animal crossing is weird (Streamed 12/28/21)

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oh i didn't fix my command oh no hang on dropped my chapstick dropped my water i got a haircut well dan and i cut my hair yesterday hi everyone i hope you're having a good day let me get my game open actually hang on wait wait wait wait wait okay let's go gamers i need to open my thingy wait for it oh there you go problem solved come on load all right anyway slime time oh wait no it's too sad slime time is over it's terrible how will we go on there will never be another slime time again um canadian and robin and sad cowboy and donya with the 51 months mel and ali everybody thank you for the subs and stuff by the way um okay well let's game hope i'm feeling better me too madame mooney i also hope i'm feeling better except i'm not my head hurts so bad i'm feeling better than yesterday though i cancelled my stream kind of last minute yesterday because i had such a bad headache um but we're okay we're just we're going you know rick ashley's back here behind me mostly because i didn't feel good enough to carry my plan up yesterday or today so i just didn't and i didn't ask dan to either because i was like it kind of be funny if rick was back there so the tree's gone no i don't think it's the flu i think it's my period guava um there's a pretty clear reason this is happening to me and i'm not sick don't worry it's not contagious you'll be fine um this is life kristen amy and joe and miranda and morgan and and lady and ariel thank you all for the subs by the way um is anyone else crying while eating cinnamon bread i mean i've been crying today but i don't have any cinnamon bread what the heck are you gonna share with us you got enough for the class i hope so anyway sewing and ladybugs and jordy and ollie and al and tori and jen and willow thank you all for the subs and stuff too by the way okay so today we're going to play a little bit of animal crossing uh i'd like to work on some decorating because there's still a lot of my island if i show you the map you'll see there's still on my island that is that is empty um this whole area down in the bottom left corner where my house is empty the whole area in the top right is gonna be my farm it used to be my farm my house is also up there and then i switched it so that's empty um i think i might work on the farm though today i'm feeling like farming um but that's the plan ghost and mama's name and bobby and oliver and uh shannon and lauren and aids and vinther and emma and lena and redhead and botox and k brown and sydney and smitty and kaylee and annabeth oh my goodness thank you all for the subs um dan and lily thank you thank you thank you oh speaking of dan i've been watching gossip girl with dan and the character dan humphrey is in it which is why i said speaking of dan um that might have been a stretch but you get it i don't know you understand no oh my god we have so much work to do it's fine i thought i got call cole no i didn't mom was crossing i tried and then i didn't i got and then i just let it autofill because i gave up um and i was gonna come back another day and do it again and then i got mira as the autofill and then oh my god and then in my campsite rolled appeared and so now i have rolled because he was in my campsite and he replaced mira it was very very exciting lily and honey and jordan and cup of cheese and sammy and cyborg and mel and strawberry hang on this is tangled and jordy and kathy and ann and kathy and isaiah and swifty and flute and britain lucky everybody thank you for the subs also someone asked if um stanley humphrey is named after dan humphrey from gossip girl and you know it would be really funny if he was he's not though stanley humphrey has a randomized name um stanley humphrey my hot dog sim is named stanley humphrey because i i pressed the random button in the sims 4 a few times and it randomized so unfortunately um there's no exciting um backstory to that one i wish but no we can pretend though yeah uh ariel and simmer and fully caffeinated and and wax and cat and uh and jordy and sarah and casey and van and lucky and starry and meg and maddie everybody thank you for the subs also miv with the tier 2 34 months hello free me she won't let me out that's true baby's trapped she stuck with me now i stand by that got your driver's license today that is huge congratulations that is a big big big day um riley i'm really sorry i am i too well i too thought i had coveted this weekend but really what i had was anxiety and my period because i took two covet tests both negative didn't even have coveted symptoms i just felt sick and had really bad cramps you know like i always do every single time i have my period yeah um so it's okay though everything's fine theodore and caitlyn and isaiah and everybody jordy and and uh jola and dragon and almond milk and aaron everybody thank you thank you thank you um can't wait for the new year's eve among us stream yeah so keep around on new year's eve we're gonna stream for like eight hours um and we're gonna play a couple games uh but part of that stream we're gonna play among us with some of my sims friends um you know the group the one we always play among us with but in the beginning of that stream we're gonna play among us together we've been playing this for a couple weeks because we were all like listen besties we don't have new year's eve plans we're simmers thoughts on gaming together and we were all kind of like yeah let's game together so we're gonna play among us for a little bit on new year's eve which should be fun um i think i think that's a good one i feel like i'm thinking about me as a viewer as well and also as a person who never has any plans on new year's eve i like to stream on new year's eve um but also as a viewer i feel like it's kind of fun to watch like social games on a holiday like that because it's like i'm just chilling at home i don't want to go see anybody but maybe it's kind of fun to like watch someone on the internet talk to people you know it just it feel it feels appropriate so jen when we played among us with bloody last week um for her trans lifeline charity stream she ended up raising 82 000 in like four hours for trans lifeline which is amazing it was it was wild because we got off the call like we she had planned to play among us in the middle of that stream like she would talk to chad in the beginning play among us and then talk to chad at the end and so when we got off stream um sort of like 30 minutes before before she was gonna get off she was at 35 000. and then i went to go take a shower and make dinner i checked twitter after i had eaten and she said we raised 82 000 and i was like huh what happened i miss but um we knew twitch was going to match 10 000 and then someone donated 20 000 themselves and then someone else donated 11 000 themselves and so it just at the very end of the stream there were some massive donations that um just blew it up so um i was really excited i couldn't believe it i like posted the discord about it too because i was like guys guess what i was so excited um but anyway i thought that was pretty cool so i thought i mean i'm sure you might if you were there you might have heard but in case you hadn't heard um that is the huge news um about bloody's charity stream turned out really really well um and poor bloody had coveted during it uh she got like tested positive for kova the day before that stream and she still wanted to do it um so she like it was so sad and part of it because we were playing among us right and part of it she called an emergency meeting and she was like guys can you please vote me out so i can stay and not talk for a second and i just felt so bad but she really she really powered through this stream and i i have a lot of respect for her with that one that was amazing um but anyway i just it was quite the day um cougar and c and turbo and jordy and emmy and kid and diet and spontaneous and minnie and everybody perry and girl named fish and schmeli thank you all for the subs too um but yeah we should have a fun night on new year's eve i think it'll be a good time um i feel like i didn't do the best job when we played among us uh with bloody in them because i one we were playing on a map that i had never played on before and also i didn't know um most of those people i only know i only knew like two people in the call um which is always like honestly it's it's a recipe for an almost disaster you know so i feel like i didn't do a very good job in the beginning of that one but at least when we play with the simmers i'll know everybody i'll do better i promise and parts of it i felt so confused sometimes they would be talking about things and i'd be like did i miss something it's okay everything's fine okay so we're just working on fixing up my little farm area over here right now because um well we're gonna need to make i think i'm gonna make this into a new entrance to the farm area as well um yes ambulance if you if you have a prime sub you'll get all of the uh the emotes the tier one emotes we have 60 of them um prime subs are just like a regular sub you get all the same perks as a regular sub except it's free so even i still get paid like a cut as if you had subscribed with money with a prime sub except it's free for you so it works out pretty well if you ask me little chicken girl and kaylee and faith and sophie and maya and margaret and char and mushrooms and everybody thank you for the steps and stuff um we'll start the stream at this time on new year's bella at 4 eastern time that is my plan um oh you got the stardew valley board game for christmas no that's really exciting that's a really fun gift i bought dan um lord of the rings monopoly for christmas we haven't had a chance to play it yet um but i also bought myself animal crossing monopoly for christmas which we also have not played yet um but i i think that board games are a fun gift for for the holidays i like that kind of thing i just i really like board games i'm so glad that dan lives here now because i have a person that actually plays board games with me sometimes i really like board games so um yeah there's an animal crossing monopoly um i haven't played it yet i think christine said that it's a little bit different from normal monopoly i think it maybe is a little bit more kid-friendly i'm not sure um but christine sounded like she really enjoyed it so um i'm sure christine will update us with more details but um anyway it sounds good it has a lot of pieces to pop out so be warned oh geez okay so get ready for when you're when you want to play do it in advance yeah i like board games i think board games are really fun so nothing on my little feet oh i know i like to step in the snow i think it's so funny whenever i'm streaming and i've i've just been done like this like put my character in a hot dog costume with no shoes on my chat's always like oh my goodness you have no shoes on it's so cold outside it's kind of cute yeah i'm playing on my switch step also oh my goodness my hair hang on i know it's not that much shorter but it is a little bit shorter it doesn't look that good from all angles but you don't need to know that um dan and i cut it yesterday in fact he didn't want to help me but then i was like you're gonna have to snip snip and then it was too late he had to help me because i already cut it um but we did a good job i think it doesn't look that good in the back i don't really know i haven't looked yet but you can't really tell on camera so it's fine it doesn't matter if you can't see it then um oops did my dad present i got him oh my god lily so i bought my um my dad and my brother a ps5 i'm not kidding by the way i this is this is ridiculous but i'll tell you i bought my dad and brother both a ps5 i secured two ps5s because i've been trying to buy them a ps5 since last christmas for both of their birthdays in between and last christmas and this christmas i managed to get two ps5s okay so when i gave the ps5 to my brother i made them open their gifts in a very specific order okay i made my grandma go first and then i was like we'll do it in age order so like shanna then bret then mom then dad that's the plan okay so i made brett open his he was not anticipating this right and i had previously sort of planted this thought in my dad's head that i gave him a small present in a big box like i had been joking with shanna about that around my dad to make him think that i had like wrapped something small in a very large box as a trick right so i already knew my dad had heard this and so brett gets a ps5 my dad's like brett you have to put that in the living room like you have to share and then we go through everyone else's presence and then my dad opens his present i like put it in front of him he's thinking he's gonna be small and it's also a ps5 oh it was very fun for me anyway i planned it out really well i i put a lot of effort into the order in which they had to open these games because i was so excited about it um but anyway it was pretty fun they were both really really really excited about it um i mean as you can imagine i i too would have been excited to receive a ps5 and i don't even play console games but my dad and brother play console like all the time so okay um hello simsie my research was very important oh shella yay no coven oh that is a relief she said her test came back negative i'm really really really glad to hear that shella um i'm very glad thank you for the tier 2 23 month reset by play oh my god oh my god um yeah we'll get tested again tomorrow but it is a relief to have that first one come back negative you know um because i know you were so scared so that's good um also sarah and cloudy and aic and leslie and and lasagna and lexi and becca and beatle and tates and jack thank you all for the recepts too um had to open gifts in certain order console first game second oh yeah exactly gotta be really careful about that dan bought me a label maker dan bought me a label maker um for christmas and the present