A Link to the Past | CrossKeys Multiworld with Fouton!

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and okay you can literally open up like making a file and see if the color is wrong and it is very good man it's a good thing I didn't wait for this this takes forever I am not to be trusted connects all right Andy create file only and look he's right this color here yeah the color things they're on every vile I've ever load I don't know why it's only on Rando though um okay so we're gonna minimize that I'm gonna delete two things that I put on my tractor's and then we're gonna connect this Auto I'm ready and then we're gonna do that I guess the best for into with a Merrik we're starting again yes this is the real version well it's really real mercy if the 1.3 was working all right yeah Hawaiian guy thanks posted all right let's do it three two one go all right let's pick up the sign this time blue what a nice house going hey you got a compass you Cantonese on yeah good work us all baby oh what a late world it's no cherry blossom but it's got a green purple mix that I'm not upset about this would be a nice lava lamp by the purple and gray don't shoot me I want to do the same door was there baby did you release the same seeds no now I have an uncle at my office I had the same transition at Hyrule Castle name nice both times dude this one your item was shuffled how else uncle cave is incredibly dark hopefully is the better than the crest you played earlier well lay it won't be nice just be honest why didn't I pick that bomb [Music] hurry for bomb Trippel on I'm ready in bags no got my hair too small already nice fortune color that's a good one to get where a CAC well this time $50 man I'm getting good luck different way yeah I really need mom all baby this is actually a pretty good saving with its [ __ ] so that's a good go east/west any but it wasn't for me beauty it was for me I'd have to go get more magic but I just spoke to rumor eggs in my back of escape one for me right meringue does not kill many more warps lost you bet alright where's this angry right angry right highly recommend a map tracker if you get stuck Mattie's track maps there's a few is half bush [Music] there's a heart in my lumberjack which is my escape meieran soul woods Tesfaye trip query on top is sick kid this key courteous to get an old you're going with your map tracker okay I have a thirteen bomb here I'll pull form our bombs out of my tree and then to transition about picking them up just here I can't do it I've got mini mold or impaired I came I hate you my crab is Bob my tree is bunk Andy sends me bomb on life you but let's send me a bottle I found sick kid I'll trade you bombs for a bottle alright so no like a quill is lover jet this is what I get for big meanie if I ever run it a bomb something is wrong yep [Music] also you can kill with a boomerang you just have to kill the birds it doesn't help in anything in medieval cave or God 845 that'll help me duty rock laser bridge though getting one to have it online for that there you go no more complaining because waste nicely with your hair is small look money you could buy bombs yeah we're gonna die if I'm gonna do I felt some Mario my total rock wait there's no magic in here I can get hey there's your malaria yeah yeah ha this isn't the way I wanted it to go [Music] I should write that down before I forget we're gonna go do paradise first he's so excited that I run off the bridge yeah I'm not really good at controlling my Luigi who done reading the seat yeah probably ooh I picked up the bushes the bird hit me an insta-kill the poor crab here you go Andy oh no that's mine I was gonna try to send you ten arrows the good friend that I what was this again remember [Music] okay I don't remember cuz I didn't check [Music] Y is p3 baby - oh god save me not it not fun that sounded like one of those aha Oh rats thanks for the 22 months in a row I was focusing too hard on avoiding mini-mall dorms that I like didn't want to look away or sneeze into my arm or something so just kind of sneezed why can't you get yours or a river without the dark world Oh a suit you mean yeah yeah that's the thing GT already with a good life what wait wait wait no thanks send me back down Wow also egg name is their grilled X's go what's that a pod small a glove Andy you're so kind thanks teammate [Music] whoa it's very magenta oh god I forgot about tile Rando I might die in here [Music] I'm helping Wow hey [ __ ] off what is this even making I don't know yeah oh that was Sankar unbelievable I'm dying I'm healthy oh it's making no metroid' not the horrible [Music] okay us make my hair small what's he's gonna be its [ __ ] Barry get on Lulu I can't believe this ends now for that nothing you can go around from the top steamer if you go to the left entrance to the Lost Woods farther than the big rock there is a smaller don't do that whoo Myers head oh I wrote that down wrong that was not flying huh speaking of blindsight I walked right over to the sidelines it so it's not my shed and mini-malls okay all of my caves magenta is fantastic desert [Music] and my stun drops not even good I need food thought it might give me everything look I only have three hundred and sixty two rupees I can't pay for everything it's a real tragically reason I even shovel with money's left found I found two 300s for myself and also 100 likes my shovel is on your old man that is in Las Wiz I have to stay finally something good my crab is for bombs that's pretty good HC right is Wood stump there is probably magic pots I should have picked up while I was passing through here Oh Oh hallo Meyer well hello there [Music] oh hello big bum why are some items sent to Bhutan but not all because our games are next because it would be boring yeah so basically when it generates the two seeds it shuffles all items from both seeds between both games so I have stuff from me and my own game but I also stuff for futon my game and our objective is for both of us to be able to finish our games Cal front-loaded are seated iFit game no okay sometimes you can squeeze by that section sometimes you can't and I don't even know why we're like you know the far-right Meyer cave and the Meyer shed on the right end yeah it was like the water connector between it that you can kind of walk across but sometimes it doesn't like you Oh sometimes you have to swim I've never walk across that I have walked across it before and I can't always do it and I don't know why it's different than sometimes I mostly have trouble when I'm a buddy which is clearly some part of it but I've been able to get through as a bunny before so I'm not sure what the problem was probably just you know pixel-perfect herbage well people's brains rule other buzzwords I'm trying to start this nobody but an often for all items to always be another player's game be bitter awful be interesting but not that one I probably wouldn't play it you can't save him quit I just didn't want [Music] have you seen any item caves you just said could've checkerboard right yeah [Music] yeah I figured those would beat me up because the first time I saw it they meet like four times but I guess I got too close to the wall and they only felt like showing up for a second your magic pots are in desert I have no idea [Music] probably one day OG actually is probably one in here too I'm gonna go check this room pots are crazy in here you can save and quit I just didn't want to ice even quit I'm not back in hyrule castle it only takes you to the three potential save and quit spots in the language those are magic over here I'm deaf warping it's usually because saving pudding would be bad [Music] well I know of one magic pot and all of us are now learning Oh archery game let's make some cash you can find savings quit there I would've had to walk all the way back Hyrule Castle just to go check another chest ok I connecter see if there's anything useful [Music] I am absolutely not shooting the same target five times is it only makes me $35 I'm not confident enough all right lumberjack is the thief and it's a bottle okay I hope that's futons first of all my first bottle oh you weren't sending it you were just making fun of me yeah it's on my lumberjack [Music] yeah I got a Samari I could do this all right so something important is gonna be again and drop there's no getting around it I have pack well left's in and left and magic bat lists alright cannons at sync uh-oh I'm either about to do CAC well or I'm knocking a big pack well for a long time which one I can watch at Christmas [Music] yes oh my god I'm so happy that means bad as it gained in' not really sure how much health these things have my own glove turns out it's a lot oh you're the best yeah heck well had a heart for me a glove for me and then [Music] little bear oh geez please don't I need my magic I made it the most troll thing they that could have literally anything the only thing that it can't have is the bow and Ganon's tower binky it's the only things that magic bag can have and you can do this it's just shooting a pokey with arrows how could that be heard turns out it was easy oh yeah I can tell you now I have no magic for my canis Mario shenanigans although I'm keys so I guess that doesn't matter yeah bad can technically have hammered [Music] also there's a full magic that I forgot about you only need a bow fire source hook shots and an ability to slash things back attack but there is the net or camera by flippers what was that okay futon you gave me faith flippers with an item sentence hell yeah you gave it to me the same frame as I landed in the water so like it didn't even need a screen sans ition it literally just let you spend that's cool that was insane you probably can't give an item in midair so if you were like about to get me an item I could probably like just spam or like hold a direction jumping into water and they would give it to me airstream of landing sick it's like a small chance he'll get at the wrong time but otherwise you're safe yeah this is Steve's town but that working swamp Alice no they flip bring in swamp Alice doesn't put you on the right layer generally mmm like if you like in the first room if you if you like area B space flipper into the into like the water that's their game still treats you as you're down below and you can't climb up the stairs to get the first Texas overworld is all one layer and it's multi-layered stuff is just made by cheats to make it look like you're changing floors by jumping ledges whereas indoors has two layers which it'll go back and forth on jumping like that so swamp probably has some weird hard-coded nonsense to fix it this was like well night time did I [ __ ] me a big lizard boy okay that was garbage we're gonna go to pod now instead of instead of hey bot that was it's right odd is link fortune that Steve's town was Oh mmm I have six fights they I have five no oh you smell - yeah why are we tied in items Andy it's not fair I have all these good things but I'm missing that water hurts I need to complain up welcome Ganon's in my battle which leaves lost woods my Ganon he is my favorite Rando sanity no also randos are good in their own ways we're just talking like individual mode inverted probably Cordia Ganon's her GT is always a pendant miss mode into ice belts no I came pretty that way freaking him where he must not have an oculus as dirt because you suck Bertie Bertie must not