SNOW BOYS ARE EVIL!!!!!!!! (Streamed 2/2/21)

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it's good to see you my friends hello well i don't know if you can see me or not oh no you can't see me now hi that's there's always like a second when i first go live where it's like i don't i i went live but how long until anyone can see me you know it's hard to know i'm a fake dan says shella in chat is my stream lagging oh no well hopefully it's not it's lagging on my end that's not a good sign anyway we'll be fine it'll be fine it's good to see all of you hello i hope you're having a good day today i recorded a lot i have a a really fun video idea for the sims but it's going to take me like probably close to 15 hours to record so i recorded it for like three and a half today um and i'm realizing that it's it's just it's gonna take me a long time oh my thank you for the 10 months by the way um but i was like recording all day and i was like wow this well not all day but for a while and then i was realizing like this is gonna be anyway so tomorrow we're gonna work on that some more anyway i hope you had a good day um i've played a lot of sims today as all is all no riley um i don't think it'll be too hard of an edit there's gonna be a lot of footage but um i don't wanna i'm not gonna give too much away it's not gonna be that hard for teddy i don't think um so it'll still be a long video but it won't be like a it's not like a stream where you you know you have like 12 hours straight of footage and you try to cut that down and it's like there's talking the whole time because most of the time when you record a video there's like dead space and stuff but when you record for like six hours you try and cut it down to a 30 minute video like there's just so much footage to watch back and then try and like cut down but this is gonna be easier than that there's not talking the whole time so um cute golden thank you for the five months at least i don't have to edit it uh we got people for that people being duck dan um anyway hi everyone like i said i hope you're having a good day we're gonna play animal crossing today oh that was loud all right thank you for the tier two five months uh dodo thank you for the four months keep golden thanks again for the five months oh i haven't played since the update math tips thank you for the five months that would be duct dan yes exactly um duct get it um am i wearing green to decorate my green island actually no this is a sturdy valley look i bought this on etsy it's like a pelican town like look at how fun that is but it is fitting for my green um my green island so but this is a stardew valley thing that i bought on etsy isn't that fun yeah so i recommend you purchase one of these actually you know what i'll go find the etsy store that i bought it from i will i will literally link it to you right now um turn this down please thank you game um purchases and reviews it's from natural 20 apparel here you go faves thank you for the 10 gifted subs by the way thank you so much vicky thank you for the three months amanda thank you for 11 months thank you guys so much um you must butter for my green island on you really um anyway anyway um i'm ready to game i got work to do we got stuff to do and places to be and green things to deal with like thank you for the tier two five months um wait that's so funny that your husband because i i feel that though like you get like a couple youtubers that you watch a lot so you watch me and glue on all the time on twitch and then like your husband happens to like only notice you watching youtube when it's me you're glue on and then he thinks that you only watch one of us yeah that sounds about right that's what happens when you watch streamers though cause like when you're you know you could watch like a million youtubers but if your husband sees you in a stream every day at 4 p.m he's gonna start thinking you only watch one streamer but no i only watch one streamer at 4pm it's different um kaylee thank you for the four months cindy thank you for the 16 months ellen thank you for the four months katie thank you for the four months um anyway thank you for the bits raymond autofill on your island that's kind of fun i wonder i haven't had a campsite villager in a while or an autofill i can't autofill on this island it's dangerous every time i play there's so much weeds everywhere oh my goodness nintendo a present for the update oh those aren't green i only have green things no i like presents that's fun nintendo sent it to me personally because i'm a nintendo game changer only i got one of those it was a prize because i'm um yep no that was a joke i'm not they i'm not affiliated with nintendo kitty cutie thank you for the eight months shelby thank you for the 31 months maria thank you for the or mariah i'm sorry thank you for the tier 2 36 months three years you've put up with me thank you so much neith thank you for the 15 months frankie thank you for the 13 months listen thank you for the six months um batty thank you for the bits as well thank you all so much all right i'll play with in a second i just want to open all my gifts first hang on one moment please i'm just opening all of my gifts i have lots of presents for myself thank you so much okay okay jacket oh green dress green oh tapestry costume green oh my god green this is so exciting oh look at me okay this is a wonderful day thank you all very very very much growing collection oh walking dictionary okay let me put these things away really fast a great thank you for the five months marissa thank you for the bids amy thank you for the prime sub christy thank you for the four months daniel with the 40 month resub oh my god that is quite quite some time so sorry um also until you're older thank you for the five months nuclear went the bits uh violet thank you for the prime step katie thank you for the bits thank you guys so much all right let me stick all these things in the inventory your dad just told me yell heard me yell green this is getting unreasonably excited about green furniture silver mic that's not green we'll sell that don't even worry about it hang on gonna change my outfit erin thank you for the sub thank you so much i don't know what i want to wear should i put on like a i don't know that's not green let's get rid of that thing hmm we want something nice and warm because it's cold outside but maybe i'll base what i wear off of a hat that i want to wear oh none of these hats are really speaking to me right now i'll look at the tapestry i promised christine don't worry i was going to i was going to go dig through my household inventory and like throw out some stuff so i was going to look at it then i should have clarified though i promise i'm not ignoring your gift i promise maybe i'll wear this that's fine for now now let me go clear out the stuff i don't need um where's my wall mounted oh look at this look um i don't have any uh okay i'm gonna go put it in here i realize that i don't have anywhere to put it julian thank you for the five months fatty thank you for the thousand bits tonight thank you for the 13 months um spook schools thank you for the for the four months k talia thank you for the six months unholy thank you for the bits um violet thank you for the prime sub katie thank you for the bits uh clue lover thank you for the two months mark now you're for the six months thank you so much you guys okay let's try this what that's a lie oh did i just try and put the exercise bike down is that why oh it's this that i need oh look at my green oh this is big i haven't decorated my house like at all yet in case you didn't notice i have really not done much when it comes to decorating my house um we'll get to it eventually oh i didn't realize the roof was like wooden that's nice actually looks really pretty okay well i am a big fan it matches the rug so well once i get more furniture oh mark my words it's gonna look so good julia thank you for the two months megan thank you for the seven months thank you guys all right well this place is empty yeah daisy i haven't done much of the inside leave me alone daisy i'll work on it eventually i don't have much furniture right now erin thank you for the three months and uh another erin thank you for the bits that's kind of funny that was two errands in a row um thank you both so much my friend is here i like the lights they've got up that's nice okay let's go sell some things alexander thank you for the bits uh silky thank you for the sub gift thank you so much you guys yeah green's not even my favorite color no so if you missed it i want my island to be all green because my uh well i think there's less context to this than you're expecting basically my character's name is kale um and my island's name is crouton it's salad themed and now the whole island is green i named my character because my name is kayla so i named my character kale kind of as a joke like after that you know after myself after that being after my own human name um so that's the context um it's a little silly but it's great measle thank you for the vids uh rose thank you for the bits lulu thank you for the prime sub ferret thank you for the four months steampunk thank you for the seven months flora thank you for the eleven months glenn thank you for the sub gift ocean thank you for the six months oh my god thank you all so much anyway i'm trying to have all green villagers i'm trying to only put green furniture and stuff on my island like we're we're going all out with this one oh emma i'm so sorry that happened that is so stressful um i hope that you got it all like sorted do i have this skirt yet i don't think i do oh my god green pants oh wow ogre costume well i can buy that because it's green oh my gosh maybe i'll buy both these things first oh i don't have these shoes yet either okay this is quite fun all right we got to buy all this stuff uh emma thank you guys for the fits though measle thank you for the bits thank you both so much i like it i think it looks really cute okay i want these pants i don't have a ton of money but i want this too because it's green i'm on a mission to buy every green item in this game in case you didn't notice that's what i'm doing just got here race guys everyone what's up i hope you're having a good day you know what i love this color obviously this is the one that i have i already bought this a lot of the stuff that if i'm not buying something and it's green i probably already have it by the way but like that's so nice i'd probably wear that in real life i'm just saying anyway i bought the pants right let me buy the skirt um anything else we need i guess i don't think i have that yet i think that's new okay maybe i'll buy like both greenish shades of these shoes too all right looking good is it your birthday eve i can sing you a song happy birthday yeah i've got the green boots and stuff don't worry don't worry we've got everything oh is the mask different from the i thought i already had a green mask is that a new mask i wasn't even looking that closely at it i'll go buy it i will go buy it devon thank you for the bits oh i've got a funny story for you i i like to share when we get funny on band requests um and so yesterday we get an unbanned request that comes in right and the person they had only ever typed one message in my twitch chat and it was a bad word okay um just one one message one swear that's it nothing else and so we ban them because that's probably a troll right well they they go to appeal their ban and they say and i'm not kidding i'm sorry i was trying to type in chat while i was driving i meant to say what is the discord server so your excuse is that you were trying to join the discord server while you were driving you think i'm gonna unban you for that no no i don't think so what do you mean what kind of an excuse is that oh i was just typing in chat and driving and i mistyped sorry what this one in the thing i was like actually you probably shouldn't be doing that and then i denied their band request but they made me laugh a lot but it's also not funny it's dangerous but like what kind of excuse is that don't text and drive who's trying to who's typing in twitch chat and actively trying to join a discord server while driving a car what like how do you how do you how anyway um ridiculous ridiculous don't text and drive it's not funny um oh this is is that green enough it's kind of teal do i have those yet no i'll buy it anyway it's not funny don't text and drive i just it was probably a lie um to like i don't know but i just what a weird situation oh anyway i'm gonna buy this too just in case i don't have it yet just in case okay um yeah if you advance when they can still watch the stream but they can't type in chat anymore i don't care if that person here is making fun of them i will make fun of you for for doing that you deserve to be shamed for texting and driving i i will publicly shame you for doing that i don't care if they hear me say that don't text and drive don't it's not funny you're a bad person you're risking other people's lives it's not funny i'll shame you publicly i don't care if they can hear me say it okay i think what's our goal for today do you want to try to work on the little bamboo thing that we're working on this little bamboo forest we were trying to do yes i think we should i think we should because i want this is gonna have petrol look really cool but obviously it's not like done yet so it doesn't look cool yet katie thank you for the five months johnny thank you for the four ones panda thank you for the 10 months wendy thank you for the four months um oh yeah i forgot about that part two wendy you're right i remember that my life thank you for the eight months steven thank you for the bed same thank you for the sub gift um uh nothing thank you for the three months emma thank you for the bits again okay pixie thank you for 11 months i think we're caught up i'm so sorry if i missed anything um yeah these aren't fossils this is just bamboo shoots by the way everyone people like coming to my chat and they're like kayla you have to dig those up it's driving me crazy and it's like what the it comes back every day it's bamboo shoots underneath the bamboo trees they're not fossils anyway all banning does is it means the person can't type in chat or see the chat anymore um they can still watch the stream uh i sort of wish that twitch made it so that they couldn't watch the stream but i guess it makes sense that they cause like they could just log out and still see your stream if they wanted to you know um so it makes sense that they can still watch when they're banned but there's there's level of like i wish that i could make you not be able to watch my stream anymore um just because you have done it but that person isn't like that bad but when someone's like harassing you and like saying evil things about you in particular like sending hate to you you kind of want to be able to be like no you can't even watch because you don't get to hate watch you don't get to look at me um but alas we cannot get super banned oh my gosh which adds like a new type of band a superman i'd use it i guess honestly twitch um made it they sort of like updated how bands work somewhat recently um to honestly be a little bit more like a superman because before um you could if you got banned you could still see chat now they like hide chat from you with your band which is good and they also made it so that if you get banned it's shadow bands your other like shadow bends your ip address so that if your band's in a chat you can't like make a new account and then keep typing in their stream which you could do before um so you'd get people that would like make lil simsy hater one get banned come back on lil simsy hater two get banned come back on lil simsy hater three get banned which is really annoying but now they can't do that anymore now if you get banned um you get like banned and it hides their messages so that you can't they just won't show up in chat anymore which is good [Music] i appreciate that um shout out ipbands makes a big difference um and it's nice because i don't think they realize their ip band most of the time either like because they can they can just keep typing in chat but nobody can see it so they can just shout all they want into the void but no one's even gonna know they're doing it and i think that's nice you know okay uh these paths because they're custom designs you can just kick them away it's just because they're custom designs and not actually paths that i can kick it away it's a blessing and a curse because um you can kick it away by accident which is really annoying but you can also kick it away when you want to kick it away which is more useful um but you know sometimes it's not a good thing wait am i banned no you would know if you were banned don't worry trust me if you were banned you would you would be well aware you're fine you are fine okay you're not gonna get like accidentally shadow banned you're you're fine unless you've got multiple twitch accounts and you've harassed me in the past on other ones you're fine um niv thank you for the bits by the way salad thank you for the bits mario thank you for the five months violet thank you for the bits hey linda you're for the two three months i mean thank you so much um okay i'm trying to see um i think i want this to be the other side okay dinosaur thank you for the tier two eight months by the way also that's not a good question or that i hope so that's not a good question that's a good question you're not you're not a noob face smith so you can't use paths you have to like unlock terraforming so you can't use paths when you first start playing um you basically need to get a certain star island and then you can use paths um you need to get a three-star island and then uh no spoilers but the mega famous kk slider will return to your he'll come to your island and sing to you um and then and then you're able to to use past and terrain tools and stuff like that but you can't do it right away um so you're not like missing something you just don't have