So I did a Speedrun on an AMPLIFIED Minecraft World

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yo everyone what's going on curryway here and in this video i did a minecraft speedrun on amplified terrain amplified terrain is one of my favorite things about minecraft and is a custom world type that you can create for a minecraft world there isn't an official speedrun category for it but i still thought it would be really cool to try for a video and maybe it could be a category in the future let me know if you enjoyed this i would love to do a similar run on amplified terrain but with an elytra i think that would be really cool in the future but anyway that's gonna be all for me remember to subscribe if you aren't already leave a like and a comment and thank you all so much for watching let's get into the routing for this speed run all right everyone i'm gonna do the routing for this run a little bit differently i've already scouted the seed because it took a long time to actually find the scene so we'll call this world amplified of run and then our seed is going to be amplified but it is going to be spelled lower case a capital mp and then all lower case until this e and then a lowercase d i did a lot of a lot of searching to find a seed that was playable because amplified makes the terrain very very difficult i want to do another amplified run in the future where i use an elytra similar to my other electro videos i think they'd be really fun and i forgot to set it to amplified mode nice all right let's try that again take two amplified run and then we go over here more world options lowercase a mp all this capital e good to go amplified and here we go but as i was saying yeah amplified runs are really really challenging for speedruns obviously because the b terrain is awful even in a set seed it it can be super super challenging so i i really like this routing it's pretty unique compared to some other runs on the the channel but i think this is really cool so here we go we have spawned in we will turn open to land on so we can go in creative and look at this terrain amplified is so cool i absolutely i love amplified terrain but we are going to be heading this way we're going to do a 180 off spawn and then we're going to have all these trees to go through we're going to be able to get our wood i'm probably going to make a wood axe so i can front load wood here and then we are going to be going this way i honestly might even make stone pools because we're going to need a lot of blocks which you'll see in a bit then we're going to go through all this nice amplified terrain until we get to this ruined portal which is really really cool here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go in creative mode we're gonna go to i believe this block here and then we're going to dig down and boom chest we get golden carrots obsidian a flint and steel a pickaxe with vanishing which doesn't really matter and then iron nuggets which will give us one iron ingot and then we're gonna build back up and there is actually a buried treasure right over here i believe on this dirt block here i could be wrong but i think oh no it's this sand block actually yes there it is and we're gonna get two iron ingots so with this we are gonna be able to get three iron ingots and we also get a bunch of gold and extra food as well which probably won't be that important since we already have eight golden carrots but not bad at all tnt is also really good again for blocks i'm not sure how i'm going to be able to utilize that in this run but i do want to try we might use the tnt we might not and you may be wondering well you need the lava you need a bucket how are you going to get in well actually i don't all i have to do is place some type of block there break this and the portal is actually completable so we can hop on here and spawn in the middle of a basalt biome and you're probably wondering why i would continue running this seed well if i turn this way boom look at that bridge bastion so we're going to need some blocks to bridge over here no pun intended and then this is really cool i really like how these things end up happening in runs i don't know how this is cool i've seen this i think once before but obviously we'll just get rid of that we'll mine the gold blocks that we need do our normal route and i'm not too worried about obsidian i believe i checked before and i think this just has obsidian uh no but it has another gold block i think i checked the chest i believe one of them has abi no i guess not well we have two we're gonna have one avi that's gonna be a bit of a run killer for me personally but not really for you because you're only gonna see the run that works so very fun for me then we're gonna head on this way jump down from our route and then i can actually get an ender pearl to show you the direction we'll be going so we'll probably be throwing from somewhere around here we're gonna want to throw onto this basalt pillar here which is really nice and then we're going to throw one all the way over there you can make that it is quite a throw but i have tested it and then we will run this way a bit probably won't throw a pearl here because it won't really be necessary then we can go up again quite a lengthy pearl but it is possible after that we're gonna probably build up a bit here since we'll have so many blocks from bridging over and everything so we'll be around here i believe the next thing we need to do is actually go down so probably won't be throwing a pearl just kind of be moving my way down here and we're gonna be trying to get to a seoul sand valley which now you can see if i turn