be running into much is a apprenticeship exactly why I need have a target is I doing a good enough job pretty still a [ __ ] hope you're having a good day today you're acting miss the five hundred bits I am at Lincoln Day today blondie graveyard show weird [ __ ] my graveyard ledge I was very very sad you feel like the graveyard would have a [ __ ] though now he was just talking about the the the music in Gaines tower is always pendants music oh no I was talking about the map you got Oh Oh Bertie was like maybe ganna Zeisel some forties Justin I'm he's banned in my channel yeah telling you as do is not teaching law right thing now I'm not gonna send him pieces or heart when he's trying to death or I'm gonna send him pieces art while he's trying to hover T Rock way better so much where pain [Music] it'll be a little unfortunate that happened again how do you think snap-on GT I need things that are related to swamps so I can go beat it cuz I already found it and pluck the water and Eastern Big E in my bug net small key to Hyrule Castle should be found at the race oh good I was about to check out the races now I don't have to you and I don't need the heat [Music] ice pal as I found everything in the world I'm not gonna need my pearl East dart VM connector your leads to a boring house cool that means all of T Rockland is out of blood or doesn't matter to remember cave C QWERTY how I didn't complete ice palace there bernie i unbanned you I hope you learned your lesson it was actually yo oh I can't do that I do probably should have save and quit but I'm a [ __ ] continued my walking this is under the enemy randomizer Rando and Thunder palette swap for Palo shovel say one thing facetiously a futon shed you get completely [ __ ] on I mean it's pretty standard Dena and nak was the EP entrance man escape as dark as hell holy [ __ ] it's like a dark chocolate bar you [Music] when I small great I can't believe this [ __ ] alright back to South Shore Ezard hasn't taught him at all look at that water color it's such a nice blue it's like navy blue water or whatever color you describe that is I don't know fellers my water is very much not hey Redman color do I go full right or full left I'm gonna go for eight so they don't risk the chance of skipping mínimo alarm I [Music] was right hell yeah I know colors mildly if you look at my water futon it's a very clean and drinkable oh yeah my water looks like it's like straight out of like Alberta you know that nice deep blue looking water I don't beautiful [Music] resort water high-end stuff that you probably shouldn't actually touch but when's the next race not until after I get back machine here I guess a better description is it looks like Windex beautiful water or Windex [Music] [Laughter] a futon ladies and gentlemen all I get [ __ ] futon no really fresh you can leave next Tuesday so I could go into this or I could drop down spec I'm gonna drop down spec Oh God craps [Music] let's get a ferry real quick hugs shouldn't swiping this kind of water it's probably bad better handle especially when he opens his mouth every stroke just swallows it got to disinfect those insides you know I'm gonna drink Windex you're gonna drink just straight poison or whatever the hips and I've gotten a futon all of these formats I'm a super buddy it'll last maybe it's all now let's go I mean that's equally bad for dogs so here eat this chocolate River I can't pick up pushes even though I know that you don't have the enzymes in your body capable of digesting swimming in the brown rain Oh Chocolate Rain you know semi boots that I can back up and hike wait you can't back up an idea don't bother I don't need it sadder dark world long berries hate [Music] do I go to skull woods I think I might do that last so that if I get trapped there I don't mean [Music] [Music] maybe this poison water is what's making all the grasper maybe my entire world is purple like the world and our world is very purple I can't wait to see what Death Mountain looks like it'll be purple team I can do in a cave that was that I was playing with the idea of maybe clipping the maximum cave you're on a roll today well that wasn't today fortunately I definitely was starting to close about and I thought about what I was doing em cave team that was during one of our races we did actually before our filthy world they spent like 30 seconds clipping Kings hey futon I found you lamb guy on desert ledge good you can get that sphere zero with glitches that's do you think Buster [Music] guess I'm not going to scho woods unless you know I'm a real man lamb on deserts I was perfect timing led now I'm a full-grown Luigi yes after this all I really have left to do is explore limited dark world stuff I should go this way first and then excuse me and then go out paradise exits hope it takes me somewhere east of two options one I could fake flipper over to the pod area and check everything there I could get two chests and pond and still be out of logic because I don't know about [Music] I miss her though oh that one true oh I didn't I don't want [Music] holding NASA need a lot of race and just brewery brewery heck did he go to the shop oh excuse me [Music] I do chicken house well we've died in alright that's what it's gonna be your mini Mulder's Barbie chicken Rosa pegs is the connector purple chest leads to a map skull woods why would you mimic clip when your head don't have when you have the bow I wasn't doing it today query dawn damn it get old we [Music] okay stop messing around now we're gonna take the rule these boots all the way back up to a tree so I can be Luigi and you have cave and a logic instead of doing all the light world stuff I can do hell yeah you're just extending my time in the dark world I went from checking the random entrances to see if I need to do them later to beating the dark world because I keep turning to Luigi Wow desert rain is vanilla al bouri my own bottle sick deke aimin but also have a small typo you know Ola knee oh that was yours dang it thought it was mine for some reason oh can you mimic a with Cana Samaria well I could do mimic cave with a hammer if I had a hammer know about that I can't do it without it so other items don't matter no spectac butonce I mean item already been here I will attempt you but I'm a bunny again so my item said it is okay so you're not significantly decreased Sahasra no Andi sent me an item so I can send you an item and it's just okay um spectacular thank you for that five one three sub and ei LP a I can eat yet you know probably look adorable as hell as a head girl well Cordy you're a hater I don't care what you think [Music] check on house already right got spit out of pot house one egg house so whenever I find the old man that's gonna be really nice because the old man save and quit takes me to dark all these step mountain and [Music] so that'll be good for whenever I get Earl and you old man aw I love you too QWERTY can i slide you diems now or am I just gonna do that without permission anyways I'm not sure what the type of messages you get bunny Luigi was the SMU and Mario straight damn right [Music] aspectek what is your opinion on my emotes what should I get as a new one since I have three [Music] well technically two but I'm far away from the next one and I'm pretty sure you read those because that somebody if somebody gives 4 subs and butonce chat I'll give 5 my dad oh [ __ ] if hoot on that email on now will repay you he's going big if we taught only needs four emotes for for ourselves for Annie yeah I'm at 31 out of 35 or 30 - hold on let me check it's could be one of the other who cares opens Reis up from spec tech it could be three two times I'm not working god what forget LOC she took me up with five oh yeah alright I need to open up I wish I could give subs from my own dashboard I can't I need to open up my own stream like an actual tab oh god I can hear myself I'm saved give subscriptions to the Camus body super Jenn Katie Gilbert skimble s Campbell probably those things welcome [Music] as you shouldn't have been 40 no gifts up for birdie [Music] welcome what the [ __ ] I found three connectors to my er area should be there what do I even do what do I do now Burke world hi leah is a connector oh there's one more thing anything I'm in Italy futon I'm gonna be came out after this last night you're not owned QWERTY welcome to my son's as well thanks back deck for the gifts of welcome five new peeps the pug farm we gots tails 11:21 uh zombie plays games underscore twitch TKO to booze and omni FLA's welcome everyone to heart so I opened my select menu cuz I wanted to look at something real quick while I was on the screen cuz the waters really cool and it was the exact same frame a spear hit me in the back of the head and now Mary looks like he's wearing some sort of like sports helmet helmet it's awesome yeah welcome everybody thank you LOX minnow six subs total ah Smith you know your little trick my dear TK oh well thanks for continuing that gift sub so should I tell futon what he missed finally oh I am well aware what I missed I have so much to do don't you worry okay well I'm out I'm currently scouring the dark world because I was thrown out here I have I have Latrobe with you I'm just quickly gonna check something real quick though nimbly futons been doing analogic part role for like 20 minutes now that's true and now I'm in became advanced bit I can't be real dude I don't know where to find my sub count I give up she gonna play the game I'm at lake 13 away from the last slot I can unlock here's a little bit did I check light will type feed yes I did don't know why everyone misses that I like the first team I check when I go to South Shore and it's almost always negative then it takes me somewhere else I know I shouldn't have been in the dark world but I found like 40 things that are very important to go to later so now I can see well I can do that I can do this see where it goes any why don't you just like find progression why don't you just yes ma'am I thought this was from Lassie I'm being honest yo you're gonna get me my shovel angry Wright's dark world hi Leah and light will highly are both dark caves are they gonna go to each other wait no that's not true at all [Music] who is highly individual its death mountain date ha shovel I'm gonna check it immediately no you're not it's gonna be the biggest progression in the world no no you believe that Andy lied to me about being out of checks yeah I thought it was from the last you messed it up and I found a dirty rag day last night not actually I don't know well Andy I thought it was from Lassie always making big mistakes had not been you know thanks the shovel led to a small key to my ice palace dang it send it back he's good hardy have one though I told you the second is further yeah yes ever never never never I also gonna use that pod key but yeah I don't want to anyway see there it's not able to be even happened in in like a week we and so just good turned into a text box okay happened exactly one time habits like every time he plays the video game ether is always there and he always forget 200 of the time it's just so freakin oh oh look at all those dark world things I was scouting out this very moment there's a book on my Ilia that's not a good thing I get a second possible no I'm on 28 sick sick items I could go investigator in it it actually opens up paradox no well I guess I'm doing old