I found my Minecraft world from 10 years ago...

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another video now I know you guys are like bionic what do you what what is what is this yes guys real quick I am doing a tiny little Vlog intro thing it's all gonna make sense in a second okay I've been seeing a bunch of YouTubers do videos on like the oldest world that they've been on like their houses and stuff and basically guys I didn't think this would happen but I wanted it to happen like I kind of expect well I hoped but then it actually happened and then now I'm just like what hey guys okay so it's a little embarrassing but I was so excited about what happened to me in this video that I just forgot to do an intro I'm gonna keep this short guys of course if you're excited for today's video smash the like button if we could smash 10 000 likes in a day that would be insane and of course if you guys are new to the channel make sure to subscribe with post notification because if not this is going to happen to you okay no but seriously only like 70 of you guys are subscribed who are watching right now all the balls am I gonna hit two mil this year if you don't subscribe with that said though enjoy today's video boom I was going through a bunch of like old whoa yo what I remember playing with these okay anyways guys I was looking through a bunch of old stuff like literally old Pokemon cards and like just a bunch of old things and then bam oh that did not work out and Bam that was also anticlimactic I found this USB in this box and I think you guys know where we're going with this this is the USB I used to use like I think uh 10 years ago in in school I was a fetus I'm trying to plug it in okay there you go it is now plugged in there is a folder come on can you focus please literally just called Minecraft okay hold on oh guys check this out okay so I'm on my computer guys I created this Saturday December 3rd 2011. oh my God what is that Mr Wow's survival world okay I have a little I used to be called Mr wows ahead and uh let's make a new profile old version 1.0 holy crap guys we're playing Minecraft 1.0.0 guys it says 5 25 20. because it's the time like right now I I just I just accidentally joined I know I know I ruined the old date but that's fine okay I'm just gonna play the selected World okay this is oh we're in this is the second time me joining this world ever since back in 2010 because the first time wasn't caught on camera and I moved around for five seconds then noticed I wasn't recording yeah I'm big brain yo but this is so insane the sounds are nuts hello Mr Big oh my God what is wrong with his head why do they bounce mobs used to do that holy crap and it's now raining how do I is there there's no dude I can't even commands I can't do anything dude what are these settings what how do I turn off rain can I not turn off rain okay I'm gonna turn down the sounds a little bit there you go hello Mr Biggs why do they just jump around out and wiggle their head like that guys we are playing on like the fur wait what shut up shut up is that my house that has to be my house no way techno we have found my house wait is there anything this way I can't I can't Sprint are you still okay that's a swamp biome I do not remember any of this I mean okay oh I can't Sprint I have to double tap uh there's no toggle Sprint Key brah oh my God we have to get down this looks so sick oh my god look there's some oh wait what is this hold on is this like my first oh my god dude so I think that's my first actual house but this looks like oh there's nothing in the chest nothing in the furnace that's so weird okay I think that's my first ever Mind do I do I want to go down here uh I'm kind of scared okay no no I don't want to spend that much time in this little stupid cubicle so this is like my first like Minecraft Hut guys I was this is like 10 year old bionic aka Mr Wows at the time I know it's it's a terrible name keep in mind though guys I don't think I ever told you but I started playing my Minecraft god dude we need to just get to the house now I started playing Minecraft back in I think the update before this one I started playing basically before beta I think on the last version of alpha I I don't know exactly and okay hold on I don't want to delay this but considering we have literally just one dirt block let's get some wood oh my God I just got the getting wood achievement for the first time ever in 10 years on my first Minecraft world dude this is so sick this is so emotional like oh my God I'm gonna cry right now I'm kidding I'm kidding oh my God we can't do the thing where you can drag and craft oh my god dude old Minecraft mechanics are doo doo what I wanted craft sticks please okay let's make a sword just because that is Instinct time to strike holy crap let's make a pickaxe can I click it there you go all right there you go we got a pickaxe and a sword oh my God bro what is that what are all of these things right here okay I got I can't there we go bro I know what this is I know what this is yo this is so funny the fact that I actually tried this this represents dreams that have just been crushed faked dreams just just fake this is all fake bionic baby me do not know the Aether Portal mods were fake you know I actually don't even think mods were out during this time so why did I even make this portal I think there were rumors about it I have no idea and oh my what no shut up Herobrine Herobrine