that i opened first was the um the little the label like the insert to print the labels on you know and i was like oh this is really nice and then i opened the label maker and i was like oh okay that makes more sense i get it now so anyway oopsies but random label maker cartridge oh boy thank you i've always wanted one of these label makeover cartridges thank you so much um but anyway i was excited about it okay hey queen emmy don't worry sheryl said she's gonna get tested again tomorrow that was always the plan she is allowed to feel relieved today though shella's been crying all day let her have this alex um and kay and rainey and battle and only and meg and and wax and cornish and ab and yuki and leslie thank you all for the subs too i've been sobbing you don't understand let me be happy sorry it's not funny seriously i'm happy for you shella anyway alex thanks for the tier 2 14 months by the way uh coupon i play among us on um on pc you can play among us on like pretty much anything though can't you although i don't know how cross-platform it is like if i was playing among us with all my friends on pc can i join their game if they're on switch i think among us isn't very good on switch i don't know if that's true or not you think it is cross platform okay i mean it makes sense that it would be i don't see why there would be an issue it's coming out for vr soon oh me and bret should get that for the oculus then that's cool um it's very cross-platform cool i've i've played among us on mobile before but only as a joke against dan and his sister so um i don't really feel the need to play among us like with strangers i did that once and it was scary but can you play among us on the tesla maybe brother gave you american disney monopoly oh oh american disney money oh my god money money real money sorry we were talking about monopoly earlier i was like cool you got a disney monopoly game no you mean cash actual money that's my bad sorry about that um understandably confusing you wish that would be fun actually i think they have disney monopoly they've got like everything monopoly jay and hanks and judith and fresca and meghan and sunshine and lj and chillin madame palindrome thank you all for the subs um what i get for christmas i got some fun things from my kitchen um i realized that this this sounds not fun but i'm i was very excited um like i got uh this one oh this one's actually really exciting dan got me a pasta attachment for my kitchenaid so we're gonna make pasta tomorrow or on well no tomorrow's wednesday yeah we're gonna use it tomorrow and we're gonna make pasta i'm so excited i'm so excited and of course about the label maker which is also very exciting because i love a good label maker so anyway i'm really excited about it there is literally a target monopoly are you serious i didn't know that um but yeah so this is one of those things once once you get old kids watch out you start getting kitchen things for christmas except i'm gonna be honest with you it's not a bad thing give me a good mixing bowl you know i'll take it like my mom got me an ice cream scoop that is a wonderful gift dead serious like no jokes i i want that i don't have one of those so i'll take it morgan and janice and ash and rat and madame mads thank you for the subs everybody um got a stainless steel pot and a pan set nice yeah my mom got me the first christmas after i moved out i got mixing bowls and i was that's the one the example i just gave but i was real excited about it when i got them so you got a heated blanket oh that is a good gift that is a good gift you know what's a good gift as well i guess it depends if you like this kind of thing or not but a weighted blanket i think that would make a really solid present as well um as a person who owns a weighted blanket and really likes it i think a blanket's just a good a good gift people love that kind of thing um i'm gonna get my give me kitchen supplies nice um i mean avocado thank you for the steps everybody um they make weighted heated blankets oh at what age do you start getting ps fires from your kids listen bessie here's the long haul here's the long game you gotta get your kid to be a youtuber okay have them get a million subscribers okay and then they'll buy you a ps5 for christmas um i speak from experience when i say this uh that is that is the way okay i want to put i'm kidding but not really oops oh you forgot oh yeah that's right also let your kid shave your head on their stream for charity and then only then will you get a ps5 for christmas yep mario and lilly and brittany and francisca and ash thank you all for the subs everybody um what's a way to blanket what does it do you know what good question because it does sound weird a weighted blanket is a blanket that is very heavy it's got like um weights in it not like weights like you know like lifting weights but it's like a blanket with weights in it to make it heavier so when you put it on you you feel very safe because it's like a heavy thick wrapped around you blanket um i really like it it's like a nice warm hug yeah it's like it's filled with sand almost yeah a little bit um some people don't like it because it feels like they're being squished which is valid i like mine though um i find it soothing but um i think a lot of people think it's good for anxiety they've had good experiences with it for that reason so does it get hot yeah a little bit to an extent they all do um like i don't sleep with one at night but like i hang around with it during the day or like if i'm not feeling good um but anyway okay oops how do you wash them you know bestie i've never washed mine so uh couldn't tell you i don't know i'm sure that some of them are easy to wash mine might be too you could probably just wash the outer layer it might have like a removable cover i think mine's got a zipper so it probably is removable but again never washed it so i don't know way to call me out in front of all these people but i think that you can remove the cover outside of it anyway you probably have to wash it like in cold water or something too i'm sure they have instructions on them uh okay oops oops okay smitten josh ruby and abby and zion sunbear and sheldon you all for the subs everybody um okay you think i'm stinky i might be a little bit i'm just kidding okay you've washed yours like once see and i usually put it on top of my sheets so like it doesn't touch me touches my sheets don't put the weight insert on your own washer or dryer it's gonna break because the weight imbalance oh i bet i can see that happening don't do that then no okay plant the amount of detail and time that i am spending with this is stupid got your booster scheduled nice okay nice nice okay i don't have a shovel on me maybe i'll just go buy one because i cannot be bothered to make another one good idea hello i'm moya and tuna mo and chrissy and nerdy ashley and spin thank you all for the subs everybody um okay i'm going to purchase some things thank you very much island is huge compared to yours really they're all the same size it's all it all comes down to the uh the way you distribute the space you broke your leg rocket science i'm so so so so so so sorry i know that must be so stressful i hope you're okay and i hope you're not in too much pain what a nightmare happy holidays i'm so sorry that happened to one of my friends when we were in middle school she um her family went skiing over christmas break and she broke her leg um unpleasant to say the least but she's okay now um no natalie i didn't change my camera uh i do have rick astley here though don't worry my plant will come back i just haven't brought him upstairs yet oh i love that coat wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait also faith and rainbow thank you for the subs both you no this is so cute oh my gosh oh my gosh i want every color so the tree down so fast don't worry my tree is still up downstairs i just didn't want to get harassed by my twitch chat for still having the tree up they're so weird about it god forbid it's three days after christmas and you still have a christmas tree up but um i took it down um okay i want to get yeah i don't have it i still have it up downstairs though i don't want to take it down yet i like it it's just nice i like the vibes it's cozy the fairy lights are pretty like i have a little bit of garland across the um with like battery-powered fairy lights across my tv stand downstairs and i really like it i think i might leave the the lights down there i think that i might do that permanently because i really like how that looks it's really cute and i don't want to get rid of it the garland i can take away but the lights yeah i think a lot of people take their trees down like in january um like i said i'm not taking the one downstairs down i just this one it's down um okay i have a shovel now let's go yeah you could switch it out to be like something more springy i guess instead of like the pine or whatever you could put like a different kind of plant i don't know maybe i should think about it yeah everybody keeps their tree up till january that's that's pretty much normal isn't it um okay i oh my god i read this reddit post the other day about it you know one of them basically like my boyfriend is evil help posts but she was asking if she was in the wrong okay so she goes on to explain that she loves christmas it's like her favorite time of the whole year she looks forward to it all year she just loves christmas her boyfriend hates christmas he's a real grump about it he never wants to exchange gifts he's like mean to her about it right he doesn't want to go see your family he just you know throws a fit whatever smiling like christmas but then she goes on to say that she woke up the the morning after christmas right so it's the 26th and she woke up because he was like loudly taking the christmas tree down and like throwing the ornaments on the table while doing it her ornaments were all handmade ornaments from her dead grandmother and he was like throwing them off the tree and so she comes in and she's like hey can you please stop that i'll take it down just stop doing that and then he got angry and threw one and it smashed and broke oh my god oh my god and she's acting like she might be in the wrong for overreacting about the ornaments no those are your dead grandmother's ornaments she needs to get rid of that man no people shouldn't be violent like that that's weird anyway i just felt really bad for her um how could he i don't understand how annoying do you have to be i don't care how much you dislike something why are you breaking things especially when you know your partner cares about it oh yeah yeah anyway um no that's not good don't like that person red flags all over but um and it just like that's the thing it doesn't matter if you don't like christmas if you know she likes christmas and you also know that she has these ornaments that are really special to her and then break imagine breaking anything that is special to someone you care about or like even potentially risking it by not being gentle with it anyway um nasty man it's just a reddit post i don't know this person don't worry but um i see a lot of things like that on reddit it's a real shame um it makes you worry about these people you know you saw that one too jim yeah yeah um okay we have carrots now i'm gonna put a pond over here i think oh yeah all the comments were like bestie this is not normal which is good um that is good okay let me get out the thingies to plant i think pond yet to the pond you like my youtube shorts thanks vod i'm glad i've been trying to do some interesting ones the problem with youtube shorts they have to be under 60 seconds though and um i have a tendency of talking too much if they were 90 i could do it 60 is cutting it close for me i um as i said i have a tendency to talk too much so oops but i try okay we're going to plant sugar cane you've got an oled switch and animal crossing for christmas oh my goodness have the best time playing that is so fun um okay why don't you just have the top five any quicker holly because i know i'm scrolling to the very bottom for those things if i was say i pressed the wrong button because of you holly if i was say looking for something specific i need that still don't get rid of those if i was looking for something specific i would use the tabs but i wasn't i was just gonna scroll to the very bottom so i could go all the way down to the other section and do it or i could just scroll to the bottom i don't know it's not that deep it doesn't matter i don't know okay it's your birthday hey i'll sing you a song i need to drink some water first okay um honestly i have no idea how short's monetization works i don't think i've made any money on shorts i'm it's not a money thing i'm just messing with it i'm more interested to see how it messes with the algorithm my second channel um happy birthday by the way also martis and bethany and lark and rachel and faith thank you for the um for the resubs okay i think plant plant rain the oled switch is the new switch um it's got a bigger screen i'll show you um it's got a bigger screen it's got better battery life um it's it's like the updated more new and improved version so this is the regular switch um and then this is the oled switch this one's probably a bit better for handheld playing if you wanted to buy the big one um they also have like different kickstands in the back um this one has a little tiny kickstand this one has little bit i can't do it with one hand this one's got a way bigger kickstand um and it's got better screens they have like it's got a better bigger brighter nicer screen just in general um but we're gonna play with this on new year's eve that is my plan um okay i think yeah the kickstand is a lot better there it did a lot of the things on the oled switch um it's a lot more expensive than the regular switch too which is another problem but a lot of the things on the oled switch are things that i feel like they should have just done in the first place