Getting Rich in Animal Crossing (Streamed 1/26/21)

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hello can you see me yet hello oh there i am hi everybody welcome back to the stream it's time to play games hi hi okay i have a couple things i need to do number one well i need to write it on a sticky note so i don't forget one second i decided i i want to flip the shout emote so i'm just put i was writing that down so i remember uh but we're gonna play animal crossing the other thing i wanted to do um is make sure my y command is updated i did it just now but i want to double check that i actually saved it vel thank you for the 19 months by the way thank you so much okay because sometimes i like think i press save and other times i i actually didn't when i thought i did so let me let me just check uh the answer is yes i did fix it so hi everyone um what island this is my green island amy thank you for the six months good morning everyone it's saturday january 30. well that's just not true okay uh system date and time uh this actually today is january 26th um not saturday january 30th all right let's try that one again brianna thank you for the bits uh rebecca thank you for the four months thank you so much you guys well i tried yes there's gonna be an update when did the when did they say the update is going to be well obviously the next event is february 15th they said but um when is the actual update does anybody know like my build today thanks sims fan i had fun with today's video the 28th okay couple days only that's good that is fun uh how do you know thank you for the four months by the way thank you so much everybody come on what are you i just want a game so bad hurry up let me in and it's snowing okay dizzy thank you for the bits by the way i appreciate that um i'm not late you are why is there always somebody who tries to come in here and call me late just because the notification just went out doesn't mean i just got here the notifications usually take a second to go out um i'm always here at four you might not get notified until like 405. that's on twitch that's not on me um alaska thank you for the prime sub by the way thank you so much and trixie thank you for the tier three eight months oh my goodness okay now i'm back it's january 26th not january 30th and we are trying again no we're not village renting we're just oh my god everything is a mess okay we have a lot of decorating to do um i'm trying to work on finishing my island but uh it's not done yet so that's what we're up to hello hello amanda here for the 16 months uh lilly thank you for the prime sub thank you so much you guys hello okay i let me check what my shops have today this will be fun this will be fun tiny judith ward house next oh wait veronica that's kind of a good idea to be honest for for my for a video i might write that one down too i kind of like that tiny judith ward house you guys know judas house is really something um so layla thank you for the eight months um tiny house save file what which is little tiny versions of everything that's like we redo all of willow creek but smaller god could you imagine that would be kind of funny but then nothing would fit on the lot so it's just like a little teeny house on this giant lot spooky thank you for the prime stuff no one thank you for the sub thank you guys so much okay let me check if we have any good new things that i have not seen yet let us try no i already have you so on this island i only wear green clothes oh this might be new oh that's exciting okay um but we only wear oh i don't have a green football helmet either my character only wears green um because my island is salad themed so every time um every time we play we have to buy all the green things so we're prepared to only have and wear green so little deca thank you for the bits good evening to you too uh here thank you for the prime stuff lily's life for the 36 months oh my goodness thank you so much okay you got an ad for tinder on my stream i don't know what kind of ad to play on my twitch channel i don't have any control over that on youtube either by the way just so you're all aware if you ever get a weird ad there's like sometimes there's like beer ads and stuff which you know isn't quite they're they're probably advertising to the wrong audience basically um this is maybe not the best place for a beer advertisement but um sometimes we get them so hello i love cashmere so much i'm so happy okay anyway emily thank you for the five months cryptid thank you for the two months armadillo thank you for the sub gift peachify with the five months morty with the bits gel with the ten months uh cassie with the 13 months ellie with the bits um ariel thank you for the bits i'm really proud of you i'm really really proud of you okay i'm stuck i was gonna try and run that way this is the other thing about my island my own island is very difficult to get around i've made it so i have a very hard time even moving around my own animal crossing island but that's okay see i have so much to fix i don't know how people do this i find i find like looking at my island in these circumstances to be so overwhelming i look at it and i'm like oh my god so much needs to be done oh no yeah i'm playing on a switch you can only play on a switch you can't play on uh pc this game is a switch game um lambo i'll sing you a birthday song happy birthday uh keith thank you for the prime sub co thank you for the prime stuff jayden thank you for the sub gift farting so much thank you for the sub uh t thank you for the bits nikki thank you for the eight months jade thank you for the bits it's your birthday too happy birthday i can sing you both a song where's my harmonica [Music] tilly thank you for the 20 months aria thank you for the nine months katie thank you for the thousand bits thank you all so much um okay well i'm on there we go i was just looking for my message in a bottle i wanted my recipe don't mind me i just wanted my presents bamboo speaker shelby thank you for the four months okay i don't have a dream address for this island no but i have a dream address for my other island oh that's nice okay see uh now that this has grown i'm not so sure about this fence so we might change that fence but what are you not gonna grow there i knew it wasn't i could just i could feel it it's okay it's okay everything's fine will you grow here um fingers crossed thingy's crossed what's a dream address dream address um lets you go visit people's islands when like you're not friends um so you can like basically like go to an uploaded version of their island um and like walk around it and stuff and see around the island um and and so you could see mine on my other switch if you wanted to um because i've got a dream address that you can like type the code in and then go to it so shelby thank you for the five gifted subs uh zombie thank you for the bid shelby thank you another shelby thank you for the four months uh pika thank you for the three months stephanie for the two months thank you all so much um okay i'm going to make the cliff a little bit flatter so that we can put a oh my gosh crazy face thank you for the 10 gifted subs oh my goodness thank you thank you thank you um anyway my mods will put the dream address link in chat or not link well you know what i mean not link but do i want this to be like just a big diagonal honestly maybe maybe dylan thank you for the two months glitter thank you for the sub thank you guys so thank you guys so much uh gail thank you for 11 months also okay i'm going to just put a little bit of path down here happy tuesday everyone happy tuesday to you too what did you guys get up to today um i had a lot of work to do today and now i'm playing animal crossing um i've seen an episode or two of the crown lucky but i haven't seen the whole thing i know i would probably like it i just you know there's too many things i want to watch and not enough time you know how it goes that way uh balloon thank you for the uh succulent thank you for the seven months thank you guys so much second let's say your semester oh nice that's exciting um okay second day of college classes been there done that okay well i think we're gonna put like a stair here but i don't know what will be up it so i'm gonna go try i'm gonna go try i also want to replace these with different fences so we'll have to try that can't can't do it can't do it turning the museum a little creek into a wedding venue in the sims that's a fun idea i like that um rosalie thank you for 10 months uh chris thank you for the bits you can romance scotty but you can't actually date him oh interesting i haven't i didn't actually try i just was like trying to woohoo with him um that makes sense i guess i don't know curious curious dizzy thank you for the two gifted subs uh sims fan thank you for the bits happy pack release day to you guys too i know a lot of you are really excited about playing this pack so uh happy happy release day that's fun um i don't know if that's true if you actually can't date the ghost guy i i didn't actually try i guess because i was i'm not interested in commitment um and apparently neither is he so um makes perfect sense you can deli did it oh perhaps you can you made your boyfriend watch after with you last night oh my goodness um i respect that you know i'm a big fan of that movie absolute worst movie of all time huge fan huge fan love it the most a pack came out today yeah um my room thank you for the sub meru oh god i'm sorry thank you for the sub uh shan don't agree mom perhaps i i don't know i mean always right 100 always well yeah you could never have ghost kids charlotte um you sims can never like ghost sims could never have children that's always been that way in like every sims game so that just that makes sense um i might take you up on that shan um i feel bad are you playing right now i don't want to like ask you to get on and bring me some flowers you know but if you're actually playing then then i'll take you up on it alex thank you for the 12 months um general thank you for the bits i did watch trailer yeah for the new update um thank you for the three months did i miss anybody yeah but there's a an animal crossing update coming out in like two days they put a trailer on twitter and stuff um lisa the three bus is in chat there's a command in chat that'll put my dream address in chat um you can always type exclamation point dream if you want the dream address exclamation point dream even when i'm offline if you wanted to like check it tonight when i'm not here you can still type exclamation point dream um and it'll tell you hello i want to say hi ruby well for flex thank you for the three months tanya i haven't i haven't added any friends on this switch like i at all it's not just you don't worry how do you get pink flower bushes uh clara you buy them from um from leaf when he comes and sells bushes i'm going to build a snowman do you want to build a snowman well that's cuz i haven't played on my other switch donya don't take it personally i haven't been playing i haven't been on that much you can't guilt me about this i just haven't been on it i didn't even know um pixelated thank you for the bits also you guys don't need to bring me all your moms i promise i'll be okay um but i do appreciate that if ghosts date are they soul mates haha good meme it's your birthday i can sing you a song [Music] veronica i hope that in the future they'll add those things back um i'm not really sure what to expect um with with those like furniture that's coming back but i've saw i've seen some theories of people talking about the animal crossing updates and how like this year they've been focusing on adding like all of the holiday events in in updates and then next year the updates will be like more furniture sets and stuff um which i think that makes sense to me that like they're you know this year all the updates are like aligned around the holidays but then after this year like once we get back up to march we'll have all of the holidays um and all the events and then they can focus on doing like the furniture set updates and other things like that um i would prefer some quality of life updates but um i don't expect much from that so but i i've seen some theories like that again i don't know anything about this just for the record just because i know you know this but maybe some maybe some of you don't i'm not like affiliated with nintendo i don't know anything about like i i just play this game like you do i don't know anything um i think people assume that i like know all the secrets about every game i don't know anything um but that's some theories that i've seen so um i'm not a nintendo game changer no i don't even know sims secrets i think people think i know a lot more about the sims than i do too um which you know um lindbergh auto filled oh no oh no i'm sorry i kind of like him though i'm gonna be honest okay so here's the method you want the bottom one to be the height of the top of your ear and the or the top yeah the bottom one and the top one you want to be the height of right below your ear i can't tell i'm just gonna do it are you happy i did it it's not braggy if it's true yeah you are perfect buddy i agree a hundred percent dizzy thank you for the sub gift ice storm thank you for the nine months to see this upgrade again thank you all so much give me a recipe give me frozen partition how do you start one so every day tabby on your island there'll be like a couple balls um and then you grab them you grab the balls and then you can turn them into a snowman um but there's there's always a couple on your island in like a random big empty spot you just you got to go find them they're somewhere on that i'm sorry they're somewhere on your island you just gotta go find them um and then you can you can turn them into a snowman um so that's that's all okay i'm going to buy oh cardboard box clay cardboard box elephant slide a couple of thingies we'll go look at those yeah you need to have like a decently big open space in order to do it so um okay well let me actually look at the shopping thank you for the bits i'm sorry you're feeling sick um it's good to see you i hope you're okay there's nothing special in here right now that's sad so so so sad okay well i suppose now i will get my staircase nothing special sometimes there's like holiday items that are for sale i guess there will be some soon after the update um like in february there'll be some um yellow dot dan and i both use adobe premiere to edit um that's a paid program but it's one that i've been using for years and years and years i i use like photoshop also to edit my thumbnails and things like that um but dan and i both use premiere to edit um i think you'll find a lot of youtubers do that like a lot of the simmers use premiere to edit um let's build an incline thank you and uh thank you for the six months okay i want a stone staircase it's gonna be so much money yeah shannon that's like half the reason why i'm split people my like a lot of times like people want to come bring me um like items and things to like my friends who i'm already actively friends on switch want to bring me stuff to my island but then i'm like i don't want to open my island while i'm streaming because then all these people are going to be like can i come and it's like no not really not very easily um because i i can't just open my switch to everybody um there are a lot of people here unfortunately we can't do that so easily or we'll say thank you for the four months by the way um i've got a regular switch you can't you can't