Snowplowing and snowmobiling

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all right so I've been out playing I'm making it through my list but one driveway here road I used to do this one and then one of the guys who lived on it was doing it but it's up a mountain let's see how it goes he's now he can't keep his truck running I got again he's got a nice truck and only wow this driveway there's no way I mean he'll plow up and let's see if I could drive up the old road this is one of the cases where a v-plow would be better because you'd get better pushing power on the initial pass at least we're making it we put my plow down here Iowa you see this is where it gets crazy through here all right this is the last Hill all right we made it what if anyone's living here he rents this out but they're always excited to see me because look I mean it's overcast so you can't tell how high up we are but we're up there alright well let's get this plowed here's this guy's plow just sitting there all right good that's plenty of room for them all right now let's plow down all right when doing these you always want to plow the snow off the hill so we got the drop-off on our left so that's where the snows gonna go one year we got so much fill up here that this guy he couldn't clout he gave up on it and that was with a one-ton diesel dump truck and then the people living up at this top house like well it's your house you're supposed to plow it I can't do it so then they called me and I put my tire chains on and and did it but man I really took some life off this truck doing it I was not nice to the truck but I got up there they were so happy when I got up there I didn't have any trouble getting paid from him that time and then they had this moving van there trying to get up there okay you guys kidding you know so we ended up I think so we ended up I put my tire chains on the moving van and then then I drove up the hill that tire chains make a huge difference and last year too he's this guy he ended up in this ditch on the right here completely stocked truck on the inside when he was trying to plow it and I came up I pulled him out and then he's like all you just you just finished the road I'll pay you to do it all right so been out plowing you know I have 14 hours yesterday it's a bit much I kind of have too many people and now I'm out just taking care of a few random ones this morning the next day Brooke is working awesome you know I love it have not a single complaint never even came close to getting stuck that thing goes anywhere I want to get one of those plows a wideout where the thing can actually extend I think that could really cut down on plowing time being able to go from an 8 to a 12 foot plow all right so I got like three more to do so if anyone's ever tried a wideout plow I'm just kind of curious what they think of it but this Western plow I'm running its out of all the plows I've ever had this one's by far my favorite this radio is awesome - it's so nice when the phone rings I don't even have to touch the phone it just automatically picks up and then I'm talking to the person alright here it is they've been in and out of here though you know the all-wheel-drive cars do so much better I don't know why anyone wouldn't have an all-wheel drive car living here but I was out yesterday I saw a few getting stuck but really wasn't people weren't running them right like they'd get going and then they'd take their foot off the gas for no reason and then kind of stop I'll finish this up right well the second real snowstorm of 2018 2019 season went well where I just finished that plan for everyone so now it's I got a new snowmobile I want to mess with let's go play with that alright check this out here I've been looking for one of these all year and two of came up for sale and they've been like six hours away and they've wanted like 3,000 for him and they were like mint but then I found this one it's a little rough but the guy Lee wanted 700 bucks for it it was the one there's still a long drive but I got him down to 500 I went got it but check this out this is a Yamaha Bravo long track and I think this is going to be like the ultimate snowmobile so it needs a little bit of work but let's um let's get it fixed up and then take it out for a test drive all right this thing runs but one problem it's got it it has it with the CC the covers all ripped and it's just sitting here so so first thing is this board so these are rough like that's good but this is broken and then these need to be reattached so this here is what I got a copy see this one this sides completely broken and this sides about to all right now it needs this bend in it you know this is too wide all right that should be better okay so the way that works this board slips under those and then it bolts down up front this side is good this side needs to move back got a new seat cover here just a front that looks pretty good the carpentry is if you're a mountain that a little bit it's cut slips alright that turned out pretty nice so someone just called me they said they're down the road stuck with a plow truck in the driveway let's go see if we can help them with that alright so this guy's out but is he doing I don't want to tell him how to do his job but I would raise my plow and fly up that yeah and then turn around and then plow it down yeah because you called me a while ago this guy show it off you know that's like can I do it you don't think you can you don't think you can get out of there all right try to get out let me flower I got this if you can get out of the way I'll take care of it this is where the guy was stuck right here he's passed me let's get this Hill plowed all right this guy's out all right I'm just kicking myself for not filming something I was just driving down the road there was this car stuck on this driveway kind of diagonal and there was a guy off a roll back trying to get her but he was gonna get stuck tilt and I'm like look this car is not even stuck watch this so with I told her to do I said set the parking brake put it in Drive and just cut the wheel to the right and I'd literally just push the front of the car and slid the thing sideways by hand and got her facing downhill again and got her out but man I should have filmed that because it looks really cool what a person's pushing the car sideways by hand but it's really easy when the tires are spinning on ice and it's in gravity's helping you you know I've done that maneuver quite a few times getting stuck cars out one more thing I want to add to the snowmobile as these ski skins it will give the ski a wider footprint and the plastic the snow doesn't stick to it as much because I want to make this like the ultimate deep snow snowmobile all right so to do that we got it on both these carbides in the bottom of the skis okay you know what that's not gonna work all these bolts are just gonna break so I ordered new carbides for this so I'll just let the bolts break then I'll throw new carbides on it when I put those things on it so this right here that needs to be welded alright that's welded that wasn't an easy while to do because that was really thin metal but it's nice there's no holes in it they're welded nice alright let's take this thing out and give it a try come here look at those deer right there come here all right since I covered some snowplowing stuff and some snowmobile stuff I'll just kind of end this video now so definitely looking forward to riding a snowmobile this winter this seems like this is going to be a fun little snowmobile
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 1,097,504
Rating: 4.9119005 out of 5
Keywords: dodge ram, snowplow, plowing snow, snowmobile, yamaha bravo, bravo LT, toro powerlite, snow, plow truck
Id: zeHDVo7FiLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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