on the regular switch um but um if it's one of those things that if you're planning on playing handheld a lot the screen is really nice it's definitely going to be an improvement for you for like the playing experience but you might not care about it um okay okay um yeah this is it's new it just came out um simsy bought it for herself for christmas i know i have a problem um yeah the dock works the same they gave you a new dock though the dock looks different um it's white which is also in my opinion an improvement from the original but um it works the same as the other one anyway um it's nice doesn't feel like a necessity but if you were going to buy a switch now new and you like really care about the tech side of it maybe but i think a lot of you probably don't need that like i think a lot of us play mostly like i don't know i just we're not not all of us are like gamer gamers you know even myself i'm not a gamer gamer so um i i didn't think i was gonna buy one and then i was like oh but what if i played with it on stream content you know no i don't have four switches steph one of them is dance in fact this one is kind of like dan and eyes um if we're gonna bring a handheld switch anymore we're gonna bring that one um i don't have four switches i'm not that ridiculous i have three um so you have to have an island on each switch do you have to buy a animal crossing or do you reuse so no i'm i'm reusing animal crossing on this one i didn't um like buy animal crossing again i want all my games on that switch um this switch the oled i intend to become my new main switch the one that i will bring everywhere with me um so anyway i did actually have um another switch so last year when i was a twitch ambassador i still am one but like last year was my first year as a twitch ambassador and so twitch uh usually in the past they would have flown us out to twitchcon as the ambassadors that year however obviously that did not happen and so last year twitch sent out like a really nice ambassador gift that had like some tech stuff in it including an entire switch um and so i i got another switch last year from twitch i don't have it anymore i gave it to my sister um because i obviously did not need it i had two already um but they gave us a switch last year which is pretty cool so i think this year the ambassador's got ipads and i think it says twitch ambassador on it um which is also very cool no dan had a switch light first and then he got a regular switch but he gave the switch light to his sister before he moved sammy so we don't have it here um the switch light was left in a different country and you didn't get it no so faith again i was i was a new ambassador last year not this year so i got the ambassador gift the year i became an ambassador does that make sense um but like they're not gonna send me the new the new people's present um they're celebrating them the new ones i'm still an ambassador but not like the new one this year you know um i'm old news now yeah okay i think just leave and rejoin the program problem solved i don't think it works like that excuse me twitch can i please be uninvited and then reinvited will you please uninvite me and then bring me back thank you okay i think no ambassador not the same as partner fod ambassador is i hey i don't really know how to explain said program um twitch ambassador is a program of people that twitch has decided represent their platform very well and they um like i don't really know to be honest with you um they don't really do much with us uh we got a nice badge hey bella what's up um i got a fancy badge instead of the regular partner badge i have a um it's like a blue and purple gradient partner badge um but you know besties i i don't know otherwise they asked me and i said yes so anyway bella i hope you had a good stream um i'm currently working on redoing my little farm um in animal crossing at the moment so i think it's turning out kind of cute had a super chaotic hundred baby stream oh boy you know i bet you did that's just one of those things where no matter what you do chaos chaos in every every way little farm yes my little farm it's little sort of okay i think that's nice okay there's a couple other things that i want count your plans and then argue that it's little okay fine i have a lot of plans i signed cleary and caroline and maisie and gristini and brent sarah and aka and hadley and crybaby and slytherin and everybody thank you for the subs i hope i didn't miss anything else did i miss alex and mango and penguin and anyway kate i'm sorry i'm sorry okay i'm looking for i don't actually know if i bought it or not um oh i did this windmill okay i want to use that over here instead i miss you i'm sorry i don't look i don't know what's wrong with me i'm so not trying to i swear oops okay you just bought the tiny living pack for the sims oh my goodness you were gonna have the most fun i honestly i think tiny living is probably one of my favorite sims packs out of all of them um for you as far as using it goes i think that um if you're gonna ever play with like a new sim i think that playing in a tiny home as like your sim starter home is a really good good idea because you get so much out of it like you get so many perks it's so well worth it truly like it's just you get the double skills and everything and it works like to have a really small starter at first is totally fine you know um it's just very powerful to say the least the perks are amazing so highly recommend can i go up there i want water up there it's dangerous to climb any higher [Music] okay at least i can have it though you have 755 hours in animal crossing okay so my dear i if you'll remember have been actively playing on three switches so i have this one i have my switch my other switch and i have dan switch so i have two and i have dan's this is just one i do stream it though in my defense but i certainly haven't streamed it that many hours i've streamed a lot of hours but not so don't worry we're all in this together and i don't even want to talk about how many hours i have in the sims 4. um don't worry about that oh alex i liked mario party i am okay so mario party was fun i enjoyed playing it with my friends i did not enjoy how stupid and random it was i lost at the very end of the game because wario got this like power up that let him steal literally all of my stars all of them not just one all of them wario like swapped stars with me so i got his zero and he got all of mine and then i lost so i didn't enjoy my first time playing mario party it's so unfair it's actually kind of funny like how unfair the stupid game is i really i did like it it was fun to play um but rage inducing to say the least um yellow thank you for the gifted stuff but me hoping chibi played on discord one night um and it was just i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe it it probably will be fun on stream i bet it would be fun on stream um do americans have window sills that is an interesting question dan would tell you no and you see i think the the problem here is not that americans don't have window sills it's that the walls in my house are so thin that my house has basically no window sill now if you went to a different house would you find more windowsills maybe not in central florida but somewhere else yeah probably i had a really bad headache yesterday harper i didn't want to sit at my pc so i didn't stream yeah the exterior walls in my house are really thin um so there's not a lot of windows still because there's not a lot of wall but like people have window sills it's not like there's not window sills um everyone's got a window sill the question is is it about yay wide or is it about you know it's different depending on where you go i guess um yeah dan always talks about how there's like no window sills here but it's it's just um it's it's a florida thing probably okay um country breaker maybe somewhere in between i live in a townhouse um so i have shared walls right with people because my house is attached to about eight other people's houses um but it's like a house does that make sense um it is a new house thing too probably to have a lack of windowsill i imagine um i imagine it's a cheap construction thing as well does that make sense um you know to skimp on the windowsill kirby and marissa and kiana and bowen and vexi and hopefully and isabella and kay and bexs and madeleine thank you all for the subs also yellow thank you for the five gifted subs um okay wait that's kind of fun marissa i am i i like looking at people's houses on zillow i think how do i want to do this simsey you will not believe what i just mailed you not clickbait oh shella i didn't tell you this i was gonna just surprise you maybe i should tell you now you're going to be receiving a letter from me i'm mailing it today and in it is a really wonderful gift a small gift about yay big thin card um personally i think that you will really enjoy it it's about amiibo size yeah um do you wanna just take a guess oh no no not hippo no no not hippo don't worry oh no not megan yes i have my hands on a chops amiibo that will soon be shella's chops amiibo well i don't want it i can't have him in my house i had to get rid of it and fast i can't have that here i'm serious get it out clint olive josh yoshi rowan amber and kirby thank you all for the subs oops my house my inventory is full which one was from you oh cute oh wait are the paint cans actually from you shella that's so good i want to make like an art section you're sad you said it now what because of chops how could i be so nice and you send me chops sherlock i was gonna send you chops first i wrote it i'm not shella you better watch out i am holding a card with your address on it don't make me lift this too high i could dock six simmers right now if i wanted to i'm kidding it's a joke i'm not gonna do that i'm never gonna do that i'm not that's just so we're clear i'm not gonna do that okay pretty sure they could dogs you also well yeah that is the small problem is that um they could get me back okay i'm gonna put a lot of these things away so my house is more or so my inventory is more open okay i don't need a tree branch i don't need a sugar cane i don't need any clumps of weeds i need the brick well i might just get rid of the fossils for a second nordic sofa that one's cute okay put that away all right cool cool anybody enjoy your paint cans thank you shella i love my paint cans they're really nice i'm not not not a joke though i actually really i haven't seen those i'm really excited about those so thank you um okay i know i bought the first five of these things so i need to buy the rest the next five so i'll have them all oh i already have that from last year that's okay it's just good to make sure we have them all you know oops okay remind me i have to start on that one tomorrow the bottom three i'm missing okay streamer sends friend paint cans and instantly regrets it oh sarah you forgot that house is auto filled and you time or you left yours for a week and you got chops everyone i feel like i need to um i feel like i need to show you just so that you can understand what's happening here when we're talking about chops we're talking about this this is a really serious matter chops is giving random townie oh no he looks like an ea spawn [Laughter] alexis thank you for the summit soupy thank you for the stuff too anyway um i have chops unwillingly do you know what i have unwillingly an nft oh my god i have to tell you about this do you know how okay okay no no no no no you know how on christmas eve no no no no no no you don't understand you don't understand you don't understand where did i put it oh here it is okay on christmas eve we were literally talking on stream about nfts and how stupid they are okay i get off stream i go downstairs there's a package on my doorstep okay hang on the package on my doorstep is a box from you no snap please don't go in the closet [Music] you can see my nft you can't go in the closet okay the package on my doorstep is a box from youtube this is a screen it doesn't turn on i don't know how to turn it on it stays on like permanently and then it turns off sometimes and i i don't know how to turn it back on but it's a box from youtube and this is an infinite screen that just replays over and over my nft and they sent me a letter with like a qr code to scan and get my nft i have become an unwilling owner of an nft they sent an nft to my doorstep how can you become an against your will and owner of an nft they literally sent it to my doorstep anyway i have an nft now it's an art piece it's kind of cute i've got number 31 it's called creative spirit number 31 can you see it well no because i can't turn the thingy on and i haven't claimed it online yet um but anyway i i was forcibly turned into the owner of an nft did it come with a gift receipt oh it just the timing of me talking about it on stream and like joking about it on stream and then i go downstairs and there's one on my porch anyway an nft basically um is so it's you saying and having a receipt proving you are the owner of like a digital item be that you know the annoying orange they sold him as an nft or maybe it's charlie bit my finger the original video or maybe it's creative spirit number 31 that youtube sent to you and you say hey i own this i own the original i own this anyone can make copies of it and make screenshots of it and everything still but i own the original okay it's kind of like saying you own the mona lisa because you bought it and you've got a receipt to prove it but the mona lisa is still in the louvre and anybody can see it anybody can print new versions of the mona lisa but you own the mona lisa um it's all about the virtual thing youtube also happened to send me a screen that loops and plays my nft except the screen doesn't have a button on it you can plug the screen in i wonder if i plug my screen in if i to my computer if i can um is that my uh i can't oh i'll just unplug my stream deck for a second it might maybe it'll charge up enough