man completely blind my B key i PB k SW [Music] hey it's these time matter checks dude dude that is a sick thieves down color purple and gold ace man I have so much bombs at digging the ground gave me bombs immediately ah God he's sitting on my face no it is probably the sound I would make if someone tried sitting on my face old man walking into the cave and a dead rag literally stopped directly I'd be it I had a herd left I was not going to survive No [Music] I know I have to have it oh that's narrow to the eyeball yeah don't worry about a Kaos things went on just loves letting deadrock sit on his face yeah like you don't what uh so wait worldline [Music] yeah Angie's chat is reading shaming me Wow I thought your oh my god anonymous anonymous dealing from a lot of subs I am nuts they'll be on the 50 mark and therefore have unlocked all emotes than an affiliate and unlock you guys so much I can't believe this isn't logic well we're gonna hear that sound 15 times because it doesn't fix that yeah it took me like two months to remember to actually fix that futon [ __ ] off wow so I could make that that puggy mode that I was talking about Nate on Bhutan pug where's the Hat kid but in the pugs bright in the the pugs even have thank you guys so much you just seemed so what's actually doing here now um I found my cave and I did spy cave I see the other side of this oh my god I have 10 bombs decent dumb [ __ ] always a spike cake oh this is Paul I've never seen a spike cave be the other end of a connector before this is really weird Mike and - India please no I found them don't have a fatty emo cuz you don't sub 2d Jen's uh yourself to what now oh you didn't choose this up this Paris hick and Katie ah there was a skull in that Bush my game can come back oh my god there we go hey Andy what's going on there we go are you setting my console makes it a river that's weak I don't know why it takes like three seconds for to come back on my TV and then like my monitor and then like 20-ish to come back on my cap I'm at gunpoint now I did that on purpose I want to save that smokey since that one chest is not the old so I'm gonna go around get my moon parole and then there's a cheer so check the stuff North you guys aren't doing it right hold on so what's up crime how's it going gaming all right that Real Talk I need some help I want to play a game after I'm done with this I don't know if I should play Caden spiral or blood stain you know Quezada tier 1 sub thank you very much you guys are amazing I don't know if it's done you might not make it sounds I'm gonna make it sound cool hell yeah Cordy welcome to the prime of shitposting where you can used cow with eivin one two three four to make a terrifying abomination Oh God while I was flipping cats at a lot I'm one should just make a straw poll for me I know tier two jorts can't be put on our session as sad day how did I get to the dirt world so I would like to be there I'm not it does now get new people caddy peasy boats are real good as lit and used stare definitely some of my highest used emotes hi daddy is definitely at the bottom tier of my use demos thanks kriti for sure like that to be a good I need a patty ice in the chat I used that one more than papaya I actually don't know if I use any pie emotes regularly I don't because I don't regularly have this sub to him so it's hard to remember whether or not I always live like do I have a Z but I don't want to type it at be wrong so I'm just talking about it that's why you always do : whatever emote you want to play and then it'll always do cold nope always now I check if I got new fried units own price it's cold [Music] they come from sup to PI right now about 100% sure though yeah the : chick is really useful someone taught it to me about like a month ago and I'm always like yeah but I don't want to do that because I like typing but it just continually is really useful so maybe I should again do the habit of doing that I have seven items from paradox one item from spiral three items from Sahaj Villa and two items from Meijer [ __ ] all coming up [Music] oh goodness this is wrong oh it's because it's you know that's a bowl why'd you send me the bone and my boomerang isn't the first move you have quick swab lovely one hour press I turned it off he turns it off for yours its tail advanced fix off is so good for like the first hour and some changes you don't really have that many items yeah like on its it's a wide print or eight are presses to get through my entire inventory right now which is like fast enough I made it pretty much do it no matter what I see [Music] although I'm gonna read that in a second Jen I just have to get out of danger zone I don't know that was game Jen you dang read text names Bagon holding back in the danger zone [Music] that you lose the chest that follows you if you get hurt and warp on pretty much the same frame getting hurt there's nothing to do with it I think you pressed a on the same frame yeah you press a use the chest or jump dental edge wait no not that one that one super bummer bad throat my things now in a stupid order and it's really confusing me once now I'm pretty sure that doesn't have but you're right you're right fortunately I don't get hurt but when I mirroring with a chest mostly because when I have the chest with me I basically don't take damage because I just like book it straight to where it needs to go here you go Andy oh my god assorted also the back of my slash was loaded I got a fire rod and a pinky and you got a sword at it whew Kirby thank you what was this again I can't do that I need a sword dang any of that sort could have beaten skull or mafia Larry though it was bad yeah that's fine literally anything for me besides the sword might get okay I got nine chests coming up ten actually cuz like you know go back go back go back Oh anything else I have besides like red lemon rings for my own game that eleven checks coming excuse me that sort is yes and besides the sword first you may step aside the boomerang so what is the first useful thing give me back my hammer so like I said you sent me to mail upgrades that have taken me longer to death or because of like a spunky for me unreal what else does he hit a logic setting forever syndrome I'll a mother persons game that is not their figured it out until I find Hera please I sent you your blue boom ring and yeah look at his T's real quick find anything I said you a pod small singular songs I got me that it actually didn't get me my moon parole because I could have gone around the hammer that's a little logic you don't have a boat oh I found this already my dark world's water is beautiful ha beautiful deal of you know nice is that the same D blues might now yours is like a mines like the British Navy [Music] let's kill some old dorms of the mini variety libraries then yeah the lamp is useless until I like find something that I need the lamp for like a basement lamp is not alright so I'm definitely gonna get dummy vote I'm probably gonna make the pug emo just for fun now wait for sending over I don't know what is his beard it's mine the Katz's be sending it back that was hammer peg okay I don't wait anyway I got a bow in a mirror hey ki he'll look well the pots balls American I just want to lift the Rose Rajic yeah you're the only one that send me any pod smalls and above me that's for a week in turn Rockne All Right game give me the turtle rock small thank you every time I'm trying to set up a bomb jump those like take forever to send and I'm just saying they're like I know you're coming it just takes for every sub person reason oh hell yeah that's a good one oh yeah dark world link goes to East Death Mountain I can come back here with cheese net is still in here needed oh man my my Death Mountain is the lovely pink color so I've got like all these pinks and purples for my light world everywhere Chad did I find wonderful favorite already I feel like I did dude your dark well has the cherry blossom looking at my head last don't dead rock come on man we're supposed to be friends what are we getting a gooey G spray that would be hilarious excited for the bouton WJ eww I'm gonna have a dummy mode that's for sure I don't know what it's gonna look like though cuz can't like derp you looking hat kid I don't know it'd be weird one of your hack any must argue look wow that's not true at all hey find the other side oh I found the first side of hook shot you and that was just like good um yeah that wasn't dirty as hell hey he's just smiling it's like you got laugh on the head cut it this looking a little concussion today you all right oh [Music] I could connect no I can't connect to this I don't have bombs all right nobody look I'm cheating because I've been here before what was I gonna do [Music] Georgie [Music] Thank You boss message me with futon sheets [Laughter] I can't go back I made a terrible mistake of you trying to stop cheating look I'm not cheating he's currently not cheating fully capable of making his own decisions mourning those decisions always involved cheating his wave sign oh my god ah crab get away from have a good night Gilbert Oh [Music] we have the main thing moves gonna happens when you when you get items while there's an item visible on the screen which kind of messes with its pre pretty standard she lets get free [Music] alright so I've got my er shut to check I can go through spiral get my ass handed me let me guess check that one just game why is it sometimes when I'm holding left after jumping down the ledge pterodactyl hits me and sometimes it does not but dang it uh the bird moves in a less natural way so it's not necessarily the exact same like movement path big box wise yeah lucky it always doesn't murder me when I met low HP and all these hits me when I'm at high HP much better than the other way around oh my god that many more barrels chase me through the entirety of spiral cave was vo bomb is my game not in 60fps it is on my end but it's probably not capturing at 60 pisses a murex piece of [ __ ] so I probably have to like fix my settings at some point James oh I should write that down that's almost a big mistake now that's not what I'm asking mister I'm asking if I found like the waterfall ferry entrance like did I find the two chests for water melting it just found the one through pyramid ferry and I'm pretty sure I found waterfall ferry I don't remember that might have been last a very big year what I do okay I'll definitely try to fix that Katie that's probably something that happened when I was fiddling with a Mrak to make it not garbage and I accidentally made it worse possibly as in death mountain ledge through Dark Worlds out a meter in which lists what like getting at him like the turtle rock legend the Dark Worlds is only accessible via a connector mirror won't get you there nothing else we get you there if you mean like mimic cave you cannot get there glitchless or out here hey I found your shovel so my spec rod and you'll never get it I can get your uh and get your lamp tell ya I'm just gonna check all of our papers I am streaming at 60fps let's say that at least the old smithery can't believe that doesn't say ye olde memory should bold with the e and everything yeah awesome painting into the with the four months of prime thanks a lot my need I appreciate it I wonder that you think of you don't want that one twenty rupees I'll tell you something how about it learn to make