bro wait purple brine herpes Brian Herobrine with herpes Jesus Christ man what was wrong with me why did I build these weird statues I think I was legitimately trying to summon Herobrine guys this is Minecraft 1.0 okay I'm pretty sure like any Legend of Minecraft was just a hundred percent um just believable back in the day oh my God why did I try with a gold block as well why and why did I place two sons like was I trying to call his name dude I on oh my God this is so like nostalgic and a more emotional I genuinely I think a creeper blew up here guys I generally do not remember this house I'm gonna be honest I do not remember any of this I don't even like what is there's a village over there I didn't even know there was villages in Minecraft 1.0 oh my God this is the first time I'm entering this world and seeing it holy crap I feel like I feel like I'm entering in a in an alternative Universe Mr Wow's official house Jesus cringe you will be slayed if entered that just is that right is that even how you spell that I don't even I don't even know yeah that's that's not legit I don't know how I got that what there's a cake oh my God all of these furnaces are empty though dude what is this wall of oh my dude I don't even know like if I want to edit music in this video it's soft don't edit any music bro like just let this Minecraft music indulge Us in in I don't know what I'm saying realistically guys I'm honestly just brain farting what is this glowstone dude I do remember actually fun fact having a thing for houses built on water I don't know why as a little kid I thought having like a little dock was the coolest thing hold on though wait this is one two three four five six blocks wide okay this one's one two three four five six seven of course why would my house be even a 10 year old me did not give a crap okay what is this this is my room there's nothing in the chest though this that makes me so sad wait what is that there's something over there I try to opt to find Zoom there's what there's so much little things that I don't remember what is that over there yeah I also don't know how much of this stuff is like actually vanilla okay that's my enchanting room this is my nether portal it okay I misplaced the block bionic the least thing you could have done is break it please my OCD that's one thing that's changed I definitely have developed OCD ah yes I love Netherrack with wood they're just the most beautiful God most beautiful combination and then this is where I would enchant all my stuff okay I kind of dig with this it's not even a watch it's not already know it's not even a level 30 proper oh my goodness dude I didn't even oh okay so back then you can actually hit the doors to open them that's so funny so this is my castle area where I could see the lands even though it's just it's just a plane's biome we gotta check out that Village man and there's a railroad thing okay I don't know what's there in the distance but we gotta check it out dude this is so epic let me just eat some more uh 10 year old cake mmm yummy oh my God guys I just remembered the craziest thing I'm pretty sure multiplayer wasn't even a thing in 1.0 and if it was I definitely wasn't playing it I think I was like I think I would screen share my world with my friends back in the day and we would show off our builds and stuff that's probably why I cheated just to get ahead of them I definitely built the house legit I I think I don't again I don't remember but I hope I did it would kind of suck if I use creative mode for that oh my God this is a village before it was even like I think even known as a village hello sir did you guys make noises nope you're not you're not leaving sorry sir I can't I I can't trade with him okay well then you're useless well they don't even make a sound when I hit him what silent death ninja mode has been executed I don't even know what I just said okay well this is a church uh hello holy priest man I'm just gonna leave you alone oh God wait I just realized it's night time Minecraft was so like I don't want to say boring okay because Minecraft is like definitely the best game I've ever played oh God I say that but now we got some creepers we got some trouble Gamers let's see if freaking skeletons were oh my God what the heck is that knockback what is this PVP can you hit me can you oh boy you miss Sota oh my back when skeletons could not land a shot you could just aim oh never mind you cannot AFK they will actually just okay holy crap okay wait why are spelling still so overpowered no just stop can I can you I don't even have knock back on my sword I can't Sprint this is so AIDS okay I'm gonna die if I go for him I'm 100 gonna die Ron why are you not running okay what is this over here secret die room oh my God or how I would probably read it back in the day Secret okay nothing in the chest of course oh dude this rain is so annoying maybe if I go back to the house and sleep it'll like stop the rain and make a day listen bro I'm lit oh my God I'm literally about to die in the easiest version of Minecraft I don't think this is actually the easiest the old version might actually be the hardest you know oh wait actually now that we're here let's check out this another portal I mean yeah I know we haven't checked out the railroad guys I don't know where it leads it probably leads me to my death judging by the sign but okay we're in the net oh here's another one of my hero blind clocks clocks what does