it unlocked yet but you'll get there you'll get there don't worry on i see i'm so glad it finally came that's awesome news i can't believe how long that took to to mail i guess it's not surprising because it's like international mail and there's all these delays because there's a bit of a pandemic at the moment but i can't believe how long that took to get to you i'm so sorry but i'm glad i'm glad i finally got there um mark thank you for the bits also i don't like how this is looking oh no that's actually that's okay and we'll get we'll put like some little pieces in the ground like sort of around it that'll look that looks fine right and we can we'll move the bamboo trees to be closer and stuff okay that's turning out nicely okay um i've been live for like 24 minutes aesthetic i just went live today you didn't miss much don't worry all i've done literally all i've done is this path i've been here for 25 minutes and all i've done is this path oh no kimberly thank you for the sub gift oh lydia thank you for the two months andre thank you for the bits um all your villagers are in love with kk slider yeah i mean aren't we all joel thank you for the seven months emily shouldn't you use any kk slider hater one i respect that you know you're you're you you can have that opinion who am i to judge okay pathing does take so long especially i feel like it's hard when you're trying to make it look natural you're like trying to fake it to to look like a natural cozy little path and then it just takes forever okay i have a flower i can place right here and i will okay and then i guess we're gonna need to dig up the bamboo a little bit and move it around fake natural path on a grid system yeah done thank you for the four months valk thank you for the two months metaphysical thank you for the 10 months art thank year for the bits i'm okay thank you for asking kimberly thank you for the sub gift also all right i'm gonna go grab some fruit so i can dig up the trees and move around oh there's some fruit thank you here's some fruit thank you it's your 23rd birthday um that is amazing news emma happy birthday congrats on the new apartment and congrats on finally getting that diagnosis that's that is awesome this is a big big day happy birthday oh anna your card came too i'm so glad i can't believe how long they took that stream was at the beginning of december i'm so glad that the cards are finally well i know most of the uh domestic ones that have arrived but it sounds like the international ones are finally showing up places which is good um so i'm i'm glad that it finally came donnie i haven't seen the mod cards yet no i'm sorry i didn't have any stamps so i didn't send them yet i literally have them all this is really bad i was gonna send cards to my mods and i um i have them all done written enveloped addressed but i don't have any stamps and i still haven't bought any more stamps so you don't um you don't have them yet i see i had lots of stamps but i used them all i sort of had to mail um a couple hundred cards last month so uh all my stamps are um no longer with me yeah you can learn online i know i know you can macey um i bought stamps online before um i just haven't bought more yet leave me alone wow putting people who donated a charity above your mods how dare you oh speaking of which oh i've got a thing you'd like to see so tiltify um is posting like an article they're updating it like once a week and they're posting this article about like the top tiltify fundraisers of 2020. guess who's in the top 10. us [Laughter] so they posted this article and we're in the top 10. which is pretty cool i didn't want to like tweet about this i felt really bad like tweeting about it because i didn't want to be like i raised 300 000 for charity but it is pretty exciting um we're number nine cracking the top 30 fundraisers until defy in 2020 is one thing cracking the top 10 is something else all together lil simsy managed to crush fundraising goals to unlock the ninth spot that's the mighty fundraising flexsin raising an amazing 291 839 dollars and 69 cents for ablegamer saint geodes roswell transgender law center and color of change lil simsie was on fire in 2020. we look forward to more sims 4 and fundraising in 2021 and then they put a clip of me in a weenie costume um but this is this is pretty cool you must admit that's that's kind of a big deal oh my cat's in here hey snap oh snap this is your big moment you raised all this money for charity come here don't just look at me can i pick you up i have a treat snappy here oops i dropped it here you go she deserved one of those she deserved a treat it's the least we could do i would show you her if she would come up but i don't want to like pick her up she doesn't want to get picked up she's currently sitting on her toy so i feel bad we were joking all year though that snap was the one who raised all the money for charity so it was her it was all her i can show you a picture of her and her toy on the floor it's the best you're gonna get also hi sarah she raised all that money and she got one treat oh boy congrats snap um here's a picture of my cat um that's her licking her tail it looks like or something i don't know what she was just doing and that's her toy now she's sitting on it i'll show you [Music] she's so weird the way she like sits and guards these things nobody's gonna take it from you um that list is the top fundraisers from tiltify on uh in 2020 maya what oh that's weird anyway oh god there's my carpet there's my cat and her toy how do i iphone to pc oh i'm taking a picture and sending it to my boyfriend on discord and then opening it i didn't like send it i i just i sent this picture to my boyfriend on discord on mobile and then i pulled it up on stream which is what works it works but anyway let's game [Music] i didn't link little dica's mod the sims account in the description should i have i put his patreon in his website are you still here do you want me to put your mod the sims do you even you want me to put that in the description okay um it's fine kayla don't worry no i'll do it oh mod the sims featured creator we got over here i'm putting it right now [Music] one moment please there we go added and save done did it alien congrats on the discord rule by the way um should we put another one right here that seems like it would be nice right i don't know need to go get some furniture we got to figure out what we want to put in this area i don't have that much like green stuff so i'm gonna see whatever i can find in my house and then we'll try and craft some things too and see what works um it doesn't have to be um green green necessarily you know but i'd i'd take like some chairs or something um oh i don't know it's not like much outdoor looking furniture what am i gonna do put a litter box best ea grease changer little greasy okay thank you for the bits inseminated thank you for the four months okay thank you for the five months l with the six months hula thank you for the sub uh kimberly thank you for the bits sarah thank you for the five months sales fan thank you for the bits and thank you for the two months emma thank you for the bits erin thank you for the bits your computer's getting really hot what should i do um is it your laptop perhaps put it on a desk instead of a and also try restart maybe would that help oh maybe i could put no that's not going to make sense over there let me see what all i can craft dump water on it that's a really good idea yeah your computer's heating up try cooling it down with liquid cooling just put it in water that'll work that'll fix it i kind of like this little guy should i make him i mean what else am i gonna do oh there's like bam oh there's bamboo furniture oh my god i don't think i have a ton of bamboo pieces oh no i think i actually have no bamboo pieces oh no oh no no wait wait wait i have three bamboo pieces okay we're going to mr islands until we get a bamboo one and i'm going to chop down all the bamboo i don't want to chop the ones that i have because i like them i guess well i don't chop them down what am i saying wait no i don't have to chop them down i can just cut i can just hit them what am i never mind sorry false alarm false i don't know that was really dumb of me sorry i'm this isn't minecraft or stardew valley you don't need to cut them down you can just you can just hit them and get bamboo okay sorry everybody false alarm false alarm i don't have a stone i don't need to go i'm gonna i'm gonna go buy a flimsy axe i've been playing a lot of stardew valley recently so stuck all right let's try this again wrong place let's try this again dina thank you for the two months captain fluffy with the four months shell with the 36 months thank you so much uh c thank you for the bits you just found pietro and 100 tickets you found pietro and 100 tickets what's that reaction set but i don't have any money i don't have any money [Laughter] it's okay i'm sure we'll be able to unlock them on the day of the festival um and if i miss it then i can buy it right jake thank you for the 23 ones um i have so far well i found pietro in 16 tickets and then um i left him and since i've spent about 500 tickets and i have never found him again so it's kind of a sore subject yeah you'll find him maybe [Music] i don't have high expectations maybe in 2022. yo yeah imagine autofill or something no i i don't know that's the thing it's completely random so like he could just show up on the first island one day after everything we've been through and it wouldn't even surprise me oh i don't want his amiibo i no i don't i don't want your like i don't care if you have pietro and he asked to leave i'm not gonna buy his amiibo i need to find him i don't think you understand imagine dan moved to you before you find pietro which of these impossible tasks will happen first will pigs fly will we find pietro will dan move to america stay tuned to find out [Laughter] okay what i didn't even get one from that that's mean please your beds now oh look at all this stinky next season on lil simsy this week on 90 day fiance here's what you missed our 90 day fiance in the in the tune of like here's what you missed on glee you know oh hopey thank you for the pits father bold thank you for the bits um are you telling me true facts oh that's true jeff bezos to step down as amazon ceo i didn't know that that apparently happened while i was live he's gonna be on the uh executive chair of the board but um apparently jeff bezos to step down as amazon ceo i read that and i was like is this are you making a joke about jeff bezos or is that a real thing i like i couldn't tell if it was a joke or not hang on that's big news why i don't know i mean i don't have listen i'm not the news go find the news i'm i'm just a sim streamer who googled one article yeah you can still bully him he's still a multi-multi-multi-billionaire gazillionaire who is the cause of many problems you bully jeff bezos all you want oh wait i need i need to go craft things let me go let me see what i want to make and see if i need to get anything else for it like i should make a bamboo speaker so i need an iron nugget and i want a couple bamboo benches um anything else that appeals to me for my little area i don't have how many bamboo recipes are there i know there are a lot more little simsy for amazon ceo all right i i don't know about that one um i don't know about that one okay i'll pass i'm gonna stay out of that kelly thank you for the price up it's so weird when things like this happen because like i googled it it says it like 32 minutes ago is the oldest article i've been live for 39 minutes it's so weird when things happen while you're streaming and then you like you're blissfully unaware until someone in shaq comes and tells you and it's because obviously i'm not like reading the news or checking twitter right now i'm streaming animal crossing jack thank you for the fans which game pack should you buy not but two i don't know i like parenthood a lot in the sims um that's always my go-to but um that's that's my uh my formal recommendation but [Laughter] thank you for the six months by the way should i make like maybe two of these that'll be good i don't have much of a house to tour for you petites i'm sorry i only have like one room decorated and i haven't changed it since i upgraded my house so like there's furniture blocking the doorways and stuff so i don't think you want an animal crossing house tour i don't have any there's not like any rooms there's i've got three rooms and two of them are empty like there's not much of an animal crossing house tour for you i've got more island but i i'm still not very far along with the island either either so what are you more gifts what did chan give me what did shan give me more gifts wait now i can make the thingies the other thingies no i can't wait because i could i could make this thing if i wanted to clay and hardwood i can make a shelf too why not let's do it okay let me get some clay and hardwood um the one time you're at work i choose to decorate my green island no dangerous moth i'm sorry it sucks when the timing doesn't work out oh this is bamboo we could put that out there somewhere um let me grab the clay that i was talking about i said hardwood too maybe i'll just get like a stack of each type of wood and like a stack of stone and a bunch of clay maybe some twigs too and then we can craft them if we need them that'll be helpful that will be helpful um shell i'm kind of trying to decorate this like walkway area that's supposed to be somewhat of a bamboo forest so i'm just trying to figure out like what furniture i could fit in that would like make sense which is why i'm trying to find bamboo things because i feel like well one they're green and two they'll fit in that area um so i'm just trying to that's what i'm doing why went too far it's gonna look good in the spring yeah i can't wait until the snow melts um your turnip price is 522 bells i think how much money do i have because that's a big that's a big number but i think i've got like three million bells right now it might be okay oh yeah i got like three million bells dania weren't you looking for somewhere to sell today biggie would would you mind if if donya comes and sells at your island how about a simsy mod yeah tara needed some more to sell too um what go someone call them i'm like offering this to them without even getting permission but um i'm sure they would appreciate it louise thank you for the 14 months you made a flower arrangement with green mums at work oh my god i'm never going to get your green mums it's like taunting you you're busy you're making green mom flower arrangements in real life never going to get your actual animal crossing ones um my tiny baby challenge feels like cheating you're 36 babies already and your first mentor is still young adult oh my gosh you're doing good not bad okay um let me dig up some of these maybe i'll dig up all of the flowers for now and then we'll like i don't know put them back down in better places that make more sense yeah i like the mums in animal crossing too i like my whole other island is like pretty much all mums and now i have to use mums on this one because i want to have green mums um but i just i like them i think they're really my pockets are full yeah my shirt says pelican town i bought this on etsy isn't that fun um i have the do i still have the thing no that's not the right link here wait i got you i'll link it this is where this is the sweatshirt that i bought if you want you can have i found it on etsy um it shipped very quickly it was very good experience they have like four colors too they have maroon navy forest green and purple um big big recommend okay maybe i'll just like place these things down for now and then i can figure out where i want to put them because we want a bamboo bench somewhere oh that's gonna look so good it's a shame that it's like snowy so it's like a different color that i can't rotate it so it's like a different color than um white okay but usually this would be the same color as the bamboo trees but obviously it is not right now i think i have the iron garden diys shan i'm well maybe not i thought i did but maybe i i don't have that many diys on this island to be honest i don't think i have the iron garden bench because it comes in like green green oh yeah and i don't have um i really don't have much we really do not have a lot of things apparently um well the trees are kind of frosty at the moment frosty the snowman yeah i don't know why apple chair comes in green oh that's a good point the apple furniture i hadn't thought of that um sam that's really weird i wonder um what are you trying to say ask one of my mods um you might be trying to say a word that is like specifically banned or it might be picking up something that it shouldn't be so ask one of my mods and then we can try and figure it out sometimes auto mod is like a little bit wacky though um and it doesn't make much sense but if you ask one of my mods they can tell you what you're trying to say and why it's banned kitty thank you for the eight months tom boy thank you for the prime sub coley thank you for the seven months aspen thank you for the four months sorry thank you for the four months rachel thank you for the three months thank you so much okay that'll be good right i'm gonna drop some of the stuff that i don't necessarily need right now like the saplings and stuff just so we can like actually dig everything up okay yeah ottoman is a little extreme at times so don't worry you're not in trouble if it does that but a bamboo lunchbox is there a bamboo lunchbox recipe hmm yes there is you know what i think i i think i have that recipe on my other island that's the problem if i i like could go get my other island and we could like dig around and see what i have that would be useful for this oh i'm gonna go see what recipe like is on the beach today that would be smart oh god what are all of these things cardboard box fragrance sticks vintage tv tray throwback racecar bed dollhouse okay not helpful the dear scared diy i don't remember