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hello guys what do we got here what do we got here we're getting our first big storm of the year fellas you know what that means we've got some snow plowing to do we're gonna jump in the truck and get comfortable because it's gonna be a long day no long night we're supposed to get about a foot of snow today and we have maybe half of that down right now so I gotta go around and clean up some spots just cars and get in and out and then tonight would be a long night tonight's gonna go to go in and clean everything up but it's ten o'clock in the morning right now and ten o'clock tonight I won't be home I can guarantee you that but okay it's what you got to do fellas it's what you gonna do let's jump in the truck go grab a coffee and get this going should be too much traffic oh here today so I have plowed a few times three times I plowed three times so far with the truck this year with the general grab or ATX tires but this is going to be the worst for sure it is nice and light and fluffy though we did get about three or four inches of snow the other day and it was wet and heavy and gets packed down and turns to ice right now it's nice and light and fluffy so like I said we've got to go around and do some cleanup stuff right now there are some businesses that I take care of that they're still they still have managers coming in and out and whatnot and then one place that I that I do is like a security delivery type place and if I wait till the end of the storm all the vehicles will be back and I won't be able to do anything with it I'll just be plowing the vehicles in so I got to go clean up now and then go back and clean up later and then go in tonight and tomorrow morning and do the real good cleanup we've been waiting for this we've been waiting for this weather to happen to test out these tires and you know just put this truck back to work again what do we got here already yep we've got some vehicles spun out this is a really bad turn right here people don't really tend to take slow enough yeah they went in there pretty good won't be the last one of those we'll see today I can guarantee you that so this truck does have the locking rear diff and then of course I can go out and manually lock my front hubs so when I get it into like a really big snowstorm and if I'm plowing you know like one of the one of the in construction access roads or something like that if I lock this thing you know if I lock my rear axle and I go out and I'm and I lock my hubs especially man this thing will plow so much snow and then with the V blade you know I can wing it to wherever I want and with a good set of tires on it this thing will push in push in push in push number two there's the problem it's driving a shrimp Canyon there every gobblers getting ready to pull in now there's well see how many vehicles are here yeah there's a ton of vehicles here so in a parking lot like this I actually like to have the camera even if I'm not recording for YouTube and the reason is because there's a lot of vehicles here and if someone wanted to they could say that you you damaged their vehicle when you were snow plowing but if you got it on camera that's much harder for them to do that you can see you guys it is tight here and there's actually still vehicles here my boys were into her now finally getting some stuff moved here creating some room for me I'm gonna watch out for people gonna watch you for cars a lot of stuff going on here can't push it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is one of these like two cases that I actually used my backup camera so I can clean it off right now and tighten spots like this it's nothing to have that you can back up as far as absolutely possible right a driveway now that the person who lives here is extremely picky and there's a pain in the butt to do they've got like vehicles parked everywhere they've got equipment park everywhere yeah we're at my place so we're at my place and look at this nice powder guys we never get this snow here Nova Scotia okay freaking backup camera I gotta clean that one of the few times I actually use the backup camera is in this situation plowing snow basically that backing into parking spots and hooking up to a trailer I'm old school anyway I use my mirrors it looks like the snow is sort of starting to die down it still has some more to go though it's a boat 3:30 4 o'clock right now and it's not supposed to stop until like 9 o'clock tonight but vary a little bit so we're gonna get my driveway cleaned up and if it's still you know not pick them back up again then I'll head up and start finishing everything off [Music] I grass here somewhere you'll lift J snow rooted [Music] [Music] this snow is so nice to plow so fluffy had to clean off that sensor all right gonna get those vehicles moved love those headlights look [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah certain the snow again [Music] [Music] [Music] steering wheel in this turn so easy it's one thing I just noticed is I had that in Slippery drive mode shut the truck off and it's still on slippery drive mode I would have suspected that it would have gone back to normal so that's kind of cool he actually remembers it's different from before that's for sure [Music] [Music] trees and rock walls here everywhere fences motor spot I got a wellhead here to watch up that set of tires watching