plugs I don't know what the [ __ ] that is I'm gonna Google this bumper up it looked like pancakes to me your pancake weight as hey can roof I don't think there's anything left for me to do on that mountain I have a lot of dungeon stuff like a D right now but I don't really want to at the moment I have full access to east F mountain now as well there comes guy island Rockledge I'm back to having the worst debt met or dark world access in the game except for instead of this time walking to blacksmith to lock to another area in my er to walk to another cave on death mountain to get to bumper ledge it's I have to start links house and - all the way to ice rod area waterfall ferry is right outside Azores domain only we're the waterfall and yeah it's the wonderful very neat oh god this order it's pretty old cup degree in Venice that's on your master sword hog wow I got hit by the part again house weird Andy and got punished twice the songs happy oh oh Jesus wrong apparently pterodactyls don't die - arrows scary I played some of the before last you new DLC cuz I rang coming from somebody who is like barely played the game was I don't know I just didn't know much of the story stuff so that was kind of lost on me heyy hey Gary oh I got boots no I don't remember it was on the torch I didn't really pay attention to it pretty sure is garbage [Music] [Music] the base of e star death mountain he still connect so this will lead to the back which is good that's actually a really good connector to find oh that's a really good small key to send me now I can full clear turtle rock except for the fact that I can't hurt try next well I technically could I just need half magic in a bottle to fill which I do have bottle to fill but then I would be able to kill a head so no I I'm still correct man [Music] hey hey place Brad with three months of Brian thanks a lot my dieter no I don't like this table as it turned for the first time ever Eddie has the taper it's fine I'm supposed to have the three sorts that and he doesn't have the left leg on East Death Mountain he's doing cave with new chests okay [Music] who's super bunny hell yeah fine I rolled a swordless seed for myself did that be sick please internal rhyme I [Music] wonder how long I bought two ads that was just farming arts let me sink I have too many turtle rock smiles now okay so do you wanna go to Little Rock lift one more test I can take over here shitty hey hey it's a chest that was Kingston all right um alright this is gonna do my fastest way to buy your area don't be shitty dang it 50/50 on getting married drop down tracker what what's up Kate Oh what it actually leave still there are mine and confuse your stream someone leave in chat that's normally at record Oh auto tracker deselected everything brought back a key to Eastern Palace can be found in Ganz tower because I found that already I have a mirror shield and I don't have a sword you all right well that's less concerning I thought you guys meant like the tracker got unselected from from my my OBS and I was like I have no idea what it was that but that's like yeah I'm tracking just work with M leader does I thought it just wasn't updating anymore that what happens well it only works with certain packs though does not it is not like fully functional for every single type of back emos backer my pack yeah it's far somewhere although I don't think there's many other facts begin we've cornered the market no one makes packs but little bit you hooked me up with my lamp so I'm in the wrong page of my thing alright here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go be desert hopefully I'm gonna go to chicken house [Music] you shook me up with a hook shot that's what we should do I see we put well I'm pretty sure I heard you say that you found your hook shot gave no I'm not yeah it's okay I found you shot kids today bounces ooh I remember was on my torch so we're gonna go check it again before Mary should I check that one yeah those other cave or connectors I'm super glad it's Harkins I hovered across the spectacle rock cave hole and it gave me the connector to hammer pegs that I got a hint about and it made me very s found Easter Yomi no fine that's fine I didn't want healing Andy crummy piece of hurt no Croskey cross world at the entrance shuffle is not coupling everything is couples yeah that was a Sandy shuffle which is basically reserved for health sanity in nightmare other painful notes that I'll never do again unless my friends are like hey let's do this and I'm like okay but I'm really easy I was telling Ivan the other day they would absolutely do the mini mold or hack again you guys were just like hey let's do that it's fixed the the armless crash doesn't happen anymore oh nice I saw DT doing it you didn't have that issue so maybe that's why I was saying I would absolutely love to play that again if they did no babies no crash no invincible spikes in business life will be based it's impossibly I'm sure there dude [Music] men's cheats now that was not a future basically mini-mall dorms and spikes pulled from the same sprite sheet so it couldn't pull them both at the same time so it was either make the mini mold arms invisible or make the spikes in this and uh yeah okay um where was to the rock ledge Stalin was desert one they actually not right down to the rock ledge [Music] it didn't write down her rock [Music] what's stopping us from moving the spikes to different spreadsheet or something yeah I don't I don't know I'm not good at that stuff I understand none of the sprite nonsense I'm sure you know there's like on a screen but yeah I think it's without the original one in like two hours yeah it would take so I'm certain that and one knowledgeable service picture yeah cuz he literally can do that in the atomizer already so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible I think it's just that Pincus didn't want to put that much effort into it because it was just meant for FSG to play it yeah and I don't think they ran into the East you book then on their one playthrough as far as I could tell because I can't remember how long ago we did it and if I was on SD dis Nesser emulator because I think if I was the one on emulator and everyone else had a problem that might be a factor in Hawaii crashes they're not so much crash this but so work for Ivan and he was definitely on console and I yeah you were on console I was on emulator Willard I'm pretty sure was on console so that leaves me as the old see Cal emulator player and didn't have the issue he did have the issue though I didn't happen you once no thought I got through first ray I think I think he was the only one that got who first ray no I haven't got it three times in a row and still beat everyone out there I'm pretty sure thought I even had the problem with just crushed Eastern yeah I don't care because I remember I've been saying that was an issue it I was just like he was just so far ahead of us at the time and it just didn't even Betty I don't remember what I was doing I guess when I start doing dungeons again so I changed the threshold and it's working really well on my end I can't really tell if it's working one and he's a hit I think looks about normal for you how many players can link to the past new home a lot I think Bonta told me 16 until it crashes or maybe not crashes but has potential problems one [Music] although he did say 16-plus might cause issues he didn't say it doesn't worry if I'm wonderful so the waterfall fairy I found previously was Lassie [Music] all right um me not writing down for the rock ledge is an issue cannot believe my ball write that down when did I get a desert small we just oh my god do I really have all T rocks molarity at a lot of Smokies missing from my tracker [Music] was this again ten arrows screw that [Music] hey now we both know what our swaps is speaking of I need my footprints monkey I need maybe four things for go mode before swords I need item wise I don't have flippers Maurya up shot either rod cheese Andy mr. collecting items I know [Music] nothing good there I haven't found the only turtle rock and flip down to the front and I know one's an Emma cave and I didn't write down where Rockland was spot dive a swamp with a nice deep sound colors monkey tidal castles and school is well I guess it's not the best cheese down color but it's okay top is nice it's like a nice aroma stain I know hot swamp and wrong okay so thieves town on ice or Hera once a pendant to ur pendants won't risk that's pretty nice heigh-ho shaggy well that reminds me count to a shot I'm hovering yeah stop it alright well that guy's gonna work it is cool and you can do that with keys I wasn't tricked you can do that with hurts and stuff boomerang to hurt off screw her in this game but I change and I found my flippers I found my hook shot I wit my flippers are hook shot line fantastic Oh God it's okay the counters are at this doesn't here please this is fine so hookshot gate was definitely the next on my list then where was the bottom spiral okay so this was hammered egg house put boys I did that run I'm just gonna name it eight house pig house hook grunts okay I found every minor entrance her address thanks to seven months in a row dude I appreciated all right let's go down capable quick [Music] so the only thing that myths actually gets me now is to rock entrance and ice palace entrance which is really nice and then like do items I want the back maybe come back mm that's bed there we go definitely forgot I didn't have like a real weapon for blind so I do use Mario my first crystal so three thanks for the followers everybody oh hey and gasps mr. no be sure to follow Ben futons scream scream the wet know follow your stream is free follow your nose at you that's not ice pellets now can't do a lot without a hammer but we're sure the game put my hammer in here cuz it's rude [Music] I already checked that in that here [Music] oh let's not just walk right by the jellies with keys in them [Music] yes dude my ice palace is a watermelon I love this color set it's so good oh I missed [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] bad move [Music] well it's not where I'm supposed to throw that tracker dude why's my tracker so [ __ ] today just following up on save and quits or no it's just not doing stuff weird like I can't even it won't let me click skull woods alright let me click school with what it takes forever that's supposed to track with its own I know it wasn't so I tried clicking it and I wouldn't let me click is it untracked it did it fit its untracked again I know because I'm quickly it takes like 5 seconds to register click hell I've never heard of that before um why am I going this way yes I didn't get another one of those as long as it actually functions but why is it about oh hey I lost all my items oh all right you know what we're gonna we're gonna close it and we're gonna reopen it my other one messed up my other ones fine I'm gonna redo what an auto tracking okay um do you zimos thinking up I just need two of yours is this all the messages that are stuck there [Music] [Applause] thank you I remember what my other good crystal was Meyer I think that was a pod [Music] anything did you go mute I own you about what a big key I can't be cold stare I'm done what's next on my dungeon list I should go to GTA actually do you read side uh I got the desert small I have the hair small I think I