we've got company anyone expecting a silver freak listen punks drop it scum a little late for the live but I'm I'm learning wow you guys suck am I even like killable man this I have to be more accurate than that new Modern Warfare I broke his leg with my gun who who doing that oh oh my goodness they got 80s hairstyles wait a minute wait a minute AR we just in that room that was in The Matrix I am RoboCop you are dead I'm not going to evacuate I'm going to elevate worried about the weight limit you calling me fat that graffiti is fresh fresh graffiti surprise guys RoboCop here oh wow any more tricks up your sleev I don't wear sleeves this isn't just about being a robo man this is about being a cop Robo Vision this man is made of human kill that freak I shot him in the goads it's Robo time RoboCop punch move ma'am I I need a falcon punch the next Pok Falcon I'm going to take your assault rifle 74 this is in no way similar to an AK-47 though ma'am I'm starting the generator I am detecting a short circuit I thought her mouth was exploding at first thanks but I'd say it was a team effort I killed everyone you chewed bubblegum we are not the same I mean haha first guy guy that looks at me funny gets a monitor in his faceit what stop destroying this paperwork there's a guy who has to work a 9 to5 for that have fun catching your monitor now Carl no way they did the they did the James Bond thing are you looking at this look look look look look this is incredible see if I if I shoot higher the water does oh my gosh I have to empty this completely listen listen you deal with those guys I'm dealing with the water problem RoboCop says no to drugs all you people saying yes to drugs catch RoboCop doesn't like violence RoboCop destroys violence I like how everybody dies like this they're trying to create some sort of secret hidden message with their legs what what what does this mean Alfred and now for RoboCop news thank you for watching all right first person I see gets thrown it was a trap he wants to be a police officer just like his dad oh yeah did he say that did he tell his classmates that I punch pizza kill the hostages don't do it I'm going to kill you first they sure did did you go get all that on camera hey no sudden moves cop I'm not dying here you work so hard honey why don't you take some leave okay are you de no I'm a robot got him you okay there Murphy Oh malfunction I am malfunctioning because I am a robot and also human though for some of us the night has just begun oh my goodness you're right it's Batman's turn [Music] now amazing title screen oh slow clap the malfunction caught on camera provokes a question can we put our safety into the hands of a machine especially one as unreliable as Robocop Robocop canell now quiet we we were be quiet oh I got a chip in my windshield I'm going to have to go get that filled I no it's just going to it's going to need a whole window replacement hey Ramirez let me get that for you you're weak but I am a robot wait what is all this [ __ ] doing in my locker I wanted you to be safe got him guys I am in on the prank too right why don't you take a seat for me this is my Throne of which I sit don't mind me I'll just get this off oh wait we're going to have a master chief face reveal he wants he's beautiful he's handsome squid hey pretty boy combat armor Vitality engineering holy freaking Fallout Batman murpy could you please help me out here yes yes I can all right everyone in my line now my neighbors are hos War me I think it's because they're jealous of my new dog what is his name I called him fire he likes to hide so sometimes I have to yell fire fire to find him isue a ticket I'm going to go right for the ticket your behavior here disrupts public order I must issue a ticket that's mine I'm the guy from that poster so here I am oh 1 billion IQ take him away next please get out of my sight you criminal scum officer I would like to report my son missing oh another trivial matter your son was found dead 2 hours ago it's okay if he was pushed out of a very tall building Robo I want you to start by checking the arcade downtown okay it's become a high activity area for punks wait I eliminate those are you smoking a cigarette in my RoboCop City i' I'd throw you into a computer monitor for doing such a crime you came to clean up this city didn't you yeah it'd be easier to burn it all to the ground okay leave me just burn it all oh hello beautiful was that an attack on me littering is prohibited what was I supposed to do I've missed the garbage collection and we had fish on Friday you have no idea how much it reeks then eat it so I pay the city for not removing my garbage and now I have to pay for removing it myself you didn't get your garbage out on Wednesday is stay away from fishy activity nice one RoboCop he's my favorite TV star thanks to you Kurt's finally had a reason to watch something other than the Fast Food Channel Get It Curts because she thinks you're overweight and need to work out more I guess the per had his hands covered in some green blue guacala is goo the body's covered in guacala is why does it always come back to food with you