for that man it is snowing like crazy again [Music] I'm just getting ready to head out [Music] [Music] little Bach drag action [Music] my dogs are in the window they're watching me swishing they're right here so guys my thoughts on the tires I'm not a hundred cents sure doing awful lot of slippin and slidin around here right now I think they're good me heats packed down so much right now I don't know if they're the best I've ever had [Music] for plowing day when I was driving now I was coming home from Winnipeg on that trip and I came from Thunder Bay and it was snowing like crazy and the roads were brutal they were awesome but plowing I don't know I don't know yet [Music] anyway if you ever wondered what it's like to plow this is a little POV for you so y'all on this Hill right now it's so packed down it's just like ice I tap my brakes I just started sliding so you don't want to do that see like Lisa with wheels turning I can steer without the wheels turning I just slide and you got no control where you're going so remember that if you're plowing and you start sliding let off the brake and just steer how you'd normally back up as if you weren't sliding you might pick up some speed so eventually you're gonna have to come to a stop but if you're sliding like that don't don't keep your foot on the brake [Music] alright boys were still going freakin the pile in the middle the road I assume is play accident anyway we're still going it's 7 o'clock at night we started at what like 9:30 this morning I've still got like five spots to go I think I'm gonna do wait and do one first thing tomorrow morning just because there's nobody there right now there's no one there all day and there won't be anybody there till like 7:00 7:30 tomorrow morning and we're supposed to get like potentially on the five centimeters of snow tonight so I'm not I don't think it makes any sense for me to go and do it and then potentially have to do it again so that's what I'm thinking that is what I'm thinking but this place we can do need to get out though and open the lock you can see the frigging codes and [Music] this is like a day-in-the-life boys so as you can see we got over a foot of snow but it is beautifully light and fluffy the old big beasts guys I love this truck yeah it's a little bit harder on fuel for some reason and you know obviously I can't listen to that [Music] these frickin sensors like look they get clogged up good luck reading my plate cameras cleaned off [Music] yeah so obviously I like my new truck the new platinum I like a lot of things about it I can't say I love it yet I haven't tested it I love this truck I love my 550 I loved my 250 because I worked those and they never let me down come on get over to Kurt all right here we go and they never let me down so until that happens with that truck I [Music] can't say I love it love is earned [Music] oh there's such a dip right there every time no matter what I do [Music] tell you what it is very rare I know I said it a couple times in my most recent videos but it is very rare that we get snow like this in Nova Scotia we don't use to get light fluffy snow it's usually wet heavy packed a lot of times we get a bunch of snow and then it turns of rain and it's just an absolute mess to try to deal with this is beautiful like this is absolutely beautiful to deal with this is like a special occasion [Music] so this is the main reason that I put these lights on this truck was for filing but as you guys could see in those videos that I made when I was doing my trip to Winnipeg it comes in handy in a lot of situations I love those lights I don't have my backup one on right now because there's tons of street lights in here so I don't want to take that too much of that pile up close to the building here trying to keep as much snow away from the building as I can so I'm actually gonna back drag that stuff right now I'll do one more swipe [Music] all right let's back drag this stuff [Music] to get up here nice and close [Music] closer I can get less I have to get out and do by hand but I'm on an angle here so I can't get quite as close on this side [Music] I don't do for that push that off to the side it's been a long day guys I don't know how much of this you guys actually want to see so if the video sucks and you don't like this stuff then let me know and if it doesn't get like any views and it gets a bunch of dislikes and I just won't make another video like this so if anyone is commenting before they see this part and just plain sucks alright sorry I guess you didn't watch the video fair enough but anyway if you liked it and let me know so I can I can throw this thing on my head and do all kinds of stuff depends on what you guys want to see all kinds of boulders over here so bring my plow up a bit all the areas that I'm plowing this year I picked up one new spot but I didn't go after much because because of Bauer I didn't want to pick up any more than what I had last year and I actually dumped to places that I had last year because they just weren't worth it that's the thing too if if you're doing something just to do it and you're not really making any money off it then don't I mean you know you can't make good money in snow plowing mainly in commercial especially if you're under contract and it's a good winter but you can make decent money it's commercial and if you have like a lot of driveways and in in one