had too hard smalls on school with small and I small a mire small Makiki small so I think it was I think it was Meyer and then that that wasn't swamp all day it goes yeah here we go it was Italy my voice isn't coming through his screen what like me they muted oh I need to unbolt vines accidentally click my mouse button pad for toggle me you and we were playing Borderlands the other night catch I need to learn how to - best the spike in GT what tears at which prime subdue you one the same as a normal sub you get all of the same perks it's just a prime sub instead of a the only thing that it does differently is it doesn't auto renew balls of steel with the four months of prime thanks blondie no please stop honking of a stupid thing oh that was opposed supposed to go yeah I got my whole cast is small that was in here thick I also did both of those things like I had one egg at our small all my small key to small hell yeah all right a GT tires and a neighbor I can beat it I need to find my damn still [Music] okay now [Music] gestured killa with the 7-1 things along I do appreciate Abel what we're going to do this I can't if chad has everybody doing today oh oh carefully ygt the interesting color like the green on that triforce wall no well that's what I get for being dumb oh geez I don't know how I didn't get grabbed okay I can basically do all of Jesus except for right side so I should probably do that granny okay hammers everything Wow I had to go full right to get my hammer um oh let's say I could be nice pals now nice I'm a flippers I mean flippers for ice house the other one swamp they're all the same dungeon I think I need another small key though for GT you're bored I have three good if you go full right you need three great and I found one in the left side we're good if you go full right and you don't steal the small key from the bottom then go left and yeah hey blinds house I also found a Lina [Music] on small for me on smaller boots ah [Music] alright what the [ __ ] alright so the two upper chest or a pot small for me and ten arrows for me and the bottom two or a possible for you and ten arrows for you that was weird alright dang it multi is already released to the public you just need to figure out how to set it up yourself exclamation wait I don't know if you have yeah I think you put one up that's like it literally just says oh here comes yeah mine actually links to the github but that's it I think it also has like a brief guide link that isn't even completed hey Sarah era is bonkers twink rocks [Music] damnit futon what'd I do wrong heard Rock mainly slur shop I got spin speed and like a pixel off the stairs you gave me an item so I lost my cool that's wrong jr. me um Hara is bankrupt how am I going well this term rockin sheets is gonna completely destroy my ass oh hell yeah oh I cannot believe I didn't write it down what is this it's a key oh it is a key [Music] looks a little weird freaky but it's key [Music] the old Felix I can't do that I only forget to write stuff when I'm playing with boots on I mean like contagious you can't blame me for that what the hell happened there I don't know what was that but it was like cool damage boost or something get out of the way nah hell yeah Felix naptime sounds great what's going on in here I'm sending Indian rupees oh that's fine everybody ah believe your sub was anonymous I thought I found this in last seed oh my god I was panicking about this and I found it super early dude this is all futons Paul Sarek Sancta PR ledge right all right can I finish my er and do that [Music] yeah thanks anonymous who hooked up Felix a lot of other people and myself [Music] living in it my bad I might regret coming into my er with no sword but we'll see I can do some of my er as well thanks the hustle here I sorta do the same thing I normally do here we're going to go gets uh we get change Channel and we're gonna die and then we're gonna still like poke eat and use it there and if it's nothing then I can Rhys it oh yeah that was my Stratton til I got lazy no I just wished the easy prey well you had a ton of keys oh I guess you didn't have it I still recently I did that with zero keys I was looking at look at the it's not like turning your ace or something they're gonna go find their way into my inventory eventually is that's true although I think that no real glitches tournaments as well because I just got lazy he move [Music] barmy okay [Music] yeah but I don't care anymore seafood comes rubbing off on me oh yeah yeah that's part of packs I got two hits for items near the elder and I already got those I can get back to the big test entrance okay so this is tr [ __ ] and this is CR Medicaid I control it um things sounded like it fell to multiple pieces yeah that dang it shut [Music] but I found the Ice Palace as well that lassie - how'd you do so much in four minutes I feel like ice houses there with a full cleared game and I didn't write ice palace down Andy I'm gonna need you to start writing things down I know it's a trend for you to not have a bunch of maps you don't need payback time dang it second talk about payback time I've given a single arrow [Music] I made a mistake yeah I want to go this way because if we go the other way die just by falling you should send me powder would be a really cool thing to do to a friend yeah other thing we did not give you powder until you get good I haven't arts admired I don't have a sword things are getting a little dicey it's a little scared come back here Emily I already having been the Phantom block bush a mushroom he gave me powder what a base guys no on attracting doesn't do small keys because it's literally impossible I clicked it I never clicked my pot small that I got from the bedroom so I clicked it twice I guess should have green yellow booth [Music] he took pity on me when I told him I didn't have a sword that was the strategy okay we're gonna go to chicken house actually um booth thanks for giving the stuff to fight Mike Brown welcome back to the pub farm Mike hope you enjoy your emotes appreciate a lot hell yeah pride Sava [Music] hmmm I never yeah it can't be pen differentiates like hot keys and enemy keys from other keys why am I here I wonder if I want to change would be possible to make an auto check here that can do that but it would also mean you've made an auto tracker that looks into like little data that it shouldn't be looking at actually I don't know if that would work on SD this ness either because that's data you're not supposed to be able to access no no I just outright not work am I really sure where that information is saved [Music] now [Music] and that was which help we're gonna go back in here real face oh those girls nothing down here actually what's Hugh I think guys palace might have been over here there's a lot of checks in a short amount of time whatever made that bad that was luck fairy but I don't need yeah so what car that's a really neat subtle thing that over here you can yeah there's a snes9x our our version that absolutely can't auto check there's a lot of auto tracking potential through a lot of systems I think there's even a way to put it on for most emulators through the QSB dismissed thing yeah there was I did not want to go back into the dark world I was cheating but it was just to save me like 25 seconds and that much is probably time oh my God we're in ice palace together help you what if and it goes back to my maid of the war of silly room and then walk over there and then here or I could have just done that and save myself funny thing is look how much faster than Andy I am I'm skipping the rooms ahead of them now might be because I've already been here don't need to check chests but don't look at that back yeah well flute oh you've made everything go to [ __ ] I shouldn't have talked [ __ ] places always have you can come down with that that's his way from me right there would have been mirror but yeah oh that's not good that's not good it's not good Rick [Music] big chest against our is a hard piece all think uh they never gettin that hard peaceful fun no I can't Bob Jim our bombs Thanks I also have the big key so you get up from [Music] either I learned to hover or I have booty bass pedals you can kill enemies another my parents they picked my mom's they did that well if Tina's Mario but you know on the beach she does matter yeah all right here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna use my big key on the big chest and I'll just get a few hell yeah and no sword well yeah that was swamp I'm trying to find a shop it's gotta be a shop in here somewhere I never write this down [Music] where's your Ice Palace it's a late world archery oh you have like it there has to be a strap here somewhere there has exactly so I was just like are you a shot no are you a chef no the door isn't yours go freaking like up to the crab your boots Shh or pull a tree I'm not here for you to be smart come on speaking of [Music] no that's my girl [Music] while I'm here I should burn all my magic and go into bed check what's a magic bag [Music] that's the only dungeon I haven't found is the turtle rock [ __ ] or laser bridge I've got a lot to check still [Music] it's great map to desert at least I can check what it is [Music] you'd have a found Hara or desert or pod Lakes Kiki is wait here way no sounded like a painful pickup that's fine your BB q as saw as well as we did [Music] [Music] okay tier two Pulis fairies [Music] baby boo every time there's some bombs great this were from my ice palace big chest it's similar to lending you the key yeah it's the same thing I should have checked both rocks while I was there thought of it smart do that later okay so I can do some of my er which is an ideal forgot the step of getting measures of the Tremont Oh is my wish anymore where I can't go there quickly it's activate my flute - I forgot to do that okay so 5050 turtle rock or Hera is my pendant both of which I cannot beat with no big key go to DT I'm gonna do a bunch of stuff [Music] you can check more of pond I can't do anything in swamp you do anything else in Thieves town you can do stuff in Meyer I can't do anything else into rock this way so GT just has a lot of items for me to get ignite the most since I think a big issue as to why I don't is because I don't have a stream schedule it's kind of sweet when I want I'm also a college student and I'm gonna have pretend you almost the time so I just not gonna be a frequent / reliable stream so not at the pen double stream that people can come to often and that was me and I had my quote/unquote part-time job working 47 and a half hours a week yeah that sounds great part-time / - I found my heritage and my few sounds monkey that was actually not over time for me the Sundays I volunteered a queen I go I got I got paid more on Sundays but it didn't count towards your their weekly hours yeah I'm doing computer engineering technology Oh what is that pots ready it's looked really weird under my arrows [Music] yeah it's easier to get oh wait no I got it back girls both done Pentacles I went to show please yeah okay so if these town ends here are both penance I'm stupid that's wrong I skipped a step on this again it's okay though it's um I think it's just technically a diploma it's in Canada nan for years don't get anything but diplomas but also in Canada college and university is like a very different thing but also doesn't have a we