SMZ3 | Combo Randomizer - Hard Logic | It has been awhile LOL

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uh all right sounds good lauren yo thanks for the sacrifice to the rando gods enjoy your bath i still got it boys [Music] what's up major i think it's all the merch giveaways i'm already better than oats and goats [Music] [Music] uh oh god no dude spinger okay hard logic uh it means that the logic takes into account being good at super metroid for item placements it assumes you know how to go through meridia without a a gravity suit it assumes you know uh know how to go through upper norfair without various suits stuff like that it assumes that you are somewhat knowledgeable about super metroid uh it has no effect on the link to the past logic [Music] so like it it it'll assume you know how to like mock ball and stuff to like get the the green brain star supers early and stuff like that without speed booster yeah that's it uh no all of lower norfair is still locked by varia except for screw attack if you have my air access [Music] is early gauntlet hard only um the wall jumps to early gauntlet are not in logic and normal so you would need something else to get up there you would need can fly but you don't need that for hard good start though we got a mirror and we have a bottle so i'll gladly take that i guess i didn't kill anything oops [Music] oh they've been in there for a little while not terribly long but they've been in there for a while um yes i believe so hatch snail clipping definitely is i'm not sure about ice clip in meridia i honestly don't remember what do we know about the seed so far that it's super metroid and a link to the past combined no there's no entrance shuffle for smz iii um i know entrance shuffle just doesn't really make sense with um with smz iii [Music] uh they do not um alexis [Music] [Music] well like the thing that makes smz 3 interesting is the fact that there's portals to get around certain things an entrance shuffle just gets rid of that fun thing by making all of the entrances random and so it defeats like the main cool aspect of it [Music] yeah there's a there's 15 other people racing this exact same seed [Music] weekly 3 p.m smz seed dorado is not that bad but it's just like with what smz 3 brings to the table entrance shuffle just doesn't make sense with it no this is not a practice race it's just a race [Music] there was a tournament in um this is my first race since the last tournament so i don't know there's not usually that many smz3 tournaments going on going on so there probably won't there might be a co-op tournament happening eventually soon maybe got an early bow that's nice fall as crowd control probably wouldn't happen until you can have private lobbies where the stats won't necessarily count towards like a ranked system you know uh green pendant crystal pendant i'm also still short on money so let's go over here [Music] yeah unfortunately and are the only uh person who can time out mods is me and i'd rather not do that during a race whoa okay [Music] you need actual dev support for that i mean you act like you act like that hasn't happened for other crowd control games [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh okay moon pearl here having plasma in charge it's really nice [Music] already [Music] okay i mean hard mode would have no like hard mode doesn't mean that the seat is going to be harder in photon [Music] it just means that the logic in place is different you can very well get a hard mode see that requires zero hard mode tricks [Music] does not mean that like the placement is gonna be worse because of the harder logic it can be but it doesn't mean anything i also got two powerbomb packs already which is nice [Music] i have i'm gonna have five bombs for moldovan cave it's a little spooky let's check what the bush crab has oh hell yeah give me them bombs dude okay perfect yes hard mode means possible hell runs not in lower warfare lord norford is still hard requires area logically but that was close okay um it depends on how bad the seat is there's like a relatively large time differential between good seeds and bad seeds [Music] um like an overall good time is generally sub three like if you can sub three most seeds then you're looking okay yeah we can do a lot of stuff right now i'm actually gonna immediately hope this mirror is needed for like close progression um since not everyone might have the mirror right now so we're gonna avoid the dark worlds for the time being and i'm just gonna go straight to death mountain [Music] [Music] what's up phil nut how many people racing 16 in total uh mirror was on more fall pedestal [Music] i'm actually gonna oh okay because i'm not doing ice rod k first let's write that down so don't forget it [Music] okay i forgot that the weekly was today i saw a ping about it so i decided to join [Music] okay okay oh that's all i can do there without morph ball for now [Music] the one bad thing about having everything so open right now is that morph ball can be literally anywhere um it's a missile pack don't need that we are about to get a sword which is really nice mirror was on morphball pedestal but like there's only two checks down there without morphball so there's a chance that you know people get it later than i do um i need a pendant and two crystals skull woods [Music] meyer all right that sword will also very significantly help me in the dark world uh which i'm inevitably going to go to very soon [Music] okay so the very least this mirror early has gotten me uh a sword so i can beat hera and eastern uh not eastern technically but i can beat eastern it's not logically skull woods being the other pendant means that we're honestly like we're a lamp and a fire rod from pedestal access already so it's very uh very close i didn't like that there we go [Music] one item good yeah that's fine beating eastern without boots you don't need boots for eastern [Music] you ain't mailing to the