area like if you have a lot of residential driveways in in a subdivision you know in your charge in 35 40 bucks 45 50 bucks whatever each driveway and they're only you know a second apart then you can make some decent money but if you're if you're driving for 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes to get the one driveway then it's really not worth it but it's one of those things guys that when you have these trucks or you have a truck or whatever and you're and you know you're making payments on it or you know whatever if your work is seasonal like my work slows down you know significantly in the winter time compared to what it is in the summer time like I go completely balls to the wall wide open from pretty much April to November December whenever the weather really sets in with the machine work and then my work does tend to slow down but it's very very very sporadic because because of the type of work and the contracts that I have so it can be very up-and-down but getting back to what I'm trying to say if if you you know have these trucks have a truck whatever it's almost it's almost just a necessity if you want to work at all in the wintertime to put a plow on it if you don't want to work in the wintertime well then obviously don't but it's not like my main thing that I do with these trucks is snow piling it's just something that I throw on it it keeps me a little bit busy I make a few bucks off it I don't make a whole lot of money off of snowballing and then sometimes you tell people your hourly rate or you tell them how much it is per driveway whatever and they're just they're like watch you know okay if you don't want to pay $40 have your driveway plowed then I guess go out and do it by hand or pay someone paced Henry down the street who has no insurance and whatever to do it and if something happens he hits your car he hits your truck he hits your house whatever good luck getting compensated for that but when you have to put insurance on your you know for snow plowing and all that and do it the right way my insurance goes up quite a bit to have snow piling added to it because there's such a high risk of hitting a car or you know whatever even just being out on the roads in bad conditions but I also subcontract a lot of work out all over you know all over the Maritimes and I have to have it so I don't really have a choice so I throw up on and then I end up you know having nights like this [Music] [Music] boulders galore people ask me you know how I like my boss plow and you know Western makes a really good plow and they actually make I find their amounts are easier to get the plow mounted I mean it doesn't take me longer than if I line up if I get lined up good to the to the plow to the grooves and mounts on this I can have this thing hooked up in three minutes but the Westerners do have a little bit more room for error I do find it is a bit easier to hook up but I've had this plow for this will be my now my fourth winter and I do I don't just I don't really do much parking lots like it's not just you know plowing you know like a Walmart parking lot for instance it's not just asphalt I do a lot of this stuff and I've done a lot of like construction roads back roads access roads where it's rocks and boulders and crap I haven't had to do a thing to this the cutting edge is still the same I haven't had to touch the hydraulics I haven't had to do anything at all other than take it off my other 350 and put it on this 350 the only thing that has happened to this is a spring [Music] is the spring that holds it in a locked position on this side let go so you can see the arm has come out so the pin actually isn't even in place right now so every once in a while Oh plows gonna be in float for that every once in a while you got to keep an eye on it just tap her back in I got to get a new spring walk walk the dependent place anyway guys I'm gonna throw my jacket on and get this stuff shoveled I got a shovel away from the gates here the door that door and in front of this door and then here's the shovel yeah and then I've got three or four more spots to do and then tomorrow morning again let me know if you like this if you don't like this babbling on in this vision in this day of night in the life of a contractor or whatever the hell I'm doing right now let me know and I won't do any more alright boys here we are 5:30 I'm heading back out to finish my one last property gotta get her done before the doctors get in that's the doctor's office it's a dance studio but obviously it won't be dance it's early in the morning but doctor's office will be open in another hour and a half or so we'll get there get her plowed get her salted get her sholde the other slight they got a shovel and that's it that's it well no sorry that's not it then at 9:30 in the morning I got to head back into that place I started yesterday and do that one again because 9:30 is the best time to do it when all the vehicles are gone so that after that that's it but I'm not gonna record that because you guys have already seen that place anyway I can hear Tim Horton it's just like whispering my name and just just whispering it's like a horror movie Saint I see Tyson don't worry I'm coming
Channel: workplaytv
Views: 140,442
Rating: 4.8569326 out of 5
Id: Dw1RUA_xM2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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