stream from a switch light lily because you can't uh dock it so you have to dock the switch um and basically what i've done i've got a capture card installed into my pc and my switch is docked and i'm watching my switch from my monitor as if my monitor was a tv like kind of like how you would hook up your switch to a tv to play um that's what i'm doing with my monitor but i also have a capture card installed on my pc so that i can hook up and stream it to you um but you can't dock a switch light so you can't stream from it you can't connect it to a capture card or anything um so that is how it works um i like the idea of a switch light very much but just not not for my purposes obviously because i'm like trying to stream from mine and stuff it just isn't like a very functional thing taylor's ticket that's nice that's nice okay herbal tea thank you for the four months by the way you kind of want to restart your island i listen that could be fun it might be worth it i think you should consider it i think you should do it i i'm i agree restart panda thank you for the six months oops you might also cry if you did that um but that it could be it would be fun so okay build please thank you i can show my map yeah i'll show you my villagers so this island um i'm trying to have the entire thing be green essentially it all started when i was setting up my island and i realized that i was gonna name my character kale right and then i was like haha what if the island was salad themed and it was the island's name was crouton i pressed the wrong so my my my island's name is crouton my character's name is kale and eventually i'm going to have only green villagers i still have some that aren't green because they haven't left yet like the starting villagers that haven't left yet um but eventually i'm gonna have all green villagers and we're like halfway there so i can show you i will show you my friends okay thank you build my thing now anyway so my friends um we've got gruff we've got jambet we've got scoot we've got cashmere we've got murphy and we've got brie and then eventually these four will leave um they just haven't yet like zell was my first campsite villager he like autofills you can't decide if you want it to be green um and then the other three uh were the next three villagers so my starters were gone but these three are still here so i'm waiting until they're all gone they have to ask to leave and then i'll go hunting for a new green villager yeah these ones all have green houses that's also why i picked them because their houses are kind of green um so i also like as you can see my island isn't like super done i've really only done like the area by the airport um the rest of it still has a lot of work that it needs done but we're getting there we're trying i'm doing my best um but it you know there's a lot of long ways to go so kate thank you for the sub emma thank you for the three months you mean to tell me that if you've got twitch prime if you have amazon prime you can connect your account and subscribe for free so you're telling me that if you or your parents have amazon prime you can connect your account and subscribe for free you get a free sub every 30 days wow just by the way um if you're already paying for amazon prime because amazon owns twitch you get a lot of perks on twitch so connect your account you get like game loot for free um you get a free sub every 30 days very useful and you're already paying for it so um that's if you already have prime it's included in your subscription so connect your account and like take advantage of that because you're already paying for it um you make make the most out of all of it you know plus if you're like planning on subbing anyway i mean that saves you 60 sixty dollars a year um out of your prime subscription because you don't pay the five dollars a month to sub so that's a big deal i'm just saying i'm just saying um connect your account yeah you get one sub every 30 days and you can use it anywhere on me on you know delicacy i don't know whoever you want to use it on you just get one free stuff every 30 days i might buy the recipe for this fence oh no i already have it never mind after the year for the seven months is this an amazon ad no this is a twitch prime ad because i get paid when you use your prime sub it's free for you but i get money so this is a little simsy ad um subscribe to me with amazon prime and then i get paid uh oh thank you for the three months after they give the seven months um but everybody in chat will vouch those both um astro just then sub seven months in a row with prime um i prime is a very useful thing on twitch i'm going to redeem points for the rest of this stuff shay thank you for the three months um there's links in the chat i'll show you how to connect your account if you want to okay i need to like unlock the rest of the stuff that i haven't done yet um do i not buy the bought the custom design pro editor yet what is wrong with me i haven't bought like any of this stuff um but anyway my mods will put the link and chat again you connect your account um [Music] oh i like made the thing vibrate when it came that was weird haley thank you for the prime stuff thank you for the three months also thank you guys so much okay um we just keep going everyone i'm telling you google is your friend if you don't know how to connect it i think it's hard to do on mobile but if you're on your computer google is your friend it'll show you take advantage of it because again you're already paying for prime so take advantage of every part of that subscription you milk every penny out of that because you're paying for it you know um padfoot thank you for the four months um you might as well okay i'm gonna play animal crossing today yeah i'm not gonna play sims today that's what you're asking guys i'm sorry i want to play animal crossing really bad i've been thinking about it all day um i have i i've been like waiting you know i wanted to play so much izzy thank you for the bits i like animal crossing it is quite fun so all right we've got to keep buying the rest of these things we have so many things uh death biscuit i might play stardew with dan on saturday i don't know probably i'm trying to think like we we still have to finish um the pinterest house that i was working on but that is a work in progress okay i'll buy this thing too i'll ask him about it and see krista thank you for the bits emperor thank you for the bits thank you guys so much um queen thank you for the prime sub oh my goodness thank you so much um also since panther you're for the bits see thank you for the two months easy thank you for the bits bradford did i thank you guys all just tell him he's playing well i tried to ask dan to play story with me yesterday and today i'm gonna be honest with you but i asked him at about 3 50 p.m um so it didn't really work out he was like what do you mean i don't want to go live in 10 minutes i wasn't prepared for that but i was like i was like half asking i was like haha what if we played stardew valley right now and then he was like what i don't know if that's a thing that i can do so fine fine i get it you need more warning or whatever maureen thank you for the two months okay i need to buy more i meant to buy 10. okay this thank you scheduling in advance yeah it couldn't be me well it's not that i we usually well see what happens most the time when dad and i stream story valley is i'll ask him like days before i'll be like hey can we play sturdy valley on you know thursday and then i'll put it on my upload schedule which he has access to because he edits my videos so he can see my schedule and it says right there stardu valley with dan and then come thursday he's like what are we playing stardew today and i'm like i asked you five days ago and it's been right there this whole time so even when i do tell him it doesn't make a difference you tell them in advance you put it on the calendar and then nothing nothing okay i'm going back over this oh actually i might see if i have any bushes in my house and then i'll bring them anyway i don't know sin probably um we were joking about doing all of the what willow creek houses small so i don't know maybe we'll get to the the bff mansion i guess we'll see or that no you said the spencer kim mansion and the bff one separately the bff family doesn't live in a mansion really in the sims uh those are regular saplings do i not have any bushes oh oh that's a little bit sad really okay that's fine alexa you're for the price up um kit kat i'm not really trying to upgrade my house on this save i'm spending money a lot on like bridges and fences not fences bridges and like um stairs god i i've been not prioritizing upgrading my house i only upgraded it because i needed more storage um it's just not a not a priority for me on this one because i want to spend my money on other things i want to decorate i don't care about my house i don't know if i like this or not but it's happening so i don't know i guess we'll see all right i'm gonna put like a couple of trees over here i don't know where perhaps there and like there okay okay i think that one will grow um fingers crossed i hope so cause it would be sad if it didn't all right i will plant more here nicki island rainbow oh i like that idea i like the idea of rainbow villagers you know like having them um oh and then like their houses will be all lined up like you have the red one and like i think that would look really cool on your island i like that idea i like it okay maybe i'll go stick some more trees over here you've ordered animal crossing oh chris that's so exciting i'm really happy for you landon thank you for the promise of also what uh what thank you for the prime sub job thank you for the three months thank you so much okay no that won't grow well will it i if i put a tree right here will it grow i think so i'm not really sure i guess we'll see i don't know well i guess now we wait i think i might go to tomorrow because then the incline will be built which is what i want um thanks jim i appreciate that i'm getting so distracted this music is i don't know why i just like it okay come on oh i can just close it what am i thinking never mind never mind system date and time stop suddenly it is the 27th of january mark you probably got gifted one you got lucky and you probably got a random sub gift like somebody might have been like i'm in a gift five subs and then twitch picked five random accounts um you probably got gifted a sub you can check your twitch notifications it'll tell you who gifted it to you and you can also see how much longer it has left um if you click it that way because when you get gifted a sub it lasts for 30 days it doesn't charge you anything they paid for it the other person um so you just got lucky you just won a prize which is fun um but anyway hurry up i want a game hey fun what's up come on okay i'm back talia thank you for the prime sub thank you so much okay come on winning the gift sub lottery honestly it that it is lucky to win a gifted sub i always get so excited sometimes like that's happening well i say sometimes once that happened to me in a stream where there was like 6 000 people watching and i like somebody gifted five subs and i got one of them and i was like this is so cool i won it's like not even that big of a deal but i was like this is so exciting out of all of these people it was me job thank you for the sub gift nate thank you for the three months also oh my goodness okay you got to sub gifts to earliest out the other day oh that's fun i like that ruby wait i'll be honest sorry it says once my teacher caught me passing a note and i had to read it aloud it said i hate poppy music i was lying i wanted to impress this girl debbie she liked prague rock what even is prague rock okay i like animal crossing oh snowman hang on everyone hear my balls i just gotta oh i can't i was gonna say i just gotta play with them but i i can't i'm sorry this is not it's too far this is too far i'm sorry this is a family friendly stream okay um what were you talking about what are you guys up to cool titanium the year the seven months one cammy thank you for the private stuff rory thank you for 11 months oh boy okay anyway i'm just making my snowman don't mind me anyway how about the weather today yeah it's pretty um nice outside here how about you go comfy thank you for the 17 months is that big enough no no next how about that almost i think that's as big as it'll get all right i'm gonna put it over there well i played up a daily again probably eventually carrot thank you for the for the five gifted subs i really appreciate that thank you so much come over here no i'll definitely play dead by daylight again i don't know when though like for example this last time oh stay away oh my god imagine if i put that on top of the little tiny one that would not have gone over well um but anyway uh for example this last time i waited a year and then i played dead by daylight again perhaps we could try that another time once a year no i liked playing dead it was fun i i enjoyed it so for stephanie thank you for the price up anna thank you for the bits um oh whenever a kid you worked at a summer camp and whenever one of the kids was inappropriate you would say has anyone seen hotel for dogs just let me move on from that one um so anybody a fan of spongebob perhaps just try and like change the subject yeah you can make tiny perfect snowmen the the only thing the only like requirement is that the head has to be 10 smaller than the body so you can make them really tiny i just um in my experience i have found a method that works really well so but yeah dan obviously my boyfriend is a double daily streamer um and i liked playing it i just it's not i'm not like a massive fan of like competitive type games and i don't really want to play dead by daylight with strangers like i enjoyed playing because like dan's mods and them were on and like that was fun because we were playing like a little customs game and then i wasn't like bothering any real people that were actually trying to play i wasn't like ruining their games or whatever um but uh i don't know i don't know this is the ear method by the way um that's probably too big i don't know let's find out my perfect snow boy is here thank you yeah i think their heads are too big too when they're perfect um they actually can be perfect and when they're perfect they give you a recipe um and when they're not they yell at you so i personally prefer um how they look when they're not perfect but i also don't like being yelled at so um you know what do you mean by mods uh twitch mods maddie and friends and such the people with swords um my small army dan also has a small army i know a couple of them are in chat right now can we get any duck dan mods anybody anybody anybody um there's one okay those are starting to grow and now i have this which is all that i wanted should we put like two houses up here i'm a duck dan mod not to brag um anyway thanks for having me for the prime sub okay next oh look there's that's where are you seeing that look at where one of the um thingies is no wonder i couldn't find all five of the fossils for so long one of them's randomly all the way back there i can't even get back there that's so annoying okay i guess i can because i could have gone like around red's area and then i could have gotten there but oh well speaking of which we can go see red marble thank you for the sub thank you so much [Music] oops ran through a flower i mean i keep meaning to put a staircase here um so that we can get