passport um originally someone from my chat made me the sprite and then they submitted it to the sprite team and the sprite team like gave the review of it asked him to change some things and that dude just like disappeared off the face of the earth uh so one of the guys on sprite team messaged me and was like hey i don't know where this guy went but i can finish up this sprite for you if you want and so one of the one of the guys on the sprite team made it for me all right we got both items here there's nothing left behind here that's good yeah this is a really really good looking spray i'm a huge fan of it that's in desert great arc not in eastern eastern like in the normal vanilla game you need to beat eastern to get the boots from sahasrara eastern you just need the bow and the lamp technically uh not in smz3 in in regular link to the past rando there's the advanced logic which does allow for the fire rod going through the back logically but that's not a thing in smc3 i don't know how total feels about that honestly okay so mir has gotten me two swords so far very good we're going into the dark roll with three hearts having as strong of a weapon as i can get is very good all right we're gonna be careful here this guy can most certainly kill me okay we made it those red tectites do two hearts of damage so they're very very spooky [Music] ideally more falls here if more falls here i'm feeling really good about this start okay it's gonna have magic's real nice ice rods really nice okay that's fine so half magic ice rod you tank really really good yeah i mean total would have to program that in total's version of link to the past rando it started based off of an older version and they're not comparable anymore what smz iii is updating the sm logic more than the z3 logic no there's there's that's not how it works the logic is the same like they don't have different logics smz 3 is just not a link to the past randomizer they're not made by the same people like the only the only similarity is that it's based on an older version and that's it and it's also a link to the past right there's no dev similarities it's its own thing they're not even coded in the same language anymore [Music] [Music] uh i have no idea [Music] in the in the most recent version of link to the past they they very recently changed the language it was written in [Music] [Music] uh it's the multi-world version but that's soon gonna be on the website as well they considered literally any other language [Music] uh what i've heard it's easier for them to make changes when it's in php but like i don't know anything about the back end of randomizer so the original entrance randomizer client was made in [Music] python i don't have mates what am i doing [Music] there's that [Music] [Music] okay what do i want to do first [Music] milgram since this six months hope you're doing well dude [Music] uh butts up and fast thanks for the 16 months as well and is that hard for you guys to not tell me what i did not click on the tracker come on man am i playing uh 15 other people if i misclicked something actually important then you would be legitimately helping me so don't do that please and thank you [Music] i'm talking to myself i'm literally never asking my chat for anything my chat is [ __ ] stupid okay got a morse hey andy good luck with the race andy cool hope you're doing well andy love uh now i got um postponed because the servers were down all day friday pretty much okay that was close um okay so we do have that the race earlier i won but the track was automated no automated trackers are not allowed in races so no you don't use a tracking race you just can't use an automated one um automatic trackers generally need to be like hooked into the seeds sram and if you allow that that allows like way more sketchy things to be happening um so they're generally not allowed i have two monitors on my computer and then i have a third monitor for my console stuff now [Music] and why isn't it zero which i only takes a part of one of my monitors but it's okay it takes up like one-fifth of one of my monitors gotta keep the chat in its place you know why not i i explained it already [Music] hey hey disnash how about you stop complaining about php so i literally don't care and it's not benefiting anyone now so [Music] oh oh that update's not in this yet [Music] okay php no thanks i don't do drugs dude all right in my health class my senior year of high school we had to do projects on drugs and one of my better friends in high school we had like two days to do this project and he wasn't that smart and he had to do a project on lsd and so he did his project on liquid crystal displays and didn't even like think that something was wrong with this project until the day of it was hilarious the teacher gave him a c for effort what class is for for health class it was my junior high school actually i mean he did the full projects it was just on something not drug-related like the fact that that that the the whole project was on drugs and he did the entire project without even like second guessing that him doing research on televisions for health class was not correct it's just super funny what's the general class about it was health class we had to do it for one quarter for three years in high school see everything uh [Music] no feels bad okay let's um save and quit we'll come back to it later oh [Music] oh [Music] ah do i use default no i use like mega man x controls basically god dang it dude wall jump oh my god uh good that weird noise oh okay i have ice beam so i can go this way this is fine why do i have supers out whatever i guess it doesn't matter [Music] uh god gross man dude oh my god oh you might need high jump boots to get up there that quickly no [Music] syrian god uh thanks for the 29 months i appreciate a lot hope you're doing well nothing anywhere um and gadolinium ion thanks for the 18 months appreciate a lot so zara i think so 31 months i