to the left here is where we need to go so another one pearl here very close to hitting the ceiling but thankfully we don't this is going to put me in lava actually that's a new one oh i can fall in here well that's something i need to know i'll probably shoot that pearl a bit shorter to make sure that that doesn't happen but lastly we'll probably be somewhere around here and we'll throw one more pearl to get to this blaze spawner which is actually very nightly nicely packed into right here so super cool that this fortress works and we also have another spawner here so we can actually trigger that one and then come here and trigger this one and do everything we need to there which is really really nice lastly we're gonna need to blind travel well i guess kind of i guess it's still called blind travel and although it's educated because i know exactly where i'm going so we'll purl around i'm not gonna do the pros again we actually have to go all the way over this way not too far actually it's not too too bad i believe it's somewhere around here yes right here so we're gonna break these two blocks like so up to three up to three and then hopefully we should have enough obsidian to do that you know this is gonna put us unfortunately not directly in the portal room mainly because amplified terrain is so great that it's kind of hard to put you underground um but we're gonna be here and then we actually have a really nice dig down spot with these flowers right here and again just amplified terrain absolutely insane if we dig down on this exact block we will be put directly into the portal room and oh yeah it's a four eye so i only need to get four blaze rods so this has some really really nice potential it is a bit of a wonky seed i think my goal is gonna be sub 15. we'll see i don't even know if that's gonna be possible this seat is like kind of all over the place and amplified terrain might definitely cause some problems but hey i will try my best i hope you enjoy this amplified is super awesome and yeah that's really it for me enjoy the run i'm super excited to see what i can do thank you so much for watching everyone see you on the other side all right you know what time it is it's run time let's talk about it let's get into it this is really cool amplified is is very interesting now i wish amplified affected the nether in more ways i don't really think it affects the nether in any way but that would be insane i think that'd be a really cool way especially with 1.17 coming up to really make amplified awesome but you've already seen the seed you know what we're doing here we know where we're going so the way that i routed this is there's actually a cave right here that you can see and that's where i decided to get my stone and for the giant giant speed bridge that we have to do i thought the best way to do that would be to get a bunch of wood logs even though they burn like it's kind of a hassle in the nether but there wasn't gonna be any lava anywhere where i was building this so i knew the wood blocks would be perfectly fine i knew i wouldn't be like set on fire or anything so just crafting myself a stone shovel and a stone axe here and then that'll allow me to get all this wood before we head into the nether so we're gonna grab all this wood here and then we're gonna start on our journey to ruin portal which is kind of far away but that's completely okay i actually wanted to try and find a seed that showcased the terrain of amplified and i think the seed did a really good job of that and i think the routing as well for the seed allows me to showcase it in a lot more cool ways right like i could have picked a seed where i don't really move anywhere or there's not really any terrain to go or anything like that but with this seed and this routing of just kind of running in one direction for a while you get to see a lot of the really cool terrain that amplified has to offer and i really think something like this with an elytra in the future could be really cool all of you loved the elytra videos that i did so i definitely want to try that again with amplified now that i've done it normally to kind of see the differences i think it'd be really really fun so that's definitely something that is on the back burner for now but look at this terrain i tried to show it off here it's just amplified minecraft is so interesting i haven't played it myself in in quite a while probably geez easily over five years but i remember when i was younger i would i would come home from school and watch herman craft amplified it was like season three of herma craft it was really really cool so amplified terrain definitely has a special place in my heart i've been wanting to do this video for a while and yeah we're gonna hop in this river now do a nice little jump mlg easy peasy 25 wood is also a really nice number here because it's going to be enough to speed bridge the speed bridge itself is like 60 blocks and then we're gonna need another like however many for beds so it actually works out really really well that we were able to just completely stock up and really not have to worry about blocks for like the rest of the run now we're coming up on a bit more interesting parkour the rest of it was kind of just walking you know straight here but now there's a bit more fun jumps i'm trying to grab sticks as well it's it's not like a big deal at all but i was hoping that i could get a couple more sticks so that i wouldn't have to use my wood to craft it and it would just save me like a second or two but i'd if i remember correctly these these dead bushes were not cooperating as you can see which kind of sucked but