down to red speech easily that's not like a major priority we should bother with our staircases in that places that they actually matter first and then we can come back to this one um wait that's the real rosetta stone oh boy i'm gonna buy it thank you give me give me give me give me give me nice i wonder um if this one is real because if it is i might bring my other island here to buy it what was that painting called hang on come on solemn painting that's not what it's really called that's just what it's called an animal crossing um solemn painting animal crossing some of them are always always real some of them are not um let's find out let's see what the real and fake ones look like um what oh this one's fake oh my god look at this the man in the background is raising his arm more so in the real one his arm is like flat out in the fake one his arm is up so that's the real one and that's the fake one his arm is higher up that's so sneaky no sometimes there's more than one real item a day this one is fake though this one is fake the rosetta stone i know this one's real because the fake one is blue uh and i don't know i think i have both of these already on my other island so there's no point in buying them i'm playing on switch april um but i am playing like i to stream it i have to use i have a capture card installed in my pc um i'm playing on my switch but you are watching through my capture card that is connected to my pc so that you can see it laura that's so annoying when i ordered my new pc um the first day this is i don't mean to to alarm you but it was supposed to come like on tuesday or whatever and then on tuesday the ups truck i i literally drove past my house and then i got an email that was like we tried to deliver what we couldn't and i was like because i i saw the email pop up right after the ups truck drove by and so they just they didn't even attempt but then my email was like we tried to deliver but nobody was there they didn't answer the door you didn't even come to the door so um i was very sad and then i didn't get my pc that day um but hopefully that won't happen to you laura yours will be here just fine that you won't have that issue i promise don't worry oops your motherboard got stolen by the delivery person twice oh my god come on i'd like to have a word with that ups man right they scammed me and i was so excited it's okay i got over it eventually it was a long time ago what no never mind i'll just go sell this stuff fine look how much stuff i have i have someone to do uh my eyeline is a mess oh no yeah your pc is gonna be so quiet and so fast laura is gonna be so nice oops i'm gonna go um get the fossils i have on me analyzed just really quickly oh that's stressful tonya uh i think i'm gonna have to try to call um the embassy in london about a question that i have tried to ask them three times over email and they keep um giving me automated responses that aren't the right answer so i think i have to call them and i'm not looking forward to that um because i what was i what i have not had good experiences in the past with trying to call these people so so stressful uh um you see the truck laura it's here fatherful thank you for the vince um that was with you with fedex last year for a phone you bought and you had to go to the store to pick it up that's so frustrating um and i thank you for the bits also um but so this one time i didn't have to go to the store to pick it up but recently twitch mailed me a box of like like merch it was like a shirt or something um and they sent it with dhl and for some reason i was supposed to sign for it but like obviously i didn't order it so i didn't know a package was coming and so all of a sudden there was like a man at my door waiting for me to sign something and i was like i'm not i'm not answering the door like i don't know who that is i don't know what you want i didn't buy something like i know i didn't order anything from that was gonna be shipped with dhl like i'm not answering the door well then they leave like um a note on the door um that was like well you have to try and reschedule and then i was able to go and track the package and then i found out it was from twitch and i was like okay that's fine um but then they came the next day i had to like tell them when they could come and then i had to sign for it and that was really unpleasant and it was just for like a t-shirt it wasn't even anything why did i have to sign for that that doesn't make any sense anyway um i'm not i'm not really one to answer the door for things that i'm not expecting that's like the not to complain about twitch sending me a package but like when you aren't expecting a package to arrive um it's always kind of weird when that happens and sometimes like twitch or like ea will send me something and i'm like i didn't buy something what is this who has mailed something to me um and then it's like oh twitch never mind false alarm but like i'm not opening the door if a stranger is there no way no how um which witch say you for the eight months by the way anna do any tips for memorizing things you asked um i am probably the wrong person to ask you say that because i was a history major you just want to do a lot of that um not really um no not really i think people think that history is like memorizing dates of events and stuff which to an extent it is but for the most part um i i was i just wrote papers and you don't need to memorize anything for papers you just need to research things and you have your sources right there um so i don't really have i didn't do like a ton of memorization work um for my degree but um i don't know in in the past like when i was in high school i had to do more things like just repetition in general helps and honestly just like studying less so just memorization but studying in general i think that like writing it down over and over again is very helpful for me um but that doesn't that's just that depends what you think like i used to cut like i would take notes in class and then i would rewrite them um like i would i usually when i was in like when i was taking classes in person um like in college i would like type notes on my laptop in class and then i would write them because i could type faster than i could write so i could get more stuff down um and then i would rewrite them on paper when i got home and that helps kind of like stick it in your brain you know um so that's not necessarily helpful for like memorizing a list of something or whatever but um anyway tilly thank you for the bits um so you had to order your custom lpc when you paid you got charged then the order didn't go through oh that wait it charged you but the order didn't even go through now you go to the bank and fix it that's so stressful i'm so sorry um claire thank you for the two months also but i think there's lots of like memorization tactics on the internet that will give you like pro tips you know um which is helpful uh kelby thank you for the two months by the way uh keep those so in case i want to make more thingies flash cards are helpful yeah you say old-fashioned but they're helpful and you there's like websites where you can make like virtual flash cards like you could use quizlet and you could like make a little flash card set that helps too um especially for like i don't know if you're taking like a like a foreign language like your vocab list or whatever um that can be helpful to like make a little quick internet flash cards and then be able to do it also sometimes if your textbook is like like a really popular one i know because like a lot of times like you know there's these big companies that make like the spanish textbook that like all kinds of people use so there might be like existing quizlets for like your chapter seven vocab um not like answers to questions but just like the chapter seven vocab you could just find one and then use it to study um if you're taking like a lot of gen ed classes are like that because you might like your psychology textbook might be like a super common one um and then there might be like already existing quizlets that you could use to study if you want um which is useful not so helpful for like um you know sometimes your major classes like when i like my history classes it was obviously something memorization but my history classes was like um not textbooks but like you know individual people's research and like smaller books and i'd have like five per class or whatever um so you're not gonna find like a vocab list in the back of that which i think people get used to but um for like you know like your general psych class or whatever you might find that kind of thing um did i major in architecture no i got a history degree i like to play the sims but doesn't mean i'm actually interested in real life architecture um but you know but you know okay any recipes perhaps no that's just brie thank you i saw some of it um tt downton abbey but i stopped watching after an incident happened that i found upsetting and i didn't want to keep watching i do that a lot sometimes i find out that something bad is going to happen in a show and i'm like i have no interest in continuing this my favorite character is leaving well then never mind so i stopped watching it um but i do that with a lot of shows that's why i stopped watching um grey's anatomy as well i got sick of them killing off characters i was like i can't deal with this anymore you're you're killing everybody everyone is dead literally everyone and that's not a spoiler everyone if you watch grey's anatomy get ready because everyone will die the entire cast i'm not kidding every single one thank you for the bits plucky says how you found plucky on your i don't know this round that's kind of fun i have plucky for a little bit it's right there for the two months also sounds like a certain let's play i've been watching okay you can't bring my legacy challenge into this that is true though everyone is dead in that let's play but there wasn't like dramatic like surprise deaths they were just old it's not like i'm just killing off people in fires i mean i've come close but my let's play it's just that they were all dying of old age a straw umbrella hat okay not a fire and graze a fire in the sims 4 side a fire in lil simsie's bathroom my toilet keeps catching fire in my sims gameplay no sydney i don't want to buy them a new toilet i like that their toilet keeps catching on fire and it's like a you know it reminds me of their dead mom so i'm keeping it well well no one's gotten struck by lightning yet and that let's play true so what you're having a party you didn't invite me wow thanks for six months yeah there's still time i can't even say hi to ellie get me let me through i can't never mind i'm just going home whatever um supernatural's ending literally destroyed you in the worst way possible not in a good way i generally cried from anger we love writers who ruin the show is messi here messi is that the one with the i don't think messi's even here there's a picture that i think okay so i've never seen supernatural but i there's this picture this reaction image that keeps there was like a moment oh here we go this one good meme this is supernatural i know this yeah this one when this when it happened i know because messi was like losing her mind and like like crying and laughing about this um so that um that's how i know because i i silly thanks again for the bits though um i like it this is a nice image cindy thank you for the six months morgan thank you for the five buns okay well where i need to move this house maybe this is who who lives here cashmere okay we'll move cashmere's house first what a time to come back oh hi they sent him to turbo helen you were laughing what does that mean is that a thing is that a spoiler i just read it out loud what's turbo hell what there's like a super hell what does that mean i'm sorry i didn't hey thank you for the fans that brought back too many tumblr memories i'm sorry morgan thank you for the five months cindy thanks for the six months oh my god pancala van kayla she's spoiling oh well sorry we need to put i'm gonna i'm gonna destroy this thingy but i'm gonna break it first now i wanna watch supernatural isn't it like 15 seasons there's literally no way i'm not gonna watch supernatural well none of these are gold or money you honestly would hate it but in what way cause like i love bad shows but i can't deal with like 10 season shows or 15 season shows like some of these things start off so strong and then they just keep going and keep going and keep going and like this could have been so good but if you had just stopped you like running into the ground oh tilly that's is that what happened oh my god i'm not gonna read that a lot in case this is like a mega spoiler but is that what happened yikes um but uh anyway i've seen psych that's one of my favorite shows um big fan of psych dan and i just finished re-watching it if you well it's not been a few months it's been like eight months but i like psych i i'm thinking specifically of pretty little liars right now although pretty little eyes was never a good show it was always kind of kind of wacky you know but um but like pretty little liars they just kept it going for so long like why did they do that you couldn't it could have been good like it but then it was just i didn't even keep watching it like i stopped watching it i was watching when i was like in middle school in high school you know um but they just kept it going so anyway disappointing is all just make it stop canadian thank you for the six months um the first five or seven seasons are worth the time but then it's dumpster fire yeah i think that happens to most shows let's be honest the first five or so seasons are good and then they just go they take it too far when you get past like season five or six you it's too much which is upsetting why do you have to do this to us um but anyway i like i like shorter shows i also then i actually have time to watch them all you know because i don't really watch that much tv because there's like so many things i want to watch and not enough time but like when a show is like one or two seasons i can handle that oh yeah bones is good i mean i've i've been a fan of bones for like years and years and years too bones i think is good but season five from bones when you know who does you know what no i don't i don't recall a single thing that happens in season five from bones so i'm gonna go with probably not i don't even know what you're talking about brewing um no ah this is too there's not enough space for two houses up here i don't think bruin quit putting spoilers in my twitch chat band brewing bamboo and band bruin okay i fixed it sorry but to answer your question no that was not season five um shhh bamboo and bamboo dan and i watched one episode of riverdale last weekend i'm not even kidding we watched one episode because i was like i'm in the mood to watch a not good show and he hadn't seen riverdale and then we watched the first episode together because i've i've seen the first like season and a half of riverdale maybe um and i got him to watch the first episode with me except um is way worse than i remembered and also the whole the first season of riverdale like it seems way more exciting and then it just goes off the rails again like that the whole like ooh somebody got murdered like that's kind of a fun concept and then it like you know but like it could have been fun anyway sorry bruh i wanted to delete the message so nobody would see because i didn't want to spoil anything even by accident for anyone