to turn on again it doesn't turn on and off it's just on until it's not but mine's an art piece that was sent to me unwillingly all right no we have to wait oh here it comes i don't want to leave this plugged in what am i supposed to do with this anyway it's pretty and it's cool but like what am i supposed to do with this anyway i just it was funny because we were talking about oh huh it's broken but we were talking about um nfts and how stupid they are literally on friday and then all of a sudden one shows up at my house this is not what an nft is the art is the nft this is just a frame for it anyway thank you youtube i really do think it's cool and it's cool that you have like these artists commissioned to do it but what am i supposed to do with this anyway that's my see i unplugged it it's on and it just stays on except sometimes it turns off i think because it dies it doesn't take much battery power but like you can't turn it off it just goes there's no button there's just the plug anyway i own this art piece hanging on a wall yeah but i don't want to plug it in it's cool no it was a gift shop i didn't buy it good god no don't don't go classing me as some nft buyer the whole point of the story was that this showed up unwillingly on my doorstep i'm just telling you about how we were joking about nfts and then one came to my house from youtube um but they sent out i assume a bunch of them to a bunch of youtubers um i don't know i haven't seen anybody post about it but i suppose it's christmas not an nft buyer but an nft haver look it's still on it stresses me out that it's on i want to turn it off like i don't like that it just goes i feel like i'm not looking at it i should turn it off lauren got one is to get me from youtube oh well rustic so did i i too received this as a gift from youtube um it's from youtube i don't know why they chose to send these out it's interesting but it's made me giggle turn it around so i can't see it i don't want it to be i wish i could turn it off anyway it was interesting so i thought you'd like to hear it it's yours but you can't turn it off riley orange robin summer our thank you for this stuff um okay anyway it seems it's become a bit of a trend for big companies to send out nfts you think amc gave people who pre-ordered spider-man tickets nfts i don't understand i don't understand well then where is my nft amc you have a spiderman one really i still haven't seen it um i'm going to make myself an axe [Music] okay what do you do with nfts you own them virtually megan happy birthday and congrats on the engagement that's so exciting um do they go up in value well it's an oftentimes an art piece so maybe maybe not i don't know okay stop i hit it too many times do you get money from owning one no you you would spend money to buy it like you would anything else and then i suppose if you sell it you might earn a profit or you might not if someone wants it i don't know this is the thing that you need to google i am merely but an unwilling owner of one that was mailed to my doorstep that i have not even i don't know i i haven't bothered to like claim the qr code they sent me with it either so i don't actually own it yet so um what's mine for it's an art piece that youtube sent me we can't keep having these conversations this is a version of it that doesn't turn off so it's cool art yes it's still going it really stresses me out that i can't turn it off i'm not gonna lie i i kind of want to put it in the closet so i don't have to look at it anymore it feels wrong that it's just on something about it is wrong sign post oops it's giving me anxiety knowing it's on and i'm not even there see oh you're wearing your sensitive hoodie nice shoopy i'm really glad um that's really fun okay should claim it online right now i don't want to do that i want to jump did you crispy oh i'm so glad i hope you like them i like them i wear them a lot oops thank you oh my god i had i had a dream last night this is up there with one of the weirdest dreams i've ever had honestly i agree with my dream self i think it's a good idea in my dream the sims team released a new kit called my second pet stuff and it was like you had to have cats and dogs and my first pet stuff to then have all the stuff in the kids it was like a further and it was just like more pet clothes anyway that i'm kid you not i had a dream like that no i wasn't bothered by your question don't worry i was just seashell i don't want to be associated as a person who buys nfts so i had to make it very clear that i did not buy it that's the only reason i responded like that i was like listen this is not me anyway um i had a dream about my second pet stuff okay okay i came here to put these things away my second pet stuff sounds like horses to me oh no oh no okay also brandi and velasco thank you for the stuff as both of you um wouldn't be surprised as simpson released a casket for pets yeah i wonder you know i i think i would be surprised if the sims team released a cast kit for pets i i honestly i think they learned their lesson from my first pet stuff i think that was a an oopsie and the the response has made them think maybe i shouldn't do that anymore so i i think i would be surprised if they did a cast kit for pets i think i would care a little bit less about that than people did about my first pet stuff though i think that part of the issue with my first pet stuff is that it came out like right after cats and dogs and so it felt like a very obvious like why didn't you put this in cats and dogs you know but now that it's been a long time since cats and dogs came out i feel like it would be a little bit less bad you know because it won't feel like uh you literally made this at the same time and just didn't put it in the first game you know does that make sense i don't know i feel like it would be more acceptable though i like to get shoes for my dogs personally um yeah i don't think they could i think that they can't do that i think that with the context of my first pet stuff it's can't touch it anymore you know anyway we'll see i want to sell they could update the pack they could just update the pack would they though i don't know um i think that's the problem okay now that they've shown us the pack refresh concept i feel like um i would very much like to see more of them i'd like to see some numbers about that because they they probably very obviously only did the spa day refresh to like drive sales on spa day again i assume to like revitalize it as an experiment and see if people wanted to buy it again because of it and i'd love to know like how many people bought spa day because of it or if it was just like a bonus for people that already had spa day you know molly i've got loads of blue roses i appreciate the offer but i already have more that i know what to do with um so i don't think i need them unfortunately but i i would love to see some more pack refreshes i don't i wonder if they'll actually do them though i don't know okay that looks dumb you bought it because the refresh yeah see i just wonder how many no i don't like how that looks there luxury party does need one that's what i've been saying i luxury party really and truly needs a refresh otherwise it is an absolute scam that pack sucks it's like objectively worse than all the other ones i'm not i'm not saying this because i'm like a fan of luxury party and i want more of it i'm saying that truly because luxury party sucks and like it needs a refresh for it to be worth buying like otherwise it's a waste of money um i don't know it has potential i think but right now it's a waste of money oops start construction yeah they could have some like really cool more like interesting like fancy stuff in that pack if they refreshed it i don't know um yeah i also bought it when it first came out because this is the thing luxury party was like one of the first it was was it the first pack for the sims 4. luxury party came out like very early on into the sims 4. so i think a lot of us bought it because it was the first pack and we were excited like oh this is the first sims 4 dlc you know um then it was now looking back on it in comparison to the other ones it was a lot worse so um yeah a lot of the base game textures could also use a refresh you were 100 right about that one um for sure a lot of the base game could use an update okay i'm looking for just a few things that i can stick over here what's worse luxury partier but two no i don't think batu is worse than luxury party i think that you just don't like but two because you don't care about star wars i don't think that batu has bad items or not enough items like that pack has a load of stuff it's got a world like the items are well made there's a lot of them they're just very themed and it might not be a theme that you care about you know so i i don't really like that pack either but i also don't think that it's like the worst game pack because objectively it's not doesn't have like the least amount of content like money wise if you actually care about it it's probably worthwhile for you um soupy and meg and maddie and brennan and ghibli and jackie and sherry thank you all for the subs by the way um okay i want cedar saplings and some saplings um okay i think how do i get the sign that look like posts in the dirt the signs that look like posts in the dirt these or do you mean these they're just it's the same they're just regular signs that i put custom designs on it's just the regular sign diy and i have a custom design on it um but anyway i just i um i'm not a huge fan of but two either but i don't think it's the worst sims pack yeah they're called wooden shop signs i think you're right about that um i believe that is the name will these grow here i don't know but anyway yeah get to work is a fun pack it's definitely not their best pack but it doesn't help that it was the first expansion pack i'm gonna move the water just for a second so that those trees will grow and then we'll fix it in a future day um okay let me put this no no no where's my bed here okay we can add to that later um maybe i'll put the well over here okay next i might just leave these here for now and we'll revisit it as we no oh my god a bill with the most controversial packs luxury party but two and my first pet stuff it'd be hard to make a full build with those um they don't have that many items um okay sorry toro um the bot auto deletes long messages um you didn't do anything wrong yeah eco lifestyle was very controversial when it was first announced i think everybody kind of collectively likes eco lifestyle now though so i wouldn't call eco lifestyle controversial now but it certainly was when it was first announced okay [Music] okay i want to put little flower right here cute okay i might leave it like that for now we'll come back how's the map looking improved now it's i have a lot of like detailing to do like lots of little decorating to do um like all of this needs to be decorated too but i also have to do my whole house area yeah soupy everybody really liked the mince pies that i made um obviously dan especially my mom also liked them a lot i don't like that kind of thing i don't like fruit pies but dan and my mom loved them so i guess that's a win um that works out well okay [Music] yeah toro i um understand why people think nfts are interesting i personally have zero interest in nfts being in games i also um dislike that they are so bad for the environment it's very bizarre the whole concept of them um but anyway you are welcome to enjoy them as much as you want i don't care um okay i think i've come here because i wish to dig up this flower and then put just another white mom there instead do a house tour in game not today i don't have anything to show you really it's it's not done and there's a lot of mess happening so no but maybe eventually um they use a lot of energy it's similar to um like crypto and stuff they take a lot of energy nfts um maddie and hannah thank you for the subs everybody um okay [Music] all right go away [Music] cool i think i'm gonna put a tree here unless it looks dumb in which case i'll move it and i don't like it i wish i hadn't put it there oh no now i need to go find some fruit okay here we go so pagan i think what you're forgetting about is the amount of energy that it takes to do that crypto mining right like we've got a bunch of computers running heavily for a very long time mining cryptocurrency so you say it's online only right but it still takes energy to run those things and a lot of it does that make sense you can do some research on that if it's something you're interested in hearing about um i'm probably the wrong person to explain in depth the details of it i'm not like some expert in the field um but anyway okay i think i want to make a bench to put there that is my plan i want to put this workbench wooden storage shed all right i need to get some iron and some wood get something out um okay i need i don't have enough wood um what an iron i think is all we need birthday song yeah dodo i can sing you a birthday song [Music] okay i would like to have i don't know if i have any um yeah i don't have any custom design kits i'm gonna go get some let's do that no sims fan nfts are not eco-friendly that's what i've been saying for weeks on stream i am well aware that is the conversation we've been having this whole time um nor is crypto okay i think yeah mush that's scary um it's it's a scary thing about big streams is at a certain point there's not really much you can do to mod it in the way that um in the way that we do like you can have auto mod on and stuff um and you can try and delete things like that but at a certain point the stream gets so big that like there's not so much in it you know um okay sorry i'm getting so distracted i don't even know what i'm saying about okay let's see georgia thank you for the four months too okay yeah but chad just goes too fast in those streams like even slow mode doesn't really do anything when there's 50 000 people there you know like what are you gonna do about