if i have that i want that one on this island i don't know dude i thank you for the six months by the way tracer that you're the three months dino thank you for the prime step lena thank you for the two months kitty thank you for the eight months tom boy thank you for the prime sub thank you guys so much the bamboo lunch box is seasonal for spring yeah so that would make sense like i probably oh a lost item i probably have it on my um other switch and not on this one i've had this island since like october violet oh what you doing just hanging out just gaming just gaming hey claire backwards if tyler wanted to come to my salad island he's totally welcome to come to my salad island although i feel a little bit embarrassed that my island like isn't that finished but like if tyler oakley wanted to come visit my salad island i mean tyler oakley is welcome to come visit my salad island i'm not gonna say no okay is this yours my friend scoot okay thank you goodbye allison thank you for the five months thank you i'll see you later all right i want to go see if anybody's in their house i want to check if they're crafting because then i can well you never know maybe they'll be crafting a diy that i need i'll say hi to murphy while i'm here [Music] you have a bamboo flap recipe do you have an extra one you mean to say that you have an extra one you're not crafting ellie hmm interesting i don't know i like i don't know how much i want to place down there right now like that's the thing i'm i would take you up on it but i feel bad like making people get on the game and then give me things you know i feel bad being like oh yeah do you want to get on the switch and give me your stuff i always feel bad asking for it um oh here we go perhaps a bamboo thing don't kill me ruby oh here nice i like the name i like it it's good don't worry i would have recognized you but thank you for telling me you changed the username um i appreciate that i like the new one i like it and he said thank you for the eight months also we got a stool that's nice oh i don't even think i have that on my other switch nice if i can play stardew valley on a tesla why not animal crossing well you make a good point there but if we're being perfectly honest if you want the truth of it um it's because nintendo is very possessive and nintendo won't share um that's the answer but um that would be fun um i saw some people on reddit talking about the like playing stardew on tesla as if it was new but that's not new that's been around for like a year i mean i wouldn't know i don't have a tesla but i i've heard about it for a while um mac thank you for the prime stuff wendy kitty thank you for the bits your child is evil my adult child named sasha just came into my house and smashed the dollhouse right in front of her sister who was playing with it sims are kind of mean to each other oh what's this tree branch wreath i think it's just like a what show me my new thing oh i'm in the wrong section yes that actually could be kind of cute no not their real kid they're talking about the sims my child just came and smashed their little siblings dollhouse can you believe it joe thank you for the five months just getting my free sub thanks bezos joe you mean to tell me that if you connect your amazon prime account you can subscribe for free to a streamer every 30 days completely free and all you have to do is connect your prime account because you already pay for amazon prime and it's included completely free no way and you just did it for the fifth month in a row wow joe that's amazing donya you mean to tell me you've subscribed 40 times completely free wow so you you mean you can steal money from jeff bezos and give it to lil simsy [Laughter] completely free of charge because you're already paying for amazon prime and it's included in your subscription wow um that's not a joke by the way um if you pay for amazon prime because amazon owns twitch you get a bunch of perks on twitch with your prime subscription that you are already paying for um so it is in your best interest to make the most of it um and so if you connect your account you get a free salary 30 days um you get all the same perks as a regular sub i even still get a cut as if you had paid money for it but it is completely free for you um so absolutely nothing to lose in fact you're losing by not using it if you pay for prime already because it's like you're it's included in your subscription like you're already paying for it monthly um so not pesos anymore i guess that's true beth thank you for the bits um thank you for the bids i've played story of seasons i did a story season stream a couple months ago um i it's a fun game i i enjoyed it okay um i think a lot of you guys would like it too by the way um if you're thinking about playing it i think it is right up many of your alleys i have prime how do i do this my mods will put a link in the chat um to show you where you can do it but make sure you connect your account and get the most out of that subscription um prefer the original harvest moon yeah that's the kind of thing it's definitely hard to to like new games like that better when you're so used to the originals um i never played the original harvest moon so like it doesn't bother me but if you're really like used to the original harvest moon i can imagine that like the new one could be hard to get into um because you have that like nostalgia of the original game that is just never gonna be replaced i think that's why a lot of people prefer like the older sims games to the new one to the sims 4. um because they just have this nostalgia of of like the sims one two and three that like cannot be beat you know um which is totally fair i respect it um all right how about we put the other bamboo bench up here that makes sense flower i don't know what i'm doing i don't think it's gonna look that good i don't know am i still working on the path i'm not doing the path anymore but i am still working on this area i should check my mail okay okay if you insist francine thank you for the nine months eulogy the year of the four months uh tomboy thank you for the bits um you like the color of my hair thank you i appreciate that um haley thank you for the three months france thanks for nine months and ender thank you for the prime sub mandolin the year for the 10 months beth you're the bits burn thank you for the six months thank you all so much also your birthday was on friday [Music] no i doubt they'll ever remake the old animal crossing games scripted i mean they're because they like make a new addition of animal crossing for all the consoles you know like i doubt they'll ever like remake the ds version of animal crossing um i think they'll just keep evolving animal crossing bamboo basket thank you lanzi this is very exciting okay okay okay okay maybe i'll put the the deer scare in the front here oh that's so good it's perfect absolutely perfect um what else do i have the bamboo basket's nice for a little corner somewhere i got i made this like bamboo shelf thing that i probably didn't need to make but i did anyway and now we have it so we have to figure out a place for it somewhere we have to figure out something to do with that thing this is gonna look so much better when it's green like when it's springtime and the grass isn't is grass and not snow this is gonna be a massive improvement dear scare wait don't you have eric oh no eric's gonna leave soon eventually anyway he's not a permanent addition to my island he's not green so i don't mind if if he's afraid [Music] flambot thank you for the prime silence thank you for the four months crocodile thank you for the two months been right there for the prime stuff sarah thank you for the two months uh lolly thank you for the bits an extra recipe for a bamboo stool if i want it oh i might take up on that eventually um let me see how we get along here for now and then i if if i become desperate i might ask you for that one i appreciate the offer perhaps this will be bamboo is there a pelican city in the u.s really okay that doesn't surprise me what are you imperial low table that's red not green um no this isn't my microphone no i just i use these little headphones on stream because um i i don't like having a giant thing on my head uh i have a real microphone that you can't see very easily but um i have a mic mic i don't use uh my headphones as a mic i would sound awful if i did um but anyway i've got a real mic do not worry i wish that these this mic was that good of quality but alas it is not marissa have we met yet on this switch are we friends on this switch let me hang on add friend friend request i have five friend requests you can't see this because um i don't want to leak my friend code again i've been there done that and i cannot risk it again uh not a good yes i've done it like twice but you can change your friend code um but only like once every couple months and i don't want to leak my friend code again because that would be upsetting and annoying because then all these people would add me and then i'd have to decline them i always block them though which is kind of fun um strangers try and add me on the switch and then i block them what did mubot just don't delete casey i saw your sub thank you for the resub um i'm sorry if if you didn't hear me say it but that was a while that was like yeah that was like nine minutes ago 15 months and you dyed your hair um yeah i thought i thanked you but maybe i didn't marley thank you for the five months chloe thank you for the seven months um not the famous thing you're the 19 months thank you so much okay autumn one needs to calm down here no you're fine casey don't worry i probably said it fast um maybe i'll put instead of the bench here maybe i'll put the like shelf here oh yeah that fits back there in the corner this is gonna look so much better when it's not the winter because the bamboo is gonna be the right color because right now it i feel like it looks really icky but that's not my fault i like that bamboo basket that's pretty good um layla uh you're not you don't have to use your i understand that you're like cards on amazon and stuff um but keep in mind amazon owns twitch just another one of amazon's products so twitch is a safe website you can like research twitch if you're worried about it um but you get a bunch of perks on twitch with your amazon prime subscription because again you are already paying for prime so you're not gonna like it won't charge you and use your privacy or anything um you can you can like google that it'll i'm not just don't just take my word for it you can google it it's not gonna steal your money i promise you don't need to put your card information and to use the prime stuff that's what you're trying to do um but you can google like twitch prime and find out um you get like sometimes like free game loot like if you sometimes they'll give like free skins for games and stuff like that um they have a bunch of perks on with prime um if you have it so uh again do your own research on that one if your dad's worried about it tell me can google it um i understand that it's like concerning putting your card in and stuff but you don't need you don't need to use your card information um to connect the account so don't worry don't worry um erasable thank you for the price up you have green clothes too lolly i appreciate the offer i am i i feel weird accepting this sort of thing um but maybe maybe another time uh we can we can like meet up and you can throw some stuff at me she writes things like for 31 months okay let me dig up this i like the snow and winter animal crossing too sorry like i don't dislike it i just um it's been so long now that i'm a little bit over it and i also know that my island is gonna look so much better once it's no longer snowing so i i just i am excited for it to not be snowy anymore you know not because i don't like the snow and animal crossing because it is pretty but i just it's gonna look prettier when it's not snowing you know um i feel like the same thing happens in sturdy valley it's like exciting in wintertime because you're like wow look at the snow and then it's like okay i'm done looking at the snow larry thank you for the price of izzy thank you for the prime sub um nebraska thank you for the bits that is an awesome awesome news that's an awesome job nebraska i'm so excited for you um i do like the crunch of it under your feet yeah that's kind of that's a nice thing that is a good part of it wait i can hear a balloon do you see it oh it's right above my head i can hear a balloon do you see it nice timing honestly [Music] place item diner sofa that's red not green anyway i'm gonna place that down still i want to place that okay i want to use all three of those things i don't want to use this imperial low table because it's not green okay i think we need to get some more flowers up here yeah i don't i don't get much snow in real life um [Music] i don't know if you guys noticed but i live in florida so i don't really have um an irl snow problem luckily luckily um for me so not to brag but oh i don't know if i would call it a zen garden this is what i'm calling my bamboo forest in this area um whatever that oh i don't have any songs oh my god i haven't bought a sting okay that's i haven't bought a single song how is that even possible oh my god okay anyway well there's been snow all day where you live it was actually cold today it was like in the 40s um this morning which is like not that cold for you probably but it's pretty cold for florida it doesn't get down that low very often um so it actually was cold today um usually it's like in the 70s in the winter time so that's cold compared to normal things faith thank you for the stuff abigail thank you for the five months congrats on finishing um half of your year for university that's awesome folklover or folklove thank you for the prime sub sammy thank you for the six months mario thank you for the primes up um anyway i get it it's cold for you i wasn't complaining i was just saying that it was cooler here today okay um oh well that's fun let me quickly see about buying actually that's green let's buy that one um i'll buy my first song i need to hang on i need to get some money let me get some money out please you hate shoveling snow yeah that sounds unpleasant i don't really have that um problem [Music] i've shoveled snow before um not often but i've i was i'm from illinois my grandparents live in illinois i've shoveled snow i've helped them oh remind me to buy these things tomorrow fifi i stream every day by sundays i don't stream on sundays but i am live every day except for sundays gamer girl thank you for the eight months faith thank you for the sub thank you both so much okay my husband had a shovel every day for three days oh god that does sound unpleasant for him good thing you didn't have to do it you know at least that's his problem and not yours this is what men are good for shoveling snow [Laughter] um i think about that a lot i'm like if i ever live in a house with a lawn there's literally no way i'm mowing that that is dan's problem i'm not touching that you will not catch me mowing the lawn i don't want to do that it's hot outside in florida that would be a really unpleasant experience um okay you know what this is kind of coming along nicely seems like there's a lot of just like things around which is maybe less pleasant but that's okay that's okay all right maybe put like i don't know where to put maybe i'll put this last item like over here oh i have two more items wait what does this look like oh my god oh oh i don't want to use that anymore did i see dan's stream title today oh i don't i don't like it oh no wrong thing again oh god place keep there does that look super weird no i don't think so maybe if we just get more flowers down and like what is scoot doing i need to go this way i have too many flowers i need to snatch them luckily we got flowers everywhere so come on take up flowers i guess i might leave a couple of these over here yes i bought the clothes don't worry muck i got the festival clothes um i bought some nice green ones i was very excited about it i think this is going to look really good when we're done you know thank you for the three months style thank you for the sub midnight thank you for the 10 months thank you so much you guys you're here for snap and snap only she's currently look so you know how i bought that um she's got another cat bed right so she wasn't sitting on it but she kept sitting on the jacket so the sims sent me i can't show you because she's on it again but the sims sent me like a hoodie that says like sparked challenge winner because i won like one of the sparked gallery challenges with that cow plant wedding venue that i built and so um i like it came and then i set it down on the bench that's right there because i was going to show you on stream and then of course she started sitting on it because cats will sit on anything they can in my experience like if there's like a paper on the floor she'll sit on it if the jackets on the bench that i want to show off the stream she'll sit on it well she wasn't sitting in the bed that i bought her the second bed that i bought her and so um i was as a joke put the clothes in the bed so now there's two hoodies in this bed and a cat this is her right now as we speak um there's a cat toy that's my blanket basket um there's a curtain blocking the window and there's my cat the fact that you have to put two hoodies down on this wonderful soft cat bed for her to sit in it i just wanted her to be cozy i bought that bed because i was gonna put it in the bottom of the cat tree because i thought that maybe she would like it if it was like cozier down there but then she wasn't sitting in it and then i put it there just to like have it away for a second and now she sits in it so anyway at least she's comfy even though my room looks like a mess because of it um doesn't bother me it's okay it's all worth it um i like how that looks that's nice no the little couch is from wayfair it's a little um mini futon i bought it from wayfair