anyway we when I look at this dead body I think of guacamole we must bring the murderer to Justice now move out of my way I am scanning time she was eating guacamole and accidentally slipped on a bucket of guacamole and fell into the B guacamole and drowned herself and then her brain fell out of her head it's the only logical conclusion always having to do your job for you how much guacamole was used in the death of this woman it's as simple as it gets aliens did it nice aliens have you seen a vehicle like this wait was her hair sideways on her head we're staying here until we finish or you're doing it without me wait that's Jerry Jenkins don't you think you're being unreasonable you better find us another oh it's the guy from Dead Rising 3 over with the sun is out she's like ah it's so hot and then he comes in he's like hey I got a bucket of guacamole isn't this cool then they touch fingers and she says I now have guacamole on my arm and they run off in down the road someone here is the murderer I read your messages they seem to connect you with a case would you like to explain how did you get access to them you mean that open computer right over there that's just open to anyone SC you got anything like low cal you know I'm like watching the weight here Ronnie has everything including lowfat chocolate ice cream what should we call our gas station I don't know my gosh there's an avatar in this room you have to help me man this sound like a nerd it's an avatar it's him the Avatar I Didn't Do It Jenkins killed her he's the one who killed Casey they met here yesterday oh yeah I'll determine that myself oh yeah no he definitely killed her look at there's a hammer and everything well he's dead guacamole overdose sometimes I asked myself is there ever such thing as too much guacamole and then I looked at the man who died because of too much guacamole and I said yeah probably I can't let you in robot shut up I have a solution for you if you are looking for some protection against that California Sunshine the hell a stay in Detroit prison come on Jerry we're going to prison oopsy I think I dropped my key somewhere you'd have to break down this hardened door you get in poor me that will not be a problem oh uh it's robocup Surrender Your Weapons Surrender Your I said Surrender Your I'm not going to ask you again Surrender Your Weapons Surrender Your Surrender Your Weapons immediately Surrender Your Weapons immediately I'm not going to ask you again I'm not going to ask you for a second time I am so ready to throw a chair come here here human I am more human than you will ever be are you still alive C can a guy just sell drugs to kids without you harassing him every 5 minutes who who am I hurting huh I want it and if I tell you what's in it for me I will make you comply interrogation sequence initiated you can't do it I'm a respectable Citizen and I have complex health conditions I'll add to the list fine I'll talk from what I've gathered it's that big burned down building a bit down the road mayor kuzak just stormed into my office apparently his niece's car has been stolen I'll get right on that that is immediately more important than kids taking drugs I guess issuing tickets wait what for misdemeanor like public drinking and disorderly conduct public drinking expired someone not somebody's going to die tonight issue a ticket for some to learn how not to lose the track of time is to learn how not to lose their money true man this game has everything where are the public drinkers I will eradicate them do I send public drinkers here that's right I'm the metal freak oh is that so is that so woo I am going to die if I don't RoboCop out of here fast enough wow that guy just combusted oh yeah I forgot I have this like Robo Dash ability imagine RoboCop comes around a corner and just Zooms in at you at like freaking 20 M an hour I will take this thank you very much video game oh I have to punch through a brick wall hello boys is everyone okay is everyone okay man that guy did a double front flip that's impressive well here we go how did that door not break I'm a TW ton Behemoth but the wooden door I will kill your drugs with my violence F oh dude this guy's name is pickles like from that that show everyone loves hey dhy I I turned myself into a pickle I'm pickle guy dhy fire hydrant this is a traffic parking violation issue one parking ticket is all it takes life is short eat the donut my hands are sweaty what does that mean are you going into a drug related is that some sort of cop joke I'm too RoboCop to understand knowing you're on the case makes me a little less anxious RoboCop now I just need to break it down for our son could you maybe tell him to come home it's getting late and the streets aren't safe these days l a fire in his britches I will make sure fire in britches return that is a violation of pants I will issue a ticket to your son we are going to get this kid and get him to bed on time so he could wake up to have a healthy nutritious bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch before going to school hold on it's the cops I don't want to go to jail for this [ __ ] is