that um okay i am back up here because i wish to make some things okay oh all right let's craft i think what was i gonna make bench bench sorry oh my god i have the worst headache i seriously i have not been able to think straight literally all day i'm like losing my mind okay oh i forgot about the ladder setup kit i should use some of that those are really cute okay go rest timozy i'm okay i um i didn't stream yesterday because of it either i'm i'm good don't worry uh customize something let's see no no no no no no no no you know you know you wrong thing garden bench okay that is rick in the background yeah i hope you like it i've been trying to drink water i know okay i think all right i don't think i need to customize anything else this is my island video games um this is my island i haven't played on dance much recently at all um okay cute little bench that will work clicks click clicks i know i'm messing my mods i'm sorry okay um didn't even notice rick until just now it seems so normal this is my impact i know i it's weird i'm sorry that's just my rick astley don't worry about it okay that's whitney's house i'm trying to make sure i put like my trees and stuff in here okay i think yeah i'll show you my map really fast hang on let me pull it up that's what my map looks like um it's some of them are custom design paths so you can't see them on the map but the only thing that i haven't really done anything to is the bottom left corner i need to figure out how i want to do my house over there that's the main problem that i'm having um because i don't really know what i want to do with it so i don't want that to be there that's for sure hang some ornaments on rick there you go now that's an idea okay oh i have um flowers down here i wanted to put up i think okay i don't know which flowers i want to use over here but i do know that i'm going to put some pink ones okay rick mystery okay i think oh these are such weird sizes should i do like two of each maybe and then we'll do like some orange ones i think that'll be cute i like it i like it okay maybe i'll get some bushes too the next cole hunt that's a good question ellie um maybe in a couple of weeks i gotta figure out who i want to leave first too because i think pashmina is who i want to leave so i can look for coal but we'll see we will see i need to think about it more oh hope i'm so excited can i have some can i have some can i have some are you gonna share are you gonna share okay i think where should i put these bushes oh i was gonna put some i don't know this is the thing it's so hard for me to decorate these areas when it's all snowy because i i'm having a really hard time visualizing what it's going to look like when it's not snowy does that make sense i thought i hated elise yeah that's why i won her okay all right i'm going to plant some trees this is freckles yard oh maybe i should do it like this i don't know what i want to put in her yard yet either oh i wish i could see the ground not snowy so annoying you want naomi too no no you have cute spots filled with yellow leaves in the snow it looks so bad yeah see it's terrible oh yeah my character's barefoot i know so sorry okay i think wait how do i get it out of the corner oh okay it's fine you go inside and then you come back out it respawns should you make hot chocolate yes oh maybe i'll make hot chocolate later tonight that is a good idea okay okay yes i know how to make a cherry lamp you got hot cocoa bombs for christmas wait that's so fun we gave some to um to liam and naomi dan's brother and his um almost sister-in-law um they're getting married in august um that's kind of fun freckles does look kind of like me i i appreciate that compliment okay i think yes this is better should i like kick these completely out of the yard i don't know do you know what else i really need to pee no stay away okay can i kick you like no fine i'm gonna get them completely out i can't do it in the yard it's too difficult i can't do it in the yard it doesn't work it's so hard oh everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine okay i think perhaps now it will be respawned oh in a different place well that might solve my problem if it's completely in another place yeah you're meant to make the snow pals out of them you can like push the balls around to make the snowmen oh there's weeds spawning back there oh no maybe is now a good time for me to go run and pee i think an ad is playing i might do that really fast is that okay i'll be back in like two seconds sorry i came back but i did not mute golden and curious of flora and cookie and sam and um did she go and lean even sela and little orange thank you all for the subs okay i have returned i need some water okay what should i get my 14 year old son for his birthday he loves video games and pokemon oh my goodness chat i believe this is our moment this is our time to shine do we have any ideas okay okay i think i need to figure out what to do when all these open spaces ah let me just dig up all these things a ps5 oh my god no i think that um i mean okay look possible idea nope you see this little toad stuffed animal dan got me this for christmas i think nintendo has loads of fun things like that i wonder if you get them like a fun little pokemon like you know because you can't go wrong um okay since he's all blurry i know i know it was blurry i'm well aware but you can i think if you know what toad looks like you can envision what the toad plushie looks like okay i think the shape is there you understand there's limited edition pokemon ones for the 25th anniversary oh wait that's kind of cool i kind of like that idea okay i'm going to go and put these away it's no longer christmas it's over why are we barefoot because i like it i feel really good what do you not like it you don't think i look good okay let me put all of these things away for a sec i just need i just need some space okay i just need to clear it out you know what i'm gonna do actually is go to tomorrow or yesterday maybe i'll go to yesterday i have played minecraft a bunch recently but not on stream galley i've been playing with my siblings um on our realm a lot off stream though my siblings don't want to be on stream um they uh i think just want a vibe okay as in i don't think brett wants anything to do with any of you no offense happy birthday mario i can sing you a song and you got your license today gabby that's huge congrats no catherine i'm playing my switch on my on my switch um i've got my switch plugged into my computer like a monitor though like it like it's a tv you know how you can dock your switch and play it on the tv my computer is the tv does that make sense valid yeah if i was my brother i wouldn't want to be involved in this either so okay but you get it you understand sometimes it's just a little bit too much i think he also doesn't like that a lot of the people at his school know who i am and uh i think he gets a lot of like lil simsy's brother you know so does my sister and i i can't anticipate that that is um sometimes not that fun i'm sure it's fun but also sometimes maybe gets a little bit old you know um so i get it okay [Music] all right anything good in the shops please do they get any clout chasers no i don't think so at least not they tell me about but um oh wait these are cute love that okay anything else we like i don't think i have this some steel-toed boots sure you know um law all the pietro plushies that i have i have three all of them were sent to me by viewers um one of them i think they bought off of etsy and the other two i know they made so um all of my pietro little crocheted plushies were sent to me by viewers so i don't know um i don't think that the two that send them to me sell them and i think there's like loads of uh animal crossing villager type plushy things on etsy if that's something that you're interested in and then you can probably find lots okay first of all i want this thank you 15 000. oh my goodness but etsy is a good place to look for stuff like that and then if you're looking for a villager that is perhaps not pietro you could find um find any of them there like that you know yeah i um those were custom made for me so few more i did get the stickers thank you so much um i did get them i was very excited about it as well um you have your hot chocolate marissa i want some this is not fair okay i'd like to go to work please time for takeoff please oh it's your birthday and you've spent four hours in line to get tested for covet i'm so sorry oh sorry i'm yawning not because your story is boring i'm just tired i i've heard a lot of stories the past couple of days about lines that long for covet tests that is very scary and also what a terrible way to spend your birthday are you waiting in like a line line or is it a drive-through line cause if you're in your car i feel like that makes it a little bit easier it still sucks but better than standing in a line right i'm sorry either way that just sucks um okay marlo's here oh boy oh my gosh you and your mom were in line for the official test and you're listening to the entire fearless album because the line was two hours well for the pcr test oh no okay i think was there am i on to why is there not a diy here is it because i'm on yesterday or did i just not run far enough or maybe i ran past it i don't know there's not one this is terrible i did run into lily i did tan and carol and procrasting and and self and boxing maya and shoopy thank you all for the subs everybody um i don't need any of those oh yeah i think because i went backwards in time there's no diy here i feel like that makes sense but can i still get one from the restaurant perhaps oh i'm so jealous i want some so bad it's fine it's fine okay let's try again [Music] with our fancy oil and everything oh amazing you waited three hours outside to get tested and it was negative 15 degrees celsius only for a nurse to call you three days later until you had to come back because the test was not valid oh my god oh my god oh i already have that that is horrible i'm i'm really truly very sorry i am i there's a testing center kind of near where i live so i drive past it a lot and um the day before christmas eve so the 23rd i assume it's a combination of like there being a lot more cases right now but also people getting tested before they went to see their family on christmas but the line was literally through the whole parking lot of the testing center and then through the whole parking lot of the gas station next to it like the line was like out two parking lots of people standing granted they were like distanced standing but still it was like so long it was scary i haven't seen um a cover testing line that long ever at least at that place um can't you get home testing kits that's the thing we don't really have good access to home testing kits in america you can buy them but they're kind of expensive and all the drugstores are out of them right now like i've been seeing people over talking about like how they can't get their hands on home tests because there's none so we already had like limited and they're expensive and they're out of stock so there's not really like we don't really have a good home testing sort of infrastructure in the us um that is something we're lacking but yeah they're like 20 30 for for two home tests um which is you know unreasonable um so yeah a lot of people don't have them clutch oh wait i want that um yeah free in denmark uh-huh it's a lot easier to get your hands on them in a lot of other places like it's so much easier and more common to get your hands on them in the in the uk i know that for a fact because of dan's family so um self-testing kids are more really unreliable though yeah i mean listen freezer kitten um if it comes down to i have a home test and i'm going to take it or i have no test and i have to wait four hours in line to get tested so i'm just not going to get tested i'd rather people had access to the unreliable home tests it's better than nothing and it's a lot more doable and should be more accessible for that reason you know um i don't really care if they're unreliable or if they give a lot of false positives like i would rather people have more access to testing you know um we just don't have that so uh okay anything good for me interesting nothing that i want though okay that's why you see a lot of memes about um people like for example literally in my mods chat um my my friend mimo posted a photo of her uh unfortunately positive at home test like a month ago um turns out she had kovitz but she posted the photo of like a little you know little uk ones are like a little plastic thingy and there's like you know a line two lines like a pregnancy test posted the photo bunch of other mods like oh my god you're pregnant to which she was like oh my god no i have come in um but there was a slight confusion in in the uh the group chat because of that see i knew however uh not all of them did they had never seen one before because like how would they have so um it's kind of funny but uh not pregnant just koben unfortunately she's okay now she's good now but that sucks and they work a similar way with like the lines and stuff so um yikes hell kathy you've been tier 2 18 months and play ray and valeria thank you for the research both of you too um [Music] but yeah i think that um all of the covet the like at home covet test look kind of like pricey tests don't pee on it though that's not how it works it needs a different bodily fluid instead is the p word band in this chat oh it might be seashell you see the dumb children or perhaps the dumb adults love love to assume i'm pregnant for example yesterday didn't stream because i had a really bad headache cut two internet person oh my god are you pregnant no period different p word causing this problem um every time every time so i just i don't accept it you can't type it you lost your pregnant privileges anyway it's it's literally constant i don't understand um bamboo flooring another recipe cool i wanted a fun one and instead i got