a couple years ago when i moved in i wanted something because like the win like it um is right up to the base of the windows it's hard to see because the curtains are closed and i wouldn't show you anyway because you can't see out my window you're not allowed to know where i live um but it comes up like right to the base of the window so if she sits on the like the top ledge of it she can like sit right at window height you know which is why i bought it in the first place i was like i want a long skinny mini couch for my office and so i found this one is like the perfect size it's like the exact size of the windows um like width and height it worked out very well so favoring thank you for the prime sub but yeah that's why i have that there also yes pelican town i bought this on etsy that is my um sturdy valley sweatshirt from etsy should we put like little rocks on the ground maybe wrong thing thought my boyfriend was dantdm no although that would be very useful he's very successful that would make me rich and successful as well um he's married isn't he darn no i'm just kidding i already have enough dans in my life i have one of them i don't need another one yeah dan has been told he looks like inabber multiple times um we have indeed gotten that one before oh yeah they've got a kit together they don't think i forgot about that um to be honest with you i never actually watched dan tdm but my sister used to watch him when i was younger so i'm familiar with dan tdm but i'm not um like a stan i don't know much about him you're also dating a dan good for you go away okay are you admitting your your sister is more cultured than you yes oh i'll leave it like this honestly shannon was big into minecraft youtube way before it was cool i'm just saying like well minecraft youtube has um been cool forever i feel like it's been like the biggest thing on youtube forever especially right now again um but some of us have been watching minecraft youtubers for years um okay i think i think that's fine you know i you like my face was when i was like 13 14 for the most part but shanna was even before that so like we're talking like 2012 you know 2011. you've had bad experiences with dance oh i know quite a few bad dance in fact the majority of people that i have encountered named dan are not good but i have one good one so no offense your name is dan sorry [Music] we know one good one okay honestly this area is pretty cute i might say a couple more leaves and flowers down like i said i was going to but um you have an uncle and a cousin named dan i my dad has a friend named dan um that like we were we would refer to as uncle dan when i was younger um i haven't seen him in like forever but he was like one of my dad's um high school friends and we would refer to him as uncle dan but i don't actually have an uncle dan i just have that guy family friend um let's see iron nuggets okay that's not helpful okay it could have been better but it's fine your friend's dad is called dan and he cheated on his wife oh sounds like a real stand-up guy yeesh not a fan what's my island theme um green true story it's just green okay i'm gonna put one more flower over here i think this turned out all right right nice foresty sort of area i kind of wish there was like one more bamboo tree but i guess we could probably plant it like if i put one no it wouldn't grow there what about like here would it grow there if i put one there i guess we could find out i have these bamboo shoots and then we can move this thing if we need to but that's helpful i feel like we've got a nice a nice area figured out i like it and that is how you get through and up to the campsite and we decorated the campsite oh there's a campsite visitor oh my god i forgot i'm going in that's not green sarah thank you for the two months gwendolyn thank you for the four months frat thank you for the bits callahan thank you for the six months inch mom thank you for the two months it's just agnes that's okay i was scared it was gonna be pietro and then i would cry because i've i've spent hundreds and hundreds of tickets to find pietro on my other island and if i got him so easily on this one that would be truly devastating like after everything i have been through i don't know anyway at least that's not pietro let's dig up these flowers i might put some leaves down too do i have murphy yes i do have murphy i can show you my villagers you can see my friends so i have a couple ones that aren't green still i have four that aren't green still but they just haven't asked to leave yet eventually i'm gonna replace them all with green villagers so i have brie i have murphy i have cashmere i have scoot i have jambet and i have gruff and eventually we will have only green villagers and i very much look forward to that day alex thank you for the five gifted subs oh my gosh thank you so much i really appreciate that thank you what green villagers do i want i don't know yet i have all of my dreamy green villagers now um so i'm i'm honestly not so sure like which green villagers i want outside of that so i guess we'll see but okay i'm gonna stick that there ellie is your ultimate dreamy can you have her oh i was so excited when i got ellie um i also i like ruby a lot um and so it's kind of fun to have the two of them as like well they're temporary villagers right i'm not gonna have them forever but it's kind of fun to like get to have her on my island for a little i was pretty excited about it because i like ruby i think ruby is really cool i want to just put some little what is scoot doing all the way up here yo so we're basing the ones that we want like i have a very specific wish list right um because i need their house to be green and i need them to be green so if their house isn't like the right shade of green um i don't want them which is annoying i realize um but it i it's very specific what we're looking for for this island okay i'm going to put lyman's up there i've wanted linemen on my other island for a long time so i would be like totally willing to have lyman on this island um i don't like sprocket and sprocket's house is not the vibe so i wouldn't take sprocket unfortunately for sprocket that looks good and then the flowers won't reproduce thankfully did i plan my island it's not much no not really i have camo frog on my other island camo frog is like one of my favorite villagers of all time um big fan of camo frogs but i've got on my other island so i don't really want him on this one yeah i didn't i didn't like super plan this island out okay this is turning out pretty good i like it oh part of me kind of wants could i plant a tree right there would it let me would it grow i'm gonna try i'm gonna dig up this one and see if i can put it there for now and then i'll just replant one here i feel like it should but you never know no it can be it can be next to a hedge the hedge isn't what i'm worried about i'm worried about the edge of the lot the edge of the lot and you're all wrong it will grow nice yeah i said the lot leave me alone i'm a simmer i meant the cliff it's fine everything's fine okay yeah it can be it can be next to um a fence like a hedge fence the hedge is what i was worried about i was worried about the edge not the hedge the edge okay that should stop the flowers from reproducing a ton i don't have a custom i should make like a a plain custom design huh how can i get a second island i have a second switch uh that's how okay i have never played with custom designs how do i oh my god i'm doing it use fill all no i'm doing it like this there's a fill all directly below the tool that i'm using but it's too late i'm almost done it's too late what am i making i want an empty custom design so that i can put things on the floor this is right right that's all i need to do okay that's what i thought that would be embarrassing if it wasn't empty um inked mom thank you for the bits bat thank you for the five months okay that's very helpful thank you wait do i get points because i made a custom design look at me go ariana emily uh geology thank you for the recepts all of you sarah gwendolyn um thanks thanks guys and again alex thanks for just subs i appreciate that can you share that on the gallery oh yeah if you all want my hard work uh it'll be on the gallery for you if you're interested in downloading it so don't worry empty and then what you do is you put an empty path down where you don't want the flowers to spread and then get this they won't spread um which is what i want because i don't want to have to deal with like coming up here to fix the flowers all the time and now i don't have to okay that's why i was doing that it's because i wanted to put little empties around i'm stuck is this for real yeah why wouldn't it be i'm stuck oh god they do not make this easy to get around i say they don't make it easy to get around as if i'm not the one who did this and made it difficult to get around this is on you kayla you you made this island you did this okay we stick that one there and then look it won't even i won't even get weeds like it'll solve the weed problem too okay my campsite has agnes in it all right let's go grab my trees again thank you this is gonna look really good when we're done i i'm feeling a lot better now that i have like more stuff you know it's it's just it's nice to have more things around the place i feel like we've got more happening what wrong place oh my god that's a good question when does the snow go away do i want a green phone booth yeah 24th 25th i'm seeing both okay i think it's the 24th is the last day of snow sounds good to me um i want to put something here i don't have acceptable furniture let's go craft some things let's go do some crafting and see what happens oh we can stick some green flowers up there we don't have many snow goes away just in time for your birthday nice you deserve it my pockets are full i made you yawn twice i'm sorry oh my god wait no you have to see this i'm taking a picture of my cat okay no no no no no no no no you have to you have to see this you have to see this she sometimes when it's bright she like covers her eyes you know so that she can sleep look at this hi snappy hi snappy she looks so cute over there that's my friend we have to put out the sun so she can sleep the sun should be setting somewhat soonish um like half an hour or so right but it's not soon enough for snappy she deserves better than this okay i'm gonna go sell some things hi christian okay i need to clear out my inventory i wish to sell uh i don't want that that's pretty much it though maybe i'll go i'll go um get my fossils analyzed oh 160 bells oh my god all right let's go and up to the museum so that we can fix this problem and by fix this problem i just mean so that i can get some more um space in my inventory fenini thank you for the two months three months sorry mandy thank you for the four months okay now you can't stop yawning i'm sorry okay um assess some fossils please basic thank you for the four months i have two for you my friend thank you what do you have for me here thank you it's a toy uh crow that like dog toy on the path uh was one of the toys from the toy day event it's a little dog you're getting pizza oh that sounds good donya wait did he say that i don't have anything oh i have things i can sell though you're getting chipotle don't brag like that to me that's not fair i could go for some chipotle right now i'm not gonna lie that sounds really good um i shouldn't though i have vegetables to cook it's taco tuesday are you gonna make tacos tonight that would be fun okay i might we'll we'll come back to this area we'll address this problem well let's put some flowers over here maybe like there would be this could be a good spot for a little flower somewhere even just one of them let's let's put some things down so we can like fill this up you know go away no i'm just trying to like just trying to make it a little bit better okay i'm gonna leave the empty space next to this green flower because i'm okay if that green flower reproduces like i'll take as many of them as i can get but i'm going to put didn't need to put that there i'm gonna put um this stuff like this i think i want to put another flower in this corner i like i said we have a lot of flowers and the island looks pretty when there are lots of flowers so let's just put as many as we can right that's nice and we'll leave that one open oh my snowballs i'm gonna go mess around with this julia happy birthday by the way thank you for the 16 months sarah thank you for the two months chicken nuggets thank you for the five months i'm gonna sing you a song julia happy birthday [Music] oh your sweet 16 means 16 months i'm sorry oh i understand now i i thought i was just trying to i was trying to be as kind as possible and sing as many songs as possible i was sitting here like you're not 16 but then i did it anyway i literally in my head i was like but whatever you said it's your birthday well there you go tricked me into a song apparently emily thank you for the fans um i appreciate that thank you so much birthday is in may you're not getting a song in may no i'm just kidding i'll sing you a song still now you owe me a song how about that no oh that was a close one i feel secondhand embarrassment leave me alone don't be rude oh god that was a close one emma thank you for this stuff oh no oh it doesn't break on the sand okay good i've never had i've never had the balls be near the beach before so i've never like put it in the sand by accident so um don't worry everybody make a tiny one i'm scared i'm scared of making a tiny one too close got 100 bits from one ad ross really well thank you for the bits oh my gosh okay we're using the ear method again so the bottom needs to be just above your ear and then the top needs to be just below your ear melina thank you for the stuff also by the way i've never gotten 100 bits from one ad but some people say they have sometimes that's kind of wild that like that is a lot of money in exchange for watching one ad okay so it doesn't work in some countries i don't i've never had good luck getting any bits from ads so if you can't get them don't worry it's not just you because i can't either um but some people no oh god some people are like extraordinarily lucky for whatever reason let's see how we're looking that's not big enough you better get far away from this it's too close too close i i think the proportions that they ask for are way off i'm gonna be honest like if it were up to me the head would would be a little bit smaller than it's supposed to be but it's okay i did it right he's perfect and he's not gonna make fun of me thank you a frozen arch but i wish the head was a little bit smaller than that you know like i it's it's like almost the exact same size as the body it's well it's 10 smaller than the body is technically what it is but i don't like it um you can choose to watch an ad for bits specifically if you get ads on my stream like the pre-roll ads and stuff that won't give you bits um but you can like click the little bits button and you can press like watch ads for bits and it might let you watch ads for biz save my stuff lindsay thank you is my inventory full no i'm good mimi thank you for the prime set oh wait let me put my stuff in my house really fast and then i can open this i got too many things yeah when you do this snowman wrong they like make fun of you and are mean to you which is really unfair i don't deserve that no i didn't mean to favorite that i want to put in the storage put in storage put in storage okay well now i have four spots um only let you watch two ads and you got ten bits yeah for the most part you'll get like five or ten bits sometimes you get randomly very lucky and get like 50 or 75 or like someone just got a hundred um but no daniel we have to meet first to send things unfortunately let me open all these thank you for my gifts by the way lifeguard chair iron garden chair this is so good thank you phone box iron garden table your birthday was yesterday i can sing you a song oh faith that's an interesting point it might be your ad blocker chat if you've got an ad blocker that might be why um you can't watch ads for bits oh this is perfect thank you so i'm gonna go make like three of them hang on uh but if you use an ad blocker that would be why you're not able to watch ads for bids um you have one and it still works it probably depends which ad blocker you use um i bet some of them work and some of them don't so yeah sofia that's what the title is about the dance title oh my god snappy's all curled up i feel so bad my my office is bright but it's daytime i can't make it less bright my cats all like curl up with their arm above her face trying to make it like block out the light how do you turn off an ad blocker well it's probably like a chrome extension or something so like i don't know what browser or what ad blocker you use but i assume you can turn it off um within the extension right um oh you have an ad fly blocker that makes sense oh i didn't sell these two things yet the imperial and diner sofas yeah you can like disable the ad blocker on twitch or whatever um oh yeah ad fly blocker is a is a major mess um bad place scary place adfly um basically uh people like put things behind an adfly link so like say if i wanted to give you a download to my simsy save and i wanted to make a small amount of money from you clicking the link i could like hide the link in an adfly link so it would take you through an ad before it shows you the actual link before showing you like the actual website to my since you save download um but a lot of times the outfly stuff is like kind of spammy and malwary um so it's not a good place um a little bit sketchy feeling um so you might have seen it like trying to download like someone in chat said trying to download tumblr themes yeah and trying to download tumblr themes and getting out of fly links back in the day yeah yeah sherman thank you for the six months i am sherman i am so so sorry i'm glad i can make a distraction for you i hope that you're okay i'm so sorry um cara thank you for