but the only way i could delete it because i don't have mod um mod icons on was to ban you it was the only way because i couldn't just delete it i had to ban you to delete it i wasn't like a direct spoiler but i was worried that someone would i don't know i don't know um yeah dad and i are long distance right now so we uh riverdale's on netflix so we both pressed play on the first episode at the same time ooh what wrong spot hi shella how are you doing how are you are you having a good day anyway i watched riverdale the week that i was graduating high school i have very very vivid memories of watching riverdale on netflix that week like because i i wasn't in school because i had finished classes but um i was like waiting for my graduation to be like on thursday or something and that's when i watched riverdale um i remember it very well um and then my roommates and i my freshman year of college we would watch it together on wednesdays when it would come out like me maddie and camden we would order pizza and then watch riverdale together on wednesdays um and it was a fun time but but then you know school was over and then riverdale was over and then we didn't finish so falling snow wall what does that look like i want to watch the bachelor so bad but dan won't watch it with me i need to oh my god that's so cute wait anyway i love terrible tv i've heard this season is awful like i want to watch it so bad this isn't green but i want to see what it looks like i'm gonna go craft it just so i can see i i used to watch the bachelor so when my dad when i was 14 my dad um got cancer and he was in the hospital for like two months getting bone marrow transplant and so my grandparents came and lived with us for like two months um and me and my grandma watched the bachelor every night for those like two months so i have very fond me well doesn't sound fond memories but i have fond memories of watching the bachelor with my grandma and i haven't seen it since then but i i like to watch bad tv shows it's really fun it's really fun okay have i seen dan's stream title he's making fun of me again are you kidding me let's game shall we you just open my stream stop using me for content okay you use me first no i know you can't hear i haven't muted i don't want to listen to him thank you all for the bits and stuffs by the way okay sorry what was i going to do i'm just digging up flowers i guess oh i was going to move cashmere's house that's right i remember now let me see if i can find my message in a bottle first oh there it is i think he doesn't get your attention oh my god cherry speakers i already have that boring oh i'm going to craft my snow wall too that's right catlin but you're the 29 months i think he has a crush on you are you sure i don't know it's kind of hard to tell we've only been together for like three years so i'm not i'm not sure okay let me sell these things and then i will move my thing i know i don't need any of that did i check the um i don't know if i checked the able sisters today ew all of you ew now i'm gonna go buy some more green clothes a buzzfeed quiz told me my crush likes me back and i was like that's good i'm married to him for nine years [Laughter] what i want to find out how long have you known your crush a few days no how often do you talk to your crush oh no this is well the the correct answer is both of these but i'm gonna put the internet let's be honest are your zodiac signs compatible i don't know i'm a leo and so is he one of you please tell me the answer yes okay do you catch your crush looking at you from afar well we talk on discord a lot and like he's in england so that's like really afar from like really really far so like really far laugh at my jokes dan's obsessed with me in a relationship yeah do you have the same interests well this is a hard thing because um there's a pandemic right now uh that's rough interesting they're friends do they text me well on discord but yeah it's kind of a pandemic right now um how much do you like them yeah who's their favorite beetle what can somebody what i don't have i do not i do what what what is this about just say ringo okay no i'm gonna put i don't care no i'm putting i don't care i know the beatles the band doesn't mean what yeah the beatles the band but what what still what does that have to do with anything yeah they're a band but do you know the middle name of your crush and their sister's middle name yeah not to brag imagine they don't know me [Laughter] today thank you for the bits by the way bella thank you for the three months celeste thank you for the five months um okay so thank you for the bits how am i today oh i'm just i'm i'm finding out something really important um does your crush like your pictures on instagram i'm gonna find out can you search your likes to make sure that like no i'm pretty sure he likes my posts on instagram you've been to their house i i feel like i can't really answer all the time uh given the current circumstances so um ever talked on the phone met any of their family members yeah unfortunately i'm just kidding what's your crush's favorite meal there's only four options i'm gonna pick pizza out of this for dessert oh dan would eat pie oh that's good glad to hear it yeah wow congrats missy thank you for 17 months i'm still out of this bingo business what what i like taking buzzfeed quizzes ugh stop giving me hope omg same i am only eight i have a crush i have the same crush as my best friend i have a secret crush on him my question is you crush my best friend i hope this is true the quiz says that it's mutual but i don't think he likes me this is so cute apparently my crush is mutual when he has a girlfriend oh i'm sorry kay that's rough yeah i love this the idea of like this eight-year-old taking the quiz and like thinking that it's serious because i totally used to think that when i was a kid i was like i'm gonna take a buzzfeed quiz and find out and like then it's gonna be true great thank you for the bits missy thank you for the tier 217 much [Laughter] all the good old days the latest on copen19 why do i think that was gonna be a um oh what's it called i thought that was gonna be uh a quiz and i was like that doesn't seem fun quizzes of the month just one more i'm sorry i don't want a friend's quiz i don't want that quiz i don't want that quiz i don't want that quiz i don't want that quiz don't care about that one don't care about that one you can only pick one wedding dress for each venue and it's very difficult how does your corona comfort level compare with others there are two types of eaters in this world spoon people and fork people [Laughter] which one am i what do you eat mac and cheese with a fork ice cream cake i don't know more so just like what oh there's a cat oh she's having a blast right now look at her go oh here we go it's game time hi snappy anyway i have lots of toys around my room for her as you can see they're you know are you playing snappy come here that's my cat she has come back come here do you want that here yeah she doesn't really get it when the when the balls go like around to the other side she doesn't really understand like where they went you know um which is that's okay i understand it's really confusing when you can't see things it's hard to know where they where they went so okay anyway i don't know i don't know because i don't like how i don't really care i'm not sure ice cream cake i'd probably like to eat it with a spoon regular cake i'd do either but i'd probably prefer a spoon scrambled i don't eat scrambled eggs this is the ew never mind i don't want to take this quiz anymore who eats oatmeal with a fork okay good who's gonna eat ravioli with a spoon i'm gonna put spoon i just want to like throw off the just wanna i just wanna ruin it trixie thank you for the prime stuff drew thank you for the bits do which animal crossing character are you okay which of the following would you be most excited about seeing ooh space the northern lights a kk slider concert um the northern lights what would you do first in a zombie apocalypse probably die i would hide which of the line would you rather be an expert at ancient languages that sounds fun would i rather spend a day with friends well certainly not an amusement park right now i don't know i like to go to museums okay caleb thank you for the prime stuff jess thank you for the bits by the way you found the orange cowboy in amazon store and bought it for your cats really it's good they'll like it favorite thing to watch on tv it's it's it's tied between competition shows and true crime but i might i might pick i like some like easy reality type competition shows wait go into the bed okay so there's like a bed that i you can she's just out of frame but i put a bed there that i want her to sit in but she's she's staring at it climb in she's right out of frame literally right where you can't see in that corner never mind she didn't sit there she went and sat on the other side it's truly devastating um what would i be most happy about receiving honestly i'd like a handmade gift that would be exciting if i could have one wish what would it be oh my gosh see with when you have unlimited money kinda comes the other things i'm just saying they say money can't buy happiness but like you can pour money into other issues that you find are concerning you can you can solve all the problems because like and you could even buy a clone of yourself which animal do you relate to the most i'm mysterious and intellectual not everyone understands my obscure interests but it's probably better that way you can come across as moody but you just prefer to be left alone okay do you want to see my cat so i haven't shown you yet because it just came but um they sent me so remember how i won sparked because of that um the cow plant wedding venue i made they sent me like a sparked hoodie um like it says like sparked winner on it i can't show you because my cat's sitting on it i'm sorry i can't pick it up because my cat's on it but this my new spark tony and that's my cat i i would show you but you know there's currently um it's occupied so that's what she's doing right now she has a whole bed and instead she sits on the hoodie of course but anyway oh the other thing oh my god hang on so this is a really big this is really big okay i need to go to ben and jerry's instagram so there's this ben and jerry's flavor that i used to love love like the my favorite one when i was younger fish food it's like chocolate ice cream it's got caramel it's got marshmallow swirls and these little like chocolate chunks that are shaped like fish they've made a vegan version they announced it today oh my god i'm so excited about this you have no idea this is like the best news ever i sent it to my parents i was like look at this i'm gonna cry but anyway this is a big moment so they make good vegan ice cream it's kind of expensive but um as a special treat oh this is i'm so excited i'm so excited and it's buy one get one free a lot at publix in my experience which is good because then you can buy two um but anyway i'm i'm really happy i'm really really really happy about this so yeah they have gluten-free oreos now too i saw people talking about that but like this is this was such wonderful news i only found out because somebody tweeted it to me and they were like kayla did you see that ben and jerry's has a vegan fish food and i was like really and they sent me a screenshot of this and i was like oh my god yes oh dizzy uma uh calamity thank you all for the recepts and sub gifts and stuff thank you so much um yeah oreos are vegan but they're not usually gluten free but brewing was excited because they're making gluten-free versions um so yeah look my favorite flavor is a kid i've never eaten in years yeah exactly rachel me too me too um but anyway i'm looking forward to this so big moment for us sorry we can game now i just was you know um i was gonna check this i have to close the hang on but fish food is good it sounds weird because it's like fish food but it's got like all these yummy things inside and that's just really yummy so anyway anyway but you don't understand i got so excited earlier i was like texting my parents i sent it to dan i was like look look what they have they made it um okay no i already have all those things i don't need those is it like ten really see ben jerry's i think it's like it's like closer to five dollars for one of the little tubs here which is why i don't buy very often but when it goes buy one get one free um then i'll buy it because then it you know feels more acceptable to purchase and then you can pick two flavors because they have a lot of good um like vegan ice cream options so um but anyway it's like 10 where you live too oh my god yeah i know it's pretty expensive in the uk it's like probably close to like 10 pounds there too um but anyway anyway 13 in new zealand oh my god that is absurd wait i was going to but i was going to get the um house to move it and i haven't yet i also was going to craft the thingy god i've just been falling apart um but yeah it's um it's a fun treat it's it's maybe not an everyday kind of treat but it's a fun treat when you can have it but it's probably not something that i you know would buy every day because that's expensive no i missed it anyway anyway there's there's definitely cheaper um vegan ice cream brands also like i honestly there's places that make better vegan ice cream than ben and jerry's i think their almond milk ice cream is like kind of hard like it doesn't it doesn't like get soft and like nice very easily you know it's just kind of hard you know what i'm talking about which isn't bad a bad thing necessarily like it's still good but there's definitely like better vegan ice creams out there but they're fun because they have like fun feelings and it's like that nostalgia factor of like you used to love like whatever flavor and um they still have them and stuff well yeah the ella that's part of it but also um like the vegan ice creams are more expensive than the regular ice creams too um ben jerry's is a pretty decent brand um they stand for a lot of good things um but you know why is there vegan ice cream more expensive than the regular kind because dairy is so cheap it's really sad anyway um there's um a lot of times there's like better vegan ice cream brands that are just nicer but ben jerry's is still good so anyway um peanut butter ice cream tonight yes oatley has really good oatley makes really good ice cream i think target has it here um but oatley only makes really good vegan ice cream oat milk ice cream big fan of oat milk ice cream 100 i stand by this really good stuff um is it somebody's birthday oh i missed it whose birthday was it [Music] why so much green uh because my whole island is green themed that's why what else did i need for the wallpaper that i wanted to craft hmm stone that's right oh there it is i didn't no i haven't given up on pietro i just have no one's asked to leave on that island in a while so i can't hunt again yet um but it's because dairy is so subsidized sparkle dog like uh the dairy and meat industries they can um make their things so cheap because there's like government subsidies for them to make it so cheap um so in general like dairy products are just super cheap and it's like more expensive and harder to make a lot of like alternatives so anyway anyway what's it like being long distance absolutely horrible right now in our cellar absolutely horrible tomato gal thank you for the four months um okay if i'm on your campsite i'm so jealous i want pietro in my campsite