anyway here is the room portal we finally made it i'm gonna dig down right here on top of the chest i believe if i remember so correctly yes and we're gonna get everything that we need very nice awesome gold pick to obsidian flint and steel and so many golden carrots those golden carrots came in so so so clutch it's always nice like when i'm doing rsg or a set seed like this like getting ruined carrots in a room or ruined carrots look at me go getting golden carrots in a room portal is we pick up a bunch of gold and more food and iron to make this iron pick golden carrots are so underrated i feel like having to not worry about food for like the entirety of a run is such such a nice feeling that's one of the reasons i still really like doing village runs myself as i completely forget how to craft a helmet but not having to worry about that for this run just knowing like all right i got i got the best food in the game i got eight of it even if i run through all that i have fish i decide to eat the fish first because then i you know clears up an inventory spot as well but here we go entering the nether at the four minute mark which is honestly usually for these type of runs quite a late enter but it's not really like there was much time save here you know we have to we have to run all the way here get all the blocks there's there's not much we can do but what we can do now is speed bridge to this gold chalice pig faces i like to call it four plus months ago but we're gonna bridge on over to bridge no pun intended and then we are going to mine these gold blocks now something you may have seen in the routing and something i probably mentioned with the the lava is just i find it so funny when bastions spawn in in basalt biomes because one they're not supposed to like i think most top runners just call them basaltians which is like the worst made up term ever but it's so funny like just seeing the gold block get replaced by lava i don't know it's it's super entertaining to me but we're gonna mine all this gold now usually i like to get 14 for set seeds i get 14 of my normal runs too it's like i know a lot of runners like getting 12 but to me it's just it takes two seconds to mine gold why not just grab the blocks that you need and not have to come back and even if you get low rolled you're fine especially in a set seed so it works out totally fine here one of the pig ones is dying that's super great so rip one of the people that i could have traded with and then one of the things that i'm probably mentioned in the routing but i'm not sure of is we don't have any obsidian we have to get all our obsidian from these trades and one other thing that i can mention before i talk more about the obsidian is this is a very slight modified dip route here there are the stairs are placed one block differently and the reasoning for that is it allows the piglets to just kind of walk in a little bit easier which is obviously really really nice i'm gonna bridge over here i'm gonna break another gold block to try and get some more piglens which i do which is really really nice and they're gonna come over here and help me trade as i get already six pearls which is really nice but as i just mentioned as well before the main thing that we need is obsidian and there's no obsidian in any of the chests which is a really really annoying thing that actually happens in bridge quite commonly which is kind of unfortunate i throw a bunch of gold on the ground there and i'm already like set on my pearls look i already have two stacks of pearls turning my difficulty easy because i don't want to deal with these dudes hitting me i don't have that much string yet but i know i'm chilling and for robbie and now we just sit and wait there's there's really not much we can do there's no way to get it in the chest there's no point in going to the fortress chest for it it's just sit here get the obby get the string our pearls are insane which is really nice we get to regen up a little bit too which is nice so i get to eat the rest of my fish but this is the chill part this is where we just get to vibe out hang out with each other have a little intimate moment you and me flushed i hope all of you are doing well tell me leave a comment telling me something interesting i always say when i stream i uh i always say in the beginning of the stream like anyone do anything monumental anyone anyone change the world for the better recently so what did you do what did you do in the past 24 hours that was that was monumental that changed the world maybe changed your world a little bit but anyway i'm still sitting here i have obsidian i have four stacks of pearls an insane amount of string it allows me to like practice cleaning my inventory at least which is kind of nice i'm sitting at nine hobby i believe if i remember correctly it takes forever to get my tenth which is is never optimal but yeah there we go tanabe i'm out i have more gold for literally no reason because i have two gold pickaxes and now it is time to start the pearl throw olympics all the way over there that's two pearl throws i think in total we throw like 10. something actually like pretty insane and remember i went through so many seeds to get a good amplified seed i went through so many like easily like 30 35 just to get one that was like playable this is the first scene that was playable it was just it was insane so i think doing it with an electro will make it a lot more fun and a lot easier on both me and you because some of this terrain travel is just is just really rough like it is it is not enjoyable but again having the golden carrots is such a huge positive here and i'm