the 15 months by the way thank you both so much um just a little bit of malware just just as a as a treat um no i don't you're not claire i don't know like how much cc you used to download like back in the day but a lot of cc links used to be behind adfly too um i think the people that still use adfly a lot of them will have like an ad fly and a not ad non adfly link so if you want you can um pick but adfly is a bad place not a fan um anyway what else can we put oh i was gonna i forgot to craft things that was the whole reason i went down there was to craft things i started selling stuff to clear out my inventory and then i forgot to keep going um i personally choose to give my computer malware just for fun just for fun i don't really want to play swedes i know a lot of people like how the weeds look like as decorative stuff but i don't like how they look i don't want to i'm gonna craft myself two chairs and a table craft again oh i can't wait until it's spring it's gonna look so much prettier yeah it looks better in spring the winter weeds aren't as good i don't think angelina thank you 11 months i'm with you i think though this other seasons have better weeds like i like the spring ones and the summer ones a lot um they're like more clover like in those seasons which is better iron garden table iron garden chair lifeguard chair phone box iron garden chair okay i'm gonna go see if i have any candles or anything that i can put down on this table some sort of small decoration um i could time travel to spring yeah but i don't really i don't want to skip out on winter i think i'll miss it a little bit more gifts [Laughter] yay a camo backpack i'm gonna wear it around i'm gonna wear it around right now i'm not even kidding i'm just gonna keep that on thank you lindsay i appreciate that wait but we can't see it haha where is it haha an ode to camo frog okay let's see there's not many little small things that i could put on my can this be customized by any chance anyone know i mean like what am i gonna do put a rocket lamp out like i don't have enough small decorations i want little candles put the microwave um i might use this little yellow coffee cup for now oh actually this book would work the book will be good we'll put the book for now oh we could also pick a flower and put a little flower on the table that's easy because we could just pick a little green mum and then stick it there um i might put the little table in this area see i was thinking the snow globe but i'm trying to future proof this my pockets are full grow up leave me alone okay um let me put the iron garden table nice and green to begin with absolutely stunning and then i'll put a little why is there so much green that's the whole point shadow this is a green island that's entirely what i'm going for everything is green erin thank you for the sub gift ruth thank you for the two months yaddy thank you for the eleven months tier two eleven months it's your son's birthday and today and he got a pokemon cake is he watching can i sing you a song [Music] anyway ariana thank you for the three months actually i think you're 11 months salad is delicious and nutritious this is lil simsy's official endorsement of salad eat your greens everybody i think i might pick a green flower and put on like we can just take this all right look cute see that's nice and then maybe we could like plant a couple of bushes don't know i'll put a bush there and one there i don't know i'm just trying to like fill it up look how cute that looks i could push it near the tree you think it should be closer to the tree we can push it a little bit closer yeah you can pick flowers and put them places yeah oh [Music] these bushes are pink but only for a couple more weeks shannon um and then they're not gonna flower for like a year so i'm gonna keep them um because these are these are probably the best bet do you know what i mean you think two more chairs i was gonna put just the two chairs on purpose okay i like i was doing just two chairs for a reason no i'm not done no no i like it i like the two i think the two looks okay um i'm gonna put some little blank thingies down so the flowers don't reproduce all the bushes only flower in one season pear um so pretty soon we will have some of the spring bushes back there we go should we stick like another flower i don't like should there be one right here oh it's not too close now that actually works out pretty well okay yeah i might put two bushes here put one two okay that's cozy that works we need more trees to block off this pathway and then so now we have like a lot of the entrance is pretty done like we have this thing we have the path maybe if we stuck like another one of the little white flowers here oh you're gonna run right through that that's an annoying spot never mind sorry false alarm luke congrats on the discord rule by the way father both thank you for the bits um oh um i'm sorry you're having a bad day that sucks oh you don't deserve this my friend i'm not gonna make them face each other guys i like how the chairs look the way they are i'm not gonna change them i'm sorry if you hate them but i like how the chairs look so i'm gonna keep it well it's green i never saw it rihanna are you sure uh well thank you for the sub uh i probably thanked you in like mass um and you might not have heard me say your name because a lot of times like there's like you know five or six in a row and then i'm like i read them all at once um but i'm sorry if i if i actually didn't see it thank you for the sub sell this i'm gonna sell these tea olive in the holly bushes because i don't like how the holly bushes look in regular times i'm not into it tyler thank you for the three months by the way and kayla thank you for the four months peachy thank you for the bits erin sun thank you for the bits um erin thank you for the sub jack thank you for the bits which stuff pack should you get you have paranormal tiny living and romantic garden stuff oh paranormal tiny living romantic garden i'm trying to think of ones that'll like complement those well i like laundry day a lot just in general um i think a lot of people in chat will probably be very pro laundry day as well um it depends like if you like to build best versus like if you like gameplay best because honestly the mosquito stuff pack like the photo stuff is pretty fun and the build furniture and it is cute not to like recommend mosquito stuff because the clothes suck in that pack um so that's probably not the best bet but it really depends like what you're interested in playing with like what you want to use it for you know um but laundry day is a good one and i think people like um knitting a lot too but i think that nifty knitting's furniture is a little bit less versatile it's harder to use although they do have rocking chairs which is a fun thing but i'm a big laundry day fan personally what am i doing oh i was going to order with nick miles that's right hadley uh sheik thank you both for the resubs laura thank you for the 10 months redeemed miles i wanted to see if there's any um offenses i don't have the recipe for yet hmm oh okay i don't know if i have the um like what other i'm gonna get both these fences oh straw fence fredo thank you for the prime stuff where am i going to put that we'll make a little playground we'll we'll design a whole little playground it doesn't look a good famous pun doesn't it yeah they're very very similar all right a couple recipes nice work team actually thanks for 10 months but i think a playground will be a good space filler right right okay i bought my first pet stuff as a joke but now i feel like the joke oh you know what there's a couple cute things in my first pet stuff like the blinds some nice ten dollar blinds actually thank you for the ten months um i i bought my first pet stuff because the code they sent me didn't work so i paid for it um and then i got a code that did work so i gave it to dan so it didn't work at first but i needed it obviously to record with so i bought it um and then uh i got a code that did work so i gave it to dan so you're welcome duck dan for the giveaway um so it wasn't my first pet it was my second pet stuff yeah for me personally um should i buy these reactions or should i wait i want him to say it again what is it do i have to buy it i'll buy it i just wanted to make sure i couldn't get them for free okay i got points for what reaction ruler oh amy i can dance now which ones are new whoa look at me is that even i don't know which ones are new and which ones aren't oh look at me i look so good i'm such a good dancer wow anyway yeah the glowy dots tell you but all of my glowy dots are all of them are new because i haven't checked like any of the reactions that my villagers are giving me um because i already have all of the regular reactions on my other one so like look they're all dot there's dots on all of them so you say the dot tells you which one is new they all have dots literally all of that i'm gonna go through all the ones that i haven't clicked on yet i look really good i assume it's the last four but we already clicked on those but i'm just gonna go through the rest of them these are um not that's like new from the past update oh i need my shovel that's why i went in there i forgot just go through all of these quickly everybody don't mind me yeah we already looked at the four new ones i didn't click all of them i didn't click on the middle one oh i'm doing it now leave me alone i'm getting through it i do my yoga i give someone a gift oh oh oh they hear the five months look at me go i like it no you're fine sarah don't worry i'm just gonna sit and do it look at it from the side okay she's am i putting my leg out i'm a tick tock dancer oh snappy left snap all by myself all alone chase thank you for the sub by the way uh lizard thank you for the five months all right i need to buy my shovel and then i need to go craft things again okay [Music] uh one second i refreshed my own chat by accident could have been a disaster no don't speak to me lil simsy help help help okay close sorry we're back [Laughter] all right time for a shovel sorry everyone oh will they dance with me i wonder that's a good question oh oh my god they were dancing with me uh vape blade you probably can't hear me if you're stuck in ads if you're subbed you shouldn't be getting out you might want to try and refresh and see if that fixes it um because subs are not supposed to get ass i have that off i click through i need to i need me to close it shovel sorry didn't mean the yawn on stream sorry sorry oh no sorry what have i done oh i'm sorry haley thank you for 11 months oh no all right we're good let's go i'm gonna go craft some more things nixon thank you for 17 months ash thank you for the five months are we boring you no i'm just kidding am i boring you you're all the ones yawning i'm just saying yeah uh bree subs costs more on mobile because the app store takes a ridiculous cut um so most things cost more on mobile never buy bits or sub on mobile if you don't absolutely have to and if you do try and do it like in your browser like on like the chrome app or like in safari um instead of in the twitch app because the app store takes like a massive cut of anything that's bought through apps and app in-app purchases and so subs are more expensive on mobile it's a scam you're just paying apple for no reason so if you can stop on desktop or like sub on the like browser you'll save a lot of money don't don't give in to apple's scam um i'm gonna craft some things quickly perhaps anything else cute that i could put outside i might make another set of this table um but yeah don't don't let apple scam you stop on desktop if you can so all right i have two chairs and a table okay i need to go get some more iron oh no two chairs not a table though uh does android do that i think to an extent probably subs are supposed to be five dollars if they're more than five dollars then it's skimming you um so just just make sure boston was a mobile recently oh glam i'm sorry it sucks to find out that um you could have saved money uh google play also takes a cut yeah i would assume so but i didn't know for sure um but yeah just keep that in mind they are trying to scam you maddy thank you for the bids uh risa thank you for the two months all right bamboo pipe pieces i didn't yawn i definitely didn't yawn nope nope did not yawn no i did not did not yawn olivia thank you for the nine months oh no okay where should i put this little table i just made i didn't get the iron i needed that was the whole point of going in there was to get the iron what is wrong with me i already have that bug never mind never mind quinlan thank you for the nine months thanks yes i meant to grab iron pieces and then i didn't so do you think i used my last iron oh no we still have some i got nervous we should um hit the rocks though because we only have 30 left um i stream at 4 p.m eastern time carmen i don't know where you live at 4 pm eastern is 9 p.m in the uk hopefully you can figure it out from there you can also just google it but 4pm eastern time so two hours ago um and i stream the same time every day two hours ago wherever you are two hours ago whatever time it is right now but two hours from now before two hours from before now i'm gonna go hit my rocks really fast before i forget except for sundays i don't stream on sundays but i stream every day at 4pm eastern time one two okay straw thank you for the 13 months okay hurry up that's no iron just one devastating truly how will we go on okay i'll leave the hole there so i remember that i did that one already i would hate to like do it like try to do it twice because that would be embarrassing so no sofia i um i have all the iron i need don't worry i'm i'm getting extra though because i i will need more iron eventually and i'll be glad if i have it so yeah dev i'll make a rock garden eventually um i haven't like figured out my island yet on this one um and because of that it doesn't seem like a very smart idea to make the rock garden now i think the rock garden will be like one of the last things i do you know um just because i don't want to have to put stuff everywhere to fill up the island like right now i'd rather wait and do it um wrong oh lansi i'm sorry that's it's so sad when like you get excited when villagers have thought bubbly thing they're gonna leave so you can villager hunt and then they're just like hey do you want this ugly shirt that's yeah greasy goods is a really cool cc pack i was so impressed with the build i like i was really excited about playing with the pack obviously because i've been looking forward to it but um it looks really good it is impressive very very impressive okay one of those is too far away this is not going well yeah it's like always a weird like cycling shirt or something you know um oscar you don't need to have dine out to get it but you need dinosaurs to get some of the items um so you can download it without dine out and just have like the decorative restaurant um or you can download like when you try to download it like the whole the website tells you it's like hey um grab this link if you don't have dine out and grab this one if you do you know so don't worry it'll be it'll be clear if you go to download it what you need yeah too bad the staff kind of suck at the restaurant right staff are digging around in my video today i showed off a cc pack right it was like a seat like a restaurant cc pack uh for the sims and in the video that like obviously it's not the fault of the cc it's just because of the sims right the sims is just like this but like one of the waiters was literally digging around in the trash like he dug in the trash for a while took the trash out put it on the ground picked it back up and then put it back in the trash can and then dug around in the trash some more what are you doing and then he didn't wash his hands what are you doing very professional so weird but he's probably like a slob sim or like a freaking or something you know which is why you did it but it's kind of funny oh you use cc shoes by accident so they're barefoot bestie i thought it was on purpose i thought it was a meme feature not a bug exactly feature not a bug you didn't use cc shoes they have no shoes for a reason because all the all the staff at the restaurant had no shoes on also um and again that was that was completely intentional um on behalf of little dica wait that was a it's just a no-shoe restaurant um it's that's that's the uniform so where do you think the grease comes from oh no no no no no take it back apologize for saying that gross chris thank you for the six months by the way um kade thank you for the 20 months no no no no no yuck i don't like to think about feet that much i'm gonna be honest i prefer to not think about feet in my day-to-day life i don't know about you all but um try not to think about it very often i don't like feet i literally always have socks on at all times like i i do not like feet i always wear socks icky icky icky all right i'm gonna put the table oh actually i'll go put the table in one of my friend's yards i don't know i just i don't like the idea of toes i don't like it one bit yeah even when i sleep this is a controversial thing please don't make fun of me i wear socks to bed um i i just like having socks on leave me alone and now my feet get cold if i don't have socks on so always have socks on it's not you leave me be leave me alone okay i'm gonna how how ridiculous would it be right no i shouldn't i'm thinking i want to put the table here um no i like i don't get too hot when i have my socks on i like my socks and i i stand by this okay okay place that there this will be fine at the edge it'll be cute here and socks are like they're fun they're an accessory you can get cute socks but yeah you could like fall off the cliff if you wanted to when you were up here it would be really good uh there's another chair how do you get the hedges uh you get the recipe once you've bought enough like bushes or something from leaf i think let's put this little flower on the table it's