missed that one appreciate you so let's check what this item is real quick okay um i'm sure staff can get free subs to channels if they want to but they can also pay for them if they want to i'd assume i know rom scout has a free sub to me dirty thief wall jump pretty please thank you maybe that was just back in the day know except thank you prophet for advertising twitch prime for me twitch prime you mean to tell me that i can use a free subscription on my favorite stream i'm gonna wait this one out because i don't wanna like maybe risk dying okay good old grapplers beam not a prime sub but hey yo sixes thanks for the 23 months appreciate a lot fun fact i am actually subscribed to myself multiple times because back when i first got partner uh my sub to myself just stopped working one day and whoever was in charge of fixing it just like hard-coded in me being subscribed to myself twice so that would work again good good times yeah thanks for the 100 bits disney appreciate it yeah i mean twitch prime also probably would not exist if you've got to renew it so i'd rather twitch prime exist as a feature than not at all yeah it would be like too much um too much money lost problem got that poor cricket uh too much money loss for amazon hit auto renewed because then people like anyone with an amazon prime account would probably just have a recurring sub to some random streamer whether it was like you know me getting a bunch of family members to do it before me or something you know [Music] excuse me andy salute i mean it would be a bad business decision to make it recurring likes not about how much money amazon [Music] has i just really want e-tank man i how much reserve do i have uh actually i should have probably turned plasma on okay oh god it didn't explode everything [Music] [Music] team [Music] okay all the supers goodness [Music] good boots we all right see profit thanks for sticking around enjoy your indian food it's been a long time since i've had indian food oh my god we're already beamed out to the max i forgot about that come one i forgot about the third one in there holy [ __ ] that was spooky [Music] oh [Music] um i just really want health man it comes down to it i can it comes down to it i can crystal flash but i had to get it i had to dang tuesday with the double holy smokes [Music] yo endar telvani gift a sub to the homie riley reed welcome to the pug farm riley we hope you enjoyed this oh god is that gonna be close enough [Music] barely eat my shorts do it thank you so much for the sub and i appreciate a lot [Music] less than three okay it's a pretty nice seat so far honestly [Music] yo kana thinks this six months nice mock ball hell yeah love that mock ball we also definitely have more health and link to the past now so that's good hard logic just means that there are some glitches and uh and uh like hard tricks included in the super metroid logic since super metroid is like way more dynamic of a game in terms of like what you can and can't do uh with like and without with and without items yeah hard logic is for super metric only still no fire source is uh pretty crazy honestly [Music] i definitely need a fire source for desert other than that like fire rod go mode and then for a link to the past then i ideally get two suits for super metroid [Music] um [Music] [Music] do [Music] what happened to the multis that i used to run with other people uh i don't do them as much anymore i have no friends [Music] i decided to abandon all of my friends so now i don't multi-world anymore streamer have you quit rocket league you haven't streamed it's two days ago streamer did you quit grandpa world 2. wow streamer you haven't seen fall guys yet today did you quit uh jehu thanks for watching metroid you haven't been there for five minutes okay so if i get way more health and ammo with full beam combo i could probably skip area if it comes down to it um [Music] i'd like like very obviously makes things way faster um and safer but i could get around i'd like if i was gonna do that i'd want high jump boots i'd want screw attack and just way more super metroid health um so it probably won't happen like it's not something for me to really consider until i get linked to the pasco mode i can check medallion requirements as well that's going to be the big one also need fire on for trinex definitely um i need flippers for swamp oh i didn't think i had to beat swamp i kept bringing swamp at skull woods okay so i do need some more things for her for go mode um i need flippers and hook shots would i name my child chat no why would i put my child through that [Music] thanks yes puppy's been born we get the puppy in four weeks [Music] okay so fire odd flippers hook shots uh medallions question mark and various suit [Music] [Music] [Music] more peeves now we're getting a golden doodle [Music] [Music] not a pug no [Music] if i just said we're getting a golden doodle very obviously not getting a bug it's very just very hard to understand i know yeah why did i go this way that was bad [Music] so why the pugs just confused just because we're not getting a pug doesn't mean i don't love pugs and that i didn't grow up with pugs and that pugs weren't a big part of my life growing up [Music] oh my god are you gonna rebrand because you're not getting a pug [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] okay good um [Music] okay we need ether okay so that's good all right so fire rod flippers hook shot ether and various suits can you believe that kelsey doesn't own any kelp like what kind of hypocrite all right boots are required that's good yeah feeny's just really really good at makeup and she's an actual dragon when she's off stream [Music] uh can you believe that my friend i eat your pie is not constantly eating other people's pies smh dude i'm not actually i don't have a fire source yet god dang it alright so dp has no items um does grand pooh bear actually have a pooh bear you know i wouldn't be surprised