a boring one but i will i will chop some trees though cause i need some more wood um but anyway susie is parmesan oh god uh waystar did i not see your sub when was it way start what was it a resub or was it a new sub because if it was a resub maybe it didn't come through maybe did you did you like type a message and play it either way i'm really sorry if i missed it i don't see it in my list so there's it's possible that it like glitched out or it might have not um you may have not played it yet um [Music] okay i am here to craft something thank you your shell challenge is making me angry uh-huh i know i'm sorry maggie really i i don't under oh yeah waster okay refresh see if you can play it yourself um if you prime it's so confusing the primary subs it looks like to you that you reset but it's like giving you a chance to share it so it doesn't go through automatically so if you refresh it should work um the i just i haven't seen it yet it's the only thing lovely thank you for the stuff um oh yeah that's it's a weird one i it trips me up too every time your sub expires and you resub so maybe you had like a gifted sub three months ago and then you subscribed twitch is counting your thing as a resub so you'll like do it and then it won't pop you'll be like what the heck i reset but you didn't say anything and i didn't see it in chat well because you have to like refresh and put it and chat yourself it's really weird you're not it happens to like everybody don't worry because in your head you like played it you know you like press the button so why didn't it work um but yeah that's it's a weird one okay okay michelle thank you for the four months and it's your birthday i'm a happy birthday i'll sing you a song [Music] and lovely and gamer girl thank you for the subs too um okay you're a new year's day baby lost my grandpa's birthday was on new year's day um that's pretty cool okay uh leek i got the coveted booster shot before thanksgiving so i've had the booster for about a month now actually probably exactly a month they're a little bit over that i don't remember when thanksgiving was what day exactly but i've had booster for like a month i am boosted why is documented and move and shelby and michelle thank you all for the subs everybody okay let's see not enough wood not enough years on thursday nice i need um i need more like wood wood like the regular kind of wood is what i've really run low on um so i've been trying to make sure i hit the trees here but it doesn't work it's never enough november 25th was thanksgiving so i must have gotten the booster like the 22nd i don't remember what day exactly though um do you want a handout no i'm good i'm good um okay i think um i'll get these you might need to acquire some wood i don't want to cheat for it i'm good i still have a few stacks i think i have like four stacks of wood but i have so much crafting to do so like it's immediately gonna be just gone okay come on oh and broken can you get your booster at 16 or 18. i think you have to be 18 pmr it might depend on the state though um so i'm not sure what the rules are or where you live so i don't know check for your local policies 16 in the uk 16 in michigan it might be 16 everywhere now i don't know i'm not sure um nerdyside and eleanor and lie thank you all for the subs everybody um okay [Music] okay come on hurry up oh okay let's go i think i'm gonna go to tomorrow in real life you don't like his singing no i love his singing i just can't i don't want to listen to it right now because i want to get on to the next thing you know i'm streaming i want a game you get it you understand okay system date and time i'm gonna get it for the 29th and i'm going to go to earlier in the day maybe 10 a.m will be more fun for me because it'll be lighter out that's what i'm looking for um but when you're on a mission you know sometimes i just need to like get a move on you get it oh what should i make for dinner tonight i think i'm gonna make tofu but maybe like a stir-fry that seems easy maybe i'll make dan make a stir-fry because i don't feel good oh my head hurts so bad i cannot wait to go lay down later oh two days of this so far it's fine everything is fine oh that's what i forgot to do with my balls can make you hot chocolate i think we will both be having hot chocolate i don't need to lay down right now i'm good i'm good i'm okay still it is tofu tuesday there you go that's one way um okay um try blue light blocking glasses yeah i have some it's i don't think it's a blue light problem it's a hormones problem some of us are on our period um so do i have a good tofu stir-fry recipe that i can share no cause i mostly just wing it i really just kind of you know what vegetables do i have you know that's true christine that is true i do have that going for me okay it was the bottom three things that i had not bought yet right oh hope that is very fun um okay um charlie and jade and alicia nerdy side thank you all for the subs everybody um oh boy full inventory okay one bathroom for four adults and a toddler and it was off the kitchen so much fun for me oh christine i'm so sorry what a nightmare ugh quincy thank you for the 13 months i don't even i really don't like um i've i've been at my grandmother's house on my period before and i hated that hated it i don't want to be at anyone else's house i don't want to be anywhere i want to be here it just sucks it sucks it sucks it sucks it sucks and i'm really sorry um strawberry hat nice shoes clutch no sorry put in storage okay i think i'll probably sell those coconuts summer oh my god i'm so sorry oh my god that is a nightmare okay i'm gonna come put this oops no space to plant things yeah yeah yeah yeah go away okay i'm gonna need to deal with these things later does anybody want that margarita pizza diy that is friends with me on the switch and here right now that i can mail it to christine you need a pizza diy can i interest you in a pizza perhaps you want irl pizza i know doesn't that sound good i love we're not friends in the switch yet oh i still haven't added you oh i forgot to do it when i was not streaming i don't want to do it on streams i want to leak your friend code i'll do it when i get off tonight i promise i will not forget this time i promise that was not on purpose i'm not i'm not like trying to avoid becoming a switch friend of yours i just i keep like forgetting because i'm not on my switch and then um okay i think anything in here look good honestly that does i don't know if i have the black simple panel yet so maybe i should buy that too while i'm here you just finally accepted some facebook friend requests three years after they were sent oh my god i don't have a facebook but i feel like if i was on facebook i would probably be the same like just forgetting and not logging in and then accepting from requests three years late i'm with you late night quincy and charlie thank you all for the subs too um is that on instagram yeah i bet it's easy to forget um okay i think is there anything in here that i don't have yet i'm trying to be better about not just like buying everything because i have too much stuff so maybe i won't um yeah i i used to have facebook i didn't have that many facebook friends i don't really know that many people but you just you look i don't care about any of those people from high school like i literally only had two friends in high school so i don't care to be seeing what like that guy from my junior year spanish class is doing like i just i don't know you i didn't know you then and i don't know you now i don't care um i feel like that's the kind of thing that's better when there's actually people that you want to keep in touch with but i just you're nosy i mean that too i suppose there is that um use messenger yeah i know a lot of people that use messenger to talk to their friends so that makes sense if you're like frequenting messenger um but i don't talk to anyone i use discord you only use facebook to see what your mom posts about you you know what you are so valid in that you are very valid in that christine did you need the pizza recipe perhaps i'm gonna send it to somebody i'm getting rid of this right now i'm not gonna open my island bestie i'm sorry i don't know you um steph it's it's snowy escape for that one um who would i say i was going to send it to christine here's a tree oh yeah if you already have it you can give it to your mom oh christine's mom's gonna get a pizza recipe for me that is fun that is very fun okay all right i'd like to go to work please time for takeoff yeah christine's mom got a switch for christmas and has been playing um and she named her island cheerio isn't that so fun i just love it it's so cute i still think about that person whose island visited on stream whose island name was jellyfish i loved that i think that is adorable i really really really like it oh no nintendo mom christine's literal mom like christine's real life mom christine's a real life mom ketchup okay i think can i have my recipe or will you not give it to me because cute so cute so so so so so cute oh my god i'm gonna cry i'm serious why does curly look so scared oh okay hello um i didn't do much for felicity in her house i did that today i made a video and then felicity tried to force me she like walked in and then i got forced to do her house and i didn't want to so i just didn't i need to go back and fix it later but i did a different one today for a video so i did try in that one chloe thank you for the 27 months too um okay i think yeah but i was um forced to do felicity and she was like i wanna i forget she wanted a podium and i was like i don't care about this so i didn't what you doing brown sugar pound cake oh my goodness yes thank you okay let me learn it no i already have that one too dang it hey happy birthday cat what's up can i sing you a song [Music] anyway i love my little diner i think it's so cute i was really proud of this get me out no you can't see my house because it's not done and it's not good sorry you can see my diner though okay let me go see if i can get anything fun now touring shells ah cricket i think we're gonna stream it on the third i think and then i'll probably post the video on like the fifth or something i don't know video is more room to change i can deposit and withdraw pokey and i can there's an exchange rate this is my first time having that wait look how cute this is a key tray wait this is fun 100 pokey is 250 bells this is fun i finally unlocked it i knew i knew that you could get one but i haven't i hadn't unlocked it until today so that was fun for me okay anyway lightning mcqueen and chloe thank you all for the subs too okay what did it take to unlock it it goes up to 300 ish bells do you think it changes daily yeah i knew it changed daily i don't know what a good one is though so is 250 good or is that like fine 23 houses to unlock it maybe but isn't it how many houses do you need for the hospital because i still haven't unlocked the hospital 25. does that mean i unlocked the hospital and i just didn't know because i don't have a hospital yet well now someone said 24 so i don't know who knows what the right answer is it could be anything okay i was gonna go up before i forget i need to buy some um street lights yeah i got lottie got sick today so i guess yesterday because i'm on tomorrow right now but today lottie was like oh no my tummy hurts and then i was like me too so um perhaps it's coming okay i want the um curved street light soon okay good it's 25 for the hospital okay i think dan's having a hard time right now why i can sort of hear him screaming or like singing so who knows i'm gonna need to work on my he's playing dead by daylight he's streaming he's like sing screaming um pokey is unlocked one day after 23 houses complete hospital unlocks after completing 24. there you go okay we need to try and get some more points let's do it besties what do you need from me game because i'll do it no wrong button oh my god okay chop down trees catch fish sell a hot item group stretching i don't want to do any of that oh no i just heard him say lightning mcqueen okay oh i don't want that lily there come here thank you i don't know kachow or whatever good work dan i respect it what should i put here in this little part maybe i'll work on it i have the little um he screamed again well you know folks i'm i'm really sorry i've i just i'm sorry about dan [Laughter] he's just playing dead by daylight and sometimes people try and kill you in that game somebody ought to check on him a picnic place i was gonna put a picnic place down here is the problem so now i don't know what to put over here i'm not sure very very unsure bike rental area i could put that on the beach couldn't i you know what i might do i might just put a cliff okay i think all right i think nope there are art supplies we could make a little painting area do you know what i was thinking about doing and we could do this on the beach somewhere because so much of this um the beach has nothing on it i was thinking about making like a little artist's area i kind of want to just put nothing here because i have so much next to it i kind of want to like outdoor cafe well i have that's the thing i've got like tables on the beach and i kind of want to use the beach for that stop screaming dan i kind of want to use the beach for that because i don't have anything on the beach yet so nope go like that that one scared you i'm sorry he scared the poor little thing okay well we'll have to put um something over here i don't know we'll figure it out oops well maybe it'll go like this okay you go like that you go like that that would be fine maybe you can come over here little trash can that's useful i might need one of those later i don't know not you donya we're talking about dan calm down what do you mean okay um you said he scared me well he's the scared one he's the one who's screaming oops okay i hate these because you can't put the chairs where i want them you can't put it close enough to them i think it's so stupid they