The Most Horrifying Story in League of Legends

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[Music] throughout its history league of legends got a fair share of scary or brutal stories for every nunu there is one ergot for every ivorn there is one fiddlesticks but all the way until now there has never been a champion perhaps besides volibear with a more horrifying story than singed during the noxian invasion of ionia singed was the one who supplied the noxian military with toxic weapons that annihilated the lands the toxic corruption is so bad there that even now many years later if you only touch the stained ground your skin would burn and slowly fall off but the real gory story singed has is the one where he described in great detail i might add how he turned warwick from a man into a beast a process which included warwick's limbs spontaneously twisting and breaking on their own singed stabbing concoctions into warwick's spine or cutting off warwick's mangled arm to replace it with a mechanical counterpart which singh did while warwick was awake the pain was so great warwick simply passed out from screaming so much i know this sounds awful but today that story got beaten by another one and it's only fitting that the person with the story even worse than singed would be cinched himself so even though it is not the spooky october anymore and even though a new month arrived with its own special traditions today we are going to have a look at the latest story of singed called the host the story is told from the view of another one of since abducted victims the captured man knew he was going to die every halting breath was agony it felt like someone had torn open his chest with a rusty saw and filled it with teeth because that's exactly what someone did to him the man was staring at a tiny beam of light coming down through the ceiling desperately trying not to see what he had become beyond these walls there was on his home city a place bustling with thousands of souls but none of them noticed he was missing no one was looking for the man he used to be then the recording device clicked on spinning its wax cylinder and the man's breath caught again this time against the soul subject thinker is functionally impaired yet hearing and recognition still present through the tears in his eyes and through the warping effect of the thick greenish glass of the observation window the man saw glimpses of the one who captured him he looked like a half-melted waxen nightmare sunken mismatched eyes drift across the contorted pallet face the bandages over his mouth grew and shrank as he restlessly paced behind the window to get a better look at his patient's condition his good eye flicked from the man he was observing to the source of a deep groan in the corner of the cell the captured man turned to look at a hulking form which roused itself from unconsciousness glowing pipes and tubes snaked around through its forearms making them more than double their already considerable size the captured man realized that as he was now withered and changed the brute could snap him in half without thinking subject breaker regained consciousness at 6 past 4 bell earlier than expected promising experiment begins at 7 past 4th bell the man got scared sobbing and bleeding to his captor to not start another experiment establishing the baseline subject thinker answer the following questions as quickly and accurately as possible first question what is your full name the man replied that he wasn't going to do this he demanded to be released at once he refused to participate in whatever sick twist it his words trailed off singed put down the mouthpiece of his recording device and moved to a set of valves at the edge of the window without glancing at the man or the thing in the corner he spun one open and high-pressure ice-cold some water slammed the man into the wall the man just screamed back what felt like an eternity later the man was trembling on his skinny hands and knees gasping for air he fumbled at the floor as the water slowly drained away then his wrist caught on something and his elbow buckled reflexively slamming him face first onto the ground he was still for a moment cradling his arm where the pain was hot and alien then he felt movement between his chest and the floor sharp wriggly like he had fallen on a uloan scorpion and it was about to claw through him to escape he rolled but it followed him it was on him on his bare skin scratching and squirming and the skittering noise repulsed him he was kicking and glowing and yelling and desperately trying to get it off him but his hands were bloodied and there was something wrong with his wrists and he couldn't get the thing off him it was all barbs and claws and it was like it was buried into his chest the teeth in his chest he remembered now there wasn't an arachnoid on him that sick man did this to him he carved him up and turned him into something else something with sucking fangs grafted onto each wrist and two columns of hungry flexing pincers from neck to waist and the bandaged man wanted him to use them to bite the thing that was with him in his cell the man then remembered how once the crazy man strapped them both onto a rusted iron bed needle moving quickly and without mercy as he joined them together then he waited waited for the process to start for the instincts he had given him through surgical and chem-tech sins to kick in when it didn't happen when he wouldn't do it everything went blank and now he was locked in this chamber with his intended host subject found initial stimulus unpleasant resuming baseline questions if the finger subject does not state its full name the man interrupted him shouting back and pleading for mercy but singed continued nonetheless duration and intensity will be increased by factor of two strike that make it three the crazy man was back staring at him if he was smiling beneath those reps it didn't reach his eyes singh sees the valve again and the man realized what was next there was nothing to hide behind nothing to grab a hold of and as the pipes rumbled all he could do was curl up as small as he could and take a deep breath the blast of water hit so hard so cold the air was ripped from his lungs he smashed against surface he couldn't identify there was a shooting pain from his ankle and when the assault eventually ceased he twisted and dropped to the floor then he laid motionless feeling weaker than he could ever remember as the last of the water drained from the room again he realized he was going to die there was a slam which made the man flinch it was his cam-doped cellmate who was smashing into the observation window with incoherent primal yell staring through his throat the glass and the monster behind it were unmoved though each movement caused him dearly the man quietly dragged himself to the other side of the floor away from the raging beast called breaker even when its roaring diminished and shifted to wordless songs breakers fists wouldn't