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Found Noodle (the youtuber)'s channel about a week ago, I love it, it's has a pretty cool art style and very creative video ideas, totally recommend watching his videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The best example of frame interpolation working well is when they take those old timey videos from a hundred years ago and make them look normal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/squables- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The tool is nearly 100% perfect for videos that use CG animated models without a lot of camera movement. Timing is 1:1 and makes the video so buttery smooth and amazing to watch. Really helps with MMD or Blender videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nekohideyoshi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dudes cool but the way he acts is kinda annoying

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpoopyTurtle44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here's a dumb question from a dumb dummy who has never done animation.

What exactly is the "AI" doing in the videos he's referring to? It looks like a very simple interpolation process between pixels of two frames, which I would think can be done with a straightforward algorithm, not having to train any AI to recognize anything specific. AI seems to imply machine learning, which implies training on data and some kind of regression/fit with learned weighting. Does the term "AI" here have real meaning (i.e. am I totally wrong in my understanding) or is it just being used as a buzzword because AI is the technology which is buzzing right now?

edit: never mind, looks like it's a specific AI that was trained on lots of real life videos and is then being applied to other videos using the pre-learned weights. I'd mistakenly though that the AI was being trained on the new videos themselves somehow.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/orangegluon8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I agree with every single point he made but boy howdy was that an annoyingly presented video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 102 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheOneWithNoName πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy had me for a good while. Then he started to shit on gamers... fukkin subscribed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/4THOT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

a 15minute video that could have been 5-6, cool.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Froggy_GG πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think some artists can be a little self-important when it comes to "artistic intent."

If I decide to run every single movie I watch through an automated filter, that's my business, not the author's. They might have created it, but that doesn't mean that no one could possibly (subjectively) improve on it with automated tools.