look stupid do you see why i think it's stupid i'm gonna try and customize them a little bit more do you have move objects on i should hey mara thank you so much um and lighting mcqueen thank you for the sub gift as well um put that away key tray simple panel i need both of those what do i not have my work table because i have missed standing tables do you think it would be okay if they were just standing tables like the honest question do you think it would be okay if they were just standing tables because i don't know i honestly don't know um i kind of i'll put that over here on the beach somewhere civil chairs look great yeah but i've i tried we did this on stream like a few weeks ago now at this point but we tried putting like literally every possible chair every possible chair down and like they all look a little bit weird no matter what every single one of them looked a little bit weird so i just i don't know what the best thing to do is i think the zen cushions look too low me i'm serious we tried like every chair and they all looked weird um i'm gonna change the color of this umbrella okay let me customize something there are stackable cushions yes okay i think i tried them both shan i literally tried like everything we tried like every chair all the cushions all the craftable chairs i decided on these stools because i thought they looked a little bit nicer but um besties don't worry about that person with the nicki minaj thing for some reason these people they they've been spamming about wanting nicki minaj packs in like every sim stream for months like this it was official streams i don't know good meme i guess i like you can just ignore them though like it's not that big of a deal um i don't know but that's not the first time i've seen that so why though i don't know i think they're just messing around um i want a rick ashley pack so let's customize something i want this to be yellow please thank you uh misty and more than you buff those abs again though um i think you want a target pack i don't want any collab pack i like genuinely i know they're just meaning but can you imagine what a disaster a celebrity collab pack would be in the sims 4 like please don't do that again not katy perry sweet treats again i know it's like fun to meme about but like honestly baby ariel wasn't a collab pack baby ariel was just in the game she was just a collab not a collab pack that's different i'm going to recreate katy perry sweet treats out of spite now oh no uh oh i think you should seriously i think you should okay i would like to put a stool can we decorate a house i'm trying to decorate a beach i'm not doing a very good job maybe it would be better if they were both like behind it yeah i think there's some parts of sweet treats that have been converted for the sims 4. um i don't know if anyone's made the whole thing wasn't the constant thing to collab so jen again you're misunderstanding what i'm saying i didn't say no collab i said i don't want to collab pack talking about katy perry sweet treats the 30 pack for the sims 3. i'm saying i don't want that in the sims 4. i don't want to see a new collab pack in the sims 4. i think you were all misunderstanding me though it's this is not um the same as oh look they had a celebrity sing a song at the park this is a whole other level okay yes we paid extra for katy perry yes thirty dollars katie is expensive yes you don't mess around with katy perry what did the katy perry pack come with um a bunch of clothes that that looked like dessert i'm serious that's anyway it was it um i bought it as an adult recently second hand because i wanted to have the cd for it but and it's hilarious like what a hilarious pack idea i can't believe they did that but realistically i don't want to see a collab pack like that in this sims i don't want to pay extra for some celebrity's name i can't think of something a single celebrity who i care about enough for them to do that too like i just think that's a waste of their time um you know i just i pressed it too early not even rick not even rick astley not even taylor swift besties what would a taylor swift pack look like i know i know we're like joking around but honestly what would a taylor swift pack be what like what are you picturing from that just red a bunch of red things like i don't um i don't know i don't really want to pack like that like i'll take free things in an update but i don't really think that you want to pack like that either um i don't i think that it doesn't a collab doesn't have to be paid like that like they don't have to make a dlc like that you know um i think that it's more interesting when they do brand collabs like like with a furniture store kind of thing like they had in the past they had an ikea pack um which i thought was pretty interesting um obviously they've done um like the h m pack and the sims 2 both of them on the sims 2. those feel like more interesting and attainable um and sourcing that i kind of like the idea of better but um i don't know i think i like the idea of some like something like affordable if they were to do a collab with a brand um and then like have something to release that people could buy in real life too um that would be cool they do that with with um a couple like high-end fashion brands now which is like fun and all but um i sort of would prefer if i did it with something that people that play the sims can actually buy you know like i don't know how many of you actually own anything from meschino you know i don't really want a 600 sims collab hoodie but maybe like target is more doable i don't know um it's a weird thing i'm not really a huge fan of the collab stuff though i just feel like it it's weird a lot of the time but not mac that was bad well the mac collab wasn't even a collab they mac first of all tests on animals second of all mac i have the palette because they sent it to me they literally the mac collab the palette they released was not even a sims palette they put it in a sims box but this palette is um it's a like a a repackaged one of their old palettes solar glow times nine containing moon rock copper aura blackberry sugar quarry metal mauve cosmic such and lunar cycle if if you are going to do a sims palette there's so much potential for like a really interesting palette like with some really cool shade names that are sims related and like i don't know i just this sucks this is stupid why they just repackage one like i don't know i um like if colourpop did it they're like think about like the animal crossing stuff like the animal crossing palettes that color pop made and how cute these are and how there's like a a tom nook one with like little shade names yes yes made in the shade ceo and walter landing we got the labelle one able sisters taylor's ticket custom design and serene sable look how fun that is they're gonna be like a cow plant one there's an isabel one like what this these were so cute there's so much potential there to do like a really interesting collab that's like way better yes like a bella goth red lipstick how fun would that be i just it's disappointing because there's a lot of potential and they just didn't they didn't pull through but anyway it's fine it's fine okay i think i knew i just felt like a really lazy collab um and now i feel like because it didn't go well they're not gonna want to do one again but like it didn't have to go like that you could have done a better job um oh well there's so much potential for like cool sims merch like that in like so many ways as well because the sip like everybody likes the sims the sims is so cool there's like so much lore involved as well they've got so much going for them to like make something really interesting it's such a shame that there hasn't been like anything good um okay what did i come here for oh i want to get some wood because i want to craft um a thingy anyway i wonder if anybody bought the mac palette collab i didn't buy it they sent me like eight of them they sent me a big old box of them literally but i um i gave them all to my sister and mom to give out to friends so i don't have them anymore but uh they did send me like eight of them and i kept one to show off on my stream as to make an example out of as i just did are they all different no they're all the same they sent me i think with the intention of doing giveaways and stuff they didn't say that um and i've never done a giveaway where i have to like mail stuff to people and i don't really feel comfortable like doing that so i didn't want to mail it out to like viewers um so i gave them to shanna to give to friends um because i didn't really know how to handle a giveaway that like requires a dress collecting you know um so i didn't but you get it it's a weird one um [Music] okay i'm going to craft myself a thingy and the makeup they made in game was bad too so anyway anyway um i think let's craft a thingy by thinking i mean one of them little stands i must have all the things i need to craft it well i know i need a little wooden stool too um there's a couple good lipsticks yeah mia but most of the eyeliner and eyeshadow they added was not so good i guess there's a couple good eyeshadows too but look i think you know what particular eye shadow i am referring to i mean eyeliner sorry i think we all know what we're talking about um if you know you know yeah anyway i am here because i want to customize a stall oh my goodness i'm so tired i have a few custom designs that might be good for this how long will be streaming um i'm gonna stream probably for about 20 more minutes i think i was thinking about making another ice cream stand over here um the nicki minaj stuff pack would be called get nikki with it thank you that's really funny you're so funny i love your ideas you should go tell every um every person on twitch you know about that one maybe consider talking about it again in the sims official stream because we haven't heard about it enough you know oh julian i'm really glad i hope that you like it um oh maybe i shouldn't have dyed it that color because these are not that color i don't know huh i just thought it would be cute oops wrong thing i thought it would be cute if we put like a little um place to buy ice cream that you can sit down at you know go this way ice cream then you can sit here and you can have it i don't know i'm gonna go make some drinks to put out there too it'll be fun do i have the ice cream lamp oh my god i do wait that's a good idea okay maybe i should get one i have to buy some custom design ticket thingies again though cause i'm out okay oh i'm out of money oops okay never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind will i make cow plant march i don't know if i'm allowed to hannah this is the thing because i don't like own cow plants cow plants like belong to the sims and i don't know if they would care if people put a cow plant on merch and sold it um but it's sort of similar in the sense that you can't like put a plum bob on something uh even like behind a paywall like on twitch for like an emote or a sub badge i guess technically you could have a a green diamond you know but like i is it worth the risk i'm not sure um they named it after you i mean they did name after me in game yeah but sorry schmoop flannia joe and macy and marvel and grunkle and and uh kia and day and and bourbon lightning amazing thank you for this house is he good i don't know i'm not sure um i couldn't tell you okay i need to see if i've got um is dan ever good see no way to know for sure get something out okay i'm looking for a little ice cream light at the moment a cute little ice cream light i think christine offered if i wanted the ice cream or the frozen drink stand oh i do have the ice cream display is that what you're talking about because i do have the ice cream display i might use that and then i'm looking for wait was i looking for the light oh it's cause i was looking for two things because i know i have ice cream lights i want the rainbow one see i got distracted looking for the other thing and i stopped looking for the lights um that's the wrong thing what am i doing soft serve lamp oh that's so cute and maybe we could put like the no no wrong thing can't stand winter animal crossing i know i can't wait till the snow melts genuinely i can't wait until the snow melts oh wait wait that actually looks really good like that we might be on to something they kind of match they kind of look nice i don't know if i have the frozen drink one but i don't know if i want to put it too christine maybe i should just keep it like this should i just leave it instead of i don't should i how much do i need to put you know i'm not sure i need to go see what um because i could put ice cream from red or should i see about little smoothies i can make myself it needs a backdrop of some sort i think you're right it might need a backdrop once the trees grow maybe it'll be easier let's let's swap them and see if that helps new sims delivery express grace i don't think there is one i think you're wrong maybe there is maybe there's not i don't know christine can i have the frozen drink machine thank you um sure you'll mail it thank you okay maybe i'll go try and get some ice cream from red then let's do that step one addy i haven't played planet zoo in a while um i've i've gotten so into animal crossing that i i haven't really thought about any games other than animal crossing in the sims you need money that's fine when i go to red's thingy they'll be um when i go to harvest island i mean there'll be an atm don't worry okay catherine scorpio katie jazzy thank you all for the subs everybody okay let's go oh there is that snowman diy with ice cream bars too you're right i'm just worried i think i worry that these ice creams from red are like too small which is part of why i wanted to make some instead but we'll see and then we'll play planet zoo again soon i don't know there's been a lot of new dlc that's come out since i last played planet zoo so gimme perhaps this will be my ice cream it's a donut not an ice cream