distinguish in the room so fortunately it won't make a difference but nowadays the stigma towards college versus university in Canada is you go to university you're gonna be real smart but you're not gonna be able to do much afterwards whereas college might be an idiot you at least know how to do things [Music] all right so my hair a big key and my icetown binky and my flippers are all with that law I don't mind being a soft gray deity um so my hookshot can't be in that many places in my game I've lifted it up early what am i graduating two years from now so just started because I bailed on accounting well no I didn't bail on accounting I finished my accounting diploma and then I bailed on working little handling other people's money oh thank you rather people just pay me and me telling them well that's what you paid for get [ __ ] it's a lot easier than people giving me their money and being like oh you're it's it's just magically going people don't like that so much okay I'll have a sword I can't Hammer - I've sucks mm yeah you can check what desert is helping off so crystal I have already I have for question rank still yeah similar Jen and before that accounting I was doing Oh what am i doing for the accounting I was doing chemical engineering which was just not at all what I thought it was so it's like most I skip a lot I think I skipped a lot we're gonna no no I just missed ice tea everything's fine I was supposed to Bagram and that's why I can loop back holy over evils of Programming jugs hell yeah [Music] sometimes I wonder what would happen if I stuck with engineering say like I had a job lined up post college if I had gotten a chemical engineering degree or not chemical Vinc civils the one that my dad is actually playing mostly residential so yeah he does a lot of oh god this is like building science I think it's called yeah hmm my dad works for a civil engineering firm in DC and the CEO was like hey you graduate come find me okay ever like that to me about counting obviously loool this place is terrible yeah they were never thanks a lot how are you doing intro PhD I think it just left the bad taste in my mouth because like I seen your high school I did a lot of like the like I started doing one engineering work for my Desmond like as an intern and they just kind of like gave me all like a big grunt [ __ ] Rick and I was all like enough of this I missed at work they're running me over what is it [ __ ] I'm gonna make it so oh yeah this beer [Music] Hey I went so bad I'm a red potion Oh do every push have a blue potion if green potion unless Andy sent me your red actually a sword after cold stir dad [Music] [Music] all right I have a lot of possible what's up five eyes every flute on that compasses book shotlock [Music] okay Andy I won't use that compass that's still logic for like both of those things to be accessible before you need to eat the dungeon the like my hook shot couldn't be won oh that's like a blind or thieves down rise or something I know that wasn't thinking something like no that's that's uh gone miss P dice there is another dungeon I want to go straight to next [Music] all I can do that now let's do that now I can pull I can but go to T rock and clear most of it feel like what I'm missing right now is just entrances though got a lot to my chest except ban from gdq chat i don't know your chat experience [Music] okay so I'm still there's a couple couple good entrances that I've still need to find but not too many here's one of them on drugs my swamp small ante bet [Music] yes the dam okay all right let's finally go to the pyramid and so no god I can hear them there be going in this swamp isn't necessarily good idea right now I got my flippers and hookshot cave so can't eat my hook shot cannot be in spawn and anything in swamp can't leave my big shot so I don't really want to go into swamp yet like it might help like futon give them like a sword or an item or something but I'd rather mmm who would want to help futon well I don't want you to get sidetracked from my hook shot fake it alright so I catch eat eat eat foods on at vgt oh [ __ ] oh wait Ganon was my lumberjack not my bad hey it's compass I band as hospice I've seen this haven't I okay it's gonna be bad I'm gonna be bad we can go to mushroom dirk wildt Ilia dirk wildt i oh yeah i thought my dad was bad as well but i miss felt bad down there so i didn't see it it says bad [Music] will do this will head to catfish deeply oh my god that's wrong mister good luck oh I wanted to do the hook shot cave that's what missed out on right now bit me dammit dammit dammit my flippers could have had those a while ago that could be swamp yeah hunting I need a teriyaki [Music] if Hera is a crystal then I'm a tea rock big away from DOMA as well as finding your own entrances stone let's go to here first I have so many entrances oh god no hint I'd only get hints answer nerds hits are for nerds go to hero we'll go to that mountain I can take Ethan tablets and leaves town I'm pretty hard avoiding Myers because I don't have the big feet or pick a nice Mario I'm pretty lazy about checking hits that's all most of them are like entrance nonsense that I've already seen Elliot unless it tells me where Hera is I don't actually care what the hip will say early on hints are great but laden Lucy that's so unlikely that it'll help you you know so once I have like a goal in mind I stopped checking hints because I already know what I want to do right now Nikita stole is can be found from a box that sounds like me I'm a big nerd medieval dorm suite this is probably our go mode right here like every single item we could possibly want any how many items do you need please don't say a lot higher ice pain book and three beige sheets that's not true alright alright that puts a ton of [ __ ] in water what a meeting over looks good [Music] I should come here here actually coming back okay so you gave me a to rock small my hook shot and my pawn big so I can pull clear pod and swamp now first wanna see house pot is my portion do that first I've been too sick kid still I should go back there at some point my shell so go back to mimic I'm a lot of things I should go back to you now that I've upgraded my inventory don't upgrade you [Music] what a water this catfish lives in living in like wild berry kool-aid or something although I think wild berry coulis it looks like you guys know me I'm not a purple color I don't even know if kool-aid has a wild berry specifically gone the wrong way I have a near big dummy [Music] Bogg is Kelsey ie I don't know I didn't mind Beyonce but I like only listen to the radio songs came on the radio Elsie's showed me a Beyonce song said never his water is so cool though this is a good palette shuffle yeah giving me a lot of her always tons of purple and my water looks beautiful oh I know who that's for I'm getting it are you maybe no it's for you oops I already found it for me so now it's time to find it for you oh my god Zora had your mints [Music] okay that was available like two minutes into the game [Music] [Music] okay the right routine we're gonna make sweet sweet love it you live scream hell yes I'm 100% better oh yeah [Music] ever game very good lovin small TD here purple dirt Helia Angelica Zelda my girl Katy with the 26 months in a row there are other fine ladies out there who want a rag daddy alright Rick here so what's gonna happen is I'm gonna give back the thong of storms and whatever lady accepts it it opens up like half a chat Oh Katy hasn't been around in a while she probably doesn't know what the honest warning all right hold on I don't think I've actually noted on my screen before so hold on I'll go get it please it's actually been sitting on my nightstand ever since oh yeah I'd like you to note here it's just it's just been on my nightstand usually sits under my Nintendo switch or the TV remote that's a bomb [Music] all right so as a wonderful gift my good pal right here sent me this nice wonderful piece of clothing there you go [Music] [Music] so good man often do I wear it never not once it's in mint condition what he wears yeah it's the clicker a lot to a collector exact he's gonna put that up for a stream auction at some point $10,000 song of storms why does that exist that is a question for Rick you get an extra thousand if you if you give them an extra thousand he'll wear it for a day so that you can have a used thought and think Reagan was that if I heard one my pedestals dead good gtq prize every would stop doting it away [Music] best I don't know if you guys can tell but like in the top left of this heart there's like a little rain cloud that's how you know it's storming [Music] all right Katie you need to calm down [Laughter] orient SWAT together we have to stop meeting like this ask your wife that available on worksheet is not a stream lab so my community would really love if they could buy arms and wonder if we can make that word speaking of stream labs I need to actually do stuff with my stream labs website so that you guys can use it if you want to cuz they're still in beta now let's open everyone now I just haven't done anything with it mama asked your sword yeah I gonna go open a guitar you find out what's there also now that I have these flippers I could get that book on the pedestal which you're not the pedestal the island which is mine I guess I'll have to get mine by before you see a lot of things I should do [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] okay I don't want to go to Argus with swords spin ready Andy that's fine heck and rude get that Adam and Eve sponsorship god I [Music] still giggle the patty is actually like affiliated with them or an Adam and Eve partner or whatever it's amazing Oh God Claire was hook in futons something although are his mini mo alarm cave or something what do they sell they sell sex toys Patti got two free flashlights I don't know I think they were sending him a third one you got a Riley read one jenna jameson one and some other one that was coming soon haha I love Patti all right I can fly there now so that works did I forget this [Music] damnit I want maps for myself [Music] yeah I don't need any more maps I have all of my knowledge okay so all right I'll back back to talking about video games need to figure out what I'm doing Frank I should have hit it but sword teams didn't work okay that didn't work is played yeah so I need Myron Turtle Rock big keys fire ice rod that's amariah five things still I need one and then two fights Mitch I'll have like a whole world to go through still I under are small [Music] smokey to agate our great haven't found that yet and also much macaque Willis my own game wasn't swamped I bethought front of escape yet yogini are you so has gone Mars part of escape all got all stuck [Music] of cabbage not [Music] I love you too Katie you've been having a good whoa my clouds are weird that's a cool color do this dark world deaf man that looks terrifying that eyeball they get out of here I don't want your textbook Andy do you like shovels no well you better like shovels well I don't have my book yet I should have grabbed the book David could it check this on the way all right where was my er um iron wasn't mentally gunky earth smith light well under lower house my purple chest is my skull with small so might as well do this mint now it's a map up there you know I'm a cheetah boy [Music] we're gonna get it goddammit