no i want to find pietro really badly it's it's um it's a pride thing now like i need to find him i need to okay brianna i don't care good for you teehee i'm gonna eat meat okay um thank you for the bits oh my god it snows oh [Music] sorry i'm gonna go put that in one of the rooms that that response to someone being like hey i don't eat meat people being like well i'm gonna eat extra steak it's like okay you're weird but okay good for you oh mary that you're for the 22 months by the way thank you so much um also wait leo thank you so much for the bits that is that is really amazing amazing amazing news um i'm really proud of you um leo is a good name i like it um that you made a good pick um i quite like this it's not that green but we can leave it for now because i haven't decorated this room yet so i might as well you know i can't this my my house is not like i need to redo everything in here too because my house is a mess that's the snowy wall yeah i just got the recipe for it um there we go i'll leave that there oh i finished i think that's pretty we can at least use it for now yeah i got the cafe curtain wallpaper on this island i got the cafe curtain wall it was the first thing i ever got from sahara on this island isn't that infuriating like i was i've been trying to get it on my like main my other island that i've been playing since last year like when the game first came out i was trying to get it this whole time still don't have it first try with sahara on this island and i get it how is that fair what does oat milk taste like um i don't know milk i really remember what dairy milk tastes like oat milk is um i think one of the easiest of plant milks like it doesn't have like a like you know how almond milk kind of tastes like almonds and stuff like i think that oat milk is one of the easiest of um the plant milks to like handle it's like the most like plain um which is kind of what you're looking for for like a cereal or whatever because like coconut milk obviously has a pretty strong taste oat milk kind of does too um or not oat milk you i meant almond milk oat milk doesn't that was the whole point of what i was trying to say but um anyway i like oat milk that's what that's my preferred um but let's talk infrastructure i need to move cashmere's house okay uh leo thank you so much i i really really appreciate you i'm really proud of you leo thank you so much you were really sweet to me i don't deserve this um i want layout changes please i've always liked the name leo by the way i think that's like up there with one of my favorite names i don't know why i just like it i think it's a good one all right i want to move an island home yeah it tends you don't even like um you can buy like oat milk in in like the pantry aisles like you don't even need to buy like refrigerated oat milk um unlike regular milk that you know goes bad really fast and get stinky like um like uh you can buy like plant milks that are like shelf stable um so secretly thank you for the prime sub thank you so much um i moved this that was the right one right it's okay because i can just cancel it if i need to no worries no worries [Music] yeah michelle i've been there some people um were just raised in a way that they literally cannot fathom not eating meat um and that's not their fault you know they're just from a time where like every meal is like a steak and potatoes like your meal is like a meat and a vegetable you know and some people just can't fathom any other sort of diet and that's not their fault they you know they've just been raised that way and they don't understand that there could be like something else you know um so especially like when it comes to like your grandparents like my grandpa's like 90 you know and they think i'm super weird but you just found camo frog oh you should take him um krista i decided for a lot of reasons um obviously because i care about animals because i care about the environment you know all such things but okay i go to put my thing up here now you know what i didn't mean to do this on purpose but cashmere is gonna get her whole her own like floor cashier is gonna get an entire place just to her no my cat's not vegan michelle cats are obligate carnivores they can't be vegan they need to eat meat [Music] okay i want to take will this be close enough to it i want to just put i want to like get a couple more pathways down so i know where i want um my house to go yeah i checked red don't worry we got it huh how should i do this let me no no no no no no how do you unlock red i think once you've like donated enough things to the museum maybe i'm not really sure got a dr lupo ad nice i'm gonna try to put this here and we'll like oh i think i made a mistake i probably should have put it flat with the i've had snap for like 12 years i mean i got her when i was 9. me and i've been friends for quite some time me and snap are longtime friends over here glitter thank you for the bits i really appreciate you thank you um you're pretty cool clarice still pickle uh kayla and kayla thank you both for the resets my name's kayla your name's kinda kayla nice thank you so much um no i've never had tofurkey before um i've never tried it oh bandan what did he do now why do i have to ban dan i made a mistake everyone i'm i'm wait you're 16. flamingo i'm 21. it's a little i'm a little bit older than 16 actually well i'm gonna go to tomorrow and i'm gonna try again sam thank you for the eight months restart the day right if only it worked like that if only if only i probably could have like done it before it saved but oh well stop yawning oh my goodness oh my goodness i had really bad cramps last night and i had a hard time sleeping because of it isn't that just the worst how unfair is that what is up with that um i don't deserve this and then and then i couldn't sleep so now i'm tired too pain suffering exhaustion i don't have terms your price is 4.89 4.99 i made time travel to sunday shan to get some turnips i might take you up on that one hang on um sunday is what day it's the 31st yeah okay i'm going to get rich alternative so i'm going to get wait did i put that right system yes i'm going to get rich on turnips yeah it's february on monday how did that happen yeah i couldn't tell you isn't that weird anyway really thank you for the three months weird your brother's in february my half birthday's in february i will be 21 and a half on february 14th that means it's exactly six months from my birthday good for me smug thank you for the prime sub i should get sprocket i don't like sprocket that much matthew i think he kind of scares me yes rick astley's birthday is february 6th i'm well aware every year for the last like three years i've had a birthday party for rick astley on stream and this year will be no different also rick astley's birthday's a saturday so catch me doing a 12 hour stream i'm not [Music] kidding so yeah i baked in my cake for a youtube video last year i might do that again i haven't had much luck baking on youtube i kind of need to redeem myself kayla thank you for the i appreciate that thank you so much you were really really kind um but anyway i'll have rick astley birthday party anyway why do i celebrate rick astley's birthday i'm just a really big rick astley fan you're really 14 too really that's nice ab who else's birthday is august 14th let me know in the comments down below do i think that he knows he i do this probably i doubt he knows that i throw birthday parties for him on twitch i also he probably doesn't want to know that i do that you know but i i don't think rick astley is like that active on social media i follow him on all social media but i feel like he doesn't he like comes up when he needs to like post something to promote or something i don't think rick astley is super active on social media but anyway i um started becoming a rick astley stan as a joke like three years ago and then i became an actual rick astley stan i don't really remember the exact context how it started but like me and my mom flew to boston to see him in concert a couple years ago like i'm a big rick ashley fan now i've only been to two concerts in my life one was for rick astley and one was the jonas brothers so i'm a big fan uh charlie thank you for the bids by the way your boyfriend's dad was in a band with rick astley which one's concert um in like 2009 one of my friend's moms won jonathan's tickets on the radio and then she brought me um so i got to see them when i was in fourth grade when they came to orlando so not to brag but burning up to her i don't remember but i was there because my friend's mom won tickets on the radio isn't that so weird um no demi lovato wasn't there jordan sparks opened for them um which was fun but yeah i saw it i saw jordan sparks open for them and then the jennifer's performed so you went to that one yeah um why 104 that's expensive it's okay when is his birthday february 6th is rick astley's birthday spending a lot of money about 1d i never went to see one direction in concert and i kind of regret that i didn't because i am well i still have uh anxiety problems but when i was a one direction fan they came to orlando in concert and i probably could have convinced my parents to take me when i was younger but um i was really scared of going i still am kind of so i don't really want to go to a big concert in like a big arena and like all those people like that stresses me out a lot for context like when i go see a musical like in a theater like a small theater um i get really like panicky when people are all leaving and like the like rush of people leaving at the end and like how it's all crowded and everybody's trying to like file out that i don't do well in that sometimes i cry it's really bad um so i don't really want to go to a concert but i also kind of want to go to a concert so like i didn't ever go see one direction in concert um sometimes i kind of wish that i had i don't know but i don't like that um the the rush of people all leaving at once is scary um but anyway i probably i would be able to do it but i don't know i thought about going to see harry styles in concert when he came to orlando a couple years ago um and i decided that i wouldn't it wouldn't be a good idea but then i was kind of sad that i didn't do it i was like kind of mad at myself for not you know really sales fan nice nice um but it's like gonna be loud and there's gonna be a lot of people there you know okay i spent a lot of money on turnips now um vanessa thank you for the fans that's so cool i didn't know frankie jonas's brothers made music i like this meme i like tik tok for par for this reason okay well i didn't buy all turnips so that's okay um spend fifty five dollars on the new bts we have no regrets i respect that tilly i got dan to watch the one direction movie with me um last weekend the like concert movie and i really enjoyed that what yaddi you don't think that strip that down is the best of the the current music that though they're releasing solo i personally think that strip that down is the greatest song released of all time do you not agree that is that is musical genius [Laughter] big fan what so you don't you don't like that song when you cooked up with a serve like a stove like a stir-fry what heat you put your burner on i want this to suck again that's a good question see christine because i kind of wing it so what i would do is put it on like a medium heat to try and like cook it through and then put it up higher to like sear the outside a tiny bit at the end that was that's what i would do so um when in doubt medium heat just in general with everything right that's what i would attempt what are we searing tofu um shan can i come sell my turnips please um i just spent four hundred thousand oh my discord damn did you send me a long time ago and i didn't even realize oh it was four minutes ago do you know why i had my i had the picture of my cat open and me and dan's discord dms this whole time so i didn't even see it because i was just staring at a picture of my cat like i had it open so i didn't even realize you had sent it because i didn't see a message pop up because i was looking at a picture of my cat okay sorry i have type of donald code don't mind me don't mind me i want to fly i better not leak it i don't have a tofu press stuff um but everyone i know that has tofu presses really likes them and i've kind of thought about buying one um but i don't know i think did hope get a tofu press recently i'm asking you as if you guys would know like you don't know what hope owns um i'll meet my mic don't worry it's not ready yet um search via dodo code i did it i was scared because he the the dodo birds they kind of like make the noise like they kind of like say it they kind of like say out loud what you typed it'll be like gee but he kind of like well in his little animal crossing voice or if i read it out loud by accident yeah the press is to press the liquid out of the tofu yeah oh i like it that's a nice name that's nice i'm into it you tried vegan chicken chips they were awful what brand was it vegan meat is definitely hit or miss sometimes it's a little bit stinky they they make some really good fake chicken though so tofu and rice for the most part else sometimes i'll i will honestly use tofu as a substitute for like anything that i used to eat with meat like my mom used to make like um like chicken and pesto and pasta together and sometimes i'll cook tofu and then like put it in pesto pasta and eat it like that um so i kind of just put whatever i want on it i kind of just use tofu as like a generic like whatever i want to eat i'm gonna put it um so tacos pasta rice anything um yeah that's a good one here oh yeah instead of ricotta cheese you use tofu yeah this is you guys know lady colossus in chat this is shan's new island she restarted recently um i haven't seen it in in person in a while i've seen pictures that she sent but i haven't seen it like properly yet so this is exciting this is fun [Music] yeah i mostly only buy beyond meat when it's on sale hello oh this looks so good i love these like diagonal entrances and the heart path that's so cute oh i really like this this makes my empty island look so sad oh my gosh thank you for the four months by the way uh lauren appletree thank you both for three steps as well okay we're gonna get rich now just you wait look at this 499 bells per turnip i'm so excited time for money yeah i love what stands on with the past like the like the stars and planet paths i think that looks so cute 1.8 million bells yes yes oh my gosh oh sorry did i miss your sub cassie oh maybe because i got to try to talk about frankie jonas charlie smog thank you guys for the reasons also blame frankie jonas i'm sorry cassie um maz okay so i didn't sell in my own shop because so there's different turnip prices basically um timmy and tommy offer a different price every day twice a day so the morning and then at noon it changes again um and it could be anywhere from like 50 bells to like 700 bells or something um and so the goal is to sell your turnips back for the highest price and so shan had like the 499 bells per turn up price which is really good and what i want um mine would have been lower so i was trying to maximize my profits also shan said that uh leaf is here i might quickly go see if i can buy some things really fast just because i don't have any bushes i might i might snatch some i am here to shop yes oh i might buy some of the um well actually i i don't want them to flower so i'll buy these winter ones that'll flower now but they won't flower for long