well let me look at the frozen treat set diy because that might be better if we did it like all popsicles because if we did we could like make three of these in different colors because you can customize them right you have to pay red law to get it um it's 500 bells per attempt um maybe i'll just take out 50 000. something they're too small i got to get at least one or two so we can know what they look like use the rainbow one in your ice cream shop oh cute you just gotta come stand right here law you'll have it well if oh i guess you have to have it on harvest island he won't do it in his boat do i think there'll be more sdx drops yeah there must be why else would they make them i don't think they made that whole sdx system just to drop oh mantra vanilla soft serve i don't think they made the whole sdx system just to have two i think they'll definitely do more in the future i don't know when but i assume they'll do a pretty fair amount an orange mint cone because why else would they have made it all you know um no i don't want two of the same i don't want to match a vanilla soft serve again addie i have literally no idea you might want to have you might have to google that one i'm not sure um matcha is good i've never had like a matcha ice cream before rainbow soft serve oh perfect i got three that's what i needed i might get another one just one more i gotta stop i gotta stop chocolate soft serve oh good so we can pick which ones look best okay cool cool they have matcha flavored kitkats oh i didn't know that that's kind of cool um that is interesting all right i'm ready to go home yeah i got the magazine you can hold too which is fun we've got a few things now um okay [Music] okay now we go place all of them okay too much effort for absolutely no reason it's fake people can't even see it um okay place oh the orange mint cone looks different than the soft serve oh i totally didn't even think about that it's a cone and the others are soft serve well what does this one look like oh can you only put two though yeah see doesn't it look kind of sad i feel like i feel like we need to pick something bigger it's kind of lame i'm i'm into the idea but i think it's kind of lame i think we should put like something bigger you know how like over here i have like this smoothie stand it needs to be something like that i could probably put the ice cream can you place things over here oh can you place things on top of the ice cream case no i think the frozen treat set might be a good one to try it's just too small that's what i was worried about i think it's too small i'm gonna get um some snowflakes i'm gonna try and make the frozen treat set and see how that looks is one of the options because at the very least we can try that could do a blender we could put a blender out here that's true where are my snowflakes come back setting up ice cream in the winter yeah i'm preparing my ice cream stand when it won't melt if i oh here they are large snowflakes regular snowflakes okay let's go craft this is terrible they're just selling the snow and handing it out to you roxy nikki alyssa cothuki thank you all for the subs um okay i'm going to craft you like cold drinks and dessert in the winter even yeah i think a lot of people do um i live in florida so anytime's fine for ice cream where i'm from doesn't matter so okay let's say we're done olivia that you're loving mother's up too customize something how does this look oh my gosh see there's loads of options you need seven custom design thingies what the heck oh my god also olivia nikki everybody thank you for the subs again i'm so sorry thank you so much oh kirby i'm so sorry i hope you feel better soon that sucks um seven seems like a lot they're tiny that's dumb oh this is my thing from christine i think yes it might be better to just do it recent cyrus's i don't know um let me look at my desserts again obviously the smoothies are an option are there any like i wonder about um okay here's an idea you know how when you go to the cafe they're selling drinks a lot maybe there's like a cool iced coffee or something and the jelly is so cute i love how the jelly looks so maybe we could make a jelly and then buy like an iced coffee from the cafe at work that could work they have a milkshake item too oh that's good well if they have something good we'll buy it they at least have iced coffee i know i've seen iced coffee so we'll try jello for sure the jello is cute i like the jello i put the jello on my other smoothie stand too but it just works rick astley really brightens up your room yeah my rick ashley really does it's like the final touch you know are there any sundays in the game i don't know if i've seen them now what's that ghost command about what that's from my paws family hi everybody lovely to see all of you here i'd like to purchase can i see the menu orange juice iced cafe latte iced coffee the blood orange juice could be cute that's like a fun color i like that that works i don't want to do two drinks so i won't get the iced coffee i'll just get the juice i think that'll work and then we'll go home okay we're working on it we're getting somewhere i am dressed up like stanley humphrey that's true i look really good command's not working the commands work i've seen people using them um it might be something else maybe they're maybe you're trying to use one that someone just used so it won't it's like timed out i don't know i don't know they work by that oh okay okay good all right let's go put blood orange juice yes that's so cute see that looks so much better than the tiny ice cream the tiny ice cream is sad the tiny ice cream is not gonna work it's just not okay yeah we're gonna have to get rid of her um we can put one of the frozen treat sets i'll probably change the color of it but we can put a frozen treat there and then this is from christine right frozen drink machine does that work and then you can walk in there and then you can serve everybody okay and then we gotta get one last thing we need like one last item to put here we talked about making one hey snappy can i help you that is pretty cute i want to change the color of this though i think can't you size up the tiny ice cream with a bracket key um i think that the jelly is a good option maybe the cherry jelly just two cherries i think that's a good idea oh wait but the cherry jelly is the same color as that blood orange thing oh hmm no it's fine i like it i like it it'll be good it'll be good give me my cherries here we go all right let's try again customizing with kits is always cheaper than having cyrus do it oh really interesting okay that's good to know i guess if if you can customize with kits then it's best to have that rather than have cyrus do it okay well i will get myself some more kits then so expensive jess thank you for the 29 months as well thank you so much um you're doing great i'm so proud of you um maybe the paris one maybe i just got the cherries out though it's we can always change it eventually it's fine okay i think oh that was a good idea christine i didn't even think about that to stock up because there was a black friday sale in nook's cranny literally um and christine sucked on kids while it was happening um yeah i know we know as i was saying if you can if you can customize it with kits it's cheaper to do that than you cyrus we're not saying it's always better to use kits than cyrus because some things you literally can't do without cyrus but um if you can it's cheaper to use the kits um okay that'll work for now and then i will craft one more thing oh wait i have to cook it i can't craft it it's a recipe oops oops don't have sounds you're confused oh well hello giant simsy you wouldn't even know i said hi to you because you have me muted hope you're having a good day though oh there's my crafting table okay well i'm going to cook something i want some jelly this is going well i think it's nice to have some like extra stuff on the beach also people keep saying to put um my ice cream cones on the the tables can you place things on the bistro table cause i thought i tried and it didn't work but i also might have just been like on the wrong angle for that and that's why it wasn't working um you think you can't yeah okay that makes sense um cherry jelly i think that's really cute with the cherry on top that's a good one you have a flower on one of yours oh i'm gonna go look again i'll try it again you like my kitchen thanks i i still want to do some work on my animal crossing house but i've got some parts that i think are cute it's a cute tail when it's flawed for sure it's animal crossing that's the problem it's animal crossing you can't do everything you want it just it doesn't work brina chess thank you destiny uh and olivia thank you all for the subs again everybody okay oh marshall are you here to buy things from my my new spot wait look how cute that is oh i love it it's gonna be so cute when it's summertime as well okay i don't think it's gonna let me place this here but i'm gonna try no tlk what are you talking about i don't know what you've been doing today but i feel like you're being a little weird okay i don't know what your intentions are but you can just hang out like it's totally fine to just hang out i like i think you might be trying to troll but if you are it's not really working like i don't know just hang out it's more fun all right i think you'll have a better time i'm not going to ban them um okay i like this it's cute and now we just have to figure out the entire rest of the beach literally everywhere i am trolling but i'm learning oh okay right people like twitch chat are so dumb self-aware you know you know you're bad at it that's fine i get it okay maybe next time you'll do better that's kind of cute okay um oh okay anyway so this week um let's talk plans because we got stuff going on so this week uh tomorrow i stream in the morning on wednesday so i'll be here in the morning tomorrow um and then on thursday we're gonna play the sam playing with the potts family and then on friday it's new year's eve so i'm gonna stream for a long time i wanna stream from the regular time until midnight so like three hours ago i would have gone live just like today um but i'll keep streaming until midnight so like i'd be live another five hours or today does that make sense um we've got a few plans one i want to play on my new oled switch but also we're gonna play among us with some friends um on friday night so that'll be starting at four like the regular stream time um but the the group of simmers we've been playing with the last two times they're gonna play again on friday so we're all gonna play among us hopefully it'll be fun um it'll be a lot uh more chill than when we played among us on on bloody's charity stream because i think a lot of you guys know all of them um so it might be easier uh also happy birthday locks i can sing you a song oh my goodness and you too cynthia [Music] i thought it would be nice though can i help you hello i thought it would be nice though on new year's eve one because i didn't have any plans so i was like hey everybody um do you want to play some games on new year's eve um but also i think it's kind of fun to like do something a little bit social on new year's eve and maybe be fun to watch because um like i'll be around obviously streaming and we'll have some friends hanging out on stream so it'll be good nice snappy you can hang out you can play among us i was gonna hold her paw you can play among us if you want you'd be really good at it no one's gonna accuse you of lying dan do you wanna see my ice cream stand and then i'll leave i roll this is my new roll okay i'll show you my ice cream stand okay i'm working on it on the beach is that why that's there yeah i was talking about it oh snappy doesn't like how i'm holding yeah sorry she readjusted and she seems to be okay mary loves her snap plushie by the way she carries her around everywhere oh my god okay but look here's like this is obviously the farmer's market you know yeah and then there's like some tables some little bistro tables and this is the ice cream stand yay it's the shame it's snowing right now yeah i know the vibes really are off but we're working on it anyway this is my ice cream stand do you like it snappy you can't have ice cream because you're a cat is that cow ice cream they might make frozen cat treats they make frozen dog treats i don't know if she would want that though no i don't think she would care she's not the most like food motivated cat she just hangs out so i need to get in a better need and i stopped her from doing that yeah she was trying to go underneath the couch to play anyway this has been fun i think i'll catch you guys tomorrow though um i might go find someone to raid because i want to eat dinner for dinner i don't know yet i was thinking about making some sort of stir fry because we got tofu to use up pad thai maybe um you know who we could go say hi to perhaps i don't know pressure oh i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know stop yelling at me i don't know maybe i don't know when kayla's getting off but look at this for a second i think i want to be here i don't know what's going on here i'd like to find out so um i think we're gonna go over there and say hi i don't know what she's doing but everything is on fire so i think this will be a good one to go to go and say hi to yeah okay anyway have a wonderful night everybody i'll catch you tomorrow morning um thank you for hanging out uh happy almost new year if i don't see you until friday or after friday i guess we still got time anyway i'll catch you later i love you i miss you try not to catch on fire apparently kayla's stream is dangerous i'll see you all tomorrow okay bye [Music]
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 15,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: P-ZYQf0boE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 26sec (11306 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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