If I take Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and I find-and-replace all instances of Elizabeth Bennet to Sherlock Holmes and all instances of Fitzwilliam Darcy to John Watson, and I like the story better than I would have without it, then Jane Austen's artistic intent doesn't matter - I've managed to make something I'd like more with a simple change to her work.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Verda-Fiemulo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
i'm mad and bleeding tom and jerry made 60 fps using ai interpolating pixel art with a even a simple animation can be made fluid and life like using a use your animation to 60 fps ais animate to 240 fps mulan would look like in 60 fps 5 million views fuck it right i'm an animator why try press a button for you hey google animate this video sure now i'm playing sorry about your piece i just i just don't get it i don't get it this is the mario and unreal of animation a complete slap in the face to the animator i i could give you several reasons how i could make a whole ass video about why this looks so bad you know what i think i will i i think i will because either i ran to you for the next 10 minutes to satisfy the goblin in my brain or he's gonna tell me to do something far worse fuck okay let's just cover the basics this is 24 frames a second this is 48 look close you see the difference good job basically unless you're watching a soap opera a gaming video or jim gemini man most of the video you watch is displayed at the standard 24 fps now 24 frames every second sounds like a lot because it is but it's pretty rare for animators to consistently create a new drawing for every single frame even during the most complex and fluid movements animators will often hang on a single drawing for longer than one frame if it's on screen for two frames we call that animating on twos if it's up for three song threes four is fours and so on so a lot of reasons you might do this maybe you want to make two things feel different from each other and the different frame rate helps to sell that maybe a low frame rate is part of the style maybe characters movements are so far away that nobody's gonna even notice maybe a choppier movement looks better with less frames [Music] and i could go on but you get the point it's not just a compromise we did a lot of animation testing and we found out pretty early on that in order to capture the the spirit of the comic books we had animate on twos and sometimes we would hold frames for two or three frames when there's 24 frames a second instead of doing all 24 you 12 and the mind fills in the gaps between them it makes it feel more graphic there is a clarity and a crispness in that so we latched into that as an aesthetic that i think made it feel more like a comic book and here's the thing just like animating on twos or whatever looks fine if it's done right animating at more than 24fps can look great there's nothing wrong with having more frames when the artist intends for there to be yes the issue at hand isn't the prospect of hfr animation instead it's this shit-ass trend i'm seeing more and more of where some degenerate with moonbrain will take a perfectly fine animation and remaster it that is stick it into an ai and press render to create new frames in between the perfectly fine existing ones this is widely referred to as interpolation and not only does it completely fly in the face of artistic intent it also just so happens to completely undermine several of the most basic principles of the entire medium of animation seriously there's like a whole book about this written in the middle ages by the nine guys people call it the animator's bible now i'm not a religious man the book outlines what we call the 12 principles of animation you got timing staging exaggeration anticipation straight ahead versus posted pose solid drawing arcs follow through and overlap squash and stretch secondary actions appeal and easing i don't expect you to internalize and remember all of that but suffice to say all of these principles are in their own way extremely important to the process of crafting a good looking cartoon and here are the ones that the ai completely fucking ignores are you beginning to see the problem side note if you're an animator you should seriously buy that book if you haven't already that's expensive i want to buy this book but for not expensive if only there was some kind of program that would honey the free browser extension designed to automatically siphon coupon codes into your shopping cart on best buy or whatever is also siphoning money into my bank account in exchange for promotion wow look how much my friend braden likes it honey is real good let's say i'm about to give me a goddamn piece of pie from the company whose ex-ceo has been training for 20 months not to use slurs that's real honey steps on up like don't you dare pay full price for this now i am paying less for my pizza incredible two clicks on us on your computer how is this possible we have gone too far nabita why are you why haven't you clicked it yet genuinely why not it is free it is not selling your info and it is save you money hobble on over to noodle and download it before i take action here's an image of a little man he's doing very well and i'm proud of him he will be demonstrating two of the most important fundamentals of animation timing and easing say we want to get him from here to here on the canvas i could manually hand animate the man on ones or i could instead tell my animation software to do it for me by tweening or interpolating that movement i have just saved myself a lot of time by doing this and the only catch is that well it looks like a computer did it but why though you see when you ask a computer to make a guy go from here to here it sure is gonna do it but it's gonna do it in the most simple and efficient way possible perfectly even steady all the way boring this lifeless exactly what that fucking ai is doing and unless you're literally animating a robot you would never ever animate something like this because it doesn't look good i can tweak this motion and clean it up by hand using the interpolated frames as a baseline and this approach will probably still save me some time but that's my point the tool helps but i'm not a well i am a tool but i'm the one giving life to what would otherwise be a lifeless motion these two boys are going from one extreme key frame to the other in the exact same amount of time but they feel totally different one of them was made by dane age two the ai has no concept of easing into or out of movement and so it introduces boring sterile timing that conflicts with what the animator intended disrupting the flow and ironically enough making the motion jerkier and harder to understand it always just looks lifeless and unnatural but wait [Music] it gets worse the issues with timing gets significantly worse on animation that wasn't done entirely on ones let's say it's on twos the ai doesn't smooth anything between the first and second frames of a single drawing because there's nothing to smooth they're the same picture this means that what was originally a perfectly fine 12fps animation is now a janky mess that constantly alternates between 12 fps and a blurry ugly 48 four times its original speed it creates this awful artifact where now instead of a few frames implying a smooth movement a lot of frames instead imply this gross janky one you may not actively see that that's what's happening but you can definitely feel it because it feels bad you know people get paid to do this right like in between animator is a job title if you tell the computer to fill in the gaps how do you think it's going to do it you think it's going to pick up on all the little details tiny nuances an in-between animator a yada titmouse whatever the fuck is getting paid to notice look if i take my arm and i go like your brain fills in the gaps it sees the movement and a good in-betweener should be able to fill in the gaps by emphasizing the timing the arcs everything computer don't see any of that all it sees is a collection of jpegs a stupid binary game of connect the dots and boy howdy is it gonna connect those dots in the most boring lifeless fucking how do people like this this is like ordering a 30 gourmet steak and water boarding it in ketchup like taking a picture of the sistine chapel and putting a fucking hdr filter on it fix your painting 4k remastered 10 million views why do i try should i even try this whole shot is interpolated did you even notice cause last time i intentionally sabotaged the quality of my own work for a gag i got half a dozen comments losing it over how smooth it apparently looked fuck you know believe it or not i don't super enjoy being negative all the fucking time but you know what i also don't enjoy watching an animation it's got vaseline all over it you know part of what makes 2d animations so appealing is its absolute clarity it's the fact that you could basically pause on any frame and get a fully realized illustration it's the kind of frame by frame perfection that you can't get with live action that helps to make a great animated sequence so fun to look at before we say it yeah that includes smear frames those are very much designed to look appealing to clearly outline a specific motion i mean why else would 3d animation be doing it now sure shit looks better than this result of feeding it into our neural network and hoping for the best oh wow look at this cool animation but wouldn't it be better if you could hardly fucking tell what was happening i love how the japanese and english onomatopoeia is completely unreadable kind of an objective improvement look at this i fed the finished man back into the ai for the hell of it and not only did it ruin the timing and deep fry the in-betweens it can't even figure out which part of the body is which this is a common thing that it does like jesus christ and i don't buy the whole oh it's it's ai it'll get better with time argument first off no that's not how ai works secondly even if it was it wouldn't matter because it's not what the ai is fucking designed for it was made for live action there's a reason that the examples used to demonstrate the tech use live footage there's a reason we already have interpolation built into our programs yet we stick to 30 frames or less we don't need more get this there's actually animation software out there specifically designed to interpolate your work for you best example is kakani and it's pretty good i can understand if your mind just did a pop shove it considering how the entire video thus far has been about how interpolation bad but there's a couple major things that set this program apart from the ai garbage biggest thing with kakani animators are in control when the software works well we can let it do its thing and when the program goes quirky we can course correct and tweak things until they look right as opposed to slapping a finished product into an algorithm and going wow cool frame rate it's also not designed for animating at higher frame rates rather it helps create regular in-between frames on ones or twos or whatever to speed up the animation process like the little man from earlier oh my god all makes sense why do you think some animators working in movies and games are lowering the frame rate not raising it don't you think that if hfr animation were a natural progression for the medium everyone would be doing it pixar could start rendering their shit at 60 tomorrow if they wanted to no one's stopping them david productions very well could have just interpolated every single movement in jojo and they could have done it at a higher frame rate than 24 but they didn't not just because it would be more trouble than it's worth but because it would look weird and out of place god gamers suck and you know it's gamers right like like who else cares about frame rates it's gamers again it's honestly just blatant misuse of a genuinely amazing tool when interpolation is used to enhance sporting events or generate motion footage it's amazing what it can do it's just like any tool when you use it right it's very good jackhammer is a great tool just you know maybe maybe not for washing your car i can already tell there's gonna be so many people in the comments just like i don't care i just think it looks better smile completely missing the point that even if you prefer ketchup on your gourmet steak it's still an insult to the chef these remasters and enhancements failed to understand that by smothering their source material and ai they completely undermine artistic intent i've spoken to dozens of animators about this i promise you it's not just me who hates this we all do [Music] you know if this is where we are with automation and ai i don't think robots are going to be replacing us animators anytime soon [Music] you
Channel: Noodle
Views: 3,917,088
Rating: 4.8978672 out of 5
Keywords: interpolation, 60fps, 240fps, 120fps, 180fps, animation, anime, epic, hfr, boost
Id: _KRb_qV9P4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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