hmm wow lamp is space jump locked all right well we're really hoping that fire rush shows up uh let's get some more ammo i guess i really didn't need to do this so yeah so the reason i was able to hard reset there um the game saves on every transition uh hard resetting will always put you in super metroid so i was able to check those items and then just leave normally i would have to kill uh gold three so to exit again um but it didn't matter that doesn't make the seed bad like there's no way to know it it's all going to be dependent on where fire rod is uh mixed media thanks to the nine months dude uh huh wire link to the past items in sm this is your metroid and a link to the past combined am i free yet [Laughter] rip end our dude [Music] i haven't played this in so long that my movement's getting better as the seed goes yeah that's that's not incredibly surprising honestly please thank you uh oh [Music] okay did not get the i probably shouldn't have jumped going through the door with spring ball hmm nice super nice damage boost that was almost super bad oh god oh me hmm foreign foreign foreign oh for a spring ball i don't remember actually leaves town maybe yeah but holding jump is also slow dialing then you're constantly jumping is this a race yes it is i was trying to time the hops and i timed them all badly yeah like you can get across those one tile gaps as a ball if you're holding jump with spring ball like i was trying to hop the gaps but holding jump also like causes your roll speed to be slow every time you land as a ball you lose speed in that short of a a distance anyways racing it's a weekly race there's 15 other people in the race i didn't want to full jump out of this door that's fine it does shadow i thank god i didn't want to pause there so i'm glad i went through that door transition nice mock ball no save it's meridian time didn't know free points were available [Music] i mean duck your rando record is pretty rough so you know are you saying that you had the free points you're willing to give them up it's been interesting playing super metroid because i have not played it in a long time it's been uh it's been rough it hasn't been that bad uh not all the fortune tellers but some of them [Music] there's of course we made it through there's four portals that take you between games please okay jesus thanks for the sacrifice pojo um okay i know right plasma and charge were in kakariko and then everything else was in like green brim loop nice dude please spin jump oh my god thank you what's up market [Music] i got trade quick kill surprisingly hmm okay not bad dude cool all right so that's sm go mode [Music] um uh grab was in sea house i think still need fire rod flippers hook shot and ether medal uh i guess it depends like i have all the items i need to to beat super metroid oh god please let me through thank you um i might need space jump to get a fire source if lamp is supposed to be my first fire source [Music] please [Music] hmm i'd like high jump boots screw attack would be nice for ellen what able to do that without saving i mean as long as you like if you get the jump you just need to not press anything else it's really not scary at all like if you get the first one it's easy you can't soft lock unless you get the first one foreign there's a clip you made a wall about a speedy snail i mean there's some of the snails are just fast it's not something weird probably with x-ray yeah it's pretty easy not to soft lock there let's just reset uh hook left spit we'll get that on the way out eh yeah transitioning games uh hold on what jesus i've got my sword ready just say the word um oh three i am bad i forgot where that uh that spike was yeah it's so high okay uh [Music] i don't know when to time this at all i think three of those hit that's fine what i shot that one all right let's just put these back on [Music] okay so i need a firearm [Music] um gee please that's not grappled so what's up mito what's gonna do [Music] greetings andy [Applause] uh uh maledictus thanks to 10 months of prime dude what am i doing please okay hmm oh um man [Music] oh hmm i don't know what to do like i really don't want to do ln right now it's going to be pretty slow no high jump no can fly no screw but it's something i have to do at some point it's potentially required for meyer if you don't have boots i haven't might have seen them on other people's streams let's just go this way for now i guess no no no no no no oh god okay fine please help me oh it's oats rain into one yesterday or two days ago when he was streaming it and uh was like wait there's a run button god what's up street runner [Music] okay whatever medallion turtle rock is doesn't matter [Music] another e-tank is nice man i just don't know how i should do this [Music] oh you'll have to do all to do the really shitty wall jump and we're streaming the game [Music] um [Music] i don't know if there's a chance that i get space jump soon i can get the lamp in lower north air [Music] uh let's just go to swamp [Music] [Music] i have more health so i could go back to pod just do it there's an item on the boss i haven't even been into eastern hmm [Music] i did pod with four hearts and i died in turtle room there was like no health early link to the past [Music] hello [Music] okay behind and then i either had to go to water temple was only the hook shot or shadow temple but it was that lighter of that scene required to be finished so all right how did you cheat did you like bomb hover to gan's castle [Music] hell yeah i love you [Music] do you guys know that me and kelsey are stupid oh [Music] i don't believe that well it's true i mean i don't even know if the both of us could out stupid you duck yeah it'd be it'd be a close fight i'm really excited to see your your gamer then [Music] hey okay it'll be like that except there's a snazz so it's not that bad purgatory but better oh fire on wasn't in that chest twice in a row feels bad also a jimmy world