yeah i'll check able sisters too i just want to um i want to get my my pills or spend my bells on these too just in case anything good in green and able sisters yeah you can move any building except for this like plaza resident services plaza no not my sister's island uh shan lady colossus shannon chat not shan shanna but understandably confusing um tegan it's spelled leif but i call him leaf because he sells bushes and leaves you know um i i think i think his name is leaf because he's the leaf guy okay how many did i buy you can never have too many witchy thank you for the sub gift by the way ables is by nooks okay thank you shannon the actual name is pronounced leif isn't it um well i'm sure some people are like pronounce their name leaf or they spell it that way but um i think the name is like usually pronounced leif german versions pronounced like life oh yeah that is confusing your birthday was yesterday great oh my [Music] goodness okay that 40 will be good oh look how cute this is your island is looking so good i have so much work to do i have so much to change oh no oh no i might put some green pumpkins the thing is i feel weird planting pumpkins on my island right now because of the snow so like i'm kind of waiting until spring to do more because the snow is really uninspiring oh this coat is really nice i want this in real life that's so cute i already have that princess dress i don't think i have this hat this hat all right that's nice that's nice i don't need muscle trips no she will be okay i got my 1.8 million bells i should be good for now i snatched some money i should be all right i might upgrade my house with this thank you for letting me come over by the way oh i want to look at your map first before i leave i'm sorry oh look at that this is gonna be so good when it's done i'm so excited did i tip her i'm not sure shannon would accept such a thing do you want some belts yeah shanley just restarted um look this pool she showed a picture of this before in my mods chat i thought this looked so cool the other day god i'm so jealous i might what if i made a pool but instead i put stinky green water now i'm stuck no i'm just kidding do you want some bells usually when people invite you to their island to sell your turnips you would give them money um but she's see no see um but usually uh you would like tip a stranger if they invited you to their island to their island but um shannon i didn't didn't anticipate would want my money thank you for letting me come over i appreciate that thank you thank you thank you okay different colored shooting stars that's a good question panda so the the different colored shooting stars um you get a different color based on like the season so like during leo season there's like certain you get there's like regular stars and then there's like the leo stars and then during like cancer season there's the regular stars and then there's the cancer stars and all of that um so it just depends on like what time of year it is the like second colored stars um my mom's oh no wait i forgot about my flowers oh no i'm sitting here talking about stars oh no well oh i hate that part of my island i need to change that oh no this is a disaster you don't have to bring them to me but i can open my gates if you want abby thank you for the 28 months if you're like trying to get rid of them um but you don't have to um um okay [Music] oh yeah because to be best friends are we best friends on this switch i don't remember see i get it all confused i don't know who i'm friends with like are we even friends on this new island on this switch like i don't even oh i'm just gonna open my gates thank you for the prime sub i like honestly don't even remember and that's my bad i don't know you're not even friends of this island oh no okay well should we do that now i'll go like add friend search freezer you played with send friend requests there we go there we go add me well you add me donnie all of my gates to friends then have i still haven't shared my friend code with the mods on this switch i thought i did did i not at this rate i'm never gonna have any friends on this switch i'll post it um [Music] all my friends i can go post it right now except you guys can't see it um because i don't want to have to change it again that would be terrible okay i take screenshot i put in mods kale pin message okay now try not to leak it um okay and we're good it's a leopard thank you for the seven months father both thank you for the bits um when i was in middle school i went on a school trip to a theme park when i went to the mirror maze i ran too fast and smacked my head on one of the mirrors wait [Music] mobile just deleted a message that said michelle it said reason phrase one what it said michelle and then um some like keyboard slam what does reason phrase one mean i want to go look at my moo bot and see what blacklisted phrases the word michelle's not blocked in mobot i just looked i don't get it i don't understand okay thank you for the 10 months why is it doing that i deleted yours with the keyboard slam but not krista's no it's going through just fine well it's not because of the work i don't no i didn't block the word michelle i don't know cindy thank you for the nine months by the way i don't understand unless my mods may be blocked like like the name of like everybody on inauguration day just in case to like avoid but we usually block that on twitch and not in moobot i i don't really i don't really add blocked words to moobot i usually just block them on twitch so i don't like i don't know what moobot is doing i don't know i don't know it might be maybe the keyboard slam through it off because the words michelle is going on just fine now but it's the keyboard slam ones that we're having having a trouble um okay um if you want to put my mums down you can stick them anywhere maybe it would be easy if they were on the beach oh i guess well maybe over like because then they would just they would regrow if they were over here i don't know what did i get host the most yay me i got points okay i'm not sure until probably another like hour i'll stream for at least that is the plan thank you oh this is wonderful i'm gonna go bring those oh i was gonna say i'm gonna go bring those but i don't have a shovel so i can't oh no okay bye oh no well i have to go pick up my tools again um well check my mail okay i will i'll have i have the rosetta stone too to bring to um to red not to red to the museum i mean whoops pick this up pick this up pick this up pick this up pick this up pick this up pick this up pick that oh nevermind okay did i say rosetta stone yes indeed i did not the blue one though sid the real one the real one watch it'll be fake no it's the real one i swear no no it's real i swear our sub baby cindy i think we should maybe call it kayla rosetta stone is language's software isn't it okay well yeah but the zetastone is also um an artifact i can show it to you um it was very exciting uh when they found it because it's got the same text written in three languages um which made it possible to easily decipher some languages that we didn't have access to basically this is what it looks like um so and it's currently in the british museum along with many other stolen artifacts i've seen it in person so anyway um i got it in animal crossing but the language software is named after this um so it's a funny meme because uh in my first island like last time when i bought my first artifact from red my pockets are full what oh with all my money oh when i bought my first thing from red i went in there um and i didn't know that uh i i didn't know like what the fake things would look like like i thought they would be like exceptionally fake looking so i went into reds and he had the rosetta stone but i i didn't know that the like fake versus real art was like slightly changed versions of real art i thought it was like actual fake artworks so i walked in there and i was like oh my god it's out of stone i know what that is i'll buy it and i was like the color looks kind of weird but charlie is the lighting because the lighting's weird in red's weird boat so i bought it and then i get it the next day and it's blue blue so um that was a mistake but i didn't know that it was blue i mean looking at it now i realize yeah that's blue but i thought it was just the lighting so anyway that um was an incident that was a mistake uh but it's fine um but anyway that's uh that's what happened so anyway oh i didn't mean to do that no no no no no anyway the rosetta stone is a big deal because it was like this key to unlocking things that we didn't previously we couldn't previously translate um so it was like a pretty monumental find basically um so someone diyed it yeah god they painted it imagine painting over such a important thing um is there a stone called duolingo too could you imagine um okay what was i going to do now i don't remember pick up the rest of the things oh didn't mean to do that oh check my mail that's right [Music] okay um i'm going to anyway i was very excited about uh seeing it because i dan and i weren't planning on going to a museum that day but it was raining a lot so we couldn't we were going to like go to the park or whatever and like walk around and then we were like oh it's raining what are we going to do on this horrible rainy day in london i don't know you want to go to a museum and then the british museum is free to enter so we were like let's go over there so we went to it um and that was fun i love going to museums um okay well it's pretty famous but krista not everyone knows like uh i like all this stuff about like random history things you know um no point in like making people don't know things because they didn't know before but they know now and that's all that matters right i mean everyone didn't know about the rosetta stone at one point and then eventually learned about it so are these from miv you said sid oh are they real or fake you oh you evil you you this is mockery you're making fun of me you're making fun of me um so here we have the real and the fake version that's the one on the left that i bought thinking it was real because i thought the lighting was just weird i didn't know it was i oh it's so embarrassing can you believe i bought that bright blue one and thought it was real i just assumed it was weird lighting in red's weird boat but when you see it for the record in his boat it is darker it's not this bright [Music] this is really embarrassing is this making fun of me as well what is this is this another one what is wrong with you this is so unfair what did i ever do to you miff i have a history degree oh i want to put them on display but they're not green this is okay maybe i can put them like in front of the museum because i i was planning on having like some flower garden i'll show you but it can be like elaborate decorations in front of the museum i was gonna have some flower gardens up there so we could stick them like somewhere in the front like down here i'm getting bullied yeah just line them up eulogy thank you for the pits thank you for the bits and for my my wonderful wonderful gifts seriously i wow just cannot thank you enough i think i want to put um both of them like i wanna i wanna like stand next to each of them and get a photo before i donate this one this is so stupid cashmere can you like walk away please thanks you're sort of in the way um if i make it like see that's more like what red's house looks like it's harder to tell oh there we go oh wait maybe i should take one oh wait the black and white is kind of funny that's regular okay fixed it let's donate this one now i love this game wait wait wait oh my god what if maybe i'll put it on my other island and i make like a really fancy blue rose garden and then i put my three blue rosetta stones in it because i have one on my other island and now i have two more so i can put three of them on my other eyelids oh one of these is fake and one of them isn't i forget which one i'm being made fun of again unbelievable phil thank you for the bids wait that's so fun i'm excited for you also beck madison aaron son thank you for the bits and subs uh leo thank you for the bits um i really appreciate you what did i want to do with my history degree um animal crossing no i so i when i went into college i originally entered as a business major when i applied because i was like i need to pick something useful and then i changed to game design because i was like that's my calling and then i was like never mind this is not my calling i took one class this happened after my first semester i was like and then i decided that if i was gonna spend all this time and energy and misery and pain studying so long while also working full-time i should at least study a thing i actually enjoy and so instead i got a history degree for fun and i have a job now and i'll probably work in this field to in some capacity for a long time maybe not making twitch streams forever you know i don't know if i'll be playing sims when i'm 50 on twitch but i'll probably work to some capacity um in social media for a long time at least as far as i'm aware so i don't know maddie thank you for the bits for the last fossil nice olivia thank you for the 31 months also um but uh caitlyn not necessarily you have more control of what you're what you're studying so like i was able to change my major really easily because i was a freshman who was taking mostly gen ed classes you know so i took one class for my major i didn't like put my i didn't like waste a lot of time you know um because like you could theoretically change your major at any point the only issue is that once you've taken a lot of like game design classes you spent a lot of time and money on this game design degree and then if you change it like you've kind of wasted a lot of time and money but i only took one class my first semester and decided i didn't want to do it um but for the most part like the first like half of your degree in american universities is like general education programs things like math and like science classes and stuff but i did most of that like already because i had a lot of ap credits going into college so um i don't know and then um i ended up graduating in three years instead of in four so 12 hour stream for my 50th birthday yeah what degree did i have before i don't have two degrees rosie um i have one degree um but which eight classes did i take in high school a lot of them star wars like a lot of them like 15 of them um so i came into college with like a lot of credits for my gen ed stuff already like i didn't take any english or math classes i took well i took stats um and i took a speech class um and i took an anthropology class um but like for the most part i pretty much had my entire genetic program done when i started university um and then also i had a lot of history prereqs done so like because usually to take like world history like intro to european history one and two for you can take like upper level european history classes in college but i took ap european history in high school so i already had like like euro one and two i already had credits for them so then i could just go straight into the upper level classes so i was able to graduate early partly because of that too because i was taking those classes like already you know um same thing with like i already had the us history credits that i needed and stuff like that so um that helped but obviously not everybody has the opportunity to take all those ap classes in high school i was very lucky to have like so many of them