gonna be so cute look oh i meant to place it look have a good night claire thanks for hanging out sorry to be talking about feet okay that i think looks really nice actually like honestly i i'm pretty proud of this i think that's a good look i need to put another one of these empty things down and you can't really tell that it's right at the edge of the cliff because there's a house below it so but look you could sit and like watch the water how cute would that be you on wiki feet i don't think so i don't want to think about that though 38 months i don't think you've ever seen my feet i don't know why you would have is it functional yeah you can sit in it see just wait just wait go nope go okay i did it hello that's not green it's very upsetting very very very upsetting okay put that away we'll sell that later ashley thank you for the five months um i want to try to finish decorating we can come back to this area another time because i want to keep working on decorating like around here this is my main concern at the moment we need to get our trees planted and stuff let me buy or buy let me shake a tree so i can get some more cherries to eat let's try juniper thank you for the two months um ashley thank you for the five months city thanks again for the 38 months um since when you kick your socks off when you're sleeping yeah i don't have that problem but i can see that happening i feel like that makes sense okay let me what inspired me to choose a green theme a salad i was inspired by salad is knuckles on legit yeah steph you'll be fine with niko's on obviously that's a website where people like trade in in-game so you're probably bound to encounter some bad eggs on there but the website itself is is fine and safe but again you you're bound to encounter a bad egg on knuckles on at some point but look at the reviews of them and then you'll be fine i've never actually used it but i know lots of people who use nokia's on so okay let's put some trees one tree two tree should we just do it like that yeah that'll be fine i don't know i don't care we'll put these little bushes here these are the pink ones they're not gonna be pink forever um they're they just happen to be in season right now so they'll stop blooming eventually oh is that tree gonna grow there or is it too close to the oh i might scoot it over one i'm worried it's too close to the thing i want to put where did this is the tree yeah it can be back to the bush the bush is fine i'm worried about this cliff right here everyone in chat always tries to be like you can't put a bush there kayla and you can you can put a bush there i swear i do it all the time i've done it like a million times the shrubs are fine it's the the cliff that i'm worried about but i think we'll be okay yeah the bush is no big deal it's the the shrubs i mean no wait backwards no no no no no no the bush is not a big deal it's the cliff that i'm worried about yeah the cliff it blends in because of the snow but there's a cliff there that i was concerned about unfortunately okay i put this here i might get another tree we're kind of trying to build like a little mini forest you know just to like spread it out a little yeah i can't wait to have the grass back um it's gonna be so nice once it's green because obviously the whole island is supposed to be green um so it's just it's gonna look really good when everything is green around here i can't wait put flowers like this i'm gonna get a green flower here that's gonna look really nice once it's grown i'm playing on my switch you can't play animal crossing on pc um you're watching it because i have a capture card installed on my pc so it's hooked up to the capture card so that i can stream from it but i'm playing on my switch i'm using a a custom pro controller this is like a pro controller that was like painted by colorware it's a regular pro controller but it is painted all fancy or painted i don't know it's got like a skin on it or something the thing itself is gray it's not gonna like chip or peel off i don't know it's a very pretty controller though it matches my um this is my other switch i had the joy cons first um and then i bought this and now i have both but i'm playing on my animal crossing switch right now this is my regular switch that i've had for like two years three years or whatever but um i bought an animal crossing switch to have a second island to stream on because i really wanted to play a lot of animal crossing so um i don't know i didn't like completely rebuild it i know what you mean i didn't like completely redo all the terrain on my island i mostly worked off what was already there um because i don't know how to like re-do all of the terrain like some people do and i feel like the parts that i do try to remake myself look really weird like i did i re adjusted this river a little bit myself and i feel like there's i don't know i just i feel like something off about it and like um over here no i didn't touch that i messed with like this area i don't know i i don't know how to do terrain stuff that much i've been trying like there's like little random cliffs i've been putting and i think that it looks better over here um like up this way i like the little rivers that i was putting down and stuff like i i definitely did some terraforming but like this area i think this is cool but i didn't like redo everything because i don't know how so i i just messed with it a little bit the terrain um and i think it looks alright but i didn't like re-flatten the whole thing and like start over i kind of based base mine off of what was already there you know because i feel like that was the only way that i could do it lou thanksgiving for the 10 months by the way and lauren thank you for the 21 months you have pizza now donya brag about it i'm kind of jealous i'm hungry okay we have to move that house somehow there's so much to do there are so many things i want to mess with on this island oh no i'm gonna put a couple flowers over here maybe we could put the little bird bath in this area or like a a bench let's put let's make a bench and put it there that would be nice yeah that's kind of how i feel too lindsay like there's so much to do there's so much that i want to do on my island that i have literally no idea where to begin i'm just running around in circles like being like okay i'll do this next okay i'll do oh how about over here uh how about this one next i don't know i just keep doing so much i'm gonna dig up all these flowers oh we could probably like decorate this little spot let's put a couple trees down here while we're here no more purple flowers you are not welcome here shoot shoe uh ungifted when you're talking about villagers on knuckles on that means that um you haven't like given the villager any presents that would like mess with the clothes they're wearing or something um because you know how when you give a villager a shirt um they'll wear the shirt so when people want like an ungifted villager on nookazon they're talking about wanting a villager that is wearing their original clothes and hasn't been like like messed with to have the wrong clothes um no you say you can reset if you talk to isabel i have never had luck doing that so people say you can do that but i don't know if that's true or not because it's never worked for me um but maybe it is true i don't know my island's name is crouton because it's salad themed yeah i think the resetting works if they wear custom designs because they could have like someone could make a custom design with like a bad word on it and maybe you don't want that so you can be like hey isabel can you make them not wear this custom design anymore but i don't think you can make them like not wear the sunglasses anymore um which is a little bit annoying but okay yeah it doesn't like i've never had success with that it's never worked for me when i've tried to do it no matter how much you complain to her she doesn't listen or care um i go through phases i haven't played this island off stream much in a while but that's because i've been playing a lot of stardew valley recently um but for a while like i would i spent like one sunday i spent like eight hours playing animal crossing off stream like it kind of just depends but right now that my like off stream game is stardew valley that i've been playing a lot again recently so i haven't been playing much animal crossing off stream but i'll pick it back up again soon you know it comes and goes in waves i don't have time to play all the games all the time so i've just been trying to like do a perfectionist run of stardew valley so i've been doing that instead okay i'm gonna craft myself not one of these benches but i want to make one of these and then customize it to be slightly green so we need 12 wood and four iron nuggets yeah that's the thing i want to play lots of games lots of the time and there is simply not enough time um okay let's go craft those up to 6.2 million and started getting close to perfection you're so close lindsay the 10 million gold to get the golden clock is so much i have like like 900k right now so i'm a little bit behind you but i i bought all the obelisks and i have like 900k now so teach me something [Music] wait who was supposed to give a gift to who's it for i wasn't paying attention ellie okay i didn't read it i just clicked i'm glad you all saw cause i didn't look at it i just clicked off of it oh no honestly it's worth getting on pc stardu is worth playing on pc i have it on switch and pc and mobile like i have stardew on every platform um it's i think it's worth getting on both because you never know maybe you want to play on pc someday like co-op with people or something like i don't know you it's worth having especially like if you want to grab it now to play the update because it's not out on switch yet um or maybe if you just wanted to like i don't know how do i convince you to gamble away all your points in dance chat sammy mods can't um do predictions so that was wait i don't know you know this because you're a duck danmond but i can't do predictions is he gonna unmod me so i can do a prediction how would i how would i gamble my points on mod yourself how many points do i have in dan's stream i think i have like a hundred thousand points should i gamble them all away i have 107 000 points the prediction is closed it started seven minutes ago why didn't you tell me sooner i would have unmodded should i gamble i should do my all of my points next time i'll think about it later tell me when they start another one tell me when they do another one jordan thank you for the sub what if dan like throws the game on purpose just to make me lose all my points i wouldn't put it past him that would be devastating but you can basically do like predictions with points i don't do them very often because we don't like play games where like predictions are necessary but like dan's playing dead by daylight and his he had a prediction in chat that was like will dan escape yes or no and you can bet your points on yes or no um and then obviously you know how more points you bet the more points you win if you're right and whatever um wait what's that oh i can burp bath i don't need to customize the bird bath well he wouldn't be able to see that i cut like gambled all my points unless i told him but i couldn't like secretly gamble all of my points because you all would tell him so it is physically impossible for me to gamble in secret i haven't i haven't i haven't done it yet i haven't decided if i'll root for her against him we'll see how i'm feeling no i don't think he could see delaney because i i've done a couple predictions in my chat and i couldn't see how many points you guys gambled until the end when you when people told me who how many they won so i like i could never see if you gambled points when i did a prediction so i assume that he won't be either able to either okay i came to bring a bench well yeah if i don't type he wouldn't know but like i said i don't trust everyone not to spoil it i don't trust any of these people i mean i don't need the points for anything so i might as well what if we all pinky promise yeah and then i ban people who try to tell him if i find out you spoil it in his chat i'll ban you in my chat no it's not that big of a deal i'll i'll see i don't even know if i want to gamble all my points yet i haven't decided it's hard to say let me through oh that's nice right am i gonna send dan a gift because he got me flowers yesterday no i'm gonna send him a gift for valentine's day um but not just because he bought me flowers you know people can buy you presents just for fun people can just buy you presents send them a visa oh i wish somebody tell the government can i get a visa please um christine i would accept either of those things and i would appreciate them a lot what kind of flowers the these kind i can't see chat um dan sent me flowers yesterday not to brag how about a visa gift card oh my god you sorry dan you can't have a visa to move here yet because the government um isn't they don't care about you uh but you can have a visa gift card buy yourself something special [Laughter] michaela jordan thank you both for the subs by the way i'd do it oh i need to give this to ellie oh it literally says for ellie on it oh marissa i would appreciate that do i need to open my gates are you on right now like i said i felt bad asking you to do it if you weren't playing but if you're playing i would i would accept you're not ellie jenny thank you for the two months thank you um i can open my gifts i can open my my my gates i can open my gifts no i can't open ellie's gift you can come dania yeah yes indeed it is hard to send gifts to england that's why i'm going to buy his present from a british company instead of shipping it from here because um ridiculous a throwback container what is it oh no mommy i want to see it that's okay i'll go open my gates and then i'll put it on um oh yeah ainsley i don't have my instagram dms open because people were sending me mean messages and it made me upset so i closed them i'm sorry i didn't want them anymore it was causing me stress and pain so i said maybe i shouldn't read these maybe i should just make them not exist um but you can send me things on like twitter or if you're in the discord you can post them on the discord and i check that a lot more often every day [Music] i open my gates now i want visitors please via online play please who is being mean i just want to talk to them you would be surprised i think it's not even just people being mean it's like people severely overstepping and i've told this before but i get a lot of emails from people that are like i clicked the wrong button um people like to try and diagnose me with mental health issues and then tell me why i think i have these problems um and send me a multi-paragraph email explaining it same thing happens on instagram a lot or at least used to before i close my dms um um and also sometimes those same people like for example this one girl um tried to dm me a big long paragraph like that and then um my dms were closed so uh she couldn't so instead no i don't want to go somewhere click the wrong button again instead she started dming all of my family like my cousins um and my sister being like i need to tell kayla something really important can you please tell her to dm me um and then because no one i wasn't going to dm her she emailed the paragraph to me i click i keep clicking the wrong button but what like what do you think you're achieving don't contact my cousin so i blocked her it's such a such a far over step like you you really went so far to dm multiple of my cousins to tell them what you think is wrong with me you don't know me you just see me online like come on uh anyway um please leave my cousins alone yeah um dylan thank you for the 37 months by the way oh my god um hopefully you did me on instagram like two years ago told me to make gertrude in the sims 4. yeah i get that a lot um yeah someone found my parents house once that person was really creepy when my sister was like 11 probably um someone started dming her on instagram and they were like shanna i asked me to tell you it's really important shannon i gotta tell you something please like please reply shanna shana replied to me i have to tell you something and then they were like shanna call me so i can tell you something like shanna call me call me call me and of course she's not gonna call them and then um finally gets the information out of them and they were like i know where you live and then uh posted my address in the chat to my little sister who was like 11 um or 12 or something oh yeah oh yeah really bad like next level bad one of the worst things ever can you believe they did that yeah yeah um and then they go around and act like oh i was just trying to help you and tell you that it's out there i met i meant well i was just trying to help you no you weren't you're a freak that is horrible and terrifying what do you mean trying to help that's not helping anybody yeah helping yeah right yeah okay anyway um not a fan of them so anyway oh that was a long time ago though no big deal um it's fine everything's fine yeah that kind of stuff is really scary though um not my first rodeo with it either that was the first time that happened though uh and that was really scary i also didn't i had like maybe a hundred thousand subscribers at the time like my channel was way smaller still like a big youtube channel but it wasn't like a built like a big big one you know like so like i wasn't expecting that to happen um because that was a long time ago um so it's a weird weird situation wait does dana have a prediction going should i should i bet all my points i missed it you didn't tell me fast enough sammy you tried to tell me why didn't you add me sammy i was busy talking about myself [Laughter] i didn't see it everyone told me i was telling a story about myself you should have said shut up simsie it's fine everything's fine who is that who are you i assume it's marissa but what if it's not i wasn't paying attention to who came on the island