oh yeah I cheated for that man cheaters never win now I'm dead Rock [Music] what sound pack is this is hat time [Music] you're right it is a bad idea DK oh it would just take away from the gameplay overall more than to do any more than anything else because then like if somebody gets like a bunch of pendant loaded dungeons or like if they get a bunch of Penna dungeons and like like to them it just feels like the dungeons are less worthwhile and if we could all like really end up with someone to finish like six dungeons once the hit go mode where's the other person's already ready to play game this is a good good cave we have to go back to the top but the item under the Nets tagging it my favourite item would you like he'll ask to rock small I didn't have a choice today how else would I have known it's your last year ex month I'm a big fan of this late world Death Mountain it's like a light tan and a light purple going on Oh lavender I'm gonna call that a lavender sandy I coulda had that a long time ago but my er sucks so that's okay we're continuing the trend you got your comfort sword now I'm up to temper and I'm gonna get my gold you're gonna still be on tifford it's how it works it's the law it's the law but whenever I was doing oh dear and oh yeah it got old it's still fun it's just like hey link to the past Rando but it takes twice as long I finally found my real castle I don't know where the other two entrance is there a lot of locations haven't checked most of the mirror locks some of them boot lot haven't done a lot of boots TT my own Silver's [Music] like it's like you know playing to the pastor and you're like oh man I got a pen see this sucks but then you play OT Rando and you're like man I still this lullaby is on ocarina of time and that's like a 60 minute commitment compared to like a 12 minute commitment yeah Plus Mazel Tov you already have pendants you often check the pedestal by the fact that you're just around and I've already been clearing dungeons or you can just get a book and check pedals cool cool cool a lot of the time groovey time it's like you know I'm running out of options or you know the suck has to be the [Music] I don't understand what that dot dot dot is for and so apart [Music] why am i walking out help me save me jet fix my brain [Music] I'm gonna check this immediately I regret it immediately [ __ ] I left Hyrule of course no red red big well really that front of time [Music] another biggie municipal actually I should go this way real quick charlie my eye strap Katie I'm basically just asked me to play the video game for me that's why I mean by help me [Music] God these colors are so awesome usually more small piece we've done dope like no thief town desert era well I already have both of those I'm basically missing pod smalls but it's a green pendant wing so there's a monkey on my sortilège yo zebra damn straight zebra also I don't remember if you got us up gifts for this patch of the last batch or any batch but [Music] I'm the biggest patented River around zebra can't you tell okay um thank you this way ah [ __ ] if some pot suddenly the Smokies medic oh I have four already I was not tracking my buddies that don't do parties I have no need for a nice monkey ever again with entrance that I not didn't arrive oh my fur ID streamer zebra I use a bunch of different games and only play random not only to the past if I'm Iran bumper that's my library okay can do that I can do that right now actually [Music] and that's I found that I found that's okay um what's that needs a way to get Mountain don't wear your flutes probably in this pod where the other four players they all work like losers support our auntie Jen schedules or are sick of the past already forgot I didn't do any of the boots also they're playing Souter like weirdos it's a lot of weird things that they do does that goddamn freaks Victini Eastern okay so I can't possibly need another big key wall turtle rock skill but aside from that I mean I did not need the mirror there and II did last night yeah please Louie dough you need the Weaver it's okay though cuz he's like always down to multi-world this game too so it's good he's not like these guards everybody else likes I am hell yeah I love the colored goats purple would probably look bad in this rope because the world is purple enough at [ __ ] had no what you guys have any control over what adds play when you open the screen you not multi Mondays don't count okay that's fair today's I want to see Tuesday I don't know time any month [Music] so it's only weird people playing come sooner today I might not have made it if I didn't hit the bumper tubular Tuesday's now [Music] house is the 13th Monday in a row hell yeah well everyday is multi Monday it's just we play the good multi world not my days and we played be good mall - laughs that's true you want more 20 rupees no stop all right futon I need my rod and strudel Rock baby I'm good to go though the toydarians they've upgraded the 50s okay that's mine it's a fire out in turtle big yeah I just need turtle big and to find a dungeon so very low chance I need mitts it seems unlikely though I've got a lot of dungeons bird entrances still to go through I am an entire tile too high on that Bob trim the hell is wrong [Music] you'd like to contribute but I don't have any like court opinions on anything rest a while to related yo and have a lot of problems [Music] I have to Katy's to talk to if I start calling on Angel it'll be weird because angels person doesn't even put me to a hard spot here Katie stone I don't mind a little shorter call you quality I can do that I don't mind this no not you Katie other cape okay I'll call you princess QWERTY I don't think it being a sequel matters that much and then being like fresh Zelda game gonna have to put up a know Katie's sticker in my stream leave enough I can't go that way [Music] okay um you can't make me leave no I'm saying no more there's a were loud one Katie and since Katie has opted to be melody you can be the one Katie was getting confusing exactly zebra it's like the no homers role add one well these are D&D character hell yeah why need a key the name is genius [Music] [Music] boots can be found in eastern balance my Eastern New York stupid fine I have them on it oh I knew that you've been making hover sounds also the fires in these torches are very gray and not illuminating yeah you need me I stopped standing any rupees a minute did I pawn this open yeah that was capacity picking nerds I also am a nerd oh this is not the cave I thought it was although I should probably go through that as well it's got that snare doing chicken parm for dinner and I forgot that there's only one breast that's on oh I pulled another one out of the freezer I think Katie by that information I could determine that all Katie's are nerds yeah I got a hint about fertilizer talk generally is key I'm sorry I'm sorry oh boy is smoky you don't need Smokies anymore do you oh I guess there's an egg at our smokey that I could use to open up cat coil but I haven't found a guitar itself yet [Music] my lumberjack he's the thief which is a pothole no okay we're going back and I've already checked but I already have one a guitar key this no it's fine Katie I honestly can't see there a multi-link exclamation mark multi don't have a clue if this is correct or not something's wrong yeah that was very wrong there we go [Music] next shuffle I never went to [ __ ] I should have done that while I was up there Paul um come on Andy holding down the team where is my hair or my eat well I know where my Easterns is I guess I could go Pete then determine if I need air a good chance is that my hair is somewhere dumb like GT and that I don't need to go there that's jus think it is what I don't have a cape can't go through bumper how do I even not seen the other end of bumper I must have skipped I have plenty left but I'm shocked that I have so many that I can remember that I'm missing I've learned that this leads to a shop already so I'll check that [Music] and there's my hair compete it all in tripping so I don't need to read that any powder hey letting in my game this whole time oh is this the one hell yeah maybe the powder can be found in tower of Hera thanks hit tile recently turn rock Vicki I forgot to push this that's bad when I make this go oh beach [Music] oh I need this my silvers hell yeah so the only thing that can actually progress me now is my mitts or if my cape specifically leads to no there's nothing we can do actually I could go everywhere that bump your ledge could take me yeah just omit what maybe bring something in so at this point it's about finding entrances and checking dungeons [Music] now GZ is my GT has a chest I'm a [ __ ] Hey oh that's the only running I'll be once I have this how are you dude what some time Bhutan is dying hello chirps the pad then me isn't I'm dying definitely not hello we're back alright that was our discord server deciding it did not want to continue living we're using I was making sounds once I found out you were a robot I was just talking to you about how you were over I wasn't actually any help okay great Hera was appended mold arm has a random amount of eyes when enemies turned on and since palette shuffle as part of minimizer he gets a random a number of I yeah I'm high five [Music] how did I get there again desert we go [Music] all right so after I knew this entrance from the turnaround a big chest uh which is at mimic Cape I can do lately he can't have eight I've only seen it once though and it looks incredible ADA is my favorite mold where I wonder if you have zero probably not I'd love to see user ID Mulder though ed LeClair's [Music] [Music] hey big girl ooh oh god I have so many checks to do incise rock cave yeah alright let's go Doug think okay let's checkerboard [Music] it's nothing [Music] anyone who can do the most world you just have to figure out how to set it up and then make sure your net this is cooperating heard of people that just couldn't get theirs to work courts would not forward chun-tae see and see done he's worse taking them out oh nice budget whoo Evan check these Meier small for Andy tavern front some bitters I want to find what do I want to find right now I'm trying to sing not sure there is anything a guitar would be a nice fine but I need another small keep right you'll find it is the second small key opens up Keck well so I'm kind of just pretending kak well it doesn't exist until we're out ideas okay so I should probably thanks Jess I appreciate it that's 40 good luck biddies maybe they'll pay off I really just didn't want to go to the east town at all but there's there's a look like five chests in the bank or chests in the bank for yep yeah definitely and there's a cat our my most dense chests and evening left I really don't have much did you have a smokey that you skipped yes you said he didn't oh my god am i flute that was glove locked and I get gloves three minutes in dammit where was your agate salary uh desert rock I'm gone like it's not even the three-hour market could your honor this might be key to turtle no it's to ice I hate you thanks for the you really woman only even go get that small feel free I was really not as it could make a difference if like that is blocked my neck well I'm gonna go get it right now alright I'm gonna go get my book right now cuz I keep forgetting to grab it and I'm gonna continue to