offered um so that is a balloon i don't know how i can get it i graduated college early i graduated university in three years um instead of four april last april um i decided uh that i was gonna like buckle down and like try really hard and take extra classes and try to finish early because i was like you know what this is miserable i'm so busy all of the time um i'm just gonna make it worse and be more busy for a shorter period of time so i can get it over with um and that is what i did so okay exercise bike is it green i can't see it i can't see it what does ap mean ap stands for advanced placement um you can basically take classes that will give you university credit in high school um which is super useful not all universities accept those ap credits um but some do and there's like a test you take that gives you a score at the end of the class and then the that score determines how many classes you'd like get out of and whatnot and if it like counts you know um so you're wrong so that my island is pretty and better than yours really matthew well that's horrible matthew's uncle what you got to say why are you going to be like that um anyway oh speaking of the sat my brother um is taking the psat this week way way sad for him um oh that was the wrong thing i was trying to sorry i was trying to sell this oops oops someone didn't count apparently yeah that's that's the weird part luckily i went to ucf so ucf um accepted all my ap credits but certain schools won't um and certain schools won't accept ap credits for certain things like sometimes they'll like make you for example maybe you took ap calculus in high school um and got like a good score on the test but they like want you to take calculus as a prereq at their school um so they won't take your they won't accept your ap credits stuff like that happens sometimes too where like you can't get out of a prerequisite you have to take it from them um but anyway it fell apart in cooking yeah christine tofu is hard to cook but i'm glad it tastes good at least um trust me i'm not the best at cooking tofu either i kind of just wing it and hope for the best so don't feel bad [Laughter] my my standards for myself are really low um you want an air fryer oh god it's so useful it's so useful i might air fry tofu tonight to be honest that sounds good um tori excuse you what is that for tori thank you for the bits you didn't have to do that what ten thousand bits tori thank you so much also uh sleepy crossing left thank you for the reset tori she just says hi that's quite the entrance yeah what are you doing what are you doing i appreciate that toy thank you just hi yeah oh hello hello got your wisdom teeth stolen on friday when you start eating normally it took a long time iron wood dresser oh um i already have that but i'll take it again i don't know it took a while for my mouth to stop hurting after i got my wisdom teeth out some people have such good luck with it though like some people feel fine like the next day um it took me a long time to eat like not like a long time but like a couple weeks for my teeth to stop hurting for to like eat regular food again after my wisdom teeth got out um you ate doritos the next day was a grave mistake oh my god how i couldn't even handle eating like rice because that required too much chewing and that's like a soft food you know um i can say you're for the four months yeah i my mouth hurt though and it got not to scare you but like it kept getting worse every day for like 10 days before it got better so the first couple days were like the easiest for me oh guess i'm going to february wow you ate chips and salsa the night of i ate smoothies that day i could not eat regular food i was eating like smoothies and mashed potatoes blended mush could not handle chewing at all my because while i was missing four teeth so it hurt like you couldn't bite down it hurt um but anyway it wasn't that bad nice cold food is helpful um nice nice cold comforting food tried to eat pizza that night you got sick no i'm sorry meeting that sucks and it i think it sucks too because you like want to eat real food so bad but you can't because it hurts and plus i was like it would like wake me up in the night because my mouth would hurt and that sucks because when your mouth it just sucks when your mouth hurts that's the worst teeth pain is terrible are we talking about teeth yeah i was talking about some teeth um i gotta listen to that in like july so dan got 10 000 bits really from who did tori do it surely not hello isabel tori what is it tori stop that immediately how dare you give money to my boyfriend how dare you seriously tori thank you i really appreciate that she just keeps saying hi mom i blow under my icy hands to warm them but it doesn't work but it's something to do if i stitch fast enough maybe i'll be able to feel my fingers again i miss the sun i had a dream that me and you climbed the mountain in the dark at the top was a couch we sat and ate snacks and watched the sun come up it was real chill and fun oh bamboo shoots from daisy may there's um yeah so in animal crossing there's like a uh like a fake mom who sends you a special like embroidered present um every month like she makes like a little handmade like a cake or like a stuffed animal and stuff like that um and then she sends you a message every day oh break the chair i wouldn't be rude to my mods um my sid wasn't being rude to you in fact you were rude to sid so that you know be careful i don't want you to get in trouble or like banned or something um not a good idea to to argue with my mods they're they're just asking you to to not spam or whatever so it's green mom thank you do you think my mom is here and she's gonna think that i'm talking to her this worked out very well um no jay this went the windows this is a wallpaper it's called um the cafe curtain wall and it has windows on it but it's a it's like a fake wallpaper so it's not actual windows like for example i have another one that looks like this this wallpaper is one that you can craft um and it's got like snowy windows look how fun look at how cute it is do you know what else is horrible i think i'm glowing like a lot right now i can't turn my lights down because they're not like they're not connected i can't turn them down they're just gonna be this way what happens if i turn maybe i'll like unplug it the other one that's worse because then i'm like it's like all shadowy what have i done oh no simsy why did you do that now it's not going to connect and i'm going to have to try and like reset it oh geez but i can't they're not they won't connect in my computer so i can't i can't turn them down they like broke tori what are you doing gifting subs stop dory thank you for the 10 gifted subs like and the and the bits what what thank you hello ban her she won't stop that's i'm not gonna well i could ban tory that'll show her i'm just kidding sorry thank you i really appreciate that keep thinking of tori from victorious all right now you leave her out of this winter pizza for sid because she wanted pizza and she said she had a bad day drew me to paypal sid 15 and 44 cents i'll do it thanks for the winter sims which one um sid sid no that's not sid what the heck why aren't you in my contacts [Applause] sid i've paypaled sid before no it's like not in my paypal contacts the rest of them are where's sid sid do you have a donation button on your twitch channel gonna find out also hi dad yeah okay let me streamlabs tips in 15.44 okay don't mind me i'm just i'm doing something oh i'm not logged into paypal that's annoying said can you can you give me your paypal so i can do on my phone sid oh also hi dad by the way my dad's birthday was yesterday everyone if you want to spam have birthday to my dad i would appreciate that is that all it is why isn't it coming up then it's so weird okay oh no okay i did it this is so dumb what what an ordeal crow thank you for the wait was the two thousand pits mr thank you for the bits sammy with the 8 234 bits what sammy why sammy i i wish that you would apologize for that what are you guys doing sammy thank you dolly thank you for the private stuff also what is going on um anyway my dad's birthday was yesterday so oh i made the scary thingy go away teach me something thank you okay so yawning and thank you for the bits by the way i'm going to um make a snowman friend request received who do you think it was oh it's you i'll all i'm going to respond to them after stream tori i'm really scared of um in case you hadn't noticed i'm really scared of leaking my friend code on stream so i'm trying to avoid opening it i've got i think like three of the mods have added me on the switch right now but i'm scared to open it while i'm streaming because i don't want to leak my friend code again even if i try not to you don't understand i've done it by accident even when i was trying really hard not to once i was like good thing i didn't leak my friend code and then i opened it again by accident and linked my friend code and then i had to get a new one again so i don't really want to do that i'm being extra careful [Music] oh yeah i did give my dad his gift yesterday okay it was kind of funny because i bought my dad um i like i i well i printed out a picture he needs like this new thing for his car right um so i'm gonna like help him buy it um as his birthday gift so i like printed out a picture of lightning mcqueen and put it in the box but i i didn't want him to like only open a dumb photo because that's boring so i put like a couple pieces of candy in there and then my dad he opens the box and he's like oh some kit kats i love those and he was like really excited about it and he thought that was it and i was like dad oh please there's there's a piece of paper there's a folded piece of paper in there can you please open it but he was like he was like oh kit kats nice and i was like dad please keep plea keep looking but he like was like oh kit kats like push the box away like he was done and i was like no you're not done yet keep going oh and the other thing oh my god so for my grandma's birthday my grandma is turning 90 this year and so i bought her like new york times makes these things where you can like get a book made of the front page newspaper from every birthday of their entire life right um which i think she would really like so i bought her one of those i'm like ready for march 27th don't even worry about it um and so i bought her one and it came yesterday so we were looking at me and my parents were looking at it and it was it was really interesting because it's got like all these you know papers and there's 90 of them well it get it goes through march 27th every year since like the 30s right and it gets to the last page march 27th keep in mind that's like early coven so the last page is like coven cases search and then the book just ends so it looks like the world ended because there's no more but obviously it hasn't happened yet but it's just really funny that the last headline is like coven case is surging and then it just stops i didn't even think about that but that is what it looks like so um kind of funny actually but it's not funny but it is funny like the placement of it in the book like the last page and then it's just over uh lori thank you for the three months tori thank you for the bits you said forever now i drive lightning mcqueen past your street kachow good granny thank you for the bit also anyway it's a little bit funny um so i i we were laughing a lot about that uh the book ending like that what a grandma i think oh i haven't given it to her yet um her birthday's not until march uh but i like my parents knew i bought it so i like brought it show them she's not gonna find out that i bought it from my youtube channel because she she doesn't know how to watch my videos so don't worry uh thank you for the two months oh my goodness um but anyway i i'm kind of excited about the the book i think it's a fun gift i think she'll like it a lot and it's cool because she's turning 90 you know so it's like a fun milestone like here's 90 years of like headlines and stuff so um i thought she would like that i bought it really early though because i was excited and it also takes a long time to make it so i think she'll like it i actually bought one for both of my grandmas um but only one of them has come my grandma's both of them have the same birthday just five years apart it's every birthday not every day it's just it's just her birthday every year so both my grandmas have the same booklet it's just that like my dad's mom starts five years later isn't that so funny because they're both march 27th both of them like which is a weird coincidence but my um my mom's mom is five years older so um their books are the exact same they're identical but they say like their name on the front and like their birthday and stuff it's kind of cool it's a nice booklet so don't get mixed up don't worry it has their name on the front so you won't forget yeah march 27th is their birthday there was also there was a lot of like headlines about the pope i noticed as i was going through it which i think makes sense because a lot of times march 27th is easter um like that's like around eastern eastern time sometimes so it makes sense that there's like pope headlines but it was funny that there was like so many headlines about the pope like i swear it just kept popping up but it was you know as if it's easter like they probably have news about the pope so um but anyway don't talk about the car pope we can't get into this cars business again what have i done what have i done oh no we can't stop talking about cars oh first lightning mcqueen we why i swear it's every single stream lightning mcqueen gets brought up the stupid car pope from cars gets brought up every time why is this happening i'm blaming tori reverse thank you for the five months thank you for the two months oh no oh he's not going to like it i hate you giving 90 to a project is one way to go sure but that extra effort takes you to the pro snow circuit and i really want to see you on the pro snow circuit i hate you oh sorry i should be thanking you for making me so thank you for making me really dramatic melt him i should destroy him [Music] yeah i think his head is too big but it's because i got distracted because it was like underneath the tree so i couldn't place it it's not my fault that he was underneath a tree it would have been perfect if it wasn't underneath the tree because i tried to put it on and then it wouldn't let me so i had to push it and then look what happened hit him with the net i want to hit you oh hi choke thanks for the 41 months those aren't fossils those are um like pieces of bamboo that i don't want to deal with i'm not gonna dig them up they're not fossils it's bamboo can i not swing my axe well okay that's fine oh that's not aggressive enough i clicked through i didn't oh wait that was a good one okay okay how do i look angry don't do yoga this is not i want to feel rage oh this is more this is good it's not good enough i don't want the haunt one oh well i don't care it's fine i'm going to kill him what was i going to do next oh i was going to plant bushes okay i have to go up to the museum now sorry everyone detour anyway choke thank you for the 41 months oh oh you know what i meant to do is this i don't like the scare one it's it's stand behind do an intense reaction okay maybe i'll maybe i'll add some more maybe we'll take some more photos okay i want to put this [Music] put this yeah that's a dog thank you for noticing is starting better on pc or switch