hello dang it my pockets are full okay let me drop some things hey marissa do you want this here trade you can have this take it away let me open floral lace skirt oh look at me what i meant to open it what's dan's twitch duck dan bamboo lunchbox look at me okay thank you marissa a big day big day i need to go dump some things in my inventory at my house don't mind me you can shop if you want to i don't mind or you could leave i mean i don't care i'm not doing anything i don't mind you're coming over okay donna thank you i will wait i'm ready oh how many presents are they going to send me oh so thank you for the vids krista thank you for the bits um i like that idea um naming your island after your uh school district and then you should you go for all blue villagers or all wolf villagers honestly i i think that going for all wolf villagers is less fun like i think the variety of having all blue villagers will be better because then you'll have like a bunch of different villagers you know but if they were all wolves like they would be really similar so i think i think i go i say all blue villagers brayden you can come yeah don't worry don't worry then we can actually meet an animal crossing so that i can mail things to you and stuff because we haven't met on this island yet thank you christine for my presence not a prediction but please look at dan okay those are my scrunchies i own chickens in five minutes thank you for the follow also qualities need to follow you those are my scrunchies i left them there by accident maybe that's why i had less hair on the side and i didn't realize scrunchies shall we do a middle part oh tic tacs shaking they love this i can't i keep trying to look in the thing and it like it's hard it's difficult because it's mirrored you know i can't this side won't go down sean thank you so much for this um anyway i want my scrunchies back yeah i can't pull off a middle part either you know what i'm thinking for the eight tick top three really wants people to have middle parts they're trying to make them trendy again i have look my hair is like almost in the middle but some of us have it doesn't it doesn't it does my hairline doesn't work it doesn't work in the middle it doesn't work it does it's there's i don't know my hairline can't pull it off oh sorry oops um anyway anyway my hairline can't pull off a middle part trust me i got a little widow's peek like i just i'm not cut out for this film thank you for the four months [Music] i think that middle parts look really pretty on a lot of people but i don't like how tick-tock commenters try to pressure everyone into having a middle part and being like haha you're old no one has side parts anymore take top comments in general are just so toxic i don't understand why they're shaming people about the way they part their hair some people's face shapes just look better with us like a part somewhere else it doesn't matter why are you shaming them about what they want their hair to look like calm down it's so weird um tick tock comments are just so yes it's like a thing on tick tock right now people they're like obsessed with middle parts and they're being mean about like skinny jeans and side parts for some reason it's so weird i don't understand why are you shaming people for wearing skinny jeans and having a side part anyway um not a fan it's so weird anyway um nothing wrong with wearing what you want it doesn't matter it's like it's such a weird bizarre thing like yeah skinny jeans they're trying to make like shame skinny jeans wear whatever kind of jeans you want it doesn't matter like they're like mom jeans are kind of trendy you know and that's what they're recommending but some people look better in skinny jeans and that's okay i don't know why you're trying to be mean in the comments like it's such a weird thing to do it's such a weird thing to like mass shame people for because plus the way tick tock comments go if one person is like you know what you should change how you part your hair it looks bad it would look better this way everybody else is like yeah your hair part ugly change it and they all just like pile on and then all the comments are like haha yeah and they just keep going and it's so mean tick-tock comments are scary anyway it doesn't matter um it doesn't matter this is brayden not dan by the way in case we were not clear anyway not all of take talk is like that but i see a lot of tick tocks like that and it makes me nervous anyway um as long as you are comfortable that's all that matters maddie thank you for the three months by the way um is everybody here hello hello hello i made it i'm glad that brayden dressed in green for this i'm glad that we're all dressed up for the occasion you win vile backs it on a tick tock this week i went viral by accident on tick tock this week too but i wasn't the one who posted it so basically there was um this tick tock like i didn't okay so truth be told it was a bit traumatic for me i had a really bad day that day but um did i cancel a stream last week it was that day so basically i opened tick-tock in the morning i a lot of times i get tagged in a lot of comments from people being like oh my god is that lil simsy haha and it's like somebody with brown hair short brown hair that looks like me or like somebody who talks like me or something so somebody tagged me in a video that was like oh my god is that little simsy and then i clicked on it and then i heard my voice in the background and i was like oh my god that is little simsy and then there was like 67 000 likes at the time and then i started freaking out and then i couldn't watch it because i thought that he was making fun of me um so i didn't watch it and i started crying and then i was like damn dan dan watch this what is this video what's he doing what's happening in it and then he was like he's just laughing it's not like it's not about you the tick tock it was like me telling a story on stream and then he was like pretending that um it was a conversation i just wasn't shutting up and he was like yeah oh really okay and like i was just like he was like not interested in the conversation i was just i just kept talking because it was like my stream and i was just telling a story on stream it was kind of funny to be honest with you but i had a bit of a meltdown about it that day because i i thought that he was making fun of me and it was scary to see a tick tock of myself have so many likes and then when i checked it later in the day i had like 100 000 likes i wonder how many likes it got in the end oops i wonder if somebody probably tagged me in it again recently 245 000 likes oh my god anyway it's not a big deal it's like a funny tick tock but it freaked me out at first because i thought they were making fun of me i don't want to show it because i don't want to watch it i'm sorry i can't watch it back i can put i'll get you a link um and then you can watch it yourself anyway i'm not upset it's not like he didn't do anything wrong it's a funny tick tock but it scared me because i thought that it was making fun of me at first because it like when you hear a tick tock um and i didn't watch it so i didn't know the context and then i just saw that it had so many likes and i was like oh my god plus a lot of people in the comments didn't know that it was like a stream and they thought that it was real that he was really talking to me um and so um anyway it's kind of funny it's a good tick tock he made a good meme clearly because it got a lot of likes but it scared me you know what i mean why are they all clapping at me leave me alone leave me alone but yeah i don't want that guy to feel bad because he didn't do anything wrong it was like a funny meme he like made a really good tick tock but um i don't react well to mean comments and i thought it was a mean tick tock and i thought he was making fun of me so um no well yeah chanberry exactly like i didn't so i didn't watch it i just like clicked on it heard my voice saw i had a lot of likes and i was like oh my god stay away stay away avoid avoid avoid you know so like i didn't know what it was until after i had to get dan and my sister to watch it and tell me what it was because i was too scared because i saw it and i was like no no no what is it oh my god um so anyway um he made a good tick tock it's a good meme but i went viral on tick tock two by accident and not because of myself so check duck dan what is he is he gonna is it happening again is it time for a prediction do i get to predict again no i can't never mind you're a liar kind of unrelatable for sure yeah it's a good tick tock like i said i keep saying it but sofia how did you go viral by text talk on accident how did what happened to you plastic pool um but go me i guess my sister my sister is um very quick to defend me in any circumstance and i wish that she wouldn't because sometimes like if there's like an actual hate comment my sister will be very quick to like like fight them on it and i think that's very nice of her i appreciate it but sometimes it's better oh my god i have my inventories full but sometimes it's better to just not you know like sometimes sometimes we need to not acknowledge these people um because like if they if you reply then they like know you've seen it you know and that's not what we want we don't want them to know they got to me what are these oh my music that's right but like i don't i don't want them to be aware that it hurt my feelings went viral twice on accident it was sitting in front of the camera isn't that so weird it's like so easy to go viral on tick tock like you could post the most random thing that you would expect nobody to see and then all of a sudden it has a million views it's really interesting how that like tick tock algorithm works um because like so many people can like you just watch the tick tock it's a good one good meme um i just have anxiety problems and i'm exceptionally paranoid because i have seen actual tick tocks making fun of me before so now you know oh one time there was a tick tock of someone um who was making fun of my nose why why anyway i showed it to my sister because i thought it was kind of funny and then um she tried to post a mean comment on their tick tock and i was like you don't have to defend me to them shanna like it's not worth it we pick our battles and this isn't the battle we want to have you'll ban them i wish i knew their twitch username because then i would ban them too isn't that such a weird thing though the internet's a weird place like why why the appearance thing i'll never understand dylan i can't you're not dylan that's tonya dylan has the same hairstyle and animal crossing i was gonna say i can't pick it up because my inventory is full but i can apparently sorry dylan that was awkward dylan donya very similar names my sister is younger than me my sister is 14. 15 15. oops oops oh anyway you don't have to like tick tock's kind of a fun place you don't have to like post on it you know you can just hang out on tick tock and that's fun um you know like if you're worried about people giving you hate comments you you probably won't get hate comments and you just you simply don't have to post which is helpful um i'm a big lurker like i don't really i'm scared of posting on tick tock in the comments are being weird about how you said your eyes were brown but they're calling them hazel see yeah sorry you can come over um people are just bringing me things right now so but anyway like why that's the kind of thing that's like that's the most tick-tock comment section thing ever like you say i have brown eyes and they're all like no you don't and then try to correct you about the color of your eyes like but like they'll start it and the thing is like one person says it and then they check the comments and everybody else is like yeah i'm gonna say that too and they all just pile on you for what about what color you know what i kind of get that sometimes in my twitch chat i'll say i have brown hair and they'll be like no it's red and then i'll be like i have brown hair and they'll be like no it's red um which you know it happens we're used to it i guess it looks kind of red to dance stream wait no no no hang on hang on hang on okay let me close to dan's stream i want to i'm going to bet all my points um will duck dan escape this game do i say yes or no is he going to win or not quick that's all i can say oh i have to unmod myself okay this is the build i'm i'm betting now um we've had worse builds on so this is actually okay it's actually pretty good oh my god if i lose my points again how many points do you have now who 120k did kayla just vote [Music] oh no what if i lose those are all my points kayla just bet 100k i i have to win i have to win i need to win i have to win i'm gonna lose i can tell because i this game doesn't really this game really goes well for me but i really want to win taylor does not keep that 100k this is the game of my life actually in it apart from kayla winning like oh two thousand there's a prediction badge i like how that's the only thing that's going to happen if i lose let's bring a medkit this time i don't want to watch him play one of them uh um wait you can do this uh in chat really easily by the way i could do predictions too i just don't really have things to do predictions on i have brown hair why is there a pull um anyway i'm going to turn them off everyone please let me know when he's britain's in my house i wasn't expecting that i looked up and braden was staring at me in my house okay i'm just going to put all my things inside now i wasn't expecting that anyway it turns out i have brown hair thanks chad brayden's sitting next to me i appreciate that brayden thank you for the five months uh connor thank you for the 22 months thank you guys i closed window oh i'm really nervous what if i just wasted all of my hundred thousand points i might cry like genuinely might cry but it's okay everything's fine i'll get through it i'll be okay don't tell me to close the window i'll close it when i want to okay sorry um anyway hopefully i don't lose all my hundred thousand points because that would be devastating okay bye tara i'll see you later uh what are the points how do you get them just by watching the stream you'll see the little like egg thingy at the bottom of the screen you get points by watching the stream and then uh the more points you have the more points you can spend on things like discord rolls and stuff cat lady thank you for the two months just followed hey case welcome to the stream it's nice to meet you okay well i'm gonna go put my songs in the thingy because that's what i want to do i'm really scared that dan's not gonna throw the game please okay no i've called you tara before never to you mostly just about you so because like other people will like refer to you as tara but i mostly call you caple i like that what is everyone even doing here is tori here yet is tori going to come ash thank you for the two months yeah that's like if i called lansing maddie i just can't do it i know it's like your name but lindsay is lansi here it's so weird because like everywhere else everybody call obviously because her name is maddie everyone calls her maddie everywhere else but like in any other stream you go to everyone calls her maddie lanzi speaking of maddie hey matty thank you for the sub gift what someone tried to come but no people were they didn't let them in oh wrong thing okay sorry i'm waiting hurry up game load faster oh that's weird what did dan have my stream open just a second ago oh it was oh it was a clip i hope i looked at dan's stream again and i saw my own face but he was watching a clip that makes more sense i get it now the game hasn't started yet right oh god i want dan to lose so bad think about how many points i would get if i bet 100k and then he actually lost think about how good that's gonna be for me dylan you can come here [Laughter] dylan you you bring me my diy you don't think we're friends my switch code is in the um is in the it's pinned in mods so you can add me thank you red turtle thanks for the five months by the way okay this way i'm finally going to have met most of my mods in this island because i hadn't yet so oops i'm gonna go up here and dig up things while i wait we can at least make some progress as i sit here waiting for people to show up okay there we go there we go i got a friend request hang on you can i can't leak my friend code again so one moment please as i go to add my friend um become friends with dylan i am now friends with dylan okay i'm back dylan my island is open all right let me go thank you i need to like dig up flowers because oh it's that side that's messed up i need to go around this way hi tori i like your bow snap you can kind of see her you can kind of see what she what she's doing there okay take up this now she's playing with her toy she's on a roll right now i have to deal with all this too you know what i'm gonna do it slowly but surely i'm gonna put all this stuff back okay okay i think it's funny how long it took for them to type those things because it's so it's so hard to type in animal crossing and they had to spend don't steal my nook miles tickets no one did but don't steal them i forgot they were out here don't you dare take my nook miles tickets oh you're gonna like this hang on i got my cat's being cute hang on she's playing with her toy this is kind of funny looking don't shoo okay tori anyway i'll show you my cat right now here's my well wait for it here's my cat there is her toy she's gaming right now i always say that every time um hang on let me grab it i'll show you sorry snap i didn't need to scare you every time she plays with this thing this is that thing that's usually behind me right basically it's just like three rows of balls and then she can like hit them around in circles you know and she loves this thing she plays with it all the time and every time she plays it i go oh snaps gaming she's gaming and it makes me laugh maybe i'll put it over there you want to play with it sorry i think i scared her she's playing with it as i