and an okay go poster yeah that's fine acceptable posters [Music] i actually have literally no idea what kind of music duck is into so i don't know if those fit his his mo or not you'll blind next to the 36 monster appreciate you that sucks [Music] hmm [Music] i wasn't paying attention items in here all right let's just go back why would i want a 48 you would get graced with fall guys professional skill level uh that's fine i'll take that uh all right bombos tablet i could go to ice palace with bombos uh i think i might just go to ln and hope [Music] you got mad at fall guys because you weren't immediately good at it [Music] that's just on that's just on seesaw you can cancel the dive animation by diving late onto the seesaw you get up super quick [Music] no i don't know if this is gonna be good [Music] i hate this this is my least favorite spring ball jump i don't know if i morphed in time there nope [ __ ] wall jump dude [Music] i hate it uh you need to pause and by the time the pause is is done you need to already be in your morph uh equip spring ball and then until you hit the apex of your jump you have you can use the spring ball but once you start going downwards you can't use it anymore yeah that's in logic with hard [Music] all right we're gonna do it again because this wall jump also sucks ass [Music] all right much better this time around that first one just has to be good uh oh [ __ ] i even get all the way up there okay i don't think i've morphed in time nope oh [ __ ] go back to the left no no uh please what even triggers this door to open i literally don't understand it it's like some of the enemies but not all of them 42 years annie yeah it's five enemies please get around him thank you okay dude these hitboxers so [ __ ] oh [Music] foreign good good i don't remember how to do this dude holy [ __ ] let's just kill this one i don't care oh no okay excuse me probably shot those late nice nice i need to be a little careful here um i can't really jump over really so i i just want pogo's he did okay cool [Music] sure is this even randomized uh hmm okay it's getting i picked up all these power bombs i have plenty left over but like coming down here with an uncomfortable line of power bombs is always so spooky without more fun [Music] dude i kept morphing because i'm stupid i wanted to just angle down okay don't need that what do i need next power bombs i guess forget how long spike iframes are sometimes they're super long i think it's like a i think it's a four frame window take damage press the direction away from you while holding jump within four frames and taking damage uh yeah you need to make sure you hold jump yes okay not bad [Music] uh yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] man okay i don't trust myself to do that we're just going to go to croc meyer i guess stop streaming for the love of god no i'm good [Music] why'd you time him out that's no fun about three messages and two timeouts that's impressive i finally have a can fly upgrade yeah there we go [Music] okay let's do all this slow garbage [Music] there is an m1 z1 combo can i do a super punch out run can you do a run of a video game that you've never streamed before yeah sure dude just for you you've been such a uh you've been the backbone of my community for so long i would do anything for you i wish i was good at double bomb jumping it would make this less [Music] painful good um just give me a fire rod uh what's left in super metroid i skipped plasma shack tool plasma shack tool x-ray i can actually get to a landing site now you will follow i don't think that's how it works just practice at it for a week [Music] i am what you want me to spend a one week of my time for you so that you'll follow my stream that's what you want me to do does this work for you a lot out of curiosity [Music] yes not for you for my community i don't want to go that way peace [Music] man of the peeps was just a suggestion oh [Music] i would gladly take suggestions from uh someone who came into my chat and the first thing they said was your dog crap not even using the correct your and then told me to stop streaming for the love of god but just kidding don't stop streaming if you play this game i want you to play for the community i think you have your uh i think you got your story a little mixed up sleepy [Music] kid it was a joke oh god oh man you know when they start calling you kid that they're being super super genuine [Music] [Music] how long have i been 12 like 18 years there he he used the wrong door again he's trying to be rude we can't even do it with the right grant oh man i'm gonna miss your one view mr sleepy23 what will i do the pillar of my community gone forever [Music] i don't have a small key hmm be sure to subscribe to my youtube sleepy so that you can bless me with more of your wonderful chat interactions i mean you've said bye at least two times now so you know it's kind of like when you're with a friend and you say all right i'll see you later and then you end up walking the same direction and then it's like kind of awkward right [Music] i wonder if it's the same guy who didn't stop playing fortnite in season 4 i'm 19 and i own my second house i'm making 5 000 based off of pre-orders from the box being shipped to my door landing tomorrow what are you up to i forgot about that guy holy [ __ ] yo gold test thanks to the 1 000 bits dude what's poopy the best part is is like it's not like i wasn't saying bye to him i was giving him the attention he wants [Music] it's more fun that way i thought i had a potion maybe that was the last we'll play this real babe just to be safe [Music] you don't play fortnite well you have one thing going for you so that's good [Music] good oh he plays fools like you on the b-ball chord oh god was that by number four hell yeah [Music] that's one more instinct that's too many no it's fine now might the fun is over [Music] hit the game dang i don't know if he'll be back in 70 000 