stop hitting the glass physical strength of subject breaker is within expected range of pneumochem muscular enhancements but the exhibit is limited to no problem-solving capabilities emotionlessly cinch tapped on the glass opposite of the smears from breaker's self-inflicted wounds then with a scowl he turned the look at the other man subject finger on the other hand you may have been named hastily his notes were interrupted by the man shouting that he was called henry henry spillwether he was a person not this thinker the crazy man kept calling him hadridan reached out desperate to touch some grain of empathy in the captor's heart no matter what fabrications he had to concoct henry revealed he had a son he was two years old and he had to miss him terribly a son the bandaged man raised an eyebrow what's his name little lock spillweather cued as a button and twice as before he could say anything else singed interrupted him telling him that he knows he has no family they perished from the same hereditary disease henry himself suffered from characterized by accelerated aging and the miserable infirmities that came with it for the last 13 years he had been making a nuisance of himself to anyone who would listen at the zone academy of sciences begging for cure these words hammered into henry cold and crushing like the water singed continued getting visibly angry and yet you repay my extraordinary gift with defiance and bad data your estimates give you five years left to live more lies but this time to yourself you have three wretched years at best before you become drooling invalid and there is no one to take care of you as you did your sister and father henry didn't say anything back because singed was right what little hope he had for finding a cure was just that a hope the academy wouldn't help him everyone had their own desperate or greedy agenda and he was just another lost cause beautiful alone he was going to die but you need not die singed edit at those words henry felt revulsion loathing outrage hope he simply asked back how singed didn't reply with words he just slowly nodded his head toward breaker the brute was cradling his bleeding hands rocking back and forth avoiding eye contact with either of them maybe he was incapable of speech but he was still at least three times henry's weight all of it muscle and that was before whatever those augments on his arms were doing henry then remembered that when they were strapped down on the bed similarly trapped together equally helpless singed wanted him to latch onto breaker to use him as support a living prosthesis his own thoughts made him gag and he dry heaved as he scrambled backward away from breaker seems to sound that bored now disappointing perhaps three years is still too remote a negative outcome for you thinker let me make it more compelling in your weakened state you'll likely suffer multiple fractures each time i apply this negative stimulus within 4 more applications i'd expect you would be classifiable as only minimally mobile and face down in the water you will very slowly drown from previous observations i am led to believe it will be quite excruciating henry looked to breaker and caught his gaze on him he immediately looked away there was little understanding in those eyes but he saw shared fear and something again to sympathy it was the first real human connection henry had felt in years without turning to meet sinch's called calculating stare he asked what would happen if he did it once an ectoparasitic melding is established i'll run tests on the nature of the bearing on the extent of the parasite's behavior altering capabilities on the host and so on and on the resilience of the resulting merged superorganism the experiment will be concluded and all this all this will be done with henry noted absentmindedly as if it was the most normal thing in the world but his mind suddenly reeled with realization testing the resilience of the organism what a clean way to say torturing to death under a scalpel this was no cure not for him it was a death sentence slowly despite his broken ankle henry pulled himself to his feet and told singed no there was a short pause before henry heard the fifth bell from the outside subject is uncooperative since spun the valve to full strength there was pain then there was nothing when he finally regained his consciousness he noticed that something was different water was still flowing from the vents though at lower pressure and surprisingly more light came down from a hole punched in the ceiling next to him breaker was screaming in agony blood flowing from his face he charged forward slammed into the wall spun and fell into the water but now the water was rising in panic henry tried to use the claws on his wrist to drag himself closer to the escape hole but he couldn't move because his lower back was crushed under a slab of fallen debris hedry flailed weakly until the slab fell off the wardrobe around him flashed red and hedrick couldn't feel his legs experiment ends at 2 no 3 passed fourth bell had returned to see seems to walk away from the window then the lights went out henry managed to pull himself to a sitting position now he felt as if the heat was being sucked from him as if he was being frozen from inside out he had nothing left next to him breaker sobbed in the corner henry tried to talk to him calling him breaker and apologizing for not knowing his real name after hearing those words breaker rose splashing and stumbling he charged the word henry and henry squeezed his eyes shut awaiting the impact suddenly he felt a hand hot and enormous on his head he opened his eyes and the breaker was crouching in front of him clumsily petting his face and shoulders as if to make sure he was real under the blood and swelling breaker looked so innocent and alone henry was going to die but maybe breaker didn't have to the water kept rising but henry told breaker above the hole in the ceiling and after a while of convincing henry made breaker stand up and with his voice alone he guided him toward the opening the water level was so high now that henry had to lift his chin to still guide breaker to help him climb up and then he tried to say goodbye before the water covered his face now henry held his final breath as he awaited his end but under the sound of his own heart pounding in his ears hedrick gave way to panic his lungs burned and his heart roared so hard that when his hand caught on something he instinctively pushed himself up still he couldn't move but right as his body was about to give up henry felt warmth again he was feeling himself lifted up and for a moment he saw breaker's face in the water then his chest or rather the teeth in his chest sensed a spine pressed against them and they flexed ready to strike there was a brief moment of indecision before henry finally realized he didn't want to die with that the teeth in his chest clamped down and he plunged the fangs on his wrists deep into the sides of breaker's