said she's one of us she's a gamer like us okay i'm gonna go what are you all doing here what are they all typing i'm scared oh good i got lots of things she's kicking her toy again okay i'm gonna go dump all this stuff into my inventory at my house it needs to be done look at your bulletin wall thing i'm scared of what you've put on it i'm scared of all of you okay i probably have some duplicates now this is all stuff that i brought for myself from my other island so i probably have hey graham i hope you're doing well my island is all green yes thank you it's quite horrible sub two simsie yes marissa thank you very much i agree your first stream oh welcome quite the stream to go to i've been decorating now i'm just cleaning up a little bit and my mods are coming over and bringing me presents so i'm gonna have lots of presents just you wait vintage tv tray stylish jumps oh my storage is full oh some of these things are probably duplicates oh [Music] there we have cat gaming just playing with the thing i just showed you white zombie thank you for the bits breathe thank you for the 25 months ancient ideas thank you for the seven months thank you so much you guys okay hurry up this game takes so long to load oh it's your birthday [Music] oh dylan's island name is glimwell glimwell more like grim cookies [Music] get it i'm sorry that was a release i'm sorry can i take back that i said that got him anyway snap you want to come here now no don't leave stop did she leave the room oh cursed i'm doomed how am i gonna distract from the fact that i said that oh no hi dylan hope you're well no take backs i i should upgrade my house more meg yeah but i um i'm trying to save money to buy bridges and stuff yeah dylan at least has a mask on it's the least he could do if he's traveling in this pandemic oh i meant to wait i need to go back in so i can clear out stuff from my inventory um i think dan's still in game i don't think dan has won or lost yet he's still in game so don't worry everyone no we aren't we haven't lost yet don't worry everyone we are still fine you can click on it to see the modify single motherboard you can like um flip them and like add like like stickers like sunglasses and stuff like stickers to it click on it and you can see it won't spend your points if you just click on it but that way you can see what it does if you want okay so for example like this red tank top oh you couldn't see it i had there was a red tank top there that i don't need um what else is not green enough any duplicates you're so there we see we have two of these um oh my god how are there no duplicates okay here we go we had two of these my inventory is so full oh i've got music okay i can take those out too i clicked the wrong button i didn't mean to get that taylor's ticket i suppose this could be classified as simsya after dark yes leopard mini skirt pleated dress stylish jumpsuit okay let me triple check that i got everything oh wait that's blue we don't need that i know the fitness tanks are the ones someone quietly left um oh i'm gonna get reset back to my airport aren't i oh no oh no well we can't get off stream yet we have to stay at least until dan um wins or loses his game so i need to know if i'm gonna lose my points or not oh no it's not a big deal by the way it doesn't matter if it was you i don't care did it okay i need to go back so i can finish clearing out my things everything is fine no i know i have the table duplicates and the street lamp duplicates but i'm keeping those because i'm going to use them rock don't worry i'm that's on purpose the street lamps you have to order with nook miles um so like a little bit harder to come by so i'm keeping them on purpose you got eated off the island oh tori it kicked you off you didn't quietly leave it kicked you off f rip um i'm sorry tori you didn't deserve that this isn't green i'm not gonna i'm not gonna use that because it's not green so i might as well get rid of it i don't need this i don't need this i need to get rid of this it's so annoying when it kicks you off like that okay we have the two berets and then the two shoes okay i'm keeping the hot dog suit the hot dog is necessary for different reasons i need the hot dog suit it's very important we can't get rid of it it's not completely green but it's still a necessary thing so i just want to quickly check because i put a couple more things in if you see anything that's like not green then let me know oh i don't want this anatomical model gross honestly the cardboard box we can get rid of too i think that should be good for now oh i wanted to get the music out oh god this is never going to end blue sunshine thank you for the tier 3 12 month resub thank you so much i'm keeping the jeans on purpose um the jeans are on purpose we want them they are necessary the pumpkin head i probably could get rid of but i'm not going to yet i kind of like it still thank you for the 33 months has dan lost his game yet oh no no no no i'm just gonna leave no are we counting that game yeah we are i was gonna i was gonna say we are counting that game no no who took my points vanessa 35. i'm literally banning vanessa 35. i'm not even kidding who is vanessa 35. two points don't worry don't worry you got a dollar alexander thank you for 100 thank you so much for the bits i really appreciate that anyway i'm at 2k i'm sorry i'll unban vanessa 35. [Laughter] kayla who did you what was that what did you just do they took my point you get action after getting mad that's crazy they said they had my points she's trying to ban vanessa wait what anyway um i'm fine what did vanessa do sorry vanessa me today wait what did vanessa do oh 196.1 go to vanessa 35 i see because it's the biggest no no no it doesn't reset points if you get banned don't worry don't worry don't worry you're gonna do nothing wrong honestly vanessa's unbanned vanessa still has points don't worry okay i'm gonna go put these things away now come what oh yes my things i forgot dylan sorry i take them now no it's okay vanessa 35 didn't do anything wrong they just got lucky and i made a mistake i'm so sad i want my points back so bad i had a hundred thousand points okay floral swag no dan can't give me points uh the streamer can't gift points if mods could give points i would give myself points but i can't so anyway i'm fine i'm not upset it's fine yes don't worry i unbanned vanessa 35 vanessa 35 is back don't worry and 36 others also won if i find out who the 36 others were i'll ban them too you stole my points too sammy anyway star struck thank you for the bits blood rose thank you for the bits happy birthday noah thank you for the bits kaylee thank you for the bits your three-month-old son is watching this stream his name is rowan can you say hi hi rowan oh this this song is for you rowan and also for blood rose's 16th birthday [Music] oh yeah sammy didn't vote because sammy's a mod but sammy told me to bet my points so it's sammy's fault at the end of the day who is to blame sammy sammy and only sammy can i unban sammy [Music] yeah that's fine sammy's a duck dan mod by the way who is guilty no dan use shoe stay out of my no no stay out of my stream i feel better now i have music now i'm gonna play stale cupcakes don't unban him ban him again no he can come back it's fine oh wait vanessa vanessa 35 is here vanessa said i wanted to bet no with you and accidentally bet all my points on yes and one so you scammed me by accident we could have been in this together vanessa no it's okay i'll get my points back eventually it's gonna be okay i'm happy for you i'm happy for you i like i'm okay it's fine it's just that you have all of my points where do we go from here literate thank you for the stuff give to vanessa oh my god oh braden's in the flowers brayden did you bet your points in dan's stream hey brayden what's your point situation look like last i checked their vanessa's points now this is so unfair how will i go on like this oh yeah brayden's a mod well some of us unmodded so that we could take part in this event and look at what happened look at how that turned out for me okay you know what we should do we're gonna do a prediction of our own okay i'm gonna use a coin flip on google we did this last time too here's how it works i open a prediction you pick heads or tails and then i will flip this and then whatever happens happens so wait little ticket congrats on the weenie roll by the way that's exciting um i'm gonna start the prediction sorry mods um start prediction heads or tails heads tails i'll give you guys two minutes to join us pick in the prediction you can you can bet as many points as you want um but keep in mind if you're wrong you lose them you have to bet with the prediction you can't just uh put it in chat you gotta actually predict it should pop up you'll see it oh my god people are betting so many points there's so far five oh six hundred thousand on heads and like eight hundred thousand on tails you bet 100k sammy oh my god there's a million there's a million points in both there's so many points in the pool oh my god in solidarity thank you sammy i appreciate that the economy is broken this is a disaster we're gonna have to raise the price of the egg roll familia thank you for the 12 months nora thank you for the nine months thank you both so much oh no three million so far on heads and two million on tails like it's like rounded though i can't see exactly how many it is well there's still some time left so if you wish to predict it should pop up in chat um i can show you in my stream you see it's like popped up here you should be able to click on this and then like predict this way um but i can't do it because i own this channel apparently i'm lil simsy and i can't bet points in my own stream for whatever reason i have 50 points left great oh no what are we doing this is so chaotic i'm so scared um you still have a little bit of time gambling is bad i can't believe we've done this there's still time there's still time two one oh the predictions are closed oh okay um are you ready are you ready three oh wait i'm i'm on heads three two one go tails oh no i'm so sorry to all of you i'm so so sorry i love the um the way the chat is like so um this combination of pain and also joy all right predictions complete are you sure tails is the correct outcome once you choose the outcome viewers who have chosen the correct outcome will be awarded 5 million channel points not each but like across all of you oh my god 5.6 million go to artificial mood and 416 others so sorry to all of you that lost so so sorry wallace maggie congrats on the disco there's going to be so many discord roles because so many you're going to have points by melina thanks again for the 12 months by the way plan c thank you for the bids uh take thank you for the 18 months you lost 40k i'm sorry i'm so sorry well um rip to all of you who lost uh it's truly truly devastating for you i honestly i feel bad but now you know my pain i just lost 100 000 points so wait no no way dad bet on tails and he won no no no i didn't even notice he unmodded him bet on them bet on tails anyone he he bet 50k on tails and he got 108 000 points this is the worst day this is the most upsetting thing i'm not modding you again dan you don't get modded you're not welcome back here you aren't invited to my stream anymore i can't believe i can't believe that you bet okay okay it's fine also those of you who have a lot of points now and you were giving the egg roll make sure you put your discord username uh in the message when you redeem the egg roll so that we can get it for you um if you didn't you can like whisper a mod or whisper you but make sure you make sure you put your discord username in the in the thingy so that we can um so we can get it because a lot of you are redeeming the discord role right now and obviously we cannot give you a discord role unless we know your discord name so make sure you let us know your discord name when you redeem it um this is so terrible i don't want to do another one right now but we could do it again another time i don't want to risk dan hey this is purely because of duck dan i don't want to risk duck dan betting points again and winning more because i can't handle that kind of pain right now i can't it i can't deal with that and you know he would do it so anyway can we play again i don't want should we no if a mod unbans daniel i swear i will never forgive you if i when i find out which one of you unbans him i will and i'm not kidding i will ban you okay fine i'm i'm destroying that i am destroying the economy the point economy so many people are gonna have so many points what are you clapping can i have mom for this if you want to marissa yeah i don't care um you'll have to remind me though after stream to remind you um dan was messaging me saying mod me mod me he wants attention so bad i'm not modding him i'm not doing it i'm scared i like there's there's already a million points in the pool for both are you guys going with the same or are you picking the opposite side are you like those of you who put heads are you sticking to heads even though you lost last time i said heads last time i'm saying i'm firm i'm i'm i'm still saying heads i'm kind of scared though i don't have anything to lose i literally have nothing to lose i don't know why i'm acting like i'm scared i can't vote i just i feel worried for you all i'm i'm nervous for you because i don't want you to all lose your points mommy thank you for the 23 months uh little dica thank you for the bits this could be fun for we could try and figure out a prediction stream for the sims but i don't want to do predictions too often because it really throws off the point economy like we we really have to if we did this a lot we would really have to raise the price of the egg roll um i think but it is fun especially for like animal crossing hunts or something like we've thought about that before too but i just worry about like people having millions of points because that's the thing some people literally have millions of points so um no i don't think i can put a max bet it's not that um complicated of a thingy oh god it's over are you ready there was um 56 of you put heads 44 put tails i believe it is time three two one go don't know oh no it stables again i'm so sorry that means more than half of you lost all your points oh no oh that's rough that is rough okay sorry everybody [Laughter] i'm sorry typical vegan thank you for the oh that's rough for you yeah 4.5 million go to m witty and 395 others that's so this is so painful for so many of you i'm so sorry the points are a curse listen gambling is a bad thing it is not a good idea can you stop clapping in my ear this is this is donya laughing at all of you who just lost by the way do you see that that's johnya laughing at you thank you for the bits i have never been more stressed in my entire life i should not be allowed to gamble i'm so sorry um and again those of you who are redeeming the egg roll right now please please please give us your discord username um keep in mind we we can't give it to you without your discord username so make sure you give it to us even if you think it's the same tell us your discord username please please please please please please please um we need it we need it and then i think on that note i might end the stream ban me right now coward okay did i need to remod marissa um because marissa is lost in the void um oh marissa's already a mod would marissa not on mod you can't just leave us after what you've done i'm sorry is dan back okay i gave him mod privileges katsu thank you for the bits um i could get two egg rolls right now but i already have them all is this what being rich feels like don't brag all these poor poor unfortunate souls just lost all of their points you lost 70k oh beth i'm sorry listen i feel your pain i lost 100 000 points i lost 100 000 points today so if you if you think that what happened to you is bad i lost 100 000 points today anyway yours is worse you're fine sammy you'll be okay no marissa i understand your pain it's okay it is scary it is scary okay can you all leave now did you sneeze on you sneezed on me in a pandemic i got sneezed on in a pandemic oh no bishop thank you for the bits by the way that's what i get for sending donya home i guess at least dylan had a mask on yeah okay well let me go find somebody to rate this has been a fun stream you got to admit somebody it's been a fun stream i think to be honest with you i'm i might raid dan i don't know i mean after everything we've been through no actually no i don't want to raid dan i don't like him i want to write someone that i like spring sims spring sims has a duck on the screen it's like dan except better we get the better version of a duck let's go ride spring shoes instead i don't need dan i want to read spring sips well stephen's touring shell challenges this is always a fun stream to watch because he's touring people's cool builds so the spring sims is always a fun streamer just in general obviously steven is great um and he's touring shell challenges so he it's just gonna be fun and i have a 17 month resub to share so it's time maggie thank you for the sub gift by the way bio thank you for the bids we lost the battle but we will not lose the war i don't know head's kind of lost twice what war is there left to win nobody has any points left oh this has been a really fun stream you guys thank you for hanging out with me tonight uh and of course i will see you all tomorrow we're gonna play sims we're gonna finish that renovation tomorrow um so we'll do that tomorrow night um and keep in mind this weekend on saturday we're doing a 12 hour stream um all day on saturday we're doing 12 hour streams so i will see you there from 10 a.m to 10 p.m eastern time all right goodnight everybody bye
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 22,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: AEcskYlrg8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 30sec (13110 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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