able to pearl basically right into the blade spawner which is really really nice i don't know how that gas shot me i was not anywhere near the the face of the gas i don't know but hey it shot me it's whatever so here we are at the blazes we only need four blaze rods i almost die here because the respawn behind me and i'm like okay well let's just not be stupid and thankfully i'm not stupid no more crazy spawns happen and i'm like oh for like ten thousand at this moment i think i'm like one for five or two for five yeah two for five and then we're just gonna craft our beds with gravel apparently and then i'm like wait no let's use wood and i believe i want a blaze bed here but they spawn too fast for me to even blaze bed if that's what happens so i'm gonna go here oh i know i am able to set up my blaze bed look at me go boom very nice and easy having fire rest for that is super nice the spawn was a bit too fast because i wasn't able to get rid of all the fire but it doesn't end up mattering because i go four for seven anyway and i'm able to dip with my four blaze rods having a 4i portal or any any i portal really is such a huge time save like having having to only get two or excuse me five or even four blaze rods because the portal is a two eye or a four eye is absolutely insane as i almost died here that was really smooth gameplay from me but having those filled in portals in a set seat is so nice because the blade spawner is almost always the the hardest thing so really really happy that this seat had it it was an absolute massive monumental time save my brain is like going a thousand miles a minute at this point because this pace is obviously really good for these and i completely forgot where to make my portal and this is a fun thing so in this in the routing i actually build my portal one block differently but if i place it in this spot i spawn in a different location and do you know where i spawn i i bet you can figure it out i bet you can figure it out with context clues i'm going to spawn in the stronghold absolutely insane i i literally a one block difference put me in here i was like okay well here's the starter staircase we go down here the stronghold is super linear it's just to my right i'm like all right pog place the basalt down eat my last couple golden carrots and we are able to enter because we have i hate blaze power the fact this is the four eyes just absolutely insane so super cool we're able to just build up this is the first time i was actually in the end for this run so that's always cool i like to make it a thing that even if i'm routing beforehand i don't like to look at the end beforehand because it's always kind of a fun thing to see the end for the first time if i end up do getting it on the first attempt that gets in the end and hey this was one of those times so yeah and now we're in the end all we gotta do is wait for the one cycle and while while i'm standing here there's a couple things one this end is atrocious this end is so bad i should have gone to my left side but again i just i wasn't thinking like i i need to get better at just thinking about looking at the towers on the left and right and seeing which towers are bigger and going towards the opposite side because obviously these two towers are massive you can see right under my crosshair to the bottom right the tower is extremely extremely small and that is very very bad for the one cycle because one the dragon will be lower and then two it'll take longer to perch on average so this dragon wasn't the most cooperative but hey i made a video out of it so it was at least somewhat cooperative right so we take those but overall it was just this end i need to focus more on my end but the other thing i wanted to mention just super quickly and i'm probably going to make a a larger video about it um i got my silver play button i i got it this video is going out on i believe wednesday my silver play button came on no it's going on thursday my silver button silver play button came on monday and to just see it and hold it and have it in person is just i don't have the words and i like i said i'm probably gonna make a full video on it it was absolutely nuts um just thank you so much i really appreciate it thank you for getting me to this point and and allowing me to have this this opportunity the the chance to make videos for you and if you if you're on twitch to stream for you and it's just been an absolute blast so there's not much else i can say besides that thank you all so much for watching enjoy this one cycle i will see you all soon enjoy really there we go hey i had enough beds for it i'll take that amplified and sub 12 30 with a bad dragon we take those 12 26. that was a fun run and hey if you enjoyed let me know with a like so i can do this again but with an elytra i think that'd be really cool if you want to see this with an electro let me know with a comment down below that lets me know you made it to all the way to the end of the video as well this was a blast thank you all so much for watching see you again soon goodbye everyone
Channel: Couriway
Views: 168,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Speedrun, Couriway, minecraft java edition, minecraft speedrun, couriway speedrun, speedrunning, minecraft challenge, minecraft world record, world record, world record speedrun, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft wr, speedrun wr, couriway minecraft, wr, new world record, pro speedrunner, pro, amplified, amplified minecraft, Minecraft Amplified Speedrun
Id: E7fmgwcpckY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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