that a gun you're in so much trouble kid no it's not mine who you just shot RoboCop is he going to arrest me right are any of you drinking sh pigs mind your own business cop hey I just want I just wanted to fit in with the cool kids stolen vehicle wait how did I even find this place what did you do with the blue sux 6000 that you stole it was me who jacked the sux but he didn't leave me any choice he'd take revenge on Ben oh God it must be those thugs we're dead no one is going to save us you're going to be so amazed by my capabilities and they are the ones who need saving RoboCop is home it's theal blast man I'm good at my job RoboCop is here that's right Alfred scan the environment for drugs sounds like a Donkey Kong 64 boss theme I love just exploding humans they're weak and fragile and and funny get ready for propan we got a potty goer I don't know why I said that I don't know why I said that one the dumbest things I probably have ever said in my entire there it is the suck 6000 this is a bad name for a car he literally just got done doing his job feeling good feeling purified and then he goes ahead and just gets blasted right back into the toilet this is where so is supposedly hiding can't really call it hiding if he send invitations to the whole city a bit Rudy forgot about us at least I will not feel bad crashing his party nice one RoboCop why can't you give us a break never Justice never sleeps I will kill all of you give me the explosion I will throw it back up kill you I need all your drugs I winning I'm buil Different CU I'm a robot can't better holy frick she has taking that like a champ go you got this look at her she's Immortal she's she's way stronger than I am why do they have to build me now here's the plan here's how it's going to work I'm going to take these stairs up if you can continue to draw his fire for about another minute then I'm going to be able to actually sink around I'm going to walk over this bridge above your head do you see it yes okay and then I'm going to I'm going to hit up the guy and and and that's how that's how it's going to go that's that's how it's going to go okay you good with that all right never mind change a plan I'm going to throw a TP at him all right the plan worked thank you for the cover fire kaboer Fearless explodes when he gets too close Invincible no you're not boom it's I can hear music um getting close slaughtering time that's the joke cuz we're in a slaughter house oh my goodness they're listening to a music in there we have to kill them he is in the moment now the real show is about to go down okay if you're a real torch head sh I'm not a torch head can to all right [Music] well I don't want to do it wait a minute was he just lip sying the entire time cuz the song is still going wait the entire band was fake the my favorite band is a lie I would like to see you try to be cooler than me I'm going to take your friend and throw it at your friend and then I'm going to take your other friend me oh I would like to see you try to concentrate when I breach through the door and run at you can't be I had everything lined up perfectly did you you're not getting anything out of me besides I'm pumped up with nuke like a freaking power plant I can't believe RoboCop objectifies humans you have nothing to fear except for fear itself and a two-ton man bashing your head on a door frame is that supposed to scare me I freaking hate you nope I'll never rest until every pigro is dead that's enough leis I'm all right Murphy are you drop your weapon you are under arrest thanks for the ride big guy oh this guy's going to be fine no way he gets shot Murphy what's happening I'm dying of cringe you won't do it you don't have it Louis there's a bluff you called my bluff LS whoa Robo what did you do just stand there and watch it as it happened yes she's in surgery as we speak so that's not going to happen hey Murphy do you have a minute it's about Louis fine me and a bunch of guys decided to sign this get well C for her I figured that you'd want to sign it as well actually there are a few signatures that we still need could you ask them I think I need a break would you sign the Getwell card for Lewis I am supposed to get it signed and then pass it on to another officer yeah sure thing no crying on the force you big baby there is no crying on the force well I guess sometimes there is hey is somebody naked in here I need you sign this card immediately I have a card to sign it is for Lewis Here signed uh I think that it's beautiful what you're doing I know is there anything I can do for you you can sign this Getwell card for Lewis sure thing is this really the best usage for my multi-billion dollar existence I noticed you running around the precinct and what I'm trying to say is that I I I'd like to sign that card if you let me no I asked the questions around here who do you think you are demanding to sign my Getwell soon card I am out of here ah RoboCop no I was looking everywhere for you I am going to Highland Park that's exactly what Mr Becker told me you shouldn't do it it's my duty to stop you right wrong don't do this to me not on my first day