seconds you guys bullying little kids yeah me and my crew actually not a huge fan of those kind of games neo said i enjoy watching them i'm not a huge fan of participating mr [Music] okay i did shovel i can do magic powder [Music] back in the day when you can time out people for like like over a thousand years i think the next time out is two weeks now [Music] okay so we can't do everything in here so we're gonna be leaving some checks behind guaranteed [Music] she man this sucks knowing where the lamp is and not having anything to get there with and not having the fire rod just sucks a lot oops forgot it wasn't an automatic renewal have fun dude uh lamp is left side gt missile which requires space jump [Music] to get uh yo foopy thanks for the five months of prime what uh um [Music] okay that's a melissa foreign it's meyer's one item left that's fire [Music] lots i can't beat turtle rock or desert let's do go to smith chain i guess smith chain with magic bat and then i'll go back to turtle rock or pod dang alyssa uh fire rod can be interrupt yes so the way turtle rock works is there's one chest at the front available without any small keys if it's not a small key you're done if it is a small key you can progress deeper in the dungeon um if the first two chests are small keys you can actually get to the vanilla big key chest and mimic mimic cave and the big chest um if the first two chests are uh there are two small keys and then the big key is vanilla you can actually potentially get the laser bridge um so you can do a lot of turtle rock without fire on depending upon the key locations okay everything else in south dark world is already done so there's no point in me walking through it with uh with the chest after i'm done with this [Music] i need to figure out what i'm doing for dinner tonight [Music] please [Music] something i can eat while learning punch out genius [Music] [Music] oh god a smoothie then probably man [Music] that's the wrong direction i haven't been to skull woods at all i don't know my decisions at this point are not good decisions [Music] uh let's go this way been watching for years about time i joined the pub farm don't ever change andy [Music] um yo yumi san thanks for three months i appreciate a lot thank you um average time for an smc3 it's very very dependent upon like how good or bad the seed is a bad seed can like add a ton of time to the overall finish time like even like worst i had a really bad normal seed when i was prepping for the tournament that like legitimately took me over three hours with how things were placed um just barely over three hours so things can be pretty bad uh but like i don't know depending on the seed like sub three like being able to sub three most seeds is pretty solid regardless of how the seed ends up like going placement wise sub three is good please uh yes it is that's the restream of this race yo zappy against the nine months [Music] yeah it's it's usually a little hit or miss like half the time i get just like the vanilla vanilla uh turtle strat without a lamp and then half the time it goes super bad uh maybe not half the time i don't know it it goes super bad way less often than it goes okay like that room did or it goes like it does in vanilla [Music] yeah i tried to do it with three hearts i think maybe four hearts earlier and it did not go well if that was the fire out i would have been really upset so yeah um it depends like if the start doesn't go well i'll try to bombos and see what happens but if like the opening like two hammers of that room go well then you know it's probably just going to be a waste of time um i should have i should have gone to eastern it's really dumb on me to not go in there uh this is probably the least out of the way check i have left in super metroid you so the only the only issue with with sm really to the past first is it's almost never more convenient for you to do super metroid first because of the fact that you can reset to the ship whenever you want [Music] where you um do the same for super metroid so like if you're not all like like let's say you you hit go mode and wreck ship right uh for everything it'll probably be faster for you to do super metroid then if you have full beam combo and um and uh like you know your taurean is as fast as it can be um because you'd have to like you know run past essentially where you're going to taurian to get back to link to the past at that point anyways but generally like it just doesn't make sense to do link to the past second it's a challenge i mean it's not that much different i've done it a handful of times now you don't have to be subscribed to speed gaming twitch that like like the difference is with speed gaming the races are all hosted on different channels so looking through speed gaming speed gaming's vods [Music] on twitch like the race won't necessarily be on that speed gaming channel that you're looking at if you just want the finals uh the main speed gaming channel would have it somewhere but if you want like just more tournament matches and not necessarily just the finals then you'll have to like do some searching a little more thoroughly [Music] someone said that me and ivan's match wasn't on there but i don't know i have never looked on i don't think i even subbed to youtube one or so to speak gaming on youtube [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we [Music] oh [Music] oh this sucks ass [Music] [Music] i'm running out of options all right so fire rod can't be on pedestal which is good [Music] um [Music] oh um i know where the lamp is i might need it or fire on i need fire out or space jump i mean i i definitely need fire on so it's not like a matter of either or um there's no items left in desert so getting the getting the lamp would pretty much specifically be just to go get an item in misery mire everything else that's lamp locked is done i think did i ever do escape i don't remember let's find out [Music] yeah don't