that even mean is that how I used to say please yo that is cringe how did I you dude I am breaking the sign bro no no no no Herobrine you can suck my fat nuts straight up bro wait are these guys any strong yo I will wreck you right now Gamers yep okay that was easy okay so yeah I'm pretty sure I make it go oh I'm sorry I killed your brother and there you go I murdered you too now yeah I don't think there's much to explore in another maybe I have some secret room or something far away but I I kind of want to just yeah I'm pretty sure we all want to just go see what the stupid like railroad thing is look at this old meat oh my God the drop items are so on HD I love it oh no I don't have oh I don't have stupid Minecart oh wait there's one right there yes I didn't even see that there was one already there hold on let's get these bones and arrows just in case I don't know why okay wait can I make bone meal yes I can okay okay sorry I have ADHD okay I have to wait come on go go go go go go ladies and gentlemen if you guys haven't left a like okay just use this very slow-mo time to smash the like button okay 10 years ago can we smash 10 000 likes in a day okay here we are okay no no sounds hello spider oh shoot oh okay wait we're gaining speed okay wait where am I going oh God oh God okay okay this is so okay I'm I'm getting confused Jesus Christ where am I going what wait how did I just oh I'm so confused yo a 10 year old me was a big brain okay I'm getting dizzy I'm literally getting legitimately dizzy from this okay where are you taking me 10 year old bionic you fetus where are you taking me if you fetus version of me oh God I'm gonna die well where am I going holy oh wait is that is that the is that the void that's not the void is it wait that's the void how do I get out I gotta get out oh oh my God was I really about to die why would I do that to myself no what okay okay Boomer and there you go I just died I spawned at my house though hey well now I have no food and I don't have a minecart bro moment I am now following the railroad tracks you know I'm not gonna lie come on give me some props look at this big brain thing look at this wait I can't tell if this is big brain or small brain I did a full loop around I didn't even notice okay well guys I was 10 okay and if you think it's okay to laugh at me right now you're bullying you're bullying a 10 year old yeah I bet now you don't feel as good huh I must have went crazy with this water and the holes why did I make so many weird sand holes what can I say 10 year old me likes holes okay that is very wrong that sounds very wrong I'm sorry I definitely was not an innocent kid when I was 10. I will just say that okay I was a very wait why did I not mine this iron ore okay I'm the biggest bra moment ever more iron ore I did not mind okay I surely I've made this in creative mode right like there's no way I haven't even built something like this like recently in Minecraft this is my first and only railroad thingy in my trap seriously after this I don't think I ever did it maybe on a multiplayer server with friends and stuff but what is this how did I not notice these colors I don't know the point of this clocks no steel if you steal my stuff wait what I almost had a stroke reading that okay and of course I got nothing in the chest no dude what happened to all this stuff what is what is up with all these all these wolves I did not get this little Bionic okay well I might as well commit life off you know like we oh unfortunately I think my world has semi-corrupted because yeah there's nothing in any of these chests not even any of the furnaces well ladies and gentlemen 10 year old bionic couldn't do it but 19 year old bionic can I I think and if you don't know what I'm talking about it is time to destroy the ender dragon okay there you go I just real oh it worked so this is an old mod called too many items and oh my God all I have to do is click and I get my stuff hell yeah yo two sacks of God apples wait what I can't even shift click armor on brah moment hell yeah boys now we're talking two stacks of God apples and a diamond sword and full diamond armor bro hold on let's also spawn myself a diamond pickaxe and are there XP bottles there's literally no XP bottles no way so the mod I'm using is too many items which is a very old mod and using this mod oh my God bro I've never actually done this holy crap wait should I find it myself legit you know what yes you're building it yo let's find the legit one holy crap okay okay hurray these moms ain't playing homie Gamers ladies and Bots oh my what was that Jesus this guy's short this guy shot me through the wall what oh oh my God bro we're in yo yo yo yo boom boom boom bop bop bam oh my God wait what whoa hold up boss Health how am I gonna get over there uh okay I'm gonna bridge over please no kill yo okay I just died and there you go my my childhood Dreams Are Over
Channel: Bionic
Views: 7,414,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I found my Minecraft world from 10 years ago, i found my 10 year old minecraft world, i found my minecraft house from 10 years ago, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, 10 year old minecraft world, my first world in minecraft, first world, minecraft first world, minecraft 10 year old world, funny, new, gaming, bionic, minecraft house
Id: AjaZRc73T1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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