I have fun getting fired nerd finding a missing police officer where did they drop me off the pit I'm looking at the map I got to go find some steel here like the whole game just looks unbelievably well detailed like this looks way better than Modern Warfare 3 does the amount of detail that's gone into making this look like you can't tell me you you look at that and and that that almost looks real the attention to the detail if there was RTX man that just looks so good like doesn't that look so good oh my goodness fast movers highly mobile attacks from different directions well it looks like I'll have to shoot them like everyone else I can grab their bikes in general hey you can't ride so embarrassing this game is way better than it any right to be these are the kind of devs that need your money hey it's me RoboCop hey it's me RoboCop are you dead no okay you're dead hey guys it's me RoboCop I've had enough of you you want to know where you're going into the fluorescent light anyone what's crazy this he what's crazy this he's fine hey we got we got a nerd here let's show him in a locker have fun get out that one ooh a 50 cal pistol don't mind if I do take a deagle with me on my Valiant Quest it's not leading you oh my gosh I am hoping for it no you're hopeless that whole area is out of police jurisdiction and that's fine the new that means I can do whatever I want want wait wait wait how do I get you I'm sure you know stand is I believe I do I'm starting to understand well that was quite the pilot that just happened the bro cter with time calls for reinforcements he's kissing that freaking microphone D anybody else does anybody else want some you [Music] okay shot my head he shot my hand that's what you sound like a big baby enemy reinforcements are coming it's time for me to get serious where are the reinforcements tell me where they are you tell me where they are it's time for me to take out the trash Frick how did I miss oh recharge time wait wait you need to go up there RoboCop no I have no health I have to run no just hide just I am going to throw a man at the Sun or at the staircase the joke Riddler yeah look at this this is literally Fallout it's like the screen the look of it all of this is just straight out of Fallout I would love it if Fallout looked this good all right well guess what I have a grenade launcher transform death and Decay trying to get this guys got him we got him I sniping snipers with a grenade launcher baby oh can I get it can I get level six yeah level six we can open the save money 100% get cover where is he got him I go on my own no need to risk lives oh CP has supplied us with an ed 209 maybe you could make use of it even if it is just for cover I have to eliminate more enemies than the tank oh man 209 inoc no you're you're losing you're losing this I can't wait to see how this goes you a friend h i get that I need I need to kill more I need to kill more guys come on this is this is just like in in Lord of the Rings where we're counting our kills I it only counts this one finally a weapon to surpass Metal Gear please put down your weapon I'm winning I'm winning I'm going to win you can't do this can you me like how many bikers can you kill can you kill more bikers than a giant Metal Gear yeah 26 to your lousy 13 RoboCop wins oh I can't wait to tell everyone at the precinct how you kicked Ed's ass yeah Ed you suck the only reason why you're here is because I can't open up big wooden doors here we go hello boys guess what I'm going to grab your friend and throw your friend at the friend you know in middle school where there's always that one Punk that's like I'm going to I'm going to slap the top of the door frame with my hand well this guy's going to do it but with his head what's that noise me please put down your weapon you have 20 seconds to comply the situation is under control you now have 15 seconds to comply what stand back you now have 5 Seconds to comply 4 I said everything is under sorry officer to die I am now authorized to use physical Force well looks like we need to Rite another get well soon card you dumb robot oh this is this is brutal heal I need health I need health items he's so brave he's much braver than I he's the real RoboCop now this is actually bad this is actually a bad time for me look luckily these wooden crates are indestructible I'm just going to kite him around these wooden crates this wooden crate is saving my life I did it I did it look at me I am the real [Music] RoboCop
Channel: Kevduit
Views: 462,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevduit, Robocop, Robocop Rogue City, is Robocop rogue city good, is robocop rogue city worth buying, is robocop rogue city worth playing, robocop rogue city review, robocop rogue city gameplay, so I tried robocop, Robocop is way better than it has any right to be, gaming, meme, memes, robocop kevduit, robocop game, xbox, playstation, ps5, xbox series x, is robocop good, robocop rogue city combat, robocop rogue city story, robocop rogue city kevduit
Id: AxPSZeGinCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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