forget until I do it so I can pull the pet actually if I find desert entrance oh that's what I'm looking for its desert entrance somewhere out there is desert too and that gets me pedestal technically not in logic Judas pots balls but I don't think anyone cares with pots monkey logic anymore disaster I wish that dungeon just had less key doors introduced to goodness even if you just take out one small key and the flash door comes the best game game wise especially I mean it's already like pretty not some key sanity as it is you just take out the door or and leave the key did it was my small team my own ether medallion alright uh what other entrances haven't I done I haven't done this one yeah I knew where the book was little time I just had never gone and picked it up so never it was in the darkroom dirk wildt so far away or was until I finally got the hammer mitts girl combo oh I know what I should have checked a long long ago let's go visit sick Helly ooh also I can do mimic cave now that I have that room spot dark good be Oh Dino my knee you slit two months of rhyming and I for my favorite 70 would say my pet is mighty rock big or your fire rod everything sucks mmm not I don't really care what desert is and I'll never find him - all right start beating dungeons instead I don't need to what's on the schedule in the seats finished um I'm not sure if I want to play Caden spiral or if I want to start blood-stained let's think I might just like dedicate entire screen tomorrow to play some more games tonight this blood stained them I feel like I'm probably not gonna want to put it down when I start playing so he might just what is that again the the the new Iggy game that got kick-started started like five years ago yeah well probably like I don't want to go to sleep if Orion again and that would probably happen if I started blessing tonight thanks yo your food last pot small yay oh I never with the dark cross either no I didn't I know cuz I got pulled it a Hyrule freaky stupid pyramid nice Katie I love mosquitoes I just muhaha get off the wall [Music] [Music] let's go feed Eastern alright well use tiles garbage so I have two chicks left oh yeah I have a purple chest which is my skull with a big key and then I have [Music] no it's not you could key - all those doors you would probably see me doing that those chain of doors are annoying is now both of our pedestals are dead I have bombo's tablet - uh I'm actually gonna mere and come back in here again there's a small chance that I'm a [ __ ] and enemy eating my way through the first chest now I did [Music] now we both read the pedestal with our books now that it was not I did with my uncle excuse me it sounds really weird you're gonna need to explain that a second I found my fire rod it was on my bombo's tablet oh I skipped the chest and uncle yeah that seems likely [Music] just don't tell Andy that check a little norfair I did huh all right so are the fans and Andy I don't know she's got it I answer just living off the controller [Music] oh yeah atomizer all right crystal six obtained [Music] all over there okay so with that fire on I have two more things to do in Turtle Rock then I still have to fire my wasn't my bomb was that way nice well I would have hovered from try next fight at all so we just need my big key yeah everything so I still haven't found spiral cave entrance so that could be GT entrance that could also be dark world link von Groff's I don't think I ended up ever finding that anywhere other than that I'm pretty clean in checked what I do wrong everything [Music] 11 out of 14 in pod huh hold on hold the phone something's weird that however was so close I almost dropped my taco consolation - fires nice the three months did you forget like Oh big chest finals Elway I haven't done big chest so that's number two after Hellmuth I'm kind of confused as to the other one I definitely did harmless because I came their way I definitely didn't breath nice I might have skipped the very first check for you just go in and get it in the mirror what like you know - yeah I definitely did I came in here with four keys and immediately went right and didn't think about it smart I got spit out of every minor entrance like literally left middle left my entrance right and dark Aegina I got spit out it hasn't connected dude Katy compasses don't actually compass do they actually though oh god I just realized I forgot to check my my drain item there's $300 thanks so I didn't I didn't have the flu for so long but I never said oh no that's mine Katy I didn't tell me I forgot that that was mine I knew that that was mine we got the chorizo is delicious I wish my age Capote lays still had Theresa hey no it's okay we're mirroring right here so we'll just check it again why wouldn't compass this compass because it doesn't encompass comes so the only thing that I'm missing is a bottle a bottle and two hearts and I'm pretty sure my bottles on my lumberjack which I give zero there it is oh this is wrong you're going myself key um okay so we're gonna mirror just come on dude how did that miss [Music] oh I haven't know a lot of mirror locations so I could start checking this dungeon get out of the way a little piece of love playing - yeah wait is that an actual thing or oh no that was understood thought I was gonna get the piece of love and II can't bring my hopes up like that [Music] [Music] it's a waste of time you would be wrong Firebird Maidan was before I went to South Shore so I didn't have to miss that man spiral but ain t missed it Dennis you're grounded yo hold on hold a few time Hey so many things named after me I'm like 90% sure I found sea house already I need the stuff screw it up all that was weird - every other person want a pedestal season because they think it's funny ha ha ha a person has to get all the pendants do this pod floor looks amazing this is a good purple right here and now it's gone and their disk receiver I also this the seed I realized lies get chicken house sometimes it's because I usually I usually do like a circle and I know I go from the bar to the shop I do like sick kid bar shop Obama and then I get drink you know I do sweeps of lines I go like top to bottom across back across over and over again [Music] alright pod was empty but I have a green pendant turning and then I'm gonna start checking my mirror stuff such as K 45 and all that the hopes that I find an item cave this you can literally tell me ask wait well I think I've gone the wrong way alright from done oh it's you yeah I'm gonna go go again okay [Music] it's gotta be somewhere in my game he came out I mean kind of I guess or a feat game-mode I'm gonna do this futon and hopes that I didn't [ __ ] up ping it grab it he hid the forfeit but I think yes it wasn't that somewhere in my game we got a few entrances left to check and then it's a harsh rule to turn in I have a chest in Turtle Rock and if I guess I had a minor since a long time ago all of my minor instances were connectors from somewhere else so that mushroom isn't what you also forfeit we are confirmed that it's not his view am I going wait it's gonna mirror Oh like a mirror maze race what was my maze race item I got a hint for it it was a small fee theis Erno have a cap oh yeah and I didn't need that cuz I already have access which I should go back and do but I got thrown at a high rule so [Music] oh I did everything I can do in my game and I just worked it to make sure I missed dude let's see okay so the things that I sent him was the heart container on pedestal the rupees on hialeah island the rupees on library the bombs on specular rock and his peace of heart on an astounding chest all things that AIESEC is completely willing I'm gonna stop checking entrances cuz I just got the key to this tower guaranteed five items want to be dead don't know why I was killing us [Music] now futon needs this trouble right binky yeah Auto tracker removes the mushroom when I give it away because and I don't have it anymore and will never have it again I'm tempted to Kota did you just never forget but it would cause it to be a problem on hard reset stuff for use coming over you [Music] Gigi the pie explodes next to eight months do that Katie no why would you [ __ ] you [ __ ] this up I'll be back in one minute even an item I already checked that hello pin let me alone anything planned after this uh I'm going to eat dinner I'm gonna be real happy about it now there's nothing planned after this probably gonna be done for the night [Music] got my brother in town for the week so I'm going to be doing a lot of small streams instead of large streams throughout the next week [Music] Riga are you a prick or are you not a prick that was extra bright to me I don't know why the palette caused that to do that [Music] [Music] yeah the backgrounds a little uh little blue [Music] are we getting another blue ball sure son of a [ __ ] all right I can have max seven now [Music] and portable ray okay let's go check our CAC well [Music] you [Music] I was gonna be perfect if it's this I can go straight to laser bridge because it's in lumber federal last woods and then where's Gannon magic bat yeah it's kind of far away it was lost woods I have an amazing that have been the perfect combo haha Katie no why would you wish this upon me oh okay all right we're just gonna not even check anything else it's just right happy I wonder what the others were but that was fun you guys get to never know the answer well I wonder if my bits were in there [Music] probably my cape yeah my cape could be in there mighty big key [Music] yeah that'd have been funny the circle balancing things seemed to help a little bit but I don't know if that's actually true or not lady I don't it didn't feel like anything was different so much as it was we didn't get screwed over ooh I did that wrong [Music] [Music] thank [Music] it's up with what Oh is shell I think it just get pal shuffle I think his shell is technically a spray our particle-like games haha Katie it's right there get owned but I think technically the shell of trine X is like built into the games like actual pallets and gets colored that way where the hell am i this is how I was supposed to get here this place looks sick time to never see it again [Music] [Music] alright let's open the spoiler log so I can look up some stuff after this three seven eight nine ten twelve oh god I missed by the time did you find it I did I was like heck well oh yeah [Music] open the spoiler log because the monster that I am I got it in the first chest in my cat cool and I just didn't look at anything else just immediately jumped out of the wall don't know what anything else is I also don't know where my mitts were like cape all in your game right here I left a lot of single chests around like I never did the crowd are cross I didn't go backwards from laser bridge to that chest [Music] so aside from the five things that I know any least giving but I saw I only skips five more things oh my god I should been knocked off the edge I wasn't ready for the shoe too bad that quickly
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 17,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, rando, randomizer, zelda, cross, world, keys, keysanity, multi
Id: HsCgdB3xkD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 57sec (11757 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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