i don't know um it depends i think it's it's objectively good on both it really just depends um what your preferred platform is so i i think i prefer pc but you might enjoy playing games on switch more and that would make it better for you you know um it could be fun if you had like the regular not not the mini switch but the regular switch so that you could like dock it and play on your tv like that kind of thing is nice but also just in general having like a portable sturdy valley is really nice you can't go wrong um the pc does get updates first which is possibly a thing to consider um um and if you don't have like easy access to a pc uh the switch is a really good thing but i i think i just because of like my regular gaming habits i play i really play games on my pc way more often than on my switch so the pc is just better for me but that might not be the case for you you know you also can mod on pc and you can't get mods on switch which is a possibly a concern it depends what you are interested in though it might not matter to you another balloon this one might have money in it [Music] hello yeah i have both on switch and on pc so microwave it's too it's not green enough but it's it's fine no you can only mod on pc you couldn't mod on mobile i'm stuck no it's not free on switch it's still fifteen dollars jenny the cheapest one is on mobile um you're quarantining in a hotel by yourself and you brought your switch for started animal crossing yeah that's that's good that's useful i respect it i think i should maine switched it by daylight yeah why didn't i mean to sell that exercise bike didn't i sell it i'm confused okay well let me put these things away quickly um i don't think the mobile version has less features than the pc version i'm at least not that i'm aware of i am not sure this is probably the wrong place to ask i i've not played on mobile um i bought it on mobile but i haven't played it on mobile oh actually no i made dan buy it on mobile because i'm pretty sure it came out for mobile when i when my phone got stolen when i was in france and i was with dan so i didn't have a phone to get it on and then when i bought my new phone i couldn't like log into my apple id because i couldn't like two-factor check it because i didn't have my phone anymore so then um i i was like playing on like a fake i made like a fake discord account and like i couldn't i'm pretty sure i couldn't buy it so i had to wait until i made dan buy it so i could play it on his phone but anyway paradox thank you for the price up snap thanks again for the bits though um and sammy thank you for the bits here have some more because i want to give them to dan that's good good good attitude that's what i like to hear sammy thank you thank you um what did i do well luckily i was with dan um we ended up like because my phone got stolen we were in paris we were leaving like two days later so i bought a new one when we got back to london so that i could get home from london um but i was very frustrated about that because i had to pay like extra um because it's more expensive in the uk but and then i didn't have a sim card but i could like use it on wi-fi uh and then i like got a new sim card and stuff when i got home so i mean dennis plans for valentine's day i don't think so talia to be honest like what are you gonna do i'm not sure why i need a phone to get home what do you mean i have to like get to the airport and then get home from the airport i gotta like call an uber um and like what do you mean why do you need a phone to get home i'm not trying to fly internationally by myself with no way to contact anybody what are you talking about you go on a nine-hour flight and fly internationally i'm paranoid what if i get like murdered in the airport and i can't even tell anyone um so anyway just swim home lol that's a good idea i don't know why i didn't think of that anyway i i wanted to be able to contact people given the circumstances so anyway it was an unpleasant experience don't shame me for it um but anyway did i put the haunted house to the gallery oh no i didn't i still oh no i still haven't posted the haunted house in the gallery one moment two seconds it'll take two seconds one just one second this always happens because i couldn't post the build like when i built it because the embargo hadn't lifted yet so then i waited too long and now it's the pack's out so detour one moment i need to do it now before i forget so we'll do it now you're finally don't worry um it's one of those things it's really scary traveling alone um i mean obviously i well i don't do it a lot now but i used to do it a lot um but it's one of those things you just feel a lot more comfortable when um you have a way to contact people when you're alone and such so and like i definitely could have done it without a phone like dan could have called me an uber or something like it would have been okay but i don't really want to like get into an uber with you know it's just i don't with no phone like that's just it's not smart or safe so it makes me nervous um i would prefer to have a connection to somebody i'm not playing sims i'm just posting the build in the gallery don't worry i'm i'm literally just posting the haunted house on the gallery um three bedrooms two bathrooms i built a haunted house there you go there you go there you go now i'm done you're welcome yeah it's weird i i it's kind of scary how like dependent you are on on your phone you know i was talking to my mom about this because my mom like obviously um she was an adult in a time before cell phones and now she feels very dependent on her phone and she was telling me a story about how um she was like going to cvs to like run some errands and then she was gonna go like buy dog food or something so she was just out and she forgot her phone with her on the way and she felt so like oh no i don't have my phone like what if something happens but she was like obviously for most like for a lot of her life there were no cell phones like she didn't have that but now like you leave outside your phone and you feel really like like oh what if something goes wrong like i don't have a way to contact anybody what am i gonna do like isn't that weird though how like attached you feel to it anyway um but what should you do well you shouldn't leave that's for sure oh he lost something i'll go look for it scoot isn't allowed to leave you made brownies oh that sounds good okay we're looking for a random thing like a trainer's notebook from scoot yeah my mom had a blackberry for a long time too bruin yeah like in gilmore girls luke hates cell phones which is just such a weird thing because now that that's such like a bizarre um take to have now because everybody just like relies so heavily on the on their cell phone now but like back then it was not the same anyway dude enough brownies showed all of us you better if you're gonna brag about your brownies you better have enough for everyone you better have enough to share yeah i have very vivid memories of playing brick breaker on my mom's old blackberry like going to my brother's sports games and being stuck at the baseball fields just like waiting for it to be over and playing brick breaker on my mom's blackberry um yep the good old days yeah i watched like half of gilmore girls i never finished watching gilmore girls i was watching gilmore girls when i was in high school um right as i was like graduating high school and i was like really anxious and stressed about like applying to colleges and all of that and so when rory started applying to colleges and like like started doing that i was like this is too much i can't handle this right now and then i stopped watching it i probably would like to finish watching it but i just haven't picked it back up again but back then i was like this is too i can't do this right now i'm not ready [Laughter] does that happen to you too dylan really yeah it's like it's not that big of a deal but like um oh thanks emily i really appreciate that thank you um i am very talented as you say exactly but anyway i've i've been trying to see if dan wants to watch gilmore girls with me but then i feel kind of silly because i keep only re-watching shows i've already seen so i probably should like start like i haven't seen all of them girls but i've seen a lot of gilmore girls like i need to um i need to watch shows that i haven't seen instead of just re-watching things you know um so anyway anyway i'm on the hunt for that little booklet that poor scoot loss hello yeah i think we're gonna want to watch new girl next um did i just see it oh no i thought that my picnic basket was it it's not it's not it nope simsy grump i it is supposed to look a little bit like marshall yama it's not supposed to be marshall but it's like kind of inspired by marshall yeah i'm glad you i'm glad you noticed okay um well that's good dylan glad to hear it really christine yeah i can imagine that you probably only watch shows that are for mary lots of toddler tv why choke why what's wrong with her zoe deschanel is dating um one of the property brothers right is that why are you jealous is that why you don't like her because you're jealous that she's the property brother yeah that must be it i don't know which one she's dating but i know she's dating one of them i don't remember they're very nice you see the property brothers at the airport are they canadian do the property brothers frequent canada really shan works at an airport in canada by the way they used to work for westjet really i didn't know that so you've seen them in person you've been in the same room as the property brothers they're so tall how tall i'm gonna look it up how tall are the property brother six four and six five oh oh yeah they're tall yeah that's tall they have to duck for the westjet checkpoint doors oh that's so weird yeah those are the the property brothers of the twins with the hgtv show one's like the real station and the other one like fixes things here's a picture here we have the property brothers they used to be magicians is that real no i believe that do you know what they're also doctors um and and uh they used to work on a cruise ship and uh they're musicians and now i'm telling lies i'm just making stuff up right now um no i'm just making stuff up um but apparently they worked at an airport and apparently they're magicians and also they're into property and being brothers those are their two things they released a country music song they released a country music song they're actually musicians who what how does i swear you people know way too much about these guys i like the property brothers our property brothers on um you know how discovery is making that new streaming service and they have like all of the hdtv shows or they're gonna and they also have like um all the tlc things i'm gonna i am going to buy it are they on it because i'll watch their show again they are oh i'm gonna i'm gonna do it tonight i am watching property brothers tonight discovery plus okay i'm buying it it's happening yeah but anyway we were saying yesterday twins they're really good at at being successful you get a twin you can make it in tv and in property apparently but anyway um they're twins yeah there's another one they have another brother but i don't remember his name but he's not a twin so he's not part of the gang you know so sad for him um they have an older brother well good for him oh you want a sporty outfit i can make one you sent me a picture oh yeah this picture the third property brother thank you jd that's frankie jonas right there hang on i hear a balloon wait wait wait wait i'll make you a sporty outfit don't worry wait wait wait wait wait fitness tank okay shh i want my balloon come on i can oh there it is i know hello there it is let me in let me in let me in okay i got it that was really it took too much time to do this that was really kind of embarrassing iceberg flooring okay [Music] oh when you said iceberg flooring you really meant iceberg flooring okay what if the jonathan is related to the property brothers imagine if they had like two sets of famous brother groups in one family like their cousins i'm choosing to believe that because i like that yeah they used to like flip houses and stuff i don't know what they do now but i assume something similar screams congrats on the discord role catherine thank you for the 22 months by the way um yeah i actually the general players and the pro they're they're cousins um you guys know nick and drew them they're really close they're cousins so um that's my choice and as far as i'm aware is their last name brothers yeah yes that's true yes indeed oh marissa thank you for the bits one of your favorite app games is the property brothers match 3 game where you earn coins and decorate things i didn't even know they had one of those but i bet it's good i'm with you their last name is scott it's not brothers but um scott is a stage name their real last name is brothers so anyway big fan i'm gonna ask danny wants to watch that tonight can we watch property brothers okay why did i believe you for half a second people take me too seriously i can say anything on some people believe me like jonathan and drew brothers um that's their real last name they're both they're um doctors they're actually heart surgeons and they do it together um it's like a brother's thing bonding um yeah it's true story chip and joanna upper a fixer-upper fame their last name is upper yeah oh my god banana thank you for the fans but yeah um nick and jonathan are actually twins that's why they're so close in height yeah yeah jonathan scott and nick jonas they're actually twins wait nick jonas that was a good meme because nick jonas is short right um how tall is nick jonas five nick jonas is five six and jonathan is six five right imagine how do you can i get it like a comparison comparing heights six five five six here's a website i found this is not very helpful see they're basically the same height um they're twins so this is a weird website anyway i guess on that note i'm gonna end the stream how tall am i i'm five five i'm five five um okay who should we go raid this has been quite the day thank you for hanging out with me i needed this sorry i'm glowing so much i can't turn my lights down because they're broken still and not connected which is really annoying but i'm fine i'll get through it everything is fine [Music] hmm i wanna i think we should rate somebody who's playing the new pack oh let's rate you know what miv who attacked me with the rosetta stone earlier is live right now um playing the new pack it looks like and also doing a charity stream for ablegamers so i think now is a good time to go over and say hi um little zeke i thank you for the bids i furious thank you for the sub bubbly thank you for the bits um i i'm friends with myself on my switches and i mail it to myself that's how i send things between my islands i have like the family plan of nintendo online and i mail myself things or like come visit myself and bring things to myself basically um anyway have a wonderful night everyone i'll see you later thank you for hanging out um let's go watch some fun games and and have some nice evenings yeah i don't know that was a weird thing to say i'll see you later bye
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 37,944
Rating: 4.9648681 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: Tier_TXOyy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 15sec (10995 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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