neck they would live their monstrous body pushed off for the faint light through the water their hand shaft a metal bar out of the way they kicked upward and swamped over the ceiling then they flopped onto the roof outside they coughed up the water in their lungs while their other lungs breathed deeply then hadry's mind reeled as he realized it wasn't their lungs it was his lungs his heart that bit hard and fast after that henry climbed down the building with his powerful arms and legs he could even hear with depth and precision he could never imagine henry looked around it smelled like they were deep in zone high above him there was a fallen tower that was flashing with explosions one of which was likely responsible for his escape and his creation he knew he was still in danger and so before he knew it henry was running he was shocked by how fast he was by how easily his legs moved by how quickly he could swing over and under any obstacle he landed lightly and barely slowed down the impact hurt him one of his spines was broken but it was distant no longer a devastating injury now his strengths complemented each other his weaknesses recognized and supported he had never felt this way before greater than he was more complete at ease with himself he charged through a small crowd leaving a church of the glorious evolved each and every one of them stopped to stare at henry these augmented people wondered what did this hulking body have on its back it looked like something was feeding on it as these people shoved henry around he tried to talk back to them and asked them to leave him alone but with two heads two lungs and two mouths the sentences that came out were a mesh of two voices cutting into each other the glorious evolve didn't understand what they were seeing and it didn't take long before they saw henry as an abomination and they started attacking him finally henry was able to overcome the duality of his bodies and with his own pure voice he screamed at the others to leave them be but that didn't stop them the glorious evolved ready their weapons and threw rocks at him so henry just turned and kept running soon he got into an alley where he recognized the smell of nearby street vendors and he realized he was close to home finally he would have a place to hide when he arrived there the place was ruined since it has been abandoned for a while now he tried to remember the place but it was too much for his mind to crunch half of his memories told him he lived here with his mom and brother and half told him he didn't as he pushed open the ruined door his vision swam his happy memories clashed with the reality of the burnt remains and debris around him tears ran down his face now henry knew something terrible happened here but he didn't know what he approached a ruined bed that had words carved above it there was a name paulo he was henry but he was also paolo and the one who lived here was paulo then henry found a broken mirror that belonged to his mom well paulo's mum before he wouldn't dare look at himself after what the bandaged man did to him but now he was different and so he looked and saw a bloodied nightmare stare back at him in revulsion he dropped the mirror and thoughts flooded his mind i'm hideous i'm smart now i'm just a failed experiment i'm better now no one could ever love me i love my new self i'll always be alone i don't want to be alone the bitter loneliness of the two hit him making him throw his head back and howl no being should ever feel like this so he would live not as paulo or hedry not as breaker or thinker but as both or all of them he was better this way in spite of or perhaps due to unexpected and explosive complications stage 1 of the host experiment finally completed henry froze he lifted his head to see singed standing in front of him with a dart gun levelled at him henry felt furious well in both of his chests and instinctively he took a step forward towards singed without hesitation singed pulled the trigger shooting a dart which immediately dissolved a foul liquid his gun was already reloaded before henry realized what just happened the following questions are for the thinker entity answer quickly or i will apply motivational pressures what quiet first question what is your full name henry spillweather he answered looking for a way out good next question what is your father's name at first henry thought he had no father but then he remembered it was the one he took care of because of the disease hurry up answer the question cinch demanded arvon arvon spillweather faster where did you live what was your profession what did i call myself when we first met at the academy here i left he no wait the item 451 room 451 at the smell bloom lodging house profession i was a clerk i can't i don't remember it was so long ago pathetic what a waste devolved into some sort of gasoline entity contaminating the purity of the primal mind unsuitable for further exploration with these words singed simply turned and walked away henry then remembered that he was the one who burned his home and who exploited his hope for cure he would pay for it now henry tried to attack singed from behind but right when he was only a finger away from him singed splashed a vial on the ground beneath him gluing henry in place one singed was out of sight henry loosened his laces and stepped out of his boots which remained stuck then barefoot henry tried to follow singed first he sneaked through a dark alley listening to singed who was still muttering to himself about his experiment in the darkness eventually he followed him through a door where a strange gas started to fill in the room henry tried to rush through it to finally find singed but the gas made his limbs feel heavy so heavy he fell on the ground once again he thought to himself that he was going to die the bandaged man stood over him now fear streaming from henry's face he looked up at his murderer and he remembered a face from before one with tainted glasses and clean shaven jaw he first met him marching from his lab into a lecture hall master of his environment looked upon with admiration he stopped when he looked at henry not with pity as he was used to but with a shadow of excitement and anticipation henry then said singed you said you were professor singed the harmony dropped from his voice and in his final moment he was alone again crushingly painfully deeply alone singed scrambled madly among his things desperately searching for something a cure a mercy his recording device he clicked it on and sat down to observe oh well done thinker 4 that puts you yes more answers than thinker 2. you've been most helpful he clicked off his recording device it was the last thing henry heard you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 777,632
Rating: 4.9629898 out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, Singed, Zaun, Piltover
Id: fNG2Ch9SsiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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