answer that that's me talking myself uh sure um i don't think i did actually so i got like i got hammer flute and a glove all at the same time i think in south shore i went to death mountain nice bomb [Music] oh interesting that's actually fine i'm okay with that like if lamp is required for fire rod it's gonna suck for literally everyone and not just me yeah that would have been really nice to have just like for me going through lower norfair initially but like you're probably not going out of your way for that lamp unless you need it [Music] oh man all right so we're gonna play i think i have to play fire rod and misery meyer here [Music] that be out of logic uh no space jump gets me a lamp which gets me the high jump boots so like logically i'm not supposed to have them literally right now but i can get them yeah i don't know it depends like i think i had a lot of like lamp definitely would have been my first fire source and yeah i could have gotten it was how much i had left and linked to the past i could have i definitely could have opted not to there's also still more things than escape yeah didn't we say that earlier nina it's just very like the situation where you beat metroid first is very few and far between yes i mean it's not a challenge though like it's literally no different no is anyone finished yet i don't know i'm not looking at the race channel i don't really care [Music] where did i get that out of the 16 how many have finished you can look it up yourself i'm not i'm not going to tell you because i don't care and i'd rather not know all the information you're looking for is publicly available rip fire rods either front of escape or in turtle rock or in some shitty check that i have left in super metroid i need this key i already went this way i haven't beaten mother brain now [Music] [Music] and fire rod cannot be here i got both items in here already i did see mushroom somewhere and i don't remember where it was i don't know why i skipped it either i like legitimately don't know where it could have been for me to skip it [Music] good good [Music] yes you can revisit super metroid [Music] if you couldn't then most like if you decided to do that the seed would not be beautiful this wasn't a race would i allow people to remind me [Music] [Music] i don't need people's help hell yeah see boss welcome hope you're doing well dude [Music] all right let's see what we got [Music] i really just needed it to be here okay let's go do the front of escape and find the fire rod and then cry a little bit all right imagine the front of escape also having speed booster and like this was just like the go through super metroid fast the seed if you just do [ __ ] escape i'm ready for it literally pee yourself uh you need proof on twitter please and thank you you think i won't oh [Music] i think this is the map but i don't remember also i think mushroom i think i remember where mushroom was i think it was um whatever the [ __ ] that's called i don't even remember what it's called anymore but i think i remember where the mushroom is [Music] okay that's the map all right it's one of the three things i've skipped and super metroid [Music] oh and at this point it's not really good for me no matter where it is whatever it is i chose to skip it i forgot the tube was open no mushrooms behind speed booster doesn't mean fire rod couldn't all see behind speed booster but i was stuck in the spikes yes this is just the the one seed that i happened to skip stuff in meridian because it opened up so much for me i got various hook shots and flippers in meridian main street that's what it's called that's where mushroom is i remembered [Music] i can remember what the actual item is called i couldn't remember that the mushroom was there until we started talking about speed booster and i remember that that's where it was and then i could remember the name of that item uh ether was also here actually so if i had actually done this i would have been in go mode leaving meridia with all of the dark world to do pretty much in terms of dungeons that like it's pretty much guaranteed that somebody's done already yes yeah with speed like i would just be going to waterway instantly because there's not much left um um what um yeah almost certainly there's people done already if everyone's done i'm in last place that would be very shocking it's not even a bad fire odd location it's just you know i could have very easily chosen to done that after doing do that after being left pit for the hook shot but because i got hook shot flippers and varia all at the same time in here and ether which uh opened up meijer um there was like you know so much got available to me at once that checking that one check i deemed not worth it yeah that's where plasma beam is normally [Music] yeah missing missing high jump and space jump lost me a ton of time and we're not fair uh which is unfortunate but if i don't if i don't skip that check i don't get the lamp anyways so that was also a waste of time technically all right let's take a look that's not too bad am i going to join the 7 p.m open i don't know if i want to do three rando races back to back to back it's uh hard probably not where can you find a list of other races for this race on speedruns there's two people done i need [ __ ] keys dude um i'll probably be done in like 20 minutes or something like that very unlikely that i'm getting last place even with last location fire rod [Music] yeah aussie is one of the two people aussie lost by [Music] six minutes yeah there's one for fitter but like i'd be surprised if i'm ever like the last person to finish in a race not including four fitters [Music] i mean speed speed would have barely done anything this seat anyways i guess like there's a chance that i just full clear i don't remember where bombos was i think bombos was early ish uh so like there's a chance that i just full clear link to the past before doing super metroid and lower [Music] i think i got it relatively early though uh fire i was at plasma [Music] seal zigg thanks for 32 months dude the only thing i didn't get is the mushroom i got all other key items i guess it's blue boomerang as well but blue boomerang and red boomerang we're both in wreck ship [Music] at least i got a tempered sword that sucks i'm gonna have to go the other way around here yo thorden with the 22 months of prime heck yeah appreciate a lot [Music] i mean the other sword has to be like you know somewhere in these places that i haven't checked like it's probably in gt somewhere what's the y4 under plasma uh it tells you that i'm crispy it turns off if i don't have all of the beams to spell crisp on the tracker [Music] [Music] what made me originally decide to do randomizers was a link to the past uh i thought they'd be fun and i'd been speeding in the game for four years uh i thought it would be interesting and it was i was getting pretty burnt out on linkedin runs at the time as well so it kind of like came out at a perfect time for me i still did speedruns and stuff like well after randomizer came out [Music] yes this is the first game that i ever beat mostly by myself this is the first game i ever speed ran [Music] started in 2012. it's not pressing him [Music] dude literal last locations the fire rod feels good yeah rando just adds a ton of replay value and it made it more like a puzzle than just like turning my brain off and uh and like you know letting muscle memory take over [Music] i remember when i was a wheeler my mom would get all the big chest items in this game for me and my sister then let us beat the bosses that's pretty cute kenny thanks founder bitsteem okay that's not who i wanted to kill whatever [Music] [Music] cool going right first actually paid off for once it's amazing yeah all dungeons uh that was what number four yeah that's where this one was super fun that's one of my favorite gtq runs that i've done personally yes orderless is super super fast i think when i did that gdq run i had the record with like a 1 13 37 or something like that something something similar no no what was it no i had a one i had a 109 i think [Music] rbo is the one i had a 113 in [Music] rbo is way faster now to you you remember when i had world records [Music] that's right i'm not the i'm not the glitch king anymore i am perfectly okay with it oh my good i'm glad like those runs are super cool i'm glad they're i'm glad that they're like way different like entirely than when i ran them before makes them makes them fresh [Music] just like multiple people actually playing those categories instead of like [Music] seven different people in total being on the glitch link to the past leaderboard [Music] she's switch snaps what do you play on now i'm stupid i was so high are you playing on nc i really don't think there's much of a difference oh nt has a crashing issue that makes sense you remember when i tied christos in the finals of the link to the past race i don't think i've ever tied christos in the race ever [Music] uh i beat chris in a finals and i also lost to chris in the finals but i never tied chris in a final i've also only ever raced chris in a randomizer tournament setting in a final [Music] i tied zero rush in like the quarterfinals of a tournament in a game three [Music] yeah no i never that's actually my only tie in the tournament it was again zero rush why did i equip the lamp [Music] the 30-minute ganon fight oh yeah yep i do remember that i almost forgot i had speed booster [Music] uh no the killed ones are on the track because the the golden four statue is lit up normally and when you kill the bosses they go gray it's kind of like the opposite of everything else uh so that does confusion does happen sometimes but they're grayed out because they're dead no i didn't jump there what it's only done like that because it's done like that in the game and it looks weird to me if you like click the bosses on oh this game is literally the easiest video game of all time so oh please [Music] [Music] [Music] uh a lot of people insist link to the past is the harder the two category i don't think i've ever seen anybody insist that before it's all so hard to insist an opinion [Music] [Music] [Applause] so so birthday behemoth dude i did it i got eighth place i beat half of the people in this race it's pretty standard i suppose pretty standard average of me yup it's time to first place a 237 [Music] it's not that surprising if you decide not to [Music] leave meridia the fire rod's right there and you're in go mode so that makes a huge difference the difference between doing well i bonk on that spark i did it too far to the right i'd assume [Music] all those movement items escape or whatever like it saves time but it's not that significant being able to go mode almost all the dark world dungeons is more significant oh you need to stand first interesting [Music] [Music] say smith am i done yeah [Music] i need to figure out what we're doing for dinner i need [Music] uh i don't know maybe i'll stream some lately nightfall guys or something later if gamers are gaming but six straight hours of rando is big draining on my brain [Music] um all right let's go rate somebody um all right we're going to go rig the kelperton i want you to spam her with some andy loves all right she's playing some breath of the wild just big chilling spammer with some love excuse me and uh she's been streaming for longer than i have so she's probably not going to be on too much longer i'd assume so then you guys can go wherever she sends you okay bye guys i'll see you later slash tomorrow bye
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 14,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, zelda, rando, randomizer, sm, metroid, smz3, alttpsm, alttsm, combo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 20sec (11900 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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